How to draw a hand on the waist. What types of brushes are there? Skeleton and muscles


Depicting hands is one of the most thorny tasks that a beginning artist faces. What are hands? Yes, we see them every day, they are constantly in front of us, because we perform most of our actions with the help of them, but initial stage hand drawing- these seemingly visual parts of the body, difficulties always arise. On this online lesson in drawing, I will try to teach you how, without much difficulty, to understand the plasticity of the hand and the technique of its execution.

1) To learn how to draw hands, first you just need to try to draw (at least from the pictures below), from your own own hands, from photographs, and after that, when you encounter certain difficulties, you can study this article in detail and here you will find answers to common mistakes and some subtleties and tricks when drawing hands.

2) Each drawing, naturally, begins with a sketch or sketch. A drawing that is executed correctly and in proportion is primarily due to the sketch. A sketch, especially of parts of the human body, can be done correctly only thanks to knowledge of human proportions or anatomical structure. So, what do we know about the proportions of the human palm? In the picture below we see that the human palm can be measured relative to the head - from the jawline to the hairline.

3) The next thing we need to know about the structure of the hand for drawing is that the bones, or knuckles, are not located in a straight line - this common mistake- they are located in an arc (see example). And in general, as far as hands are concerned, there are almost never parallel and straight lines. Everything moves here, the hand is multifunctional, the hands are a separate being, they live their own lives.

4) The fingers are of different lengths. The longest finger is the middle finger, the next in descending order is the ring finger, then the index finger (the last two differ slightly in length), the little finger (reaches the upper joint ring finger) and the thumb, although the thumb is equal in length to the little finger, it turns out to be lower than all the others and this makes it seem the shortest. You also need to know that the length of the middle finger is almost half the length of the palm. The thumb just barely reaches the second knuckle of the index finger and, basically, when working and moving the hand, it is 90 degrees in relation to the other fingers. The width of the palm is approximately 75% of the length of the palm, or a little more than half.

5) Despite the fact that the hand is the most flexible and unpredictable, at first glance, part of the body, there are also laws by which the hand, palm and fingers live. We all know these laws, but when we start drawing hands, for some reason we forget about them. The mechanical principle of the hand is that the palm can only close and open, and the fingers bend or curl down toward the middle of the palm, squeezing the metacarpus like the closing bud of a flower. Hand with inside concave, and outside convex, the fingers grow tightly; when folded, they form a continuous extension of the palm. An incorrect drawing is one in which the fingers are widely spaced from each other or when added (mentally) gaps are obtained.

To master this, you need to watch your hand as it holds, reaches, or grabs something. Only by knowing how the hand works, which phalanges are involved in a particular reflex process, can you convincingly draw a hand in motion or in a static state. Here is another tip that I will give you to learn how to draw hands: always divide the palm into three parts: the first part is the base of the palm, the second is the base thumb, taking off a significant piece from below, the third - the upper bases of the remaining four fingers. The muscle of the thumb (the second part of the palm) is the most powerful of all located on the palm, it is the most important and most visible, the most convex and voluminous. In the middle of the palm on the inside there is a characteristic hole with lines of fate. My advice to you: when drawing a hand, first sketch out the lines of the hand, then based on the lines, build blocks or those same three parts, this will make it easier to depict a natural hand.

6) The bones in the palm and fingers are visible only in the form of knuckles on the back of the hand, in other cases they only form shapes and when sketched they can be depicted as lines along which the hand will be built. The fingers are made up of several bones, which is why they have a rhythmic shape - from each knuckle to the next they narrow and widen. At the joints the fingers look a little thicker; there are folds on the inside that are located just above the joint. You also need to study the hinge ability of your fingers to bend, so that you don’t later draw an implausibly bent finger. The first two joints can bend at right angles, but the upper ones cannot even bend at a sharp angle. Look at the unconscious dependence of the joints, for example: when the second joint bends, the upper one automatically bends. When the fingers are extended, the upper joint tends to bend back.

The tendons on the hand are visible on the back of the hand and appear as threads or lines forming a straight line with each of the midline of the fingers. They appear when the palm is very tense or arched. It would be a mistake to depict the tendons of the dorsum of the hand in children, adolescents and fat people, since in these cases they are hidden, not noticeable or underdeveloped.

7) Another important thing that we will look at in the online lesson “how to draw hands” is the location of the lines of the fingers. Notice that the line of the middle finger divides the palm into two equal halves. This line is also at right angles to all the others. This finger unclenches and contracts exactly towards the palm, while the rest, when compressed towards the palm, tend to its center and take an angle.

