Why do you dream about a water funnel? Gustav Miller's opinion. Causes of disturbing stories


Dynamically developing events are symbolized in a dream by a whirlpool. Dream books predict both positive and negative outcomes. It all depends on how real the sensations were. Disputes with colleagues, conspiracies, intrigues, stormy showdowns and a sharp career take-off - this is exactly what you dream about of any funnel on a river, at sea, or an abyss of water trying to swallow you up.

Whirlpool in Miller's dream book

Psychologists reduce the interpretation of sleep to the excited state of the dreamer. In their opinion, whirlpool means general fatigue of the body from heavy mental work and attempts to do several things at once.

So, why do you dream of falling into a funnel of water:

  • on the river - to a heavy workload;
  • at sea - to end up in a noisy society;
  • on the lake - to poor health;
  • in the house - to intrigue and loss of reputation.

The outcome of the dream will depend on the fact itself: whether you were able to get out of the whirlpool and escape, or floundered for a long time without strength.

Don't fall for tricks

Be careful if you happen to see in a dream how a black and cold abyss sucks you in. Especially if you dreamed of pathetic attempts to get out, which were not crowned with success. Dream books urge you to be prudent and not to do anything that could make you ashamed.

To understand why you dream of a whirlpool far from you, remember what sensations you experienced in the dream. See him and pass by - good sign By modern dream books. You will not be affected by repression or changes in the workplace.

If you dreamed that you had to get out of a whirlpool, be prepared to withstand a barrage of ridicule from your superiors and colleagues. If you managed to save yourself and climb out of the pool, it means that you will be able to dispel all slander and gossip.

Get ready for big events

In general, a whirlpool in a dream is a great sign. On the river, at sea it means intense personal and social life. Dream books promise a flurry of intrigue from ill-wishers and even friends.

Large transactions and important events will require enormous effort and energy. Large flows of water around symbolize the thick of events in which you will have to play an important role. If you dreamed that you had to get out long and hard, be prepared for dizzying success.

Monitor your reputation

Seeing in a dream a terrible, black whirlpool, sucking in all living things like a whirlwind, means scandals in the family circle. Dream books say that a whirlpool in the house, right in the bathroom or kitchen, promises proceedings with loved ones over numerous offenses.

A whirlpool in a dream is a warning of danger and a sign of useless deeds.

If you see a whirlpool or a water funnel from the outside, you will fail in matters that you consider to be of secondary importance.

To fall into a whirlpool yourself - a dream warns that you will inadvertently be drawn into negative, unfavorable events in reality. The outcome of your participation in them will depend on the ending of the dream, whether you were able to overcome this whirlpool and get out of it. If you were unable to see the end of the dream about a whirlpool, the outcome depends entirely on your behavior in reality.

Why dream of a whirlpool, a whirlpool, Loff’s dream book

A funnel in the water represents the violent involvement of the sleeper in certain events. The danger indicated by the dream is determined by the size of the crater and the location of the subject. If he sees a funnel in the kitchen sink at home, the negativity is minimized because we're talking about about a small, inconspicuous episode. If the dreamer sees a huge black funnel in the ocean, events will develop catastrophically.

If you dreamed about it according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you looked at the whirlpool in a dream from the outside, in reality you will witness rapidly developing events that will most likely be negative.

If you are pulled into a whirlpool, you will find yourself in the thick of these events and suffer, especially if you were unable to swim out.

Why do you dream of a whirlpool - esoteric dream book

A whirlpool in a dream carries a warning of great danger to your reputation.

Whirlpool, Meneghetti's dream book

A whirlpool in a dream has the same interpretation as water funnel, but on a more serious scale.

A deeper examination points us to symbolism opposite to the image. If the second gives strength and symbolizes bestowal, then the first, on the contrary, means the capture of vital energy, vampirism, being sucked into the thick of events with a negative mental background. Such a dream indicates a shaky or lost mental or vital balance, which may result in a disease related to psychiatry or oncology.

A water funnel in a dream is an exclusively characteristic element of the deviation monitor. It personifies a single point of convergence of all existing types of perception, which are subsequently translated into a conscious perception of reality.

Why do you dream of a whirlpool, English dream book

If you saw a whirlpool in a dream, get ready for hard work that will bring not only little joy, but also bad results.

