Why dream of dying in a dream yourself. Why do you dream about your own death in nightmares?


I'll dream about this, I'll dream about it! But don’t be upset if this terrible dream haunts you. Dying in a dream is not at all interpreted in such a way that misfortunes will soon befall you, or something will happen in life. According to some dream books, even the opposite will happen.

Various interpretations of what it means to die in a dream

  1. A bright streak in life has come (will come), a happy event will occur that is worthy of bringing changes into your life.
  2. You allowed your fears to take over. It seemed to you that life had become darker and darker.
  3. You soon finish your business and retire (perhaps retire).
  4. You will live for a long, long time.
  5. The things you are currently doing will collapse.
  6. Some event will change your life soon.
  7. Someone will profit from your business.
  8. A new life will begin soon for you or your loved ones.
  9. Soon you or one of your relatives will die.
  10. If you saw this house, then you have a long journey ahead of you.
  11. If you are sick, you will get well soon.
  12. If you are serving your sentence, you will soon be released.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what does the dream “die in a dream” mean does not seem clear enough, but still more positive than negative.

And a few more common interpretations from various sources

Orthodoxy and the world of dreams

The Holy Fathers taught to treat dreams very carefully - neither accept them nor reject them. The dead who appear to us in dreams - what is it: God’s providence or demonism? How should we evaluate if deceased relatives come to us in a dream? There is even such a belief that if loved ones dream, it means they are in Hell! Although, on the other hand, Christ also appeared to some in a dream. Some clergy believe that the area of ​​sleep is an area of ​​human life where demons often invade. Therefore, dreams should not be interpreted, but cut off once and for all. If God wants to tell you something, He will find a way! But basically, the demonic seduction of a person occurs through dreams. Because they cannot independently come to us in dreams, they are not their own masters, but are found by the will of God. Well, if you dreamed of a deceased relative, then you need to pray for him, go to his grave, put it in order. Moreover, we should not think about dreaming about the deceased - this is in no way approved by the priests. For what? The man has moved away, we need to pray intensely for him and that’s all. Believers should not pay attention to dreams, but to their Christian duty, to their Christian memory of the dead, to caring for their graves. It is also useful to give alms in memory of the departed. Everything else that concerns dreams is a different sign; a true believer needs to put it aside.

What if mother?

Parents are those blood and dear people who are so important in everyone’s life. They love us for who we are. After the death of a father or mother, the attachment to one’s little blood is not destroyed. And if there is a serious danger to you, the deceased mother will be able to warn about it.

  • asking to live in her child’s house means that this person makes many mistakes in his real life. They can lead to tragedy. It is worth listening to possible words or actions in a dream.
  • If you dreamed of a deceased mother offering expensive new things, in the near future you will receive a significant profit from any transaction.
  • If the deceased is cleaning the child’s house or painting the walls, the person will soon have to leave this place of residence.
  • If the deceased looks healthy and young in your dream, then this is a good sign. Your life force has high potential. You are firmly connected to your family tree.
  • If the deceased dreamed of being surrounded by her closest living relatives, this means that soon one of them will have to die. More often than not, it will be the one who sits silently next to her.
  • If your deceased mother gives you something in a dream, it means that changes for the better will soon occur in your destiny.
  • A parent who has recently died strokes a black cat or simply holds it in her arms - a treacherous woman or girl finds herself next to the dreamer.
  • If you see a deceased mother climbing a mountain, but cannot reach the top, her soul is restless for you. You need to go to church and pray, light a candle for the health of your soul, or order a prayer service.

Sometimes it is believed that deceased parents come to us in a dream on the eve of difficult trials. They seem to warn their child about danger, as if they suggest how to avoid it. There are many examples of this, when a dead mother in a dream literally saved the life of her child. The main thing: listen to the words of the deceased. Especially if you haven’t dreamed of your mother for a long time. And take these tips as seriously as possible.

Even if she didn't say a word, you need to analyze every detail of your dream. Everything has significance for you: in what setting the meeting took place, what the participants in the dream were wearing. Such dreams are rarely empty.

What does this portend?

  • There is an opinion that seeing dead people in a dream means a change in the weather. In the case of deceased parents, it is different. Their appearance in dreams always has an important meaning and plays a primary role in understanding the dream.

I had a dream that I would die

Yes, and this, unfortunately, happens. You wake up in a cold sweat and feel with horror: are you alive or dead? For a long time, not fully understanding what world you are in... This is often due to physiological reasons. For example, with temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Oxygen stops flowing to the brain, and the body, as it were, warns you about this.

  • In the classical interpretation, such a dream means, oddly enough, a long life. They also say that if you dream about this, and you don’t want to die, then you need to ask God to extend your life, pray, talk to Him about it.