8) How to draw female hands . As elsewhere, when depicting a woman and her parts, we must remember that the main things here are smoothness and roundness. The knuckles on the fingers and the outer side of the palm of a woman are smaller, the fingers are mostly thin. With clenched fingers, they tend to one point more clearly than a man’s, as if a few more centimeters and they would merge into one point.

A hand is a drawing object that is always at hand (sorry for the tautology). Even when you draw with one hand, you always have a second one, in order to see how the palm or finger, or phalanx behaves in this or that case. Of course, in the technique of drawing a hand, the main thing is practice; studying anatomy, behavior and structure is half the battle, and then you need to practice and practice. The hand is a part of the body that you won’t have to draw twice in the same position, so each time you will learn it in a new way, but thanks to the basic knowledge that you have received, these will be little things that you can easily build around the base of the sketch.

Follow the releases of the site and in the next updates of the Articles section, there will be new training lessons on drawing parts of the human body.

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In order to paint a picture, the artist needs a canvas on a stretcher, as well as paints and brushes. The success of his work largely depends on the quality of the latter, so the choice of such instruments must be approached responsibly. To choose the right brushes for painting, you need to consider what paints you will have to work with, as well as your budget.

In an effort to choose the right brushes for painting, you need to know what they are, what the brushes are made of and what paints they are intended for. So, for example, to paint with gouache or watercolor, they use squirrel, kolinsky and synthetics. They all have their own quality characteristics:

  • The column is suitable for all styles of painting, but its price is quite high.
  • Squirrel is ideal for watercolors, and synthetics are ideal for acrylic painting.
  • The pony brush is a good alternative to the kolinsky and squirrel brushes.
  • The brush made from pig wool is more suitable for oil paints.
  • A badger brush is used for soft paints.
  • Sable in its quality has the properties of columnar and squirrels, but with such bristles you can write major works and miniatures.
  • Synthetic brushes are not suitable for watercolors; they are more often used for acrylics.

Any brush is made of a handle, a hair tuft and a base. The quality of this drawing tool determines whether it will be convenient for the artist to work. In turn, its durability in use depends on the quality of all components of the brush.

To choose the right brush sizes and the tool itself, you need to focus on the following points:

  • material from which the brush is made – brush good quality convenient to use;
  • the brush handle should be smooth;
  • its length should be convenient for the user.

The base of the brush should encircle the handle as tightly as possible, fixing the hair bun motionless. There should be no seam on it so that the instrument is comfortable to hold in your hand. The most important part of the product is the hair bun, which differs in material. A synthetic paint brush is of worse quality than natural brushes. Such drawing tools are classified by numbers.

Artists know how to choose brushes and what types of brushes are available. On right choice The size of the brush also affects the size of the brush, as well as what paints the specialist plans to paint with. artistic creativity. One person needs thin brushes, the other needs a round one.

Brush with good hair has the following qualities:

  • her hairs are elastic;
  • when wet they do not lose their shape;
  • do not fall out during operation;
  • the glue with which they are fastened does not extend beyond the holder.

For all these characteristic features You need to pay attention to choose a good brush.

In the video: how to choose the right brushes for painting.

Types of brushes and their purpose

To choose the right brush, focus on the bristles from which the bun is assembled. You also need to know which brushes are best to use for watercolors, gouache or oil paints:

  • Squirrel wool brushes. Ideal for painting with watercolors. Thin and soft brushes allow you to control the flow of paint, so they are convenient for painting small details of a picture. To ensure a high-quality brush made from squirrel hairs, the bristles are first degreased, sorted by length, unusable hairs are removed and straightened.

  • Designed for watercolor paint, the artist can not only use them comfortably, but also save on price. To choose a brush for painting for children, pay attention to their painting skills.

  • Sable wool brush. It is the most expensive tool used by professional artists. The choice of such brushes makes it possible to paint fine lines, they can be used to paint with gouache and watercolor.

  • Pony hair tassels. Quite elastic and soft, suitable for drawing with ink. However, for those who are going to paint with gouache, this is also a worthy option. With the help of such bristles it is easy to apply strokes of paint.

  • Nylon tassels. Recommended for acrylic paint, there are different shapes, it all depends on the specifics of the artist’s work. A sales assistant at an art supply store will help a beginner make the right choice.

Natural brushes are characterized by the fact that the tuft in them is made of animal hair. Made from natural material, which is much higher quality than synthetics, these brushes will last much longer.

