How to deal with bad luck: psychological and folk methods. What to do if you have no luck in life


Let's deal with bad luck today! Thousands of people howl out loud every day: I’m unlucky! what to do when you have no luck? who is to blame? When will this damn bad luck end? Why am I a loser?

Do you sometimes say that too? Then sit back, let's discuss.

I recently read an article on one cozy blog - the cry of the soul of a loser. (I’m not giving a link - there’s no need to read this masochist’s snot).

And at school, he, the unfortunate one, was beaten on the ears and genitals. And the teachers didn’t understand how amazing and brilliant he was. And when I was a student, oh my gosh, there wasn’t enough money for a fun life. And everything around - wow! – they continued to offend and humiliate him. And now he’s crying about how bastards everyone is, and how offended he is by life.

It just brings out a tear. This is how he, such a nice guy, has no luck in life.

This is someone who has been convinced that he is a loser, an outcast and will never have luck in life. They simply attacked him several times, in modern terms, and he believed that he was a loser. And the person breaks down, begins to hate everyone around him (perhaps deservedly), withdraws into himself (completely in vain), begins to sincerely believe that bad luck will always accompany him (but this is completely in vain). And since he believes in this, then every minor trouble is perceived as confirmation of bad luck. I slipped on the ice, hurt myself - that’s it, no luck, I’m a loser! There's nothing you can do about it. (And the fact that a thousand people fell on the same day does not play any role).

Such broken people are a dime a dozen. They do not believe in themselves, have a negative attitude towards life in general and are completely resigned to the role of the victim. They even get some satisfaction from it. Such a character is pitied, consoled, and helped. And he completely resigns himself to his bad luck, willingly admits that he is a loser.

Although, I think I've lost my mind. It doesn't always come to this. But there are really a lot of people with undermined self-confidence and low self-esteem, which is why they consider themselves unlucky. This can manifest itself to varying degrees, but the important reason is why people believe that they are truly unlucky.

In fact, this was important for us – to get to the root of the problem. Some of those who believe they are unlucky actually suffer from low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. Which gives us the opportunity to determine ways to get rid of the “bad luck syndrome.”

So, answering the question in the title “What to do if you’re unlucky” for the ordinary loser:

1. WANT to get rid of bad luck.

2. deeply understand the reasons for your failures - real or imaginary. UNDERSTAND that this is not a stigma or God’s punishment, but a wrong attitude towards yourself and towards life.

In general, everything. Eliminate the cause, feel the taste of a full life - and bad luck will hide from you under the bed.

Bad luck can also occur for another reason. If a person, roughly speaking, is used to getting everything for free - say, he was the youngest child in the family and everyone looked after him and took undue care of him - then he, too, may well become a real loser.

If you recognize yourself in this description, I advise you to read the following phrases:

Lucky people do not wait for luck, but take it by the tail.

They also plan and weigh their steps.

It's clear? Don't wait, do it. And build your vision of life in this way: I will not receive, but I will do. I!!! Myself!!! Whether you are lucky or not is not that important. Stop thinking about luck all the time and envying those who win the lottery.

Who has not heard of such a mysterious and enigmatic phenomenon as luck, or real luck? Although, probably, more often you hear from friends: “I was unlucky”, “not with my luck”, etc.

Reasons for bad luck

What is “bad luck” and how to deal with it? The main reason for most failures is the lack of habit of achieving what you want. Only if you are ready to make every effort, and not give up at the first difficulty, can you count on luck smiling at you. However, for many it is much easier not to make any attempts, blaming their own laziness on the will of Providence.

Often those who are accustomed to excessive care, and in childhood everything was given to them easily and simply, grow up to be losers. They simply haven't learned that serious effort is required to achieve a goal. If such people are not presented with what they want on a plate, they blame not themselves, but their own “bad luck.”

The main thing that all “losers” have in common is that they rely excessively on external factors, underestimating their own capabilities, while people who, according to the majority, are successful, see themselves and their own actions as the key to achieving their goals.

How to get rid of bad luck

We often hear complaints about being unlucky in life. Many people forget that behind what seems like luck from the outside, there is hard work aimed at achieving what you want. It’s not for nothing that people say that those who are lucky are lucky.

