Why do you dream about sunflower seeds? - the dream book is black, there are a lot of sunflower seeds. Why do you dream of black sunflower seeds: forecasts for the future


To figure out what seeds mean in dreams, you should consult popular dream books. The meaning of such a plot will depend on its details and details. For example, on what kind of seeds there were, in what quantity, what the dreamer did with them.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Miller's dream book suggests that first of all you need to pay attention to the appearance of the seeds. So an even and large seed is an excellent sign for the dreamer, which promises him impressive financial profit, prosperity, and material well-being.

If a person in a dream grew sunflowers himself and collected fruits, then his own labors will help him become rich. If someone treats a sleeping person to seeds, money will literally fall on his head without much effort.

Small spoiled fruits dream of unnecessary expenses that will upset a man or woman, as well as an “invasion” of minor problems and troubles. Sprouted seeds of any size symbolize pleasant surprises and gifts.

Freud's dream book suggests: if you dream of sunflower seeds, it means that an important acquaintance will soon take place. It will provide a person with many useful connections and help solve old problems at work and in other areas of life.

Vanga’s work notes that dreams of seeds can be both a positive and a negative harbinger. For example, if they are sprouted, a close relative will help the sleeping person. If problems arise, do not be afraid to tell your family about them. It will be much easier to overcome troubles together. Did birds eat the seeds? Expect large unexpected expenses.

If you had to make fakes from any seeds in a dream, this is a hint that in reality the person is wasting time. The business he recently started will not bring any profit or even moral satisfaction. Most likely, on the contrary, it will upset and disappoint a man or woman. Therefore, you need to stop giving him your attention and quickly do something else.

Why do you dream about a lot of black seeds?

If you dream about a lot of black seeds, first of all you need to remember under what conditions and what the dreamer did with them. Thus, collecting seeds on grass or earth portends a person communicating with other people’s children. Most likely, the dreamer will have to take responsibility for them, try on the role of a nanny, and even start raising the heirs of his friends or relatives. A lot of effort and energy will be spent on this process.

Very large seeds in large quantities in the sleeping woman’s house foreshadow a lonely girl’s imminent fateful acquaintance. She will quickly receive the coveted marriage proposal from a new man. For an already married young lady, the same dream plot promises an early pregnancy. There is a high probability that twins or even triplets are expected.

Eating roasted black seeds from a large plate is a sign of interesting unexpected news.

The dreamer learns some very juicy information about the personal life of his friend or relative.

Dreamed about pumpkin seeds

If you dreamed about pumpkin seeds, it will not be easy to interpret such a dream plot.

You will need to remember as many of its details and details as possible:

  1. Picking through large white seeds in a dream means gaining new knowledge and important experience. All this will help him in the near future to quickly climb the career ladder and achieve the desired success in a variety of areas of life.
  2. Buying pumpkin seeds in a dream is a great sign. In reality, a man or woman can expect big profits. The same plot may warn of an increase in the number of family members.
  3. Distributing small pumpkin seeds is a waste of money. All purchases made in the near future after the dream will turn out to be of poor quality and useless. After the warning plot, you should discard them.
  4. Did you have to throw pumpkin seeds out the window? Most likely, the main drawback of the sleeper is his laziness. A person likes to spend his free time in inaction and empty dreams. This feature does not allow him to achieve great success in life.
  5. Drying vegetable seeds means success in your studies. Most likely, the sleeper himself will successfully complete the next academic year or will be able to admire the excellent diploma/certificate of his children.

The sound of delicious seeds clicking in a dream is a good sign. Pleasant, joyful changes are expected in the life of a sleeping person. This could be either the birth of a new love or a brilliant idea in his head.

Buying high-quality, appetizing-looking seeds promises a person a quick rest. After a fun weekend or vacation, he will feel a surge of strength and energy for new achievements.

What does husk mean?

The husk that appears in night dreams usually gives them a negative connotation. Most likely, a serious conflict will arise between the sleeping person himself, as well as his friends or relatives.

The husks of sunflower seeds of any color on the floor of the marital bedroom or even in the bed dream of the betrayal of your other half. The more it is, the more painful it will be to survive the betrayal.

Watermelon seeds

In different dream books you can find radically different interpretations of dreams with watermelon seeds. In some, such a product symbolizes pregnancy. If a man sees the plot, it means that two lines on the test await his soulmate.

In others, watermelon seeds suggest that you need to carefully analyze your choice of life path. Most likely, a person makes a serious disastrous mistake in this direction. If he does not listen to the signs and does not correct it, then it is unlikely that he will be able to achieve success, inner harmony and well-being in different areas of life.

A mouthful of seeds

A mouth full of any seeds in a dream is a hint that the sleeper loves to gossip and often interferes in other people's affairs. These features significantly spoil his relationships with people around him. It is not easy for a gossip to earn trust or find true, loyal friends. Therefore, it is worth working on your habits and behavior.

If a girl chews sunflower seeds with the skin on and swallows them with disgust, it means that in reality she is afraid of pregnancy for some reason.

In order to accurately and correctly interpret a dream with seeds appearing in it, first of all you need to arm yourself with a competent dream book. For example, the work of Miller, Tsvetkov, Vanga, Jung. If you cannot do this on your own, you can seek help directly from experienced modern interpreters.

Sunflower seeds are a favorite snack for a huge number of people. Many people like to spend time in front of the TV, cracking grains. Having seen seeds in night visions, you have absolutely no idea what such a dream could portend. To correctly interpret what you see, you need to use a dream book and take into account the actions performed with the seeds.

Why do you dream about seeds?

