Why do you dream about your own funeral and coffin? Why do you dream about the funeral of a loved one? What does it mean to see your own funeral in a dream?


A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage.

If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married.

A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning.

Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

Interpretation of dreams from

When figuring out why you dream about a funeral, you need to take into account all the details that you can remember in the morning. For example, even the weather during the funeral service and the mood of those present are important. The exact interpretation of any plot is published in modern dream books.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a funeral?

Miller recommends remembering what the weather was like during the funeral procession in your dream. If the weather is sunny and clear, it means that the sleeping person will experience rapid positive life changes. Also, a similar plot may promise an improvement in the health of his close relatives. But cloudy or even rainy weather is a bad sign. Such dream circumstances promise a person to receive sad news from those closest to him. In addition, bad weather often turns out to be a harbinger of problems in his personal life that will interfere with the dreamer’s success in other areas of life.

Vanga suggests that tears for a deceased person in a dream are a good sign. It suggests that a person is internally cleansing. Troubles in reality will soon end, and an easy favorable period will begin. This interpretation is especially relevant if the sleeper did not see the deceased and generally did not know who was being buried.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, plots are deciphered in which the dreamer himself participates in a funeral procession. If he simply walks after the coffin with a wreath in his hands, it means that conventions and the opinions of other people have too much influence on his life. You need to learn to listen exclusively to your own inner voice and realize your deepest desires, not paying attention to criticism from the outside.

Burying an already deceased person in a dream

If a funeral of a deceased person appears in a night vision, this portends troubles in family life or love relationships. Even a quick divorce is possible, for which the dreamer himself will not be to blame. The desire to separate will come from the other half.

It happens that a man or woman dreams of a memorial service for a long-dead person as an important sign about the need to “go out into the public eye.” The sleeper began to rarely leave the house and refuses new acquaintances. Thus, he can drive himself into serious depression. It is necessary to establish your own social life and start looking for new friends.

Seeing your funeral in a dream is good. This is a sign of reconciliation after a quarrel, a happy event, or even a wedding. The dream book will share the main interpretations that explain why this creepy image is seen in dreams.

Miller's interpretation

Did you dream about your funeral on a sunny and clear day? Miller's dream book promises you a long life with good health and a happy destiny.

If the weather was bad, and even rained, then life will be darkened by a decline in business, receiving bad news or illness.

You will live long!

The Islamic dream book believes that if you dreamed of a grave prepared for burial, then you will soon move to a new house.

To attend a personal funeral for a dreamer who is away from home means a quick return. If you are at home now, then a long journey is coming.

Why else do you dream about your funeral? The Islamic dream book is confident that you will definitely live a long and relatively comfortable life.

Did you get out or not?

In a dream, did you happen to be at your own funeral and see the sad faces of those around you? In reality you will find yourself in a society of hostile people.

Being at a funeral wake means that some conflict will be resolved amicably. Being buried alive in a dream means committing an irreparable mistake.

If you dreamed that you got out of the grave, then with great effort you will be able to get out of the situation.

Make plans!

Why do you dream that you had to prepare for your own funeral? This is a sure sign of longevity or an imminent wedding.

Did you dream that you happened to be preparing for your funeral? In reality, a certain stage of life has ended, so it’s time to think through further plans and actions.

According to the dream book, it is also good to prepare for your funeral. This is a sign of great luck and absolute luck.

There will be a wedding!

Why do you dream that you had to gather guests for your funeral? A case that you have long considered hopeless will turn out to be a triumph in all respects.

Gathering friends and relatives on such a sad occasion is a sign of a successful marriage of convenience.

If in a dream you had to gather complete strangers, then difficulties in relations with society are coming.

Some specifics

Further interpretation of the dream should be done taking into account exactly what your funeral was like.

  • With volleys and an orchestra - failure in love.
  • Too rich - dishonor, shame, gossip.
  • Modest and even poor - success, victory, luck.
  • Mourners - joy, fun.
  • A funeral procession is a delay, a forced wait.
  • Hearse - change, marriage.

The worst thing is if you happen to hear a funeral bell in a dream. The dream book believes that you will receive extremely tragic news. This is also a sign of spiritual emptiness and fatigue from life.

Why did you dream of a Funeral (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Despite the fact that in life a funeral is a negative process, in a dream it is a favorable symbol.

  • Why do you dream of a funeral - a sign of a good event, reconciliation with a loved one or an imminent happy wedding.
  • You are burying someone close to you, in life you will win a case that for a long time you considered lost.
  • A dream in which you are buried has a bad meaning. This funeral - you can make a huge mistake, which your enemies will use to harm you.
  • You see a lot of mourning people at a funeral, this is an omen of an imminent magnificent celebration.

