How to draw beautiful eyes. How to draw a person's eyes with a pencil step by step


How to draw eyes with a pencil? Each of us has a rough idea of ​​what it looks like human eye and can draw at least this primitive image:

But, since you are puzzled by the question of how to draw an eye step by step, apparently you want to get more.

First, I advise you to go to the mirror and carefully examine your eyes. Simply studying an object always reveals a lot of new things. I remember school lesson drawing, in which we were given a task. I drew the best I could and brought it to the teacher for checking. And Natalya Maksimovna advised me to take a close look at her eyes. “Pay attention,” she said, “we have eyelids and folds under the eyes. They also need to be drawn.” At that moment it became a real discovery for me - it turns out that if you look at something with all your attention, and not just scribble from memory, the object will reveal its new facets to us. You just need to add a few details and the eye starts to look completely different. He becomes more alive, real.

Over the next few years, until I graduated from school, I drew a lot of self-portraits sitting in front of the mirror. And the more the hand worked with the pencil, the better the result. Gradually, the drawing and the reflection in the mirror began to resemble each other, which was not initially observed at all. The longer I painted, the less doubt I had about choosing a profession. I definitely wanted to be.

In this lesson I want to show you how to draw realistic eyes, volume of eyeballs, pupil. If you understand the structure of the eye, then everything will become easier and more understandable.

The eye is based on a ball, which is hidden in a special hole in the skull (orbit). The ball cannot be illuminated evenly. Some part of it will be in the shadow, some in the light, and between light and shadow there is a territory of chiaroscuro. Accordingly, the white in front of the eyes (the white field around the colored circle) will not be uniformly white. Below I will demonstrate this more clearly.

The iris of the eye, the same one that can be green, blue, brown and in rare cases purple, is a rounded bulge extending beyond the eyeball. Accordingly, it will be unevenly illuminated. In fact, the iris does not stick out from the ball that much, but I exaggerated for clarity.

On top of the eyes there is skin that covers most of the eyeball and forms folds - the upper and lower eyelids.

Want to learn how to draw a child's eyes? How are they different from the eyes of an adult? Look at the photo below. The iris of babies seems much larger in size than that of an adult. In fact, children have a smaller eye opening - the opening between the eyelids through which the eyeball is visible. Over time, as the child grows up, the incision will increase and the eyes will “grow up.” And, as a rule, children's eyes are wide open. They look at the world in surprise and do not judge anyone. Kids are simply saturated with information about the place in which they live.

Gradually, under the influence of society, a person’s character is formed. “Mirror of the Soul” acquires its own special features. Some people have laughing eyes, others have stern ones. You drown in someone's eyes like in the sea. They are bottomless and attractive. But there are eyes that you want to turn away from and never look into them again, because there is nothing there except emptiness or malice.

We will draw big beautiful eyes. How to draw eyes step by step?

Draw 2 parallel lines and divide them into 3 equal segments. Why 3? The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye. It may be a little more or a little less.

For most people, the inner corner of the eye is slightly lower than the upper corner. In other words, people's eyes are a little slanted. This “slantness” is most strongly expressed among the peoples of Asia - the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols... However, it is also present among Europeans.

The inner corner of the eye is somewhat narrowed. Here is the so-called lacrimal caruncle - a small area pink color. Everyone's eye shape is very different. I draw the girl's rather large eyes.

We mark the area that will be occupied by the same tear caruncle on the inner corners of the eyes. Then we draw the iris in the form of a circle. As a rule, the iris is not completely visible. It is partially hidden under the upper eyelid. If you want to draw frightened eyes, which are filled with horror, do the opposite - hide part of the iris under the lower eyelid, and leave free space between the upper eyelid and the iris.

Now we draw the pupil exactly in the center of the iris. The size of the pupil depends on the light level. How brighter light, the smaller the pupil. In the dark, when a person peers somewhere, the pupil becomes 2 times larger. Draw the upper and lower eyelids. The shape and width of the eyelid is different for all people. In older people, the upper eyelid may become completely invisible due to overhanging brow ridges. The fold of the lower eyelid is not so noticeable, but at least, in young people. With age, all wrinkles become more pronounced.

In order for the eyes to look more expressive, they need a beautiful frame, or rather eyebrows. The distance between the eyebrows is greater than the length of the eye. The outer ends of the eyebrows extend beyond the outer corner of the eye. Of course, everyone’s eyebrows are different, but, as a rule, they are adjusted to modern canons of beauty with the help of cosmetics. In the Middle Ages, women shaved their eyebrows. This is such a strange fashion requirement... Perhaps in 100 years they will laugh at our ideas about beauty. Who knows...