If you see a sunflower filled with seeds, it means that you should soon expect unexpected changes in your personal life that will be positive. Perhaps it's time to meet your soulmate. A dream about seeds can act as a kind of warning that you should not worry about wasting time, you need to pull yourself together and get down to business. Pumpkin seeds are a symbol of a joyful event, for example, the birth of a child. Only the dream book warns that sometimes when you see financial profit, you may forget about your main goals. Watermelon seeds will tell you that you will soon understand the reason for what happened, and you will be able to cope with all the problems. If you are selling seeds, this is a sign that you have been deceived.

Why do you dream of black seeds?

For sick people, such a dream is a symbol that the illness is going away and you will soon get better. Another dream predicts a new addition to the family and the fulfillment of plans.

Why do you dream of roasted seeds?

If you want to fry the seeds, then you should prepare for the celebration in the near future, as an interesting company will gather. It is not clear who exactly will be at the party, but it is a fact that the time will be fun and interesting.

Why do you dream of cracking seeds?

Such a dream foreshadows a fun time, for example, it could be various kinds of parties or simple communication with interesting people. The Dream Interpretation recommends watching your words and jokes so as not to offend others. A dream in which you are gnawing on seeds may symbolize the desire to give up everything, but the dream book recommends not to give up, as a little more and your efforts will be appreciated. If you click seeds with great pleasure, it means that the issues that bother you will soon be resolved and conflict situations will come to an end. Gnawing on seeds, among which you see many empty and spoiled ones, is a sign that unpleasant conversations and situations await you. If you cracked seeds and damaged your tooth in the process, this means that the problems will persist for a long time.

Why do you dream about buying seeds?

In this case, the dream indicates that you are tired of responsibilities, stress, workloads and it’s time to put everything aside and just relax.

Why do you dream about a lot of seeds?

A large number of seeds is a symbol that the time has come to “harvest”, that is, to make a profit on the money invested. Also at this time, you can calmly realize long-planned goals.

Why do you dream about scattered seeds?

If in a dream you collect scattered seeds, it means it’s time to take care of your children and surround them with attention and care. Moreover, this may concern not only your children, but also others, for example, nephews or godchildren. If you collect seeds, it means that in the near future you will be offered a profitable business.

Why do you dream about seed husks?

A dream in which you saw a husk without kernels warns that you will soon meet with a former lover or friend. Such a date will bring you unpleasant feelings, but you will once again be convinced that the reason for the disagreement was quite significant. The husk also predicts that in the future you will learn a secret that has been hidden from you for a long time.

Dream Interpretation Sunflower Seeds

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a sunflower, remember how many seeds the plant contained. If the plant in the dream was filled with black seeds without spaces, expect changes for the better in your personal life.

Single people are waiting for a new romantic acquaintance, which can develop into a long-term relationship. If you believe that your chosen one does not experience reciprocity, you should reconsider your attitude to the situation - most likely, such conclusions are premature.

Why do you dream about Seeds?

Idiomatic dream book

“These are all seeds” - small, insignificant.

Dream book for a bitch

Clicking seeds is a fun party.

Fry - you will have to host guests.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Husk seeds - to a quarrel.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Husking seeds means idleness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Husking seeds is a waste of time.

Chinese dream book

Eat pumpkin seeds - the birth of a noble offspring.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Seeds according to the dream book?

Seeing seeds is a sign that a great holiday awaits you.

Pumpkin seeds promise you the birth of a wonderful child.

According to the dream book, sunflower seeds symbolize changes in your destiny, and certainly for the better; a long-awaited addition to the family is possible.

Seeing them in reality means showing all your talents and abilities to the maximum, thanks to which you can ensure a decent life, financial independence and high social status.

If you dreamed of pumpkin seeds, you will still pave your way to the stars through thorns, you will be able to achieve everything, without currently having solid ground under your feet.

A dream in which you are gnawing seeds means that even despite temporary difficulties and the lack of good prospects, you can achieve great success in all areas of life.

If a girl is busy with this and throws husks at her feet, her unwillingness to take into account generally accepted moral norms and rules of behavior will greatly complicate her life.

If you dreamed that you were cracking seeds, your cherished dream will certainly come true, but for this you will have to stock up on endurance, make every effort, and not be afraid to risk what you have for the sake of high ideals.

You dreamed of seed husks - this is a warning that you should not make rash decisions and do not stop halfway, you will succeed, you just need a little more time and your efforts, all your efforts will be generously rewarded.

According to the dream book, buying seeds means a successful release from problems and troubles; everything will work out as if by itself.

Roasting seeds in a dream means you will meet an extraordinary person who can teach you very valuable lessons of wisdom and pass on her invaluable experience to you.

You dreamed of watermelon seeds - it means that you are waiting for some unpleasant event, the culprit of which will be you, or the receipt of information that will greatly upset you.

But for women, such a vision promises long-awaited motherhood; in the very near future, her dreams of becoming a mother will turn into reality.

Dream interpretation of seeds

A dream about seeds can speak of prosperity, making a profit, and improving your position in society. At the same time, small crumbling grains can symbolize a lot of small troubles and fuss. And for the female half, such visions may portend pregnancy or other situations related to children. Before looking for an interpretation of your dream, try to remember small details that may turn out to be key.

