How the Spaniards treat Russians • Babayki • Everyday traditions of the Spaniards. The attitude of the Spaniards towards the Russians


The time has come to find out how the Spaniards treat Russia and Russians. To do this, residents of Spain will name only three associations that come to mind as soon as we talk about Russia and Russians. And from these answers we can understand what this Russia is like in Spanish.
There are opinions that Spaniards and Russians are very similar in mentality and behavior. Let's see if this fact plays a role in the distribution positive feedback. So, let's go.
- Luxury, Russian salad, a lot of people. The Russians I know care a lot about their image, appearance, they like to demonstrate their belonging to the elite and be different from the rest. (Killian Garrigos, 24 years old, hair stylist)

- Works of art in the subway, the transition from communism to capitalism, language. The Russian language seems very melodic to me, but you speak quietly. (Esperanza Pardo Borrell, 54 years old, dentist)

- Communism. Orthodox Church. Birch groves under the snow against the backdrop of vast landscapes. Previously, we didn’t really use the word “Russia”, we said “ Soviet Union", which we associated with communism, red stars, the army and military power. (Jordi Serhs, 49, director of the Photography Archive)

- A giant country, Moscow and its architectural masterpieces, cold. Although I have never been to Russia, I watched documentaries about your country and read about its scale. They are truly amazing! (Pilar Castro Valdivia, 50, real estate consultant)

- Contrasts, spirituality, beauty. My favorite composer is Rachmaninov, I can now sit down and play his preludes. You need to train more with Mussorgsky. As for Russian women, unlike Western women, they are more traditional, very feminine and know how to listen. (Jofre Horta Antoniou, 39, composer and pianist)

- Seriousness, responsibility, phonetics. I worked with the Russians. The first impression of them is that they are very serious. It is unknown whether it is because of shyness or for some other reason... But in business they demonstrate amazing responsibility. I like it. (Javier Vidal, 42 years old, bookseller, journalist)

- Good people, a country where I would like to go someday, business. Yes, I'm telling the truth, Russian clients often come to our bar. They are always polite, decent, and there are no problems with them. Russians are very good people. And it’s good for Spain that they come here. (Pedro Manuel Aguayo, 64, waiter)

- Extremes, communism, money is the soul. I have always liked Russian literature for its spiritual depth. And when I think about Russians, it’s amazing to me how they mix this - soul and money. If we talk about students from Russia, their main difference is that they always know what they want. (Sofia Pariente Buson, 40, director of a language school)

- Vodka, caviar, the Ural Mountains as the border between Europe and Asia. I had to drink vodka at parties, in the company of Russian friends, but I usually don’t do that. And caviar has always been associated with luxury and with rich people from Russia, of whom there are plenty here now. (Joel Raventos, 38 years old, online store owner)

- Tea, individuality, friendship. If there is something special about Russians, it is their individuality. Why tea? So in Russia I just became addicted to it and now I drink it every day. (Merichel Margens, 31 years old, translator, secretary)

- “Mikhail Strogoff: the Tsar’s courier”, Kremlin, pointe shoes. It's funny, but the first thing that comes to mind is the novel by Jules Verne. A deserted steppe along which a man in Cossack clothing is galloping. Neither snowstorms nor other disasters will interfere with the fulfillment of his mission. I was fascinated by this book as a child. (Imma Muñoz, 41, journalist)

- Travel, Moscow - St. Petersburg, metro. I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Oh, I got lost there! I left the hotel in the morning and it was beautiful all around: a river, monuments. I look and don’t know where I am. I go into another hotel and say: “Call the police.” They say: “No need to go to the police, do you have documents?” Basically, they told me where to go. (Rosa Bardina Noguera, 77 years old, pensioner)

- Culture, pride, immensity. Russians have always defended their independence and worldview even under the most unfavorable circumstances. This is very kind and cultured people, which can be proud of its history and traditions. (Antonio Rey, 44 years old, programmer)

- Chekhov, Stanislavsky, pronunciation. As a child, I could not pronounce “erre” correctly, my tongue did not vibrate, and my friend said that I looked like a Russian, they say, they have the same pronunciation. I myself am from Barranquilla, from Colombia. Do you know how funny they pronounce the name Stanislavsky there? Yeshtanishlashki. (Gerson Payares Figueroa, 28 years old, actor)
To be honest, I was impressed by such associations. It is clear that the people of Spain respect Russia. They highly value culture and admire nature. There is no longer the stereotypical nesting doll and not so much vodka. I advise you to compare the results with the responses of Turks, Chinese and London residents. Not everywhere such a rosy picture emerges.

