Why do you dream about buying a rooster? Dream book of the healer Evdokia. Spring dream book Why do you dream about Chicken according to the dream book


The rooster symbolizes hard work and an active life position. For women, the appearance of a rooster in a dream foreshadows the appearance of an arrogant, self-confident suitor, an annoying admirer. Why else do you dream about a rooster, you can find out by looking at several sources.

How to interpret the symbol?

    Ancient dream book

    Seeing a rooster trample a hen, portends the dreamer extraordinary material growth.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Dreamed rooster predicts happiness, material wealth, joyful events, successful coincidence of circumstances. The dream characterizes the dreamer as a businesslike, busy woman, demanding of herself and the people around her. The black rooster indicates the hot temper and arrogance of the sleeping woman.

    A rooster together with hens in a dream is personification of family well-being, prosperity and trusting relationships between spouses. If a single woman has such a dream, then in the future she will meet her future husband.

    Hear the rooster crow means that soon the dreamer will participate in a conflict or act as a peacemaker. Hearing a lonely rooster crow at dawn is a sign of justice and the victory of good over evil. For a young girl, such a dream promises a successful marriage.

    Seeing two roosters fighting in a dream indicates strong competition in the professional field. Seeing a rooster eating from a feeder indicates the greed of the dreamer's other half.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Rooster in a dream - this is a sign of cheating for a stupid reason(out of curiosity or boredom). If in a dream a rooster walks around the yard with an important air, then this indicates the dreamer’s excessive self-confidence in her irresistibility. This self-confidence can play a cruel joke on a woman.

    See a rooster surrounded by hens means the dreamer’s partner is cheating out of pure curiosity or pride. A rooster with a big head in a dream indicates the dreamer’s selfishness in the intimate sphere.

    Family dream book

    Seeing a rooster in a dream means the dreamer has singing or artistic talent. A rooster next to a chicken indicates personal happiness. If a rooster pecked the dreamer in a dream, then in reality there is unfinished business that she conveniently forgot about.

    Black rooster in a dream warns a woman about a possible robbery or attack by robbers. A light rooster in a dream foreshadows a discovery, insight, unexpected clarification.

    Gypsy dream book

    I dreamed about a rooster - this is symbol of strong will and courage, foretells a woman receiving profit and fame.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Rooster in a dream indicates aggressiveness, intolerance, conflict. Hearing a rooster crow in a dream means attacks on the dreamer from people around her, misunderstanding of loved ones. The dream also foreshadows the receipt of some news from afar.

    Watch the roosters fight means acting as a peacemaker between quarreling friends. Hearing a rooster crow in a dream means receiving unpleasant news from people you know.

Meaning for a man

The rooster represents the owner of the house, the strong one who keeps everything under control. A dream may indicate a strong will of the dreamer himself or the dominance of some person over him.

The appearance of a rooster in a dream predicts heavy rivalry, competition, and problems at work for the dreamer. Cockfighting in a dream indicates serious troubles or health problems. Perhaps the dreamer will find himself in a difficult situation, from which a close friend will help him get out.

Black rooster in a dream means the emergence of a strong competitor in love, entry into a love triangle. If a rooster pecked the dreamer in a dream, then in reality a close friend or relative will substitute the sleeping person.

If a man catches a rooster in a dream, then in reality, he will have to do physically difficult, exhausting work. If in a dream the dreamer killed a rooster, then in reality he will be able to achieve the favor of the girl he likes.

A man dreams of a lame rooster as a sign of new friends and acquaintances. Holding a rooster by the tail means spreading unpleasant rumors and gossip about other people. Such behavior does not look good on the dreamer and he can get himself into a lot of problems.

Talking rooster a man dreams of the appearance of an obsessive, talkative person in his life. In some cases, the dream indicates the talkativeness of the dreamer's other half.

Where was the rooster in the dream?

Seeing a rooster in the yard indicates family well-being and material wealth. For single people, the dream foreshadows a meeting with their soulmate, and for childless couples it promises a new addition to the family.

A rooster on the fence predicts great luck and an unexpected solution to many problems. If a rooster flies over the fence, then a wonderful event will soon happen in the dreamer’s life. For sick people, a dream predicts healing and recovery.

Rooster in the house portends a danger that threatens the dreamer’s home- this could be a fire, robbery, repairs or other everyday troubles.

The bird will attack and peck

An attack by a rooster on the dreamer in a dream indicates problems with and dissatisfaction of the authorities with the sleeping person. If the dreamer fights off when attacked by a rooster, then in reality the sleeper faces dismissal.

A rooster that pecks in a dream promises that in reality, the dreamer will suffer from injustice and end up with nothing. If blood starts to flow from the bite, the sleeping person will soon receive unpleasant news from relatives.

If a black rooster attacks me in a dream, then this indicates rivalry, competition, struggle with a strong person.

Rooster attack too indicates the presence of envious people and gossips behind the dreamer's back. If a rooster attacks a hen in a dream, then this foreshadows empty talk and promises, a quarrel with a loved one.

Description of the dream depending on color

In many ways, the interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the rooster. The black rooster represents the dreamer's enemies and competitors who are trying to harm him. If a rooster behaves confidently and arrogantly in a dream, then the attempts of ill-wishers will end in success.

The red rooster predicts financial losses, material difficulties, and breakdown of large equipment. For girls, the dream promises a quarrel with their lover, which will end in a stormy and passionate reconciliation. In some cases, a red rooster is a harbinger.

White rooster in a dream indicates that the dreamer has a large number of loyal and devoted friends. A girl holding a white rooster in her hands in a dream promises a quick marriage.

Bright tail of a rooster portends a fire or flood, which will touch the dreamer’s house. A golden or yellow rooster in a dream promises the fulfillment of cherished desires or a big win.

Multi-colored rooster in a dream portends happiness and extraordinary events in life. Holding a multi-colored rooster in your hands means happiness in your personal life after much suffering.

Catch or kill

Killing a rooster in a dream foretells happiness and success, getting rid of painful problems and troubles at work. In particular, the dream promises a promotion or a higher-paying job.

Seeing a dead rooster in a dream indicates long-term illnesses and ailments. The dream also denotes a person’s desire to distance himself from all people and be alone.

Catch a rooster means getting yourself into a lot of trouble because of your own impulsiveness. Catching a rooster and wringing its neck with your own hands speaks of revealing the secrets of other people.

Plucking and cooking a dead rooster means that the dreamer spends too much money on nonsense. A headless rooster in a dream suggests that in order to implement his plans and projects, the sleeping person needs to make much more effort than he is doing now.

The head of the rooster is separate from the body indicates committing a stupid act that the dreamer regrets.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about a rooster- this means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, but your happy rise will turn you into a vain and arrogant person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight

In a dream they will hear the morning rooster crow- a good sign foreshadowing young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening- you will have to cry, and more than once.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a rooster in a dream- to a mistake for which only you will be to blame.

Hear the rooster crow- to betrayal, which only curiosity will “stimulate” you to. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A rooster in a dream symbolizes arrogance and conflict. A woman sees a rooster in a dream- often foreshadows a vain and proud suitor.

For a man, a rooster seen in a dream- This is a warning about a possible conflict or rivalry. After such a dream, try not to become arrogant and not respond harshly to harshness, otherwise it will end in a painful and meaningless quarrel.

Injured or dead rooster- a sign that conflicts and squabbles can ultimately lead to dire consequences for you, and then unnecessary pride will suddenly turn into severe humiliation.

Jewish dream book

Rooster- well-being, contentment, joy

Dream book for the whole family

Rooster crows- you have a talent for singing. Should you try to become a singer?

Rooster with hen- in my personal life, in sex, everything is very good.

If the rooster pecked you- soon someone will remind you of an important matter that you completely forgot about

If you had a dream on an even day of the week- you will make a discovery that will bring you and those around you a lot of good; if you had a dream on an odd day of the week- be afraid of theft, beware of thieves and robbers.

Dream book for a bitch

Rooster- amazing luck in everything.

Hearing a rooster crow in a dream- in the future you will have a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

New family dream book

The rooster is dreaming- to exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

Cockfight seen in a dream- warns of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

Morning rooster crow heard in a dream- a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening- you'll have to cry a little.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a rooster in a dream- a prediction of fame, which you will achieve, but this will make you too vain.

Seeing roosters fighting- portends rivalry and quarrels.

A dream in which you hear a rooster crowing in the morning is favorable if you are alone- the dream promises you a quick marriage and a beautiful house.

Hear a rooster crow at night- a sign of despair. You will have to shed a lot of tears in the future.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Rooster- to a new lover (mistress); teenager- to a fight, conflict.

Children's dream book

Rooster- someone you know who can be called an imaginary or a fashionista (fashionista).

If the rooster crows- this means that important news awaits you from the lips of this person.

If he fights- You have to reconcile your friends.

If the rooster just proudly struts around the yard- wait for new things to appear in your wardrobe.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Rooster- the need to “wake up” and/or be ready for something new. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of “cocking up”.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Rooster crowing in his sleep- to a squabble.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Rooster- to the news.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Rooster- to a scream, a commotion.

Cockscomb- your husband is cheating on you, and it will soon be revealed.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing an egg laying- unexpected inheritance; catch- respect; see a rooster at all- fall under suspicion; hear singing- they love you; eat- you will be overcome by greed.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing in a dream an important, large rooster at the head of chickens- in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but the rooster pecking you- to an accident.

Fighting young cockerels- soon you will receive news from a friend that will sadden you.

Rooster flying up onto the fence and crowing- announces that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head- portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and the desired victory in it. Slaughtered fatty capon- death of a close relative. Cooking in a dream or eating rooster meat- to parting with a loved one.

Women's dream book

Rooster in a dream- portends a time of extraordinary luck and happy exaltation. However, beware of becoming infected with vanity and arrogance.

Cockfight in a dream- foreshadows quarrels and rivalry in reality.

If in a dream you hear the morning rooster crow- this is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

If the rooster crows at night or in the evening- you will have to cry more than once. In addition, such a dream warns against misconceptions and mistakes.

General dream book

Seeing a rooster in a dream- to a change in boss or person on whom all your affairs depend.

If you dreamed that you twisted the head of a rooster- in the near future you will be able to put your boss in his place.

Pluck and cook a rooster- to advance up the career ladder.

