How can you get rid of loan debts? How to get rid of loans legally


There are cases when a person takes out several bank loans at once, and all of them must be repaid on time, taking into account accrued interest and penalties for late payments. And the deadline for their return is approaching, this person simply does not have the amount of money necessary for this. In such cases, many people stop all ties with the bank, begin to go into hiding, and the banks sell the resulting debts to collection agencies.

So “going underground” is not an option.

First of all, in such cases, it is necessary to take into account all income and expenses, both of the whole family and personal, in order to distribute funds in such a way that they are enough for everything, for which it is advisable to draw up a financial plan reflecting all sources of income and expense items. To do this, you can use computer programs such as “Home Money” (“Home Money”).

Then you will need to sharply reduce your appetites and switch to a regime of strict savings: dress worse, eat worse, and reduce other expenses. The salary received will have to be spent only on repaying the loans taken. If possible, you should get a second job and look for other sources of additional income. It would be reasonable to sell those things that the debtor and his family do not use constantly, with the proceeds used exclusively to pay off debts. You can also try to borrow money from friends and relatives, but only as much as the debtor will actually be able to repay on time.

To each of the banks where several loans were received, the debtor can submit applications for their so-called. restructuring, i.e. – changing the terms of the loan. Typically, banks agree to restructuring if the debtor has become disabled, seriously ill, lost his breadwinner, or was fired from his job. Banks may also take into account other force majeure circumstances that have arisen in front of the debtor, but the debtor will have to document all of this to them.

After checking the submitted documents, bank specialists, as a rule, offer the debtor a choice of several restructuring schemes. For example, if the loan was taken out in foreign currency, it can be converted into Russian rubles. Or the main payment burden may be shifted to those months in which the last payments are due. Or payments may be deferred for a period agreed upon by the parties. Finally, the size of monthly payments may be reduced, but at the same time the terms within which the loan will have to be repaid will also be extended. The agreement on debt restructuring is formalized by a bilateral written agreement.

If several loans were taken out from the same bank, the debts on them can be refinanced. That is, all loans taken are summed up, and a single credit file is opened for the borrower. Penalties and interest begin to accrue on such a consolidated loan. To pay them, the bank can provide the debtor with a new loan. If you have a “clean” credit history, it is provided at a reduced interest rate; if there have been delays, it is provided exclusively at an increased interest rate. It is clear that, therefore, debt refinancing is extremely unprofitable for such debtors.

But you shouldn’t count on debt forgiveness in any case. Therefore, one way or another, such debtors will have to look for the most optimal options for repaying all loans taken.

font-family:" arial="">« To make your wallet fatter, throw away all your credit cards.». ( Robert Orben)

Loans and debts are a consequence of inept distribution of funds. Take control of your money - start maintaining a personal budget. The program is perfect for this "Home accounting".

" arial="">Hello, dear reader.

" arial="">This post is dedicated to the topic of loans and debts, since this issue is extremely important and interests many people nowadays. And indeed, consumer loans or mortgages are advertised from all angles, especially since they are really easy to take , and debts can quietly grow to large sizes.

" arial="">It’s easy to take, but it’s not so easy to give away if you don’t know a working method that allows you to do everything step by step and in a short time. Today we will talk about how to get rid of loans and debts and do it quickly.

" arial="">It doesn’t matter at all what kind of debt you have - it could be a mortgage, consumer loans, credit cards, etc. When a person has a lot of debts, this begins to weigh on him, because if there is a delay in payments, from the bank will call and remind you that you owe them, and it’s also inconvenient in front of your friends when you owe money and cannot pay everything back on time.

There is one very effective method that really works - tested in practice and by more than one person. This method will not only show you how to get rid of loans and debts, but will also give you the opportunity to benefit from this situation.

Let's look at the specific steps you need to take



" arial="">Initially it is necessary to carry out audit of your debt obligations(simple and credit). Keeping everything in your mind won't do any good. Take a notebook or notepad, you can also use a computer (excel or special software, such as "Home accounting" ) and write down each of your debts - car loan, mortgage loan, credit cards, consumer loans, etc.