Suitable brushes for oil work

For artists who paint with oil paints, it is recommended to purchase the following brushes:

  • bristles, which are particularly elastic and quickly absorb paint;
  • medium soft mongoose brushes;
  • badger hair brushes that are suitable for mixing oil and acrylic;
  • a synthetic nylon brush, which is almost as good in quality as natural ones.

Synthetics are inexpensive, so they use these brushes to paint on landscape paper at school. Thanks to the light nylon hairs, children can clearly see the shade of paint on the bristles. A thin brush is convenient for marking contours and boundaries between colors, and a thick one is for painting. large areas drawing.

Paint by number tools

Brushes by numbers are included in the kit, which is sold along with paints by numbers. Painting by numbers – modern look art, when a non-professional artist has the chance to create a painting of a famous celebrity.

Brushes by numbers, made of elastic nylon fiber, are perfect for such creativity.

To choose good brushes for painting by numbers, you need to take into account that they are divided according to their purpose, the quality of the hair and their shape. This choice also depends on the paint the artist uses. A nylon (synthetic) brush is perfect for painting with oil paints. Flat brushes are often used in shape, and everyone chooses the sizes individually. The artist needs those brushes that seem to be an extension of his hand.

What types of brushes are there?

All brushes for gouache, watercolor and oil paints may also differ in the shape of the bristles:

  • Round brushes. These products are suitable for painting with gouache paint, allowing you to paint over small details of the picture.

  • Flat brushes. More elastic, therefore they are used for painting areas of paintings with close up images, for example, of the earth, sky, grass. Their capsule is compressed at the end, forming a flat tuft of hair. Artists use them to sketch cityscapes. The shape of the brush resembles a cat's tongue.

  • Flute brushes Their shape is wide enough to apply broad strokes to the painting canvas. They are used mainly in working with watercolors, sometimes with oil paints.

  • These brushes are round and very long in shape, needed to apply thin lines. They have found their application in graphics.

  • In all respects they resemble font ones, differing only in short hair.

  • Fan tassels. They are one of the varieties of flat brushes. They received this name due to their fan-shaped shape. Their use allows you to soften the color stretch and contrast of contours.

Depends on the right tool end result artist's work. But for an experienced painter such a choice is not a problem. And purchasing all these goods in a specialized art supply store is not difficult.

Tips from professional artists (2 videos)

Variety of brushes (25 photos)

When drawing a person, special attention should be given to both the face and hands. Firstly, besides the head, the arms are the most exposed areas of the body. Secondly, they are also expressive and mobile. Along with this, due to the complexity of the connecting joints, the convex and flat parts of the hand, the hands can, and usually do, become the most the hard part when studying the structure human body.

The first mistake when drawing is having too small hands. And here the ability to draw a head comes to the rescue. If you know how to correctly build the proportions of your head, then you can assume that you already have correct proportions for drawing a hand. If you put your hand to your face, the tip of your middle finger will be at the hairline, and the hand will end at chin level. Here's yours main way measuring brush parameters.

I hope you now understand the importance of knowing how to draw the human body. If you can draw a human body, you can draw anything for two reasons: 1) you now know enough about the three-dimensional shape of the human body; and 2) if you place this body in a room with various objects, you can easily determine the dimensions of these objects in relation to the body. And you will also already know that all these objects have their own volume and shape.

Let's return to the topic - Building a hand.
The hand has two volumetric convexities: one is at the base of the thumb (B), the second is the palm (the remaining part of the hand) (A). Double rows The finger bones, or carpal bones, are connected to the hand, creating one whole. The wrist does not exist separately, and it is not attached to the hand with a ball and socket joint, like in wooden dolls. The movement of the hand starts from the wrist. It tapers slightly at the junction with the forearm. The wrist can also be considered a universal connector because it moves in all directions - up and down, side to side, and can rotate.

The center of the palm is slightly lower than the rest of the hand. For example, if you place your arm straight on a table, palm down, you will notice that your wrist does not touch the surface of the table. You will notice that the wrist rises where it connects to the hand.

The area of ​​the thumb is significantly larger than the area at the base of the little finger. The hand is wider at the base of the fingers than at the junction with the wrist: however, closer to the wrist it is higher. Now pay attention to your hand: the palm is longer than its back. The thumb is attached to the palm by an independent and highly mobile ball-and-socket joint, which allows it to actively move independently of the rest of the hand. The palm consists of elastic and soft areas - pillows. The surface of the fingers and the entire palm are covered with many pads. The fingertips are pointed middle finger- the longest - is the highest point of the brush. The pads on the fingertips are pointed so that they are directed towards the middle - towards the middle finger. If you measure the length of your thumb from the top side, it will be equal to the length of your middle finger. The thumb is more powerful than the rest. The components of the fingers are more square in shape than it might seem at first glance; on the last square is the nail, almost triangular in shape, with bulges on both sides, forming the place where the nail grows. You will better remember the structure of your hand if you study the structure of the skeleton of the hand, after which problems with drawing your hand will never arise again.

