Why do you dream about robbery: if you are robbing someone or if you are being robbed? Basic interpretations of dreams about what a robbery means in dreams according to various dream books. I stole something unnecessary from you. Thieves Islamic dream book


Thousands of dream books reveal the secrets of our dreams. Looking into any of them, each person can easily find the interpretation of the most confusing dream. And if in a dream someone saw a bandit or a robber, you can easily answer the question: “why do you dream about a robber?”

What if you dream about a robber?

A dream in which a person sees bandits, robbers and criminals speaks of his fears and worries for his safety, life and health. This also speaks of distrust of the people who surround the person. But if in a dream robbers constantly pursue the sleeping person, it means in reality his relations with rivals and adversaries are heating up and entering a critical phase.

If a person in a dream resists the attackers and he wins, it is a sign that his emotional, spiritual and physical strength is in perfect order at this period of his life.

If you have a dream in which robbers constantly appear almost every night, it is a sign that a person’s fears and worries have reached a critical level. The commotion caused by them can actually attract real robbers to a person. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to behave calmly and treat losses philosophically.

If in a dream robbers chase a person only at night, this dream warns him that he needs to be more careful, especially when communicating with strangers. But if in a dream a person himself appears in the form of a robber, this indicates that in life a person constantly expects some kind of betrayal from the people around him.

If in a dream a sleeping person robs from his acquaintances or friends, it is an omen that these people will have good luck in business. If one of the relatives appears as a robber, it means that the one who saw this dream will soon live in abundance.

What does it portend?

If in your dreams one of your friends became a robber, do not worry. Oddly enough, this is a good dream, which suggests that there is no reason to worry, friends will help in the most difficult moment.

If in a dream a robber snuck into the house of a sleeping person, it means that he will soon visit this house uninvited guest. IN esoteric dream book to see a robber in a dream - to appear in real life envious people.

If in a dream a person is robbed, it means that in reality the person has already suffered from the actions of other people, but has not yet felt this influence on himself.

For a young girl, a dream in which she saw a robber foreshadows that in the near future she will experience an emotional and whirlwind romance, which will not have very good consequences and may negatively affect her well-being. Therefore, after such a dream, a woman should be more picky about people.

Dreams can be interpreted in different ways. There are both good interpretations and bad ones. Even if a person saw a robber in a dream and this greatly frightened him, there is no need to panic in reality. Everyone should remember these words: “Our thoughts are material.” Therefore, you should not think too much about what the dream foreshadowed. You need to think only about the good.


If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then the cause of future failures will be your lack of character.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will prevent you from doing something. Of course, you will worry, but in the end you will unexpectedly win. Perhaps you will quarrel with your loved one due to a misunderstanding.

If someone else is accused of theft- you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

If you dream that something minor was stolen from you,- know that God loves you and will help you.

Stealing someone else's property in a dream promises grief. Sometimes such a dream foretells traders a fall in prices for foreign goods

Get caught- luck.

If you steal- to troubles at work.

See how another person steals- to a shameful act for which you will repent.

Steal- loss, tears.

The image of a thief in your dream encourages you to be more careful and conduct your affairs with increased caution.

IN women's dreams unknown men and their occupations, As a rule, they indicate different relationships in reality.

For married woman see an unfamiliar male thief in a dream may mean the appearance of a new admirer or entering into a dubious relationship.

Seeing a sneaking thief in a dream- You will be fine at work. Such a dream is associated primarily with your professional activity. You will, as it were, get a second wind, although the so-called critical moment will come, when it will seem that just a little more, and you will simply die from tension and fatigue. The thing is that you are going through a difficult period at work. Once you put in the effort, you will reap the fruits of your efforts with pride and pleasure.

Seeing a pickpocket in a dream means that you need to obtain information and this is given to you with great difficulty.

Crime in a dream- symbolizes loss, experience, attempt.

Become the target of a crime- to deprive yourself of something vitally important, to experience fear of people.

Seeing an attempt on one's life- experience unbearable anxiety.

A dream in which you saw a thief sneaking into your house:

· that in reality you made an unforgivable mistake that will cost you dearly;

· there is deception in the house.

If your house was robbed in a dream- soon you will need all your courage and firmness in defending your convictions.

To see in a dream how a thief stole something personal and valuable to you,- means that in reality you are being deceived and your personal well-being is at risk.

A dream in which you are a hostage to a man who lives by stealing, usually to troubles and worries.

If you are being chased by night robbers in a dream- this also portends in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the necessary caution, especially in relationships with strangers.