" arial="">You must analyze each of your loans in this way so that you get a diagram that indicates which loan, what payments and how much is left to pay (weeks, months or years).

Even if you recorded all this on the computer, be sure to transfer it to paper so that there is a visual diagram that will organize all your debts, and your thoughts too.

" arial="">This is very important to do and you can’t do without it. Remember, if you haven’t transferred your thoughts to paper, you can assume that they never existed.

When your outline is ready, number all your debts and loans - start with the smallest , that is, from the one that can be repaid the fastest.

Now let's talk directly about how to get rid of loans and debts



If you owe money to specific people, overcome the shame and agree to pay it back gradually, in small amounts, or, with sufficient self-discipline, save small amounts regularly and repay the debt after accumulating enough funds.

We start paying off debts from the smallest - try to make a larger payment each month than necessary. For example, if you need to deposit 1500 rubles, try to pay 2000, 2500 or more. We make payments in such a way that the loan is closed not in a year, but in 7-8 months.

"arial=""> After the smallest loan is repaid, the money that was spent on payments on it will be freed up for you. You don’t spend this money, but transfer it to your next debt.. That is, you make your regular payments, plus the additional payment that you made for the previous loan. In addition, try to speed up its repayment too.

" arial="">When these two loans are repaid, the cash contributions from them are transferred to the next one and so on.

Psychology of reward



If you think that you will have to strain all the time and there will be no relaxation, then you are mistaken , since the human psyche cannot withstand such a lifestyle for long. Therefore, after repaying your next loan, be sure to give yourself a gift - buy some good thing or gadget, go to a cafe or an amusement park. In general, please yourself - positive emotions are simply necessary to consolidate this course of action.

Psychological attitude is fundamentally important " arial=""> in any business and if enthusiasm disappears, then a person often lets everything go. This fact cannot be left without taking into account; always remember to reward all your positive actions.



Another important point - when you pay off a loan debt using this method, you gradually get used to the fact that every month you need to pay a certain amount of money. However, eventually you will pay off all your debt obligations.

After this happens, the amount of your monthly payments, and by this time it is quite high, you do not add to your family budget and do not spend it on your regular expenses - instead you start put it aside in a separate bank deposit.

" arial="">It’s really important to do this - consider it as if you took a loan from yourself. This way you can pay yourself much more than 10% of your income, because you are paying yourself what you once overpaid to the banks. This way you provide yourself with savings for the future and spend this money only on investments and your financial future.

" arial="">Your separate deposit in the bank is source of free money, which you can use to make investment transactions and achieve your financial goals.



This method, when implemented, helps to pay off loans and debts of any size. . And thanks to the fact that you will have free money, you will be able to invest, travel and relax as you please.

" arial="">That's all, now you know how to get rid of loans and debts. Continue to improve your financial literacy (self-education plays an important role), use the rule - " " and save 10% of each income; pay off loans and debts to increase the level of these fees; create an emergency fund and then start investing money. These are all the steps you need to take to gain financial independence.

Interested in the world of finance, investing and personal wealth management? Subscribe to RSS " arial="">. Or simply .

If you have several debts, do not despair ahead of time. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of loans in a legal way.

Wasting money leads to debts that are difficult to repay. The situation is aggravated when applying for several loans at the same time. By listening to useful recommendations, you will quickly pay off the principal amount of the loan, accrued interest and penalties.

How to repay a loan if the required amount is not available?

Before applying for a loan, think about the debt repayment process and additional sources of income. Otherwise, the question arises of how to get rid of loans if you have nothing to pay. In such a situation, you should not panic and deceive bank employees. Turning off your phone and moving temporarily will not solve the problem. This will worsen the debtor’s situation - the matter will fall into the hands of collectors.