Knowledge of the structure of joints, their movement and limitations in movement is very important. The first joint of the thumb and the first two joints of the remaining fingers are hinged. They can only move up and down, but not sideways or rotationally. When you spread your fingers, the topmost knuckles of each finger bend back. The lower knuckles of the fingers will bend forward, while the upper knuckles or fingertips cannot be bent even at right angles. Note that the top two hinge joints can only bend at 90 degrees. The lower joints of the fingers, like those on the wrist, are ball joints. There are a ton of hand positions and structures for you to learn. Even when you are drawing, you can use your free hand as a model. Place a mirror in front of you and this will give you more opportunities to study the positions of your free hand.

1. The first step when drawing a hand in motion is the position of the fingers and hand. Draw the hand in motion and define approximate position hands.

2. Then highlight the volumetric areas - divide the brush into parts, this will help you determine where the convex and where the flat areas are.

4. Finally add shadows.

Remember this lesson, buy an anatomy textbook and study it. You could study the structure of a hand forever, and you might never be able to draw a hand in the same position twice. Every time you practice drawing a hand, you learn something new. Remember, your hands are just as important as your face. And they require the same attention and close study.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful.
Happy work!

Artists are entitled to many benefits that will never exist. For example, coupons for free food, separate transport so as not to blend in with the gray mass in the minibus, or a personal butler. I myself am not an artist, but I am already beginning to feel all the delights of constantly working with my hands (in my case, my left hand). After drawing for a long time, not only the hands begin to hurt, but also the back, tailbone and other parts of the body subject to creative pressure. In this lesson you will learn how to draw a brush. And two at once: human and artistic. A brush is a means of transferring paint to paper, oil to bread and powder to the brain. This is exactly what it looked like wand, when he went to study at a magic school for treatment. With the help of a brush, such weapons of mass destruction as Malevich's Black Square were created, which shows the ratio of the black population and the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth. Over time, the brush multiplied by spores among people and began to appear at social parties and in laboratories for the creation of chemical weapons.

After the invention of the automatic pen and hydrogen bomb the brush lost its position and moved itself exclusively into the artistic sphere, where it suddenly became a means of creating masterpieces. Being an artist, of course, does not promise great success, but sometimes there is money. What you can do with a brush:

  • Chewing on it gives an influx of new brilliant ideas and also relaxes the nervous system;
  • Draw the most famous painting in the world, or not to draw;
  • Make a cache out of it and hide your stash;
  • Use as a murder weapon;
  • Poking it at someone (just not too much);

Let's try to draw it all.

How to draw a brush with a pencil step by step

Step one. I won’t comment, because there’s not much to say here. From the pictures everything is visible and clear.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson. See more similar ones

This lesson is related to "How to Draw a Person" and if you look in more detail, in this lesson I will tell you “ How to draw a hand»

First, we should pay attention to our hands. They consist of three parts: the shoulder, forearm and hand. Each of them can be depicted as ovals, or you just need to learn how to draw a hand right away. If you are depicting a lowered hand, then the fingertips will reach the middle of the thigh, and the elbows will be level with the waist.

So we looked at the method with a simplified hand shape, now let’s improve it so that it looks more natural. When you draw hands, you don't want to draw them too straight. We start with the shoulder, it has a smooth bend, near the elbow the arm narrows a little and widens again in the place where the biceps is located.
The elbow will be somewhat difficult to draw, because it is not just a bend, it is a connection, a hinge.

Next is the brush. Let's imagine each of the segments as a cylinder, and now turn your hand over, palm up, and you will see three almost identical segments on each finger. Well, because all the fingers are different in length, the pads and folds that are between them do not line up in one line.

Let's get started draw a hand from the joints of the fingers from the bones. The first joint is the largest of all three. The second joint is located between the two (in the middle), it is smaller and shorter than the first, but longer than the third joint - the tip of the finger. It is not possible to draw all fingers using this method, since each finger has a different length.

On top of the phalanges of the fingers you need to draw straight lines, and on the side of the palm - rounded.

But let's not forget that a man's hand is slightly different from a woman's. Male hand more massive and more sinewy. There are three options for drawing a hand: Muscular, toned and weak hand.

What conclusions can be drawn from this lesson?! There is only one conclusion: draw a hand not as difficult as it might seem at first glance