Whirlpool, French dream book

A funnel in the water or a whirlpool is dreamed of as a sign of negative events; this dream does not bode well. You should, if possible, avoid traveling or dangerous undertakings, since everything can have not just a bad, but even a tragic ending, especially if you are sucked into a whirlpool.

Seeing another person caught in a whirlpool - all the same things should be attributed to him.

Why do you dream of whirlpools - a modern dream book

Bad events can happen following a dream in which there is a whirlpool of water, a funnel. If the sleeper’s immediate plans include travel, it should be postponed whenever possible.

If you dreamed that a friend or relative was being sucked into a whirlpool, warn him about the need to be careful.

Hangs over your affairs and your reputation will be seriously damaged by countless intrigues unless you are extremely careful.

Freud's Dream Book

If a woman falls into a whirlpool in a dream- her birth will be quick but painful. For a man- this means fear of a possible partner’s pregnancy.

Dream book of lovers

The woman who dreamed of a whirlpool- you need to be careful: her intrigues can contribute to the severance of relationships with friends and loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a powerful whirlpool in a dream- a sign that you are at a dead end and are losing your energy catastrophically quickly. Perhaps you are mired in the cycle of some events and problems and, fixated on them, you are losing strength and chances of any success. The dream does not even suggest, but demands to immediately break the vicious circle of events that have sucked you in.

Small whirlpools are a sign of wasting energy on meaningless things.

Solomon's Dream Book

whirlpool- hard work, failure, sadness, anxiety.

Dream book for the whole family

whirlpool- do not give in to anyone’s persuasion to go on some kind of trip, even a small one. The trip will end badly, if not tragically.

If you see one of your friends or loved ones drowning in a whirlpool- there is a danger that trouble will happen to him on the next trip.

Dream book for a bitch

whirlpool- Anxieties and sorrows will pass if you are careful in your affairs.

New family dream book

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- to danger. Be careful, otherwise your reputation will be seriously damaged by countless intrigues.

Modern combined dream book

whirlpool- hard work, failure, depression and anxiety

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- a warning that your affairs are threatened by approaching danger. And, if you are not extremely careful, your reputation will be damaged due to vile intrigue.

Eastern women's dream book

whirlpool- a warning about a serious danger looming over you. Extreme caution must be exercised in everything.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

whirlpool- you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, its negativity intensifies if the water was cloudy in the dream.

Complete dream book of the New Era

whirlpool- the need to exercise caution and common sense. The need to stop marking time and/or not repeat mistakes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- means that life will spin you, it won’t seem like enough.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

To be in a dream on a pond and see a huge whirlpool, into which all sorts of things are sucked: fragments of boards, logs, and the like- you will spin in the thick of life with varying success.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

whirlpool- to long-term bad luck in money matters.

Women's dream book

Whirlpool in a dream- means that your business is in serious danger.

If you're not careful- your reputation may suffer greatly from countless intrigues.

General dream book

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- your life is in danger.

If you dreamed that you were being pulled into a whirlpool- know: your reputation may be undermined due to vile intrigue.

Italian dream book

whirlpool- an image essentially opposite to the image of a spring. Denotes a gripping, suction action. Psychic deliberate, deliberate influence, vampiric takeover, progressive loss of balance of the ego structure, impending development of social schizophrenia or the onset of pathological neoplasms.

Psychoanalytic dream book

whirlpool- the opposite image of a spring. Intentional impact.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

whirlpool- danger, dangerous social circle.

Dream book of a gypsy

whirlpool- you are in a very dangerous situation, you could be killed.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

whirlpool- failure, sadness, anxiety, hard work.

The whirlpool you're caught in- to be in a large and too noisy society.

Esoteric dream book

whirlpool- events threatening unpleasant consequences.

You're caught in a whirlpool- you will be drawn into these events.

You swim out- everything will end well.

You'll drown- failures await you.

Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming that you are being sucked into a whirlpool- you will be in a large and loud society.

Collection of dream books

Whirlpool, to be in it- a large and noisy society.

whirlpool- a huge danger threatens your affairs and your reputation will seriously suffer from countless intrigues if you are not extremely careful.
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Whirlpool in a dream according to 29 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Whirlpool symbol from 29 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A whirlpool is the opposite image of a spring. Intentional impact.