Real ways to pay off debt:

  1. In the absence of accounting for income and expenses of the family budget, it is difficult to distribute funds for all needs. The drawn up financial plan will reflect the sources of income and expense items. Organizers, special programs or applications are suitable for these purposes - “Expense Accounting”, “Family Budget”, Home Money. They will help you see the current state of things.
  2. Reduce unnecessary costs. Refusal of luxury items and new clothes, reducing the cost of their maintenance, revising the list of products in the diet will save some money.
  3. Searching for an additional source of income. Consider earning money as a way to get rid of credit; do not spend the proceeds on something else.
  4. Selling unused items. Use the income from their sale to cover the debt.
  5. Borrowing the required amount from relatives or friends. Explain why you need the money, do not take extra funds.

The list of methods for paying off debt will expand if you take the problem seriously. Each situation is individual, the solution to which will be unexpected for the borrower.

Focus on the problem, solve the issue of getting rid of loans by legal means.

Debt restructuring: how to get rid of a loan legally?

Late payment forces the lender to charge a penalty on the loan amount and interest for its use. The amount of debt increases. An application to the bank for debt restructuring will help prevent further developments.

Employees of a commercial institution can also help you get rid of your loan in a legal way. The terms of the loan are reviewed and changed to others.

Loan restructuring is available to debtors with difficult life circumstances.

Valid reasons:

  • dismissal from work;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • serious disease;
  • disability.

These incidents are considered force majeure and are listed in the loan agreement. When concluding a deal, carefully read all the clauses of the contract you sign. Knowing the contents of the document will help you understand how to get rid of loans if you have nothing to pay.

If there is confirmation of the occurrence of a force majeure situation, a bank specialist will propose restructuring schemes:

  • increasing loan terms while reducing monthly payments;
  • provision of credit holidays or deferred payments for a specified period;
  • moving the payment burden to the last months of payments;
  • replacing the loan amount from foreign currency to Russian rubles.

If it is impossible to pay the minimum payment on time for good reasons, go to the bank and agree to review the terms of the loan. The agreement is stated in writing and signed by both parties.

How to get rid of loans when there are a lot of them, or what is debt refinancing?

Refinancing is one of the most common and optimal options to get rid of a loan in a legal way. Recreating possible expenses in your head is not so easy if you have accumulated debts. Group loans within one credit file using bank refinancing. This will save money and personal time. Payment of interest and penalties is carried out on a single loan.

Refinancing allows you to borrow money from a bank to pay off existing debt. If your credit history is clean, the bank will provide you with money at a reduced interest rate. If there is a delay, the prerogative to refinance the loan remains with the financial institution that issued it.

In the second case, the interest rate will increase. The new agreement will be unprofitable compared to the previous one. The payer will have to pay the amount of the new loan immediately, and also figure out how to get rid of previous debts.

Study the proposed conditions, do not take another loan if it will drag you even deeper into the debt abyss.

No financial institution will forgive you a loan. If you don’t want to deal with bailiffs and debt collectors, make a compromise and choose the best option on how to get rid of loan debts in a legal way. Otherwise, you face 2-3 years of litigation, calls and visits from uninvited guests.

A person living with a mountain of debt knows that borrowed money is empty, dust. How to find a way out?

The most difficult task is to take the first step.

Often, something supernatural must happen to understand that debt has created an emergency situation in life - that it is time to change. But where to start? How to get rid of debts if you have no money.

When the financial side of life is bursting at the seams, it is barely possible to keep the situation under control. Figuring out what to do first is the most difficult task leading to victory.. Sometimes the complexity of the situation is paralyzing.

When you have debt, it's easy to stick your head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work.

The first step to a debt-free life: it will be different for everyone.

Anyone who has ever planned how to get rid of debt if you have no money knows for sure that it is difficult to create a working plan for paying off a loan. How then?

To find the best working “first steps” to get out of the debt trap, here are the stories of several Western bloggers who were in credit slavery. They share how they acted at the very beginning, and I will also talk about my first step in paying off a dollar mortgage.

Here's what they say:

Rank debts by interest rate or emotional component.