Why did you dream about seeds - Miller’s dream book

This interpreter explains such night visions in several planes - in order to understand which one to pay attention to, you need to analyze what you see:

  • The husk that you spit out and leave behind after consuming the grains will bring problems with law enforcement agencies and the law. Moreover, everything will not be resolved in the best way for you, no matter how convincingly you justify it.
  • Old, dried out, wrinkled grains with mold, which you have long forgotten about, promise deterioration in health. Moreover, your diseases are in such an advanced state that it will take a very long time to get rid of them - this will take a lot of money and years of wasted time.
  • If the grains are still on the sunflower, and you are counting them, then you are in control of everything in your life, every situation and step is calculated and planned ahead.
  • The seeds that sprout before your eyes indicate a long trip that will bring only pleasant moments and sensations. And when you return from this trip, fate will present you with a number of good surprises at home.

Interpretation of Vanga - dream book about seeds

The clairvoyant Vanga interprets such night visions as follows:

  • If the pigeons have settled on the grains and are pecking at them, then fate is preparing trials for you in the form of losses and missed chances in business and personal life.
  • Planting seeds means material wealth in the form of an inheritance. This plot also suggests that you will begin to use and spend your money more wisely.
  • Taking each grain one at a time means replenishment, pregnancy. And if you already have children, then their upbringing will proceed without problems and will bring positive results.

Freud's dream book about seeds

Such a dream is favorable for guys, especially if the man sows grains. This means that he made or will make a good lover, and he is popular with women. A representative of the fair sex who has dreamed of buying grains can prepare for a sexual relationship with her chosen one. In these relationships, the lady will be able to realize herself as a lover and realize her desires.

Dream about seeds according to Nostradamus

Seeds represent life and its continuation. All interpretations of Nostradamus are concentrated around the life activity and relationships of the dreamer:

  • stock up on grains - work hard and hard, which will lead to excellent results;
  • planted seeds that do not sprout will indicate betrayal on the part of loved ones;
  • the loss of grains promises success in the professional sphere, high positions and big profits;
  • the appearance of seeds for no reason and from an unknown source prophesies news from loved ones;
  • lowering grains into the ground means spending more time with children.

Why see and why eat seeds in a dream according to Hasse

Your problems will be settled, and things will go better if you purchased grains. If you plant them, you will plan your actions to earn more money. Giving it to the birds and watching them peck at it means losses. Peeling the seeds before eating means being rational in business. Each dream book interprets such dreams differently. Find your interpretation among the most authoritative meanings.

Dream Interpretation Seeds click

Why do Seeds dream of clicking on a dream book in a dream?

Felomena’s dream book correlates such an action as cracking seeds with upcoming pleasant, but absolutely useless events. Soon you will find parties, meetings with old acquaintances, new contacts on social networks or online forums.

Try not to immerse yourself in fun, remember about real life and pressing problems. Do not forget about current, albeit not so pleasant, but nevertheless important matters.

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds?


Anton Berezhnoy

Sunflower seeds symbolize upcoming events that are destined to take your life in a completely different direction.

Tech Box

To vain vanity.


To your liking, with gratitude from the body.

Alena Tiger

Well, tears of course, alas (

Lilac fairy

A seed is a symbol of life, but seeds are a rather bad symbol in a dream, just like cereals.

Everything small, including coins, brings tears to your dreams.



I dreamed that my godfather was sorting out sunflower seeds at home!


I dreamed that they gave me black seeds and put them in my pocket


I dreamed that my colleague was pouring raw sunflower seeds into both palms of my hands and saying, “Now let’s go fry them.”


crack the seeds


In a dream, I ate seeds that were peeled and very tasty.
After which the smell of seeds was very pleasant in the air (this is all a dream).


find seeds on the floor


Hello! I saw such a dream, the dream was that there were black seeds in my palm. And a little further my aunt was sitting near the bed, she once lifted the bed and there were already white seeds there, a full bag


I saw a lot of sunflower seeds in a dream and divided them into three for my husband, more for me too and some for some woman, then another woman brought some seeds, I made them and they were large in both cases.


as if she was lying on the couch and eating sunflower seeds, she looked at her hand and saw a handful of peeled sunflower seeds like this


Hello, my name is Maria! I don’t remember the dream completely, I just remember that I was looking, and there were seeds in my left palm. I can also very often have the same dream several times, for example about keys or about shoes………..maria kulakova [email protected]


Hello. I dreamed about my dead grandparents. They treated me to bird cherry, as big as a plum. I dreamed about my childhood home, the road that was blocked by a Kamaz truck full of seeds.


I had a dream that my sisters and I were raking in sunflower seeds. They raked a little, but it was as if I had raked a pillowcase full of a mountain


I crack seeds with friends at the cinema. Then the director of the cinema began to scold us, threw a burning cigarette at me and my dress melted at the bottom.


I dreamed that I was at home or at my place or at my late grandfather’s house. With my son and on the refrigerator there were seeds, I gave my son some seeds and took them for myself, but there were so many of them in my hands that I barely, barely put them in my sweatpants…. what would that mean?


Hello! I dreamed that my sister and I were buying sunflower seeds; she was ordinary black sunflower seeds, and I was white sunflower seeds! In the dream, I didn’t have any money with me and I asked to buy their sister! I don't remember anything else... what could this mean?


On the street, three of us were sitting at a table near work, a friend and I were husking some sunflower seeds (they were large), and the third refused to come with us now, she was reading a book and stuck her tongue out at us, saying and eat at home. Something like this. Natalia


In a dream I saw my younger brother, he came to my mother’s apartment in a torn yellow jacket, brought bulbs of some flowers and three large bags with seeds. I think who to give these seeds to, there are a lot of them, I decided to give one bag to my husband’s sister and keep the rest for myself. There is black soil on the windowsill and I want to plant flower bulbs there that my brother brought.


I dreamed of a childhood friend. He is dead. I met him at his house. He came to his home. I hugged and kissed him and asked for something as a keepsake, and he took a handful of seeds out of his pocket.