Hello everyone, my name is Dasha Mendez. And now I will answer your questions in contact. I have a group in contact, and there I sometimes make a post, for example: “Now I will answer your questions, and this Tuesday I will shoot a video.” And people ask questions that they would really like to ask from latest news. And here I have 21 questions. Let's try to answer them. Andrey Bobrov asks: “How not to go crazy in the constant heat in Murcia?” How not to go crazy? – The answer is simple. I have air conditioning, and constant air conditioning, that is, from 9 am to 9 pm, at a minimum, I need air conditioning for July and August. In other months, like June and September, you can start from 11 am and at 8 pm you can turn it off. Because coolness comes, and if you open all the windows so that there is a draft, then yes. And so, only with air conditioning, I try not to go out during the day. If I have something to do, then I have to do something. Then you need to take a cap and 50 protection. For Russians and Ukrainians, who have fair skin, it is very easy to burn. 20 minutes and that's it. Even the Spaniards say it's easy. And only with air conditioning. If without it, then I don’t know. We have air conditioning, but not all houses. I can't imagine how people live. I can’t imagine how people live in Spain without air conditioning.

“How do Spaniards treat Russians?” You could make a whole video about this. I would like to talk about some aspects. The Spaniards treat you well, they are very friendly. And it won’t happen that if they meet somewhere: “Oh, where are you from?” “I’m Russian,” “Oh, are you Russian or what?” No, of course, this will not happen. They: “Oh, yes?”, I also say: “I’m from Siberia,” - “Oh, it’s very cold there!” That is, they don’t know that Siberia is big. And let’s say it’s very warm and very hot in Kemerovo in summer. This summer I call my family, they say: “Oh my God, it’s so hot. Very high temperatures, this hasn’t happened for a long time and the tomatoes are withering.” Kidding. Interesting point. To me, the Spaniards throughout history here, when the Ukraine-Russia conflict began, no one ever told me anything at all. And I thought that this really is the case and they have a siesta-fiesta, and they don’t give a damn what’s going on where. The war is not only going on in Ukraine. Let’s say something is happening in Africa or some Arab countries, the Spaniards take more care of themselves. Things are not so good in Spain right now to even think about other countries. Therefore, they concentrate more on their problems. They have corruption, they have a crisis, they have unemployment, young people drink. They also have problems, and I thought that no one really says anything.

But I have friends here from Ukraine, and one girl told me that in Murcia there is a Spanish company where a Russian was fired for being Russian. I don't know how true this is. If you have any stories, write me in the comments, I'd love to read them. It was so unpleasant for me not to figure it out. In addition, this man is a programmer, what does he have to do with the war, and I was, of course, unpleasant to learn this. They say there is such a thing. She said that the Ukrainians are really supportive in terms of giving them a pat on the shoulder to say: “Yes, this situation is bad.” I don’t know, I can’t say anything about it, who is right and who is wrong.

Next question. “The situation with migrants from Africa? Everywhere they write only about Italy, mostly, nothing is said about Spain... Is there an influx?” Very correct question, very interesting. Because not many people know that Spain has not only a peninsula, but also islands. But there is still a part of Spanish territory in Africa. Not everyone knows about this, the Spaniards understand, but the Russians, I tell someone, they: “Wow, is it true?” What do African migrants do? I will exaggerate, of course. They rush over this wall and are already on Spanish territory. They say: “I don’t have a passport, I don’t know where I came from, I don’t know anything at all.” And they begin to be given humanitarian aid, then they try to use loopholes to cross the sea and end up on the very territory of Spain. Since they are already protected by Spain, since the European Union is really very loyal and tolerant of emigrants, because they are not shot, nothing like that is done to them, that is why there are so many of them. And, indeed, there are many emigrants from Africa, but not as much as in France and other countries, because there is simply a crisis here. In Spain, on the contrary, the departure of emigrants is now, not only now, today, but these recent years, 2015, 2014, 2013. Why? Because there is no work here. Where are emigrants heading? Let's say there are a lot of emigrants in America now, and this has always been the case. Because their economy is booming there, there is work there.

