Why do you dream of shooting from a weapon: interpretations from dream books. Why do you dream about shooting? What does shooting mean in a dream?


Often, shooting reflects the level of preparedness of a sleeping person to carry out bold actions and be able to be responsible for them. When you dreamed that you shot straight at the target, the dream can be classified as positive. At the same time, to miss in a dream means to make a mistake in reality. Explaining what it means when a stranger shoots or aims in your direction, the dream book indicates a lack of a sense of protection.

The echoes of gunshots often express real fears, or are considered an omen of violent conflicts and misunderstandings.

The volleys also embody a lack of satisfaction with oneself, and with the actions of other people, which forever forced the dreamer to turn away from them.

As the dream interpreter explains, and the shooting, they speak of a real dream to leave the battlefield and stop defending one’s opinion. This can lead to quarrels, but it will not scare you at all.

The explanation of what you dream of shooting from is determined by whether you managed to get where you were aiming. When you are lucky enough to do this, the dream predicts victory over your competitor, but if you miss the target, expect trouble.

How weapon selection affects interpretation

The dream book compares with excessive riskiness what dreams of shooting from a machine gun mean. You constantly think through your actions carefully. Inner intuition will not deceive you: chance can take an independent course of development.

When you happen to see gunfire in a dream and feel like you are a target, you are probably really in danger in reality. Even though the enemy's weapon is his tongue, stop taking it lightly.

Target shooting means focusing a person's thoughts and actions on a specific target. Such a dream is often seen during some long and tiring activities, but it bears a good omen - a person is on the right path, one needs to continue efforts.

Actually, a shootout with other people may mean that the sleeper feels anxiety and restlessness. Perhaps such a shooting means discord between colleagues, management and subordinates, or a conflict in the family. Such problems need to be removed urgently, otherwise failures will continue.

Long aiming means readiness to carry out what has been planned for a long time. Such a dream should become a stimulus to action.

Hunting, shooting animals, can mean success in trade and a justified risk that is worth taking in the future to achieve a goal. Killing a bird of prey means a quick victory over your enemies.

And finally, be careful, if a mistake occurs in a dream, even if it happens in a shootout, this is a bad sign that promises failure. But don’t worry, this is just a warning to be careful, not a sentence.

What if you dream about a shootout?

The shootout dream belongs to the category of aggressive dreams. This means that the person seeing this dream is seething with energy, and this energy is of a destructive nature. But, one way or another, often such a dream carries a good omen.

Since shooting can be of a completely different nature, such dreams have many meanings. Here are a few of them.

What does it portend?

Seeing a shootout in a dream means becoming aware of your own fears and worries. One way or another, this is useful; such a dream should become an incentive to ennoble actions, and not a cause of even greater fears.

You should pay attention to your dreams, they are a reflection of the human I, in other words, the subconscious, which always has something to say. Now everyone knows what dreams of a shootout mean.

This vision indicates the dreamer's external and internal conflicts. In some cases, the dream book does not interpret its appearance, since shooting occurs in a dream after aggressive films, news and computer games.

If there are night visions that express the dreamer’s own aggression, accumulated over the past few days, or reflecting footage from programs that do not in any way affect the dreamer’s future life.

Therefore, the dream book does not interpret night visions caused by computer games or recently viewed news.

It’s different if you saw a shootout in a dream unexpectedly. Or the dreamer felt something unkind before.

In this case, the dream book advises you to begin interpretation, since the vision indicates fear or internal struggle.

Pay attention to who was chasing you in the dream, where the shootout took place, whether the place is familiar or not, and whether it exists in reality. This is how the dream book interprets shooting under various circumstances.

Bandits and murderers

They reflect your fears and anxieties, circumstances that are difficult for the dreamer to cope with in reality, and conflict situations. If the pursuer is unfamiliar to the dreamer, this is a reflection of the fear of not being able to cope with difficult circumstances or a stronger and unknown enemy.

A familiar aggressor represents an external or internal struggle with this person. It is possible that you will conflict, or you will have to share something. Pay attention to the weapons and location of the skirmish.

Why dream of a shootout with unknown bandits? You will no longer be afraid of the disturbing circumstances in your life. A hidden conflict can come out and become obvious.

Running away from pursuers at night in a familiar place is a justifiable danger. Try not to fall into it in reality: these dreams will come true literally. For example, a girl may be returning home from a nightclub along the same road and encounter hooligans there.

If the dream does not literally come true within a few days, then it may mean good news and that your worst fears will not come true. The pursuer points out the fear of men that the girl has in her subconscious.

If a bandit starts chasing you in a crowded place, this is an unpleasant surprise.

Miller writes that women thus display a fear of rudeness and male aggression. Guys have a similar dream about jealousy or rivalry in love.

Overcoming the enemy and chasing him yourself means victory. If he wounded or killed you, expect defeat.

