How to draw a theater mask with a pencil step by step. How to draw Izumi from an anime love scene with colored pencils step by step


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In this lesson we will show you how to draw a portrait of Izumi from the anime Love Scene with colored pencils step by step in 10 steps with photographs. For this tutorial you will need:

  • Simple pencil
  • Washing
  • Pen
  • Colored pencils

How to draw Izumi step by step

  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the face.

  • Step 2

    We draw glasses and hair.

  • Step 3

    We draw the neck, clothes and hand.

  • Step 4

    Draw the eyes, mouth and nose.

  • Step 5

    We circle with our hand.

  • Step 6

    We paint over the eyes. Blue, yellow, orange, purple and a little crimson.

  • Step 7

    We paint over the hair and glasses. In places where the hair covers the glasses, dark brown, and the glasses themselves with black.

  • Step 8

    Paint over the jacket with blue and the knee with blue.

  • Step 9

    We paint over the face and mouth, add shadows on the hair, face and jacket.

  • Step 10

    Paint over the hand and add shadows. Your drawing of Izumi from the anime Love Scene is ready.

How to draw chibi Izumi step by step

We will draw Izumi from the anime “Love Scene” We will need:

  • Simple pencil HB
  • Eraser
  • Felt pens, markers, aphids, pencils
  • Black helium pen
Let's go!
  • Step 1

    Draw strands of hair. The head itself and the curl on Izumi's head.

  • Step 2

    Draw Izumi's eyes. Draw the right eye on the hair itself.

  • Step 3

    Draw the round frame of Izumi's glasses.

  • Step 4

    Draw Izumi's mouth. The face is ready!

  • Step 5

    Draw the upper body of Izumi. Let's not forget about the magazine that Izumi is holding in her hands.

  • Step 6

    Draw the lower part of Izumi's body. T-shirt and flowing blouse.

  • Step 7

    Draw Izumi's trousers and his sneakers. The body is ready!

  • Step 8

    We circle everything Izumi black pen. We erase a simple pencil.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring. Take yellow and orange colors and color, leaving one fragment white.

  • Step 10

    Take purple and yellow colors. Coloring Izumi's eyes.

  • Step 11

    We take burgundy and pink colors. Draw stripes on Izumi's jacket. We color the edges with burgundy, pressing firmly on the pencil, and the jacket itself with the same burgundy, but do not press too hard on the pencil.

  • Step 12

    Using a yellow pencil and pressing hard on it, we make shadows on Izumi’s trousers.

  • Step 13

    Lightly pressing pressing on yellow pencil coloring Izumi's trousers. Ready!

  • Step 14

    Take a beige pencil and draw heavily where the shadows should be.

  • Step 15

    With a slight movement of the hand, paint Izumi's skin. Ready!

  • Step 16

    Take a blue pencil and color Izumi’s sneakers.

  • Step 17

    Color Izumi's book blue. Ready!

  • Step 18

    And now our Izumi is ready! Thank you for your time, good luck jQuery182016631287367411507_1547330777219??!!

Theater is the oldest of different types arts Theater originated a very long time ago. According to historical data, performances were already given in theaters Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Back then, all the roles on stage were played by men. Later, theaters developed. And now, despite the widespread use of the Internet, the theater still exists and continues to operate. After all, you can’t compare the performance of actors seen live with anything. This smell of the wings, the stage, the very atmosphere of the theater is something magical and bewitching.

The actors put their whole soul into their performance, they live the lives of their characters on stage, give us their emotions, and we empathize with them. If you have the opportunity to go to the theater at least sometimes, do not deny yourself this pleasure. Be sure to go and as often as possible.

The theater has long had its own unspoken symbols. And one of them are images of theatrical masks. They represent different theatrical plots: comedy and tragedy. Masks appeared in ancient times. The actors put them on their faces and, with the help of masks, conveyed the character of their character. Then masks could depict human faces, animal faces, or even any invented characters. But it is usually believed that two masks: the tragic and the comic represent the theater. We will draw theater masks here step by step. Stage 1. Draw auxiliary lines (framework) of our future image. We're drawing vertical lines and then intersect them with perpendiculars. And on the second mask we will also draw the angle of the line. Then we begin to smoothly outline the contours of the faces of the masks.