In a dream, you watched someone break a rooster's neck- hear practical advice from one of your closest relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If someone behaves like a rooster- it means he puts on airs and gets cocky. Isn't it time to learn humility?

"Cock" is often referred to as the male genitalia, so the rooster may symbolize- male energy and strength.

rooster crow- calls for awakening.

In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the shape of roosters were attached to the spiers of houses and churches.- as a symbol of readiness to meet the morning dawn.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Rooster seen in a dream- a symbol of aggressiveness, intransigence, rebellion.

Hear the rooster crow-unpleasant news will reach you from afar that concerns one of your friends. You will be so shocked by this that you will not be able to calm down for a long time.

See a rooster fight- you will participate in the reconciliation of quarreling friends or arguing employees. Your mission as a peacekeeper will be successful.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you see a rooster- portends that you will make a mistake, for which you will have only yourself to blame.

If you hear a rooster crow- this suggests that you will decide to cheat on your partner out of curiosity. You're just wondering how people who commit treason feel.

Islamic dream book

Rooster- servant.

Big dream book

If you dream about a rooster- this means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, especially in the business sphere of your activity. However, treat this with all possible precautions: do not allow your happy exaltation to turn you into a vain and arrogant person who irritates everyone around you: family members, friends and colleagues.

A dream in which you watch a cockfight- warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

If you happen to hear a rooster crow in the morning in a dream- this is undoubtedly a good sign that foretells a successful marriage and prosperity in the home for young people.

If you dreamed that a rooster was crowing in the evening or at night- this foreshadows tears that will come to your eyes more than once or twice in the coming days.

Just as the Apostle Peter remembered Christ’s prediction when he heard a rooster crow- this dream also warns you against misconceptions and mistakes.

Chinese dream book

You wash the rooster- foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Chicken sitting on eggs- portends great joy.

Rooster sitting on a tree- portends wealth, profit.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Psychoanalytic dream book

Rooster- rooster. Lust, behaves like a "rooster".

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing in a dream- means courage; see a crowing rooster- means joy and prosperity; see a rooster laying eggs- signifies profit without fame; see roosters fighting- means abuse, quarrel and discord.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Rooster- argument, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest.

Red- danger of fire, harm from love passion or fight.

Gold- extraordinary happiness.

Black- face the evil force within yourself or outside.

Crows- important event: be careful!

Dream book of a gypsy

Rooster- pride, success, power.

Fighting rooster- a threat to your position.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Rooster- a herald of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, feelings of inferiority / master of the house, family / caution is necessary in your work.

Pugnacious- worries / severe discord with former friends.

Lame rooster- true friends.

Singing- lead.

Golden Rooster- happiness.

Beautiful- danger from fire.

Black- clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken- argument.

A feather from his tail- misfortune.

Cockfighting- a quarrel between your opponents.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Rooster- the groom will be found (for the girl) / fight, fire, betrayal, news; rooster crowing- joy / to fire, danger; kill black rooster- beware of fire; catch a rooster- a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); hear the scream- news; roosters fight- quarrel, fire; pluck tail feathers- misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

Rooster- your ambitions.

Type of rooster- the degree of their satisfaction and justification, for example: beautiful ambitions are justified; pinched, you're trying in vain.

Hoarse- a lot of effort will go into self-affirmation.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a rooster on the gate- there will be a fire in the house, you need to be careful.

The rooster crows- for a fire.

Rooster, especially red- for fire, fire.

How a girl dreams of a rooster- betrothed.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Rooster- treason, messenger.

Collection of dream books

Rooster- pomposity; pride; selfishness.

Hear the rooster crow- to mortal fear.

Rooster- to well-being.

Rooster red- betrayal, renunciation of the teacher.

Rooster- high position, recognition and prestige. But you should not be overly proud of your achievements, otherwise you may lose everything; gossip.

Seeing roosters in a dream- to favorable news.

Singing rooster- heralds joy and happiness in your home.

Fighting roosters- foreshadow your participation in some kind of fight.

Why see a rooster in a dream?

There are so many secrets and the unknown in our nightly dreams - hints, allegorical visions, symbols.

It is especially interesting and curious when guests “come” to dreams - animals, birds, fish and other creatures, representatives of a rich fauna.

They are all so different, there are incredibly many of them, and many of the creatures are especially interesting because we associate them with some qualities of human nature. Animals fill fairy tales, legends and ancient traditions, and to this day we endow animals with human traits, and some people with animal ones.

One of the brightest representatives of the fauna is the rooster. The inhabitant of many folk tales, proverbs and beliefs, this is an amazing bird.

His cheerful singing wakes up the villagers in the morning, his gait is proud, his appearance is elegant, and his character is quarrelsome and pugnacious.

In different nations, the rooster is considered a symbol of wealth and nobility, and sometimes of pomposity and pride. And sometimes it is associated with dangers and fire, using the metaphor “red rooster” in relation to all-destroying fire.

How can you understand why you dream of a rooster if this bird has so many associations? In this case, a wise dream book will help us - a rooster is rarely a harbinger of grief, and more often promises something bright and pleasant. What exactly depends on the scenario of the “rooster’s” sleep, and there are many options:

  • You just saw a rooster in a dream.
  • We heard him singing.
  • We heard hoarse crowing.
  • We saw a cockfight.
  • I dreamed of a rooster sitting on a tree.
  • We saw a lame bird in a dream.
  • I dreamed of a singing cockerel.
  • Golden or black rooster.
  • I dream of roosters and chickens pecking at grain.
  • I dream about a rooster pecking someone and attacking someone.
  • We saw him chasing a chicken.
  • Or he lays eggs in a dream.
  • The rooster is walking or sitting with the hen.
  • I dreamed of a rooster that pecked you.
  • Chases you, trying to peck.
  • You catch a rooster in your dreams.
  • They caught him.
  • Kill a rooster.
  • Pluck it in your dreams.
  • Separating fighting birds in a dream.

Such options are interesting and deep in meaning. What will the interpreter say to the dreamer’s question about what the rooster is dreaming about, but most importantly, what should one expect from such a dream in reality?

What did you see in your dream?

Roosters and chickens are dreamed of for various reasons, and dreams in which you saw a bird from the outside are especially interesting. This means that the dreamer did not touch the rooster in the dream and did not have any contact with it.

Remember what the cockerel was like, what he did - and decipher the dream.

1. As the dream book says, a rooster in a dream, seen from the outside, is a sign that honor and a high position will soon await the dreamer. You will be recognized for your merits and will experience prestige and respect. Be consistent and don’t lose face!

2. If in a dream you only heard a ringing rooster crow, this is a symbol of insight, awakening. Some new, dormant forces will be revealed in you, perhaps you will discover a talent in yourself or understand something very important about yourself. Awakening can have different meanings, and what exactly it will be in your case, time will tell.

3. The crow of a rooster, which was hoarse in a dream, means that you have to spend a lot of your own strength and energy to achieve a big goal. But if you show strength, you will receive recognition and achieve your goal.

4. If you dream of fighting roosters or hens that cackle loudly and fight, this clearly indicates the fact that in the near future you will witness a quarrel between your competitors or opponents.

How this will affect you personally is unknown, but the interpreter advises not to interfere and try not to add unnecessary fuel to the fire, so as not to get involved in a serious conflict. Better stay away.

5. Such a dream, in which a rooster was sitting on a tree, portends the dreamer a large profit from a successful business or cooperation with an important person. Soon you will reap the benefits, so don't stop following your chosen path, work hard!

6. A lame rooster in dreams is a symbol of faithful and devoted friends. Be sure that you have them - and the dream probably transparently hints to you that in reality for some reason you forgot about them, or are not sure of their loyalty. But it’s in vain, you have rare friends, appreciate them!

7. Seeing a singing rooster in a dream is a good sign. It portends good news and pleasant surprises.

8. If you dreamed of a golden rooster, know that after such a rare and fabulous dream, great, unconditional happiness will definitely await you. All aspects of your life will soon improve, and difficulties and troubles will disappear without a trace!

9. But, as the dream book says, a black rooster is a harbinger of competition. Moreover, be careful - a competitor or rival is an unkind and insidious person, you should show special restraint with him. He's probably willing to go to great lengths. Your courage, honesty and strength are excellent weapons against such enemies.

10. If you dream of chickens peacefully pecking grains in the yard, know that complete prosperity, tranquility, and well-being are expected in your home. Metaphorically speaking, you will have a “full cup” and you will not have to know what poverty is.

11. If you saw a rooster in a dream rushing at someone, wanting to peck some person, this is a serious dream. He tells the dreamer that someone will let him down.

If you are counting on someone, waiting for someone's help, given a task or assignment, this person for some reason will not cope, so the best thing is now not to expect results from him, and start doing something on your own so that don't be disappointed.

12. If a woman dreamed that a rooster was chasing a hen, following her or chasing her, this is a clear harbinger of a persistent suitor. Perhaps this man will be too “puffed up” and boastful to get your attention.

13. For a pregnant woman, according to dream books, a rooster in her dreams promises the birth of a strong and brave little boy.

14. Well, if in your night dreams you saw a rooster next to a hen, then rest assured that in your personal affairs, love and couple relationships, everything will be very happy and prosperous. Even if something doesn’t go well now, it will soon pass without a trace, and don’t doubt that you are about to meet your ideal match.

The roast rooster pecked

And this happens in dreams. What do dreams promise the dreamer, in which he not only saw roosters or hens, but also had to come into contact with these poultry in some way?

Everything here directly depends on exactly how it had to be done.

1. If in a dream you were suddenly pecked painfully by a rooster, this is a clear warning. Take your time to make the decision you are about to make, weigh everything several times, absolutely all the pros and cons. The dream book says that you risk making a mistake.

2. If he is just trying to peck you, chasing you, this is a reminder of an important matter. You forgot about something significant, remember and get to work on it - this is important.

3. Trying to catch a rooster in your dreams is a sign that you have a difficult and time-consuming, but important task ahead of you. If you don’t give it up, it will result in either profit, happiness, or recognition.

4. Did you manage to catch a bird in your dreams? Expect great respect for you; soon people will begin to value and honor you very much.

5. Separating fighting cocks in your dreams is a sign that in reality you will have to reconcile quarreling friends or colleagues. And you will succeed brilliantly - you will prove yourself to be a true peacemaker!

