How to draw a snake (viper) beautifully. How to draw animals: snakes and their patterns How to draw a viper fish with a pencil step by step


Now we will look at how you can draw a snake very beautifully with a pen, but I would recommend using a pointed pencil first, because... In case of an error, an incorrect line drawn with a pencil can be corrected (erased), but not with a pen. At the end of the lesson there is a video attached, it is better to immediately watch the video for a complete understanding, and then proceed to step by step drawing. The video is very short, only 2 minutes, shown in an accelerated version.

Step 1. Draw the outline of the snake using sketchy lines. Enlarge the images by clicking on them.

Step 2. In the same way we sketch the mouth, teeth and tongue.

Step 3. Now that everything is outlined, we draw the snake’s mouth. Use a sheet of white paper under your hand so as not to smudge the drawing with your hand.

Step 4. Make the dark areas with cross hatching and the light areas with regular hatching (parallel diagonal lines). Fill in the eye with cross hatching, leaving a highlight. Closer to the highlight when shading there should be white gaps in the paper.

Step 5. Create dark areas on top of the teeth and begin shading the oral cavity.

Step 6. Shade the mouth cavity and start drawing the scales on the muzzle.

Step 7. We shade each scale on the head. Next to it is an enlarged version only in one direction, you can stop there. After a few pictures there will be an enlarged version, then it will be possible to shade it as necessary, i.e. cross-hatching, while the bottom of the scales is dark (the lines lie close to each other), and the top is light (there long distance between lines).

Step 8. We begin to outline the scales on the snake’s body.

Step 9. We delimit the entire snake and begin shading the scales. We do shading diagonally in one direction.

Step 10. Paint over the scales on the tail. Where there are dark areas, we do shading in the other direction.

Step 11. Now we paint over the snake’s neck or body from the head to the intersection with the tail with lines in the opposite direction than we had on the scales before, to create the effect of a shadow transition.

Step 12. Shading the remaining part of the snake's body. Look carefully at the picture, stroke in the direction of the bend of the snake’s body.

Step 13. Using parallel lines, create a dark area on the body. We begin to shade the light part of the body (bottom).

Step 14. After finishing the bottom, draw lines in the other direction on the dark area of ​​the snake's skin.

Step 15. We also make a very dark area, which is located behind the snake’s mouth.

Step 16. Darken more areas on the body and the snake is ready.

How to draw a snake. Snakes are widespread, they prefer to settle near water, but they also live in the steppes and even quite high in the mountains. In general, where there are frogs, lizards or mice for food, snakes are fine there. Therefore, I think that almost all of us have at least once seen a live snake - a very ordinary snake. Out of fear, people confuse it with a viper, but here it should be noted that snakes generally have a fairly uniform color, spots on the body, if any, are dim. Vipers, on the other hand, are usually decorated with a zigzag, clearly visible pattern. (There is another difference - I’ll tell you about it later, but now let’s draw the snake.

Drawing "Already crawling"

A crawling snake does not wriggle in steep waves, but looks like a smoothed sinusoid. First, draw a ridge line with a pencil. Next - it’s easier, we draw the sides and head. Or maybe not easier. When children draw snakes from their imagination, the most difficult thing for them is to maintain an even thickness of the body and at the same time smoothly narrow the tail to nothing.

I advise: once you have made a pencil sketch, put it aside and let it sit. Then, with a fresh look, check all the bends to see if you have crushed your snake or fed it to elephants. Having made sure that the width is in order everywhere, let’s clarify some more details of the head:

Well, we have a very simple drawing of Already. Let's use it as a coloring page:

Well, in fact, the spots on the sides are usually much less pronounced. But the coloring on the head is worth examining in more detail.

How to draw a snake's head

The snake's head is triangular:

Widely spaced, round eyes (with round pupils). A forked tongue protrudes from the mouth:

And now the most interesting part -on the neck The grass snake usually has yellow, rarely white or orange spots.

We have already drawn various animals, for example, a horse and many. Now let's deal with slippery and extremely dangerous snakes. I admit that I am very afraid of them. But next year is the year snakes and we simply have to draw them in our lessons. First, let's take a closer look at the main part of the snake - the head and fanged mouth. And although the drawing is colored at the end, it seems to me that the step-by-step sketches turned out better than the final one. Here we will look at the details of drawing dangerous snakes and maybe my tips will be useful to you in the future when drawing. It's funny, but the length of snakes can vary from 10 cm to 12 meters! They have internal skeleton, this could be a real discovery for someone.

Step 1.

Here I will give you examples of how snake heads can differ. Upper snake usually large size, and the second is small, but also dangerous reptiles.

Step 2.

If we look at the structural features of the head, we can see short nose and large and close-set eyes.

Step 3.

