Why do women dream about dogs? Why do you dream about a big white dog? Dreaming of a white, black, red dog


A dog is often called a person’s friend, so most people consider its presence in a dream a good sign associated with strengthening friendships. However, dogs can also be dangerous, and people often even have phobias associated with them. This animal is quite ambiguous, so the interpretation of sleep largely depends on the appearance of the dog, on its actions in a dream and on some other factors.

A woman dreams about a dog

In a woman’s dream, a dog is an image not only of a friend, but also of a husband. A small dog sometimes symbolizes a child. A dream in which a dog appeared can have different meanings for a woman:

  • For an unmarried girl, the appearance of a large dog in a dream is a sign of an imminent meeting with her future husband. According to a number of dream books, including Miller's dream book, a dog may even frighten the dreamer, but this is not a warning of danger.
  • A pregnant woman often dreams of a small dog that has recently appeared in the house. Such a dream sometimes signals that already born children or other younger relatives do not have enough attention.
  • A cat and a dog suddenly attacking each other is a sign that you should be gentler in your relationship with your husband. A major quarrel over household trifles is possible.
  • For a married woman, a dream about a puppy that destroyed an apartment foreshadows many household chores, some of which will be unnecessary.

In order to more accurately interpret a dream, you should analyze the appearance and behavior of the animal.

Dogs in a woman’s dream are often associated with family and household chores.

A man's dream about a dog

Men dream of dogs no less often than women. In addition to the interpretations common to both sexes, there are a number of separate ones for men:

  • A man often dreams of a big and kind dog before meeting the woman he will love. The larger the animal, the more reliable and morally stronger the beloved will be.
  • Seeing a hunting dog in a dream is a sign for a man that he behaves too recklessly and selfishly in relationships with women.
  • A red dog in a man’s dream is a symbol of a successful deal and an improving working relationship.

A dream about a dog for men often promises success, but in order to give an accurate interpretation, other factors should be taken into account, including the behavior of the animal.

Appearance and condition of the animal in a dream

A lot depends on the appearance of the dog:

  • A big and kind white dog, according to many dream interpreters, including the famous fortune teller Vanga, is a good sign. It means both strong friendship and protection from troubles. If the white dog is dirty, this is a warning that someone is holding a grudge against the dreamer.
  • The black dog symbolizes either an offended friend or an enemy. You should think about it when you see this symbol in a dream.
  • A red animal dreams of pleasant changes - both in the financial sphere and in love.
  • A brown dog is a sign that you will have to communicate with a not very pleasant, but reliable and intelligent person.
  • The gray beast is a symbol of calm and balance. Both a meeting with such a person and peace in the dreamer’s soul are possible.
  • A strong, healthy and purebred animal portends that the dreamer’s material well-being will improve in the near future.
  • A dirty yard dog has the opposite meaning - it promises poverty and illness.
  • If you dreamed of a very sick or even dead dog, you should be very attentive to friends and relatives. In the near future they may need urgent assistance, including medical assistance.
  • If the animal died from a snake bite, the snake in this case symbolizes the dreamer. You should be less selfish, otherwise you may lose a friend and regret it bitterly.
  • Interestingly, even a talking animal can be a symbol. In this case, the content of his words is of particular value. The very meeting of such a fabulous animal in a dream means the appearance of an excellent partner in reality.
  • A bloodhound following the trail warns of danger that is associated with the dreamer’s internal state or with an external threat.
  • A mad dog in a dream is a signal that the dreamer is very tired and has accumulated many problems that require urgent solutions.
  • A dog sitting on a chain is a reminder that a friend is bound by promises that he cannot go against. The dreamer should not insist on his own.
  • A sleeping dog is a symbol of the uncertainty of the situation in which the dreamer finds himself. Its further development will depend on many circumstances.
  • Puppies portend an imminent surprise, which will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Much depends on the size of the dog. If she shows aggression, then the smaller the animal, the smaller the troubles will be. You should control yourself and not react to minor attacks directed at you.

A change in color is enough for the dream to have the opposite meaning, so the appearance of the dog is an important factor in dream analysis.

Actions of the beast

Most often, the meaning of a dog’s actions is intuitive, but there are also unusual interpretations:

  • All dream books agree that a dog bite is a very bad sign, which can mean either betrayal of a friend, or a serious illness or attack in reality. According to the Egyptian dream book, the bite of a black dog even means the intervention of dark forces in human life. If the dog does not bite until it draws blood, then the danger comes from a person who is not a relative. Traces of blood mean that trouble will happen because of a relative.
  • A dog licking a person's hand symbolizes a quick change of job, and such a change will turn out to be very successful.
  • The barking and growling of dogs behind one's back is a sign that someone is trying to discredit the dreamer. It is highly likely that rumors are spread by people whom he considers friends. Barking can also mean bad news.
  • If animals bark and roar along a long path, but do not attack, then this is a symbol of envy on the part of a whole group of people.
  • A black dog tenderly licking his hands is a sign that the enemy repents of his actions.
  • An animal protecting the dreamer is a very good sign. It symbolizes that close people and even higher powers will come to his aid.
  • Several animals that fight over meat warn the dreamer not to be greedy and quarrel with loved ones.

The actions of a dog can mean not only the actions of the people around them, but also signal that it is time for the dreamer to change his own behavior.

Human actions towards a dog

It matters not only how a dog behaves in a dream, but also how a person behaves towards it. A person’s actions towards a dog in a dream can be different:

  • Beating a dog in a dream is a symbol of hidden aggression, which certainly needs to find a peaceful way out. But if a fight with an animal occurred because it attacked first, then victory over it is a sign of successful resolution of the conflict in reality. In the Muslim dream book, in which a dog is considered the enemy of man, hitting him in a dream means good health.
  • Buying a dog means that you should rethink your relationships with others. There are people nearby who cannot be trusted. Buying an expensive animal sometimes warns that you should be more careful about financial transactions, they can bring losses.
  • In a dream, a person can become a dog himself. This means that soon he will have to protect another, without having sufficient moral or legal rights to do so.
  • Feeding a dog in a dream means that you should be more attentive to the consequences of your actions. They can be serious.
  • Vain attempts to tame a wild beast mean that in reality the dreamer will have to take on a difficult and hopeless task.
  • A walk with a dog symbolizes happiness and the appearance of true friends, or a meeting with old friends.