I dreamed that I was in church with a man. Pumpkin seeds in film are poured into a plate. sunflower seeds were sprinkled on top. I try to pick out pumpkin seeds from below and rub them between my palms. I give advice on how to fry them better so that they are clean and more people buy them.


I dreamed that there were on the skin of my stomach
small bubbles. I began to squeeze them out and the bubbles burst, but from there I squeezed out peeled sunflower seeds, but they had an unusual shape.


Hello! My name is Irina. I had such a dream - my grandmother, now deceased, gives me sunflower seeds, and the seeds are even, good, not rotten and not the husk of the seeds.


It’s as if the right pocket of the dress is full of seeds and I take them out and click one at a time. And another dream as if my son bought a bag of good red apples and a bag of good potatoes and put them in the hallway in our apartment.


I dreamed of a young (familiar) man who said: “I’ve been thinking for a long time about what to give you (that is, me).” And he handed over a plate with sunflower seeds. I accepted them!


I dreamed about my dad who died three years ago. I'm his daughter. He treated me to some seeds, pouring them into my palm. And at the same time in my dream I repeated that everything would be fine with me


I sat at the table with a young man and cracked the seeds, at first they were of normal size, and when I opened the second package, they were huge and some were red.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I needed to pay off the bill and I put in money and for some reason I have the king of diamonds in my pocket and the king of hearts and I can give them both to pay, but I decide to clear the seeds and my friend, we don’t even communicate in in this dream he cleans them with me. And she doesn’t break them, but I chew them from the peel and mine, sometimes they break, sometimes they don’t, we put them in one pile. And this very night I dreamed that my car was stolen, but I found it. Then I cooked borscht and fed it to someone, some boy, and it seemed to be tasty, but there wasn’t enough salt. Then I dreamed that I moved a tree from one place and planted it in another near the pool. And I had to be discharged from the hospital, but I didn’t go and I dreamed that a friend had 4 children. The whole night is in small fragments of dreams.

Sunflower seeds are a rather rare dream object. However, the interpretation of such a dream is indicated in most well-known dream books. A person who wants to know why seeds are dreamed of must remember the details of his dream, for example, what the seeds were like and what the dreamer did with them. Nuances are necessary for a more correct interpretation of the dream.

Old literature contains a lot of useful information. The modern dream book says that sunflower seeds symbolize a trivial matter, bringing satisfaction. Perhaps soon the dreamer will be invited to visit, where he will have a fun time. If you dreamed of seeds together with the sunflower itself, pleasant changes will come in your personal life. If there are a lot of them, this indicates impending happiness.

The main thing to remember is that the dream has a positive connotation if the seeds do not look empty or rotten, and the sunflower does not look limp and darkened. Such stories have a completely different meaning. But why you dream of cracking seeds in a dream and spitting out the husks is a sign from above. Most likely, the dreamer should be more careful in his words. Perhaps he has a sharp tongue and has already offended someone with his unpleasant jokes.

If a person sees sunflower seeds scattered on the floor in a dream, this is a warning. A person does not know how to properly manage his time. It pays to be more rational.

The English dream book states that if a sick person dreams of a plot with seeds, this is a very good sign. His health is improving. If a married woman saw a dream, perhaps a new addition to the family. For businessmen, seeds promise successful business development. Now is the time to start new projects. And also clicking pumpkin seeds according to the dream book means achieving success in business. A white streak has come in life.

Freud's dream book interprets dreams involving watermelon seeds. They indicate that the sleeper has realized the root causes of his troubles and ways to solve them. The husk represents the past. There will probably be a meeting with one of your long-time friends or a former partner. It will be a little sad, however, it will remind you that everything happened for the better.

Other sources of knowledge

If a person acquires seeds in a dream, he needs rest. The sleeper is tired from stress and everyday activities. This requires a long rest, at least two days. Only then will it be possible to regain lost strength.

Seeing a lot of seeds in a dream means expecting material success. If you have any ideas that can bring profit, you can start implementing them. Collect seeds in night vision- a sign that you need to show more attention and care for your loved ones.

Miller's dream book does not give a specific meaning to such a dream, but pays attention to the details. If you see a husk, it means that the sleeper will encounter difficulties with the law. Chewing moldy seeds means having health problems.

Other sources contain other useful information that can complement the picture. They talk about the following meanings:

  • Vanga's dream book says that if the dreamer plants seeds, then material dividends await him. Most likely, his relatives will help him. If in a dream pigeons gnaw on sunflower seeds, this foreshadows a long dark streak in life.
  • According to the esoteric dream book, these grains are seen as a sign of financial prosperity, but if they were dirty, this portends trouble.
  • According to the universal dream book, black seeds promise a pleasant time with friends. And if you dreamed of a sunflower with many seeds, this speaks of imminent good changes.

Common Dream Meanings

If white pumpkin seeds appear in a night story, this is a symbol of material stability and financial well-being. A dream in which the sleeper is preparing fried sunflower seeds tells us that it is time to start preparing for the arrival of guests. In addition, roasted seeds have the following interpretations:

  • Receiving gossip and “hot” news.
  • If the seeds are burnt, this indicates negative news.
  • Treating someone with fried seeds means expecting support from this person in reality. However, you won't be able to get it.

If a woman dreams that she is throwing husks at her feet, this indicates her unwillingness to conform to generally accepted standards. Spitting out the husks means behaving carelessly, losing sight of important details. To litter is to waste money on trifles. If you dream of a bag of seeds, this is a sign that the dreamer will receive significant dividends. Making crafts from seeds is a waste of time.

