How to clean an imperial amulet with a brush. Salt and moon. Cleaning terms and conditions


It is known - as a way of life included widespread use.Protective amuletsin the old days they surrounded a person in the form of an ornament on clothes, on window frames, in the form of body amulets. Slavic paganism preserves the times when the Slavs miraculously communicated with nature and the Gods, simply using amulets as a reliable connection between ordinary world and other worlds. Nature was deified, the elements were deities. Hot-tempered Semargl, God of fire, impetuous Stribog, God of wind, generous Mother of cheese Earth, bright Danu, Goddess of water. Questionhow to clean the amulet was clear! Protective amulets, having undergone purification and charging with the help of natural elements, have always been close to the Slavs. Ourbased on this.

Cleansing the amulet has long been

Protective amulet were subjected to special cleaning and charging rituals. They cleansed sacred things with the help of the four elements and calls to the Gods. Holderprotective amuletcharged him, giving him part of his power, filling him with his dreams.

How to clean a Slavic amulet?

One powerful way -cleansing the amuletrunning water. Protective amulet They dipped into the water and said the words: “The river will take away the misfortunes and adversities taken by the amulet upon yourself, protecting me!” The amulet, which could not be cleaned with water, was simply sprinkled with running spring water, raindrops, and quickly wiped dry.

Protective amuletsmetal was purified with the energy of fire.Cleansing the amulet: they carried the amulet over the candle flame from left to right, back, and said the words: “Burn the evil flame, carry it away with smoke, let all adversity disappear.” The candle was thrown away. A talisman that could not be cleaned by fire was cleaned sunlight. They presented the amulet to the rays of the Sun - living energy was absorbed.

Believed to be buried in the ground overnight protective amulet will be completely cleared. A jar of salt helped with severe energy damage to the amulet. They threw away the salt, the earth where he lay protective amulet , dug up. They believed that the earth, like salt, washes away the negative, the negative, the dark.

The air element cleaned the amulets more often.Cleansing the amulet: protective amulet , which had accumulated negative energy, were fumigated with herbs of wormwood and thistle. The method was practical, the room itself was fumigated in this way, they were scared away evil forces, the paths and passages of human energy were protected.

The protective amulets of the Northern Fairytale are already clear!

So pure Slavic protective amulet freezes in anticipation of meeting a new friend.

Perhaps it will be you.

Feel the power of pureprotective amulet, taking it in your hands!

Read our next article about: how to charge a talisman, how to charge an amulet and talisman.

It is known - has thin, visible edges with protective symbolism, used by a person for protection.Protective amuletsin the old days they helped people, because they felt powerless in front of the elements of nature and asked for natural help. An example of this is Slavic patterns,protective amulets, depicting natural elements - earth, water, fire.Slavic paganism preserves the times when the ancestors of the Slavs miraculously communicated with the natural world - interacted with natural elements, allowing us to help, to protect ourselves - we thanked Mother Nature and brought gifts.">

Talismans purchased for protection and attracting goodness into life require preliminary cleansing. In addition, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of their activation. If you follow this rule, you can hope for significant changes in your life. Even an amulet made with your own hands needs to be cleansed, as it has accumulated extraneous energy.

Natural talismans have quite powerful energy; they do not require additional charging. One of these natural amulets is considered to be, it contains all the energy of the beast. Another symbol of natural origin is. This talisman with a hole in the center helps protect pets. Four-leaf clover will bring good luck and happiness to the one who finds such a rare plant.

Cleansing a magical talisman is carried out in different ways. Next, you will find out which methods are effective and what are their main differences.

Before the ceremony, buy a candle white. The talisman must be carried through the flame. The candle must be purchased specifically for the ceremony. Once completed, the candle is thrown away. If it is sunny outside, it is possible to take the talisman outside fresh air and clean it under the sun. This is one example of how nature helps in getting what you want.

If you decide to cleanse the amulet with earth, you need to bury it in the sand and leave it until the morning. You can put it on the ground for the ritual. To make cleansing effective, surround the amulet with stones.

You can immerse the magical assistant in salt for 24 hours. After the ceremony, the salt is thrown away.