A dream about a dog can be interpreted in different ways, because in real life these animals are ambiguous. However, most often they are true friends who bring joy both in reality and in dreams.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, and it is not for nothing that when you hear the phrase “my four-legged friend,” this particular animal immediately appears before your eyes. They have been living side by side with man for thousands of years, helping him in everything. But what can a dog dream about when it enters a dream? Is it always a good sign, or could it be a warning?

In most cases, a dog in a dream is a positive character, but not always. Much depends on the interpretation and related factors.

For example, a whole pack of dogs symbolize many problems, troubles and experiences that bother a person in real life. This dream warns of expected obstacles and dubious friends waiting for a person to make a mistake.

If dogs are favorably disposed towards a person, they caress and allow themselves to be petted, then the dream radically changes its meaning. In this case, you can count not only on your own strength, but also on luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. This dream foreshadows that the time has come for the most daring changes, to change the field of activity or organize your business.

Naturally, the behavior of dogs in their sleep is of great importance. If a flock of animals is friendly with each other, plays and frolics, then this is a sure sign that fruitful cooperation and a successful outcome of planned affairs are expected in a person’s life.

If the dogs are belligerent, fight, sorting things out among themselves, then the sleeping person will face a rift with friends or colleagues in life, which will not be easy to forget. This is a warning dream, after which you need to be more careful in your statements or actions so as not to become the culprit of a quarrel.

In addition to the number of pets, the interpretation of the dream also depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about.

As in life, in a dream many of a person’s associations when seeing a dog depend on its appearance. A big dog can cause fear, and a tiny puppy can cause tenderness. What animal parameters should you pay attention to when interpreting a dream?

Why do you dream of a big or small dog?

An animal of impressive size indicates that a person has good relationships with friends based on trust. But if a dog inspires terror in a sleeping person, it means that in life he is afraid of his comrades. And this does not allow you to fully open up to your friends, to fully trust.

There are several interpretations of dreams where a big dog appears:

  • symbolizes reliability, success and prosperity - a large dog can become a protector against any kind of threat;
  • the dream means that any troubles will lose their significance and become less important;
  • a large dog can mean that an influential and powerful patron will appear in a person’s life.

Small dogs most often mean small but enjoyable chores. Perhaps the family is about to celebrate an important date, the birth of a baby is expected, or a wedding. Of course, preparation, choosing gifts, organizing a celebration is a troublesome task, but at the same time pleasant.

These same dogs warn that soon you will have to take care not only of your life priorities, but also be interested in whether others agree with this arrangement of affairs.

Small dogs can represent younger relatives or comrades who need protection.

Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

The color of the fur of the dreamed dog allows you to interpret the dream differently. So why might you dream of a dog of one color or another:

  • Wool black is a warning about a meeting with an enemy. Sometimes this dream suggests that someone around him has evil intent, or that the dreamer himself has lost faith in his loved ones. In this case, a frank conversation with friends helps.
  • Wool white color- a messenger that a meeting with old good friends will soon take place, and the old relationship will quickly be restored. Also, a white dog can be a symbol of changes in life for the better.
  • Redhead a dog is a sign of deceit on the part of supposed allies. This means that those around you are acting dishonestly towards you, or are preparing a conspiracy. If a man dreams of a dog with such fur, then there is a possibility of a dishonest colleague.
  • Gray The dog's fur means that in difficult times, all loved ones will turn away. There is a great risk that your best friend will be on the other side of the barricades in a conflict.
  • Brown dog - mistrust on the part of an old acquaintance, which the sleeper will have to dispel.

Dog of a certain breed

Quite often, a purebred animal appears in people's dreams. The dream itself speaks of a person’s desire to be in some company, to achieve a promotion at work, or to find an influential patron. Moreover, the dog seems to suggest that friends will help you achieve your goal.

What is the significance of this or that breed of four-legged friends:

  • A German Shepherd is a good sign, indicating that a person has friends who are ready to help. The plan will work out, especially if the activity is connected with caring for those in need.
  • The Rottweiler is a symbol of change, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it will definitely cause difficulties for a person. It will take time for a person to come to terms with changes.
  • – the upcoming work involves communicating with friendly and talented employees. Such activities will only bring satisfaction.
  • Labrador - symbolizes a huge surge of energy in the work field. Friends will help you establish good relations with your boss. Such a dog indicates that a person is confident in himself and his abilities.
  • - portends unexpected joy at work, which will affect many. All possible problems will be resolved once or twice.

What does a dog do in a dream?

The actions of the animal are very important. If a dog is sleeping, then this is a symbol of a person’s conscience. In addition, it is important what your four-legged friend looks like:

  • If the dog is clean, with neat fur, it means that the sleeping person has a clear conscience.
  • An animal in the dirt, shaggy and emaciated means that there are a lot of thoughts, doubts, and reflections in the sleeper’s head. Perhaps this is a feeling of guilt.
  • Dreaming of a sleeping dog that does not allow one to pass through is a symbol of the fact that a person’s soul is heavy because of previously committed deeds.
  • The kindest, sweet dog personifies true friendship, which means that there is someone nearby to whom you can reveal any secret. This is a real support in any situation.
  • A dog that barks aggressively at the dreamer - the dream warns that the person will soon be drawn into a conflict.
  • Mad Dog warns that a big fight with your best friend could lead to him becoming your worst enemy.
  • The chained dog suggests that you should be more careful in choosing friends; many of those around you are not such at all.

Interesting interpretations of dreams from other dream books

How many people, so many opinions. If we look at different dream books, we can see that a dog can symbolize completely different phenomena.

  1. Looking into an ancient Old Church Slavonic dream book, you can read that a dog in a dream speaks of a person’s devotion and courage. Longo's dream book indicates that if a dog licks a person's hand, then good luck awaits him in his career. If the animal is sleeping, then most likely you will have to give up everything and take care of the children.
  2. Dream interpreter Kanonita points out that if you dream of a dog, then an unattainable goal can be achieved with maximum effort.
  3. Italians trust Maneghetti's dream book; according to him, dreams about dogs indicate who dominates in a relationship and who only submits. Most often, these relationships are negative, since one of the participants suppresses the will of the other. These may not necessarily be married couples, but also mother-child, father-child, etc.
  4. The well-known Nostradamus also did not ignore the topic of dogs in dreams. Its interpretation is connected with the financial situation of the sleeper, or more precisely with his instability. In such a dream there is a warning - it’s time to save money “for a rainy day.”
  5. Tsvetkov's dream book says that a dog is a symbol of an upcoming victory. If a person experiences difficulties, then the matter will be resolved in his favor anyway.
  6. Freud focuses on the character and behavior of the animal, a kind dog dreams of new pleasant acquaintances, an evil one prophesies a quick quarrel, the dog caresses - a new love will soon appear, if it bites - grueling litigation awaits the sleeper.