Family dream book

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- to danger. Be careful, otherwise your reputation will be seriously damaged by countless intrigues.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Whirlpool?

Whirlpool - hard work, failure, depression and anxiety

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- a warning that your business is in danger of impending danger. And, if you are not extremely careful, your reputation will be damaged due to vile intrigue.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Whirlpool - the need to exercise caution and common sense. The need to stop marking time and/or not repeat mistakes.

Dream book of the future

Whirlpool - a huge danger threatens your affairs and your reputation will seriously suffer from countless intrigues if you are not extremely careful.

Dream book for lovers

The woman who dreamed of a whirlpool- you need to be careful: her intrigues can contribute to the severance of relationships with friends and loved ones.

Dream book for the whole family

Whirlpool - do not give in to anyone’s persuasion to go on some kind of trip, even a small one. The trip will end badly, if not tragically.

If you see one of your friends or loved ones drowning in a whirlpool- there is a danger that trouble will happen to him on the next trip.

Dream book for a bitch

Whirlpool - anxieties and sorrows will pass if you are careful in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a powerful whirlpool in a dream- a sign that you are at a dead end and are losing your energy catastrophically quickly. Perhaps you are mired in the cycle of some events and problems and, fixated on them, you are losing strength and chances of any success. The dream does not even suggest, but demands to immediately break the vicious circle of events that have sucked you in.

Small whirlpools are a sign of wasting energy on meaningless things.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Whirlpool - to long-term bad luck in money matters.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To be in a dream on a pond and see a huge whirlpool, into which all sorts of things are sucked: fragments of boards, logs, and the like- you will spin in the thick of life with varying success.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- means that life will spin you, it won’t seem like enough.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- means that a huge danger hangs over your affairs and your reputation will seriously suffer from countless intrigues, unless you are extremely careful.

Dream book of the past

A whirlpool is a symbol of an exciting, suction action. Perhaps someone is trying to mentally influence you, to subordinate you to their interests. It is possible that this dream, especially if it is repeated, speaks of impending illnesses.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Whirlpool in a dream- means that your business is in serious danger.

If you're not careful- your reputation may suffer greatly from countless intrigues.

Solomon's Dream Book

Whirlpool - hard work, failure, sadness, anxiety.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Whirlpool according to the dream book?

A whirlpool is a danger, a dangerous social circle.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream- your life is in danger.

If you dreamed that you were being pulled into a whirlpool- know: your reputation may be undermined due to vile intrigue.

Freud's Dream Book

If a woman falls into a whirlpool in a dream- her birth will be quick but painful. For a man, this means fear of a possible pregnancy of his partner.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

The whirlpool you're caught in- to be in a large and too noisy society.

Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming that you are being sucked into a whirlpool- you will be in a large and loud society.

Gypsy dream book

Whirlpool - you are in a very dangerous situation, you could be killed.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Whirlpool according to the dream book?

Whirlpool - events that threaten unpleasant consequences.

You're caught in a whirlpool- you will be drawn into these events.

If you swim out, everything will end well.

If you drown, failure awaits you.

Video: Why do you dream about Whirlpool?


Did you dream of a Whirlpool, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Whirlpool in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    hello. I dreamed today that I was at work and a frightened landlord came running, shouting that we were being flooded by the ocean. Looking out the window, I saw huge blue waves and ran urgently to collect things to escape. I was collecting equipment, large TVs, he said, that we could not escape, but the building was not filled with water, and we only watched the huge waves through the windows. We saw a whirlpool, but nothing happened to us. It was very scary in the dream
    , then a person close to me fell into the water, but the water was calm and clean, I pulled him out of the water. Then I started having another dream, I was running around with some tiny child, 10 cm in size. I put him to sleep, but someone put him on accidentally some things and he suffocated, I was upset. The dream ended and I dreamed that I was already running around with an ordinary baby, he was cute and I wanted to feed him, but there was a lot of food on the table, but no plate. I went to look for a plate, but nothing they were dirty in mayonnaise, I went to wash them and when I returned they had already cleared the food from the table. I started shouting very loudly at the waiters and they said that they would bring everything back. Then I dreamed about mine in reality domestic cats, me I felt sorry for them and wanted to go to sleep in the car with them so that it wouldn’t be cold, and next to the car there was a truck with rifles, and I didn’t allow my friend to shoot with them,