“The first thing I did to get out of debt was calculate how much I owed and look at the interest rates on the loans,” says Melanie Lockert of

She began her debt-free journey by taking a detailed look at everything she owed and writing down all her credit details. I have listed them in order of decreasing interest rate.

This method allowed her to see the whole situation and allowed her to create an excellent plan for decisive action.

“After I saw that the rates on one of the loans were significantly higher than student loans, I decided to focus on getting rid of the debt with the highest interest rate,” she says.

“It was important to me to save money even while paying off the loan, so I knew the decision to pay off debt with a higher interest rate would work for me.”

This is one of the options for how to get rid of debts. If you have no money, you need to understand where you are in order to get rid of debts.

Regardless of which method you choose to pay off your loans: the avalanche method, the snowball method, or another method, seeing how much you are overpaying in interest may be enough to take action no matter what.

Paula Pant of had a completely different approach to paying off loans.

In order to quickly get rid of debts, in addition to monthly payments, she began to make additional payments on the loan that irritated her most emotionally.

It wasn't the loan with the highest interest rate, nor the one with the smallest debt, it was the debt she most wanted to get rid of. “For me, this strategy is what motivates me,” she says.

In other words, you can repay any loan you want. Choose one thing and start taking action.

I created a budget

“The first step I took to get out of debt was to create a budget,” says John Schmall of “I had no idea where my money was going and this led to the current problems.

He realized that he was using credit cards for a lifestyle he couldn't really afford. Schmoll decided it was time to figure out where the money was going and create a budget that would record everything. For Schmoll, that meant tracking expenses and creating a budget that his family would stick to.

I love zero budgeting. However, there are several other popular methods for budgeting, each with their own set of pros and cons.

Regardless of your choice, you will win in the end. For Shmall and his family budgeting was “the start of a journey to end debt once and for all.”

But creating a budget isn't always enough, says Chris Peach of While it sounds reasonable that you would pay off your debts, Chris states that it is reasonable not to.

“You have to channel your money, tell it what to do, or it will evaporate. You need to create a budget and start telling your money which direction to go and what to do."

Chris points out that in the budget it is necessary not only to allocate how much and what to spend (on restaurants X ₽, on food Y ₽, and on clothes Z ₽).

The point is that such expense items as investment, financial safety net, charity, dream (or vacation, or both), etc. must be highlighted. That expenses for food, entertainment and transportation should be comparable to how much you spend on early loan repayment and on increasing assets.

You not only record how much you spent from month to month, but also analyze expenses and direct cash flows.

I took a snapshot of our entire financial picture.

For Deacon Hayes of and me, getting out of debt meant taking a look at your family's finances and figuring out exactly "where they were."

“The first thing we did to get out of debt was take a snapshot of the overall financial picture,” he says. “We created a spreadsheet that not only tracked our income and expenses, but also included our assets and debts.”

A closer look at finances allowed Deacon and his wife to see an accurate financial picture. They also got a clear picture of where they are now (Point A) so they could create a realistic plan of action to get rid of their loans (Point B), he says.

I did the same thing when in 2008 I took out a mortgage in foreign currency, I needed foreign currency, I had credit card debt and I decided to save some more money.

How to get rid of debts if you have no money was a pressing issue at that time. The overall picture of income, expenses, assets and my debts opened the curtain for further action.

Mapping out your assets and liabilities is one of the most important steps towards improving your money situation and getting rid of debt.

Because you can't figure out where you'll be if you don't know where you are now. You also cannot correct what you do not think needs to be corrected, you can only do this by writing down your financial situation.

Ty and Talaat McNealy are financial experts who talk about family finances on His and Her Money
believe that the first step should be to analyze the financial situation using the “big picture of all debts.”

“After systematizing all debts, you will have a clear understanding of your credit load. Organize constant monitoring of the list of debts and work with it,” they explain. “Now you have a clear idea that there is a hole that needs to be filled. There are debts and you know your goal, so you can create an action plan accordingly.”

I admitted that I have a problem

Getting out of debt is impossible unless you admit you have a problem. This is exactly what happened to Shannon McClay of The Financial Gym before she got her finances figured out.