Whatever dreams prophesy, you should not rely only on them. You should benefit from them and build a life with your own hands.

For most of us, a dog is a symbol of devotion, friendship and reliability, but the interpretation of a dream with him is not so clear.

Why a woman dreams of dogs depends on many factors: the origin of the dreamer, her marital status, age, personal attitude towards these animals. In addition, it depends on their size, color, breed. The dog’s occupation in a dream, its behavior and character, as well as how it interacts with a woman also matter.

The meaning of sleeping with a dog varies depending on the dreamer’s marital status: dreams of married and unmarried women are interpreted differently. Pregnancy also affects the interpretation of dreams with dogs.

Unmarried woman

If an unmarried woman dreams of a dog, you should pay attention to the size of the animal. A big dog portends pleasant news about old friends whom you have not seen for a long time, or a meeting with them, an acquaintance with a man who will become either a future husband or a good friend. A new acquaintance will have an easy character and many positive qualities.

After a dream with a large light-colored dog, you should expect a marriage proposal. A small dog in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant surprise, a surprise.

If a lonely girl has a dream in which she feeds a dog, it may mean that she has an influential patron in her life who provides her with favor and support. Playing with a dog promises well-being for the girl’s loved ones in the near future. A dog that fawns over the dreamer in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent marriage. At the same time, the future spouse will be faithful and caring.

It is not good if an unmarried girl sees in a dream many beautiful and playful puppies. Such a dream means that many pleasant, but flighty admirers are expected in her life in the near future.


If a pregnant woman dreams of a dog, to correctly interpret what she sees, it is worth taking into account its general atmosphere. A kind, friendly animal is a sign that the pregnancy is proceeding normally or that the woman is expecting reconciliation with her husband’s family. Playing with a pet indicates a positive outcome of childbirth.

If an expectant mother dreams of a barking dog, it means she is worried about a bad feeling. It is recommended to go to an unscheduled appointment with a gynecologist, avoid communicating with unpleasant people, and stay at home for some time, in safety.

In some dream books you can read that a dog in a pregnant woman’s dream foretells the birth of a child prodigy. In addition, a dog can be a harbinger of changes in life, but what they will be depends on the general atmosphere in the dream.

Married woman

A dog with a litter of puppies in a married woman’s dream is a symbol of well-being and harmony in the family. For a childless couple, such a dream can be a harbinger of a long-awaited addition to the family. For a childless married woman, playing with a dog in a dream may indicate a deep desire to become a mother.

A large dog in a married lady’s dream symbolizes the fidelity of her husband. It's a good sign to see a Great Dane. Such a dream foreshadows a long and happy family life. A dog entering a house is a harbinger of the arrival of long-awaited guests or good news.

Married woman

A dog in a married woman’s dream can be a harbinger of sad events and unfavorable changes in family life. Thus, fighting pets are an omen of separation, alienation or a quarrel with your husband. An animal that follows the dreamer portends grief caused by her spouse.

Maneghetti's dream book promises a woman who sees a dog in a dream a dominant position in the family, suppression of the will of her other half, which will lead to the destruction of the family. Playing with a dog may mean that the dreamer is not being honest with her companion and this may soon shake the peace in the family.

A small puppy in a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems for loved ones or is a sign that a woman is too protective of them. A large puppy can be a harbinger of trouble for the dreamer herself, not only in the family, but also at work. There is a risk of health problems.

Why do dogs dream - interpretation from dream books

Most collections of dream interpretations (dream books by Miller, Hasse, Vanga, Smurov, etc.) interpret dreams with dogs for women in the same way. The appearance and behavior of the animal are of greatest importance. Thus, small, beautiful, playful dogs promise a girl the appearance of a handsome admirer, while large ones promise a meeting with a suitable candidate for husband. A man with a dog is a harbinger of a meeting with his betrothed. Perhaps the girl will even be able to see his face.

If you dream of a barking dog, you should expect bad news or troubles. Barking dogs symbolize gossip and intrigue that annoy the dreamer. Fright from meeting an animal symbolizes a conflict situation with others.

Miller's dream book states that a dog with several heads is a sign that a woman has taken on too many tasks and responsibilities and is unable to cope with them. Playing with a dog during a dream is a sign of joy. Looking at an animal running away means illness, alarming news.

Some interpreters interpret a dog running away in a dream as a heap of problems, the successful resolution of which will require a lot of thinking. A dog tearing a dress symbolizes an enemy or rival. Such a dream is also interpreted as a quick marriage.

The meaning of a dog's color, its size and breed

To decipher a dream, the size of the animal matters. A small dog can mean either a frivolous admirer or minor troubles and troubles. In most dream books, seeing a big dog in a dream is interpreted as a good sign. She promises a meeting with an old friend or future husband, fidelity and devotion of her spouse.

The exception is the animal of black color. A woman dreams of a large black dog as a sign of alienation, betrayal or betrayal of a loved one or friend who previously enjoyed unlimited trust. If such an animal fawns over the dreamer, it means that a bad person, for example a rival or an envious woman, is gaining her trust. And small black dogs portend trouble for the woman’s relatives.

In all dream books, seeing a white dog in a dream is a good omen. This is a symbol of well-being both materially and in the family. This dream is also interpreted as the appearance of a faithful friend or loved one in the dreamer’s life. A light dog of any color and size symbolizes well-being, thoroughness, calm, a friendly atmosphere at work and harmony in the family.

A large red dog symbolizes a loved one - a husband, a loved one, a lover. An animal of this color may mean the insincerity of one of your friends. Some dream books claim that red-colored animals dream of intense sex.

A dream with a small brown dog promises a meeting with a simple working person, sociable and honest. A large brown animal symbolizes an enemy or a person unpleasant to the dreamer, who, nevertheless, is not an enemy or ill-wisher. This individual may even do her a favor or offer her friendship. Such a dream is sometimes interpreted as the imminent appearance of an unrequitedly in love admirer.