6. Plucking a bird in a dream is a warning that in reality you risk wasting a lot of money on something completely unnecessary. Try not to deny yourself everything, of course, but also be smart and don’t waste your money.

7. If you killed a rooster in a dream, the dream book succinctly and without explanation promises great happiness! What can you add here?

The rooster is an important, beautiful and proud bird. In dreams he brings a lot of good news - and know for sure that if he promised happiness, then it will be so, and soon.

And the dreamer’s faith that a good dream will come true only brings the happy period closer!

Dream Interpretation Rooster pecking

Why do you dream about the Rooster pecking in a dream according to the dream book?

A rooster pecking in a dream is a problem that is pecking at you in reality. Look around: inattention can lead to disastrous consequences.

Red rooster

Dream Interpretation Red Rooster dreamed of why the Red Rooster is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Rooster in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Red Rooster

There will be a fire.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Golden rooster - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

Chasing a chicken - quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Awaken spiritually, awaken to life.

Rooster alive

Dream Interpretation Rooster alive dreamed of why in a dream there is a living Rooster? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Rooster alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foretells you a meeting with a swaggering and vain person, which will be unpleasant for you. Stabbing him is a sign of frustration. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child’s imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife. Hearing a rooster crow in a dream foretells receiving news that will indicate to you that a moment has arrived that you should not miss. See interpretation: scream.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of betrayal or deception, as well as that the time has come to make an important decision. If in a dream you hear roosters crowing, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that could harm you. Sometimes the crow of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which mean the arrival of pleasant guests or the receipt of good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail, portends misfortune. Seeing the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of imminent good news about the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

For a woman to meet an interesting young man.

Hearing a crowing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful.

Plucking feathers from a rooster's tail means trouble.

A rooster chasing a hen means trouble in family life.

A pugnacious rooster means anxiety, a quarrel with old friends.

A lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends.

A crowing rooster means receiving news.

Golden rooster - fortunately.

A red rooster means danger from fire.

A black rooster means a clash with evil forces.

Catching a rooster means you will argue with someone.

A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Rooster - if you dream of a rooster on the gate, then there will be a fire in the house, you need to be careful. The rooster crows - to the fire. Rooster (especially red) - for fire, fire. How a girl dreams of a betrothed rooster.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

whoever sees that he has killed a rooster will not answer the Muezzin’s call to Namaz. It is also said: whoever sees that he has turned into a rooster will become a Muezzin or possibly die. The Rooster also indicates an energetic, famous and influential person with a beautiful voice. Another opinion: a rooster seen in a dream is a harbinger of useless conversations and quarrels. A person in a dream who is pecked by a rooster may soon suffer from a foreigner, and maybe even be killed.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The Rooster is the herald of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, feelings of inferiority / master of the house, family / caution is necessary in your work.

Pugnacious rooster - worries / severe discord with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

A beautiful rooster is a danger from fire.

Black - a clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken - quarrel.

A feather from his tail is misfortune.

Cockfight - a quarrel between your opponents

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The groom will be found (for the girl) // fight, fire, betrayal, news; rooster crowing - joy // to fire, danger; black rooster (to kill) - beware of fire; catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); hear a cry - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; plucking feathers from the tail is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Seeing an important, large rooster at the head of chickens in a dream - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you means an accident.

Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you. A rooster flying up onto the fence and crowing announces that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and the desired victory in it. A slaughtered fat capon means the death of a close relative. Cooking or eating rooster meat in a dream means breaking up with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The rooster dreams of exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of future quarrels and rivalries.

Hearing the morning rooster crow in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening, you will have to cry a little.

The crowing of a rooster can also dream of betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

If someone behaves like a rooster, it means he is putting on airs and being cocky.

Isn't it time to learn humility? “cock” is often referred to as the male genitals, so the rooster can symbolize: male energy and strength.

Rooster crow: calls for awakening.

Awaken spiritually, awaken to life.

In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the shape of roosters were attached to the spiers of houses and churches: as a symbol of readiness to meet the morning dawn.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Run away from the rooster

Dream Interpretation Running away from a rooster dreamed of why you dream about Running away from a rooster? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Running away from a rooster in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foretells you a meeting with a swaggering and vain person, which will be unpleasant for you. Stabbing him is a sign of frustration. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child’s imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife. Hearing a rooster crow in a dream foretells receiving news that will indicate to you that a moment has arrived that you should not miss. See interpretation: scream.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of betrayal or deception, as well as that the time has come to make an important decision. If in a dream you hear roosters crowing, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that could harm you. Sometimes the crow of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which mean the arrival of pleasant guests or the receipt of good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail, portends misfortune. Seeing the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of imminent good news about the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

For a woman to meet an interesting young man.

Hearing a crowing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful.

Plucking feathers from a rooster's tail means trouble.

A rooster chasing a hen means trouble in family life.

A pugnacious rooster means anxiety, a quarrel with old friends.

A lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends.

A crowing rooster means receiving news.

Golden rooster - fortunately.

A red rooster means danger from fire.

A black rooster means a clash with evil forces.

Catching a rooster means you will argue with someone.

A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Rooster - if you dream of a rooster on the gate, then there will be a fire in the house, you need to be careful. The rooster crows - to the fire. Rooster (especially red) - for fire, fire. How a girl dreams of a betrothed rooster.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

whoever sees that he has killed a rooster will not answer the Muezzin’s call to Namaz. It is also said: whoever sees that he has turned into a rooster will become a Muezzin or possibly die. The Rooster also indicates an energetic, famous and influential person with a beautiful voice. Another opinion: a rooster seen in a dream is a harbinger of useless conversations and quarrels. A person in a dream who is pecked by a rooster may soon suffer from a foreigner, and maybe even be killed.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The Rooster is the herald of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, feelings of inferiority / master of the house, family / caution is necessary in your work.

Pugnacious rooster - worries / severe discord with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

A beautiful rooster is a danger from fire.

Black - a clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken - quarrel.

A feather from his tail is misfortune.

Cockfight - a quarrel between your opponents

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The groom will be found (for the girl) // fight, fire, betrayal, news; rooster crowing - joy // to fire, danger; black rooster (to kill) - beware of fire; catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); hear a cry - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; plucking feathers from the tail is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Seeing an important, large rooster at the head of chickens in a dream - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you means an accident.

Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you. A rooster flying up onto the fence and crowing announces that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and the desired victory in it. A slaughtered fat capon means the death of a close relative. Cooking or eating rooster meat in a dream means breaking up with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The rooster dreams of exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of future quarrels and rivalries.

Hearing the morning rooster crow in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening, you will have to cry a little.

The crowing of a rooster can also dream of betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

If someone behaves like a rooster, it means he is putting on airs and being cocky.

Isn't it time to learn humility? “cock” is often referred to as the male genitals, so the rooster can symbolize: male energy and strength.

Rooster crow: calls for awakening.

Awaken spiritually, awaken to life.

In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the shape of roosters were attached to the spiers of houses and churches: as a symbol of readiness to meet the morning dawn.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, but your happy rise will turn you into a vain and arrogant person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

In a dream, they will hear a rooster crowing in the morning - a good sign, foretelling a successful marriage and prosperity in the home for young people.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once.

Just as the Apostle Peter remembered Christ’s prediction after hearing a rooster crow, so this dream warns you against misconceptions and mistakes.



In a dream I saw many chickens and among them one rooster. I threw food, some kind of cereal, on the ground for them outside in the yard.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Olga, perhaps you will hear good news, among lies and deception.


I dreamed of some kind of plucked (I don’t remember feathers), wounded (as if a wing had been cut off) rooster that pounced on me and pecked into my hands. I broke free and ran away, hiding from him, knowing that he was hunting for me. Why such a dream? Please answer, it’s very important to me, I very rarely have such vivid and memorable dreams. Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Ksenia, probably a dream in which you are attacked by a plucked rooster, suggests that in reality someone may try to make money at your expense.


I dreamed that on a sunny day I was sitting with my late grandmother in the yard and watching a plucked rooster chase a goose. What could this mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Olesya, most likely the dream means that in reality you will witness some squabbles.


I dreamed that I was running away from a red rooster that was attacking me, trying to peck.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Anna, most likely such a dream warns you that in reality you may have clashes or quarrels with someone.


I dreamed that I opened the pantry, which I had not looked into for a long time, and there was a hungry, tortured rooster. I let him out and began to feed him, poured grains, and poured water.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Vladimir, the fact that you dreamed of a rooster most likely means that you will have to deal with an egoist.


I dreamed that I was either healing or eating, I looked and below me there was a clear sea and the back of a huge multi-meter fish, I was getting closer to it, I was interested, but somehow I felt bad because it was so big. Then I suddenly found myself in the room of an old friend grandmother (she’s probably no longer alive) and there’s something moving under the rag - I think it’s that fish. Suddenly a thin, slightly plucked rooster jumps out from there and runs away, I don’t even really try to catch it. I still find it there Some shoes, maybe mine are gone somewhere, I try them on, but in my head they’ll probably be too small, I tried them on and they fit. Why would this be?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Svetlana, the fact that a rooster suddenly appeared in your dream probably means that you may suffer from someone’s selfishness or narcissism.


Today I had a dream that I was running away from the yard and chickens, geese, etc. were chasing me. I’m afraid that they will catch up with me and peck me... then I unexpectedly stop for myself, pick up a chicken in my hands, with the goal of throwing it into the crowd of chickens so that they get scared and leave me alone and suddenly I see such pitiful eyes of the Rooster and as if he he says to me, “Don’t throw it away...be careful...let me go please” and I release this chicken from a height, she falls and suddenly the rooster dies in front of my eyes as if his heart stopped….
I woke up with such a heavy feeling in my soul...please tell me what this means? I'm a young girl, not married)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Dina, the fact that the rooster died in your dream probably means that through your actions you can harm those who are not at all dangerous to you.


….I didn’t want to hurt anyone, neither the hen nor the rooster


Today I had the following dream: as if I was sitting with 2 children, like, working as a nanny. and they, it seems, went to play in the yard, somewhere far away. But I don’t worry, I follow them, take one of them, carry it to the house - I look, and in my hands I have a cockerel, so beautiful, well-groomed, he has a red comb. and the other child seemed to have turned into a chicken, also beautiful. I return them home and we sit on the green lawn, basking in the sun’s rays.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that children were in such images in your dream most likely indicates that you can start a business that will be related to children.