How to do air cleansing

Turn to the east and raise the talisman higher. Stand there, mentally asking the Universe to cleanse the talisman. Turning in other directions, repeat the request for help.

You can fumigate the amulet using the smoke of a candle or incense stick. If you take a few breaths, you will feel positive energy vibrations within. Holding the magical object above the clouds of smoke, blow lightly on it.

Water for cleaning the amulet

Place the talisman under running water for a couple of minutes. It is more effective to use water from a natural source - river or spring. Air dry the talisman without wiping it. Sometimes it is forbidden to wet the amulet. Apply a few drops of water to it and wipe with a clean cloth. The material must be new, not previously used.

Cleaning the talisman is repeated if necessary.

How to charge the amulet

For the amulet to work well, it needs special charging. Before the ritual, determine the phase of the moon. The period of the waning moon is not suitable for the ritual. It is better to spend it during the phase of the new or waxing moon.

The place where the ritual is performed can be either a house or a street.

A person must take a bath or shower before charging the magic talisman. This will help get rid of the negative energy accumulated earlier. This negative energy can have a bad effect on the amulet and make it ineffective in the future.

After taking water procedures, change into clean clothes. You can work with the amulet without it, this will provide an opportunity to transfer to it maximum quantity energy.

It is recommended to use two candles during the ceremony. They must be white or match the energy of the talisman. Green candles will help you achieve financial success. Red candles will help people who are lonely. They will attract mutual feelings into life and make a person happy. Also, red will develop the owner’s intuition and help him avoid unpleasant surprises. Decide in advance the purpose of using the amulet, this will make it easier to charge and will help you get from it maximum effect in the future.

Using your own energy or using the power of the elements, you can create a unique amulet that makes life calm and happy.

Ways to charge the talisman

There are several methods used. Each person helps to transfer their own energy to the talisman and attune it to protect the owner.

You can use a candle that is placed on the altar. Standing facing the altar, you should take the talisman in your hands. You must feel the need to protect the amulet. Concentrate on it and feel how it is filled with miraculous power and energy. you transmit protective amulet a piece of your own power. Visualization is a guarantee of help from the amulet in the future. It is important to understand what kind of energy it will have. The more feelings and emotions you put into it, the more effective it will be. Try to concentrate as much as possible on what you want, this will bring your dream closer to fulfillment.

There are no specific requirements for the duration of the ceremony. It is necessary to proceed from own feelings. When you realize that you have transferred enough power to the amulet, you should complete the ritual of charging it. Then you can use the amulet.

Often the talisman shows the owner that it has been fully charged. It could be the warmth emanating from it, or a powerful energy flow that you felt.

In addition to the ritual described above, there are others. The amulet can be charged using four elements: fire, air, earth, water.

If you want to perform a ritual, you will need:

  • A handful of earth;
  • A little water;
  • Incense stick;
  • Smoke and fire from a lit candle.

The whole process is quite simple and will not take much time. Cover the talisman with earth three times and say:

“I endow you with the power of the earth.”

You should sprinkle it with water three times and say:

“I give you the power of water.”

Pass the amulet over the smoke and say:

“I endow you with the power of air.”

After this, the talisman flies through the candle flame with the words:

“I endow you with the power of fire.”

After the ritual with the elements, the talisman is taken into hand. We must try to give him our own positive energy and say:

"Live by my breath."

This completes the charging process. Now you can use the mystical sign for your safety and hope for its help.

How to charge the talisman

Each talisman must be charged for a specific person. The item is customized to the owner and can only help him alone.

To activate the protective amulet, you need to carefully pick it up and tell about your desires. This must be done quietly, without rushing. Try to describe in detail what you expect from him. When working with a talisman, you usually feel the power of the object and a special vibration. Listen to your state when you touch the amulet.

When thinking about your cherished desires, imagine that they have already come true. At the same time, place the amulet in your left palm, covering it with your other hand. With this arrangement, the talisman receives a special charge from the active points on the palms.

You cannot be negative towards the talisman. He only needs to feel love and recognition from you. It’s better to pick it up and talk to it every day. This will allow the talisman to feed on the owner’s energy and accumulate it for protection.

