Why do you dream about other people's beautiful boots? Who owns the shoes? Luck and success accompany you



Many dream books consider boots as a symbol of imminent marriage, travel, and success in business. However, adjustments are made to the interpretation by the style, color, cleanliness, newness of the shoes, gender and age of the dreamer or what he was doing while they were dreaming.

Why might boots appear in dreams? Let's consider the meanings proposed by different interpreters.

Dream interpreter Galina Vrublevskaya assures: shoes are a symbol that your problem has a solution. Pay attention to the color and style of the shoes. This is a clue to the way


The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, classified all hollow objects that could become a container for something as female symbols. Shoes are no exception.

If you dreamed that you were big in size, you will begin to doubt your charm. Comfortable, well-groomed, in a dream you cleaned it or soaked it in cream - your sexual partner is completely satisfied with you. Worn out - interest in it is cooling down. Dirty - anxiety due to diseases of the genitourinary system. If you have stings or rubbed calluses, you want to find another lover or mistress. The dream of a nail stuck in the sole carries the same meaning.

Freud defines dreams as distorted images of suppressed desires: conscious and hidden deep in the subconscious, originating in childhood and replenished as they grow older and gain life experience.

If you happened to buy boots in a night dream, this reflects the inner desire for new love adventures. Choosing from several pairs of shoes means prudence when choosing a partner; the dreamer is not prone to adventures and hasty decisions.

A woman who puts on boots in a dream is left indifferent by male caresses. She is attracted to members of her own sex.

In Miller's dream book, boots are not mentioned, but there are boots. Old people advise being careful to avoid being tripped up by colleagues on the path to success. Wooden ones predict sad loneliness, poverty, and such a dream prepares a lover for betrayal. A dream where you saw your shoes on someone else also warns of the appearance of a rival in love. If a man put on new shoes in a dream, in reality he will receive an increase in salary and success at work.

Dream book for the whole family

To see dirty boots in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Saturday to Sunday - enemies will go on an open offensive.

Trying on new ones in a shoe store from Monday to Tuesday - your loved ones think that you are neglecting them. Try to give them more time and attention.

Maly Velesov

You dream of boots for changes, new ones - for success in business, increased income, some joyful events or an unfamiliar road. The old ones promise a path that you have already traveled once, an unfortunate incident. Putting on boots - a dream portends prosperity and wealth; taking off boots - illness and poverty. Poverty is also prophesied by different shoes on the feet. Left in a night dream without shoes, lost - to losses in the household.

But here is the interpretation of this symbol given by other dream books:

  • XXI century - to a trip that will play an important role in your life. Having new boots means a loss will turn into a profit. Seeing them means you will receive a gift;
  • Eastern feminine - new ones dream of significant changes in life. If your feet are sore, you shouldn’t go with the flow, it’s better to look around, understand the hidden meaning of what’s happening and try to chart your own course;
  • Dashka, Aesop - a symbol of wealth, beauty, fashion, panache;
  • Childish - if you go on a trip, you will probably have a fight with someone along the way. This will ruin your well-being and mood;
  • Martyna Zadeki - walking in boots promises profit;
  • Ukrainian - for the road, trip. New ones - for news, old ones - for shame, torn ones - something bad awaits. A fallen sole means death;
  • Esoteric - the dream foreshadows shopping, purchases: successful, if the boots were new and beautiful, but you happened to see worn out or dirty ones - you will be disappointed in the updates.
  • Video: why do you dream about boots?

    Description of boots

    Try to remember exactly what kind of boots you dreamed of: new or old, men's or women's, leather or suede, etc.


    Depending on the color of the shoes, the meaning of the dream can vary greatly:

