We pump the back of the thigh at home. The best exercises for the hamstrings


The back muscle group of the thigh is different in that in everyday life it is not too often exposed to various loads and fat accumulates faster in this part. But for those who decide to tighten their legs, make them stronger, the muscles of the back of the thigh will also require certain exercises.

Such exercises can be included in a comprehensive leg workout or performed separately. With their help, you can solve several problems at once: remove fat from the buttocks, overcome cellulite and pump up your legs in general. To achieve a more noticeable effect, exercises for the hamstrings require regular performance.

The back of the thigh can be worked out both in the gym and at home. We will try to highlight the most effective exercises for correcting the back of the thigh at home and in the gym.

How to pump up your hamstrings in the gym

To quickly remove excess fat, you need to feel each muscle that the training is aimed at. The back of the thigh includes three large muscles:

  • biceps femoris (biceps femoris);
  • semitendinosus muscle;
  • semimembranosus muscle.

The main functions of these muscles are:

  • knee flexion;
  • extension of the hip joint;
  • flexion of the shin.

The main exercises for the hamstrings are squats and lunges, but you can diversify them with the help of gym equipment.

1. Bench leg press in a hack machine.

  • The press is performed while lying on the machine (it is important to use the back of the thigh when doing the press).
  • Place your feet on the top of the platform, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, while your knees should remain parallel to each other.
  • Presses are performed 20 times in 3 approaches. You can also perform a press with each leg separately, but the number of presses should be the same for each leg.

2. Leg bending on the simulator.

  • Lie face down on the machine so that your knees do not touch the bench, but hang slightly (this will help avoid knee injury).
  • Place the legs under the fastenings.
  • We begin to slowly bend our legs before the roller touches the buttocks, then we also smoothly straighten our legs. It is important to ensure that the muscles are tense.
  • Repetitions are performed 20 times with both legs. You can also pump up each leg separately (the main thing is to maintain the same number of repetitions on one and the other leg).

3. Exercises on the elliptical trainer.

The advantage of elliptical trainers is that you don’t need any special skills or technique to use them. On modern models, it is enough to enter data (weight, age) and the simulator will show how effective the training was, and will also track changes in heart rate.

If necessary, you can increase the difficulty level to quickly remove excess fat. The machine perfectly works the back of the thigh, calves, front of the thigh and buttocks, and at the same time does not load the joints.

4. Squats with a barbell.

Squats with a barbell are the most popular exercise among people who are interested in building their own body, since it works well not only on the back of the thigh, but also on the buttocks, and removes excess fat.


  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place the barbell on your back, on the lower part of your trapezius.
  • Perform a smooth squat, while your back should remain straight and your buttocks should fall slightly below your knees.
  • Return to starting position.

5. Swings with a dumbbell.

Dumbbell swings also work the buttocks and all the core muscles, such as the obliques, rectus abdominis, hamstrings, etc.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a dumbbell and stand straight.
  • Bend your knees slightly, bend over and swing the dumbbells down towards your groin, so that the dumbbell is between your legs at knee level.
  • You immediately need to straighten your legs and straighten your body so that the dumbbell flies up to shoulder level by inertia.
  • You should not hold the dumbbell at the top point, but immediately return to the starting position and do the required number of repetitions.

Exercises for the back of the thigh at home

Exercises for home do not require special sports equipment, you may only need a mat. But it is worth remembering that home exercises should also be regular.

The following exercises are suitable for home, which will help pump up your legs and remove excess fat:

1. Bridge on the mat.

  • Take the starting position: lie on the mat, legs bent at the knees so that the feet are completely on the surface of the mat, and the distance between them is slightly less than shoulder width.
  • Using the muscles of the buttocks, you need to push your pelvis up, fix this position and bring your knees together.
  • Spread your knees back and lower your pelvis without touching the floor. Repeat at least 50 times.

2. Leg raise while lying on your stomach.

  • Starting position: lie on your stomach on the mat, arms bent at the elbows, hands under the chin.
  • Tighten your buttock muscles and lift one leg up without bending it.
  • Slowly return your leg down, but without touching the floor. Perform the required number of times on both legs alternately.

You can increase the intensity of this exercise by lifting your upper body with each leg lift, which will engage the entire back of your body.

3. Lunges.

  • Take a step forward with one leg, while lowering your body so that your knee bends at a right angle.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform an equal number of repetitions on one and the other leg.