“I used a credit card and expected to receive bonuses or cashback (return of part of the amount spent),” she said. “I never thought I had a problem even though I always paid with a credit card.”

In the end, Shannon realized that she was creating problems for herself, and that using loans was a crutch that helped her walk, but not her legs.

When you're able to make minimum monthly payments, it's easy to think everything is fine. But this is an illusion.

By allowing us to live beyond our means, credit cards and loans mask the real problem until it completely gets out of control and then the question of how to get rid of debts if there is no money rises to the top of the agenda.

“Once I realized that my spending was creating unnecessary debt and that I was part of the problem, I was able to start looking for a solution to change the situation,” she says.

I'm shocked by my expenses

Much has been said about the importance of tracking expenses, it's important to note why this step is so powerful. Sometimes, for a situation to change, you have to experience a shock. If you have been emptying your wallet for quite a long time and spending money on something incomprehensible, by analyzing your expenses, you can take the first step to change the situation.

That's exactly what happened to Jacob Wade of early on.

After studying Dave Ramsey's materials, he took bank statements for the last three months to assess what was happening with his money.

“I took all the expenses and categorized them to see where the money was going. I almost had a heart attack when I realized I was spending $600 a month on food at the mall!” - says Jacob. “It opened my eyes, and from then on I immediately created a budget and tracked every dollar.”

It may be a little difficult, but not as painful as allowing expenses to go unchecked. You will experience the same shock if you dare to study bank statements.

Stop being afraid of what you see, this is reality, act. Hiding your head in the sand - see what comes of it (at the end of the article in the cartoon on this topic).

Final thoughts

Living your life in debt is as easy as eating an apple, and understanding this can change the situation. However, change always begins with the first step - the one moment you decide to take action. How to get rid of debts if you have no money? Everything is the same, make a decision and your life will change in that very moment.

Then take the first step, it is different for everyone, but there is one thing that matters - take it and do it.

Taking that first step may be the hardest thing you've ever done... just as it is hard for everyone who has shared their story. But the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get started. Start making decisions now and life will change for the better. Verified.

What was your first step out of debt? What progress have you made since then?

What to do if your financial situation has worsened and you have nothing to pay off your loans? Hiding from the bank is not an option, since the debt burden will only increase due to accrued penalties and interest. Is it possible to somehow relieve oneself of financial obligations to the bank? How to get rid of a loan legally?

From this article you will learn:

Can a bank write off debts?

Credit is one of the products on which banks make money. By lending money at interest, institutions do everything to return their funds. It is stupid to hope that the creditor will forgive the unscrupulous payer and remove all obligations from him.

By signing a loan agreement, a person undertakes obligations to fulfill it. The banking agreement specifies all the conditions, rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the client’s responsibility in the event of debt on the loan. By violating the contract, the borrower condemns himself to additional obligations - payment of penalties, fines and penalties. How to get rid of loans if you have nothing to pay? There are legal ways not to repay a loan to the bank. However, they do not apply to all situations.

If the borrower has a debt, the bank's security service begins to analyze the debtor's circumstances in order to decide on further collection actions. The bank can write off the debt in the following situations:

  • death of the borrower (with no heirs);
  • the amount of debt is lower than the costs of the procedure for its return;
  • The statute of limitations has passed (3 years).

It is almost impossible to get rid of a loan if it is issued with collateral. If the client does not pay under the agreement, the creditor collects the debt by seizing the collateral through bailiffs.

Let's consider several options for getting rid of debts to the bank, their advantages and disadvantages.

Credit holidays

Deferring payments is a legal way to avoid paying a loan for several months. Many banks provide the opportunity to take a credit holiday. They usually last 6-12 months. During this time, the borrower is released from paying the principal debt and pays only interest on the loan. Or, on the contrary, it pays off the “body” of the loan, and repays the interest after the end of the holidays.

Banks cannot provide a deferment just because the borrower has nothing to pay. There must be good reasons for this. To receive a credit holiday, the client must provide documentary evidence of his deteriorated financial situation.