I saw in a dream how a black iridescent rooster, without a tail, with a red crest, flies among the trees and at the same time his wings are pressed to his body (like the witch flew in the film Viy) I will wait for the answer, thank you)))))


I dreamed of a sandy shore with clear water and beautiful roosters walking calmly along the water. The color of the feathers of one is light green, the other is soft pink and pastel colors, I have never seen anything like them, very beautiful. My husband picked up a small rooster, and I raised my finger to his beak and he lightly pecked my finger, it didn’t hurt. A light rooster I stroked it and he flaunted it and did not resist. And his feathers are like an extraordinary waffle dress! Why such a dream? I never dreamed of this. Thanks in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was such a rooster probably warns that you are now entering a period in your life when you will be able to achieve a lot, you will have a reason to be proud.


Please tell me what such a dream could mean. I arrive in a car with my father to a dacha, similar to mine, but abandoned. And suddenly on the fence I see a frozen white rooster, with its wings spread, standing on one leg. And next to me I see a dark hen in the same pose, and in the corner there is another rooster, red, but his wings are folded, and his head is retracted, and he is also dead. Thank you very much.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely reflects that your pride and self-esteem may be seriously injured.


In my sleep, the roosters pecked my legs until they bled, but it didn’t hurt me. What could this mean?


I’m pregnant, I dreamed that it was unclear where a rooster came from in the apartment. He was very beautiful, I really liked him. He followed me around the apartment continuously, I fed him bread, then he ran to my daughter’s crib and sat on it. What was the point of all this?


I dreamed about a rooster two nights in a row. On the first night, I dreamed that I was in the village, it was already evening and I was driving chickens and a rooster into a barn. And on the second night I dreamed that my husband’s father came to visit us and in a basket brought a rooster as a gift - so beautiful - red and black, clean, feather to feather. Why would this be?


And I had this dream:
I’m walking through the courtyards of five-story buildings (Khrushchev-era buildings), and suddenly I see a white rooster with a large red comb, beautiful, well-groomed, sitting in someone’s window on the windowsill of the fourth floor. I think to myself that he would open the window and fly out into the yard, and I would catch him,
and, suddenly, he actually opens the window and flies out into the yard onto the ground, I caught him, took him under the armpit (of his right hand) and brought him home.
I would like to know what such a dream could mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that such events most likely occurred in your dream suggests that you may be too ambitious.


I dreamed of a lot of aggressive roosters who wanted to peck me, I hid in the house and closed the door, they switched to a crow that was pecked and died.


I dreamed of a white rooster that attacked me and wanted to peck me. I even felt pain in the dream... Why is this?


I dreamed that it was as if a rooster was twirling at my temple


I dreamed of 4 huge roosters the size of a large man:) they sat in a row with their paws crossed.


I'm sleeping in my sleep, lying on the bed, on my side. Suddenly there is some kind of sharp pain (I really feel it) I turn my head, a huge black rooster with a red crest is standing on the bed and sticks its claws into me, between the ribs. I try to pull them out.
What is this for?


I dreamed that a white rooster was running after me trying to attack. Out of fear in a dream, I flew into the air trying to escape


stood in the middle of a field nearby there was a canopy in it with two rows of them, one row of white chickens and the second giant roosters and one of them stood out

Olga 28:

If a rooster pecks at me in a dream, what does it mean?


I dreamed that I was walking and I needed to go through the chicken coop, there was a rooster as tall as me, I opened the gate and a confrontation began between us. The rooster doesn’t peck me, he just pushes me, but he, so I won, passed this chicken coop)

Karpova Olga:

At the entrance, on the staircase, two black roosters were fighting, so much so that feathers flew in different directions. They fought so fiercely that I had to jump in my sleep so that they would not knock me down. And at the entrance to the entrance two more roosters were running, they were gray.


Good afternoon. I ask you to interpret the meaning of the following dream... to the side of me they cut off the head of a rooster (I don’t see it, but I understand) and throw its flailing body at my feet. I feel the beating of his body on my leg and scream for him to be removed.


Good afternoon
I dreamed that my daughter and I were walking along a field road, and with us were a rooster, a lamb and squirrels, which I then seemed to drive away, trying to get rid of them. They stop, and I understand that they are confused, they say, where should they go now, and I return and take them to us again, and even take the rooster in my arms. He, the rooster, turns his head towards me, his beak is very close to my face, and I’m even afraid, oh, that he might peck me, but he sat quietly, didn’t even move, and I gradually calmed down. So we all continued on our way together. Help me figure it out. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed of two roosters, very beautiful, well-groomed, they don’t fight, they were just walking in my yard. One is dark, the other is light, both are unusual, the feathers sparkle in the sun and shimmer (like roosters) ... as soon as I went out into the yard, I sat down on a bench, they walk side by side, I picked them up, stroked them, but they didn’t run away... why would that be?


a pond with wild ducks, I began to approach it closer, and a black rooster jumped out at me. We started to fight with him. The fight quickly ended and I left in fear


In a dream I see a lot of hatching chickens, I take them and move them to another place where they should form some kind of chain, a rooster attacks me and pecks me painfully in the leg, I grabbed him by the beak and held him (the rooster was black) and he started swell.


I dreamed that my mother and I were going to the dacha, and half of the houses that we came across on our way were demolished, and a narrow, clean river flowed nearby. We approach our dacha, and all the trees have disappeared, only one apple tree remains and the ground seems to have split into ditches, we look into them - and there are dead roosters lying there


I dreamed of a black rooster with a black hen, with iridescent plumage and bright red combs, sitting on the window sill from the street side, looking out the window of the room... I saw them from the window of the apartment... and before that a white mouse or something ran across the room there was a rat, and its mouse climbed under the baseboard - I watched all this while sitting on the sofa. Please tell me what this is for???


Hello! I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. I'm walking through someone else's yard and a rooster attacks me. At first there was one, I drove him away, then it was either a rooster or a chicken, the comb was small. I grabbed the second offender by the neck and twisted it and threw it away from me. What could such a dream mean? Thanks in advance.


very unusual dream
I wonder how you interpret it

I was standing near my window and 2 huge roosters flew onto the windowsill outside the window!!!
Despite the fact that I live on the 26th floor
It's already funny how they climbed there.
these 2 roosters are unusually huge and beautiful (about the size of a turkey). On the head there is a clearly defined crest of bright red color. The feathers themselves are dark gray almost black. But if you look closely, they have white spots on the general dark gray background. In general, large polka dots. And at the end of the feathers there are either bright orange or yellow very beautiful feathers.
and on the sill outside the window before they appeared there were several long fallen feathers just lying there. Then they flew in, walked back and forth along the window sill, just at an even pace, and looking around, no sounds came from them. They flew away. a few seconds later they arrived again and walked back and forth again
and wanted to go in through the window
but I have nets there and there is a hole in them at the corner
so one of them wanted to go through this hole and even inserted his paw.
I wanted to take a picture of them, but I was afraid that they would come in and closed the window. When they flew away, she called her brother over. She showed the remaining feathers outside the window and told what happened, but he didn’t believe it.


I saw chickens in a dream and one rooster jumped on my back and scratched my shoulders with its claws, drawing blood. I don't feel pain, but I feel it on my back.


I see a large carcass of a plucked rooster on the ground with a severed head, which was located next to the rooster’s neck, and next to it, from a large saucepan, someone is releasing a young live rooster. What does this mean?


A very large (human-sized) WHITE FUCK SLIDING ON THE WATER SURFACE, as if on water skis. He got out to the shore (I hugged him) and turned into a wonderful little girl of about 5, dressed in a white dress.


Hello! In my dream, several white roosters wanted to peck me, but I fought them off with ridicule, but it was very difficult to get away from them. What does it mean?


Hello, today I saw in a dream how I was attacked by a huge blue rooster, I killed him, then I saw a small child whom my husband and I found in an abandoned apartment and my son was small, as if we needed to leave and we were sending him with a group of people on vacation, then I call him and don’t hear his answer, there are some sounds on the phone... that’s when I woke up


The flight of roosters, in a jump, like slow motion, roosters in pairs, some black, others white, and after them the People in White flew, the fastest they jumped very high.


Good afternoon, I dreamed of a chicken fillet, I held it in my hands, and then it turned into a white rooster, which I held by the feathers


I am between two walls of buildings in the yard and a red rooster attacks me, I defend myself with a long stick


good day. I dreamed from the beginning that a neighbor killed a rooster and looked for its stomach and could not find it there. then I went to the chicken coop (in reality there is none at all, and there are no chickens either), there were a lot of young light chickens running around, I took a rooster and a little one with red spots and cut off his head. (the chickens were my grandfather’s, he died several years ago) and I went to my grandfather so that he could help me find the stomach in the rooster. leaving the chicken coop, I carefully looked at the chickens and thought that there were no more roosters, but after looking closely I saw one young rooster, and calmly left the chicken coop. I went out and saw my neighbor standing in his coat and saying I killed mine and didn’t find anything in it, and he asked me, can I take a steam bath in your bathhouse? I looked at the pipe, and smoke was coming out of it (as if I had already flooded the bathhouse). I tell him okay, come take a steam bath. then woke up. in reality, the neighbor is 40 years old, he is two-faced, slippery, and does everything just for the sake of it.


In the dream it was night, there was a rooster, a dog and a cat in the same room. There was a dog lying on the floor, happy with life, the rooster was excited or happy, it’s not clear, he was running around me, I don’t remember what the cat was doing. Thanks in advance


there were several white chickens, green grass, a fence, flowering bushes, a white rooster attacked me and tried to peck on my leg, I broke his beak


Hello! I had what I think was a very bad dream - I cut off the head of a rooster (maybe a chicken, but definitely a bird!), and my dad was holding it and we were splashed with blood! Of course it will grow, but I'm scared!




Hello, Tatyana! I am worried about one dream that I have quite often. In it I see a lot of roosters that want to attack me, the roosters are red and often large in size, I always run away from them, but with every dream the roosters become more and more aggressive. I often dream about something like the sea, with clear blue water, but this time I almost drowned in it. I hope you can help me interpret my dreams!