A good omen is a pregnant dog. To a lonely girl, she promises a meeting with a good person, passionate and happy love, and a change in her life situation for the better.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends a good relationship with her husband’s relatives. If the animal is aggressive, feelings will be unrequited. A hungry and dirty dog ​​is a harbinger of failure and illness.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the breed of the animal. Decorative breeds (poodle, lapdog, spitz, Yorkshire terrier, etc.) symbolize loyal, cheerful and affectionate friends. Dog is a great and wise friend. It is a harbinger of a happy marriage. An aggressive Great Dane symbolizes an intelligent enemy.

Service dogs (shepherds, etc.) in dreams are devoted friends and protectors, always ready to help. Animals of hounds and hunting breeds, bloodhounds symbolize in a dream selfish and cunning people capable of deception and betrayal. At the same time, the hunting dog belonging to the dreamer is a symbol of good luck and profit.

If an angry dog ​​attacks or bites a woman

An aggressive and angry animal in a dream is definitely a bad omen. A growling, barking, attacking dog in a dream is a harbinger of conflicts, grievances, disappointments, gossip and intrigues that you will have to fight on your own. A pursuing animal is a warning of danger, a call to mobilize all forces to resist. Running away from a dog means escaping from problems or successfully overcoming all obstacles.

An animal bite in a dream is a symbol of harm caused to the dreamer. Being bitten on the leg by a dog in a dream without bleeding means a quarrel over money or deception, problems with colleagues or partners. A wound without blood also means injury to the affected organ (arms, legs, etc.). The appearance of blood during a bite portends problems with blood relatives.

In a dream, a dog is wounded, dead or sick

A woman dreams of a dead dog in anticipation of problems at work, conflicts that can lead to depression. Such a dream can mean misunderstanding with loved ones. A dead animal may portend a husband's betrayal. If the dog is not just dead, but eaten by worms, you should seriously concern yourself with your own health.

If a woman dreams of a sick dog, one should expect material losses, a decline in business, and loss of property. A small sick dog is a harbinger of sorrows and disappointments.

If a woman dreams of a dog covered in blood, her husband or lover is in danger of trouble or illness. If the animal does not suffer, the problems can be quickly resolved. If it suffers from pain and whines, it will take a lot of effort. Some dream interpreters claim that a howling wounded dog foreshadows participation in an adventure or an unjustifiably risky act.

Dreaming of a wounded dog is a bad omen. Such a dream can be a harbinger of an incurable illness or even the death of a loved one. A beaten dog can warn of fairly large material losses.

An injured animal may mean the presence of an unresolved conflict due to misunderstanding with a loved one, jealousy and lack of trust in the couple. A wounded dog, according to some dream books, can symbolize dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere.

If in a dream a pair of dogs hurt each other until they bled, it means that the dreamer has two admirers who intend to seek her attention at any cost.

Many dogs in a dream

If you dream of an aggressive pack of dogs, the woman is in danger. The dream warns that you should not blindly trust friends, colleagues, business partners and even relatives. Miller claims that such a dream portends health problems for children. A pack that attacks domestic animals is a harbinger of losses.

A dog with puppies in a dream may mean a desire to return to a relationship with a former lover, a desire to get advice from family or friends.

Many small dogs in a dream can mean both a company of frivolous friends and fans, and minor troubles, empty chores, and useless fuss.

Kind, affectionate dog

A big, kind dog in a dream is a good omen. It could mean a meeting with an old trusted friend or his help in a difficult situation. Feeding such an animal in a dream foretells receiving a gift or gratitude from friends.

A large dog that caresses the dreamer testifies to the devotion and support of those close to her. If he belongs to the hunting breed, the woman can expect victory over circumstances, solving problems in her favor, and changing life circumstances for the better. A kind and playful dog can be a harbinger of a pleasant conversation or a joyful event.

A large number of friendly animals in a dream foreshadows a noisy party in the company of cheerful friends.

Other meanings in dream books

A dog on a leash in a dream can promise a pleasant date with your loved one. For a mother, such a dream may mean that she is planning the future of the child, regardless of his wishes.

If a dog is put on a chain, perhaps a loved one has obligations that weigh on him. For an unmarried girl, a walk in a dream with an animal on a leash portends success, pleasant and joyful events.

A talking dog for a woman can mean a marriage proposal. But it’s worth listening to what the animal says. Perhaps this subconscious is conveying a hint or warning to the dreamer.

A good omen is a chained dog. It means either that a woman has a reliable protector, or symbolizes her inaccessibility to envious people and enemies.

How to neutralize bad sleep meaning

If you have a bad dream, the first thing you can do is try to forget it; to make this task easier for yourself, you can say: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream” or “A good dream rise again, and a bad dream disappears.” You shouldn’t stress yourself out by attracting trouble, because prophetic dreams are not such a common occurrence, and a negative infusion can play a cruel joke on a person and attract trouble.

If you cannot forget the nightmare, you can use the following simple techniques to neutralize bad dreams:

Psychologists advise not to forget that we are the masters of our dreams, so we can try and change the plot of the dream from negative to positive. For example, if you dream of a barking dog, you can imagine that its barking is not aggressive, but playful. The animal does not attack, but wants to play or asks to feed it, then it is enough to leave it a ball or give it food to completely change the meaning of the dream.

A dog is every person's friend if he treats it well. Since ancient times, dogs have guarded human homes, been people's hunting companions, carried loads, and often saved the lives of their owners.

That is why people have always associated dogs with friendly creatures. And most often in dream books a positive interpretation is given for the appearance of a shaggy friend in a dream.

A positive interpretation of dreams about dogs is based precisely on the positive image of a dog at all times. After all, dream books are written by ordinary people who simply compare notes about dreams in various written works and analyze the observations of different generations of people.

It is interesting that Vanga’s dream book was not written by Vanga at all, but allegedly by a person with superpowers, who took and deciphered the notes made by Vanga’s sister as a basis. These materials were found by journalists after the death of the seer. Of course, in these manuscripts the clairvoyant did not interpret dreams, but simply events and their images, on the basis of which the dream book was created.