If in your dream you yourself were a thief:

·you will finally be able to solve a problem that you have been struggling with for a long time. Exit from difficult situation will be unexpected right decision one of your friends will suggest you. You are required to have patience and attention to other people’s opinions, because it is “from the outside” that you will receive valuable information;

· in the near future you will experience some difficulties with money;

· you are driven by a passion that does not find its fulfillment; something is stopping you. Perhaps you are single and have long dreamed of starting a close relationship with someone. Unfortunately, no changes in my personal life are expected in the near future;

· problems and emotional experiences.

If you are going to steal something- to illness. However, rest assured: you are destined to get better!

Steal in public place - to bankruptcy and poverty.

At a friend's place- union.

Steal from yourself- to loss or decline in business.

Participate in the attempt- to aimlessly sacrifice oneself.

Commit embezzlement- your good nature will be misused.

To be in a den of villains- misfortune.

Getting caught stealing

A fleeing thief, whom you help escape for some reason,- a sign that you are very soft man and tend to find, first of all, something good in everything. This is very good quality, but sometimes it can hurt you. It’s worth taking off your rose-colored glasses and not being so naive. It will be much better if you look at the world more realistically and balancedly, learn to see things as they are.

buy stolen goods- to achieve someone's favor.

To see in a dream how you are offered to buy a stolen item,- a bad sign. Someone will try to take advantage of your personal and intimate.

To suffer from robbers, to be robbed:

· an invitation to participate in something;

· you have already suffered, although you still don’t see why.


loss, dissatisfaction;

· for women seducers, suitors.

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, robbers or robbers talk openly about your concerns about your physical and material well-being and about distrust of the people who surround you.

If in a dream you try to resist or escape, and you succeed, then the stock of yours vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks do not threaten you in reality.

But if such dreams are repeated too often, this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most losses in this life are either reparable or inevitable anyway.

Women, especially young ones, such dreams may portend a stormy romance novel, which will jeopardize their well-being.

If you defeated the robbers- expect a strong blow.


· disrespect, scandal, conflict with neighbors;

·punishment, losses, troubles.

Stealing different things in a dream means safety and success in the business you have started.

Getting caught stealing means that you will be hindered in your enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

If you dream that you stole something and are being chased, this means that failures in business await you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If in a dream you yourself are chasing a thief or caught him- this means that in reality you will cope with your enemies.

If you are being chased by robbers in a dream- in reality, expect complications in relations with your opponents. You should be especially careful in relationships with strangers.

They rob you- a good deal.

Seeing a thief in a dream or being robbed- a sign of loss and conflict with others. Usually such dreams indicate that someone from your environment is abusing your trust and violating your interests. Perhaps someone is underpaying you or trying to impose an unprofitable contract.

At the same time, if dreams in which you are robbed become intrusive and occur too often, then this is a reflection of your excessive fears of losing your well-being. In this case, you need to learn to deal with losses more easily, otherwise constant fear will drain your nervous system, which can result in many errors and failures.

If the “criminal” is already known to you or is your real lover, then your existing connection may be severed or condemned by people close to you.

If you dreamed that you were robbed:

· in reality you will find out who your ill-wishers are and what their plans are; for a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of someone’s anger and envy;

· often has a literal meaning, but rather than stealing money or things, they can steal ideas, copyrights, etc.;

·successful deal and relationship.

If you were robbed on a grand scale in a dream, leaving practically nothing, - good sleep, it promises you favorable deals, successful contracts.

If your house is robbed in a dream or place of work, then this means that fate will require courage and firmness from you in defending your convictions. Such a dream promises misfortune to careless people.

If you dream that you are a thief and the police are chasing you,- failure in business awaits you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If you dream that you are a pickpocket,- then you can get information illegally.

If you dreamed that you stole something:

· such a dream can be a warning: you should not take risks in reality, as this can lead to loss or damages;


Getting caught stealing means that we will be hindered in our enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

Catch a thief in a dream:

· a sign that you will be able to solve your problems and defend your interests;

·at this life stage you are able to “move any mountains.” If you do not miss your opportunities, success will await you both in business and in your personal life.

Chase a thief:

family quarrels;

· for women- a fan who will bring a lot of disappointments;

· defeat your enemies.

Caught thief- you should beware of making too hasty decisions, because, although at first glance they seem correct, in fact they will only bring harm. In your position, you need to think about every step, then you will easily achieve success. The more seriously you take the problem you need to solve, the better. It is even possible that in present moment you should not be active, but wait: perhaps the situation will resolve itself.