I dreamed that a black rooster was attacking me, pecking at me, I first grabbed him and held him, then threw him aside, he attacked again, I ran away from him and hid in the bathroom, where he couldn’t reach me... And I woke up right away... .


I dreamed of a village yard where my mother fed chickens. I stood nearby. Mom warned me that the rooster (black) was pecking. As a result, I kicked him and ran away. Naturally, while running, I turned around and saw a (black) rooster running after me. Then I woke up. I thought I was happy about it.


A black rooster, with a pronounced, red but at the same time neat comb and the hands of a man sitting with his human body leaning on the table, his head hanging down as if from fatigue, surrounded by pretty girls.


I dreamed that I was walking into some kind of pen, and there were several black roosters rushing at me, and I was trying to fight them off


A married couple - my friends - brought a box. First, there are a lot of yellow chickens in the box, very pretty ones. Then two young cockerels, and then one, also young with a red comb.


I see myself in the house, in the hall. I hold a gray rooster in my arms. Calm, doesn't fight, doesn't crow. Then I give it to my husband and he takes it away.


I've been dreaming about the same house for 2 years, where I used to live, and my husband is the first to say that he alone wants to sell it, as if he owes money


I dreamed of a white rooster with a red comb, he was dead, and we stood over him and thought why did he die? and my mother said that it was from lice... in general, complete nonsense)


I dreamed that I was going down to the basement and there was a drunk neighbor and he broke my bottle of vodka, after that I stuck fragments of the bottle in his head and beat him, after which I went out into the street and saw a black rooster, he was sitting near the car and I wanted to kick him but didn’t as it began to shrink, after that I turned around and saw my wife and daughter, after that I dreamed of the blackest clouds, they quickly flew in. I was walking along the road and just found myself near a railway crossing, and when I went into the booth I waited, they were so low that you could was touched and I realized that they were made of sponge or plastic, after that they flew away but the sky did not become clear but the sun was visible, I saw my mother, some knots, a village from distant childhood, that’s all


I dreamed that I was in the village with relatives and a man brought a red rooster as a gift, but I don’t remember who it was as a gift. In the yard there are many chickens. This man lets the rooster out of his hands to the chickens, and I say, well, now the rooster will trample the chickens and I woke up.


I dreamed that I came out of the chicken coop, and for some reason this rooster stood in the garden and looked at me. He was white with small black specks, very handsome and stately.


In my dream I saw a bright rooster... white and red. I closed the doors from him, and he crawled through a small gap to peck me. But he didn’t peck!!!


I dreamed that I was walking and saw huge roosters walking on the grass and I was afraid of them... then one of them took off and flew past me... [email protected]


Mne snilis moi collegi po rabote. Ja odnoi podarila svoi novie krasnie sopogi s shnurkami, ix ja otdala ee muju chtobi on ei peredal ot menja. A potom orixodjat sosedi i mne govorjat chto oni xotjat sabrat tushku kosla kotoruji lejala u menja vosle doma. Ja ee sabiraiu sama i poloju v mashinu, a kogda polojila na sidenie, okasalas eto tushka petuxa, ona s chervjami. I golova ee otorvalas i nojki. ja sobiralas ee vikinut.


I dreamed that my children (adults) let chickens into my room, there was a pink rooster among them, they pooped a lot in my room, and my ex-son-in-law came and cleaned everything up, and then asked for food, but I didn’t give it.


I was carrying a rooster in my arms and he pinched me on the neck with his beak, I felt pleased, and the people around me told me to leave him, because I couldn’t carry him where I needed to go.


From the beginning I followed him, then I took him in my arms, squeezed his beak and pressed him to me. The rooster was black and red, he pressed against me and began to purr like a kitten, I began to stroke him, without letting him go from my arms. And his feathers felt soft like a cat’s fur. Then I let him go and he began to follow me on my heels. Please explain this dream!


Hello, I had the following dream: I was following a rooster, he was black and red, but he didn’t run away from me. I went up to him and took him in my arms, while holding his beak with my hand. He pressed himself against me and seemed to purr. And I began to stroke him. His feathers are soft, like a cat’s fur. Then I let him go and he began to follow me. Please explain what it means.


I went into the courtyard of a private house, there were chickens and a white rooster, he came up to me. There was a lot of shit around (sorry for the expression).


I dreamed of a chicken coop, from which someone was breaking, and the door was swaying terribly at the beginning, I didn’t see who, later a chicken flew out of there, then an entire black rooster,


Tatyana, I am a Muslim. and I need to interpret it in Muslim. The little rooster grabbed my hand and didn’t let go for a long time. there were 4 large roosters, they didn’t touch me, and there were 4 small chickens that immediately turned into ordinary roosters but small in size. one of them grabbed me ((((


A young man, saving a wounded girl, runs towards a cliff or abyss. Not far from the edge, he puts it on the ground (and behind the mountains and from there there are such sounds as if retribution is happening to people) and suddenly, from behind the mountains, someone or something flies and falls into the abyss, hitting the guy and throwing him away from the girl to the big stones. He begins to turn into an ugly person, and tears of bitterness of loss and mercury-colored regret flow from his eyes, realizing that he himself is to blame for this (since this is a magical place - and whatever you think about, happens, but nothing can be returned by magic, this takes time and effort), the thought of the spleen arises in his head. This girl appears before his eyes - she is healthy and very beautiful, but she looks at him aloofly. And during his transformation, a rooster appears - he understands that this is a sign, but the process has already begun.


Hello Tatyana. Today I saw in a dream a rooster, with a colored comb, so beautiful, stately, and on the comb there is not a small diamond, I ask what it is, they (I don’t remember) either a woman or a man say, this is the rooster of God, from God, and this the diamond on its comb, the stone glittered.


I feel like I'm walking with a friend and we're just talking. And then I see a rooster and start driving him away. It turns out that I got scared of him and started to drive him away first, he pecked me in the leg and ran away. We walked further, and in the distance I saw him again and again began to drive him away from me, and the rooster wanted to peck again, but he missed something and I woke up.


A white rooster attacked me, at first I was scared, and then I just moved on and was no longer scared.


I dreamed that roosters were pecking at my legs. In the bone between the knee and foot in front. I fought them off. There was no blood, it was like dents remained, I asked my mother in a dream that now the marks would remain like that, she indifferently said yes. And then the traces began to disappear. And then I dream that I am fighting off dogs. I turn to the right, then to the left and lightly hit them in the faces with what appears to be a bag. And they are on the heels


Hello. I dreamed that I went out into the field at the dacha, there were a lot of poultry walking around, but not mine, I first caught a very large black rooster, stuffed it into a bag, then caught a duck and a turkey, also very large, stuffed them into a bag too, took them home, then a flock of little yellow ducklings became attached to me, they began to run after me as if they were their mother, I tried to drive them away, they stayed on the field, I brought a bag and put it on the porch and I saw someone sleeping on my porch on the sofa, covered with a padded jacket, I picked up the padded jacket , and this is my ex-husband, he stood up and began to declare his love to me and again ask me to restore the relationship, I don’t remember then.


This is the second time lately that I have dreamed of a rooster trying to peck me... but it never happens......
And also...for 2, 3 years, I very often dream that I am abroad somewhere far away, in completely different places and countries... I can’t understand why this is???... Thank you!


2 roosters stood nearby and I seemed to be in some kind of coop. I don’t have any mail, please send an answer to classmates Anna Sukhova St. Novodzherelievskaya 27 years old


the already deceased grandmother is about to die, she looks much younger and healthy, and I explain to her that there is no need, why, you don’t look old and sick, then some kind of culled roosters look like they’re dead, but the living ones themselves can’t share it among themselves, something like this


I dreamed that the pillow burst in my sleep and the bird’s head fell out) just like that! Thank you! [email protected]


I dreamed that a rooster attacked me and I fought back as best I could. I screamed for help, no one heard me, he started pecking at me.


I was in a room on the 4th or 5th floor. A friend of mine was walking up the stairs. For some reason, a white rooster with a bright red comb came into my window and somehow ended up in my room and I gave this rooster to my friend. When she climbed the last step the stairs began bend over and my friend falls to her death


I was walking down the street and, suddenly, a flock (about 20 pieces) of white chickens with a pink tint appeared near me, among them there was a cockerel who ran up to the room and wanted to peck, and some stranger drove the rooster away.


chickens and a rooster run into the yard, I take a shovel to drive the rooster away from me and accidentally cut him on the back; he begins to bleed, I begin to panic. Suddenly little chickens run up to him and sit on him and he slowly dies from loss of blood. A lot of blood poured out of it, even strange for a bird.


I was walking along the road, the rooster was white, he was guarding his chickens, and he had a beak, but when he saw me, he immediately rushed at me, did not let me pass, although I did not touch him at all, and did not poison him, then he began to peck me, and I decided strangle him, and I ran, but then I turned around and saw such a picture that the rooster came to his senses, and seemed to complain to another rooster, and on the other side a red rooster was already waiting for me, and there was also a beaked one, and rushed to peck me. So such a dream


A beautiful rooster was running around me, I liked him, but at the same time I didn’t know what to do with him, very beautiful white and red


was sailing on a boat. It's dark all around. I heard a rooster crow, turned around and he was drowning. And she pulled him out. My husband was nearby, I felt his presence but didn’t see him.


A rooster was chasing me up a hill, I ran away from him because I was afraid that he would peck me. and it seems that he also pecked my mother. Unfortunately, I don’t remember anything else


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was standing and seeing in front of me two large beautiful cottages with well-kept courtyards, without fences. Near them, on the lawn, large, approximately human-sized roosters and, it seems, chickens are walking (but I’m not entirely sure about the chickens). They were very beautiful, clean and important. I stood and just looked at them, and they walked around the yard.


Friends were about to have a feast, so I decided to help get some chicken. But for some reason I caught two black roosters somewhere and carried them by the legs to someone’s apartment, they tried to peck me, then each other. I brought it, put it in the sink and filled it with water, they didn’t seem to be breathing anymore(


I dreamed that I was in bed with a stranger. And there, under the blanket, I found a lot of dirty feathers, and then I saw a rooster.


a black rooster was running after me, I jumped into the hole, when I got out he was gone. I went the other way and a white rooster was following me.


A white rooster sits in the Woodshed on the wood, I run away from him into the toilet and he follows me, but I manage to lock myself in there and wake up.