  • white women's buy - business success;
  • burgundy rubber - you can get hurt if you get involved in a suspicious adventure;
  • blue - meeting like-minded, like-minded people. If you tried on a new azure shade, light, fun-filled days await you;
  • yellow - if you saw several pairs in a store, the dream promises joy. Try it on - plans will come true;
  • green - hope, quick receipt of money or a forest (country) walk;
  • gold - you are an active, active person, persistently moving towards your intended goal, achieving success and profit;
  • brown - you will be sent on a business trip, the next few weeks you will be busy exclusively with work. Measured or seen on someone else's feet - unnecessary worries;
  • red - a sign of emotional stress, devotion in love, change for the better, caring for children. Perhaps you will indulge in memories. Seeing a child in such boots means travel, amazing experiences. Wear new ones for a walk - life lacks adrenaline, risk, stunning emotions and adventures. If you bought it, your ambitions are somewhat too high;
  • ash, gray and white with heels - you hide your problems from your friends, not wanting to disturb and be a burden;
  • pink, crimson - happy love, flirting or a new romance. They may invite a friend to visit or to an engagement party. Or your loved one is tired of waiting for your decision, it’s time to make a choice, give a final answer;
  • gray - lack of money, illness;
  • blue - you will remember wonderful moments of the past. Perhaps you will meet old friends. To see cobalt-colored boots identical to yours on your friend’s feet - don’t believe everything you hear;
  • black and white - delay making a decision;
  • black - melancholy, nostalgia. Autumn - wait for news;
  • chocolate on bare feet - the dreamer is too carried away by pipe dreams instead of achieving real goals.
  • Making a choice between white and black shoes is a sign of hidden resentment, imaginary bravado. If you dreamed of someone else's feet in boots of a similar color - put your problems on unfamiliar people. Wear shoes of different colors - black stripes in life will alternate with white ones: failures with successes. To repaint from white to black (or vice versa) is to serve as a support for someone, even as an ideal.

    In Rus', red boots were often mentioned in fairy tales and folk songs; both girls of marriageable age and young boys dreamed of such shoes.

    Wearing purple boots in a dream means a trip to the sea, a vacation on the river bank, or a date.

    Material from which they are made

    Suede boots speak of such character traits of the dreamer as softness, affection, tenderness, and compliance. They may dream of a successful trip.

    Varnished - for a profitable and useful business trip, a fun trip, a wedding. If they press, the union will not be very successful: due to the strict rules and principles of your spouse, you will feel as if you are imprisoned. The boots are too loose - a hint of the frivolity of your significant other. Seeing the shine of new patent leather boots - they are trying to dazzle you with brilliant prospects, but the first impression can be deceptive: a new position or project, supposedly promising, will become unprofitable and lead to a dead end.

    Leatherette people dream of losing illusions, changing their opinion for the worse about someone from their environment. Fur - for warm relationships. Felt - you take into account your enemies, but are not afraid of them, because you have great capabilities, support and strength.

    Kirzovye (soldiers) - intense struggle for something or someone, you need to be prepared for anything. Someone wraps foot wraps before putting on such boots - a military man's sleep prepares him for a forced march.

    Good quality leather boots foretell big profits and strengthening the status of a respected, influential person in society. Leather boots, according to Danilova’s Erotic Dream Book, dream of sexual experiments. The dream advises not to be afraid to try something new in the intimate sphere and to overcome shyness, which prevents you from relaxing and enjoying the joys of unconventional sex.

    For lovers, the reading depends on how the boots were seen in the dream: comfortable or not very comfortable, neat or shabby. Whether they fit or not in size. The dream is the personification of your relationship; it may indicate existing problems.

    Rubber - be careful not to find yourself in an awkward position. There is a possibility that someone will try to drag you into a “dirty” story, provoke you into a scandal, taking advantage of your gullibility. Use discretion when making new acquaintances. If you neglect this advice, you risk feeling the taste of jealousy. Another interpretation: bureaucratic delays await. Wearing such shoes means there is hard and thankless work ahead that will exhaust you physically and mentally.

    Admiring the autumn, walking in a dream in rubber boots under the October sun - receive a letter, find out personal news

    New, old, holey, dirty

    Luxurious, you can’t take your eyes off them - to spending on expensive things that you really could easily do without. Your desires and expectations are too sky-high and do not correspond to real possibilities, so changes for the better are not expected in the near future. Rich imagination will serve as a source of disappointment, because under ideas and plans there is neither a solid material foundation, nor the support of influential people, nor the willpower to persistently achieve the goal.

    Durable, beautiful and comfortable, they assure that the trip or journey will go without problems. Things will also be in complete order. New boots dream of a faithful and strong friendship, promise joy, profit and success in business, faithful assistants or an important trip. Life will change for the better.

    Ugly, but durable and comfortable - you can deal with the problem in a simple but effective way.

    Old, worn out - to good news from an old friend or to wasted physical effort. The dream book for a bitch considers old shoes as a symbol of the end of an outdated, protracted relationship. Worn, but perfectly fitting on the foot - the new task will be quite simple and familiar, you will cope with it effortlessly.

    Clean - good health, successful road.