That is why, in order to get rid of your own bad luck, you must first of all want to become lucky and begin active activities aimed at this.

First of all, you need to believe in yourself. Of course, it is much easier to believe in the possibility of your own success if you are beautiful and athletic, full of strength and energy, than if you are frail and weak, so take care of yourself:

  • quit smoking;
  • go in for sports;
  • update your wardrobe;
  • develop intelligence.

These steps will help you gain self-confidence, because if you like yourself, then others will like you too.

At the next stage of getting rid of bad luck, you need to analyze as deeply as possible the reasons for your own failures and understand where the punishing hand of providence really overtook you, and where you failed due to your own negligence. Only by accepting the fact that you yourself are responsible for everything that happens in your life can you overcome your own bad luck and set yourself up for subsequent victories.

Learn to be grateful to fate for what you have: health, family, peace. There are millions of people in the world who consider you lucky and dream of being in your place. Just because you have food today; because you can move independently; because someone loves you: your mother, your loved one or your dog; because you have children; because your house didn't burn down, etc.

Real success is learning to appreciate what you have. Only then is it possible to catch “your” luck.

It can be different - bad luck. Some people choose the wrong men. Someone is constantly losing money. Some people simply find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Once or twice is still a coincidence. But if troubles happen regularly, willy-nilly you begin to think about bad luck.

What to do if you are unlucky?

Go to a fortune teller and remove the evil eye. Blame an ancestor who sinned greatly for bringing bad luck on his descendants. Resign yourself and make excuses: “ It's always like this for me!»

These are all options, of course. But I don't like them. Perhaps because they make a person dependent on a third force: a fortune teller, an ancestor, the environment. I suggest you try figure out your life on your own. Find reasons for failures and opportunities to change something.

My experience.

I moved to St. Petersburg in 2004 from the glorious city of Baikonur. As I settled into a new place, I was regularly surprised that in a city of many millions I constantly meet Baikonur residents. On the subway. In a hypermarket. Just in your entrance.

You may be thinking: " What's so strange about this if it happens in the same area?" No, in different parts of the city, in different situations. How so?

As time passed, I got used to this fact. Something else began to surprise me.

As soon as I took some new direction in life, people with the same beliefs began to meet along the way. Or several times it happened that I came across an unfamiliar word in a book and found its meaning. And a day or two later I heard this word used on the radio. It felt like life had prepared me in advance so that I could listen to the radio and understand everything.

But at the same time, I was amazed that I always stood in the longest line. Some people will find it funny, but year after year I monitor my behavior and notice exactly this phenomenon. I’ve already started being cunning - I ask the children to choose a line at the store.

Experience of my clients.

When I started working in consulting, I noticed similar processes among clients. True, clients more often noticed only unpleasant coincidences.

Here is one girl's story:

“I was beaten as a child. When I got married, everything was fine at first. Then the husband also started beating. After the divorce, I went to a combat school and connected my life with weapons and martial arts. But even now, when I’m over thirty, my stepfather can raise his hand against me.”

Another man said:

“I myself am an entrepreneur, my first “business” was back in school. Everyone I talk to also does business. Either it was an accident, or I don’t know what. It feels like everyone in this world has an entrepreneurial spirit.”

Everyone has their own tunnel.

For a long time I could not find an explanation for the amazing coincidences, until I came across it in the book of Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Serkin “The Laughter of a Shaman” (Again by chance, of course)

A person with his own geometry and energy can only move through certain tunnels on Earth, although it seems to him that he is moving freely.

I look at the sea, the mountains on a distant island, trying to imagine in the transparent air tunnels going in all directions, filled with various creatures. Most often, people appear: modern and ancient, of different nationalities and... civilizations.

– Do people all walk through the same tunnels?

- But all people can meet.

- No. You will meet people from your tunnels all the time, although it seems that the likelihood of meeting is low. You will never meet others.

– Yes, I often meet Magadan residents on the metro, although in Moscow it is almost impossible to accidentally end up in the same carriage.

– More often than simple probability?

- Much.

“Soon science will have to take on these tunnels.”