Moreover, in Russia they created the Vanga forum, where enthusiastic people copy by hand and print out information from this dream book, which is not published in full, but ends with the letter P. Ie. 10 volumes of this work have gone on sale, and work on the following sections, up to volume 20, is still ongoing.

The pages of the notes have turned yellow with age, but they need to be scanned and made readable, and this is a huge amount of work for many workers. People are eagerly awaiting the release of the full version of the dream book.

Although dream books reflect very average human experiences and emotions, nevertheless, this dream book is extremely popular. Of course, this may be due precisely to the great authority of the clairvoyant herself.

Why does a woman or an unmarried girl dream about a dog?

For unmarried people, living dogs in a dream foretell the appearance in reality of very faithful friends and decent suitors.
But a dead four-legged animal symbolizes the betrayal of a beloved groom. If in a dream you are trying to revive a dog, expect financial problems from your relatives.

If you see that a dog is first dead and then comes back to life, then you don’t know much. Soon such unpleasant things will be revealed that you did not even suspect.
If a dog lies dead in your dream, and small midges are circling around it, then expect an imminent illness.

A dog dying in your arms predicts trouble.
If there are a lot of aggressive dogs around you. Beware, your enemies are on the offensive. If aggressive dogs are behind you, then expect a blow in the back.

A red dog that comes to you in a dream predicts the imminent appearance of a good groom in your life.

But if the dog is the same color, but dirty and tattered, it means that someone is spreading unpleasant and false gossip about you.

Walking with dogs in another reality promises prosperity and success in all endeavors.

If a dog bites in a dream

A biting dog symbolizes the appearance of a dangerous enemy, who at first pretended to be your friend.

If a shaggy man in a dream bites your hand, someone from your inner circle is secretly accumulating anger.

A fight with a dog and a bite without blood indicate hidden hostility from your other half. Bite with blood - beware of a relative.

A large white dog predicts a disaster on an urban or global scale, and a small white animal indicates an incident with you personally.

Watching a dog fight in a dream is not at all good. Soon you will learn about your friend's betrayal.

If you kill a four-legged animal in a dream, then all your difficulties will resolve themselves, without your additional outside efforts.
If you dreamed that someone was putting your dog on a chain and tying it up, keep in mind that your close friend is not free, and therefore he cannot assume any obligations towards you.

A dog caresses in a dream

If a dog fawns over you in a dream, then you will meet a person whose support you can always count on.
A dog protecting you in a dream means that you have a faithful comrade who is ready to do anything for you.

I dreamed about a shepherd in a dream

A shepherd dog in a dream predicts an acquaintance with a pleasant person, which will later develop into a romantic adventure.
If the animal in the dream was black, then you need to beware of your friend’s betrayal in reality.
Playing with a shepherd in a dream will lead to you having to completely change your outlook on life.

If a man dreams of a dog

For men, seeing a dog in a dream promises prosperity in all matters, prosperity in business and a strong, friendly family.

Of course, the church does not reject the existence of prophetic dreams only if they were sent by God himself. Prophetic dreams always came to people of high rank and piety in the face of the Lord. It is believed that among atheists, dreams are simply a product of the vital activity of the brain: processing and analysis of past events.

And, probably, not all people are able to see dreams at all, let alone interpret them. According to the priests, atheists are not capable of dreaming at all. In our time, however, there are very sensitive emotionally individuals who seem to receive information from space and broadcast it outward. Basically, these are representatives of the fair sex, in whom the unconscious is very strong.

It is known that men, for example, dream much less often than women, because women are more friendly with intuition and live with their hearts. In the stronger sex, logical, rational thinking predominates, and it is very difficult for the unconscious to break through all this.

Whether you believe or not in the existence of prophetic dreams, this is all purely individual. If you believe, check the dream books, but do not forget to rely on your own intuition in order to interpret your dreams with greater reliability. Particular attention should be paid to dreams that are repeated several times throughout your life. Often people neglect such dreams because they do not know how to interpret them correctly.

For example, one girl often dreamed since childhood that she was skating on a skating rink on an ice circle. The dream was repeated every six months from year to year. She grew up, her life did not work out, it seemed that she was going in circles, because the problems were repeated, and there was no solution.

By chance, already in the middle of her life, she came to see a good psychic, who said that this was a type of damage (walking in a circle) that was sent to this girl for an unknown reason. When the damage was lifted, the problems in life immediately went away. This is what inattention to oneself leads to. But it’s such a pity for wasted time.

Thanks to this page you will learn Why do women dream about dogs?.

It is important to know why a woman dreams of dogs in order to prepare for a possible event. Usually, an affectionate and friendly dog ​​will bring you true friendship. If you are the owner of a dog, you can successfully realize yourself in business. And the white dog will also bring great pure love.

If dogs are set on your trail, then you need to give up temptations that could ruin your life. Hearing barking is bad news. And growling from behind is gossip and harm to your interests. If you meet a huge dog on the road that scares you, then these are omens of a meeting with a person worthy of you, a future marriage.

See also other interpretations of dreams about dogs:

Why do women dream about dogs?

TO dog in a dream, each dream book from different countries sometimes selects dissimilar interpretations. This is associated with the cultural attitude towards the animal, its habits and character, size and behavior in relation to the dreamer.

Why does a woman dream about a big dog?

If you see a big dog acting friendly or trying to protect, it’s time to trust fate and accept the help of a close friend. The larger the domestic animal, the more serious the support. It will be more than timely. Possible troubles will be easier to overcome when there is a faithful comrade, like-minded person or patron.

A kind dog is a sign of real support, which the dreamer will find in reality in someone she has known for a long time. You need to take a closer look to see if an old friend of the opposite sex has sympathy for you? If this is so, he can be safely regarded even as a future spouse. Loyalty and protection from enemies are the best traits that adorn a man.

If the dog bristles, bares its fangs, or is in a negative mood, it’s time to re-evaluate friendships. Some of the comrades have long had complaints or are openly jealous. Remember that the worst enemy is a former friend. Or was he not such a person, but only seemed to be?

Why do married women dream about dogs?

To the girls of the family, the dreamed dog promises her husband’s fidelity: to her, to her family, to his responsibilities. There is no need to be afraid of the intrigues of other women.