If a person plants seeds in the ground, this portends the achievement of a goal and creative development. Collecting seeds from the field indicates missed opportunities.

Sometimes there are very unusual stories. If you see living sunflowers and they talk to the dreamer, this is a guarantee of moral support from others. There will always be someone who will help you overcome difficulties.

A dream in which a person saw many sunflowers turning their heads towards him has a very positive meaning. A person will find harmony, happiness and peace. If the sun's caps turn away from the dreamer, this indicates his greed and excessive love of money.

People who dream of sunflower seeds are truly lucky. In most cases, this is a very favorable dream, however, do not forget about the details of night dreams.

Attention, TODAY only!

It’s not hard to guess why you had a dream in which you happened to crack seeds. The dream book confirms your guess: a not very constructive, but nevertheless pleasant pastime awaits you: parties, get-togethers, communication on social networks, participation in an exciting discussion on the forum.

If you dreamed of a sunflower, the seeds fill it to capacity, the dream promises unexpected positive changes in your personal life. The dream book believes that right now you can hope for mutual feelings.

If you don’t stop gnawing seeds even in a dream, the dream book believes that everything that such a dream means is in one way or another connected with entertainment and communication for your own pleasure. The only thing the dream warns about is that try not to offend anyone with thoughtless words or a clumsy joke, and also don’t take other people’s chatter to heart.

The dream interpreter suggests considering why seeds are dreamed of as a kind of warning. It doesn’t hurt to take care right now so that in the future you won’t be offended by wasted time - that’s what this dream is about.

For a sick dreamer, black seeds mean that his health is already getting better. A dream may foretell the birth of a long-awaited child. The dream book interprets this dream as a sign of well-being and fulfillment of plans.

According to the popular interpretation of the dream, the seeds seen in it represent a tendency to spend idle time, talkativeness and all kinds of gossip. The dream is completely neutral and gives the go-ahead to continue in the same spirit if you like.

A dream in which pumpkin seeds are present promises a joyful event: the birth of a long-awaited baby. The dream book believes that a dream can also have an allegorical meaning, for example, the birth of a brilliant idea, or you have a troublesome, nevertheless profitable business ahead of you.

As Miller’s dream book notes, seeds are most often dreamed of by young people or those who are young at heart. Which is quite natural: it is in their young years that people meet, fall in love, create families, which, in fact, is what the dream foretells.

Why else do you dream about seeds in a dream?

The watermelon seeds in the dream symbolize awareness of the root cause. The dream suggests that you will see the big picture. By understanding the situation, you will be able to eliminate the root of evil, and the fight against each individual misfortune will finally end.

Why dream about seed husks is associated not with the future, but with the past. The dream warns you of a possible meeting with one of your former friends or a departed love. The meeting will upset you somewhat, however, it will help you realize that the reasons for the separation were indeed quite compelling.

The dream in which you had to buy seeds directly indicates the need for rest. The dream reflects your fatigue from chores, stress and strain and invites you to relax at least a little.

Why do you dream about a lot of seeds, the dream book considers it a reminder that it’s time to harvest. The dream means that now is the time to receive dividends, begin to implement long-planned plans, and rejoice in the success of children.

If you had to collect seeds in a dream, the dream book believes that this dream is, one way or another, connected with children who will need your care and attention. The dream can extend its meaning to both your own and any other children.

If you happen to see seeds in a dream, the dream book will tell you why you have such a dream. The seeds symbolize well-being, stability and confidence in the future. In a word, a peaceful and favorable dream.

The dream in which you are going to roast seeds suggests that in reality you can start preparing for a party: a great company is going to visit you. The dream book does not say who exactly will come to visit you - let it be a surprise, however, it promises that you will have a great time together.

Despite the fact that white pumpkin seeds are a generally favorable dream, the dream book warns of one trick that you risk falling into. Prosperity, stability and the appearance of well-being can make you forget about your main goals and objectives, the dream warns.

Dream Interpretation Seeds

Why do you dream about Seeds in a dream according to the dream book?

If you had a dream about seeds, the dream should be taken as a warning. There is a situation in your real life that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Pay attention to solving this mystery - and a positive result will not be long in coming: time will not be wasted, and danger will be avoided.

What did you do with the seeds in your dream?

Scatter seeds in a dream

Dreaming of scattering seeds means minor troubles. Around you, someone is trying to weave a web of intrigue, telling tall tales, trying to quarrel between you and your loved ones.

The best way out of the situation is not to give in to provocations. Do not try to unravel the threads of deceit, be above it.

Do not take other people's machinations to heart - your ill-wisher will still fail, and you will have another reason to be convinced of the sincerity and devotion of your friends.

Eating seeds in a dream

If you dreamed about eating sunflower seeds, this is an indicator of laziness. In real life, a period of idleness has begun.

Try to get out of the state of idleness as soon as possible, because things tend to accumulate. The sooner you get to work, the fewer difficulties you will have to overcome.

You should also beware of unverified information. Backbiting and gossip will only bring bitterness and repentance.

Peeling seeds in a dream

If in a dream you peel seeds, there is a mystery in your destiny, the solution of which is worth directing all your efforts to solve. The solution is not easy, however, after going through the difficult path and getting to the point, you will feel satisfaction.

Pay attention to things that seem unimportant. Don’t pass by the nondescript, because “all that glitters is not gold.”

What type of seeds did you see in your dream?

What color were the seeds in the dream?

Black seeds in a dream

Black seeds dream of prosperity. All your problematic situations will end well, you will be able to bring all your ideas and plans to life.