    I dreamed of a big whirlpool. In a dream, I want to save people and these people are close to me (I feel this way in a dream, but I don’t remember their faces). I didn't get into it myself. I ran from him and shouted to those close to me to hide somewhere... to run away. But the whirlpool caught up with us and those people did not have time. I felt mad fear and pain for those people that they were dying. And I woke up a little worried

    Friends went to the beach with my husband, I stayed to come back later. I approach and see that the sea is not calm, people cannot swim out and a whirlpool is forming before my eyes. I know that my husband had to swim, I don’t find him among people. I run around looking for him, but he’s not there. And by chance he introduces me to a young man, for some reason I’m scared, but it’s good to be around him. Scared for my husband, and calm next to a new acquaintance. He finds my husband’s cap and makes it clear that my husband drowned, but I don’t believe him... I want to personally find my husband and body... But this guy doesn’t let me go, he holds me tightly, as if he’s afraid of losing me. I look around, the sea is quiet, calm, and I have to go look for my husband, but I don’t want to leave the guy

    I have a dream that I am swimming along a river and competing with someone. and somehow consciousness turns off. then I wake up and I’ve flown far down the river somewhere. it was autumn. I start swimming to the shore so as not to drown. I went to the shore and saw that my relatives were running after me.

    Hello! My name is Victoria. I dreamed about it night walk with my husband on the shore of a clean, transparent reservoir (the shore was smooth as glass and the water was the same, but there was a little swamp or silt on the shore, I felt it with my feet). The night was moonlit, I saw a large beautiful fish in the water, it quickly swam past, and then returned, emerged with its muzzle from the water and I stroked it (it seemed to me that it felt like a dolphin). Then the fish swam away and I saw a blue glow under the water (as if all the water was shining very beautiful blue). and really wanted to swim. I undressed and, holding my husband’s hand, jumped into the water, but under the water a bright multi-colored whirlpool began to suck me in, well, very beautiful (I felt nice, I could breathe), then I saw my husband’s face, he shouted my name, our hands tore apart and I pulled deep. The dream is very vivid, and at the same time somehow magical. Help me understand. Thank you very much in advance.

    The further I swim, the more I get sucked into the whirlpool, I swim there on purpose, I begin to choke, and then it throws me sharply straight to the shore. Then I throw sand with a shovel near the sea or pool from it to a special place, I throw it really hard, then it ends, but I want to throw more and then it hurts a lot. then I wake up, but my lower back still hurts

    I am sailing from the shore of a small lake on an air mattress. The water is very warm, calm, dark blue. Suddenly rises strong wind and a whirlpool with a deep funnel appears. I'm being drawn into it. Scary. I understand that it is useless to fight, and I just relax. Instantly I find myself with the mattress at the bottom and at the same moment already on the surface of the lake. The sun is shining and I am floating on a mattress on the calm surface of the water, as if nothing had happened.

    On February 17, 2007, my eldest son Vitalya died; he was 31 years old. A month ago I saw in a dream: somewhere below there is a huge whirlpool, it is spinning with such force that it forms a high wall of splashes around itself. The dead son appears from the depths of the whirlpool and takes my youngest living son with him into the depths, grabbing him by the legs. All this happened very quickly and brightly, it looks like prophetic dream. I had prophetic dreams three times before.

    My parents and I went swimming and saw a pond that was very deep but incredibly beautiful with clear water. Then a large volume of water from somewhere knocked us off our feet and led us into this reservoir, and hydrogen began to flow there. While I was at the edges, there were ropes along the walls, I grabbed them, and as soon as I stopped I started grabbing mom, then dad, and then myself got out.

    I saw in a dream, as if I was watching a video on the Internet, a whirlpool and a girl was very quickly sucked into it. In the dream, I felt such concern for her as if it was happening in real time and not via video on the Internet.

    Hello. I dreamed of a small whirlpool. Its color was blue, pure. I was caught in this whirlpool, but then I got out. After this, a girl appeared, about 30 years old, similar to me; I told her that I had a breakdown, I didn’t have enough strength to do the things I needed, and took her for a ghoul, so what I said to her had a raised tone, then I tried to burn her, but I only managed to light a box of matches in her hands , and then I was swept into the whirlpool again. Thanks in advance.