– Why do I end up in these human tunnels and not others?

– Japanese fishermen said: “Karma.”

“Energy, speed.”

When I read this dialogue, recorded by a psychology professor, I stopped being surprised. I just resigned myself and decided to use this amazing phenomenon for my own purposes.

Each of us follows our chosen path. The choice is made partly consciously, partly subconsciously. That part of the choice that is dictated by consciousness can be adjusted. What exactly? Education, choice of literature, profession, volitional decisions. Every day we make a choice. We walk the beaten paths that we have chosen ourselves or agreed to. By the way, agreeing or not to something is also a choice.

The subconscious cannot be corrected. At least on your own. You can try to “see what is there” with the help of a psychologist. This is the level of generic scenarios, psychological trauma, phobias. The list can be found by opening the psychologists forum. But the picture of our unconscious, like our consciousness, is quite stable. Moreover, when making a choice at the level of consciousness, you can still argue with yourself: “Why did I decide this? After all, I can do otherwise!” And at the unconscious level, you won’t even guess that you can do it differently. It can't be any other way.

It turns out that we make choices every day within the limits of probability acceptable to us personally. This probability is “our tunnel”. The question of “luck” or “bad luck” is here. Once you accept the thought that you are unlucky, you will continue on these rails.

Intermediate output - Do not under any circumstances allow the thought into your head: “It seems like I’m unlucky today!” If something happened that you didn’t want, it means lucky to avoid the worst option.

What is the connection between karma and psychology?

I don't want to discuss karma at all. If only because I know little about her myself.

But I am sure that not everything in life can be explained by logic. In addition to the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, there is also the right hemisphere, which is responsible for intuition. By the way, on my website you can find lessons for developing intuition under the tag “intuition” (). Several years ago I carefully studied this issue.

Practice shows that what you set your mind to happens. And vice versa - what you set your mind to happens happens to you. If you notice constant bad luck, it means that you are tuned in to them.

Someone will object to me: “ How so! I am a very optimistic person! I believe in the best and look for only the best everywhere" This is what you are aware of. The mood lies at a deeper, unconscious level. And this is just a topic for a psychologist, as I said above.

I hasten to please! Even if your mood and energy are unconscious things, you can still influence them. Through hard mental work, reflection and personal growth. Now I'll show you an example.

Are unlucky people born or made?

I have two friends. Their living conditions are very similar: both are married, both are primarily involved in caring for children, and their financial levels are similar. But there are also differences.

For example, one of them (let’s call her Yulia) always has some difficulties. Sometimes with a car, sometimes with relatives, sometimes with work. Julia bravely overcomes these difficulties. She talks about how difficult it was, but she managed it. And I truly admire her resilience.

The second one (let it be Marina) also talks about all her problems, but in a different context. Instead of explaining, I’ll quote Marina herself: “Can you imagine, a month ago I went roller skating with my son. Got carried away, accelerated, fell! I hurt my hand. And I just had to go out for a shift. The hand was cast. It's good that I'm lucky! The hand healed quickly.”

If you have not yet seen where the emphasis is placed in the first and second situations, I will explain.

In the first case, a friend complains about a difficult life that constantly throws up problems. In the second case, life also throws up problems, but the heroine’s confidence that “I’m lucky” helps her perceive problems not as punishment, but as random absurdity.

There is a stable factor in Marina’s life - luck.

I’ll tell you honestly, not knowing Marina personally yet, just watching from afar, I wouldn’t say that she’s super lucky. Yes, friendly. Yes, it looks decent. Without pathos, without chic.

But when we got to know each other better, I realized that Marina was really lucky. She talked about her luck as if it were a fact. People talk about the color of their eyes or their good metabolism.

Again, the critic will object to me: “Why are you talking about lucky marinas here, if it’s the other way around for me!”

That's why. Remember the situation with a broken arm. What is the first thing an “unlucky” person will say? That's right, he will say: “How unlucky I am! Broke my arm out of the blue!”

What did the lucky Marina say? “Hurray, my hand recovered so quickly!”

This is not positive thinking in its purest form. This is the confidence that she is always lucky. Anyone can break an arm if they behave rashly or roller skate without protection. Only someone will suffer after this, but everything will heal quickly for her.

