How to learn to do the rear ones from a standstill. How to learn to do somersaults in parkour


Surely each of us, from childhood, admires such a film actor as Jackie Chan, who in every film with his participation simply amazes with his incredibly impressive performance of acrobatic stunts, including doing the well-known somersault. Most film lovers, watching films of this kind, asked the question: “How to learn how to do a somersault?”, because any person always tries to impress his friends by demonstrating his excellent physical fitness.

Therefore, today we propose to get acquainted with the rules for performing such acrobatic tricks as back, side and front somersaults. Moreover, the basics of this trick can be mastered by practicing even at home. How to learn to do a backflip? Is it possible to teach how to do a forward somersault in the air in one day? We will try to answer these and other questions today.

It turns out that today there are several main types of air somersaults:

  • front;
  • rear;
  • lateral (from the wall);
  • pirouette;
  • wall flip;
  • double.

There is no doubt that quickly learning to perform aerial somersaults without minimal physical training is extremely difficult. To perform a somersault, no matter the front or back, it is very important to train the muscle groups on the legs, so you can avoid injury.

This suggests that before you do this trick forward or backward, you should prepare your legs. Daily training will help you with this, which may include jumping rope, all kinds of squats, and somersaults. Exercises should be carried out on the ground, as this reduces the likelihood of straining the ankle muscles, which play an important role during an acrobatic exercise of this kind.

No matter how much you would like, you won’t be able to quickly master such a complex trick, and it doesn’t matter whether you work out at home or work in the gym, so be patient and improve your physical fitness.

How and where should training take place?

The first training should take place either on soft ground, or in the gym, where you can find special gymnastic mats that will reduce the impact of falls.

The advantages of specialized institutions also include the possibility of additional insurance and assistance, which can be a personal trainer. A qualified specialist will tell, show and teach you how to do this trick with minimal falls on your part.

But, despite this, you can train at home, setting aside a place and a couple of soft blankets or mattresses for this. You can also find, so to speak, a “brother,” that is, a person who is also not averse to learning how to perform this acrobatic element. As practice shows, studying in a group is much easier and more effective. Firstly, there is the possibility of a safety net, and secondly, you can clearly see all the mistakes and take them into account when performing, for example, a forward somersault.

How to do a backflip correctly?

In order to learn this trick, you need to perfect two exercises:

  1. An accurate back somersault without any deviation.
  2. Jumping to a height.

Most qualified specialists claim that only through proper grouping can one learn to perform this acrobatic exercise. At the first stage, it is extremely important to practice accompanied by a partner who can support you while performing the movements.

If you are learning this trick for the first time, it is better to enlist the help of several people, one of whom will hold your lower back while performing the flip, and the other will guide your legs correctly, ensuring a clear landing.

Important tip! While performing this exercise, it is extremely important not to look away to the side, as this can lead to injury. Concentrate your attention on one point and stick to it until the flip.

Back flip technique

We stand exactly next to the wall. Now we push off from the floor surface, straighten our torso, and then press our knees to our chest. You need to prepare for the fact that you won't be able to land on your feet the first few times, so prepare your knees for this by wearing knee pads.

How to do a front somersault correctly?

Practicing the forward aerial somersault is a basic acrobatic exercise, after which you can move on to more serious tricks.

Before performing a forward somersault, you need to learn how to do clear somersaults forward (from a squatting position and from a standing position) and jumping up with your arms extended forward. And only when all these exercises seem very simple and easy to you, you can safely proceed to the trick itself.

Execution technique

We stand straight next to the wall. We jump out with straight arms, move our legs a little further than our body, and then perform a flip. During this, the buttocks should be raised as high as possible, and the legs should be bent at the knee joint. Now we group ourselves, pull our knees towards our shoulders and try to land on the balls of our feet, slightly bending our legs at the knee joint.

To perform a clearer and smoother trick, you need to clasp your knees with your hands during a somersault.

How to properly train a side air somersault?

How to learn to do an Arabian somersault? This question is asked by those people who want to master the technique of performing a side somersault in flight.