In Spain? – There is no work here, that is, I am very often asked the question: “I am a programmer, I am a teacher, I am a hairdresser, I am a manicurist. Is it possible to find a job? I always say it's very difficult. Difficult. Nobody talks about Blue Card at all. You need to have Einstein's brains to get a Blue Card. I don't know a single person who has received a Blue Card. And I haven’t even heard the stories on the Internet, you know? I can even give an example through friends. I arrived, received a work card, and stayed for work. There are many other stories about the whole area, but if you have such a story, please write to me in the comments.

“When is the best time to come to Spain on holiday?” For me personally – June and September. It doesn’t matter where: Barcelona or Alicante, it’s still warm and you can go swimming. And it's just much softer. Why? You can walk at night and you won’t be suffocated by the heat. Both in Barcelona and Alicante it will always be very hot at night. It's hard to sleep. Russians think it's hot, but that's okay. At night it will be cool, like, say, in Kemerovo. It’s still cool at night and you sleep well under the cool air. But not here. You think: “Oh my God,” the air conditioner is turned on, it’s blowing on you, you could still catch a cold. For those who are not used to air conditioning, I got used to it for the first six months, this cold air of 18 degrees, if you are on the bus or sitting in class. Those who studied in Alicante will understand me, because there they turn the air conditioning on at 18 degrees. And in August you need to bring a blouse with you to cover your shoulders, so you sit and freeze. Because the Spaniards are just used to it. For them it's normal temperature, cold. And they don’t get sick from this; they don’t get colds from the air conditioning. At first I had a cold for six months, but then my body gets used to it. For me the best season is June and September. If you love the heat a lot and can easily tolerate it, summer is for you. July, August - welcome.

“There is something similar in Spain individual entrepreneur? Yes, there is such a thing. Now they told me, literally 2 weeks ago, they pay about 330 euros. If anyone knows the exact numbers, please write to me in the comments. Because that's pretty much it. Previously it was 250, and now it is growing every time. And this is the fact that in Russia it is 3,500 or 4,000 rubles, and in Spain it is more.

“Dash, please advise. I'm learning Spanish, the city is small, there are no Spanish speakers. There is no one to practice with. Passed Polyglot, Karino, Shipilov. I don't know what to do next. Tell me. How to continue learning? I can’t teach courses via Skype, because everything is expensive.” I think you need InterPals, because if you have the desire, you will write 40 messages every day, and you will still find someone with whom you can practice it . And let’s say you wrote and are waiting for an answer. Don't wait. Don't just sit there, start writing letters. Yes, you have a lot of mistakes, no one checks you. But you will still write and look up the words in the dictionary that you need. Yes, you will make a lot of mistakes at first, don't worry. Russians are like that, you need everything to be “perfecto”, so that there are not one mistake. What article should I use? Come on with these articles. It’s just that an article is an anchor that you throw or “What’s the best way to say, what if they don’t understand me?” Guys, they will understand you anyway. But you need to start, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. All teachers say: “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.” This is such a twisted phrase that it sounds kind of stupid. But, really, it's true. Just don't be afraid to make mistakes, and make mistakes again. And then, when you communicate with several people, it will work out.

“Do Spaniards have everyday traditions or habits that differ from Russians?” Difficult question, because we can talk about a lot, let’s say. Floors, people in Spain don't go barefoot at home, people wear shoes. How about shoes? Let's say I come from the street and I change my shoes. That is, I don't wear street shoes. Yes, I can walk to some room, it's not scary. I then change into more comfortable shoes. This is the tradition. If they eat, let’s say I had such a tradition in Russia. For breakfast we can eat mashed potatoes with a cutlet, and nothing. Here specifically: for breakfast we have one dish, for lunch another and for dinner a third. They cook all the time. It's a joy for them. They don’t take 3 hours to prepare some dishes, they make salads. They cook something simpler.

We decided to continue and do a whole series of similar photo projects. This time, the author of “My Planet” walked around Barcelona and asked the residents of Spain the same question: “Name three associations that come to mind when you hear about Russia and Russians.”