    Swimming in the river, after which a whirlpool appeared and began to pull the boat into it, did not risk saving it and climbed ashore!! After which I saw seething waves moving along the river, I became scared and I ran away... I remember that in a dream I told my father about what I saw!!!

    I dreamed that my friend was being sucked in by the water and he couldn’t get out of there, he was losing consciousness, a wave was twisting him, he almost drowned, but then he somehow ended up on the shore, why is this?

    I dreamed that I was sitting on a closed bridge with friends, then my friends began to tumble in the water, play, and big waves began, this wave covered me, and the bridge swayed, but I held on and was not carried away into the water, and my friend was overcome by the wave into the water, and he began to be sucked into the water jet, we couldn’t save him, he lost consciousness, he was spun around by the waves and again pushed into the water jet, but then somehow he ended up on the bridge with me, why is this?

    My family went on vacation and rode on small boats, everyone had their own boat and there was a whirlpool on the sea, everyone swam through it except my mother and I began to cry and then me and my sister and aunt went back there and my mother waved her hand to us and I woke up

    I dreamed that water was leaving the bathroom (after washing) and it was sucking things into the water vortex - I managed to grab something, but the sheet was dragged into a funnel with water. Because of this, the drain clogged and feces flowed into the apartment and stained my feet up to my ankles.

    A realistic dream, as if I was trying to be sucked into a whirlpool of death, such a warm spinning substance and something was trying to lure me there. IN last moment When I felt that I was already sinking there, I broke out and woke up.

    I swam in the river, returning to my shore, I fell into a cold current, I was shackled and somehow began to twist and tighten, but I screamed in my sleep and woke up! I don’t remember anything else and I’ve never dreamed of anything like this before!


    I dreamed of a whirlpool, the water was dirty. I rolled down the hill straight into it, I was sucked into the whirlpool and couldn’t get out, then I dived inside the whirlpool, abruptly jumped out of it and climbed out onto the shore…….

    My friend dreamed that I fell through the ice and was sucked into a whirlpool. The water was dirty. She understood that I couldn’t swim, and she didn’t have time to pull me out. I tried to call for help, but nothing worked. And then I appeared again, as if out of nowhere. The question is - does this dream concern me, or just her? The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday.

    I'm standing on high bank and I watch the river along which a boat is floating towards me. Suddenly, the boat, in which a man in white robes stands at full height (like a symbol with outstretched arms), goes under the water, the water closes and a muddy surface remains.

    I stand on a high bank and watch a boat sailing towards me. Suddenly, the approaching boat goes to the bottom, along with a man, (like famous monument in Brazil, white robes and outstretched arms), the water closes in and I stand and look at still water brown color.

    I dreamed of a dog with a girl's face. Just passed by. Then, while swimming in the sea with my wife, a funnel approached us. I took a breath, the water caught me, and the next moment we found ourselves on the ship as if saved. I was unconscious. Then to a rehabilitation center, which is similar to a resort.

    I’m standing on the balcony of a huge rock with my mother and two guys (in my dream I know them). I look down, and there, far below, is a huge, seething river with whirlpools. Four whirlpools form in one place at once. We stand further. There was an argument, during which one of the guys fell from the balcony into the river. Without thinking for a long time, my mother grabs me and throws me after her, not giving in to my plea not to do this. And in a dream, I understand that the dead guy’s two brothers also died because of my mother, and in order not to be guilty, she was forced to do this. I fall into the river and that’s it. The dream is over

    I found myself in clear blue water with colleagues and one foreign colleague from a dream, in real life who is not my colleague or acquaintance at all. They were chasing us, my guys were spun in a whirlpool, and with little effort I either succumbed to the flow in the funnel in order to dive deeper from my opponents, or swam out in a spiral along the outer soul of the whirlpool flow in order to break away from them. She breathed on the surface and again - to the bottom and ran away from her opponents. Then the water began to recede, and it was as if we were in a dark cubic bunker. These opponents were there, we fought them together with our colleagues, then we realized that there would be an explosion. We started looking for holes in the walls of this bunker, found it and hid there, but a colleague unknown to me and a guy I knew stayed there and died. At the end it was very strong feeling guilt, but in general this entire OPERATION was considered successful by everyone