Before you learn how to do this kind of somersault, you need to master several basic exercises:

  • side somersault, which is best done from the wall, landing on at least five mats;
  • side rollover with a preliminary run-up from the opposite wall.

Technique for performing a side somersault in the air

We combine the two above exercises, but at the same time leave only one mat on the floor, due to which the flight phase occurs.

We hope that our tips will help you master this trick. We sincerely wish you success in all your endeavors!

If you are thinking that it would be nice to learn how to do a somersault, then you are ready for the test. It’s good if you have good physical shape, but if you don’t have one yet, you’ll have to work hard.

In general, if we talk about good physical shape, then this concept will be quite vague. Because different sports have different evaluation criteria. And before you start training to learn somersaults, you need to objectively assess the capabilities of your body. First of all, you need to pay attention to your weight, because any acrobatic exercise is for thin people. Although, of course, you shouldn’t go too far with thinness, the main thing is that your body is sufficient. Next, you need to strengthen your legs; regular squats will help you in this matter, which must be included in the set of exercises in. The correct way to perform this element is to place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not lift your heels off the floor, and clasp your hands behind your head. We inhale and gradually lower ourselves, exhale and rise. Perform all movements without jerking and slowly. If you have never squatted before, then you need to start with 20 squats, and gradually increase the load. As a result, you will have to do 50 squats in one approach. If you succeed, consider that your legs are strong enough.

The next stage in the preparatory process for performing a somersault is developing the flexibility of the spine. It is especially important for those who are going to perform backflips. There are two exercises that develop flexibility - bridges and back bends. Bends are easy to do - you need to stand on your feet or knees and try to bend your body as far back as possible. You may feel a slight discomfort, in the form of dizziness, do not be alarmed, you will soon get used to it, it is not dangerous. To perform a “bridge” you need to lie on the floor. Lean on all limbs at the same time and lift your body above the floor, arching. If everything works out perfectly for you, then you can try to perform a “bridge” while standing on your feet. But ask someone to back you up.

Now let's move on to somersaults. In order to perform a somersault in the air, you first need to learn how to do it on the floor. It's best to train on a hard surface; don't go on a stack of mats; you can't really learn to group on them. So, having found a suitable covering, we squat down, lift our heels off the floor, bring our knees together, and focus on our hands. We push off with our feet, touch the floor with the back of our head, then roll along it with our backs and again find ourselves squatting. You may feel dizzy again, all this is due to lack of habit. Over time, the inconvenience will pass. The main thing for you now is to learn how to tumble more softly, so that it is easy, as if you were rolling a ball on the floor. At the same time, you should not have any unpleasant sensations in your body, even if you perform exercises on asphalt. Once you have learned this, you can start learning somersaults.

Somersault technique

Before starting your workout, stack the mats in a large, thick pile to cushion falls. If there are no mats, then you can take an old spring mattress from the bed. There are two types of somersault:

  1. Forward somersault. You should perform a front somersault from a running start. Pounce, lift your arms up and point your body forward. Then you immediately need to group. To do this, you need to pull your knees to your shoulders and clasp them with your hands. You will be able to do this flip if you are perfect at performing a somersault. Be sure to keep your knees bent, otherwise you may injure your joints.

    If you manage to get to your feet after the jump, consider that you have mastered the forward somersault.

  2. Backflip. It should be tried after all the previous exercises have become perfect. Keep in mind that it is a little more difficult to perform than forward. You should place mats behind you, and in front of you any thing from which you can push off well. It could be a box or a stone. Having pushed off, you need to bend over, as is done when performing a “bridge”. It's good if you have the opportunity to use safety ropes, but if not, sports mats will do. You shouldn’t ask anyone to back you up, because another person won’t catch you in flight anyway, he will only disturb you.

Side somersault

The simplest type of tuck flip is the side flip. In this case, the rotation occurs to the side, and not back or forward. The only difficulty in learning is that the body itself must understand which way to turn. The rollover is accomplished through the upper back. The side somersault has its own variations, but the simple version is easy to learn. It does not require any special insurance, just practice.