If you are sick, a speedy recovery awaits you. A dream about black seeds may also indicate the imminent birth of a child. If you have original and unexpected ideas, it’s time to start implementing them.

Have you seen seed kernels in a dream?

Did the seeds in the dream have husks?

I dreamed about peeled seeds

If you saw peeled seeds in a dream, the dream foreshadows an incredible discovery in reality. Soon you will have to consider something new and important about yourself. This could be a love interest or your special relationship to certain things in the world.

Such a dream may also be an indicator of danger due to excessive frankness. Try to remain silent for the time being about ideas that can radically change your reality.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about seeds - find out for sure!

Often dreams can seem unreal, ones in which everyday things, magic and routine are intertwined together, for example, sunflower seeds and a wedding dress are unlikely to be next to each other in life, but in a dream - easily, how can one interpret such a dream?

Miller's traditional dream book interprets the appearance of sunflower seeds in a dream quite broadly, for example, spilling them on a wedding dress means additional troubles, but a bride who eats the seeds has every chance of finding a rich life partner. What sunflower seeds mean in dreams is always inextricably linked with everyday activities, because sunflower seeds for many are a trifle, an inconspicuous pastime that is associated with unnoticed work in the form of cleaning the house or buying groceries. If you dream of roasted seeds, then such a dream means the embodiment of long-standing desires for a change of scenery, perhaps it will be a short but pleasant trip, a picnic outside the city, or a long-awaited renovation. Eating fried seeds with shells means making unprofitable purchases, not managing your finances economically, or spending money excessively on entertainment. Carefully peeling the seeds, but not eating them, means thinking about the need for savings; if you don’t have any at the moment, then such a dream can be a good start to collecting money.

Important news will arrive in the coming days if you dream of a sunflower field, and they will be associated with pleasant acquisitions. Walking on such a field means enjoying life and not noticing its imperfections, appreciating every minute with family and friends.

If you dream that seeds are being fried in a frying pan, then this may mean a break in relations with friends based on mistrust or suspicion, which is completely unfounded. Roasting pumpkin seeds means not being afraid of risks, using all methods to get what you want, be it a person, money or material assets. In general, pumpkin seeds are considered a symbol of leadership in most dream books; if a quiet and calm person dreams of them, then he will soon expect attention from others, the main thing is to behave with dignity and be confident in your own actions and words, or at least create the appearance that everything is so and intended. Sunflower seeds mixed with pumpkin seeds mean complete luck in everything, including love affairs; girls who have had such a dream can be sure that the current gentleman is not stingy and is ready to do anything for the attention of his beloved. To plant pumpkin seeds is not to take advantage of a suitable situation for your own benefit, but to deliberately allow those who are in greater need to take advantage of it.

A dream in which sprouted seeds are present may mean a change in social status, for example, marriage or the birth of a child, pregnancy. Sprouting sunflower seeds is a trifle to achieve monetary enrichment; if you have such a dream, it may be better to stop making small but stable earnings and devote time to much more profitable financial affairs in the near future. Throwing seeds into the ground means putting things off until later, while hoping that virtually all the work will be done by other people or that it will be possible to provide inaccurate results of postponed actions. Seeds of exotic plants or fruits dream of unpleasant news related to distant relatives, possibly abroad. If the seeds are visible in the pulp of the fruit, then matters will soon be resolved in favor of the one who is dreaming, but if they are dry or even begin to rot, then matters and troubles may drag on.

Seeds in a dream are a harbinger of profitable purchases, solutions to complex problems, quality rest and psychological peace, but this does not apply to seeds of exotic fruits; they are a symbol of deferred solutions to problems.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about seeds?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Seeds

To see sunflower seeds in a dream - There is a smell of change in the air - change for the better: You will take everything under control and will be able to do as you see fit. Not only will you receive dividends from the financial decisions you make now, you may also receive a generous gift.

To see pumpkin seeds in a dream - it seems to you that all your energy has left you drop by drop, since you had to go through truly difficult times. However, soon your affairs will reach a climax, especially at work. This dream speaks of an imminent break in relations and that you have a long journey ahead of you.

Gnaw, crack seeds in a dream or see the husks of seeds - you want to give up everything. Don't do this! Follow your line: You are on the verge of great achievements. You may be upset by some legal proceedings, as a result of which you will have to lose something. Don’t forget to take care of yourself: in all likelihood, for some time now you have neglected your health.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about seeds, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see seeds in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Are you dreaming about Seeds? Tell me your dream!

Dream interpretation of seeds Gnaw

Why do you dream about chewing seeds in a dream according to the dream book?

Gnawing seeds in a dream means a prosperous life, additional profit, new sources of income.

Why do you dream about seed husks?

Sleep is a natural phenomenon during which changes in consciousness and brain activity occur. This is a process that is an integral part in the life of every person. After a hard day, this is what helps you relax and restore strength. Every living organism on the planet needs sleep.

As in turn, in dreams that almost all people on the planet see without exception. So, if in a dream, a person sees a sunflower, which even in real life is a symbol of light, warmth, and prosperity, promises in a dream that good luck is guaranteed for a long time. The seeds themselves, seen in a dream, are considered a sign of previous wealth. Clicking, crushing, gnawing sunflower seeds in a dream, or seeing the husks from them means that a person is in a stage of despair, but at the same time, is on the verge of great changes.

Don't give up everything and stop halfway. Yes, it is possible that this will bring some losses, but this does not mean that everything is hopeless. This dream also suggests that you should increase your vigilance towards your own health, which at the moment may not be in the best shape.