Stage 2. Draw slits for the eyes and mouth along the lines. The eyes are oval, the mouth of the masks differs in shape, since one mask should be laughing, the other crying. Next, we add eyebrow lines on top of the eyes along the horizontal lines and noses along the vertical lines.

Stage 3. To the image of the laughing mask we will add a few more features that look like wrinkles from laughter. Then on both masks we will add features above the eyes, at the nose and at the corners of the mouth.

Stage 4. There are still some lines left to draw. These are spots on the cheeks and chin.

Stage 5. Our masks are ready. We didn't color them too brightly. It turns out that they seem to have just been made and have not yet been completely painted for any plot. Preparations, so to speak. But you still need to tint them. Ehto light colors depicting shadow and light areas.

In this tutorial we will create red curtains using filters, vector objects and layer styles. You will learn to create realistic textures, draw beautiful ropes, create shadows and work on the shape of vector elements.

End result:

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with a size of 1000x1000 pixels.

Step 2

Set the default colors (D), create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and apply Fiber filter(Filter>Render>Fiber) (Filter>Render>Fiber).

Step 3

Apply Filter Application(Filter > Artistic > Cutout).

Step 4

Apply Motion Blur filter(Filter> Blur> Motion Blur) (Filter> Blur> Motion Blur).

Step 5

Double-click on the layer with the resulting texture to open the styles window. Apply style Color overlay(Color Overlay): Mode - Multiplication.

Step 6

Create a copy of the texture layer (Ctrl + J) and hide the original by clicking on the eye icon of the layer. Tool Rectangular area(Rectangular Marquee Tool) (M) Select the left half of the texture, cut it from the layer (Ctrl + X) and paste it on a separate layer (Ctrl + V). You will notice that after pasting the red color will disappear. To add color again, copy the color blend style from the previous layer via the context menu and paste it onto the new layer.

While on the layer with half the texture, activate Warp mode(Edit > Transform > Warp) (Edit > Transform > Warp) and change the shape of the texture as shown in the screenshot.

Place the resulting curtain at the left edge, and then create the same one on the right.

Step 7

Select a tool Feather (Pen Tool) (P) and draw the bottom of the curtain as shown below. Lower the layer's opacity to change the curvature of the bottom edge. The color of the figure is not important.

Select the drawn shape (hold Ctrl and click on the layer thumbnail). Go to menu Editing> Clear(Edit > Clear).

Change the bottom edge of the other curtain.

Step 8

Go back to the original texture layer and create a rectangular selection. Copy it to a separate layer (Ctrl + J). Place the texture horizontally using the mode Free transformation(Ctrl + T), activate warp mode, select warp type Arc from below(Arc Lower) and set the Bend to 70%.

Resize the new curtain piece and center it at the top. Create two copies and place them on the sides.

Step 9

Now we will create the curtain tassels. Choose #ecc242 as your main color. To draw ropes we need to prepare a brush. Create a new document in Photoshop measuring 200x150 pixels with transparent background. Tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) draw this shape:

Apply the following styles to this shape:

Stroke(Stroke): Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Color.

Inner shadow


Go to menu Editing > Define Brush(Edit > Define Brush Preset) and save the brush as “Rope”. Return to the main document, open the brushes panel (F5), select the created brush and configure it like this:

Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) in Paths mode and draw a line as shown in the screenshot. Right-click on it and select Stroke the outline(Stroke Path).

In the window that appears, select Brush(Brush) and the outline will be outlined with the previously configured brush.

Step 10

Select all the rope layers and merge them (Ctrl + E). Apply the following styles to the resulting layer:

Inner shadow(Inner Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.

Outer glow(Outer Glow): Mode - Lightening, Method - Soft.

Casting a shadow

Step 11

Select for tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) Shape mode. Draw two elements as shown below.

Apply the following styles to the bottom element:

Inner glow(Inner Glow): Mode - Overlay.

Gloss(Satin): Mode - Overlay.

Casting a shadow(Drop Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.