Features of such a dream:

  • Dogs of small breeds or decorative dogs actually promise a pleasant pastime in good company. This is a date with friends who have not been seen for a long time, and a long-awaited meeting with someone from the past. Apart from ease of communication and cordiality, such moments will bring nothing. But they will leave pleasant memories and refresh forgotten friendships.
  • If you dreamed of a shepherd, a Great Dane or another large dog, they expect an influence on the life of a friend who has been proven over the years. The shepherd symbolizes his boundless devotion and intelligence. There is a lot to learn from such a comrade, but he is a complete reflection of the dreamer. She also possesses all noble qualities.
  • If the dog in the dream was dead, one of your friends is in danger. It can also affect a married woman’s closest friend – her husband.

It’s up to the wife to decide what to do, prevent his illnesses, temporarily protect him from household duties, or change the environment with him and give him time to reboot.

Why does a woman dream about a black dog?

Sometimes only the color of the animal helps to interpret the meaning of a dream. A black dog in Slavic dream books means a dark-haired friend, a white one means the owner of light curls. There are other nuances regarding coat color:

  1. Also, a black dog can talk about a friend with a dubious character. Can he really be called a friend or is he a comrade “for the evening”, in given life circumstances? Perhaps he and the dreamer in reality are united only by common problems. But when they are exhausted, such friends will have no common interests left.
  2. A red dog hints at a temperamental comrade, and according to the interpretations of the ancient Greeks, a man-friend with passion is the best candidate for marriage.
  3. A shabby or sick dog is a symbol that one of your friends is seriously ill or tired; it’s time to lend him a friendly shoulder.

But these interpretations directly depend on the social status of the dreamer. For free girls, unencumbered by family troubles, dark four-legged friends can predict both brunette admirers and girlfriends. There is no need to doubt their sincerity.

Why does an unmarried woman dream about a dog?

In a dream, a dog brings news about old acquaintances to single young men and women. They should please. If in reality there have been no meetings with close friends for a long time, it’s time to find time: communication will benefit all participants in the process.

A dog that tries to climb into your arms or get attention is a sign that one of the fans is trying to get closer. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to discount it.

Why does a woman dream about a white dog?

White dogs symbolize the arrival of good luck. It will be brought by a friend or someone you have known for a long time. If a pregnant dog appears in a dream, someone will organize their own business or project in which they will try to invite the dreamer.

Why does a woman dream of attacking dogs?

Aggressive animals are not expected to be happy. Psychological dream books advise to thoroughly understand the situation.

  1. Sometimes the subconscious with such a symbol suggests that a woman is wrong in relation to her close circle. People have endured for a long time, but are ready to get out of balance. Perhaps it's time to acknowledge your mistakes and sincerely ask for forgiveness. True friendship is worth it.
  2. Maybe in reality friends are not close people, the woman mistakenly took them for the wrong ones. Then there will be a difficult period of disappointment, but worthy people will soon take their place. You just need to wait.
  3. If in a dream you managed to escape the aggression of animals or the dreamer repelled their attack, there is no need to fear confrontation with false friends; they will be declassified in time.

The dog is only a symbol of courage, openness and friendliness. If there is something wrong with this sign, you need to reconsider your behavior or look at your friends from the outside. Dreams reveal much more than is visible to the naked eye.

Seeing a dog dying from a snake bite in a dream is evidence that in real life you do not value your friends, which you will later regret very much.

Hello. I can’t find an interpretation of the dream. Today I dreamed that a dog appeared in our house. So kind and cheerful. So everyone loved this dog, my parents doted on him. And I clearly remembered that I bathed him in a dream. Does this mean anything?

Felomena's dream book describes a fighting dog as success in work. You will be able to achieve your goals, despite the commission of inappropriate actions by some colleagues who dislike you.

I was in a friend’s car, 4 dogs crawled out from under the snow, 3 dogs were black and 1 was light and half of the head was black, then I wanted to persuade my mother to take a white dog, the next day she allowed me, I went to look for them, some woman already had them. I chose a dog, she told me 350 rubles for the journey and 150 rubles for the dog itself, I agreed and still don’t remember anything!

The next point that you will have to pay attention to is the color. Why does a woman dream about a big white dog? The predominantly white color indicates the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance. It's not easy to find a good friend. It is much more difficult to recognize a reliable person nearby in time to appreciate the gift that has been given to us from above.

The next point that you will have to pay attention to is the color. Why does a woman dream about a big white dog? The predominantly white color indicates the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance. It's not easy to find a good friend. It is much more difficult to recognize a reliable person nearby in time to appreciate the gift that has been given to us from above.

The next point that you will have to pay attention to is the color. Why does a woman dream about a big white dog? The predominantly white color indicates the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance. It's not easy to find a good friend. It is much more difficult to recognize a reliable person nearby in time to appreciate the gift that has been given to us from above.

A woman seeing a big dog in a dream is a symbol that she can count on finding a faithful companion in life, thanks to whom she can easily cope with all difficult situations. For an unmarried lady, such a dream is a harbinger of a meeting with a soul mate.

Why do you dream about a dog going missing? There are a lot of bureaucratic procedures to go through. Planned activities and plans will be upset, it is better to postpone making important decisions for some time.

For a woman, a big dog in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a reliable, loyal friend, always ready to provide the necessary help in the most difficult situations. A large dog symbolizes a patron, a devoted protector.

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Why does a woman dream about a dog? A dog dreamed in a dream

A rested woman looks more attractive. Sleep affects not only your well-being, but also your attitude. Certain dreams are etched in the memory, and some indicate some events in life that were in the past, are happening now or will happen in the future.

A dog in a dream is a fairly common dream. A domestic dog has always been associated with home, with a friend. What could such a dream mean if a woman dreams about it? And in general, why do women dream about dogs in their dreams? Let's try to consider dream options where the main character of the plot is an evil or kind dog.

Why do women dream about dogs?

When trying to remember the details of a dream with a dog, you need to try to remember what it looked like. This is important for dream interpretation. It is believed that if you dream about a big dog, then this is positive news. Such a dream indicates the appearance of a friend in life. For girls, such a dream will predict a betrothed. Moreover, the person will be clearly positive from all sides. You should not despair if you dreamed of a small dog, just as you should not doubt the positive effect of sleep. After such a dream, a woman will expect a quick surprise or a pleasant surprise.

But why does a married woman dream about a dog? It happens that a married woman dreams of a dog with puppies. This indicates a prosperous and harmonious family relationship with a partner and children. Such a dream usually causes pleasant feelings of peace and harmony. They say that if an elderly woman has such a dream, then this is a hint of various joys and events that are yet to come.