Why did you dream about the funeral procession (Psychiatric dream book)

Funeral - A dreamed funeral is a symbol of the beginning of a new stage of life. You “bury” your old beliefs and doubts, moving on to a happier stage of life. You should not interfere with this process, since your future life will be much more pleasant than your past. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.

A dream in which the funeral of a person who recently died in reality has a different meaning. You are probably either unable to come to terms with the loss or have mixed emotions about it.

Why do you dream of a Funeral (Romantic dream book)

  • A funeral procession in a dream means a magnificent wedding with your loved one, if you are directly involved in the funeral.
  • And if you watch the funeral from the outside, expect problems in the family and quarrels with your partner.
  • Seeing your funeral means a happy family life.
  • Why does a woman dream of a funeral - the dream foreshadows the fidelity of her husband, and for men - a loving and caring wife.

The meaning of the dream about the Death (Dream Book of Vanga)

  • Why do you dream of a funeral according to the dream book - for a wedding if you are single/married.
  • To see a funeral where you are carrying a coffin - you will do something vile that will cause your loved one a lot of suffering. Whether you do it intentionally or not, in any case, try not to offend your loved ones.
  • To see that you were crying and sad at a funeral means that you had a dream about troubles; if you did not notice bad emotions in the dream, a good outcome awaits you.
  • Why do you dream of a sad funeral of a person who died in reality - if you are a business person, then this dream means that business troubles await you or you will lose a large sum of money. If you were going to open a new business, the funeral of an already deceased person in a dream foreshadows its failure.
  • If you dream about the funeral of a living person - pay attention to what the weather is like. If in a dream there is a clear sky without clouds at the funeral of a living acquaintance, he will live happily ever after. And if the weather is cloudy and rainy, then let him beware of health problems. The funeral of a living person in a dream can also mean that it is time for you to take up a new activity that you have long wanted to devote your attention to.

Why do you dream of a Funeral (Miller's Dream Book)

  • To be at a funeral on a sunny day in a dream symbolizes the good health of your relatives.
  • Dreaming that it rains during a funeral foreshadows illness and bad news, a decline in business.
  • I dreamed of attending the funeral of a stranger - unexpected complications in relationships with people.
  • If you dreamed about a child’s funeral, it means health and peace in your family, but problems among friends.
  • Ringing a bell at a funeral in a dream means illness and failure.

Funerals - why do you dream about them (21st century Dream Book)

  • Dreaming of a procession at a funeral symbolizes a good event, reconciliation, wedding.
  • The funeral of someone close to you in a dream foretells success in a matter that you considered hopeless.
  • Crying bitterly at a funeral in a dream means short-lived happiness.
  • If you dreamed about your funeral, you are ready to make a huge mistake.

Interpretation of the Funeral from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Seeing a funeral procession (depending on length) - Delays in business; yearning; for the wedding.
  • Seeing a hearse at a funeral means changes in life.
  • Why do you dream of a funeral, according to the dream book - a successful completion of affairs and a certain period of life.
  • The funeral of an influential person is a major personal change or transformation in the country.

The dream book considers funerals to be a harbinger of significant events in business and personal life. Interpretations of what a sad ceremony means in a dream warn of a change of situation, the end of a bad streak. Often the symbol in a dream is a shapeshifter, preceding health and prosperity.

Interpretations of different dream books

The interpretation of the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, what funerals mean in dreams, marks the beginning of a new era. Change is associated with those who are dear to you.

If the plot is inspired by real events that happened to be experienced again in a dream, soon the feeling of guilt and grief will recede, Pastor Loff reassures.

In dream interpretation, there are ambiguous symbols, for example, the burial of a person who clearly shows signs of life or is now alive. In modern interpretations, such a sign indicates a good moment for the implementation of a plan.

According to Wang and Miller

Vanga's dream book explains in detail what a funeral means in a dream. The seer considers the absence of grief to be a favorable sign. If they were carrying a coffin, you would inadvertently offend a friend. When the deceased is actually dead, handle money carefully.

Miller's dream book pays attention to the weather. Sunlight promises excellent health and well-being for relatives. When clouds appear in a dream, Miller predicts illness and bad news. An unfamiliar dead man reflects the complexities of relationships.

I dreamed of a phobia

Sigmund Freud sees funerals as a reflection of phobias. If a woman dreams of a burial, the dreamer doubts her attractiveness. A man is afraid of failures in sex. Selfish people dream of their own corpse.

If you dreamed of a funeral, the esotericist Tsvetkov predicts a choice between marriage and freedom. If the deceased has come to life, expect an invitation to the wedding.

With the world according to

The Muslim dream interpreter says that the situation will change dramatically: the poor will become rich, the sick will recover, the traveler will return home. The rich, the healthy, and the homebodies should be on guard.