If the amulet helped, thank it.

For several millennia, amulets have been indispensable companions for humans - magical, ritual, to attract energy flows and protective. Amulets were placed around the neck of loved ones before a battle, those named before a wedding, a newborn before their first breath, those who died after last breath. Amulets carry certain embedded information, a program that will act for the benefit of a person for a long time.

Amulets can be either purchased or made with your own hands from various materials. In any case, the amulet requires cleansing (getting rid of energy) and recharging (endowing it with a certain energy program).

Do-it-yourself and purchased amulets

A homemade amulet must be made from natural materials, in no case synthetic, otherwise the program that you want to install will not be stored or may even change its structure, which can lead to negative consequences. Natural fabrics, wood, stone, metals, as well as organic materials - scales, feathers, animal fur, hair of a loved one - are suitable for making an amulet. Each component has a specific meaning, but you can create your own program.

A purchased amulet should also not contain synthetic elements. Check whether the stone is real and whether natural fabrics were used to make the lace or bag. A purchased amulet can be any item - a pendant or figurine, wall decoration or ritual object (for example, a dream catcher). Remember that such amulets should never be used without cleansing and recharging, as they will carry too much energy that is alien to you and your home.

How to wear an amulet

You can wear the amulet directly on your body (on a chain around your neck, like a bracelet) or keep it always close to you (in your bag, at home). It is not recommended to wear the amulet on the same chain with Orthodox cross, as well as wearing together amulets programmed for opposite actions, for example, protective, to reject energy, and love, to attract it. In this case, none of the amulets will work. If you use several amulets, then it is better to combine only protective ones (from illness, from the evil eye, from bad dreams, to protect against dark forces) or only to attract energy flows - love, prosperity, luck, magical powers.

Cleaning and charging amulets

Before using an amulet, either purchased or made with your own hands, be sure to clean it: take a box and pour salt into it, place your amulet on the salt and put the box away. freezer. After three days, the amulet will be completely cleared of any energy.

An exception may be amulets created and donated by your relatives, lovers and friends, whom you completely trust and know that these people wish you only the best. Such amulets can be used without cleansing; you can slightly change the programmed program, or not change it at all, if you are satisfied with the program laid down by the giver of the amulet.

After you are able to cleanse your talisman, touch the amulet three times a day for three days and think about the program that you put into it: it could be well-being, health, love, protection. At night, place the amulet next to your bed or under your pillow to strengthen the energetic connection.

A properly charged and cleaned amulet will perform all its functions, the main thing is to believe in its power.

If you are thinking about purchasing or making any magical item - an amulet, talisman or talisman, then most likely you know that before using the artifact it must be charged. This is especially true for artifacts purchased in a store. During the period of charging and cleansing, the amulet, just like a talisman or amulet, brings its energy into line with yours and begins to work and protect you.

How are amulets charged?

The procedure for charging an amulet is a series of sequential actions before using a magical item, that is, immediately after purchasing it. The meaning of the amulet charging procedure is simple - you must “charge” the magical object with your own energy, harmonize it with your personality. The importance of this step cannot be overestimated, since without completing it, you will not receive a magical protector, but simply a stylish souvenir.

Tibetan Dzi Bead

Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but in this case there are only a few exceptions. They relate to those items, the manufacture of which is allowed only by the hands of the future owner, or the secret of whose manufacture has been lost to our time. Such amulet includes, for example, Dzi Beads. It can only be purchased second hand, and only if you are very lucky.

It is characteristic that the procedure for charging amulets is almost identical in the most diverse, completely dissimilar cultures. The differences concern small details, and against the background of general similarity they can be considered insignificant. This fact alone suggests that the procedure for activating (charging) amulets and their subsequent use is very difficult to attribute to any common superstitions.

Basically, when consecrating magical objects, they turn to one or more elemental forces or, if the thing has a clear relationship to one of the religions, to the corresponding higher powers.