The push occurs simultaneously from both legs, the jump itself goes straight up, the deviation to the side is weak. From the outside the hand flies up, from the inside – down. Having pushed off from the surface, you need to start grouping, here you need to concentrate on the point through which the rotation will pass. You need to land easily; if you do it from a great height, you need to go into a roll. At this point you need to be careful; if you are not used to it, injuries are possible. The most common mistake is the wrong plane of rotation. For example, you can perform a crooked somersault instead of the intended side somersault. To understand exactly how to roll over, you need to practice on the ground, and then repeat this movement in the air.

Triple somersault

Today in artistic gymnastics the triple somersault is the most difficult element. This crazy jump has not been performed at the Olympic Games and World Championships for 13 years. The fact is that this jump is very dangerous, and its difficulty is not rated so highly. Special literature says that at the moment of a triple somersault, the load on the legs is more than a ton.

It is almost impossible to learn how to do a somersault on your own; just a few decades ago, this jump was only possible for graduates of the Soviet gymnastics school. The first element that usually fails all athletes is the double backbend somersault. And then the most difficult double somersault in a tuck with a back opening. The result is the same effect as a video if you press pause in the middle of watching.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that before you show off a new learned element to your friends and spectators, take the trouble to warm up well. Since the muscles, not properly warmed up, can let you down, and the element will end with you falling on your head. There is nothing to say about the danger of this. Therefore, you should always approach any exercise responsibly, no matter how easy it may seem.

Parkour as an unofficial sport originated not so long ago. But these days it has already become very popular, and has gained this popularity in various parts of the world: both in the United States of America, the countries of the European Union, and here, in Russia, as well as in Asia.


Mostly teenagers aged 12-14 start to get involved in parkour. But over time, this mania either disappears, or they become professional (if you can call them that) athletes who successfully compete in parkour competitions, speak at seminars, and also become coaches in this sport.

What is parkour?

Parkour is considered to be the art of quickly overcoming obstacles. In this case, the athlete who must overcome the distance uses acrobatic tricks. These are all kinds of jumps that can sometimes be seen in artistic gymnastics, for example. There is a jump over a goat or horse in the school physical education curriculum. We are, of course, talking about gymnastic equipment.

So, consider that the guys have been learning, in some way, the art of parkour since school. In Russia, you can often see young people who, after school, go to the nearest courtyard where there are tables to jump over them. This is typical of the present time, given the popularity of parkour. But it should be understood that all this, to a certain extent, creates a danger to the lives of “athletes”.

There are many known cases where children were injured and even died after performing one or another trick incorrectly. To avoid this, our country has already begun to open special centers for those wishing to master art. But alas, so far the vast majority of teenagers decide to continue training in the dangerous conditions of city streets, and not in specially equipped gyms, where the likelihood of injury is reduced.

The connection between parkour and somersaults

As mentioned earlier, parkour is inextricably linked with high-speed overcoming of obstacles, during which the athlete performs gymnastic and acrobatic tricks. And the latter, by the way, also includes somersaults. This is a very spectacular, if I may say so, trick, which every novice parkour athlete, or, as they are often called, a freerunner (from the English phrase free run), certainly wants to learn.

In this regard, athletes are wondering how to learn how to do somersaults at home for beginners. This looks, let's say, not entirely feasible. Nevertheless, doing a full somersault, although not as beautiful as professional acrobats perform it, is quite possible. To do this, you will need the appropriate equipment, as well as a supply of time and effort. That's probably all that is required of a beginner.

How to learn how to do somersaults at home in 1 day

This question is often asked by beginner parkour athletes. But it should be understood that the question itself was initially posed incorrectly. It is impossible to learn such a serious matter in 1 day. If someone does not agree that learning the technique of performing a somersault is a serious matter, then remember that life and health may depend on its implementation.