    Unstuck - when the sole comes off when walking, the dream is a harbinger of a break with your partner. If the characteristic sound with which the sole slaps on the ground was heard, then the separation will be crowned with a grandiose scandal. A leaky sole means injury, a flying sole means a bad road.

    Wet - problems with legs, poor circulation. Better go to the hospital. Walking home in the rain with wet boots means that existing warm relationships will be destroyed through someone else’s fault, contrary to your wishes. Water in shoes portends prolonged depression due to separation. You pour shoes into your boots yourself - you don’t even try to get out of this difficult psychological state.

    Worn-out, dirty and holey shoes in a dream warns: in reality you will encounter obstacles on the way. And more serious than you might imagine. Torn also predicts lack of money and pain in the legs. Torn boots - you will incur losses.

    A boot “asking for porridge” is a bad omen, but if the dream visited you from Sunday to Monday, then events ahead, although unexpected, will bring you joy and pleasure.

    Dirty boots in a dream warn of obstacles on the way to achieving your goal

    Tall, winter, one leg

    High - troubles will not come as a surprise to you, you are ready to meet them fully armed. Beautiful boots - success in business, promotion. Also, high-top boots on another person can denote a domineering, arrogant person who wants to keep everything under control. This could be either an employer or another important, dominant person in your life.

    Winter - a dream may foretell a meeting with parents, a trip to relatives in another city. White - for an unexpected meeting.

    Winter boots are a symbol of warmth, security, comfort

    On one foot - perhaps the root of your problems lies in a one-sided view of their solution. Try to find a different, non-trivial approach.

    Women's, children's, various, large quantities

    Women's - unpredictable development of events. Buy ladies' boots - new acquaintances will fill your life with unusual things, adventures, and teach you to enjoy every day without getting hung up on trivial problems.

    Seeing yourself in children's boots means you have Napoleonic plans, but you still don’t have enough strength, means, skills and connections to bring them to life.

    If you dream about a large number of boots in a store or shoe repair department, it foretells a real blockage at work. At home, the dreamer will also have urgent tasks awaiting him. As a result, he will become exhausted and bring himself to the point of physical and moral exhaustion. In a dream, many different boots signify an unforgettable journey, great success in amorous affairs, and connections with several partners at the same time.

    Unpaired boots on your feet most often signify financial difficulties, the development of one aspect of your life at the expense of the almost complete abandonment of others. You have not experienced harmony and confidence in the future and in yourself for a long time.

    Different boots dream of problems with money

    Heels or stilettos, others

    The snow-white high-heeled shoes that you bought in a dream recommends balancing your balance and starting to control your income, because otherwise you will soon feel a lack of money, despite more income. This is the interpretation given by Longo.

    For a married man, a dream about women's high-heeled boots promises harmony in the family, for a single man - a meeting with a wonderful woman who will transform his life and become an ideal lover.

    A broken heel (or lock) is a sign of a waste of time, effort or money to achieve some goal. If the dreamer goes on a journey, it will be in vain; luck will not be his traveling companion.

    If, due to a broken heel or a stuck zipper, you cannot go somewhere, miss an important event, and at the end of the dream you see that everything is in order with your boots again, then in reality the missed chance will turn into good luck. Especially if the dreams felt joy at the end.

    If you tried on stiletto boots or someone gave them to you in a night dream, changes are coming on the personal front or at work, if your profession is related to the field of fashion and beauty. For girls, such a dream can also promise an invitation to a date, romance, a declaration of love or a quick wedding.

    If you change the heels for metal ones, your colleagues will try to cheat you.

    Unusual, original, not appropriate for the place - a very unusual situation, a mistake. Made of bronze, they are not suitable for travel; you are not ready for a new path. Finding another use for them (for example, using them as vases or flower pots) will breathe new life into a seemingly useless thing or idea. Iron ones foreshadow a sad incident, a difficult path.

    Boots with spurs dream of conflicts: if worn, you will become a participant in disputes; if you saw someone else wearing similar shoes, you will encounter the hostility of others at work.

    If you dreamed of boots with spurs, then in reality you may have to defend your honor

    What happened in the dream

    Events occurring in a night dream, as well as the actions of the dreamer, are of no small importance for correct interpretation.

    If you dream of stealing boots, in reality someone will try to take credit for your ideas or merits. You yourself were the thief - you climb the stairs, the steps of which were laid by someone else.