Why does a woman dream about a kind dog? For childless couples, such a dream will be a good sign that there may soon be an addition. If a woman dreams that she is playing with a puppy in her sleep, this indicates her hidden desires for pregnancy. This is another reason why a pregnant woman dreams of a dog.

The next thing you have to pay attention to is the color. Why does a woman dream about a big white dog? The predominantly white color indicates the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance. It's not easy to find a good friend. It is much more difficult to recognize a reliable person nearby in time to appreciate the gift that has been given to us from above.

Why does a woman dream about a red dog? If a dog in a dream has a red color, then this is a sign that a woman should be more careful. Perhaps someone from your inner circle may not be sincere enough to continue to maintain a trusting relationship with him. Often a dream warns against an unreliable person in life. It may also be an indication of our mistake if someone is offended by us. We are all different. There are many vindictive people among us.

Why does a woman dream about a big black dog? If you dreamed of a dog with a black color, then this indicates imminent sadness. And most likely the cause of the disorder will be a loved one. Perhaps this is due to betrayal, alienation of this person. The main thing is not to become discouraged and not to set yourself up for gloomy conclusions in advance. Although it will not be easy to control yourself.

If a woman dreams of a dead dog, then in the near future she will have to face problems, prolonged depression or a conflict situation at work. But you need to learn not to give up in difficult circumstances, but to look for a way out of the situation. Difficult times always give way to quite favorable periods in life. Don't forget about this.

A dream in which a woman sees a whole pack of dogs, also warns against danger. He indicates that in the near future you should not trust your partners and even loved ones. Some of them clearly intend to deceive you.

In general, when thinking about another dream, you should think about what is happening in it. Depending on the actions of the dog in a dream, interpretations of the dream may vary. Although some dreams are difficult to interpret differently. For example, a woman may have a dream in which she was bitten by a dog.

It is impossible to foresee problems and troubles. Therefore, it is worth turning to indirect signs of impending troubles - dreams. Why does a woman dream of a black dog that bit her? This indicates trouble in the immediate environment. Anyone can strike. It is unpleasant to see an angry dog ​​in a dream. This is where the field for conflicts and disagreements lies. It is quite possible that someone is spreading rumors about you, discussing a person behind your back.

In a dream you can also see the opposite plot. For example, a sleeping dog in a dream indicates a woman’s conscientiousness. It's not pleasant to see a dead dog. If the dream reveals the peculiarities of killing an animal, then in the near future the woman will be disappointed in the person. Moreover, a woman who has seen such a dream, unnoticed by herself, finds herself drawn into this “war”.

Life and death...

Frequent dreams of a dead dog may indicate unseemly actions that could cause someone to suffer. If a woman in a dream sees a dead dog come to life, then this is a good sign. This means that life is slowly getting better. True, we should not forget that all problems during this period of life will have to be solved independently.

Former owners of deceased pets often see their dogs in their dreams. Thus, the beloved pet seems to hint that he is safe and will not tolerate encroachment. Although there are nuances here too. If a woman dreams that her beloved dog dies due to her fault, then this is a sign of imminent problems in real life. Most likely, they will be associated with relationships in the family or at work, when a woman has to take the side of the majority against someone. Therefore, it is worth analyzing your own actions, behavior, words, and attitude towards other people. Some conflict situations are easier to avoid or prevent than to deal with the consequences.

It is interesting that absolutely wonderful things can happen in a dream. For example, a woman may dream that a dead dog suddenly comes back to life. In this case, the dream indicates that the person will have to resolve all controversial issues and problems on his own. In some dream books, such a dream is described as a warning if you dream about your own dog.

Seeing a dead dog in a dream Maybe a person is unsure of himself, dissatisfied with life. In a dream, the color of the killed dog matters. A dream with a dying red dog indicates a person’s loneliness and sad state. If a black dog is killed, then this means trouble that can be provoked by someone close to you. Why does a woman dream about a white dog? A white dog that dies in a dream is dreamed of by women who refuse romantic relationships. Such a dream may be associated with the end of a relationship. Moreover, the separation may not be very peaceful. If a woman has her own business, then a killed dog in a dream is not a good sign. You will have to think about the honesty of your partners.

Why does a woman dream of dogs that attack?

Communicating with a dog in a dream has both positive and negative consequences. A dream in which a dog bites a woman will be especially unpleasant. In this case, conflicts and troubles cannot be avoided. And the most trouble you will have to expect is if a dog bites your right hand in a dream.

Some women may dream about how they petting a big dog. On this score, you can find a lot of evidence in dream books that the woman will soon have an interesting meeting. Why does a woman dream about a big dog? In general, a big friendly dog ​​in a dream is a sign of pleasant events and emotions. Sometimes you may dream of a dog barking at someone. This indicates relationships in the immediate environment. Perhaps someone was slandered in real life, but the woman did not attach any importance to it. It is also believed that a dog biting in a dream means waste of money or protracted family conflicts.

If the dog is only growls menacingly, then such behavior should be interpreted in a negative way, but without serious consequences. Perhaps the woman was at the center of the intrigue, although she had no intention of taking part in all this. In old dream books, a dog bite was associated with a husband’s infidelity, and girls of marriageable age were advised not to trust a dubious suitor. The feeling of pain in a dream is associated with the fact that loss or betrayal will touch a woman to the core. A woman can then worry about her losses for a long time. Therefore, it is important to remember why a woman dreams of dogs biting.

You may also have a dream like this - dog violently attacks woman but she manages to resist it no less actively and even dodge it. This is a good sign. Troubles can really strike, but a woman will be able to cope with them and turn them to her advantage. Dreams in which a dog behaves very friendly, licks your hand, wags its tail are considered auspicious dreams. This is what grateful and loving pets usually do. This is a sign that in real life a woman needs to learn to value trusting relationships.

Many girls are interested in why an unmarried woman dreams of a dog. It is very good if she dreams that she is feeding a dog. Apparently, someone in everyday life provides her with real support. When you dream that a dog is caressing, showing its affection and devotion, then such a dream should be regarded as a sign of fidelity and care on the part of a loved one. It’s good if a girl sees such a dream before marriage. Playing with a dog in a dream is also acceptable. Most likely, everything is going well in the woman’s family and immediate circle.