That is why it is strongly recommended that those who have begun to study this topic do not rush anywhere. If only because we need to protect readers from personal mistakes. The Internet is full of videos of young people performing unsuccessful somersaults, landing on their backs, or even worse, on their necks and heads. And all this in street conditions, mind you, not in special halls.

All this is fraught with consequences, even if they may not be immediately observed. If you are one of those who asks how to learn how to do somersaults at home without a mat, then we want to warn you right away: you shouldn’t do this. Even if special equipment (mat) is not available, you need to find an alternative. Long pillows and mattresses are suitable, and not just one piece, but preferably 2-3. This is the only way to ensure minimal safety during training.

Is it worth learning somersaults at home?

A somersault is a fairly simple acrobatic element, if you look at it that way. Let's look at it from a technical point of view. What is this? An ordinary somersault in the air. But it is so customary that there must be balance in the world. And the ease of its technical implementation is compensated by the complexity of understanding and banal human fear.

Many people tend to be afraid of getting off the floor, changing the position of their body, as well as simply being afraid of heights. And a somersault is nothing more than a combination of changes in body position in space. This is why many beginners are afraid to fully experience the flight, the feeling of freedom, which leads to mistakes. And in some cases - injuries. Therefore, professionals advise young people to think about enrolling in special acrobatic sections or parkour sections, if they operate in the city.

Another advantage will be the fact that you will learn to do not just a somersault, but much more. This, by the way, is the answer to another question: “How can a girl learn to do somersaults at home?” Well, if you still decide to learn the technique of performing somersaults at home or on the street at your own risk, this will be discussed in more detail later.

In general terms

To begin with, it will be enough to master the somersault. An ordinary somersault on the floor. This may seem ridiculous or simple to some. But this is a misconception. The fact is that the correct somersault, which will be beautiful and will not lead to negative consequences, must be performed in a group.

And the most ordinary somersault allows you to train your tuck. When executed correctly, it should look like this: when landing, the impact falls not on the neck, but on the gap between it and the back; at the moment of rotation, the legs are pressed to the chest, the arms are clasped around the knees. This is the so-called “bomb” - a favorite position for young people to jump into the water from a height.

When the group is sufficiently trained, you can proceed to the next stage. This is a turnover from the spot. Let's say you decide to master the forward somersault. To do this, we lay out mats, pillows, and mattresses in a dense layer that will soften the landing. After this, we stand right in front of them, swing our arms and jump in an up-and-forward direction, spinning in the air at the same time.

The landing will most likely be on your back. But by honing this part over and over again, you will be able to master the technique of turning and scroll more and more. Eventually you will learn to land on your butt, so to speak. It would be ideal if the landing occurs in a squat. If you have achieved this, then you can start running.

Excellent sports form is an undeniable reason for pride. Imagine how impressive you will be if you can do a somersault! After a spectacular jump, a flurry of applause awaits you. How to learn to do somersaults? Before you try this trick, make sure you can do it. You need to regularly perform exercises that will help strengthen your muscles. Do push-ups, squats, pump your body. You need to have developed muscles in your arms and legs. Pull-ups and running will undoubtedly help with this.

To learn how to do a somersault correctly, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. You need to practice the coup on a special mat.
  2. Buy comfortable, loose clothing and comfortable shoes with flexible soles.
  3. You need to practice jumping while pulling your knees to your chest.
  4. To learn how to do a somersault, you first need to get good at doing regular somersaults forward and backward, while grouping yourself correctly. Somersaults are based on the same movements as somersaults, only they have to be done “in flight.” The somersault must be performed correctly. You need to stand in front of the mattress, bend your knees, press your chin to your chest, put your arms forward, and do a somersault. Perform the exercise smoothly, do not fall on your side, roll over your back, stand on two legs in the starting position.
  5. Having mastered somersaults, try doing a somersault, using mats or blankets for support.
  6. You need to start mastering the back somersault from a hill, not forgetting to group yourself.
  7. To learn how to do a somersault, the most important thing is to overcome yourself, your own fear of falling or failure.