4. Jumping lunges. This exercise is a variation of the classic lunge.

  • Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Lunge forward with your foot, as with a normal lunge.
  • Jump up, while changing legs in the air so that the other leg is at a right angle. Perform the required number of times on each leg.

5. Burpees.

The most difficult but effective exercise for home to tighten the front and back of the thigh, buttocks, pectoral muscles, and core muscles. The main thing is to complete all stages of the exercise at the fastest possible pace and then excess fat can be removed faster.

  • Take the starting position: stand straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Do a squat with your hands on the floor.
  • Move your legs back and get into a push-up position.
  • Perform a push-up and immediately return your legs back to the squat position.
  • From the squat, jump as high as possible, while clapping your hands above your head.

Firm, boldly raised buttocks and toned hamstrings are the dream of most people who have problems with excess fat in the back of their legs. All nutritional errors and lack of training are reflected in the appearance of the rear. Sports activity, combined with a healthy diet and massage, will help strengthen and make the back of the body beautiful.


Women find it more difficult to remove fat deposits from the back area of ​​the body. There is a predisposition of the female body to the formation of reserves below the waist. Increased amounts of estrogen during puberty are responsible for excess fat in the thighs and buttocks. Even with intense training, this area is the last to lose ground.

The more developed a muscle group in the body is, the greater its effect on hormone levels. Exercise increases the activity of glucagon, a fat-burning hormone. Intensively working out the back of the body will not only make the body beautiful, but also speed up the metabolism. A good metabolism causes unnecessary fat deposits on the body to melt. After all, the more developed the muscles, the more nutrition they need. A strong rear helps you avoid back and knee problems. Therefore, it is quite powerful for adding a workout column to your daily schedule.

Exercises for the back of the thigh are combined with working out. The main thing in training is execution technique. It gives the correct order and method of execution in order to avoid excessive muscle strain, microtrauma, severe pain and other troubles.

  • The basic law of any workout is to warm up the muscles. Five minutes of jumping, running or any exercise will help your muscles tone up, become more elastic and accept the load without sprains or injuries.
  • Comfortable clothing is required, and for some exercises it is better to wear sneakers.
  • The effort is made while inhaling. Relaxation occurs as you exhale.
  • You need to repeat the movement an average of 15 to 20 times. Rest is no more than 30 seconds. After which two more approaches are done. But at the initial stage you should not overcome yourself. Each subsequent workout should be a little more difficult, literally 1 or 2 repetitions.
  • The last step in any workout should be stretching. Indeed, the next day after exercise, the back of the thigh hurts. Some yoga asanas immediately after exercise will reduce pain in strained muscles.


This is the most famous exercise for the hamstrings. It perfectly removes excess fat and, thanks to stretching, tightens muscles. Its advantage is that it does not require any props or a trip to the gym. Lunges can be regular or more effective, with jumping. It is better to perform them in shoes to avoid foot bruising and slipping, which leads to muscle strain. The body must be kept straight. Initial position: legs together, arms down along the body. Starting with your right foot, lunge forward. Then a jump is made, during which you can help yourself by waving your arms. At the top point, the legs change places, and the landing occurs with a lunge on the other leg. Performing this exercise daily effectively removes fat from the back of the thighs and tone the entire body.


This simple movement in itself allows you to quickly tidy up your buttocks and thighs. If you perform squats on one leg, then their effectiveness increases significantly. There are two types of exercise. One leg can simply be pressed against the body with your hands. Another option is called the “pistol” and is performed with the leg extended forward. The left leg is bent at the knee at the top and clasped with the arms. The supporting right leg should also be slightly bent.

You should perform 15 to 20 squats with a return to the starting position. The number of sets must be selected individually. The evaluation criterion will be muscle pain. Breaks between sets are not necessary, since the bent leg receives sufficient rest while the supporting leg works. If you have problems maintaining balance, you can lean on the wall with one hand, gradually moving on to squats without support.


This exercise is designed to pump up the rear zone of the body. Muscle growth simply displaces excess fat. Performed while squatting on a stand. Hold a barbell in arms straight down. She shouldn't touch the floor. The legs are straightened at a slow pace. As soon as the bar is at knee level, the squat must be repeated. In this case, the entire load falls only on the legs, and the back remains straight. This exercise is performed 10 times in several passes.

To avoid the risk of sprains and injuries, classes should be done every other day. This will allow the muscles to recover. It is recommended to supplement this exercise with others. Girls should not take a projectile that is too heavy; ten kilograms will be enough. After two weeks, the effect of your efforts will become noticeable. Deadlifts allow you to remove excess fat and quickly pump up your hamstrings. The muscles of the posterior femoral surface will become strong and work at full strength. Then the load can be increased.