Hugging a dead person in a dream

The key to good health

In general, sleep is a wonderful pastime. A healthy person sleeps with pleasure and wakes up easily in the morning. Different people need different amounts of sleep: from four to ten and even twelve hours! And so that “nightmares” do not torment you at night, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules (everyone immediately rushed to follow them!): do not eat at night, go to bed no later than ten in the evening, sleep in a comfortable position, rest in a well-ventilated place, on a flat bed , on a firm and small pillow. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before going to bed, drink coffee, tea, exercise before going to bed in the gym, or smoke. Then you won’t have to interpret what you dreamed and guess what will come of it! Something like this...

Anchor points:

What does it mean if you die in a dream

The dream in which you died can be considered both for the long term and for the near future. To die in a dream means that in the near future your affairs will go badly, obstacles and problems await you, but in general your life will be long and without any special troubles. A painful death promises serious troubles that can change your whole life.

A bad dream in which another person died - it brings misfortune. Has someone you know died? Most likely, misfortune will visit him. In the event that you are the culprit in the death of another person, you must be careful in reality so that the dream does not become prophetic. A dying wild animal can become a symbol of getting rid of an unpleasant person, but if a pet died, then they will come to your house, possibly parting with a loved one. A bird dying in your dream predicts lost hope.

How can you die in your sleep

To die as a result of a gunshot wound means that self-interest and envy of people you know await you. If death occurs from water - you drowned, choked - then soon there will be changes for the better related to everyday life. To die from poison, poisoning - to suffer from slander. Getting under the wheels of a car or being crushed by something heavy means problems with close friends and separation. For good news, you had a dream in which you were dying of a heart disease; to die from other diseases means to suffer at the hands of scammers. A dream speaks of danger, where you were buried alive.

If you died in your dream and then were resurrected, then a favorable period in life begins, everything gets better.

Seeing death in a dream does not necessarily mean something unpleasant. In particular, when answering the question “What does it mean if you dreamed that you died?” dream books in most cases tend to have a positive interpretation. Then the expression “you died” is similar to “reborn”, and I began to look at the world with different eyes.

What if you dream you died?

Denise Lynn's dream book is inclined to believe that seeing one's own death in a dream means the extinction of old beliefs and new discoveries that will contribute to the self-improvement of the individual. Also, such a dream can be a consequence of fear for one’s own life.

The Mayan dream book gives two characteristics of a dream about death - positive and negative. According to a positive forecast, seeing your own death means a rare chance to change your life for the better and start over from scratch. The bad meaning of such a dream is that it warns of ill-wishers who want to place a curse on the sleeping person.

According to Grishina’s dream book, if a sleeping person is killed in a dream, this means that someone is taking advantage of his hard work and benefits from it. If, according to the plot of the dream, death occurs from a heart attack, this portends great joy in reality. And if resurrection occurs after death, then great luck awaits you in life. Unforeseen danger threatens the sleeper only if he was buried alive and could not get out of the grave.

If you believe the Esoteric Dream Book, then death in a dream is a harbinger of moral rebirth. Perhaps your whole life will change dramatically for the better. It is necessary to have time to take advantage of this chance, because it will be given only once, and neglecting it will lead to degradation and decline.

An old French dream book is encouraging and says that one’s own death in a dream leads to longevity and prosperity. But seeing your funeral is not very good, this is a warning about imminent illnesses. A similar opinion is shared by the Old English Dream Book of Zedkiel, which confirms that dying in a dream means that real life will be long and happy. Moreover, such a dream, dreamed by single people, foreshadows the imminent acquisition of family happiness.

According to the Ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, such a dream can foreshadow a long journey if you dreamed about it at home. But if a sleeping person is away, then he will soon return to his native land. Such a dream, dreamed by a sick person, promises a quick recovery, and a prisoner - release.

Tsvetkov's dream book predicts big changes in the lives of people who dreamed that death came to them with a scythe on his shoulder. This same image can become a harbinger of the birth of a child and extremely unexpected news. For an unmarried girl, such a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance that will be of great importance in her life.

What does it portend?

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream about one's own death as a sign that there is a long and happy life ahead next to a loved one. But a dream where a large number of people die, including the sleeping person himself, is a sign of a global epidemic of a dangerous disease. Seeing your own clinical death in a dream means danger from acquaintances weaving intrigues behind your back.

According to Loff’s dream book, the sensations of a sleeping person are of great importance in the interpretation of such a dream. Nightmares in which he dies and experiences a panicky feeling of horror do not carry positive energy. It is important to remember what kind of threat haunted you in your dream? In revealing the psychological reasons for such a vision lies the answer to the dream.

The dream book of Nostradamus also tends to have a positive assessment of a dream where the sleeping person dies. This testifies to his long health. However, dying in terrible agony in a dream means meeting a cruel and evil person who can influence fate. Being in a state of clinical death in a dream means indifference, the cause of which will be some significant event.