The gypsy dream book promises a large inheritance and changes. When there are many gypsies in a dream, beware of losses. Interpreting what a long procession means in a dream, the Jewish dream book promises the end of a streak of failures.

Who did you see yourself as?

Dream books clarify who you saw yourself at the funeral: an organizer, a participant, an onlooker, or the “protagonist” of the event.

  • Preparing the ceremony symbolizes troubles;
  • Working in a funeral home means getting rid of illusions;
  • We found out that someone died - other people’s worries haunt us;
  • We saw ourselves in a coffin - a gift of fortune;
  • Is there a hearse blocking the way? Difficulties will arise;
  • Walked in a funeral procession - you will attend a wedding;
  • If you dreamed of a funeral service for a living friend, you will receive a gift.

Past ceremony

Dream books will help you figure out why you dream about organizing a funeral. If you had to organize the burial of a stranger, a long-standing problem will be solved. Organizational issues remind us of unfinished undertakings. New responsibilities will not seem like a burden.

Why do you dream about funerals after your own death? Veles's dream book promises the fulfillment of a dream, pregnancy. If you looked at yourself in a coffin from above, a surge of energy will come. The Ukrainian dream book warns against mistakes.

At a funeral in a dream

If you were present at a funeral in a dream, you will participate in significant events. We watched a stranger being buried - a conflict was brewing in the family.

Why do you dream of being late to say goodbye to the deceased? Being late in a dream happens to those who in reality are about to miss a lucky chance.

If you happen to go to a funeral, protecting your interests will not be easy. If you had to walk, there is a business trip ahead.

What does degree of relationship mean?

The funeral of loved ones who are alive in reality, oddly enough, is considered a positive sign. The plot talks about favorable changes in their lives. The relationship between the dreamer and the dream hero will noticeably improve; from now on, these two are connected not only by kinship, but by pleasant communication.

When loved ones die in a nightmare, in reality it will be possible to prevail in a hopeless argument, to accomplish the impossible. Details warn of troubles that can be prevented if recognized in time.

Close relationship

The funeral of relatives: father, grandfather or significant other indicates internal and external problems:

  1. Buried parents - complications are coming;
  2. If dad died, circumstances are not on your side;
  3. Did you see your son or daughter? You are too demanding of children;
  4. A brother or sister symbolizes family feuds;
  5. The deceased grandfather reflects pride and alienation;
  6. The death of an uncle means a tendency towards extravagance.

The funeral of a bride or loved one symbolizes disappointment in former idols. The tragic ending of a love that does not actually exist promises failure in the business and intimate spheres. If death occurs during a wedding, your reputation is at risk.

Social circle

Interpreting why you dreamed that an acquaintance died, Hasse’s dream book tells you not to be upset. You are about to learn about positive changes in your friend’s life.

A farewell to a classmate promises the hero night dreams for many years to come. A buried neighbor foretells running around among bureaucratic officials.

Seen from the outside

Why dream of seeing the funeral of a stranger? The abstract stranger represents isolation. If the deceased was known as a witch during her lifetime, a series of failures will end.

The fortune teller Azar claims that the funeral of a baby portends prosperity. The magician Longo believes that the dead girl is on the eve of a public failure.

Why do you dream about church?

Grishina's dream book explains in detail why she dreams of a funeral service in a church. This is an alarming signal warning of troubles and moral degradation. Circumstances threaten to ruin plans, as a problem may arise for one of the relatives.

The danger looming over you may turn out to be much more serious than imagined. If the deceased is actually alive, he is at risk of getting sick. If you dream of a priest's funeral, a person you are accustomed to trust will commit a shocking, unseemly act.

What does it mean to bury several

The numerological dream book will tell you what mass funerals mean. Several bodies in a mass grave mark the acquisition of physical and mental health. The installation of the monument confirms the meaning of the prediction.

The double coffin warns of the machinations of ill-wishers, which, fortunately, are not strong enough to cause serious damage. Three dominas personify the triune principle, harmony with oneself and the world around us. The sad image symbolizes the strengthening of one’s financial situation.

Mood at the cemetery and funeral

Tears foreshadow spiritual cleansing. A deliberately lavish funeral is regarded as a warning against ridiculous actions. This is what a wake means in a dream:

  • You are one step away from a serious mistake;
  • An abundance of alcohol precedes a quarrel;
  • Unexpected news will change plans;
  • If you were remembered, it is problematic to carry out your plans;
  • Bitter crying in a dream promises great luck.

The fortune teller from A to Z will tell you why the funeral turned out to be fun. When those present in a dream are brightly dressed and laughing, there is a high risk of disgrace. Loud music promises trouble in the house.