Seeing a thief running away in a dream portends a search for ways out of confusing situations that you cannot find. The solution you just found will constantly elude you.

A dream in which you found an item stolen by a thief,- symbolizes well-being and prosperity created by your personal labor.

If in a dream you see yourself as a detective who finds an item stolen by a thief, this means that in real life you will find what you have been missing. The dream promises prosperity and well-being, which will reward your efforts.

The presence of this word in other interpretations:

Robbery, robbery - an attack with the aim of taking possession of the property of a potential victim, theft of funds using crude and primitive violent methods. Robbery in a dream means some internal conflict, which, quite possibly, has a continuation in reality.

Scenes with violence, chases, beatings, and robberies in dreams are the most common. Still, under the veneer of civilization, politeness and good manners humanity at its core remains an aggressive and evil savage tribe. And that's great. The ability to violence, to achieve goals through overcoming, provides the very progress that takes us into space, forces us to build, invent, master and conquer nature. Not a single humanistic idea has a creative beginning.

If you dream that you are being robbed, this is a reason to strengthen security measures, think through your defense, and take a closer look at the people who were involved in the robbery in your dream. If you are the one robbing, it is quite possible that you are really ready for the most extreme measures. Think about what you really want to get, and whether it is possible to get what you need with minimal risk, without direct influence.

Mostly, dreams of robbery mean money. Beggars are not afraid of robbery. Seeing a warning in a dream, you will be able to prepare for aggressive actions and prevent theft.

  • If you dream that someone is robbing you in your home, rummaging through tables, safes and drawers in your absence, looking for jewelry, documents, designs, manuscripts - someone in reality is hunting for your designs, property and what you value it more than anything. Robbery of a home is a sign of self-doubt and vulnerability. Consider your security policy. It may be a good idea to separate the location of any public meetings from your place of residence.
  • In some cases, robbery is not associated with material assets. For example, someone has his eye on your wife, for whom you buy diamonds, and pity her tender heart and dreams of improving his financial well-being. Perhaps she herself will ask for a nice and hard-working guy. In this case, you may well see in a dream how a nice guy is rummaging through your pockets. Pay attention to such moments.
  • If you dream that a robbery scenario is happening at work, they are trying to trick you and steal your achievements and successes. Perhaps the robber does not belong to your company, but to your competitors.
  • Rob a bank in a dream. Perhaps you have watched Westerns and become infected with the romance of the Wild West. Enter gracefully, shoot at the ceiling - This is a robbery! Everyone lie down! Darling, please put the money in this bag - a tempting get-rich-quick scenario. You are a romantic. It's a pity that in modern world Such scenarios don't work. But in your sleep you can enjoy it. This is a dream about a dream and light childishness. In reality, guys with big guns rarely lived past 25. A dream about a bank robbery can mean lucrative business offers.
  • A store robbery is a wonderful dream, especially if there is good choice goods and cash register. In reality, this means entering new markets and advising you to adhere to an aggressive marketing policy.

Strange robberies in dreams

Since a robbery is a sign of confusion, uncertainty, and doubt, dreams often appear with an absurd mixture of plots, when robbers make threats, steal a car, try to come to an agreement “on good terms,” demonstratively damage and break property, and behave illogically and inconsistently.

Such dreams generally show a complex attitude towards oneself, disregard for material assets and at the same time a lack of funds, internal struggle. You need to calm down, buy yourself some ice cream, relax, go to the movies. If your sleep continues to bother you, go to a psychologist and sort it out together with a professional. Help from a professional is always a great time saver. Almost everything can be done on your own, but it will take longer and worse.

Interpretations of robbery according to authoritative sources

  • Miller's dream book states that a robbery in a dream means your own helplessness and insolvency, your readiness to act on the advice of others, and listen too much to outside recommendations.
  • Hasse's dream book believes that a robbery in a dream will allow you to avoid the wrath of the big boss in reality. Keep your nose to the wind and the storm will pass by. Don't talk about premonitions and prophetic dreams- everyone will run away and you will be left alone with an angry boss.
  • Longo's dream book pays attention to street robberies. If you are interested in a professional whose approach you didn’t even notice, this promises good career prospects. If you are the robber, be extremely careful in reality and, of course, refuse illegal measures. Finally, go to training on “how to manage people” and practice regularly on your own boss.


Robbery is a common dream plot, characteristic of difficult, turning points in life. Perhaps your worldview needs to change. Some people will lose your trust, you will make new friends and, quite possibly, make enemies.