Amulets made by hand, for the most part, also require a charging procedure. The exception in this case are items made on the basis of a symbol that has its own charge and does not require the involvement of human energy. More often, amulets are made to solve specific life problems― getting rid of illnesses, improving relationships in the family, attracting wealth and other similar things. It is these amulets that require mandatory initial charging and periodic recharging after a certain time. You can familiarize yourself with the methods for carrying out such procedures below.

How to charge a talisman, amulet or talisman purchased secondhand

Any amulet must be cleaned and charged before use.

Before you begin to get acquainted with the procedure for carrying out the ritual of charging talismans, you need to have a clear understanding of the absolute necessity of such actions. First of all, you need to realize that any amulet, amulet or talisman (even if the item was purchased in a store) was once created by someone. The second step is to understand that the manufacturer of the magical item during the period of its creation may have had far from rosy mood, and not the purest thoughts. And thirdly: even if we assume that the amulet was made by the master from the heart and with the purest thoughts, it is far from a fact that the master’s energy will be completely compatible with yours.

The overwhelming majority of talismans and amulets made in a factory do not bear any energy imprints. Therefore, in any case, without performing an activation ritual, you will have a beautiful trinket in your hands, and that’s all.

Another argument regarding the need to carry out the ritual of charging amulets. In some cases, in particular if the item was purchased from stranger, its energy can be not only neutral, but also negative for you. Artifacts with a long history could be overlaid with negative energy flows as a result of any negative events, thoughts and intentions of the former owners and other undesirable factors. Therefore, artifacts purchased second-hand, in addition to the ritual of charging with your energy, will require an additional ritual of cleansing.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: any magical object, regardless of how it came to you, requires a ritual of cleansing from any energy present on it, and then a ritual of charging it with your energy. Rituals and rituals, descriptions of which can be found in legends and tales various peoples, the vast majority combine the procedures for cleansing and charging the amulet into one ritual. This is especially true for those artifacts, the creation of which calls upon the forces of the elements.

How to charge a talisman or amulet using the power of the elements

Cleansing by the forces of the four elements is a universal ritual

The method is quite simple, can be used by people of any religion and is suitable for almost all amulets. Only amulets whose power is based on one specific element require a special ritual. A ritual using the power of the elements can be called universal - it includes cleansing, charging the amulet and harmonizing its energy with your energy.

To cleanse with the power of the earth, the amulet must be buried

First, the power of the earth is used. In order for the talisman to absorb the power of this element, it will need to be buried in the ground for several days. However, if you are afraid of possible external damage to the amulet from this procedure, then you can use salt instead of earth and significantly reduce the time. The element of earth is a powerful, solid, but slow force, so the talisman must spend at least three hours. In a shorter period of time, the power of the earth will not have time to absorb all the accumulated flows of alien energy, and this is precisely the main purpose of this stage of the ritual. In addition, the power of the earth programs the talisman for long-term work, and not for a short period of time.

A candle flame is perfect for the element of fire.

Next, the element of fire should work. You will need an open flame. But it is not necessary to make a big fire; a candle flame will be enough. The talisman must be placed in the fire for a couple of seconds. If it's made of wood, don't worry. Fire is a fast element; a moment or two is enough for the flame to complete the work of the earth’s power and completely burn out the remnants of the alien negative energy. At the same time, the element of fire will give you strength to achieve any goals in life. It would be more accurate to say that fire will give the amulet the ability to transfer similar powers to you.

The smoke of incense will erase traces of someone else's energy

Then comes the turn of the forces of the air element. This is quite simple for you - hang the amulet at a certain height and leave it for two or three days. Another way, even simpler, is to carry the amulet through incense. The air will blow away traces of energy that were left not by the manufacturer or previous owners, but, for example, by buyers who examined this specimen, suppliers or your friends whom you introduced to the purchase. The main task of the power of air is to give the talisman the ability to cope with your problems and control the load on your energy.

Only running water is suitable for cleaning the amulet.

The ritual ends with the power of the element of water. Ideally, to complete the ritual, the amulet should be placed in natural running (not stagnant!) water for some time. Isn't there such a possibility? Well, in this case, use the regular one water tap. If the material or decor of your talisman is afraid of water, then the symbolism of the ritual must still be observed - spray the talisman with a few drops, and the ritual will be completed. The power of the elemental water has no specific specialization, but it has great and universal cleansing power. It is this property that served as the basis for ablution rituals found in almost all world cultures.