Such a dream can portend great experiences. If the attack was caused by a girl, then the man will be jealous of her. Suspicions may be unfounded if you did not see your opponent’s face in a dream. A shootout with a familiar person foreshadows a fight. If he was of the same sex as the dreamer, it means that soon he will face rivalry, competition or some kind of dispute. Running away from pursuers - you are running away from frightening people and circumstances.

To fight the enemy is to look the problem in the eye. You will find the strength to enter into an open battle.

What did they want

A chase involving unknown persons indicates pressure or unclear but frightening circumstances. Seeing creditors in a dream means the need to take responsibility.

If your enemies are pursuing you because of debts, there is no way out of an unpleasant conversation. For a man, such a dream predicts obligations, the need to take responsibility for some action.

Some people will have to marry under duress; criminals may have such a dream and face criminal liability.

If a lady with a gun chases the dreamer, trouble will happen through her fault. Perhaps the man will be forced to marry her or pay off some debt.

For a girl, a similar dream foreshadows a conflict with her mother or a rival in love. In some cases, the dream represents a quarrel with a friend or an internal contradiction between feelings and morals.

A man who chases a lady means a suitor or a robber. After such a vision, expect a conflict with your father or older brother.

An unfamiliar bandit, maniac or rapist dreams of fear of sexual relationships with men in general. Especially if he had a gun or knife in his hands.

Hide from the hooligans so that they leave on their own - your cunning will help you cope with the circumstances. Fight and overcome - to victory over fears and complexes.

Witnessing a shootout and murder is a justifiable risk. Hearing shooting from afar is frightening news. Seeing a terrorist with a machine gun means illness or a quarrel. Your worst expectations will come true. Please use caution.

Shooting at the bandits yourself means you will try to fight back against unpleasant circumstances or people. An unexpected attack from behind is a sign of escalating conflicts.

A serial killer, maniac or psycho indicates that the situation is out of your control. To be pursued by drug addicts, robbers, thieves - you have to fight for something. You may lose something important.

For girls, the dream foreshadows rivalry in love or a struggle for position. A real war is a dream of an unpredictable turn of fate.

On Target: Can mean focusing force on a specific target.

Take a close look at your life goals as you step into the line of fire.

Shooting can also symbolize: your desire to kill a certain part of yourself.

It is better to integrate than to reject something in yourself.

Shooting can also mean: feeling vulnerable and being a victim.

Declare to yourself: “I am responsible for my life and make decisions regarding every step I take.”

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

What does the dream Shooting mean?

You are on the rise, everything is working out for you, feel free to take on new things.

If you shoot, your business involves risk, but the more pleasant the gain.

It means that you are ready to act, to bring to life what you have been thinking about for so long.

Hunting and shooting arrows with a bow - you will take a lot of risks, but the risk will pay off very well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Seeing Shooting in a dream

Random shooting: in your dream, or shooting without aiming, is a harbinger of conflicts and quarrels that can break out over a completely trivial matter.

At the same time, shoot after careful aiming: a sign of your readiness to implement a particular plan.

Target shooting - Concentrating efforts on a specific target.

Shooting someone means you want to kill a certain part of yourself.

If they shoot at you, it means that you feel that your life is being invaded, you feel like a victim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What do dreams mean? Shooting

If in a dream you shoot and hit a bird, this is a prophetic dream. It means for a merchant that he will achieve his goal, and for a lover - that he will strengthen his position and get happily married. But if you see in a dream that you missed, this is a bad omen that promises failure. To dream that you are hunting game is a promise of wealth and family happiness. Shooting a bird of prey is a sign that you will defeat your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about shooting

People shooting in a dream or simply the sounds of gunshots in a dream mean discord between lovers and spouses caused by excessive egoism, and the dream also promises dissatisfaction in work and failures caused by one’s own indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does Shooting mean in a dream?

If you dream of a shootout between armed people or you simply hear shots, this means a discord between lovers and spouses in reality, caused by the excessive egoism of one of them. Also, shooting in a dream can foreshadow dissatisfaction with your job or problems as a result of reckless actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Shooting

Shoot accurately and hit the center of the target - to success in everything.

Seeing people shooting, participating in a shootout, hearing the sounds of gunfire is a sign of disagreement, contradiction between spouses, friends, lovers, partners, colleagues.

If you yourself shoot at someone specifically, you will commit an unseemly act or move far from home.

If they shoot at you, wait for the arrival of guests from distant countries.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does Shooting mean in a dream?

If you dream that people are shooting around you, this means that discord awaits you. For lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Shooting

The sounds of gunfire heard in a dream foretell a discord with a loved one, dissatisfaction in work and various kinds of failures. And it’s all due to exorbitant selfishness and imprudence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Shooting

Hearing the sounds of shooting (but not seeing it) means you will learn something unpleasant about yourself or about the person closest to you. Perhaps this will be news of a long-standing betrayal...

