How to draw the sea with a pencil step by step. How to draw a beach and sea using pencil and gouache How to draw a seashore with a pencil step by step


Drawing lesson for children from 6 years old

Master class on drawing. Landscape with sunset on the sea

Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher of additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti
This master class is intended for teachers, parents, and children over six years old.
Target: Creating a landscape with a sunset on the sea
- get great pleasure from the drawing process
- in 20 minutes create a “masterpiece” that will become not only a decoration, but also a talisman of the house
- relieve fatigue, improve mood, self-esteem
- promote the education of the individual, cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

Purpose: interior decoration, gift.

Landscape is a special genre of painting. It combines the feelings awakened in the artist from the contemplation of nature, and the skill with which he conveys to the viewer the state of his soul. At this master class you have the opportunity to truthfully depict the living colors of nature and the beauty of a sunset at sea.
It is impossible to be able to do everything, although in contrast to this same phrase there is another, no less famous - “a talented person is talented in everything.” It's hard to disagree. Perhaps, in reality, some things are easier for us, others more difficult. But the result depends solely on determination and desire to achieve the goal. Therefore, even being by nature a person of an absolute technical profession, who has never encountered creativity, you can learn to draw. For example, you can start by drawing a landscape.

In this master class, we will create together with you a landscape with a sunset on the sea.

For work we need

A sheet of white paper, A3 format (I use watercolor paper)
Gouache: yellow, orange, red, ruby, purple, black (gouache should be “live”, i.e. soft, the consistency of sour cream).
Brushes (I use synthetic brushes No. 3 and No. 1, sharp ones)
A jar of water.


Select the layout of the sheet. It can be located both horizontally and vertically.
I placed it horizontally. Unlock all colors.

I've always loved watching the sunset.
The sun spills colors across the sky.
Today, like many years ago,
I'm immersed in this fairy tale again.

Using brush No. 3, draw a horizon line in the middle of the sheet using yellow gouache.

We begin to paint the sky with the same paint

Next, add a little orange to the yellow paint. We make a color stretch from yellow to orange

Add red paint to orange paint

Add ruby ​​paint to the red paint (you can skip this step)

Add purple paint to ruby ​​paint

Let's turn the sheet upside down and repeat all the previous steps.

Next, draw a black line along the horizon line

Let's draw the silhouette of the mountains

Let's paint over the mountains. I take purple and black paints on a brush

Using small strokes with brush No. 1, draw the reflection of the mountains on the water

Let's draw the silhouette of a yacht

Let's paint, draw a reflection on the water

Let's draw a mast. Let's just draw a straight line up

Let's draw a sail

Let's draw more yachts in the distance

The final touch - seagulls

Works of my pupils, 3rd grade students

As you can see, they showed their imagination - palm trees and dolphins appeared
More work, painted at summer camp today

All that remains is to frame the work under glass and the gift is ready. But that is another story.
This is how my artists are - satisfied and happy

I love the beauty of the sunset...
Especially when he's on the water...
The brilliance of the burning waves of a wondrous surge...
Everything brings out the best in me...
Breathtaking from obsession...
And my heart sings with bliss...
For the body this is just a temptation...
Calling him to heroic deeds from afar...
You can't enjoy such beauty...
Sunset on the sea is Heaven on Earth...
You can fall in love without noticing...
And get sick of all this beauty...
I love the wonderful glow of the sunset...
The sunset really became like family to me...
I'll throw it away, I'll remove all doubts...
Everyone loved the sunset with their soul
(Vladislav Amelin)

Thank you for your attention

When it gets cold outside, you immediately feel the desire to go far away, to warmer climes. And when the heat is wild, no one minds going there. What kind of nonsense is this? No matter what time of year it is, you always want to go to the sea. That is how we live. Let's learn how to draw the sea with a pencil. The sea is a space filled with water that mere mortals cannot drink. But you can safely devour any inhabitant of this large body of water (unless, of course, he devours you first). The sea is beautiful and dangerous, it attracts romantics, scuba divers, girls in mini bikinis, Patrick and, as well as those who like to paint landscapes.