I'll add a few more options for the shape of the snake's head. As you can see, they can have several options for expressions and you can choose the one you like best.

Step 4.

Now I will try to make drawing easier for you and show you how to draw a snake’s head in parts in simple three steps. You can easily draw all the options and then choose the one you like for the main drawing. U poisonous snakes on upper jaw there are large and sharp, poisonous fangs curved back. That's where the main danger lies!

Step 5.

Let's start our drawing. Draw the shape of the snake head and then add midline for eye level and head drawing proportions.

Step 6.

Let's start drawing the main lines. First, the top of the head and the top of the mouth. Notice the groove at the top of the head.

Step 7

Now let's draw back head and lower jaw. Lower jaw long and looks extremely dangerous.

Step 8

Draw expressive eyes, then add the nostril holes. Once done, draw the detailing for the shapes and bulges on the head.

Step 9

Draw an outline around the snake's mouth as in our drawing, and then add the eyeballs and pupil slits. Add arched lines at the back of the mouth for the tongue.

More interesting.

Before I start the story, let me remind you what other lessons we have on the topic of mystical characters and various horror stories:

  1. (he is also a bastard);

And in this lesson we will learn. I picked up a few interesting pictures. Try to follow step by step instructions, I hope everything works out for you.

Step one. Let's draw the shape of the snake's head. Notice the groove on the top of the head.

Step two. On the created template we draw the shape of the future head, first the upper part, then the lower part, as well as the jaws. The snake's jaws are slightly elongated.

Step three. The snake has a very expressive eyes, they reflect the soul of the victim - she can eat even without remorse! Try to emphasize characteristic features predator. Pay attention to the nostrils of the snake, they are similar to those that we drew in the previous lesson "". Do not forget to periodically work on the sketch with an eraser, removing unnecessary strokes, and detail the already drawn object by adding new elements.

Step four. Draw an outline around the edge of the snake's mouth as you see in the picture. Also check the edges eyeball and pupil slits. Add in your mouth curved lines in the form of an arch for the tongue.

Step five. Let's draw. And we add some details inside the mouth, detailing the tongue. Step six. The last thing you have to do is draw the elongated neck.

The last step. We remove the auxiliary lines using an eraser, and once again carefully outline the contours of the snake. This is what we should get:

I wonder what kind of snakes you drew? Show off your drawings. Here's mine pencil drawing of a snake:

Snakes have a stable negative aura and reputation - this is how their relationship with humans has developed over many centuries and millennia. There are many reasons for this, the main one being that any encounter with a snake could be your last. But we only have to meet it on a piece of paper: we will deal with the question of how to draw a snake with a pencil. And let's try to understand it better.

We take a pencil in our hands

Drawing a snake is very interesting. This very expressive creature has a bright character and personality. You ask: “How to draw a snake?” Yes, just like any other animal, but first you should take a close look at it. This animal has no limbs, but it moves quite quickly. The snake learned this over millions of years. And in terms of the expressiveness of the lines, their variability and intensity at every second, it simply has no equal, and not only in the animal world. But the principles of realistic drawing are the same for the entire living and inanimate world that surrounds us. Everything that we draw must be correctly arranged on a piece of paper and constructed correctly.

Hearing the question of how to draw a snake step by step, we can say that the phrase “sequentially, from simple to complex” will always be the correct and universal answer to it. The whole logic of snake coils and rings can be comprehended by imagining where and why it is directed towards at the moment time, whom it hunts and whom it sneaks up on, hiding among stones and vegetation. This whole picture should be built in the imagination, sketching our snake on a piece of paper with light strokes.

We are working out the details

The most naive answer to the question: “How to draw a snake?” sounds very simple. Indeed, there is nothing easier than drawing one thick, winding line. But such a snake will not be expressive, beautiful, or scary. And only those who feel the absurdity of such a simple answer to such a question can become an artist. difficult question. And you just need to try to feel and understand all the tension with which the snake wriggles between the stones and prepares for a swift jump. With each successfully drawn and constructed snake twist, we are gradually getting closer to the answer to the question of how to draw a snake. And only after having well constructed and drawn the entire reptile in detail, can you hone in on the small details and work out the shape with chiaroscuro. It is worth paying attention to the snake's scales, small beady eyes, and the characteristic forked tongue. The open mouth with two curved poisonous teeth will add special charm to the design.

Let's summarize the drawing

At the final stage of drawing, we try to look at our entire work as a whole.

It is very important to stop in time and not delve into small scales, but from all the little things, choose only the main and most expressive ones. We summarize the image with broad strokes. We pay some attention to everything that surrounds our snake - stones, grass, tree branches. The reptile must be in its natural habitat. We meticulously examine the finished drawing, trying to understand how successfully we answered the question of how to draw a snake?