If you heard shooting in a dream, imagine that the shooting is not real. Children play war and imitate the sounds of shooting with their voices. Everything is fine, no one is shooting at anyone.

Seeing a shootout means you will witness someone's family quarrel. You may have to appear in court regarding divorce proceedings.

Imagine that a shootout occurs not in real life, but in a movie. You take out the remote control, press the button - the screen goes dark, the movie stops.

Participate in a shootout - everyday storms await you.

Imagine that the shooting from the enemy side suddenly ends. The enemy leaves, there is no one else to shoot. As a result of the shooting, no one was injured on either side.

If you are wounded as a result of shooting, you will suffer from the insincerity of your friends.

Imagine being taken from the scene of a shootout to a hospital, an experienced surgeon suturing the wound and applying a bandage. You are recovering quickly.

Interpretation of dreams from

“I was shot at in a dream,” the dreamer recalls. The vision is very unpleasant, which clearly poses a direct threat to life or health. But when interpreting such a nightmare, it is necessary to remember all its details: who shot and why, from what weapon, and also did the bullet reach its target and with what outcome?

The information presented in the article will help you find out what you can really expect from such a dream and how to interpret it correctly.

I dreamed that they shot at me, what is this?

  • If, upon waking up in the morning, a person confidently says “I was shot,” the Wanderer’s dream book states that this may mean that he is under constant surveillance. But it’s not necessarily with bad intentions.
  • Veles’s book interprets such a dream in different ways, but a good interpretation is only possible in the case when a shot occurred, but did not hit. This means that good news will arrive to the dreamer. Moreover, from afar. For Miller, such night dreams promise conflict between spouses.

No less important in interpretation are the organs through which they fall. First of all, it is advisable to carefully examine them, as this may indicate health problems. Besides, It matters where exactly they shot: in the head, and the sleeper saw who did it - the situation is under control, over the head - fate offers a second chance.

  • In the foot - the collapse of a person’s life foundations, deceit from loved ones;
  • in the stomach - the need to concentrate;
  • in the back - the presence of secret enemies;
  • You dream of shooting in the heart when emotions can get the better of reason.

Why do I dream that they are shooting at me from a pistol?

Any firearm in a dream means internal aggression:

  1. pistol - personal grievances;
  2. automatic – a feeling of insecurity, attacks of a social nature;
  3. gun - hunting instincts, the desire to obtain and achieve;
  4. tank – greatness that carries danger.
  • To shoot from it is to defend yourself, and if you take the shot yourself, you are to be someone’s victim.
  • If you dream that you are shooting from a pistol, according to the American dream book, this means a gross invasion of the dreamer’s personal space.
  • The interpretation of the esoteric dream book indicates a desire to harm him if a person of the same sex fires a shot, and to please him if he is of the opposite sex.
  • The meaning of a point-blank shot is interpreted as an opportunity to have an enemy; I dreamed that from around the corner I was going to get hurt by bandits.
  • Seeing the dreamer being shot means paying off debts, paying off all bills.
  • A dream where a person himself participates in a shootout means rivalry in reality.

I was shot at in a dream and wounded, what does this mean?

  • When the dreamer remembers: “I was running away, but they hit me,” this means that in reality he is a very risky person, and excitement is the most important thing for him. You may have such a dream if there is an important bet at stake ahead.
  • A wound from a soldier’s bullet, which a man dreams of, indicates not only the presence of a rival in love affairs, but also the irreparable damage that he is capable of inflicting.
  • If a soldier appeared in a woman’s dream, her reputation is at risk.

If a person was wounded in a dream, Miller’s interpretation promises insult from embittered friends, the English dream book indicates the presence of scheming enemies, and the Vedic dream book indicates the need for changes in personal life.

  • In the case where death can be avoided through awakening, correction of the situation is possible.
  • If the dreamer was killed, unkind people will cause a lot of inconvenience. Seeing yourself dead means illness.

Why do you dream that they are shooting from a gun and a machine gun?

  • If the dreamer says: “I was shot at in a dream from a machine gun,” it means that he is already emotionally ready for attacks from the enemy. At the same time, hitting the target means considerable difficulties in solving previously set tasks.
  • If you dreamed that the sleeping person was killed, it means victory for the attacker.
  • For a girl, according to the interpretation, shooting a gun, in which she experiences fear, means dissatisfaction with her loved one.

And sometimes in a dream you have to participate in entire military battles. Such actions, according to the dream book, signal that the body is working to the limit and requires rest.

  • Shooting from a rifle, machine gun or even from a tank can be a harbinger of pleasant events. Especially if you dreamed that you fired the gun yourself.
  • At the same time, hitting the target exactly promises victory over life's difficulties, flights of enemy planes - a business trip, and if you knock out an entire tank in a dream - a trip to a very interesting place.