The sea comes in different colors: black, red, Japanese, but the paradox is that it is blue all the time. Scientists are still racking their brains, but more often than others, why the sea is blue, but they cannot find any other explanation other than why not. Moreover, blue looks much more attractive than Dead. The mystery of this state of water is best explored in the summer, in the company of beautiful girls in swimsuits. In such conditions, the level of scientific research increases over 9000 times. From the few sources that talk about the subject, we know several things:

  • Blue Sea has hypnosis skills. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the same thing in different parts of the world at the same time;
  • It can drill silver, whatever that means;
  • Communicate directly with the Moon;
  • In the sea you can find a golden shark that will grant you three dying wishes;
  • Foaming for no reason;
  • With his magnetic powers he attracts people to the beach, so that he can then drag them away and feed them to Cthulhu.
  • Try to draw the sea for yourself.

How to draw the sea with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out the horizon line, and these figures will indicate the location of the seagull birds.
Step two. Now we draw the outlines of the birds themselves.
Step three. Let's draw each bird in detail.
Step four. Let's add shading to create the appearance of waves. You might even hear the sound of the surf.
Don't forget to color! And then take a new piece of paper and try to draw it.

In this lesson we will introduce you to how to draw the sea with gouache step by step in pictures and with a description. Step-by-step steps will be presented with which you will learn to draw the sea with gouache, like this.

You can draw waves on the sea if you understand how the wave moves. First let's draw the background. Draw the horizon line just above the middle. Let's smoothly paint the sky from blue to white near the horizon. You can draw clouds or clouds as you wish.

To make the transition smoother, paint part of the sky with blue paint, part with white, and then use a wide brush to mix the paint at the border using horizontal strokes.

We will also paint the sea itself with blue and white paint. It is not necessary to apply strokes horizontally. There are waves at sea, so it is better to make strokes in different directions.

Now mix green paint with yellow and add a little white. Let's draw the base for the wave. In the picture below, the darker areas are wet paint, the gouache just didn’t have time to dry.

On the green stripe, use a hard brush with white paint to distribute the movement of the wave.

Please note that the left part of the wave has already fallen into the sea, next to it is the raised part of the wave. And so on. Under the fallen part of the wave we will make the shadows stronger. To do this, mix blue and purple paint.

Mix blue and white gouache on the palette and draw the next falling part of the wave. At the same time, we will strengthen the shadow under it with blue paint.

Let's outline the front wave with white gouache.

Let's draw small waves between the big ones. Let's draw shadows under the near wave with blue paint.

Now you can draw the details. Spray foam along the entire length of the wave. To do this, take a hard bristle brush and white gouache. There should not be a lot of white gouache on the brushes and it should not be liquid. It is best to smear your finger with gouache and blot the tips of the brush, and then spray it in the area of ​​the waves. It is better to practice on a separate sheet so that you can direct the splashes to a specific place. You can also use a toothbrush for these purposes, but the result may not justify the result, because... the splash area can be large. But if you succeed, then that's good. Don't forget, try the splashes on a separate sheet.

Artists who paint the sea learn this throughout their lives. After all, it is not so easy to convey all the violence of the elements, the play of colors, the nature of the waves, the depth of shades. Therefore, the marine painter specializes only in working with paintings that convey the different states of the sea space. Before we move on to painting pictures with paints, let's look at the beach with a pencil step by step.

Basic outlines

The first step is to position the sheet vertically and draw a horizontal line approximately in the middle. She will separate sky and water.Then draw a shore line with a slight curvature on either side of the sheet, at your discretion. It should start near the horizon and move down to the opposite corner of the sheet. Next, it is important to imagine how to draw the beach and the sea, what will be on the shore, and what state the elements will be in. On the coast, closer to the middle line, you can draw the contours of stones or rocks. Behind the horizon at the edge of the sheet, draw a couple of small hills that are mountains in the distance. Label the sun at the top of the sheet. On land, which is a beach, draw the trunk of the future palm tree, slightly curved towards the sea. At the top of the tree, draw round coconuts and large spreading palm leaves. Next to the trees you can add a large open umbrella and a sun lounger underneath it. Draw a small balloon circle near the water. Draw the outlines of cloud clusters and several seagulls soaring in the sky near the sun. At this stage we looked at how to draw the beach and the sea.