The most best enemies are obtained from former friends who suddenly lose access to free benefits. Hold your tongue, don't talk too much.

Why do robbers dream? According to the dream book compiled by Gustav Miller, such a dream promises a quick lucrative offer. Here we need to interpret it “the other way around”: the more the attacker steals in a dream, the better the situation will be in reality. However, deciphering a dream depends on many of its details.


Sigmund Freud, compiling his dream book, wrote that a woman being attacked by criminals predicts a sexual adventure. Moreover, the more criminals there were, the more reasons there will be to succumb to temptation and indulge in all seriousness. Also, such a plot suggests that the person is now very popular, is the object of someone’s envy or attempts to get closer.

If in a dream a hooligan attacked you in a remote alley, then in real life you will have to fork out a lot. It is possible that the dreamer will buy himself a car or an apartment. A bad omen is an attack by a gang of robbers who did not hesitate to threaten the sleeping person with violence. In reality, a person may well end up in the wrong company.

"Visit" of the burglar

Why do you dream about the robbery of the dreamer’s apartment? According to Gustav Miller’s dream book, the dream does not bode well. The sleeper will soon be mired in the abyss of small family quarrels, work difficulties and discrepancies in approaches to the implementation of the project. It is also worth preparing for confrontation with relatives living separately.

What does the plot mean in which the thief got in without disturbing the owners? In the past, you made several mistakes that will appear now. But if the robber in a dream does not pay attention to you, then in the near future your significant other will cheat on you.

The dreamer is a criminal

What could a dream mean in which you yourself participate in the theft? Well, this is not such an uncommon plot. In reality you will have to compete with someone. Perhaps you will participate in competitions. According to the Gypsy dream book, victory awaits you.

If in a dream a person opens a bank vault, then any of his investments will be extremely profitable.

Pickpockets and hooligans

Why dream of a robbery in which the sleeper lost everything he had with him? Gustav Miller's dream book says that you need to prepare for total bad luck. And upcoming contracts can tarnish your good name.

If a person was picked off by a pickpocket in a dream, expect small but sudden expenses. If the criminals took the jewelry, then among your close people there is a selfish person who will try to take advantage of you.

Capture the villain

If in a dream you managed to catch a burglar, then you will soon be able to get rid of old complexes. And if a citizen falls into a special trap of a sleeping person during an attempt at robbery, then the dream books claim that in real life he is crazy about the dreamer.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Robber dream in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Robber” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Robber - are you being robbed of your energy or what is rightfully yours? It may also mean that you should take care of your property so that you do not get robbed in the future.

Dream book for a bitch

Robber - you will find that close person treats you dishonestly, and you will demand an explanation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, robbers or robbers- they openly talk about your fears for your physical and material well-being and your distrust of the people around you.

If in a dream you try to resist or escape, and you succeed- your supply of vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks do not threaten you in reality.

But if such dreams are repeated too often- this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most losses in this life are either reparable or inevitable anyway.

Women, especially young women, have such dreams- may portend a stormy love affair that will jeopardize their well-being.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how a burglar breaks into your apartment- to an uninvited guest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Coming face to face with a robber in a dream- you will be robbed in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Robber - this dream is a warning against meeting a bad person.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Robber in a dream?

If you are being chased by night robbers in a dream- this also portends in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the need to be careful, especially in relation to people you don’t know well.

To be seriously harmed by robbers in a dream- receive an invitation to participate in something.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a robber- means that in reality you subconsciously expect someone’s insidious deception or aggression.

Solomon's Dream Book

Robber - lost.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Robber according to the dream book?

Robbers - loss, dissatisfaction; for a woman, seducers, suitors.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you robbed someone- one of your friends or acquaintances will have good luck in business in the near future.

You dreamed that you were robbed- you will receive it soon a large amount money.

A dream in which one of your relatives became a robber- in the near future you will live in abundance.

If you dreamed that one of your friends became a robber- you have nothing to worry about, your friends will help you in difficult times.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Robbers, get hurt by them- an invitation to participate in something.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Robber according to the dream book?

Robbers are envious.

If you were robbed- have already suffered, although you still don’t see why.

If you defeated the robbers- expect a strong blow.

Video: Why do you dream of a Robber?