A dream in which a person loses his life, despite the apparent tragedy, in most cases is interpreted in a positive way. The only dangers are dreams in which death occurs painfully, causing fear and horror. Also, dreams where the sleeping person is in a state of clinical death have a negative interpretation.

Why do you dream about dying in your sleep? If a person is dead in a dream, then in reality such a dream warns you not to fall into anyone’s trap, do not let yourself be deceived. To dream that you are dying is a good sign that some negative stage in your life has ended and you are ready to move on to a new one. To see your funeral in a dream is a sign of profit. If you dream that you died and were resurrected, this is a sign of greatness or superiority over someone. The dream interpretation of dying in a dream portends positive moments in family life, as well as health and longevity .Dream. where you dream that a person has died - good news and happy events await you. Dream interpretation of a deceased person, seeing unfamiliar corpses is good news. Find out in more detail how different dream books interpret this dream

Why do you dream of Dying, interpretation of sleep

Miller's Dream Book

If a person died in your dream, and you saw it, this means that trouble is approaching you, and from where you never expected a catch. If you dreamed about your own dying, this means that you risk getting sick and neglect to perform your business duties in a quality manner, thereby harming both your business and yourself. Wild animals died before your eyes - this means you will be able to get rid of the negative influence. Dreaming about pets is considered a bad omen. Images of dying creatures are perhaps the most vivid impression received by the awakening consciousness. The return to life's responsibilities after sleep occurs under the influence of greater strength of feelings. We perceive what lies ahead of us somehow differently; the upcoming event reveals itself to us from a new side. Thanks to this new point of view, born of the impression of a difficult dream, we will gather our courage to face the inevitable with a state of calm determination.

Seeing Dying in a dream

Freud's Dream Book

If you died in a dream, this indicates that in your mind life is too tragic and gloomy, and your fears, which feel too free in your mind, are to blame for such a perception. There is no need to take everything too personally and to such an extent that it is fatal; look in every event, first of all, not for the bad, but for the attractive sides.

In most cases, it has a positive meaning, including one’s own death and even one’s funeral. As a rule, such a dream promises good health and longevity, but there are also less optimistic interpretations of why one dreams of one’s own death.

I died in a dream: the meaning of vision

Funeral in a dream

One’s own funeral in a dream foreshadows a quick reconciliation with some person, a quick joyful event, including a festive event. Seeing your funeral in warm, sunny weather means that the dreamer will have a long, happy life without grief and troubles. If the funeral took place in cloudy, gloomy weather, then this promises illness and unpleasant news.

The preparation of the grave for funeral foreshadows moving to a new home, change of residence. Seeing your burial from the outside indicates a future journey or, if the dreamer is away from home, a return to his native land.

If people cried a lot at a funeral, this indicates the machinations of enemies and spiteful critics in reality. Being buried alive in a dream indicates that the dreamer has made irreparable mistakes, which he greatly regrets. If the dreamer rose from the funeral service, then in reality he will be able to cope with all the problems and troubles that have befallen him.

To attend your wake and see yourself dead from the outside - this is a sign of great luck and success, receiving random, free profits. Gathering guests for your own wake indicates a marriage of convenience, finding a way out of a hopeless situation.

Lying motionless in a coffin, but understanding everything that is happening around, indicates unfavorable relationships in the family, quarrels with loved ones and conflicts with relatives over inheritance.

Everyone knows the famous story about Abraham Lincoln, who dreamed of his own death and was subsequently assassinated. Based on this we can say that such a dream can really be prophetic for someone. What else can you dream about the death of yourself? The answer to this question is ambiguous; everyone can dream something different.

However, some images are considered harbingers of imminent death - these are dead people calling for them, cemeteries and all the attributes associated with death.

Dead soul: what does it mean?

Seeing your soul separately from your body indicates that in reality the person has experienced a new, incomparable experience. Perhaps the person began to profess a different religion or joined the culture of a different nationality.

Seeing your dead soul means that the dreamer violated moral norms and principles, and now he faces terrible punishment. The dream also foreshadows the real death of the dreamer, in preparation for his own death. Often such dreams come to believers and highly moral people.

My date of death

Seeing your date of death on a tombstone foreshadows imminent changes in life. It is worth remembering this number - on this day an important event will occur that will have a great impact on a person’s future life.

By the date of death indicated in the dream to the dreamer it is necessary to finish the things he started, to do what he has been wanting to do for a long time. In addition, death can be a winning sequence of numbers in the lottery.

A woman finds out the date of her own death in a dream portends her changes in her personal life. If she has children, then a sharp turn will soon take place in their lives, which the mother will not find out about right away.