It should be noted that the given procedure for carrying out the ceremony is not so strict. The stages can be carried out in a different sequence, the main thing is that the forces of opposing elements do not follow one another. This will inevitably entail some conflict in the energy sector, which will not bring anything good.

About conspiracies

There are special conspiracies that also serve the purpose of charging amulets, amulets and talismans. Most often, conspiracies are used when an artifact is intended to perform a single function. For amulets of this class, as a rule, improvised objects are used. It could be similar things. However, for each item there is its own conspiracy to obtain a magical item from a simple thing.

Household items make good, working amulets, but they do not last long. Their strength becomes thinner with every unusual event that occurs in the house. For example, new residents have appeared, or a situation has occurred that dramatically changes the style and character of life of the inhabitants of the house, or a birth or funeral has occurred in the family - also very strong energetic events. That is, all situations that violate the usual way of life reduce the strength of the object that is enchanted and acts as a talisman. However, it is quite possible to restore its powers by performing the same actions (rituals or spells) that were done during the initial (or previous) activation.

A conspiracy is a ritual that can turn almost any thing in the house into a magical object. And if this item has been in your home for a long time or has meaning for you great value, then its potential strength will be much higher. The energy of such objects has long been identical to yours, and in order for the object to become your reliable keeper and protector, you only need a little effort.

Although amulets made from household items each require their own spell, there is nevertheless a spell that can be called universal. It should be said on a full moon, placing something that is significant to you on the windowsill under the moonlight. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Mother Moon, I call on you, I appeal to you for help!
Give strength to my amulet for righteous and pure deeds!
I will look at you, I will thank you with a glance!

For something dear to you, such a simple conspiracy will be enough for it to become your reliable protector. Moreover, you will be able to feel the powers of such a talisman the very next day.

Important warning: if you have chosen an item that you constantly use in everyday life as a talisman, then after the ceremony, continue to use it as before. direct purpose It will no longer be possible, otherwise the powers of the talisman will be wasted.

Charging the Slavic amulet

Almost everything Slavic amulets dedicated to ancient pagan deities. Charging such amulets requires special care, since you need to contact the powers that protect a particular symbol. Although among the ancient Slavic artifacts there are many that do not require a charging ritual, such talismans are charged themselves by the forces of nature and the Universe itself.

Bonfire built by a well

If you bought a talisman of the ancient Slavs, and did not make it yourself, then it must be consecrated in accordance with the traditions that existed in the ancient Slavic culture. First of all, find out for sure which of the ancient deities patronizes the symbol you purchased. Then you need to offer gifts to this deity. Gifts can be fruit, honey or bread, burned in a ritual flame. The fire pit for the ritual must be laid out in accordance with traditions - it should look like truncated pyramid or a well. On top of the fireplace is the so-called “treba” - the gifts you brought.

Light a fire and turn to the deity who patronizes your amulet. You can speak in your own words (the main thing is from the heart and sincerely), or you can find traditional texts in books or on information resources dedicated to ancient Slavic traditions. You will know God's answer by the state of the need. If your gifts are in the fire, you are heard, but if they remain on same place, then perform the ritual again after some time.

Amulets, talismans and amulets are charged during this ritual; for this, the artifact simply needs to be placed next to the fire. Important: the ritual fire is not extinguished! You will need to wait until it burns completely.

As you can see for yourself, the rituals of cleansing and charging the amulet do not contain any particular difficulties. Never neglect the ceremony if you want to have a reliable working amulet!

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

It has been customary to use salt as a talisman since ancient times (according to some sources, since the Sumerian era). We are so accustomed to seeing this product on our table that rituals with salt do not seem particularly magical to us. However, according to magicians and esotericists, this substance truly has unique properties and, despite its apparent simplicity, significant strength.

Let's look at how salt can be used to protect a home and a person - cleanse space, neutralize negative energy, attract good luck, health and prosperity.