Where does Marina get such confidence? She doesn't even remember. It’s just that her mother told her since childhood that everyone in their family is lucky. The girl grew up with this conviction. No one was going to check his luck.

One of Marina’s ancestors accomplished a great deed - he convinced everyone that they had a lucky family.

In your family, you can become such an “oracle”. It doesn't matter what happened before. What matters is what happens now.

How do successful people behave?

Remember what I told you about tunnels? There she also mentioned a girl with whom violence happens in her life. This is her tunnel: pain and violence. Talking to her, I saw that for her pain is a completely ordinary phenomenon. She knows how to tolerate it. Of course, without pleasure, but what can you do? This is acceptable in her life. The world is full of injustice, troubles, destruction, grief. We need to grab our piece of joy in this world.

After very long conversations, about the 5th time, my client suddenly admitted that she couldn’t imagine another world. She doesn't know what could be different. More precisely, I didn’t know. Now she became interested: how else can she live? What does it take to live differently?

If I say that everything needs to change, then the reaction of any person will be fear.

Changing something is usually scary and difficult. Even if it’s very bad now. Change is scarier. People want to live in any type of stability. As soon as they talk about changes, they back down.

Therefore, there is no need to change anything. You just need admit, what could be different. Allow yourself to believe that you are free to choose. Even if from a young age you are sure that life is unfair, at the age of 70 you can assume that fortune will suddenly smile. No matter. It’s simple – it’s possible.

When you believe in this, the next step is to understand what needs to be done for this.

Now there should be a sermon about good and evil. But this sermon will be too long and extensive. I will say one thing: if you want to be lucky, behave in such a way that the world wants to give you luck.

You are familiar with the words “kindness”, “nobility”, “honesty”, “sincerity”?

One article cannot tell you how to behave. But books will tell about this. Classic works in which heroes search for the truth. In addition to books - communication with other people, the ability to draw your own conclusions. Watching the world. Self-observation.

No matter how hard I tried to do without high words, it didn’t work. Apparently, without this it is impossible to agree with the world on luck.

As I usually do - step by step diagram:

  • Recognize the fact that you yourself reinforced your failures;
  • Accept the idea that it can be done differently;
  • Be willing to look at the world differently;
  • Look for what exactly should be new.

I will be happy to help you go through all these stages!

A lot of people are unlucky with work for various reasons. Let's leave them out. We will talk about people who, no matter where they get a job, are always unlucky. Either this is the job and the boss is a bad person, or the person specifically gets a job so that he can be fired.

No matter where you manage to get a job, after a while something goes wrong. A continuous streak of bad luck. And he explains the reason why he is unlucky with work in different ways: “It didn’t suit me. The boss is a rare idiot, and the team is rotten, they don’t let me work,” “They pay little, but the conditions are better at another job,” etc.

And everything would be fine, I’d get fired, go to the job forum and find another job, but it’s like a plot that plays out every time, and every time with the same ending.

Got a job, worked, got fired.

This begs the question - why are you unlucky with work? And how can you find the right one, so that everything suits you, so that you can climb the career ladder and earn big money? So that you don’t have to do something you don’t feel like doing. And finally have some luck!

And so year after year passes, while he marks time. Other people achieve new heights and climb the career ladder by leaps and bounds, but he is constantly unlucky with work.

How to make sure that good luck with work accompanies you and that the question is resolved - why are you unlucky with work? To make life more prosperous and fulfilling.

Why are you unlucky with work?

According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, each person is naturally endowed with certain desires and all the properties for their implementation.

With the correct development of properties in childhood, a person learns to enjoy achieving his goals. He understands what he wants and knows how to achieve it. Therefore, the question - why he is unlucky with work and money - does not confront him.

Who then complains that he is unlucky with work and money?

Unlucky with work and money. One of the reasons

It all starts from childhood. The fact is that by nature a child with a skin vector is given ambitions that he must develop and realize. These ambitions manifest themselves in the desire to be first.

Whoever is first is a hero, and whoever is last is a loser! So these children compete in games, just as they will compete in careers or sports in the future. And usually the losing child with the skin vector suffers, because he wants to be first.