Did you dream about a Robber, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Robber in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    first, at my work, robbers demand money, I was able to fight them off, then I see robbers breaking into my parents’ house, breaking down the doors and I push them out with all my might (sleep is heavy from Saturday to Sunday)

    Good afternoon In a dream, the robber stole money and documents, it seems like he even told me to bring them, and I brought them. He was supposed to receive the money by check, and took the documents as collateral. In my dream I was thinking about how to detain it upon receipt, and someone in my dream explained to me what rules I should follow so as not to attract the attention of the robber, not to get a lot of money, or something else.

    Good day! I dreamed that from the window I could see how my dad was about to be robbed; he recently had heart surgery. When I approached them, the guy said: calm down, grandpa, you have someone to look after you, but I need money more.
    The money was in a purse, in a box, a large amount, 100 and 5000 bills. I collected the money and we ran, when we stopped, the thief was nearby and wanted to hit my dad so that I would give him the money, I put the money on the ground. There she found a large knife and pushed the guy away from his father. The guy ran into the wall, and at that moment I hit him in the stomach with a knife, pulled out the knife and pushed the guy so that he fell. But I definitely saw that the knife went in a maximum of 2 cm. There was no blood. A man came up, I knew it was a doctor, he said that everything was fine and I should think about my daughters. Thanks for the interpretation.

    I dreamed that I entered the elevator and met robbers (2 women), I immediately understood what it was they, and mind Todna runs away from them to the guards and I wait for the police, the police don’t come and they both run away and then I dreamed of the sea and that I was swimming in the pool

    Two robbers break into the apartment and when the young man enters my room, I kiss him passionately, as if calming him down... but he is unknown to me both in reality and in the dream... then he comes and talks to me in some rich, fashionable apartment, apparently belonging to him in a dream my aunt...in a dream we seem to be meeting.....I had a similar dream where I am in a squad on a train carrying a dangerous criminal but his girlfriend frees him...and they fall out of the train into the snow...then the situation is transferred to my house and the squad and I are running away from the criminal is loopy... he catches up with me but doesn’t kill me and say something like hand it over to the professor or go back to the base, I don’t remember (I’m not a student myself and I don’t know the professor)

    I dreamed that I was calmly walking down the street... and I saw some woman stealing a cell phone from another girl. She still stole the cell phone and ran after me. I held my phone very tightly in my hands.. the thief runs up and says, “Give me the cell phone.” I said “no.” He kept beating and there were grandmothers on her way and she didn’t steal them. I quickly ran up to the man in the car and asked him to call the police so they could catch her. Well, that’s all :) All this was in the evening.

    I dreamed that I heard something rustling at the door, and then they started knocking, I went up and looked through the peephole, there were several men standing there, they asked to let them in.. I ran around the apartment in a panic, and then suddenly woke up, I dream about this quite often, sometimes it happened that thieves came into my apartment, but did not cause harm, did not take anything, but said something

    I dreamed that in a dream I was chasing robbers (a man and a woman) who had committed a theft for what seemed like 1,500 rubles, I was chasing them on a train, during the chase many people were pushed aside, a lot of things were broken and turned over, especially in the dining car, I woke up on that that he arrested the man and got ready to run after the girl

    Hello. I often have a similar dream. Someone is trying to open front door. I run up to her and try to hold the door. I call my relatives for help, but everyone walks calmly and no one is worried. In my dream, I am very worried that robbers are about to break into our place. After several attempts, they still open the door, despite the fact that I am holding the door and, in general, it is locked. The moment they open the door, the dream ends. And yesterday I dreamed that they opened our front door and walked in. But after I told them that I called the police, they leave, promising to come back another time. Please explain why I have been having the same dream for several years now?

    In the house where I used to work (I had a hairdresser there), I found myself with my things. Suddenly a man came in and asked how much the premises cost. I said that it was not for sale and kicked him out. Then my husband went outside, I also went for a walk. All things They stayed in the room. And when she arrived, all her things were ransacked and the most valuable things were stolen, including documents.
    I had a dream in the morning from Tuesday to Wednesday.

    to us two-story house, the robber broke out a window on the first floor, while he was fighting with my husband, I ran to the second floor, hid the children, took a gun, and when he entered the nursery, I shot at him and killed him.

    Thieves broke into my house and tried to catch up with me and my sister. I tried to run away... it was very scary. They were all in black. It ended when the thieves were caught and my sister and I were going home, but they took the money.