    Put on boots, try on, buy, give as a gift

    Putting on boots means a trip out of town with a loved one, which will allow you to look at him in a new way. Despite having known each other for a long time, previously unknown traits of his character will be revealed to you. Other interpretations: changes in fate; you are unable to assemble a complete picture of what is happening from the facts received. Such a dream warns businessmen and lawyers about the likelihood of document forgery. If the boots were new, additional income, success or new love are expected in reality.

    Buying means a meeting with an interesting person, changes in business, travel. It is important that you like the boots and that they fit.

    Wearing or buying big shoes for you means you are taking on someone else’s work, but you are unlikely to be able to cope with it.

    Sell ​​- you will receive news that will not make you happy.

    To give - the dreamer measures everything with money, for this reason he does not have a single real attachment in his life. They gave you comfortable and beautiful boots - in the near future you will make a pleasant and useful acquaintance with a person who has weight in society. A woman presented with expensive boots made of good material portends a rich husband; beautiful, but affordable - happy love.

    If you accepted different boots as a gift from your husband, but only like the right one, this may mean the following: you are not completely satisfied with your work, it prevents you from paying more attention to self-care and relaxation; you want to achieve one thing, but you get something else. In addition, the dream may foreshadow the disruption of an important trip.

    Wearing shoes that aren’t your own means you’ll have to deal with other people’s worries. Ask someone - get help, support. Let someone else wear yours - a rival or rival will appear.

    A reverse dream, in which you go to a shoe repair shop to buy bread, and take your boots to a grocery store for repairs, portends big troubles, deteriorating health, severe fatigue, confusion in business or moving.

    Choose, measure - beware of trickery and deception. It’s better not to get involved in gambling yet and not to take the word of strangers. Trying on beautiful boots - a dream foretells prosperity and good luck in business. The choice fell on a worn pair - the desire to make friends or enter into an intimate relationship with a person who has many acquaintances, friends or passions. Or you will receive an offer to take someone else's position.

    Lose, wash, change and more

    Losing is a bad sign: it is better to postpone a long trip; it is also worth postponing for a while the opening of a new business, planned changes in your personal life, or the search for a new job. The dream can also promise a break in relationships. If you didn’t find one of the pair, someone will be disappointed in you and will deprive you of trust and support. Perhaps your friends will leave you to deal with the problem alone. The lost left boot symbolizes the fair sex, the right one - the strong one. Spending a lot of time looking for boots means a difficult journey, which will end well only if the shoes are found in the dream.

    Seeing a boot without a pair means a long separation. Don’t forget, keep in touch at a distance, remain faithful, and when your loved one returns, you will find yourself together again.

    Wash is a gift. New boots mean expensive, no – modest, but you will still be very pleased to receive them. Or you want to get rid of the unpleasant feeling associated with your legs. Perhaps they whine from fatigue even in their sleep. Or the walk or trip turned out to be not very successful. It happens that a dream prepares for changes in life: the emotions experienced in the dream and the situation seen will tell about the nature of the upcoming changes.

    If you have a bad dream, don’t panic: it just warns, cautions, gives a hint where to expect trouble, which gives you time to find a way to avoid it. When you wake up, write down your dream on a piece of paper, after which it should be burned. You can also turn your bed linen inside out.

    Changing means changes in life. If you change the head of your boots for a new one, you will be invited to a christening. Taking pictures means a change in activity, a change in feelings for someone. I had to take off my uncomfortable boots because of the pain and discomfort - soon the people who oppress and hurt you will disappear from your life.

    Cleaning with a brush - you are trying to hide a shameful secret, but the secret will certainly become apparent at the most inopportune moment for you. The dream may also signify the arrival of a new neighbor.

    Find boots or soles from them - you will have fun with a member of the opposite sex. Throwing it away or burning it is a good sign: there will be fewer worries, you will get rid of excess baggage in life, and a bright future awaits you. There is also a negative interpretation - a scandal at work. Best of all, if you threw away worn-out boots in a dream, then very big changes for the better await you: for example, buying a house or moving.

    Repairing model-type boots - the work will give you pleasure. Any others - there is a lot of work ahead, but the results will exceed all expectations. Repair with special care - perseverance will allow you to achieve what you want much earlier than you expected.

    If you talked to a shoemaker in a dream, expect news; you saw him at work - a holiday, a fun corporate party. The shoemaker was barefoot and was repairing red boots - a person will appear in your life who will begin to insist that he needs your help, although in fact he will be driven by the desire to blame the solution to all his worries and problems on you. If you recognize someone as a person of this profession, in reality a friend or one of your relatives will leave.

    If you saw a shoemaker in a dream - someone close to you will go on a trip

    Nailing heels is a sudden success.