Also, you need to be wary of the people around you. After all, a dream in which seed husks appear can carry gossip, empty talk, and troubles with enemies in reality. It is worth resolving old conflicts and disarming the enemy with your kind words. This way a person can protect himself from the troubles hanging over him. In general, seeing dreams in which there is garbage, in this case the garbage is the husks of seeds, does not bode well. Therefore, in reality, you need to try to put things in order on your desktop, in your life, and in your own head. This can also be explained by the fact that now a person’s life has accumulated a lot of garbage that he is no longer able to carry inside.

We need to quickly get rid of what we won’t need in the future. Be it a notebook, be it a distant acquaintance, because it slows a person down on the path to improvement and development. People are endlessly lucky that during the day we live in the real world, and at night we find ourselves in the world of dreams. This is how circumstances have developed since time immemorial. It's as normal as breathing or laughing. Repeatedly, when a person woke up, he could not recover from his sleep for a long time. He could not get used to the reality to which the persistent alarm clock returned him.

Every dream is a kind of riddle that carries a secret. A person is capable of learning to read his dreams and extract useful things from them. This can help you live more confidently, perceiving dreams as clues from another world.

And if inside a person does not feel what the dream warns about, then this will most likely happen in the outside world. People always need to believe in something. In order to learn to see the good through the prism of even bad dreams, you need practice. But the most important thing for every individual is to be able to analyze their dreams. Then success is guaranteed.

Sunflower seeds

Dream Interpretation Sunflower seeds dreamed of why you dream about sunflower seeds in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see sunflower seeds in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seeds

Gnaw seeds in a dream - some small conversations await you - in a word, trifles. It’s not all the time to deal with “space” problems: where did Tanya go, what did Petya say, what was Olya’s grade in Russian. You can also chew the seeds!

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

It is especially good if you dream of a sunflower in the rays of the bright sun, since in this case luck will be your companion for a long time. For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits the cores on the floor means that her disdain for conventions brings her a lot of problems in communicating with others.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

A dream in which you see grain foretells good luck in business, success in the household and a large harvest. Seeing bins full of selected grain is a sign of great and long-term prosperity. Seeing grain on the elevator means a thriving economy. If you see a bag of grain in a dream, this portends a stable income. If the bag is filled to the top, this means sufficient prosperity. Many bags of grain promise wealth and abundance. Sowing grain in a dream means you can count on a better future; mowing grain portends a near end to all troubles. Seeing threshing wheat and ears full of grains in a dream foreshadows a variety of amusements and joys in many matters. Seeing grain flowing in a golden stream from the combine bunker into the back of a car promises you soon joyful experiences for your relatives and friends. Seeing grain in a mill foreshadows the successful end of a business begun. Husking grains from spikelets means receiving someone’s blessing. Spoiled, rotted grains in a dream mean that you have hard work ahead of you. Seeing sprouted grains is a harbinger of a prosperous existence; eating sprouted grains means you will become interested in a very dangerous business that will bring you great profit. Scattering grains in a dream means that in reality you will be the first to start a quarrel. Selling grain promises good luck in enterprises; buying grain promises loss of property.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Success in all matters, health and happiness in marriage. A very happy dream. A lot of grain - your hard work and perseverance will lead you to wealth, respect and honors. Grain in ears is a happy outcome of a love affair. You sort through the grain, putting aside only the best, - you are surrounded by the most devoted friends who will take your side at any moment. Throwing grain into plowed soil - the start of a profitable business promises quick success. Sprouted grain - preparations and waiting will not be in vain. Watching ears full of grain being harvested means a big win awaits your loved ones. You plunge your hands into the grain - a profitable placement of capital will bring unprecedented profits. Unloading grain - the good that you did several years ago will return to you a hundredfold. Imagine sacks, chests, barns full of grain. The more grain, the better. If they failed to save the grain, there was danger. Scatter - a quarrel with friends will turn into a protracted conflict. There is only a handful of grain left - you will soon experience disappointment from an unfulfilled dream. Grain dies in the rain or rots from dampness - your rash actions will cause a threat to your well-being. The grain is spoiled by mice - ill-wishers will appear in your life. Birds are stealing grain - the results of your work will be appropriated by your work colleagues, putting you in an unfavorable light in the eyes of your superiors. Imagine that you have experienced a feeling of uncontrollable grief from loss, tears are flowing in incessant streams (see Grief, Tears). If you can induce tears in reality, the effect of improving sleep will be obvious.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Dreams about grains are a harbinger of happiness, contentment, and hopes coming true, unless you dream that the harvest is lost, the grains are wet or not ripe, etc. But seeing one or more grains (not many) is a sign of grief, worry, and regret. Holding rye grain in your hands in a dream means sadness and tears. Seeing or having a mustard seed means disappointment. Seeing harvest in a dream means that your labors will not be in vain, and your labor will bring you profit corresponding to the amount of harvest. If you saw the harvesting picture briefly or unclearly, then the profit will be small and the business will not fully justify itself. According to another version, such a dream predicts the imminent receipt of good news from close relatives. Threshing grain in a dream is a sign of good luck in a big business. If you dream that you are threshing empty straw instead of grain, then your business will not succeed, but you may end up in some kind of trouble. An ear of corn in a dream is a symbol of happiness and wealth. Seeing many ears of corn ripe and full means great benefit and wealth. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be able to hit a good jackpot. Picking them, holding them in your hands, collecting them means a big profit, which you fully deserve with your work. If you cannot collect as much as you need, then your hopes will not be fully met. Seeing bags of grain means a prosperous life. Selling grain in a dream is a sign of loss, and buying grain is a sign of profit and success in business. Threshing bread in a dream yourself or seeing how it is done is a sign of imminent great success in business and great profits. Scattering grains in a dream is a sign that you can throw your fortune to the wind. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord or quarrels.