    I dreamed that I was at home with my mother and they turned off the light and tota rang at the door, my mother went to open the peephole through the peephole and he was a stalemate, he hit my mother on the galava and she had a satrice of the brain and vasne I was thinking about Nazhe but when I walked quickly after pressing, he tried to open the doors but I woke up with tears

    I’m walking down the street, a man snatches my bag from my hands, I see him only from the back, he quickly moves away and I realize with horror that I can’t catch up with him, I don’t have the strength to run, I scream at the top of my voice to stop him that he is a thief, and suddenly I see that there are no people around, the street is completely empty for some reason and I wake up with strong feeling fear, all the documents are in the bag and what should I do next?

    Hello! We were sitting with a guy in a white car, then the guy left somewhere, I I was left alone, the windows in the car were open, I saw the robbers from afar, I wanted to close the door, but didn’t have time, they tried to enter the car, and it’s not clear whether they wanted to rob me personally or the car.

    I had a lot in my bag large sum paper money and two men were constantly chasing me, in the end they caught up with me and took away my bag, and at the same time they cut a vein on my hand with a knife, but there was no money in the bag

    Well, I dreamed that my mother and I came to my grandmother, then I saw a robber, he approached, my mother wanted to hit him, but he knocked her over and hit her above the shoulder blade with a knife, then I started beating him, and then I woke up, I’m only 13 years old

    There was a grocery store. Me and mine ex-boyfriend We bought something there, then went out and sat next to the entrance on the window sill. The store itself was located in some residential building on the 4th floor. People came into the store, and we started laughing at something. Very much. Then some people I didn’t like came into the store. And suddenly the lights in the store turned off, then came back on. The doors were covered with curtains. I saw the face of one frightened girl, who was also in this little bandage, which was unpleasant to me. Next comes the policewoman. We tell her: we are scared. She said: me too. We got very scared and ran away. We left the entrance. The most unpleasant girl from this little band comes out behind us. She managed to save. But, however, the three of us spoke nicely. Although this girl and my ex had a relationship before. Mom called me and told me not to go near this house. The three of us went for a walk. My ex tried me in every possible way (apparently I miss this) and then we somehow ended up at this house and my mother shouts to me from the window from the 9th floor of the same house: what did I tell you? Get away from this house. The dream has fallen...

    I was waiting in line at the cashier, I wanted to pay for something. A man came into the cash register, let one person pass in line (let him pay), I was next, the robber came out and put a gun to my head. On background Some hesitation began and he became distracted by them. I approached the mother and child and we began to move quietly towards the exit, taking advantage of the moment that the robber was distracted, and left. Then they started running, I stammered, tried to call the police, but it didn’t work. Then I heard the voice of a woman who asked me to stop, I turned around it was a woman from the police. I explained to her that there was a robber in the building and woke up.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana. For three years, I have periodically had a terrible dream that I am alone at home, a man breaks into my apartment, and I cannot close the door: either the latch is broken, or the key does not turn, or the lock does not work, or the door jambs fall apart, the door comes off its hinges. Something always prevents me from closing the door and I feel a sense of horror because I know that this person is a danger to me and wishes me harm. A man is always different. Not the same person. Most often I don’t even see the face and don’t know who it is. But sometimes I know that it’s my neighbor across the street (my grandfather, who generally lives harmlessly and doesn’t bother anyone). When I lived in another apartment, people were breaking into my apartment, and when I moved into this one, they started breaking in. But last time this dream became more frequent. I dreamed about it three times in a week. I can’t associate it with anything and I don’t understand what it means or how to get rid of it. Such intrusive dreams can also cause a phobia.

    I saw a gang of bandits, 4 men and 1 woman, climb through the window of my apartment and brazenly begin to roam around the apartment and take whatever they want, ignoring me and my family, and even mocking us
    I managed to call the police and they were arrested

    Just some man, like a friend, came to my house. Then his friends came, then I realized that they wanted to rob me. Then I went outside under the supervision of one of them. Then some couple drove up in a car and I tried to show them that they were threatening me...

    I somehow ended up in my aunt’s house (house color: green), I was sleeping on the bed at my aunt’s house, then I wake up and see my aunt’s husband and their two daughters going out to play. Then I somehow saw that my mom and dad and my brothers were going to a big store. And next to the house there are three people in black clothes and a hat with which you can cover your face. I hear them talking that they want to rob their aunt's house. A few minutes later, they make their way into the house, I stood waiting for them to come in, they came in, I followed them slowly. I see they are already looking for everything, everything is a mess. I closed my eyes, opened them and everything was clean and neat. I walk further and see a robber under my feet. He was sitting with his back to me and was looking for something, I somehow capture him and he lies asleep :). And I see there is no one everywhere. then for some reason my little brother comes to me and sits in front of the TV. Then I called from someone else’s phone and told my aunt about it. And I woke up

    The robbers (two men) are breaking into the doors, they have already broken the lock, I am holding the doors, but they still broke in. They seem to claim that this is their apartment and say that they also have documents. I call the police, but they won’t let me! There is a fight between us, but I manage to call the police! The police arrived and I woke up!