    Sewing up your boots with a gypsy needle or awl and pricking yourself until you bleed - your inner instinct tells you: wanting to hurt you, ill-wishers will begin to harm your family.

    Not all dreams turn out to be prophetic. Most often, what you dream about during the daytime does not promise anything, and the likelihood of dreams coming true from the first to the second, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth days of the month is also very low. On the night of the fourteenth, dreams can foretell trouble, on the sixteenth and twenty-fifth - deception. According to the lunar calendar, you should not pay attention to night visions on the following lunar days: 3, 10, 14, 20, 21, 23–25.

    Dependence of interpretation on the gender of the sleeper

    A girl or a young woman dreams of black boots for an imminent wedding. Trampled - to receive an unfavorable offer. Dirty - all gossip and rumors spread among acquaintances by envious people will be refuted. Brilliant - a meeting with a rich, but not very smart person. If you dried wet boots, the dream warns: beware of an unplanned pregnancy.

    For a woman, buying ankle boots or a man wearing red boots foretells the appearance of a lover. If in a dream she herself came to work in recently purchased cherry boots, wanting to arouse the envy of colleagues of the same sex, then in reality she wants to stand out and attract attention. Low boots with heels promise her a whole host of suitors, she knows how to attract attention to herself. Purchasing a pair of black shoes without trying them on means meeting a promising but married man. If you couldn’t decide on a purchase for a long time, in life you should decide on your desires and not be afraid to make a choice in favor of what you want yourself, and not what your friends, family or colleagues might like.

    Large boots in a lady’s dream are a symbol of the security and comfort that the presence of her lover next to her gives her. Little ones talk about strained relationships.

    For a young man, red boots promise adventures, riddles and secrets. Dirty - fast career growth.

    A single man dreams of new boots for marriage, black boots - the bride will be restless. If he puts it on, then, according to Freud, the dreamer is in dire need of sexual release, but one should not forget about protection.

    Losing boots in a dream warns a man about his lover’s infidelity

    For a spouse, a new black pair of boots foreshadows family problems, and if he cleaned his boots with a brush, the dream speaks of old complexes and fear of responsibility. Vanga advises to calm down, to cast aside all fears - the business, the upcoming changes in the family or the new proposed position, about which the dreamer is so worried, is up to him. For a married woman, such a dream promises discord in the house. To avoid this, try to pay more attention to your family.

    For a girl, a dream about cleaning boots serves as advice: she needs to pay more attention to the development of her inner world, and not to entertainment. A dream warns a young man that his parents or boss are dissatisfied with him.

    Boots as a dream symbol are primarily associated with the road and changes in life, but interpreters also offer many other interpretations. They depend on the appearance of the shoes, the actions of the dreamer, whether he wore the boots himself or saw them on someone else. However, do not consider this or that dream book to be the ultimate truth; always listen to the sensations that you experienced in your sleep, as well as after waking up.

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    the kind ones are faithful helpers; new ones - good luck in business.

    The meaning of a dream about boots

    according to Freud's dream book

    Wearing boots in a dream means a trip out of town awaits you with a person dear to you. Perhaps this time, in an unusual setting, you will be able to see in a new way a person whom you thought you already knew very well. Rubber boots are a sign that you should be careful about the acquaintances you make. And if you don’t do this, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

    Why do you dream about shoes?

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    a new place or new relationship; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships; you buy a new novel; if you lose, you will be let down; tears - illness of loved ones; if you take it off - failure, breakup; shoes (in general) - help, someone's services.

    Why do you dream about galoshes?

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    put on - caution; buying is a nuisance.

    Why do you dream about putting on shoes?

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    someone - to take revenge or deceive someone (it’s not for nothing that they say “they cheated you”); to losses (it’s not for nothing that they say, “I got screwed”); I have shodded myself - disappointments, mistakes in business or personal.

    Why do you dream about a shoemaker?

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    works - an incredible and unexpected business proposal; to be a shoemaker - great income or position; a woman sees her husband as a shoemaker - financial worries will recede; to see a shoemaker - a change of management or patron; talking to a shoemaker is a new job or promotion.

    I dreamed of a shoemaker

    according to Miller's dream book

    If you dream of a shoemaker, it means that circumstances will not be favorable to your success. If a woman dreams that her husband or lover is a shoemaker, it means that all her desires will be satisfied.