This exercise perfectly works the upper thighs and buttock muscles. Legs are wider than shoulder-width apart. The initial position of the dumbbell is in front of the chest, with arms extended forward. Bend down and place your hands with a dumbbell between your knees and under your buttocks. When straightening up, you need to place your arms again at chest level. There should be no delay at this point. You can set the rhythm with the help of breathing, as you inhale - your arms are in front of your chest, as you exhale - they go down. The results of your efforts will be visible after just a few workouts.


This movement does not cause overload and acts gradually. The criterion for correct execution will be the feeling of stretching in the back of the thigh. Standing with support on the right leg, bend the left one at the knee so that it is behind. The foot will be parallel to the back. The purpose of the exercise is to bend over with your fingers touching the floor and bending your supporting leg at the knee. Perform several times for each leg. You can bend your back slightly.

Here are some of the best loads for problem areas that remove fat deposits. This is not a complete list of possible exercises for the back of the body, including the buttocks and thigh muscles. But still, the main essence of training is motivation. If there is a desire and goal to make the body beautiful and healthy, then the effectiveness of the classes will be maximum.

Having ideally shaped legs is every girl’s dream. Diets and going to the gym help you achieve your goal. But the result sometimes does not satisfy the fair sex. The legs become slender, but flexibility and fit are absent. To develop muscles, professional trainers recommend stretching exercises for the back and front of the thigh. This subtype of fitness works effectively in combination with proper nutrition and general physical activity.

The structure of the muscles of the lower extremities includes the following elements:

  • buttocks;
  • posterior and anterior femoral surfaces;
  • calf muscles.

The group in question is the largest and should receive a larger share of the load during training. It is especially recommended to do exercises such as stretching the hamstrings. The muscles of this part of the leg are involved in flexion, extension, internal rotation of the knee, tilting the pelvis forward and abducting the limb backward.

The structure of the posterior part of the thigh includes the biceps, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.

Read also: How to reduce the volume of your legs above the knee?

Losing weight and increasing muscle mass is the main goal of an athlete or fitness enthusiast. Regular exercise and a balanced diet will help tighten your legs.

Stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh: general rules

Physical exercise requires following certain guidelines for its implementation. Stretching the thigh muscles is no exception. This set of exercises is called stretching. This type of aerobics is an effective way to stretch muscles and improve a person’s general physical condition.

To obtain the desired results, training must be carried out systematically. These physical exercises are popular among fitness enthusiasts as they do not require special preparation. Stretching is used to correct body shape, prevent and treat diseases of the legs and back.

Immediately before stretching the muscles, be sure to warm up and warm up. This will prepare the connections for later exercises.

A good way to warm up is to jump in place or run at a normal pace with hopping and swinging movements. You need to remember about breathing: you cannot hold it.

Read also: Why is my foot swollen and painful in the ankle area?

Stretching the leg muscles allows you to qualitatively prepare the body for physical activity and competitions. Regardless of age and training experience, stretching is a necessary part of artistic gymnastics. In order for the exercises to bring the desired results, a training program is drawn up, which provides a calendar of gym visits, stretches of various leg muscle groups and diet are described.

The benefits of training are obvious: the body develops resistance to stress, weight and cardiovascular system are normalized, legs take a beautiful shape and become stronger.

A set of stretching exercises

There are several types of training sessions for stretching leg muscles. Stretching the front and back surfaces of the thigh is performed with a set of exercises in three groups based on the person’s position: standing, sitting and lying down.

From a standing position

Types of stretching in a vertical position:

  • bending at the knee;
  • wide deep squats;
  • shift with dumbbells.

When performing the first exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten one leg at the knee, and begin to bend the other, simulating squatting on a chair. Hold this position for a while, straining the back of your thigh. Do the same for the other leg.

Wide deep squats are a calm stretching of the muscles of both thighs at the same time. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and lower your hips down. Place your palms in the solar plexus area, and your elbows between your knees.

Read also: Exercises for beautiful knees

The dumbbell shift exercise can also be done at home. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, body slightly tilted forward. Take the projectile with both hands and pull them down. Direct the projectile between your legs so that it is at knee level. On the bend, straighten up and return to the original position.