You need to draw small waves on the surface of the water. To do this, use a simple pencil to apply a few strokes to the sea surface. Shade the surface of the sea near the boulders, this will visually enliven the waves. Use an eraser to lightly rub rough edges to soften the pencil outline. The surface of the sea can also be smoothed by rubbing it with a finger or a piece of paper. These manipulations help you understand how to draw the beach and sea so that they look more realistic. Repeat the same steps with the coast - shade the surface and lightly rub it, creating the appearance of sand on the beach. Excess dark areas in the picture can be removed with an eraser. Rocks and mountains should be the darkest areas, so shade them with more pressure on the pencil and increased frequency of movements. On the clouds, draw faint shading, enough to visualize the movement of air. OnFor additional details in the drawing, apply strokes along the contour, creating shadow and depth of the object.

colorful picture

We looked at how to draw a beach and sea using a pencil. Next we will use gouache. In this case, the work is carried out without a pencil, but we will take the main contours of the previous drawing as a basis. We mark the horizon on paper and divide the celestial space into three parts. The top one will be blue, then pink and then yellow will be applied. Using a damp, washed brush, we blur the rough transition from one color to another. On the bottom half of the sheet we again create three lines of color, starting from the horizon - blue, sand, orange, creating the sea, the coastal area and the beach itself. Again we blur the transitions without touching the middle line. We use white gouache to mark the clouds and paint the top with pink and the bottom with dark blue. Remembering our pencil drawing, we draw rocks using brown gouache. Draw the relief, shadows and blur them along the top edge. We emphasize the line of the beach area with orange gouache and use white to indicate the contours of the sea waves. Using thin strokes we set the direction of the waves. We apply foam along the edges of the waves and crests with white gouache. We emphasize the shadows with blue strokes.

So we learned how to draw the sea and the beach with gouache. If desired, you can add seagulls in the sky, and apply several large stones on the coast.

In this photo tutorial we will look at a simple technique for drawing a seascape. This lesson is perfect for beginners, because the plot lacks precise drawings and complex constructions. The main task in drawing the sea is to harmoniously mix paints on wet paper and make a graduated wash for a realistic water effect.

So, prepare your workplace and take the necessary tools:

  • watercolor paints;
  • special paper for painting with watercolors;
  • container with water;
  • round synthetic or kolinsky brushes No. 5,3 and 4;
  • pencil with eraser.

Drawing stages

Step 1. Start by creating a pencil sketch. Visually divide the sheet into 2/3 parts and draw a horizontal line at the top of the sheet. This way we have created a horizon line. Next, we finish drawing the coastline in the lower left corner.

Draw a big wave under the horizon line.

Below we create small waves.

The sketch is ready. We proceed to drawing with paint, but first we decolorize the rich outline of the drawing with an eraser.

Step 2. Fill the upper part of the sea (behind the big wave) with translucent ultramarine. We blur too clear contours with a wet brush.

Step 3. High waves transmit sunlight well, distorting the main color of the water, making it warmer, so we paint them with a greenish-turquoise tone. The base of the near wave is shaded with lemon diluted with a large amount of water. We leave the wave crests white for now.

Step 4. Fill the gaps between the waves with light ultramarine. Next, use yellow ocher to mark a piece of the breg in the lower left corner.

Step 5. Apply a shade of indigo to the tip of brush No. 3 and use it to mark the dark parts of the waves that form the ridges.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Step 6. The “wet” technique and graduated blur will help us make a realistic sky. We wet the sky area with water and, using a large brush and cobalt blue, begin to draw the sky and the outlines of the clouds.

Step 7. On the sand we draw stones and seaweed washed ashore. For a more interesting result, we recommend making a few splashes of brown to best convey the texture of the sandy shore.

Step 8. Add contrast to the pattern with more saturated shades of turquoise and ultramarine.