    Expert answers


    I dreamed that I was in a very large spacious room, some girl left me her boots, which were not new, as if she were going to sell them to me. I have to look at them, try them on, think about them. At first they just stood to the side, and then I noticed that it would be nice to clean them, I have a brush and laundry soap and I scrub them. What does this mean? (K, Svetlana)

    Someone else's boots, especially from a girl in a dream, mean that in reality a situation awaits you when you take on other people's problems by starting a relationship with an unfree man. There is a chance that you will be drawn into this relationship despite the fact that many things will not suit you.

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    What does the dream Boots mean?

    Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

    Seeing Boots in a dream

    Boots - New, beautiful - for successful purchases. The best time to buy something. Trampled, dirty - unsuccessful purchases, do not be tempted by offers to purchase anything. Clean ones are ready for shopping, but you need to determine exactly what you want to buy. Otherwise, the money will be wasted. Buy, try on, choose - you can be cheated, deceived. Don't play lotteries, don't be overly gullible.

    Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

    What do dreams Boots mean?

    Boots represent fashion, beauty, and prosperity. Seeing expensive and beautiful boots in a dream, the sight of which makes your heart skip a beat, means: immoderate extravagance; your dreams are far from reality.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

    Dream about Boots

    Boots - Wearing boots in a dream means a trip out of town awaits you with a person dear to you. Perhaps this time, in an unusual setting, you will be able to see in a new way a person whom you thought you already knew very well.

    Rubber boots are a sign that you should be careful about the acquaintances you make. And if you don’t do this, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

    Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

    What does Boots mean in a dream?

    Boots - if you have to travel soon, it will be associated with certain difficulties. Perhaps you will quarrel with someone on the road, and this will cause a bad mood and well-being.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

    What do Boots mean in a dream?

    Seeing a boot in a dream that “begs for porridge” is an unkind sign, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, it means that unexpected but pleasant events will follow in your life.

    A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Saturday to Sunday, in which you saw dirty boots, means that your enemies will decide to openly confront you.

    If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on boots in a store, this indicates that you are experiencing some disdain for your loved ones.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

    The meaning of the dream Boots

    This symbol means wealth, beauty, panache, and following fashion. Among the people, the symbol is associated with the craft of a shoemaker, with service people, that is, soldiers and red fashionable girls. Red boots are an attribute of fairy tales, songs; boots represent the embodiment of the dreams of girls and young unmarried guys.

    To dream of a barefoot shoemaker who is repairing red boots - a person will appear in your circle who will constantly demand help from you, although he himself can easily do without it.

    Seeing luxurious boots in a dream, the sight of which makes your heart skip a beat, is a sign of extravagance; Your dreams are far from reality, so don’t expect changes in business and improvement in your life; wild imagination will bring you disappointment, because your projects have no basis in reality.

    Seeing red boots in a dream means caring for children; to memories.

    To dream that you are buying bread in a shoe shop, and when you come to the store, you take your boots to the food department for repair - to illness, fatigue, big problems in life; to many lucrative offers that will confuse your head and complicate life until your health weakens; to confusion in business; to move.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

    Interpretation of the dream Boots

    “two boots are a pair” - the similarity of two people (often in bad traits and actions), the similarity of spouses.

    "a shoemaker without boots."

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

    What does Boots predict in a dream?

    New, good help, success in business; responsible trip. With high tops, authority, arrogance, dominant role in relationships; long, troublesome walks on business.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

    What does it mean to see Boots in a dream?

    Buying new boots in a dream means a trip out of town with your loved one awaits you. If your boots are too tight, this portends a quarrel.

    Imagine feeling comfortable and confident in your boots.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Interpretation of sleep Boots

    Wearing boots in a dream means a trip out of town with a loved one is ahead. You think you know him very well, but on this trip he will open up to you in a new way.

    If you dreamed of rubber boots, be careful about the acquaintances you make.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

    What does the dream of Boots predict?

    This is a warning about possible troubles that may complicate the progress of your plans.

    If the boots look durable and beautiful: in reality you have every chance to successfully cope with current problems.

    Torn or dirty boots: suggest that troubles on your way may be stronger than you think.

    Boots on one leg: a sign that the cause of your failures may be a one-sided view of some problem.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

    The meaning of the dream Boots

    To the road that will play a big role in your life.

    New boots are a gift.

    Putting on old boots means change.

    Losing boots means a woman is cheating.

    Shoemaker - for the departure of a relative or friend, talk to the shoemaker.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    In a dream, you can witness a wide variety of events. Why do you dream about boots? Why do you dream of new boots in which you went for a walk? How to interpret such a dream?