In our drawing, the light will fall from the right. We mark the highlights on the iris. These are the lightest spots on the eyes. If you look at your eyes in the mirror, you will see how shiny they are. Why is the glare on the iris? Because the iris is the most convex area of ​​the eye and receives the most light.

Now let's start shading the eyes. We take a sharpened HB pencil (hard-soft) and use neat strokes to fill in the entire drawing, except for the highlights in the eyes.

Gradually build up the tone by changing the direction of the stroke.

We darken the eyebrows, irises, upper and lower eyelids on the left (shadow) side.

We slightly darken the areas on the sides of the nose. We continue to darken the eyes and eyebrows layer by layer.

Now let's draw the eyelashes, some of which are shorter, others longer. We draw eyelashes with short strokes from their roots to the eyebrows.

Make the lash line on the upper eyelid darker. This will give your eyes expressiveness.

Now let's get to the fun part. Let's take soft pencil(I used 5B) and darken several areas, namely the pupil in the middle of the eye, the iris, focusing special attention outer edges. We will also darken the eyelash line and the eyelashes themselves on the upper eyelid. Let's highlight the lower eyelashes a little. Let's also make the eyebrow a little darker. As you can see, the eye has come to life. The difference between the right and left parts of the picture is obvious.

People who learn to draw are often interested in the question: how to draw eyes so that the drawing seems to be alive? Indeed, the eyes are always playing main role in a portrait. Therefore, when learning to draw a person, of course, you need to pay enough attention to drawing the eyes. In this lesson I will tell you and clearly demonstrate, using my own drawing as an example, how to draw eyes. If you don't get distracted by the details, there are a few key ideas you need to grasp.

1. So, first. The eye is spherical in shape. Therefore, it is not a flat, but a three-dimensional shape called “eyeball”.

2. Second. The eyeball is protected from above by the eyelids, which form the usual contours of the eyes.

3. Third. The eye is located in a “recess” in our skull called the orbital socket. Therefore, drawing an eye does not mean drawing the contours of the eyelid, but “sculpting” the volumes of the eyeball and what surrounds it.

4. Each eyelid is thick and rises above the surface of the eyeball. In addition, the eyelids form characteristic folds of skin.

5. To learn how to draw eyes, you need to understand the shape of the eye socket, eyelids, and eyeball. To do this, I draw a conditional line in my drawing that repeats the “relief”. With this line, the shape of the eyes and all the curves are clearly visible. In the final version of the drawing, this line, of course, should not be drawn. I added it only for educational purposes.

6. For even greater clarity, I apply conventional shading according to the shape of the surface. The lines of this hatching show all the bends. Our drawing seems to consist of planes or edges with the help of which the form is “molded”. Such a “faceted” drawing helps to understand the essence of the form, without being distracted by unimportant details. This greatly simplifies the drawing process for beginning artists.

At the end of this stage of the drawing, I will also add that each person, of course, has his own unique shape eyelids, eyebrows, bridge of the nose... But we are all united by a number of features inherent in all people. Therefore, my drawing is conditional in nature, conveying these key features.

7. Next, I begin to convey volume using shading (read about how to shading). As you know, volume is conveyed according to the well-known law of chiaroscuro: the brightest place is the highlight, followed by light, after light - penumbra, then shadow, and finally - reflex. The result is a tonal stretch - from light to dark. Depending on the direction of the light, a person's face can be illuminated from above, below or from the side. Therefore, the transition from light to shadow can be not only from left to right, but also from top to bottom. Therefore, I shade the eyeball, eyelids, bridge of the nose, and eyebrow area, taking this moment into account. For example, the area between the eyebrow and the eye will be the lightest on the left and top, and the darkest part will be on the right and bottom. The same applies to the upper eyelid - it will be the lightest on the left, and the darkest on the right. This results in a tonal stretch from left to right. But the direction of light may be different. For example, a person’s head is illuminated not by the sun from above, but by a lamp from below. Then everything will be different. But the principle I'm talking about will remain. Therefore, you need to understand how light is distributed according to shape, on which side the light source is located, etc.

8. Now I am enhancing the shadows that were only outlined at the beginning of the drawing.

9. I continue to work, working on the tear duct and lower eyelid.

10. I draw the iris and pupil of the eye. This stage always interests people the most. How to draw eyes so that they look “life-like.” To do this, you need to understand a simple principle, which I have clearly outlined in the diagram below. If opaque spherical objects are light on the light side and dark on the shadow side, then transparent spherical objects can look exactly the opposite. Depending on what surrounds such a transparent object, it may look different. For example, often on the side of the illuminated part it is dark, and on the side of the shadow, on the contrary, it is light. It turns out that the usual chiaroscuro (flare, light, penumbra, shadow, reflex) will be absent here, since the object is transparent and shiny. Therefore, here you need to convey glare and reflexes (reflections) on the surface of the eyes. The iris and pupil are located under the transparent lens-shaped cornea of ​​the eye. The shiny surface of the eye (cornea) reflects light in the form of glare. In addition, everything that surrounds the eye is reflected on the surface of the eye. These reflections (reflexes) will not be as noticeable as glare. The artist does not have to list all these reflections. You should choose the most interesting ones and focus on them. An excess of such details will not only complicate the work, but also spoil the drawing. Having completed this stage of the drawing, the eyes will turn out “alive”, with a “sparkle”.