Dream Interpretation - Grain

Threshed grain on a threshing floor or in a barn, mountains of grain, bags of grain - to great success in everything, happiness. Shovel the grain - to a rapid increase in prosperity. If you see others harvesting grain, joyful excitement associated with relatives awaits you. Scattering grains means a quarrel. Grains of rye in hands - to sadness. Barley grains are a loss. Wheat grains in handfuls - to good luck, prosperity. For young people, this dream also means a meeting with their other half - their future husband or wife.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Sunflower - you will have recognition. Sparrows are pecking - be careful.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Sunflower - a person worthy of imitation will soon appear in your environment.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of mutual love, deep and sincere affection. See interpretation: plant, flowers. Collecting sunflower seeds in a dream is a sign that you will start a profitable business. But selling them in a dream is a sign that in some business you will make a mistake and buy into cheap promises.

Dream Interpretation - Sunflower

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a sign of joy.

If in a dream you collect small seeds individually or dirty seeds of any plants (flowers, sesame seeds, squash, flax, poppy seeds, nuts, peanuts, watermelon, dill, tomatoes), then in reality you will be able to raise your children the way you planned. Sow in the field, distribute, give away, see a lot of large seeds, salted and mice, ants near them, this is a sign of prosperity or receiving an inheritance. If you dream of large white seeds, then expect good news.

Why do you dream of cracking seeds, eating them, without husks, black, fried (fry), burnt, peeled?

If you dream of gnawing or snapping them, then you will not be able to quickly cope with pressing problems, including spending time without meaning.

Why eat seeds that have a peel (seed peels, shells)? The thematic forum says that this dream means that you have problems, the solution of which should not be postponed until later. You may dream of husks with or without kernels, and this is a warning against rash actions. Dreaming of giving a treat signifies the need to provide support to a loved one.

Feeding pigeons with seeds or selling (buying, buying) may mean receiving new tasks at work or school.

Seeing black seeds in a dream means the need for great effort to raise a child.

Fried ones indicate a date and a romantic pastime, while burnt ones will dream of a scandal or sad news. Purified implies new discoveries.

Why do you dream of watermelon, pomegranate, pumpkin, sunflower (sunflower) seeds?

Watermelon seeds in a dream for women speak of replenishment of the family, and sweeping up scattered seeds (scattering) means twins or triplets.

Pomegranate seeds will symbolize fertility, and pumpkin seeds will symbolize the birth of a noble offspring. If a whole pumpkin is visible, then the family will increase in the coming months. As for sunflower seeds, they speak of those events that can radically change your whole life.

Why do pregnant women dream about seeds?

It is not always pleasant to see such a dream, because it is generally accepted that it means a long and difficult birth.

Why do you dream of seeds in your pocket, packaging (bag), in bags, in large quantities in your hair, in a bucket, collected on the floor?

If you have a pocket with seeds, then you have to hide your problems from strangers and loved ones.

If you see a full package with them, it means that your wish will come true in the near future.

Seeds in bags signify dramatic life changes, for example, getting a new job or moving to a new place of residence. In some cases, this is a symbol of pregnancy, especially if a young girl has a dream. For a man, the meaning and interpretation of the dream is clear – new work.

Seeds growing in the head or in the hair indicate difficulties in life, overcoming which will require a lot of effort, as well as the support of a loved one.

In a bucket - to unpleasant events, including divorce or dissolution of a relationship. In the case of a bucket of seeds filled to the brim, we can talk about well-being and success in all endeavors. Men are promised career growth.

If you dream of picking up from the floor, it means that you are missing out on the best opportunities in your life.

Why do you dream about seeds and their husks?

If there are no kernels, you should wait for a meeting with former partners, and the seed husk itself will symbolize laziness, which does not allow you to realize your ambitions and achieve your goal.

Why do you dream about counting seeds and sweeping them off the table?

Counting will symbolize your practicality, thanks to which any undertaking is doomed to success. If you have to sweep them off the table, then you have a lot of things to do, and all of them will be brought to their logical conclusion.

Why do you dream about seeds from apples, watermelon, cucumbers?

If the seeds are apple seeds, then you should expect interesting twists and turns on the love front, including preparing for the continuation of your family line.

Watermelons are a symbol of a happy marriage and the appearance of children who will not cause trouble by disobedience. In addition, you will be able to achieve significant benefits from the investments you make. You will be able to achieve success in any business if you change your point of view and take a fresh look at the problem and offer a new solution.

Cucumbers speak of a disease that you personally will have, so you shouldn’t pay little attention to your health. Another dream book interprets this dream as improving business activity and getting benefits from your investments.

Why do you dream about husking sunflower seeds?

The cracking of seeds indicates that you are about to harm a loved one with your words or will have a fight with your relatives.

Why do you dream about seeds in Vanga’s dream book?

If someone pecks seeds in a dream, including pigeons, it means that you will lose something or will not be able to realize your potential. If they are in the field, then you have to take advantage of the opportunity and benefit from the situation or you will receive an inheritance.

Why do you dream about seeds? Miller’s dream book

If there is husk, then court proceedings or other problems in life will not have a solution in your favor. Seeds with mold indicate poor health, so it’s a good idea to check with a doctor. Counting leads to stability in life.

Seeds in Freud's dream book

For men, the dream suggests that they will be good lovers and he will have many lovers. For a woman, a dream speaks of intimacy with someone who is not her husband or boyfriend, and promises numerous affairs for an unmarried woman.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...