    Why do you dream about boots - basic interpretation

    Seeing boots in a dream means the road and new achievements. This is how the dream book interprets such a dream. If you try on new and very beautiful boots in a dream, in reality you will dream of a completely different life. About new beginnings, about new achievements. But it is important to pay attention to the details of the dream:

    · Where exactly do you try on boots;

    · Do you like them;

    · Are the boots the right size for you?

    · How long have you been wearing your boots?

    What material are they made of?

    · Who else appears in your dream.

    If you have been planning a trip for a long time, and it did not work out for you, try to take into account all the risks when planning the trip, otherwise it will not bring you joy. You will remain immersed in your fears and worries, you will continue to plan something new, but constantly look back at the experience of the past. This will prevent you from taking the right steps in the future towards achieving your goal.

    A dream in which someone gave you beautiful boots suggests that you will receive new opportunities through communication with a stranger. You will be able to solve many of your problems and questions thanks to the intervention of someone from the outside. Don't try to take everything on yourself. There are some situations in life that you cannot survive alone.

    A dream in which you are wearing torn and old boots means that your path in life will be very difficult. You can make a lot of mistakes just because you rely on past experience when making decisions.

    Why dream of new boots worn on a naked body? Such a dream means that you will want to make additional profit and open a new business. But you will begin to act actively too early, without calculating all the possible risks.

    Try to play it safe and not make rash decisions. You don't need haste now. If you see a dream in which new boots pressed your feet, you will be squeezed into the framework of what is happening. You will depend on life situations. You may even be forced to admit defeat in some matter.

    The dream book claims that such a situation can benefit you. Your long-standing controversial issue will finally be resolved, and you will be able to confidently move on in life, resolving issues as you see fit.

    If you see new boots on a colleague, don’t worry about it. Most likely, you’ll just be able to curb your emotions and moderate your ardor. Such a dream suggests that in reality you will not be jealous, you will simply be more attentive to your colleague’s work. You can even closely observe all her actions and phrases. This may be useful to you in work and in your personal life.

    Wearing different boots means having problems with your goal. Most likely, you yourself will be confused about what you want. This will cause resentment and misunderstandings with people around you. You will increasingly try to understand your motives and your emotions, and you will increasingly try to escape reality into your illusory world.

    If in a dream you put on different boots and hit the road in them, such a dream suggests that it’s time for you to sort out your emotions. They control you, not you control them. Not only do you make mistakes, you don’t listen to the advice of others, you don’t hear your inner voice and make a lot of important decisions in a hurry.

    Perhaps you have been in a state of apathy or depression for quite a long time, if you take off your boots, then put them back on. Your uncertainty in life may be caused by the hesitation of other people to take responsibility for everything that happens in life. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your actions, but don't be guided by other people's opinions when making important decisions.

    A dream in which you are wearing leather boots and knocking on a door means that you have long stopped making flexible and informed decisions. It’s easier for you to shift them to someone else than to take them yourself. This speaks of your indecision and your reluctance to change anything in life. You should not achieve what you want at any cost after such a dream. Such actions may not be justified.

    If in a dream you polish your boots to a shine, you will be too concerned about your own reputation in reality. You shouldn’t spend so much time trying to clear your good name. If your reputation is already damaged, you have no choice but to start life anew, correcting the mistakes of the past.

    If you dream that someone stole your boots, the road, the trip that you were counting on so much, will not justify itself. You will stagnate more and try in vain to change something. Someone else could take advantage of your ideas and opportunities.

    A dream in which you stole someone else's boots means that you will try to take advantage of other people's opportunities for your own benefit. Such a dream also suggests that you will envy someone else’s success and make a huge mistake. You will deceive yourself, because you will consider the merits of another person to be your merits.

    Why do you dream about boots according to Freud's dream book?

    Freud's dream book says that you dream of boots when you are ready to go. Ready for new relationships and acquaintances. You should not waste time restoring old relationships after such a dream.

    If in your dream you throw your boots into the trash can, such a dream suggests that you will give up a lot of opportunities that life will give you. The dream book warns you against such an act and asks you to find something positive in the current situation, otherwise you will be left alone with your fears and problems for a long time.

    If in a dream you see torn boots, such a dream means that you will part with your loved one with grief and pain. Breaking up will bring you a lot of trouble and a lot of trouble. Try to make sure that you forget about the troubles of your past relationship as quickly as possible.