Matryoshka, Russian constructivism, Kandinsky. Matryoshka for me is the embodiment of femininity and romanticism, Russian constructivism is associated with freedom of expression, and Kandinsky was the first artist I liked when I was studying art. (Elizabeth Urpi Rafols, 29, clothing and hat designer)

- Snow, mountains and grandeur. I’ve been to Russia three times, and I was amazed at how much snow there is, I’ve never seen so much. In Barcelona I have to deal with the Russians. It can be difficult to understand their emotions. Although, when you spend time with them, you see that they are very honest and cheerful people. (Marco Fermi, 48 years old, trekking instructor)

- Luxury, Russian salad, a lot of people. The Russians I know care a lot about their image, their appearance, they like to demonstrate that they belong to the elite and are different from the rest. (Killian Garrigos, 24 years old, hair stylist)

- Works of art in the subway, the transition from communism to capitalism, language. The Russian language seems very melodic to me, but you speak quietly. (Esperanza Pardo Borrell, 54 years old, dentist)

- Communism. Orthodox Church. Birch groves under the snow against the backdrop of vast landscapes. Previously, we did not really use the word “Russia”, we said “Soviet Union”, which we associated with communism, red stars, the army and military power. (Jordi Serhs, 49, director of the Photography Archive)

- A giant country, Moscow and its architectural masterpieces, cold. Although I have never been to Russia, I watched documentaries about your country and read about its scale. They are truly amazing! (Pilar Castro Valdivia, 50, real estate consultant)

- Contrasts, spirituality, beauty. My favorite composer is Rachmaninov, I can now sit down and play his preludes. You need to train more with Mussorgsky. As for Russian women, unlike Western women, they are more traditional, very feminine and know how to listen. (Jofre Horta Antoniou, 39, composer and pianist)

- Seriousness, responsibility, phonetics. I worked with the Russians. The first impression of them is that they are very serious. It is unknown whether it is because of shyness or for some other reason... But in business they demonstrate amazing responsibility. I like it. (Javier Vidal, 42 years old, bookseller, journalist)

- Good people, a country where I would like to go someday, business. Yes, I'm telling the truth, Russian clients often come to our bar. They are always polite, decent, and there are no problems with them. Russians are very good people. And it’s good for Spain that they come here. (Pedro Manuel Aguayo, 64, waiter)

Extremes, communism, money is the soul. I have always liked Russian literature for its spiritual depth. And when I think about Russians, it’s amazing to me how they mix this - soul and money. If we talk about students from Russia, their main difference is that they always know what they want. (Sofia Pariente Buson, 40, director of a language school)

Vodka, caviar, the Ural Mountains as the border between Europe and Asia. I had to drink vodka at parties, in the company of Russian friends, but I usually don’t do that. And caviar has always been associated with luxury and with rich people from Russia, of whom there are plenty here now. (Joel Raventos, 38 years old, online store owner)

- Tea, individuality, friendship. If there is something special about Russians, it is their individuality. Why tea? So in Russia I just became addicted to it and now I drink it every day. (Merichel Margens, 31 years old, translator, secretary)

- “Mikhail Strogoff: the Tsar’s courier”, Kremlin, pointe shoes. It's funny, but the first thing that comes to mind is the novel by Jules Verne. A deserted steppe along which a man in Cossack clothing is galloping. Neither snowstorms nor other disasters will interfere with the fulfillment of his mission. I was fascinated by this book as a child. (Imma Muñoz, 41, journalist)

- Travel, Moscow - St. Petersburg, metro. I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Oh, I got lost there! I left the hotel in the morning and it was beautiful all around: a river, monuments. I look and don’t know where I am. I go to another hotel and say: “Call the police.” They say: “No need to go to the police, do you have documents?” Basically, they told me where to go. (Rosa Bardina Noguera, 77 years old, pensioner)

- Culture, pride, immensity. Russians have always defended their independence and worldview even under the most unfavorable circumstances. They are very kind and cultured people who can be proud of their history and traditions. (Antonio Rey, 44 years old, programmer)

How do they treat Russians in Spain?

There are opinions that Spaniards and Russians are very similar in mentality and behavior. So what do Spaniards really say about tourists?

Firstly, and most importantly, the Spaniards do not separate tourists by nationality. Russians, Ukrainians, British or Germans – it doesn’t matter. They didn’t divide it before, and they don’t plan to do it now. Ordinary Europeans are generally distinguished by a fair amount of not even indifference, but complete non-interference in the affairs and lives of other people.

Secondly, the Spaniards are friendly and sociable. And, unlike, for example, Turkey or Egypt, here they smile sincerely, and not because they want to sell you something. If you want to buy, they will be happy, if not, they will be happy to just talk.