I dreamed of a rooster that even tried to peck me more than once. I threw it out of a window on the 7th floor and it couldn’t fly and crashed. From the same window I threw eggs at a leopard and hit my cat, but didn’t kill it.


I dreamed of a chicken or a rooster, I don’t remember, she clung to me and I couldn’t get rid of it, then she somehow fell behind, then I woke up


part of the city where people live, mostly old people, some healers, near a stump (on which chickens and meat are chopped) lies a black rooster with a severed head and some blood. I went into one of the houses, there was a sorcerer-healer who began to perform some manipulations with me, mainly near my face, he told me to wet a towel (green), when asked how much money he wanted for it, he answered: you will come with a new towel, They don't charge money for this.


I dreamed that I caught a blue rooster. It was bright blue that was memorable. I wanted to find the owner and give the bird back, but he was clinging so tightly and didn’t want to be let go, that I abandoned this idea and woke up….


I dreamed that my mother and I were relaxing in nature by the river. Suddenly her rooster (she doesn’t have one in real life) began to drown. I swam to save him, and I succeeded. To push him to the shore, I took him lightly by the neck and the body tore away from the neck and sank, and in my hands I was left with a long neck with the dead head of a rooster. There was no blood, it just came off. Later in the dream I found out that he was 8 years old (rooster). What is this for?


2 roosters outside the window at night, it was raining, the roosters got wet in the rain, but continued to sit silently. My cat got scared when he saw these roosters outside the window.


I’m lying in bed with my late mother-in-law, it’s like there’s a child next to me, I take the child by the hand, he turns out to be dead, his hand falls off and at that moment a black rooster with spurs appears, looked at me and left


A full barrel of water, I crumbled a loaf on top to feed the chickens. The chickens ate, and I brought the rooster in my arms to feed.


at lunchtime from 14:30 to 15:00 I dreamed of a small rooster. I tried to drive it away but it didn’t work. What’s this for?


I dreamed that I was pushing a sled, and there was a rooster on the sled, then I forgot the sled and went to school by bus. And when I remembered about the sled, I ran back to get them and came back, but the rooster was bloody and dead.


Hello! Last night I dreamed that a lot of pigeons (a flock) were flying towards me and I raised my hand so that they wouldn’t touch my face. I accidentally touched the pigeon's foot with my nail and it fell off. The pigeon fell. I bent down to pick it up and instead of it there was a white rooster. beautiful. but without a foot. I touched the second foot and it fell off. The rooster was left without feet. For some reason I decided to throw him into the water (either a river or a lake). I jumped into the water along with the rooster, he disappeared and I began to kick off the mud. I hit someone’s legs. got scared and woke up.


I saw a guy I knew in a dream, he gave me what he wanted to buy himself, roosters were walking around my yard, not very beautiful, white ones. I wanted to drive one away, being afraid, I drove him with a stick, he didn’t want to, tried to resist. Then in my own yard I saw my dog, but after a second it became painted blue, like a new toy, but it looked unnatural, my brother painted it. All this time I was running around the yard changing two dresses and two pairs of shoes, one of which began to crack along the edges. Both dresses and shoes are beautiful and expensive. The shoes are beige and black. The dresses too: one is light, the other is dark. I fell into the sand, shook myself off and ran on. A guy I knew was watching this on the sidelines.


I dreamed that I was at school! I don't remember much! But in the dream I felt very bad, everything was blurry! I also met girls who found one thing that fulfilled wishes, I asked them to give it to me when they no longer needed it, the first wish that I wanted to fulfill was that I have beautiful handwriting! What is this for?


My father had a dream as if there was a rooster sitting on the gate, with a human head (stranger), fiery burgundy and black. What could this mean?


a black rooster with a bright red comb and also a black hawk, but they were friendly, even I caught them and they played with me


I run through the cemetery and push into every gate shouting the name Vanya (there is no person with that name among my social circle) and I know which grave I’m looking for, but I got lost, I finally find it, and there’s a beautiful rooster in the fence, I feel relieved. I’m relieved. I live in the village in the morning I went to feed the chickens, the sheathed door of the barn is torn. It’s such a horror.


I got lost in the dachas and walked along one of the alleys between the houses, remembering what my friend’s dacha house looks like, to whom I actually came to stay. Suddenly, a large, clean rooster with brown plumage runs out of one of the houses. I back away from him, he follows me, I sped up my back step, he also sped up and is trying to peck me (I remember his red comb). Then a woman appeared from somewhere behind, hid me behind her back, laughed and took the cockerel in her arms and took it away.


I dreamed that our pet rooster attacked me in the yard, I caught him, of course he resisted, but I tore his head off alive, the struggle was strong. I had a dream from Sunday to Monday


I tried to overhear what my husband was saying behind the door, but the rooster wouldn’t let me attack me, and I waved him off with a diaper. The entire room was lined with wood.


The rooster jumped at me and wanted to peck, he looked at me angrily, he was taller than me, I was very scared, dad protected me, then I ran from him, and he was breaking through the gate, I climbed onto the roof of the barn, couldn’t resist and fell down.


I dreamed of the carcass of a stump that my mother gave to my great boss, and she also gave her pennies in the amount of 100 hryvnia. This program was in the madness of my boss (colossal), when they were collecting their speeches and wanted to leave that madness, and it brought them rumors about the child of the daughter of my potter, who drowned, and I I didn’t know.


hello Tatyana. in a dream I found myself at my friend’s house. He introduced me to my parents. In their house they had chickens and roosters in the hallway. But there was also a big white rooster in its beak, it had teeth like fangs! I was surprised and was still afraid that the roosters would peck me and run away!!


I dreamed that a girl taught me to draw a rooster, she drew and so did I. Then she carefully outlined its crest and shaded it in red. She showed me how to do it, I looked and memorized it, I tried a little to correct my drawing, to repeat this comb after her.


I was attacked by a white chicken and a white goose. I felt terrible fear of them. She grabbed the chicken by the skirt and threw it against the wall, hoping that it would die. But nothing happened, and gripped by fear and a feeling of panic, I screamed in my sleep. It was from screaming in reality that I woke up.


Hello! Today I had a dream as if I saw a dead white rooster on some boards, and then suddenly this rooster with a reddish dog catches up with me and wants to peck, but I manage to run away, although I dreamed that the dog was completely kind, unlike the rooster.


The day before yesterday my only grandson died. He was only 18 years old. And today I saw in a dream a huge snow-white rooster. People brought it. I asked them to give it to me. The rooster jumped on my back.


I dreamed that they were giving us gifts at work, these gifts were live chickens, and they gave me and another employee in a box white, good and young ones, I would even say that cockerels, the feeling in the dream was positive. Why this dream?


I dreamed of a light, bright rooster and a hen not far away. And I stood next to them and looked at them. I just stood there and looked at them with interest. They walked peacefully, pecking at something and didn’t talk much to each other. That’s the dream...


The field of tulips, which I looked at through the window of my aunt’s house, wanted to pick them, but nearby, huge roosters the size of a man were walking proudly in two rows, and I am very afraid of roosters


Hello, in a dream I dreamed that I bought 15 beautiful red roosters. I brought them home and released them into the yard from a box. In addition to the roosters, in a separate box there were 5 small spotted ducklings, which she let near the duck.


I had a dream about how I was running away from a rooster along an alley, then I threw a bag at him, and he continued to run after me in the bag, sticking his beak out of the bag, then I woke up.


I dreamed of a rooster in a cage. It was a big, purebred white rooster. I took him out of the cage and wrapped his legs and torso with a rope so that he wouldn’t escape. I opened the trunk of the car, put him down and drove off with him somewhere.


I saw in a dream a rooster and chickens that live with us. Only the rooster (actually beautiful) got sick in a dream and began to fall. And the most interesting thing was that I saw that a snake had crawled under the chicken coop, and it was as if our chickens had dug a hole there and I saw a lot of eggs in it. And I thought to myself: this is where they hide their eggs...


I dreamed that I was licking on the bed and a large aggressive rooster came into the room and tried to peck me




I dreamed of a rooster who wanted to peck me, he was chasing me, I ran away, caught him and threw him away, but he hit himself and died...

Fortune telling:

A car with chickens and red roosters pulled up and honked. I don’t think we need chickens, maybe we should get a rooster. Then I see my brother and his wife buying a rooster, I asked, will you take it for us? They answered: we'll see, we'll see. Then my other brother came, he had died a long time ago, he grabbed his chest by the legs, I pushed him away and backed away. And his hands were cold. The phone rang and I woke up


I saw in a dream my former common-law husband, there were a lot of people visiting him and they crowded and rushed to see him, and then a large rooster appeared there and he crowed. I woke up


I dreamed of a beautiful rooster, my husband caught him to kill him and make soup, but while we were quarreling, we forgot about him, when I saw the calm white-brown rooster again, I felt sorry for him so that my husband would kill him, I wanted to save him and then I woke up


I dreamed that I was trying to protect my little granddaughter from something, and either my ex-son-in-law or some man, I don’t remember, some kind of threat was coming from him and there were a lot of chickens around that were pecking something, and an ordinary brown rooster was trying jump on my back and ride me like a chicken, but I brushed him off my back several times and finally he fell behind, but at the same time he didn’t peck me or scratch me.
Thanks for your help.


I see chickens and know that they are sick. I come closer, the chickens fly away and I see a sick cockerel, I take him in my arms, and he jerks his legs as if he is dying, closes his eyes. I listen, and he breathes quite loudly. That’s when they woke me up... (yesterday we discussed with a worker what she had out of 40 broiler chickens, only 5 survived.


I dreamed of evening or night and in the distance there was a dim purple light, I was walking along a road similar to asphalt, as a cat in front of me, 7-10 meters away, walked lengthwise from right to left, and then a rooster and a rooster walked in front of me on the right side, 7-10 meters away. chicken, there are 7-10 centimeters between the rooster and the hen, the rooster was walking from the right after I woke up


I walked up the dark stairs, met a Japanese man on the way, and passed by. Then I crawled out somewhere, it became brighter, and then I met a rooster and started a conversation with him, he was very surprised that I understood him, I was also surprised that I understood him, but he either turned into a blur, then someone turned into a stain again into the rooster.