From a sitting position

Stretching in this pose includes the following types:

  1. "Happy child". This is an open, relaxing position in which all infants lie up to a certain age. To stretch the muscles, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and grab your heels with your hands. Take five breaths, then lie in this position.
  2. Wide spread of legs to the sides. A great exercise to stretch your thigh muscles. You need to squat down and then lie down in this position. Place your feet on the floor. The heels should be further than the toes. Start to lower yourself onto your forearms, then onto your shoulders and bury your face in the mat, turning your head to the side.
  3. "Lizard". Widely used in yoga to stretch the outer thighs. Bend one leg and move the other back. Push your hands and pull your torso up. Perform the exercise 6 times.
  4. "Butterfly". The stretch is performed for both hips together. Sit on the mat, bend your knees, open your feet like a book. Straighten up and look ahead. Do 5 breathing exercises and bend over slowly.
  5. "Head to knee." With this exercise we stretch the back and leg muscles. Popular among track and field athletes. You need to sit down and straighten your legs. Bend your knee and bring your left foot toward your right hip. Then inhale and arch your upper chest. As you exhale, bend forward and try to touch your right foot with your fingers. Return to starting position.
  6. "Pigeon". An effective exercise for opening the hip joints, the technique of which is as follows:
  • sit down on the mat, pull your left leg back, bend your right;
  • Stretch your arms forward, placing your elbows on the floor;
  • do the same for the other leg.

Back of the thigh in women- one of the indicators of the attractiveness of legs. She is more susceptible to the appearance of fat deposits and cellulite, since she does not receive the proper load (especially during sedentary work). To get your back thigh in shape, you need to pay attention to regular physical activity, watch your diet and do massage. You should definitely include exercises for the back of your thighs in your workouts.

Functions and Features

The posterior thigh consists of three muscles - biceps, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. Together these muscles perform the following functions:

  • Hip extension;
  • Bending the leg at the knee joint;
  • Rotation of the lower leg with the knee bent;

Together with the buttocks, the back of the thigh performs the function of extending the body.

Peculiarity of these muscles is that they tend to shorten. You can learn about shortening with a simple exercise. Lying on your back, lift your leg 90° and lock it. If you do this easily and do not feel pain, then you do not have shortening of the muscle. This means that the back of your thigh is quite stretched. If you have diagnosed yourself with muscle shortening, then you need to work on stretching.

A set of exercises for the rear thigh

Among the many exercises, there are the best ones that are effective for the muscles of the back of the thigh and they are in front of you:

No. 1. Incline with lift

The exercise is similar to the yoga warrior pose. It tones your muscles, challenging your coordination and balance.

  • Stand up straight and tighten your abs.
  • Bend your torso forward while lifting your leg up.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you for balance with your torso and thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for several seconds.
  • 15 times for each leg.

No. 2. Deadlift with dumbbells

An effective technique for the rear end. If you do the exercise at home, you can use bottles of water or sand as weights.

  • Take a weight, place your arms along your body, bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  • Slowly bend at the hip joint (not at the waist) and lower the dumbbells as far as possible.
  • Please note that your back should be straight, do not round it.
  • 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

No. 3. One leg bridge

This exercise works great on the hamstring area:

  • Lie on your back with your hands on the floor for stability.
  • When you bend one leg, straighten the other and lift it off the mat.
  • Pressing the heel of your supporting leg, lift your pelvis up, keeping your body in a “bridge” position.
  • Slowly lower your pelvis down, your leg still up.
  • 3 sets of 15 times.

No. 4. Touching the floor

Thanks to the wide range of motion, the exercise effectively works the back thigh and buttocks. The technique combines all the benefits of deadlifts and deep single-leg squats, but without the pressure on the knee joints.

  • Take the dumbbell in your right hand and lift your leg of the same name.
  • Keeping your back straight and your left knee slightly bent, lean forward to touch the dumbbell to the floor.
  • In this case, the right knee is bent, and the thigh is located close to the left. No need to lift it up.
  • When you straighten your back, try not to place the foot of your bent leg on the floor.
  • If you are a beginner, try doing the exercise without weights.
  • 12 repetitions for each leg in 2-3 sets.

No. 5. Side and diagonal lunge

Effectively target your outer, inner, and back thighs with this exercise:

  • Do lunge to the side to the left, bringing the right hand with the dumbbell to the left shin.
  • Lower your buttocks as low as possible. In this case, the left knee is bent 90°.
  • Curtsy carefully.
  • Once you complete 12-15 reps, do it the other way. Only 3 sets.