Why do women and men dream about dogs?

A dog is often called a person’s friend, so most people consider its presence in a dream a good sign associated with strengthening friendships. However, dogs can also be dangerous, and people often even have phobias associated with them. This animal is quite ambiguous, so the interpretation of sleep largely depends on the appearance of the dog, on its actions in a dream and on some other factors.

In a woman’s dream, a dog is an image not only of a friend, but also of a husband. A small dog sometimes symbolizes a child. A dream in which a dog appeared can have different meanings for a woman:

  • For an unmarried girl, the appearance of a large dog in a dream is a sign of an imminent meeting with her future husband. According to a number of dream books, including Miller's dream book, a dog may even frighten the dreamer, but this is not a warning of danger.
  • A pregnant woman often dreams of a small dog that has recently appeared in the house. Such a dream sometimes signals that already born children or other younger relatives do not have enough attention.
  • A cat and a dog suddenly attacking each other is a sign that you should be gentler in your relationship with your husband. A major quarrel over household trifles is possible.
  • For a married woman, a dream about a puppy that destroyed an apartment foreshadows many household chores, some of which will be unnecessary.

In order to more accurately interpret a dream, you should analyze the appearance and behavior of the animal.

Dogs in a woman’s dream are often associated with family and household chores.

Men dream of dogs no less often than women. In addition to the interpretations common to both sexes, there are a number of separate ones for men:

  • A man often dreams of a big and kind dog before meeting the woman he will love. The larger the animal, the more reliable and morally stronger the beloved will be.
  • Seeing a hunting dog in a dream is a sign for a man that he behaves too recklessly and selfishly in relationships with women.
  • A red dog in a man’s dream is a symbol of a successful deal and an improving working relationship.

A dream about a dog for men often promises success, but in order to give an accurate interpretation, other factors should be taken into account, including the behavior of the animal.

A lot depends on the appearance of the dog:

  • A big and kind white dog, according to many dream interpreters, including the famous fortune teller Vanga, is a good sign. It means both strong friendship and protection from troubles. If the white dog is dirty, this is a warning that someone is holding a grudge against the dreamer.
  • The black dog symbolizes either an offended friend or an enemy. You should think about it when you see this symbol in a dream.
  • A red animal dreams of pleasant changes - both in the financial sphere and in love.
  • A brown dog is a sign that you will have to communicate with a not very pleasant, but reliable and intelligent person.
  • The gray beast is a symbol of calm and balance. Both a meeting with such a person and peace in the dreamer’s soul are possible.
  • A strong, healthy and purebred animal portends that the dreamer’s material well-being will improve in the near future.
  • A dirty yard dog has the opposite meaning - it promises poverty and illness.
  • If you dreamed of a very sick or even dead dog, you should be very attentive to friends and relatives. In the near future they may need urgent assistance, including medical assistance.
  • If the animal died from a snake bite, the snake in this case symbolizes the dreamer. You should be less selfish, otherwise you may lose a friend and regret it bitterly.
  • Interestingly, even a talking animal can be a symbol. In this case, the content of his words is of particular value. The very meeting of such a fabulous animal in a dream means the appearance of an excellent partner in reality.
  • A bloodhound following the trail warns of danger that is associated with the dreamer’s internal state or with an external threat.
  • A mad dog in a dream is a signal that the dreamer is very tired and has accumulated many problems that require urgent solutions.
  • A dog sitting on a chain is a reminder that a friend is bound by promises that he cannot go against. The dreamer should not insist on his own.
  • A sleeping dog is a symbol of the uncertainty of the situation in which the dreamer finds himself. Its further development will depend on many circumstances.
  • Puppies portend an imminent surprise, which will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Much depends on the size of the dog. If she shows aggression, then the smaller the animal, the smaller the troubles will be. You should control yourself and not react to minor attacks directed at you.

A change in color is enough for the dream to have the opposite meaning, so the appearance of the dog is an important factor in dream analysis.

Most often, the meaning of a dog’s actions is intuitive, but there are also unusual interpretations:

  • All dream books agree that a dog bite is a very bad sign, which can mean either betrayal of a friend, or a serious illness or attack in reality. According to the Egyptian dream book, the bite of a black dog even means the intervention of dark forces in human life. If the dog does not bite until it draws blood, then the danger comes from a person who is not a relative. Traces of blood mean that trouble will happen because of a relative.
  • A dog licking a person's hand symbolizes a quick change of job, and such a change will turn out to be very successful.
  • The barking and growling of dogs behind one's back is a sign that someone is trying to discredit the dreamer. It is highly likely that rumors are spread by people whom he considers friends. Barking can also mean bad news.
  • If animals bark and roar along a long path, but do not attack, then this is a symbol of envy on the part of a whole group of people.
  • A black dog tenderly licking his hands is a sign that the enemy repents of his actions.
  • An animal protecting the dreamer is a very good sign. It symbolizes that close people and even higher powers will come to his aid.
  • Several animals that fight over meat warn the dreamer not to be greedy and quarrel with loved ones.

The actions of a dog can mean not only the actions of the people around them, but also signal that it is time for the dreamer to change his own behavior.

It matters not only how a dog behaves in a dream, but also how a person behaves towards it. A person’s actions towards a dog in a dream can be different:

  • Beating a dog in a dream is a symbol of hidden aggression, which certainly needs to find a peaceful way out. But if a fight with an animal occurred because it attacked first, then victory over it is a sign of successful resolution of the conflict in reality. In the Muslim dream book, in which a dog is considered the enemy of man, hitting him in a dream means good health.
  • Buying a dog means that you should rethink your relationships with others. There are people nearby who cannot be trusted. Buying an expensive animal sometimes warns that you should be more careful about financial transactions, they can bring losses.
  • In a dream, a person can become a dog himself. This means that soon he will have to protect another, without having sufficient moral or legal rights to do so.
  • Feeding a dog in a dream means that you should be more attentive to the consequences of your actions. They can be serious.
  • Vain attempts to tame a wild beast mean that in reality the dreamer will have to take on a difficult and hopeless task.
  • A walk with a dog symbolizes happiness and the appearance of true friends, or a meeting with old friends.

A dream about a dog can be interpreted in different ways, because in real life these animals are ambiguous. However, most often they are true friends who bring joy both in reality and in dreams.

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