11. Now about the eyelashes. Most often, you should not draw them in detail in a drawing. It is enough to simply outline a dark line on the upper eyelid. This line will look like a row of eyelashes. However, in this tutorial I am doing a detailed drawing. That's why I draw eyelashes in more detail than usual. But even in this case, they should not be drawn in the same degree of detail. For example, on one edge I make the eyelash row darker, and on the other, lighter. Those. I emphasize the center of the picture. Also, the clarity of drawing the eyelashes will be different: in some places they are more blurry, and in others they are clearer.

Many aspiring artists strive most to draw human faces. This is understandable: the face is the most important aesthetic component of the body, and orders for portraits are received much more often than, say, for images of feet.

If you have already more or less studied general structure human head, the initial construction and basics of chiaroscuro, you can begin to master the details. The most expressive part of the face is, without a doubt, the eyes - it is these that we will learn to draw today.

So let's get started!

First sketch out the outline of your eye. Designate general shape, outline the tear duct and eyelid.

Then draw the outlines of the iris and pupil, then outline the outline of the highlights and lightly shade the iris, avoiding the intended highlights.

On next step shade the pupil (immediately make it darker to separate it from the iris). Start drawing the veins on the iris, and also draw a falling shadow from the upper eyelid. Do not press too hard on the pencil so that you can gradually build up the tone in the right places.

Draw the veins on the iris more carefully, work out the shadows above the upper eyelid, and also draw a shadow under the lower one. Use a thin edge of the cut elastic around the eye: on this light line we will draw the eyelashes.

Draw eyelashes - and the drawing will immediately take on a completely different look. The upper eyelashes cross, forming “triangles”. The lower eyelashes are usually much thinner, shorter and sparser than the upper ones. It would also be useful to work out the texture of the iris in more detail: apply dark spots and strokes, and gently erase tiny light areas.

It remains to work on the details. Strengthen all dark places: the pupil, the contour of the iris (its upper border is in the shadow, therefore darker), the lower border of the upper eyelashes. The shadows above the upper and lower eyelids also need to be made a little darker. Pay attention to the highlights: they should be as light as possible. Add volume eyeball, slightly enhancing the shadows and highlights.

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw an eye step by step. First, let's understand what the eye consists of; knowing all its components, you can easily achieve a realistic image of it.

Structure of the eye

We have analyzed the structure of the eye, let's move on to the drawing of the eye

Drawing an eye

Let's start with the pupil, you can use a circle or draw it freehand. We draw a larger circle - this will be our iris, and in it a smaller circle - the pupil.

Next stage. Draw the upper and lower eyelids. In order to do this correctly, let’s imagine that the shape of the eyelids resembles a fish. If we stretch our imagination a little, we should get something similar.

Draw a few highlights on our pupil - this will give the eye realism. Don't forget about the 3rd eyelid, about the thickness of the upper and lower eyelids. Once you are completely satisfied with the shape of our eye, we can forget about fish and fins.

An equally important detail in drawing an eye is the eyelashes. You need to understand for yourself exactly what shape your eyelashes are, in which direction they grow, and how not to draw them. Eyelashes are usually shaped like a reverse comma. They are thicker at the base and taper at the end. Eyelashes are never straight and of the same thickness, otherwise you will end up with rays of sunshine like children draw. Pay attention to how not to draw eyelashes and how to depict them correctly.

Practice separately until you get it right. Now let's move on to the direction of eyelash growth. On the eyelid, eyelashes usually grow in different directions depending on location. In the figure below I will show with arrows where and in which direction they grow. Do not forget that closer to the corner of the eye (3rd eyelid) the eyelashes decrease in size. Under no circumstances make them the same size, otherwise it won’t look believable.

In order to make our eyelashes look thicker, we stroke a little at half strength at the base of the eyelashes. This will give your eyelashes volume and thickness.

Let's move on to the tone, volume and realism part of our eye. In this lesson, our eye will be black and white to highlight the basics and structures. Let's divide our eye into tones. The lightest part will be the highlight on the pupil. We will not touch it, but later we will completely erase its contours. Please note that the darkest thing in our eye is the pupil, then the eyelashes follow the tone, then the 3rd eyelid, the iris, and the lightest will be the white of the eye (don’t leave it white, it also has a tone).