General opinion

Not everyone has a favorable attitude towards Russian people, although they believe that this nationality drinks a lot, is rude and rarely smiles. The Spaniards are very afraid of the Russian mafiosi, they have heard a lot about the harsh 90s, so crime in Russia causes them to genuinely tremble. In addition, they cannot understand how we manage to work menial jobs, but at the same time buy expensive apartments, luxury cars and go to resorts. Spaniards are amazed to learn that such respected intellectuals as university professors receive mere pennies. Also, they can’t figure out how they can work for two decades at the same enterprise, doing the same duties, if they have the opportunity to receive an appropriate education and advance in career ladder, or open your own business.

Russian attitude towards alcohol

As for vodka, the Spaniards believe that this is how Russians have fun, emphasizing that it is touching and innocent. Moreover, some Spaniards admire our stamina, thanks to which we can drink enough large number alcohol and not drop dead.

Russians and their culture

They think that all Russians are very smart, and they are surprised when you try to convince them otherwise. The Spaniards think we're different high level culture, know many famous actors, musicians and writers, so sometimes it seems to them that all we constantly do is act in films, study literary activity, or play musical instruments.

Not all residents of a given country distinguish between Russian and Ukrainian. Some believe that they are no different, while others sincerely assume that Ukrainian is a dialect of Russian, and not a separate language. And everyone who lived in the former Soviet Union is called Russian, and it doesn’t matter that they have been living in other countries for a long time. Russians, period.

By the way, they are very surprised by the amount of food we have, because not all Spaniards prefer to store a large assortment of products in their kitchen.

Attitude towards Russian women

Spaniards are especially kind to Russian women, who are considered the best in the world. Many people are purposefully looking for a wife from Russia, they really like our traditional ideas about marriage, they like the fact that Russians prefer a classic marriage, when a man takes on the role of head of the family, earns money and brings it into the house, and the woman is the keeper of the home.

In Spain with this big problems, among female half Feminism is widespread among the population, girls strive to make a career, they do not know how and do not want to cook, they believe that paying for themselves in a restaurant is in the order of things.

Spaniards often notice that Russian women are very complex, that they prefer not to have fun and enjoy life, but to think about its meaning, thereby overcomplicating the situation. And in general, all Russians, as residents of Spain believe, restrain their emotions too much, answering “normally” to any question, no matter what they ask. For us, this word means that we like something. Some Spaniards reproach Russian women for commercialism and in search of a rich man. And even if this is not the case, a pretty Russian appearance dooms its owner to many Spanish gossip.

What do the Spaniards themselves say?

“In Spain, Russians are generally treated very well,” says sports official Miguel Angel. – This country helped us during a difficult period civil war, hosted our children. There are many rich Russians in Spain now, and as long as they contribute to our prosperity, they will be treated well. But this is until some kind of mafia arises again. And Russians are also very good workers and adapt quickly, they learn Spanish quickly and this is incredibly important for the Spaniards. Russians often surprise Spaniards with their ability to be flexible, embrace local culture, and quickly master the Spanish language. For conservative Spaniards, this is very important and is an important touch to the image of citizens of the former USSR.

“When I first arrived in Russia, it was a huge shock for me,” says Victoria from Madrid, who lived in Moscow for several years. -We are culturally very different people. The Spaniards are more like Georgians or Armenians. In Russia, for a whole year I couldn’t get my neighbor, who was going out for a walk with his dog, to return my greeting! I met him almost every day, carefully pronouncing “zdrazbuite”, but in response there was only silence. In Spain we are much more open and kind; in Moscow I was amazed by the coldness and even rudeness, for example, from babushka at the metro ticket office when I bought a travel card. Over time, I found people who were very nice to me, especially those I already knew. Well, I always communicated well with taxi drivers, although they were often from the Caucasus or Central Asia. Also, lovely girls worked in a manicure salon next to the house, we often talked about Spain, because the owner was once in the Canaries. When I called them, I said “eta ya, ispanka debushka”, and they laughed a lot.

“Russians are very conservative, excessively so,” says Miriam, who worked as a journalist in Moscow for several years and managed to get to know the Russian character well. – There are exceptions, but in general machismo and homophobia flourish in society. I met many Russian gays, I can’t understand why society rejects them, because no one should care about who a person sleeps with, it’s everyone’s personal matter. What also killed me was the desire of all Russian girls to get married, that is, machismo was provoked by the women themselves, which is even worse. I also don’t accept that a man should always pay for a woman. With communism, of course, the role of women in Russia increased, they were able to get the same jobs as men. But why does this absurd desire to get married at all costs still exist, as if it were a lifelong mission? All this is under the pressure of society and family. In general, Russians, despite such dislike for the United States, are more similar to Americans than they imagine. And Trump’s victory once again demonstrates this, the conservatism of society. It's very sad for me to see this in the 21st century.