    Good afternoon Today I dreamed that a thief or a bandit wanted to open my front door at night, he pulled it by the handle with such force that it was all wobbly, and I held it on the other side so as not to break it.

    I struggled up the narrow path up the mountain. When I got to the site, a daring guy blocked me. I managed to move him and push him down from the site. He grabbed the strap of the bag with documents and began to cruelly pull it out. I woke up

    Some kind of car (burgundy, seven) drove up to my entrance, I went up, opened the doors for them, then closed them and asked what they needed and to whom they didn’t take them, but just said, “Open up!” there were two of them and then they all entered my apartment and they opened it, I knocked, they didn’t open it, and so they came to everyone

    I dreamed that my family and my sister’s family went to nature. It’s strange, but there was too much stuff in the car for a short trip. And the car didn’t look big, but everyone fit in it, although the Naps’ families are not small. And when we got to the place, it turned out that my sister remained at home. I followed her. When I came home there was a man standing there with a bag. I asked him, “Who are you, what do you need?”
    He didn't answer and walked towards the door. He opened it. And at that moment I ran up and hit the wall face-first with my hair. He fell. By this time the others had arrived. At this point the dream ended.

    as if I walked into the fence of a house and heard someone knocking hard and for a long time. I approached, and without opening the fence door I found myself at the very top of the fence and the robber asked me something, I answered him, and then I woke up.

    Hello Tatyana. I had a dream as if I arrived at an apartment that I sold 6 years ago. But I didn’t sell my feelings. My husband and I first went into our apartment and then went to the neighbors and there I told my husband by name, you closed the door to the apartment, he answered me no. I go out and I understand that someone could have entered with the idea of ​​robbing and I see open door. I go in and find unknown woman and a man and shouting to call my husband by name. Then I woke up from screaming.

    Today I had a very dream strange dream, I dreamed about him earlier, but not with such details. Before that, I dreamed that a friend of mine, whom I don’t know very well, robbed me and snatched my bag, but then it all ended with me calling the police and everything was returned to me. And today I dreamed of almost the same plot, she snatches my bag, starts to run away, I ask you to leave me at least my passport, she scatters my things while running away, I try to pick up these things, but I can’t, then I see that she took everything gold from my house and broke into mine social network and began to write disgusting things to my close friends. Like in the last dream, I called the police, but this time they didn’t help.

    I’m in some house, as if it’s my apartment, I’m sleeping in bed, evening, an unfamiliar man enters through the balcony, well dressed, in my opinion, in a dark red sweater, it seems with a mustache, and demands money from me, I answer that it’s money No, and I’m asking how you got onto the balcony, because it’s high. I go out onto the balcony and see a road that leads straight to my balcony.

    In public, my boyfriend took out a wad of money and gave it to me. A lot of people noticed. One guy attacked me, I knocked him out and ran forward after the guy, gave him some of the money, or everyone... they fled, I almost got hit by a car, tried to call for help, no one responded. Several people were running after us. Already. It got dark
    I was tired, I saw a guy running in the distance, and I hid behind the bushes and fell there, exhausted.

    Hello, I had a dream: masked robbers are breaking into my house, I am running away from them and asking my neighbor, or rather shouting to him, to call the police. Why is this dream, please explain to me...

    Hello! I dreamed that a robber stole my favorite phone from me, but I caught him. She also pointed it out to me next to me standing girl, she was selling something, a saleswoman, I didn’t see the fact (moment) of the theft. I grabbed the robber, began to beat him severely and demanded that he return the phone... then I woke up

    Hello, I dreamed that the robbers were breaking in the door, even though they saw that I was in the apartment, they still continued to do their job, I supported one door and they could not enter and so the dream ended

    In a dream, a robber burst into my house and opened the first door. I opened the inner door and screamed. There was a woman at the entrance who helped take the robber to the police station. Creepy. But in my dream I’m glad that I caught him.

    Someone was opening the door of our apartment with their key, I went to look and saw the man, I decided that it was a thief (bandit) and slammed the door, my young man went into the entrance and talked to them (there were about 5 of them there), and when one of them I tried to get into our apartment again, I cut him with a knife. I've had a similar dream before, three unknown men they tried to get into the yard of our personal house (dacha), I defended myself from them and also cut them with a knife (they died).