How it works

Why does salt help in clearing negativity, establishing protection, and attracting good luck?

The unique magical properties are associated primarily with the special crystal structure of this substance. Due to its structure, salt is able to absorb energy and conduct it. In fact, salt crystals are carriers of information - something can be “uploaded” onto them and then “transferred” to the right place or to the right recipient. Salt serves as a powerful conductor, but by its nature it is neutral - a good or bad word (or thought) transforms it accordingly.

Moreover, this substance has unique ability conservation - both matter and energy. It itself never deteriorates and, importantly, dissolves perfectly in water (another unsurpassed information carrier). Once in the body, salt participates in the process of transmitting nerve impulses, therefore, carrying certain information, it can influence a person’s consciousness and energy. Another basis for magical qualities is the strong connection of this substance with the earth (it is not surprising that the signs of the elements of Earth and Water are most susceptible to the effects of magical salt).


Thursday salt is considered one of the most powerful amulets for home and people. There are several different “recipes” for preparing this remedy at home. It is best to do the ritual on Maundy Thursday on the eve of the bright Easter holiday. The salt must be heated in a frying pan, but not to the point of blackness - the color of the “correct” salt is more gray than black. When you go to church on Easter, take the resulting salt with you - after consecration it will acquire strong cleansing properties (sometimes it is mixed with poppy seeds before consecration).

As an option, you can simply read prayers over salt calcined on Thursday. Pour it onto a clean handkerchief or hold it in a spoon over a candle while reciting the Lord's Prayer or another favorite prayer. Then, place the salt on the windowsill for three days. Most often, this product is sprinkled in front of the entrance to the house (along the threshold) so that evil spirits They “burned” their feet and could not get inside. In addition, salt is sprinkled in the corners of the house to neutralize negative energies from within and prevent possible quarrels in the family.

Where to store

Thursday salt itself - strong amulet for home and people. It is better to store it in a clean bag or container made of natural materials. When leaving home, you can carry salt in your pocket or hang it around your neck in a small bag - this way you will be protected not only within the house, but also in any other place. Also, this product will be an excellent protection against insomnia or nightmares if you place it at the head of the bed at night (after three days it needs to be replaced).

In addition, salt can be stored in a car as a talisman against accidents and various breakdowns. Food salted with a magical remedy will become a talisman for your health, give you vigor and cleanse your energy. If you store the charmed salt together with gold jewelry in a bag, it will help save and increase wealth in the house (you can use an amber pebble instead of gold). Also, to protect and multiply money, it can be sprinkled directly into a wallet or a special box with coins.

The advice of the great healer Vanga often concerned the use magical properties salt. According to her recommendation, during a streak of bad luck, you should sprinkle this product on all the window sills in the house - at least with a thin strip. Salt will absorb internal troubles and protect against negativity coming from outside. When the bad period comes to an end, it needs to be carefully swept from the windowsills into a bag and poured out on the street. And the best thing is to bury it away from home.

The healer recommended keeping sea ​​salt in three bowls on a raised platform (as a symbol of the Holy Trinity) to protect the house from bad people and evil thoughts. Three grains (from each bowl) can be taken for cleansing rituals. For example, small child Three grains will protect him from the evil eye and damage if you put them on his lips.

If you have problems with money, you need to dissolve the salt from the bowl in water and place a coin in it. Read prayers daily by candlelight until the water evaporates, and then take a coin, place it in a red silk bag and put it in your wallet - from now on you will no longer suffer from a lack of money.

Conditions for rituals

If you decide to make “magic” salt using prayer or a spell, consider the following recommendations. It’s okay if you fail to comply with all the conditions exactly, since the most important thing is the strength of your intention and the purity of your thoughts. However, ritual actions often make the process easier for us and strengthen our belief in its effectiveness. So, the first thing to remember is to try to use only natural rock salt, without any additives (including without iodine), or sea salt (and the latter is more suitable for dissolving in water).

To carry out the ritual, it is better to buy a new pack and pour it into a separate clean container (glass), then close it tightly. This jar should not be in the public domain - its contents should be used only for rituals (and not for cooking and other household needs).