    Hello, my name is Nadezhda, I had a dream yesterday and this is what it looked like:
    My friend and I were walking through a park with many ponds, and they didn’t have banks, but concrete slabs (as they do in fountains), I remember well the conversation and very bright green trees. So she and I decided to sit down and put our feet in the water, which we did) I really liked that place, because it was so colorful, birds singing and the most best friend nearby, there was no such routine at home) and in a friend I saw, about six meters away, a whirlpool, so strong that a hole formed in its place, it was small in size, about two meters, I showed it to her, after a short period of time it closed, but then it appeared again, only about three meters from us and another one a little further away, later they also closed and then three more opened and I wanted to throw the edge of a silk scarf into one of them (though I don’t know where it came from, especially white) so my friend said, Nadya maybe it’s not necessary? To which I answered her, I want to see what happens. I threw the other end of the scarf into the whirlpool, which at that time was a hole and felt that it was being sucked in, but not much, I pulled it out almost effortlessly, we got up and moved on. I don’t know why I did this, but I woke up with a bad feeling, I don’t remember how the dream ended...

    I dreamed that my class and parents and I flew to some Island, it seemed like it was an excursion, we went around. We wandered around and then came across a strange place, like a semi-dry swamp, we didn’t dare go through and just walked around, when we walked around we were met by our guide, she took us out, but it felt like everything was going under water, then the place where the semi-dry swamp was completely in the water with whirlpools in which people fell, and we just ran away, there were children and adults, but they behaved as if it was normal! In the dream I was not afraid, a slightly incomprehensible state

    Hello, I dreamed that I found myself in the open sea, suddenly I felt that I was caught by the current, I began to row, but could not carry out of it, I looked back and saw a whirlpool and began to pull me in, I understood that it was useless to swim against the current , and if you go with the flow, I’ll still get sucked in, suddenly I hear music and fall asleep (the alarm clock rang)

Some things in a dream can be insignificant or, on the contrary, so huge that determining their exact interpretation is not at all easy. One of these things is a funnel - which can be either a funnel for pouring liquid or a huge ocean whirlpool. Such a dream is a real mystery, but its secret can also be revealed.

What if you dream of a funnel?

The funnel has its own amazing semantic meaning, in a certain way unique - static movement. There is constant seething in the funnel, it never stands still, the matter in it swirls, strives somewhere, but in fact, at the same time, stands still. This interpretation allows us to determine that the funnel itself simple meaning, can symbolize stagnation in business, minor troubles that do not allow you to move forward, breakdowns or errors in calculations. Also, a funnel can be a symbol of negative, dangerous movement, regression.

Still, when trying to give a dream one or another interpretation, it is important to know what kind of funnel a person is faced with - whether he sees in front of him an ordinary device for pouring water into narrow vessels or is it about an ominous maelstrom, a vortex, a fantastic temporary funnel. Each time the dream will have a different meaning.

To understand why you dream of a funnel for pouring water, you don’t need much effort. Such a dream may predict a slight stagnation in business, a temporary inability to move forward in a relationship, or a loss of inspiration. Also, an ordinary funnel may indicate that the dreamer will soon have to do hard and thankless work that requires great precision. The size of a funnel in a dream (from an ordinary one for bottles to a large one for industrial purposes) can indicate the size and extent of the difficulties that a person will face.

What does it portend?

It is much more difficult to determine what other types of funnels may mean. The funnel of a whirlpool, pulling water, sea creatures and ships to the bottom, into unknown depths, can indicate how complex inner world a person full of contradictions that keep him on the wrong path, and a quick journey that will be associated with tragic or simply unpleasant consequences. A funnel of clouds in the sky or a tornado, a symbol of air, will denote the stagnation of the mind caused by the fact that a person is “soaring” in the clouds while real world needs his attention.

It is important to pay attention to the various unusual funnels that a person may see in a dream. A fantastic funnel of time, or a crazy funnel in the style of Carroll's rabbit hole, a funnel of a portal from another mystical world - such signs may indicate that unexpected events await the dreamer or that he is missing something special in life.

A funnel in a dream is one of the neutral symbols, the nature of which lies in the area of ​​​​preventing various unpleasant, but not fatal events in a person’s life. This image rather reveals some secrets of the dreamer’s soul than signals something dangerous.