To correctly apply the tone, I will mark with red lines where it should be applied so that you do not make a mistake. Remember that the highlight should remain pure white. The arrows indicate the direction in which your tone should weaken and merge with what you applied earlier.

You should be able to similar image eyes

Finally, add some contrast to your eye. If necessary, increase the tone where you applied it. If you wish, you can draw in volume the upper eyelid that covers the eye. This will give our eye even more volume and realism. Pay attention to the structure of the iris. Draw it, it will only be a plus for your eye.

The anime style eyes are very beautiful. The eye pattern in this style is a little distorted, but very effective. The eyes are unnaturally large with long eyelashes; these are the kind of eyes that girls dream of. Unfortunately, such eyes can only be seen in pictures; in reality, human eyes look different. However, it is not necessary to have huge eyes and long eyelashes, any person has very beautiful eyes, especially when he smiles. Any portrait of a person is, first of all, correctly drawn eyes. However, drawing eyes correctly is quite difficult, since it is very difficult to convey a person’s gaze in a drawing. Let's try to learn draw eyes person with a pencil, step by step.

1. First draw simple outlines

To make it easier for you draw eyes person, I decided to draw only one eye. But you can immediately draw two eyes by placing them side by side in mirror image. To do this, draw both contours in your drawing at once. Please note that the eyes should be the same, but in a mirror position in relation to each other, otherwise they will look crooked and askew, which is naturally undesirable for drawing a girl’s beautiful eyes.

2. Add another outline to the picture

So far the lesson on how to draw eyes is more like a geometry lesson. But it will be easier for you to learn to draw correctly with these figures. Please note that the second contour is not a square, but a rectangle, its horizontal sides are longer than the perpendicular ones.

3. Draw the general shape of the eye

Now you will need to draw the shape of the eye, “stretch” the previous outline and draw an oval for the cornea of ​​the eye inside the rectangle. All this is not difficult to do, it is only important to accurately mark where the corners of the eye will be located. Please note that if the angled lines are connected too far, the eyes will appear narrow.

4. The eye takes on a real shape

When drawing eyes, it is important to correctly draw the shape of the eye, to “maintain” all the proportions, and that’s why we used geometric shapes. But at this step, we will no longer need them, and they will need to be deleted. But first you need to change the shape of the eye, just like in my drawing. The left corner of the eye (in relation to you) needs to be brought out general outline and lower almost to the level of the lower part of the oval of the cornea. And on the contrary, move the right corner of the eye inside the contour at the level of the horizontal marking line. After that smooth lines connect the corners into one. Now you can remove the unnecessary ones contour lines and in the picture it is now real beautiful eye. This is a difficult step, give it the most attention.

5. Eye drawing is almost finished

Inside the cornea of ​​the eye you need to draw a pupil. The pupils do not need to be drawn too large. Human eyes have small pupils in normal lighting. In the left corner, draw a bag for tears, and on top, a parallel line of the upper eyelid. Now we can say that you were able to draw the eye almost completely. All that remains is to draw the eyelashes and shade the drawing a little with a pencil.

6. How to shade your eyes with pencil

To finally draw the eyes you need to add eyelashes, but small ones. After all, we are drawing ordinary human eyes, and not the eyes of a fashion model from a magazine. Please note that eyelashes can have an unexpected effect on your eye and should be used with caution. Then you need to darken some areas of the eyelids, as shown in the picture. You also need to add a stroke around the eye where the eyelashes were, and outline the iris. And of course, color the iris with colored pencils.

7. Add Color to the Iris

Now, when drawing a person’s face, you can confidently and correctly do eye drawing.

Drawings of faces, human eyes, portraits - this is the most complex look fine arts. Learn to draw a portrait of a person, a person's eyes, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent. The difficulty of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey emotional state a person, his facial expressions, depth of gaze, etc. The most important thing in a portrait is to correctly draw the person’s eyes.

Eyes in an anime drawing are the basis of this style. All pictures of girls drawn in anime style are distinguished by huge eyes - black, blue, green. But be sure to be huge and expressive. To draw eyes correctly, you must do this in stages, since eyes are the most important and complex element of any human drawing.

When drawing a person, you should see the entire future image from the expected lines and all you have to do is draw them. IN fine arts the most important thing is not the accuracy of the proportions and lines of the drawing, but the image of the main, most important thing. Very often, it is enough to accurately draw eyes that convey the mood and character of a person.

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Pictures of Spider-Man attract with their dynamism and brightness. Spider-Man's eyes are hidden under a mask, with triangular slits for the eyes. But if you draw this character close up, you will need to draw the eyes in more detail. To do this, you can use this lesson and draw the eyes accurately and correctly.

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