The most the right time for the ritual - night (midnight, as well as any time before four o’clock in the morning). If it is not possible to perform the ceremony at night, choose a time closer to evening, and the weather is gloomy, without sun. For three hours before the ritual, it is better not to eat anything, but simply drink clean water.

5 ways to protect salt from damage, the evil eye and evil.

Thursday salt is the best amulet against the evil eye and damage.

How to protect yourself from evil with salt?

The Importance of Prayer

Rituals often combine prayers with spells, which puzzles many people - how can everyday magic be combined with religious principles? However, if you look at it, there is nothing strange or harmful about it. The conspiracy itself is only an expression of our intention, clothed in words and metaphors. Similar intentions in everyday life We express ourselves a hundred times a day, but the spell allows us to concentrate our thoughts, concentrate our internal energy and strengthen our intention. What is the role of prayer here?

First of all, with the help of prayer we clarify our consciousness and purify our thoughts. When there are no extraneous emotions, thoughts and desires, it is much easier for us to concentrate on a specific intention. Thus, with the help of prayer we remove the “husks” that prevent us from focusing on the main thing and calm our emotions. But, what is much more important, we entrust our intention to God’s will - we connect to a higher source and ask to fulfill our plans only if the result does not harm us. Since human consciousness is very limited and we often don’t even notice our evil thoughts, considering them fair, a more objective view “from above” helps a person not to harm himself.

From diseases

Since salt can absorb negative energy, it is recommended to use it not only to neutralize the evil eye and protect against enemies, but also for treatment. This remedy can be preventive, healing and pain-relieving (although it must be admitted that it is especially effective in cases where an unexpected illness is the result of the magical influence of evil people).

Sometimes an incomprehensible pain or weakness begins before you need to go to work or for other errands, and there is no opportunity to lie quietly at home. The simplest thing to do when you feel unwell is to carry salt in your pocket or at the level of the diseased organ.

Before placing salt in your pocket, you need to speak to it: pray by candlelight, ask for health and healing (spiritual and physical). Place your palms over the salt and say “How bright is the day, how dark is the night - illnesses all go away.” If carrying a bulk substance in your pocket or bag is inconvenient for some reason, simply sprinkle salt on yourself from the very top of your head. Perform the ritual daily until complete healing.

  1. With the help of enchanted salt, you can get rid of not only diseases, but also depression, anxiety, depression or just a bad mood. The process itself is similar to the previous one: we pray by candlelight, and then we place our palms over the salt and say three times, “Go away melancholy and fear, turn anxiety to dust.” Now we sprinkle ourselves or sew the salt into a bag. In the first case, the ritual must be done three times - once for each night, in the second - the bag should be carried with you for three days.
  2. Many people know that they are often able to jinx themselves, for example, by showing violent joy or boasting about some kind of luck. Using salt and a mirror, you can make a kind of shield that will protect us from the “self-eye.” You just need to hold a pinch in your fist and look in the mirror and say, “The evil eye dissolves in the mirror, as in open field. Everything that happens to me is according to God’s will.” This ritual is best done at night, after midnight, by candlelight.
  3. Try to cleanse your home of internal and external negativity more often. The best ritual will be ordinary cleaning - it is better to do it on Thursdays in memory of Maundy Thursday. Add a little “magic” salt to the water for washing floors and everything else, and be sure to open the window and light a candle (carry it from room to room as you clean). After cleaning, sprinkle a thin strip of salt along the threshold. If you live in an apartment and do not want to attract unnecessary attention to yourself, cover this strip on the threshold with a foot rug.
  4. To ensure a successful trip, get up at dawn and pray over the salt by candlelight. Then take three pinches - place one in your pocket, put the second in your shoes, and sprinkle the third on the back of your head. Put everything that's left under the threshold.
  5. In order for there to be money in the house, the salt in the plate must be placed on the windowsill at night, and in the morning, light three candles, pray and say, “May our house attract prosperity, the Lord helps us for good.” You need to let the three candles burn out, removing the melted wax from them from time to time. Then we put the salt and melted wax into a bag made of natural fabric and store it on a shelf in the kitchen.