How to learn to do a forward somersault

If you have learned how to do a somersault, you can start doing somersaults. First you need to learn how to do a forward somersault. What is it? A powerful jerk to the mat, a strong push from the floor with both legs, a forward somersault, landing on two legs.

To properly learn how to do a forward somersault, you need to perform the following technique:

  1. A large enough space is needed to allow for a running start.
  2. You need to start the exercise with a jump. You need to wave your arms and point your body forward. At the moment of the push, lower your arms and twist.
  3. During the flight, group yourself, pull your knees to your shoulders, and grab them with your hands. In a tuck, you need to press your chin to your chest, spread your knees to the sides so as not to accidentally damage your face with them during landing.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the knees are slightly bent, otherwise the joints can be damaged.
  5. Try to land on your feet.

How to learn to do a backflip

Once you have learned how to do a forward flip, don't stop there, start learning how to do a back flip.

You need to use the following instructions:

  1. You need to practice, do preparatory exercises. Crouch down a little and jump, straightening your body and stretching your arms up. Jump with a tuck: after the push, press your knees to your shoulders, lower your legs before landing.
  2. It is necessary to take the starting position. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Lower your arms and move them back a little.
  3. Push off strongly from the floor, make a powerful swing of your arms upward, while straightening your body. Press your knees to your chest.
  4. Send your body back with a strong push.
  5. You should control your body position and not close your eyes.
  6. As soon as the floor is perpendicular to the direct view, begin ungrouping.
  7. Push your legs away from your chest and land on your toes, while maintaining your balance. Do not land on straightened legs to avoid damaging your joints.

The somersault is a difficult exercise and it is almost impossible to do it the first time. If you train a lot and persistently, shift your center of gravity, and group correctly, you will learn how to do a somersault beautifully and technically.

More and more young people are becoming interested in parkour and are successfully developing flexibility, agility and other physical indicators by performing various tricks. The whole secret of how to learn how to do a backflip lies in the correct technique and regular training - if these two conditions are met, you will quickly achieve!

How to quickly learn how to do somersaults?

Don't expect to perform the trick perfectly on the first day. The more you practice, the more your body will refine the movements, and the better the somersault will be. If you regularly play sports, you can start training right away, but if not, then you need to devote a few weeks to getting in shape. It’s worth jogging or cycling 3-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes, working out with dumbbells and doing leg exercises: squats, lunges, squatting jumps, etc. When your body is strong, you will be able to handle any trick easier. If the main question for you is how to quickly learn how to do a back somersault, add back somersaults to your training; if you want to master a front somersault, somersault in both directions.

Only when all the muscles are toned and the legs are strong enough to push the body up to the desired height can you move on to master the trick.

How to learn to do a backflip?

The question of how to learn how to do a standing backflip requires consistency. At the beginning of any training, you need a warm-up to avoid injury. Then - repeated actions with insurance and, most importantly, with open eyes for complete control. This way you will quickly get results!

Let's consider the sequence of actions in detail:

  1. As a warm-up, perform jumps from a squatting position, or, to begin with, from a half-squat. When jumping, straighten your body completely and stretch your arms up; when you land, group yourself back up.
  2. The second warm-up exercise is tuck jumping: pushing off strongly from the ground with your feet, pull your knees to your chest, and lower your feet before landing.
  3. The training itself begins with the starting position: standing, legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms down, head slightly lowered.
  4. With your knees bent, push up with your legs as much as possible and swing your arms up in front of you with force. In the next second, straighten up - you are turning backwards.
  5. At this moment, you need to press your knees to your chest and group yourself, clasping them with your arms.
  6. As soon as you see the floor, immediately begin to ungroup - this should occur at the moment when it is perpendicular to your view.
  7. With your knees away from your chest and your legs bent, land on your toes while maintaining balance. Avoid training barefoot or straightening your legs at this stage to avoid damaging your joints.

Don't worry if you don't succeed the first time. Train regularly with the support of a friend and preferably on mats to soften a possible fall.