No. 6. Body lifts

  • A difficult variation of simple lifts.
  • Lie on your stomach, place the fitball between your legs.
  • Engage your abs and extend your arms in front of you.
  • As you inhale, squeeze the ball, lifting your hips and arms off the floor.
  • Hold this position for 10 counts, then slowly lower down.
  • Only 10 times.

No. 7. Bent-overs with a kettlebell

This exercise not only works your hamstrings, but also your hamstrings and glutes.

  • Take the weight in your right hand and lift your left leg off the floor.
  • Keeping your back neutral, lean your torso forward, lifting your left hip. The leg will rise up and the weight will fall towards the floor.
  • 3 sets of 12 times for each leg.

No. 8. Hip extension with expander

Effectively pump up your hamstrings and buttocks in just one minute:

  • Get into the “on all fours” position.
  • Grab the handles of the expander with both hands.
  • Place your foot in the center of the rubber.
  • Bring your working thigh to your chest without touching the floor and move it back, fully straightening it.
  • 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

No. 9. Diagonal Lunge

Additional weights increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Dumbbell - in front of you.
  • Take a large step back diagonally, as if in a curtsy.
  • Lower into the lunge deeply until your hips form a right angle.
  • Return to the start and repeat on the other side.
  • 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

No. 10. Dumbbell rows to the chest while standing on one leg

The exercise works not only the back of the thigh, but also the upper back.

  • From a standing position, take a warrior pose (as in exercise No. 1).
  • Find balance.
  • While holding this position, perform dumbbell rows to your chest 10 times.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

No. 11. Platform lifts

Exercise imitates , but with a greater height, which makes the exercise even more effective.

  • Stand in front of the platform (step), place one foot on top.
  • Perform the lift while simultaneously lifting the knee of the other leg up.
  • Return to the start.
  • Only 20 times.

No. 12. Leg straightening

The exercise works the deep muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

  • Get on all fours, hands strictly under the shoulder joints.
  • Move your hip to the side, bending your knee 90°.
  • Slowly straighten your leg completely until it is parallel to the floor.
  • Stay in this position for several seconds.
  • Return to the start.
  • 2 sets of 20 repetitions in each direction.

No. 13. Deep reverse lunge

The step back should be deep so that the tension and stretch in the back of the thigh is felt. 3 sets of 12-15 times.

No. 14. "Iron" in the plank

The plank perfectly works the muscles of the whole body. To increase the load on your hips and buttocks, you just need to raise your leg with the knee bent. When you stand in the plank, do not lower your pelvis down, but do not lift it up either. 10 lifts with each leg. Only 2 sets.

No. 15. Hip abduction

  • Move your hip back as far as possible without leaning too far back.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles to maintain balance.
  • When you put your foot down, don't put it on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement 20 times at an average pace. Then perform diagonal hip abduction 20 more times.
  • Do similar movements for the other leg.

In order to put at least a little load on the back thigh, it is enough to practice climbing stairs every day. If you want to not only tone your backside, but also lose extra pounds, then pay attention to aerobic exercise. While losing weight, cardio should be done at least 2 times a week.

How to train muscles?

  • Remember that muscles quickly adapt to the load. Therefore, change the exercises, the number of approaches and repetitions more often.
  • Before training, be sure to warm up your muscles to avoid injury.
  • Before starting the complex, spend 5 minutes doing cardio (running, jumping rope, etc.).
  • Remember - muscle effort as you exhale and relaxation as you inhale.
  • If you can’t immediately complete the required number of repetitions, do as many as you can.
  • You need to do these exercises for the back of your thighs 2-3 times a week.
  • At the end of the complex, be sure to complete (especially if you have diagnosed yourself with shortening of this muscle).


Not only squats develop leg muscles well. Of course, this exercise is one of the best and works the entire muscular corset of the hips and buttocks. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this technique. Here are 15 exercises that will help you quickly tone your hamstrings.

The back of the thigh has a large muscle that needs to be developed not only by athletes, but also by people who care about their figure. Hamstring workout, will tone the muscles, relieve possible problems associated with the disease of ligaments and blood vessels.

TOP 5 most effective exercises for the hamstrings

Exercise 1. Deadlift

You need a stand and a rod. The weight of the barbell depends on your physical condition and muscle development. Girls are not recommended to lift a barbell of more than ten kilograms (five on each side). The load should be on your legs, do not involve your back and body in the work, they should not be mobile.