But by continuing to constantly train, the child achieves what he wants and gets his result. He still wins and gets great pleasure from his victory, from winning in the competition.

But if such a child was treated poorly in childhood: beaten and/or insulted. If he did not feel a sense of security and safety from his parents, the child’s psyche cannot stand it.

The psyche of such children is naturally flexible, as is their body. And the child’s flexible psyche, trying to protect itself from this suffering, is restructured to get rid of it. That is, his brain produces natural opiates (endrophins) that relieve pain. And the child begins to enjoy physical or verbal violence.

And this child, having matured, will ask the question “why is he unlucky with work and money?” But the fact is that he did not learn to enjoy the results achieved, but, on the contrary, only from failures.

All his ambitions come down not to achieving results from the work (efforts) done, but from its failure. That is, in the first case, a person tries to achieve a result, despite his failures and without stopping in his movement, and in the second, a person does not need a result, failure is enough for him. No luck with work!

In order to fully understand and figure out how you can change the current situation from “no luck with work” to “finally I found a suitable job,” you need to understand yourself, recognize your innate desires and abilities, and learn to apply them. This allows you to change the unfavorable life scenario laid down in childhood. You can learn how to do this at the free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

A series of failures can deprive any person of self-confidence and block the path to well-being and prosperity. Fortunately, there is a reliable way to get rid of the black streak once and for all.

Popular wisdom says that trouble does not come alone. Even in ancient times, a pattern was noticed according to which one failure certainly leads to another. Many people have experienced this from their own experience: bad luck at work - problems with money begin, financial difficulties lead to problems in the family, and after a while stress provokes deterioration in health. As a result, a real dark streak begins in a person’s life, and it seems that there is simply no way out of it.

However, it is quite possible to break this vicious circle. The main thing is to decide in a timely manner to change your life once and for all and let happiness into it.

How to get rid of problems and failures

The first step to getting rid of a problem is to find its root cause. Sometimes failures appear in our lives so unexpectedly that it seems as if there is no reason and the matter is only in the injustice of the Universe. However, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is convinced that this is not so, and every problem has a source that a person is not always able to notice.

Often a series of failures turns out to be a consequence of a negative impact on a person’s energy, and this impact does not always come from the outside. Sometimes people bring problems upon themselves: negative thoughts and words, as well as negative emotions, can deal such a powerful blow to the biofield that luck turns away from a person. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as self-evil eye. The destructive program that we, unwittingly, “plant” in our subconscious, deprives us of our chances of success and gradually destroys our lives.

However, a negative impact can be carried out by a stranger, and most often this happens unnoticed. Even a completely harmless phrase said with envy or irritation can cause a blow to our energy. This is exactly what is called damage.

To protect yourself from any negative influences, and therefore from failures, you need to strengthen your energy. According to Vasilisa Volodina, a personal talisman can help with this. A thing charged with positive energy will repel negativity from you and will attract good luck to you.

Of course, not every thing can become a strong talisman. For a talisman to really attract good luck to you and repel troubles, three conditions must be met:

  • the talisman should be made of natural material, preferably wool, because it is considered the best conductor of positive energy;
  • the talisman must be charged in a special place of power;
  • The talisman must be charged by a person with special abilities.

Finding an amulet on your own that meets all the requirements is quite difficult. However, Vasilisa Volodina knows such a talisman. She herself has been using it for decades, and therefore is completely convinced of its power.

The most powerful talisman for good luck and money

The red thread from the Holy Land combines all the qualities necessary for a talisman to be truly strong. It will protect you from negative energy, attract good luck and help you get out of a series of problems. The red thread has a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life: all endeavors are easy, success accompanies in business and work, and harmony comes in family life. In addition, the red thread is the strongest amulet: it will repel any negative influences from you.

To receive a red thread, and with it the opportunity to get rid of problems and change your life for the better, you need to write to Vasilisa Volodina on her website.

Let the problems remain in the past. With a powerful talisman from the Holy Land, you can find your way to happiness and prosperity. We wish you well-being and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2017 02:24

Without love, complete happiness is impossible, so every person strives to find a companion for life. ...