The time has come to find out how the Spaniards treat Russia and Russians. To do this, residents of Spain will name only three associations that come to mind as soon as we talk about Russia and Russians. And from these answers we can understand what this Russia is like in Spanish.

There are opinions that Spaniards and Russians are very similar in mentality and behavior. Let's see if this fact plays a role in the distribution of positive reviews. So, let's go.

Luxury, Russian salad, lots of people. The Russians I know care a lot about their image, their appearance, they like to demonstrate that they belong to the elite and are different from the rest. (Killian Garrigos, 24 years old, hair stylist)

Works of art in the subway, the transition from communism to capitalism, language. The Russian language seems very melodic to me, but you speak quietly. (Esperanza Pardo Borrell, 54 years old, dentist)

- Communism. Orthodox Church. Birch groves under the snow against the backdrop of vast landscapes. Previously, we did not really use the word “Russia”, we said “Soviet Union”, which we associated with communism, red stars, the army and military power. (Jordi Serhs, 49, director of the Photography Archive)

A giant country, Moscow and its architectural masterpieces, cold. Although I have never been to Russia, I watched documentaries about your country and read about its scale. They are truly amazing! (Pilar Castro Valdivia, 50, real estate consultant)

Contrasts, spirituality, beauty. My favorite composer is Rachmaninov, I can sit down now and play his preludes. You need to train more with Mussorgsky. As for Russian women, unlike Western women, they are more traditional, very feminine and know how to listen. (Jofre Horta Antoniou, 39, composer and pianist)

Seriousness, responsibility, phonetics. I worked with the Russians. The first impression of them is that they are very serious. It is unknown whether it is because of shyness or for some other reason... But in business they demonstrate amazing responsibility. I like it. (Javier Vidal, 42 years old, bookseller, journalist)

Nice people, a country I would like to visit someday, business. Yes, I'm telling the truth, Russian clients often come to our bar. They are always polite, decent, and there are no problems with them. Russians are very good people. And it’s good for Spain that they come here. (Pedro Manuel Aguayo, 64, waiter)

Extremes, communism, money is the soul. I have always liked Russian literature for its spiritual depth. And when I think about Russians, it’s amazing to me how they mix this - soul and money. If we talk about students from Russia, their main difference is that they always know what they want. (Sofia Pariente Buson, 40, director of a language school)

Vodka, caviar, Ural Mountains like the border between Europe and Asia. I had to drink vodka at parties, in the company of Russian friends, but I usually don’t do that. And caviar has always been associated with luxury and with rich people from Russia, of whom there are plenty here now. (Joel Raventos, 38 years old, online store owner)

Tea, individuality, friendship. If there is something special about Russians, it is their individuality. Why tea? So in Russia I just became addicted to it and now I drink it every day. (Merichel Margens, 31 years old, translator, secretary)

“Mikhail Strogoff: Tsar’s courier”, Kremlin, pointe shoes. It's funny, but the first thing that comes to mind is the novel by Jules Verne. A deserted steppe along which a man in Cossack clothing is galloping. Neither snowstorms nor other disasters will interfere with the fulfillment of his mission. I was fascinated by this book as a child. (Imma Muñoz, 41, journalist)

Travel, Moscow - St. Petersburg, metro. I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Oh, I got lost there! I left the hotel in the morning and it was beautiful all around: a river, monuments. I look and don’t know where I am. I go to another hotel and say: “Call the police.” They say: “No need to go to the police, do you have documents?” Basically, they told me where to go. (Rosa Bardina Noguera, 77 years old, pensioner)

Culture, pride, vastness. Russians have always defended their independence and worldview even under the most unfavorable circumstances. They are very kind and cultured people who can be proud of their history and traditions. (Antonio Rey, 44 years old, programmer)

Chekhov, Stanislavsky, pronunciation. As a child, I could not pronounce “erre” correctly, my tongue did not vibrate, and my friend said that I looked like a Russian, they say, they have the same pronunciation. I myself am from Barranquilla, from Colombia. Do you know how funny they pronounce the name Stanislavsky there? Yeshtanishlashki. (Gerson Payares Figueroa, 28 years old, actor)

To be honest, I was impressed by such associations. It is clear that the people of Spain respect Russia. They highly value culture and admire nature. There is no longer the stereotypical nesting doll and not so much vodka. I advise you to compare the results with the answers