  1. Stand on the stand and squat down. The barbell must be held at arm's length, but preferably without touching the floor.
  2. Slowly straighten your legs until the bar is level with your knees, then squat down again. Make sure that the load goes only to the leg muscles.
  3. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise ten times in several approaches.

As a result of training with this exercise, your hamstring muscles will noticeably tighten and strengthen. There will be an opportunity to give yourself stronger loads. It will be possible to increase the weight of the barbell. All muscle groups in the legs will begin to work at full strength.

You will see the effect after two weeks of daily or alternating (every other day) training. To achieve the effect of the exercise, be sure to perform it correctly.

The deadlift exercise while standing on a stand must be combined with other exercises. If you are new to such workouts, it is better to do them every other day. This is necessary for muscle recovery after exercise and their gradual development without the risk of injury and overload.

Exercise 2. Swings with a dumbbell

To perform the exercise you will need a dumbbell. The severity must be selected based on your muscle potential.

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulders. The dumbbell must be held at arm's length from the chest. Stand up straight.
  2. With your arms tilted, guide the dumbbell between your legs. Thus, it should be between the knees and under the buttocks.
  3. As you straighten your legs and straighten your body, return the dumbbell to its original position. (Hold it in front of your chest with your arms outstretched).

With proper technical execution, you will develop the upper part of the hamstring muscles and buttock muscles.

The effect is achieved after several workouts.

Video exercises:

Do not hold the dumbbell at the top point. Set the rhythm of the exercise while inhaling and exhaling. The result you can achieve depends on the technique of execution.

Exercise 3. Squats on one leg

There are two options for performing the exercise. In one of them, the free leg is bent and pressed against the body with the hands, and in the other, it should be straightened parallel to the floor. The second option is popularly called “Pistol Exercise.”

  1. It is necessary to stand on your right leg, while slightly bending it at the knee. The left leg must be bent, raising the knee up; for convenience, you can clasp it with your hands.
  2. The supporting leg will be in the process of training and physical activity. Squats on the supporting leg are the basis of the exercise.
  3. After completing the squat, return to the starting position. You need to repeat squats 15-20 times in one approach.

This exercise puts the necessary load on the back of the thigh, toning and tightening it.

The effect of the exercise depends on your efforts. It must be performed before pain appears in the muscles in order to achieve the best result.

Video exercises:

Since the load on the legs alternates, it must be distributed equally. The same number of squats on each leg will give the desired effect. While one leg is resting, the other is working, so there is no need to separate the approaches with breaks. If you have difficulties with balance, you can lean one of your hands on the wall; it will be necessary to gradually get rid of this habit.

Exercise 4. King's Row

Another effective exercise for the hamstrings is the King's row.

  1. Stand on your right leg and bend your left knee. In this case, it is necessary to direct it not forward, but backward, so that the foot is parallel to your back.
  2. Hands must be pulled towards the floor with your fingers, and your back slightly bent.
  3. When bending your supporting leg, reach your toes towards the floor. It is advisable to touch it.
  4. After completing the exercise several times, repeat it, changing your leg.

The effect of this exercise can be seen after several sessions, as it acts gradually without causing muscle overload.

When performed correctly, you will feel the hamstrings stretch.

Video exercises:

The exercise must be done in several approaches. Make sure you perform the technique correctly. If you don't feel tension in your gluteal muscles and hamstrings, then you're doing it incorrectly.

Exercise 5. Jumping lunges

Lunges are the most common exercise for developing the hamstrings. This exercise does not have to be done in the gym; it is well suited for home use. In addition, the lunge exercise does not require additional equipment such as a dumbbell or barbell.

  1. You need to stand in the basic stance: arms along the body, legs together. Make sure your back is straight.
  2. Lunge your foot forward. It is best to start the exercises with the right leg.
  3. When jumping up, switch legs. To ensure that the jump is at a sufficiently large distance from the floor, help yourself by waving your arms.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform this exercise daily.

The exercise tightens the leg muscles well and keeps the body in good shape.

Video exercises:

It is best to perform the exercise in sports shoes. Doing this exercise barefoot may cause injury. The most common of these is a foot bruise. Keep your body balance normal when jumping, try to keep your body straight, without leaning to one side or another.

In order to develop your body, you need to choose the right exercises. Training the back of the thigh should be combined, that is, consist of various loads, in this case the muscles will become strong and toned evenly. Make sure you perform the exercises correctly and repeat them in several approaches.