    A dream in which you sew your own boots means that you will independently arrange your personal space. You will have a rather original attitude towards your significant other, which may cause resentment on her part. We can talk about experiments in sexual life and frequent changes of partners.

    If a pregnant woman dreams that she is putting on new boots, she will receive a lot of pleasant emotions in the near future. If a lonely woman has such a dream, she will have the opportunity to build new and strong relationships.

    Why do you dream about boots according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

    The Esoteric Dream Book says that if you dream of dirty, trampled boots, you are very tired of everything that is happening in your life. Perhaps you need to seriously think about mental rest and mental relaxation. If you don’t rest now, soon you won’t be able to afford such luxury.

    Why dream of boots that are stained with blood - such a dream could indicate an imminent illness for you or your loved ones. You need to be more attentive to your well-being, both emotional and physical, after such a dream.

    Why do you dream of new boots according to other dream books?

    Grishina’s dream book says that you dream of new boots as a symbol of your approach to your cherished goal. If you bought them at the market and bargained for a long time, in reality you will take a long time to decide to take active action regarding a specific issue. You will hesitate and doubt whether you are making the right decision.

    Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts with loved ones after a dream in which your new boots broke. You will not be able to hold your position on an issue that is important to you after such a dream. You will insist that you are right, but your position will be far from advantageous. You should not accept it and resign yourself, it is important now to draw conclusions from the current situation and not allow such mistakes again.

    The Wanderer’s dream book says that new boots are dreamed of as a symbol of future changes, moving, changing jobs. If you are not ready for change, you will have to come to terms with it, otherwise you will miss important opportunities to change something in your life.

    A dream in which you change your boots speaks of your change of priorities. What was very important to you yesterday will become secondary today. This may not make you happy and may cause you stress. Avoid unnecessary stress, it is harmful to you.

    The dream book offers several basic meanings for what it means to dream of trying on boots. In any case, what you see in a dream indicates that some bright events will break the monotony of everyday life. Some details of the dream will tell you what vagaries of fate should be expected.

    How Miller explains the symbol

    Miller's dream book explains in many ways why you dream of trying on boots. Whatever business the sleeper undertakes after awakening, the symbol promises him success. The more beautiful the shoes were in the dream, the more powerful the influence of fortune.

    It won't be boring

    Each dream book interprets in its own way why you dream of trying on boots, especially new ones. If you dreamed about this, you won’t be bored in reality: significant events lie ahead. There may be obstacles to overcome, but they will be more like adventures than challenges.

    If you dreamed of not very new, and unremarkable boots, nevertheless, the dreamer for some reason could not resist the temptation to try them on, the birthday book warns that a thorny but exciting journey is planned. And not necessarily in space: it can be a path to knowledge or a search for oneself.

    Snow-white forecast

    Pay attention to the color of the shoes that you had to try on in your dream. The dream book will tell you why you dream of trying on new white boots.

    • The symbol serves as a call to action: right now you will succeed;
    • Trying on symbolizes the ease with which a complex issue will be resolved;
    • When spouses have to try on white boots in a dream, family relationships will improve;
    • Lonely people try on white boots on the eve of a fateful meeting.

    There is another interpretation of the dream, why you dream of trying on white boots. The modern dream book promises a joint trip, which will help to discover unexpected qualities in a travel companion and start a relationship from scratch.

    Meet the new

    It is no less curious to know why you dream of trying on red boots. If a man happened to see himself in the mirror wearing such extravagant shoes, he will soon receive a dubious offer.

    For a woman, fitting in a dream promises a career takeoff, so rapid that it can frighten the dreamer. The dream book advises to cast aside doubts and not miss good opportunities.

    If you dreamed that you were trying on red boots for a child, new impressions are coming, bright, like in childhood.

    Scarlet tones in a dream often serve as harbingers of a whirlwind romance.

    In splendid isolation

    When you dreamed that one boot was very different from the other in color or size, the interpreter warns of alienation in your relationship with your significant other.

    Putting on one item from a pair of shoes in a dream happens to those who in reality are not attentive enough to their loved ones.

    When a lonely person happens to try on one boot, the dream book promises a quick meeting with a loved one.

    Who owns the shoes?

    If you had to try on someone else’s boots in a dream, the dream book draws attention to their condition. Old or in need of repair portends material difficulties due to the fault of third parties. If you dreamed of strangers, but good ones, the dreamer will find reliable helpers.

    When a young woman happens to try on fashionable women's boots, the plot warns against wastefulness in real life.