Reasons why a bank may grant a deferment:

  • long-term illness (the borrower will have to provide certificates from a medical institution);
  • dismissal from work through no fault of the borrower (a work record book or a dismissal order, as well as a certificate from the employment center will be required);
  • loss of a breadwinner (death certificate);
  • birth of a child (birth certificate).

Advantages of credit holidays:

  • You can legally not repay the loan amount for 6-12 months, paying only interest;
  • the best option for those who have temporary financial difficulties.
  • the loan amount increases;
  • deferment is provided only to borrowers with a good credit history;
  • The bank gives credit holidays only in connection with valid reasons for the deterioration of the borrower’s financial situation.


Getting rid of debt through restructuring is suitable for those who have regular income and can pay off the debt, but in small payments. Restructuring is a change in the terms of a banking agreement. As a rule, banks offer to extend the loan agreement, and therefore reduce the monthly payment. This option will not get rid of the debt, but it will help pay it off with the least loss for the budget.

  • the ability to reduce the percentage;
  • the ability to pay off debt in small payments;
  • banks can restructure debt for both consumer loans and mortgages.
  • due to the extension of the loan agreement, the loan amount will increase;
  • provided only upon confirmation of loss of solvency by certificates.

Redemption of your debt

How to get rid of loans legally, while maintaining your reputation as a reliable borrower? One option is to buy back your debt from the bank. If banks sell the debts of their unreliable clients to collectors for 10-20% of their real value, then why not the borrower himself buy his debt?

The repurchase occurs by concluding an assignment agreement (assignment of claims) with the bank. The bank will not enter into such an agreement with the borrower, since he is an interested party. Therefore, the debtor will have to find a front man, or better yet, an organization that will buy the debt from the bank. Anti-collection agencies that specialize in such issues can provide assistance.

As a result, the borrower pays 10 to 20% of the debt amount to the bank through an intermediary and the loan agreement is closed.

  • the opportunity to get rid of debts by purchasing them for next to nothing;
  • opportunity to maintain a clear credit history.
  • you will have to pay for the services of intermediaries;
  • The bank may refuse the repurchase.


Another way to legally get rid of credit debts is through litigation. This option takes a long time and is not very reliable, but in some cases it allows you to write off the entire debt.

To write off debts through the court you need:

  • not making loan payments;
  • do not own any liquid property.

After 90 days of delay, the bank, as a rule, takes more stringent collection measures - it transfers the borrower’s case to collectors or goes to court. If the case goes to court, then it will not be possible to hide from the creditor and the authorities. The court declares the debtor bankrupt and makes a decision on forced collection of debt through bailiffs. In this case, the authorities can seize property (car, valuables, real estate, part of the income), put it up for auction, sell it and close the case.

In order to write off debts, but at the same time remain with property, the debtor needs to make sure in advance that all liquid property is registered in another name, for example, in a close family member. By law, bailiffs do not have the right to seize the property of relatives.

To prevent authorities from writing off part of your salary every month, you will have to part with your official earnings and find an unofficial source of income. In this case, the bailiffs will not be able to seize funds from wages.

If a person has neither property nor income, then the bailiffs will send a letter to the bank about the impossibility of collecting funds. The debts will be written off and the enforcement proceedings will be closed.

  • the ability to completely write off the debt;
  • the ability to preserve property from bailiffs.
  • this is a lengthy procedure that requires legal knowledge or the assistance of a specialist;
  • Bailiffs can challenge the debtor’s transactions if he decides to transfer the property to another person before the bankruptcy procedure.

Guarantor's help

If the loan was issued with a guarantor, the borrower may ask him to assume payment obligations for a certain period of time. Of course, not every guarantor will agree to this. But on the other hand, he will have no choice but to pay the loan for the debtor, since according to the contract this is his direct responsibility. During this time, the borrower can improve his financial situation and repay the loan in the future.

  • the opportunity to gain time to find funds;
  • if there is a guarantor, the bank will demand payment from him if the main borrower does not make payments.