Hello. I had such a dream. I ran into the chicken coop and saw a lot of pink, red, blue, green chickens there, so beautiful. I wanted to take them, but suddenly a big beautiful rooster appeared. I got scared and ran away. Please explain my dream


Good afternoon
I dreamed of a white rooster, aggressive. Either he tried to attack me, or I assumed that he would attack. I fought him off very hard and drove him away. There was no panic, but there was a desire to get rid of him quickly. There was something in my hands, as if I was blowing it away with strong air.
Fear of the rooster since childhood. I was attacked by a rooster when I was little. Then the fear passed.
Why would this be?


The rooster rushed to peck at me and jumped on my head. I grabbed him
and cut off his head. They helped me pluck him. Then I came to my house
it was dark and dirty there and my husband was getting ready to leave somewhere. I wanted to go with him. But I didn’t have time because I couldn’t find clothes for myself. Then I found myself in my mother-in-law’s house, my late father-in-law was sitting there, his beard was getting thinner and thinner. It was as if he wasn’t happy with me and wanted something
I wanted to tell you, as if to warn me, to get to my feet, but I couldn’t because I was very fat.


A rooster is running after me, and it’s as if he has such a big beak that he bit me hard on the hand with his beak. I’m trying to open his beak so that he would let me go, but he didn’t let go of my hand to the point of pain, but after some time I freed myself. from the rooster.


I dreamed of me, a rooster, a cat and my daughter. a beautiful fish swam out. I tell my daughter, catch a fish and give her a net, and the fish floats in the air, stands still. very beautiful dream.


zdrastvyjte,mne snilsa cjornij petuch takoj boljsoj horosij sto on bezal ko mne i brosilsa mne na golovu i zacal menja kysatj,rjadom stojala moja mama no pocemyto ona menja nezasisala,spasibo


I dreamed of a bus full of people, my mother was sitting next to me - for some reason in the dream it was a troupe of actors and I was also an actress, everyone was worried about who would get the role of the main actress and then the bus door opened and a beautiful red rooster flies in , aggressive and flies right towards me, digs its claws into my hair and tries to peck, but I don’t feel pain, I grab it by the beak and fight with it. By the way, I am very afraid of any roosters and birds in life


The rooster attacked and pokes with his nose or what has he got there? but I don’t feel pain, I just hold it with two fists, I want to remove it, but my hands are uncomfortably busy.


My husband and I sat down on the side of the road, waiting for something or someone. Suddenly, across the field, very high, two roosters fly and land not far from us, and I recognize that these are our roosters from our fence. Then I see a girl walking along the side of the road. She attacks us sharply, as if she is strangling us by the throat. I resist her, but I see that my husband has no strength, then I bite her hand, which makes me wake up. As it turns out, I bit myself in my sleep.




Hello. I dreamed of a dead rooster, a small child had his neck twisted, and chickens were walking around him. Why do you have such a dream?


Me and my boyfriend were standing next to each other. in front of us were large, fat, beautiful and colorful chickens. In a word, sleek. and the rooster is the same. with long feathers in the tail. then he began to attack me, protecting the chickens, although I did not touch them, but stood quite close. I caught him by the neck and he retreated.


Along the road where I was walking there were several dead roosters, then people dreamed of zombies, one began to approach me, I hit him on the head with my bag, and he fell behind me.


I dreamed of a rooster that wanted to attack me, I waved my leg at him and it seems the fight between us never started


I dreamed of not one but several roosters going somewhere together, the color of either gold or fiery gold


There is a white stump with a red comb, and the chickens are also white. Pіven added white snow.


Hello. Today I had a dream that I was standing and looking at chickens, there were a lot of them, and one chicken wanted to fly over the fence, it was very low, I was really surprised, and when he flew over, I caught him and released him back to the rest of the chickens. And then I turn around, I see a dead rooster lying, next to it there is also such a grown-up chicken, and I asked my dad to kill this rooster. And I can just see the severed head and how dad did it all. Why such a dream? Now I don’t know for sure if I’m pregnant, but I’m very worried about this, because I really want a child. Please tell me what this dream is for. Thanks in advance.


I dreamed of a colorful, beautiful rooster and he went into the barn and my son and I closed it, what’s the point?


Hello, I dreamed of a small red cockerel, he constantly ran away from me, I tried to put him in a cage, but he ran away from me and hid.


I dreamed of a rooster and a goose, and the goose was attacking the rooster and pinching his neck so that he plucked out feathers the size of a large coin


Hello, I had a dream, I don’t remember something disturbing, but after that I ran out of the house and ran into the chicken coop and there was a white rooster with white brightly burning eyes on a leash and someone threatened him, I let him out and he flew into the heights, I then woke up what is this for??


The Goose killed the Rooster. First he ate the seeds offered to the roosters, and then pinched him once, but fatally, and ran away. For some reason I cried a lot and remembered something good about this rooster.
In the same dream, during the same events, two close people ate sweets with me. And when I went to report what happened with the rooster, I saw that they only gave me certain candies, and they themselves ate more delicious ones. I didn’t like that either, of course.
By the way, according to my horoscope, I am a rooster. I have a difficult situation, and those people who can support me and help me in some way are the ones who were in my dream.


Chickens and roosters are walking, I turned my gaze to the bird and saw a rooster trampling another rooster


hello! I dreamed of chickens and among them there was one beautiful rooster, it looked like it was golden, and two chickens that escaped from the chicken coop


Good afternoon I dreamed that a big rooster attacked me and tried to peck, but I covered myself and ran away and he didn’t peck. It was very scary in the dream, I’m waiting for changes in life and I would like to know whether the dream was good news or not.


It’s as if I’m lying and a huge multi-colored rooster is floating above me across the clear night sky. It fills almost the entire sky. I feel very scared. I’m very surprised by something, but I can’t move. Behind him comes a beautiful dragon, even larger in size .But for some reason I feel calmer and I jump up and run to some wasteland. There are a huge number of people who want to panic. I run to the river, my youngest son is next to me. As it turns out, he and I escaped from something .


in a dream I dreamed that I was giving away a frozen but plucked rooster from the refrigerator


I saw in a dream two roosters, half dead, upside down, young and old, and a lot of eggs, what does this mean.


I dreamed that I was stealing a blue rooster, but I saw the owner walking with a cane and in a black fur coat, I left the barn but left my wallet there, it was immediately returned to me


Animals appeared in the apartment where I live, first a very beautiful cow, then a white rooster with a red Greek rooster, he was very big, he came to my bedroom, I was surprised and woke up


the red rooster tried to peck me, but he constantly put his head in my palm. I wanted to tear his head off, but he always let him go.


I saw about 7 chickens and a rooster and decided to run away from them, but they caught up with me, I fell, and the rooster wanted to peck me. and I woke up scared


They drove the neighboring hens and rooster out of the garden, the rooster rushed at me and grabbed my throat with its beak


I dreamed of a purple rooster, it bit my hand, but it felt pleasant


I dreamed of a rooster. He flew up onto an iron mesh that fenced off a piece of land and got hurt. He started bleeding. My husband and I stood and saw this. And I tell my husband, now I’ll have to cut him off and put him in the freezer - and then I see that we Together with my husband, we peel the skin from the rooster.


A young guy was chasing a black rooster, caught it and tore off its head, and the fact that I screamed at him so much, why did he do this.


I go into the bathroom and there is a white rooster floating among the things in the hot water, I try to save him


The stone is large, and on the stone there is a small piece of meat. And a rooster sat down next to it, as if our rooster had arrived.


On the threshold of the house there were three thin dead roosters lying on their necks, they had blood on their necks, when I entered the house with the children, bees were flying there, but they did not sting us, my mother was waiting for us in the house.

[email protected]:

I dreamed of a light-colored rooster, more like beige, and I was running away from him and he wanted to peck me but didn’t peck, in the end I took a stone and swung at him and he stopped chasing me and began to move away.


Behind the door of the balcony I see a group of animals: a bear cub, a rooster, a lynx, a fawn, I opened the balcony and let them all in, stroked them, lost when I got up, the bear cub clung to my leg, it didn’t hurt very much, but it was felt, then I prepared places for them all on the loggia, that’s all


The rooster walked towards me, but his face resembled the face of a dead woman


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I had a dream during the day. In general, I only remember the episode. I’m in a room, like a corridor, at home, as I understand it, with my husband, we just came home, the lighting is dim and I see that someone is hiding around the corner, it’s a little scary and unpleasant. For some reason I immediately thought it was an insect, like a cockroach or something like that. But I see some elements of a red hue from around the corner, then I understand. that these are feathers and I find out that it is a rooster with red feathers in its tail. I immediately took a stick from somewhere with a loop at the end and threw this loop over the head of the rooster. I end up holding the rooster with a stick with a loop, and at the same time my husband holds him with his hands so that he does not run, and at this time the rooster... lays an egg! ))) In the dream, I didn’t seem surprised right away, but then a thought came to me - only chickens lay eggs! But is it the husband? or maybe the voice inside seemed to calm me down, which is rare, but this happens in life. What a dream! I will be glad if you explain it! Thank you!


Good afternoon I had a dream. I’m sitting in the kitchen, it’s already dusk and a rooster comes through the window.


I only remember the last moment. There is a bright rooster and some kind of light ceiling falls on him and me from above, and I support this ceiling so that the rooster does not get hurt. Then I wake up.


I was attacked by a large white and gray rooster, I grabbed him by the beak and twisted his neck. I had this dream 3 times during the week..


Hello! In a dream I brought back a rooster running away from me. Returned...


Good afternoon, Tatyana! First, I had a dream about me getting a manicure in some salon. The girl painted my nails, and the polish changed color at different angles. Turquoise and pink. When everything was finished, and I sat down to dry my nails, I suddenly saw that one nail was not painted, and the other two had uneven edges, such nicks were left, and the nails were not long. And I was very upset. And the girl who did the manicure felt like she did it on purpose. Because she smiled maliciously. And she said that everything was fine, that you were meant to be. Then I woke up and after I fell asleep again I had the following dream - very vivid, memorable: I dreamed that I entered a beauty salon, which is located in the courtyard of my house, and my friend came out (we hadn’t seen each other for two years, she Eastern type, Korean family), and we bumped into each other at the door. In her bag sat a very beautiful, amazing peach-colored rooster. I also thought, how can roosters have such beautiful colors). She let him go, he went for a walk. And he kept surprising me with his beauty, against the background of the external grayness he was some kind of light and airy spot in this extraordinary color. And then I saw several more chickens walking around the playground (I think 3 or 4), also very beautiful white and motley, with lush plumage. They were pecking something from the ground. But it was the rooster with its beauty that caused great surprise. The dream about the rooster was probably more of a morning dream. I sometimes have vivid and memorable dreams that leave a strong impression. Sleeping with a rooster can be called that. Best regards, Irina


The rooster followed me everywhere, I ran away from him, hid, but he still found me and pecked my legs and it hurt so much.