Apply the same styles to the top element, except for the style Gloss(Satin). Create a copy of the two elements, rotate them in the other direction (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) and place them on the right curtain.

Step 12

Create a new layer under the top curtains. Select soft brush with 20% opacity and draw shadows underneath.

Step 13

Now let's create shadows from the side curtains. Create a copy of the left curtain layer and lower it under the original. Apply style Color overlay(Color Overlay): black color. In Warp mode, change the shape of the shadow a little.

Reduce the opacity of the shadow layer to 30%. Then do the same with the right curtain.

Step 14

Create shadows from the brushes in the same way. To draw a shadow on the floor, use the tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P). Opacity of shadows on the floor - 30%.

Step 15

Place all existing layers into a group (Ctrl + G). Merge the group on one layer (Ctrl + E) and apply a filter Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) with a value of 5 pixels.

The end result.

This will be an unusual lesson, we will try to show another art using art. More precisely, we will learn how to draw a theater with a pencil step by step. And it won’t be any nonsense like the scene or the audience, but an attempt to portray the acting itself. The drawing itself is famous, I’m sure you’ve seen it more than once on the Internet: Genres theatrical arts There are many: dramatic, opera, ballet, puppet, pantomime and others. The most popular of them is drama theater, because it reflects reality, conflicts of characters, problems that are not spoken about out loud. Even if this motive has already been worn to holes, but as long as a person lives, he will exist. That's how people are made.

How to draw a theater with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of two men on paper. Pay attention to their height, as well as the placement of their hands.
Step two. Let's draw the head and torso.
Step three. Let's round the shapes, make the lines smoother and add details.
Step four. Let's add some shading to make the drawing more realistic, and you're done:
You can find many more here good scenes for drawing, for example.

Today's lesson will be about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil. A ballerina is a girl who dances incredibly beautiful dance, and although the drawing cannot convey all its chic, it is possible to capture one moment. The most common ballet movement, often depicted, is when a girl stands on one leg, reaches up, and, throwing her head back, extends her arms. She is gentle as well as sophisticated. There are many figurines in the same pose. Although not everyone understands ballet, in reality it is the most complex and sophisticated dance. The girls dancing it resemble vines, because they are also graceful and flexible.

But its grace is not as easy to convey with pencil on paper as it might seem. So you should proceed step by step.

So, in order to understand how to draw a ballerina step by step, you need to take a pencil and a sheet of paper. Just remember the rule - do not put pressure on the pencil to easily remove errors.

Step 1. Any person begins to be drawn from a frame. For a ballerina, you need to start with three circles - the head, chest and hips. They are connected by lines. The arms are extended to the sides, one leg is back, and the other is on the ground, slightly bent.

Step 2. Next you need to give it a little shape - that is, add a shoulder and legs, up to the knee.

Step 3. This step is probably the most difficult, because you need to depict the face and head of a beautiful dancer. To do this, draw the neck, face and hair. Since the girl is dancing, her hair seems to be in flight. The face needs to be drawn very carefully, not forgetting about the ears, which are exposed in this pose.

Step 4. We need to finish the face and draw the hands. Graceful arms in flight, hands and thin fingers.

Step 5. The next step will be to add volume to her body and chest. You also need to draw a pack.

Step 6. Here the legs are already drawn, dancing, shod in special shoes. The girl stands on her tiptoes, stretching out her other leg, also stretching out her toes. For clear example You can view photographs of dancers - ballerinas.

Step 7. At this stage, you need to erase all unnecessary lines, remove the frame lines and add little details, such as folds of brocade, curls of hair, bends of the neck and body. Draw the top of the dress with a pencil.

Step 8 Now the graceful and unique ballerina can be decorated.

Step 9. The next step will be the background. You can draw a theater scene in the background, or a starry sky, because everything in the drawing should not be natural. You can add a little fantasy.

This is the end of the lesson on how to draw a ballerina correctly. The main thing to remember is that if you don’t get it realistically the first time, you don’t have to give up everything. And draw lines again and again in order to still achieve success in this interesting art– drawing.

Watch the video, it shows how to beautifully draw a ballerina in motion with a pencil. Even a child can master this lesson.