I dreamed that I was sleeping and a big beautiful white rooster was hiding under my blanket, I kicked him out from under the blankets and he came back again and tried to kick him out so many times but nothing worked, I was afraid that he would hit me, but he was kind, I dreamed about this since Friday on Saturday

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foretells you a meeting with a swaggering and vain person, which will be unpleasant for you. Stabbing him is a sign of frustration. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child’s imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife.

Hearing a rooster crow in a dream foretells receiving news that will indicate to you that a moment has arrived that you should not miss. See interpretation: scream.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of betrayal or deception, as well as that the time has come to make an important decision. If in a dream you hear roosters crowing, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that could harm you. Sometimes the crow of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which mean the arrival of pleasant guests or the receipt of good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail, portends misfortune.

Seeing the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of imminent good news about the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing a Rooster in a dream

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, but your happy rise will turn you into a vain and arrogant person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

In a dream, they will hear a rooster crowing in the morning - a good sign, foretelling a successful marriage and prosperity in the home for young people.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once.

Just as the Apostle Peter remembered Christ’s prediction after hearing a rooster crow, so this dream warns you against misconceptions and mistakes.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Rooster in a dream

Seeing someone laying eggs is an unexpected inheritance; catch - respect; to see a rooster at all means to come under suspicion; hear singing - you are loved

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does a Rooster mean in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Meaning of Rooster dreams

A symbol of aggressiveness, intransigence, rebellion.

Hearing a rooster crow: unpleasant news will reach you from afar, affecting one of your friends.

You will be so shocked by this that you will not be able to calm down for a long time.

Seeing a rooster fight: you will participate in the reconciliation of quarreling friends or arguing employees.

Your mission as a peacekeeper will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of sleep Rooster

Rooster - Your ambitions. The appearance of the rooster is the degree of their satisfaction and justification, for example: beautiful - ambitions are justified; pinched - you're trying in vain. Hoarse - a lot of effort will be spent on self-affirmation.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Rooster

Rooster - if you dream of a rooster on the gate, then there will be a fire in the house, you need to be careful. The rooster crows - to the fire. Rooster (especially red) - for fire, fire. How a girl dreams of a betrothed rooster.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Rooster - Seeing a rooster in a dream means a mistake for which only you will be to blame. Hearing a rooster crow is a sign of betrayal, which only curiosity will “motivate” you to do. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Rooster in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Rooster

Rooster - someone you know who can be called a fancy or a fashionista (fashionista). If a rooster crows, it means that important news awaits you from the lips of this person. If he fights, then you have to reconcile your friends. If the rooster just proudly strides around the yard, then expect new clothes to appear in your wardrobe.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does the Rooster dream predict?

The groom will be found (for the girl) // fight, fire, betrayal, news; rooster crowing - joy // to fire, danger; black rooster (to kill) - beware of fire; catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); hear a cry - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; plucking feathers from the tail is bad luck.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of the dream Rooster

Crows - you have a talent for singing. Should you try to become a singer? A rooster and a hen - in personal life, in sex - everything is very good. If a rooster pecks you, someone will soon remind you of an important matter that you completely forgot about. If you had a dream on an even day of the week, you will make a discovery that will bring you and those around you a lot of good things; if you had a dream on an odd day of the week, be afraid of theft, beware of thieves and robbers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Seeing a Rooster in a dream

Seeing an important, large rooster at the head of chickens in a dream - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you means an accident.

Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you. A rooster flying up onto the fence and crowing announces that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and the desired victory in it. A slaughtered fat capon means the death of a close relative. Cooking or eating rooster meat in a dream means breaking up with a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the dream Rooster mean?

A rooster in a dream foreshadows a time of extraordinary luck and happy exaltation. However, beware of becoming infected with vanity and arrogance. A cockfight in a dream foreshadows quarrels and rivalries in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a Rooster in a dream

“let the red rooster” kill, beat, inflict a bloody wound. “Cock” arrogance, pride, anger, irritation, boasting.

"cockfighting", "cocky as a rooster". "Rooster" (as a swear word) is a pretentious, inappropriately dressed man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What do Rooster dreams mean?

Argument, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest. Red - danger of fire, harm from love passion or fight. Golden extraordinary happiness. Black will face an evil force within himself or outside. An important event is crowing: be careful!

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream about Rooster

whoever sees that he has killed a rooster will not answer the Muezzin’s call to Namaz. It is also said: whoever sees that he has turned into a rooster will become a Muezzin or possibly die. The Rooster also indicates an energetic, famous and influential person with a beautiful voice. Another opinion: a rooster seen in a dream is a harbinger of useless conversations and quarrels. A person in a dream who is pecked by a rooster may soon suffer from a foreigner, and maybe even be killed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does a Rooster mean in a dream?

Seeing a rooster walking around the chicken coop is a sign of adultery. If a rooster sits on the fence and crows, everyone will know that you have been cuckolded.

Imagine that you are cutting up a rooster and making soup from it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of Rooster dreams

The rooster dreams of exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of future quarrels and rivalries.

Hearing the morning rooster crow in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening, you will have to cry a little.

The crowing of a rooster can also dream of betrayal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Rooster mean in a dream?

Symbolizes arrogance and conflict.

For a woman to see a rooster, for a man to see a rooster: this is a warning about a possible conflict or rivalry. After such a dream, try not to become arrogant and not respond harshly to harshness, otherwise it will end in a painful and meaningless quarrel.

A wounded or dead rooster: a sign that conflicts and squabbles can ultimately lead to serious consequences for you, and then unnecessary pride will suddenly turn into severe humiliation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of sleep Rooster

For a woman to meet an interesting young man.

Hearing a crowing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful.

Plucking feathers from a rooster's tail means trouble.

A rooster chasing a hen means trouble in family life.

A pugnacious rooster means anxiety, a quarrel with old friends.

A lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends.

A crowing rooster means receiving news.

Golden rooster - fortunately.

A red rooster means danger from fire.

A black rooster means a clash with evil forces.

Catching a rooster means you will argue with someone.

A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the Rooster predict in a dream?

The Rooster is the herald of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, feelings of inferiority / master of the house, family / caution is necessary in your work.

Pugnacious rooster - worries / severe discord with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

A beautiful rooster is a danger from fire.

Black - a clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken - quarrel.

A feather from his tail is misfortune.

Cockfight - a quarrel between your opponents

Interpretation of dreams from

The rooster is a multifaceted symbol. It may be associated with pride and pugnacity, but at the same time in ancient times it was a sign of awakening. To determine exactly why a rooster is dreaming, the dream book recommends examining the dream in detail and taking into account all the details. When interpreting, it is also worth relying on events that occur in real life.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Often this bird is a symbol of victory over one’s own. A rooster who always wants to fight with someone promises scandals and quarrels with people around him. If you see two roosters fighting, it means that in the future your enemies will quarrel and leave you alone. A dream in which a rooster crows predicts receiving news. There is also information that such a bird is an omen of success and prestige, but only such luck can cause vanity. If you catch a rooster, this is a symbol that you will soon earn the respect of those around you.

Why does a woman dream about a rooster?

Such night dreams predict a meeting with a man who likes to dominate. For an unmarried girl, a dream in which a rooster crowed can be taken as a symbol of imminent marriage. If a woman caught a rooster, then we should expect a new addition to the family. For a married lady, a dream about a rooster will tell you that her husband is hiding something, but soon all the secrets will come true.

Why dream that a rooster is pecking?

A dream that featured an aggressive rooster who wanted to attack you can be interpreted as a prediction that a turbulent period awaits you in the future. The dream book recommends preparing for various life challenges. If you see a rooster pecking a person who enters the yard of a house, this is an indication that you should not trust other people. Also, such a night vision may foretell the appearance of a person who can destroy your love relationship.

Why do you dream about a red rooster?

A bird of this color promises a meeting with a person with whom you will have a relationship that develops according to the “one step from hate to love” scenario.

Why do you dream about a dead rooster?

You should not expect anything good from such a dream and most often it foreshadows a long-term illness. This can also be taken as a recommendation that it’s time to take a break and get some rest.

Why do you dream of killing a rooster?

If you killed a bird with your own hands, it means that the business you just started will end successfully. You can also expect advancement up the stairs from such a dream.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, but your happy rise will turn you into a vain and arrogant person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

In a dream, they will hear a rooster crowing in the morning - a good sign, foretelling a successful marriage and prosperity in the home for young people.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a rooster in a dream means a mistake for which only you will be to blame.

Hearing a rooster crow is a sign of betrayal, which only curiosity will “motivate” you to do. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing someone laying eggs is an unexpected inheritance; catch - respect; to see a rooster at all means to come under suspicion; hear singing - you are loved; eat - you will be overwhelmed by greed.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Family dream book

Dreaming of a rooster means exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of future quarrels and rivalries.

Hearing the morning rooster crow in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening, you will have to cry a little.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A rooster in a dream symbolizes arrogance and conflict. For a woman to see a rooster in a dream - often foreshadows a vain and proud suitor.

For a man, a rooster seen in a dream is a warning about a possible conflict or rivalry. After such a dream, try not to become arrogant and not respond harshly to harshness, otherwise it will end in a painful and meaningless quarrel.

A wounded or dead rooster is a sign that conflicts and squabbles can ultimately lead to serious consequences for you, and then unnecessary pride will suddenly turn into severe humiliation.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Rooster - to a new lover (mistress); for a teenager - to a fight, conflict.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Spring dream book

Rooster - to a cry, a commotion.

Cockscomb - your husband is cheating on you, and it will soon be revealed.

Why do you dream about a rooster?

Summer dream book

A rooster crowing in a dream means a quarrel.

Why do you dream about a rooster?