    I was driving the car, the road was uneven, I coped with it, although I had been driving recently (in a dream - I don’t drive at all in life). Then we got out of the car and walked, then I remembered that I hadn’t locked it. My company and I went to check it out, it turned out there were a lot of robbers there - they pulled everyone out. We tried to stop them, some ran away, some stayed and tried to stupefy us with some means, but my friends saw through them and drank the antidote…. then I woke up :)

    I dreamed that at first
    I walked along the rails, they were moving, I didn’t see the train,
    And suddenly I was walking along some street, I turned around and there were two graves behind me, when I saw them I ran
    Then it turned out that I was sitting with friends and this robber was no longer there

    I dreamed that a robber wanted to enter our house, and I knew that he had the key and I wanted to protect my house. I'm trying to hold the door so he doesn't break in on us. I asked my family for help, but it was late and everyone went to bed except me. I was terribly afraid of him and sat near the door all night and felt how he was trying to enter the door, how he was pulling the lock to enter. This is not the first time I had such a dream, I dreamed something similar long before this dream, in it I also tried to protect the house. Thank you in advance!

    The doorbell rings and my mother opens the door. A thief comes in and demands 50,000, I don’t know what bills. But instead he starts walking around the room and picking up all sorts of things. I only saw my mother's bag. What could this mean? Thank you.

    I was at my grandmother’s, there were also some small children with me, and thieves began to appear. At first they came straight to the gate and thought about how to break into the garage, but I kicked them out. Then they came again and almost stole the little girl. I can’t tell you how I kicked them out, but it was scary. Once again the robbers came and then I don’t remember. But that was all during the day

    I dreamed that I was coming home and there were robbers in the house at my work desk, I shook them off, I left the house, I closed the door, I was dialing my mother, I couldn’t get through to the police, so I started to get nervous, they were digging all the forces, or the doors were on the verge there is still a moment that the robbers are not at the price they reacted and then worked in whatever they needed

    My friend and I were in the store. Very cheerful, talking. They collected small sweets from their hands in order to pay for them and then eat them. We saw a huge chocolate bar, there wasn’t enough money for it, and we decided to “rob” the store, took the chocolate bar, sweets and almost ran away. This is where my dream ended.
    Thank you.

    robbers break the lock into a rented apartment several times and take out all kinds of rubbish from it. then I chase them cursing, find their ambush place, but there are many defenders there, they try to lure me into some basement, but I don’t go, I back away and try to call the police, but the phone doesn’t work

    I’m driving, driving, then my classmate drives the car and drives into a dead end in an alley, I try to reverse out. I find myself in apartments where a classmate is doing renovations and I see robbers in orange suits and black masks climbing onto the balcony, I try to warn but no one hears me, then I hide the tape recorder at the moment when the robbers get me. And I woke up

    In a dream, I was relaxing in a children's camp, and then I found out that people from the past, all young guys, even one ex-lover, are planning to rob this camp. However, everything worked out and at one point I even helped

    I get up in the morning and hear rustling noises in the apartment. I wake up my brother and Uncle, but that night I slept in another bed, not my own. I go into the room and see a man dressed in a red jacket, then I go to my grandmother’s room and ask to call the police, but there is no answer.

    I wake up in my room with 2 friends from a rustling sound in the apartment, at night, we quietly get up and go with one of them to check what’s going on, my mother in the next room is also not sleeping, lies scared and points her finger at the corridor, we go into the corridor with a friend and there are 2 people there, in the dark, who climbed into our house, a fight begins, in a fit of anger I struck one of the “guests” until he stopped moving, began to walk towards the second, and he, frightened, asks not to touch him , because my friend turned on the light and discovered that I accidentally killed the first one, his head turned into mush, as I understood from my friend’s description. And we tied up the second one until the police arrived. What could such a dream mean? Everything was as realistic as possible.

    …………………I stood and did nothing, someone called my mother about the announcement (probably this is so). Then, after some time, there was a knock on the door; it was night. Mom opened it and they hit her hard and wide with a baton on the head.. (I was very scared) I saw two people in black clothes. Then (apparently I was sleeping) I fully opened my eyes, but everything was very cloudy. Everything happened in the hallway. Then, after the blow, my mother rolled onto the floor like a drunk (sorry). She muttered something, I realized she said something like “run.” I got up and went to my room... and so the dream ended. It was so realistic that when I woke up I was terribly scared. I was shaking and hot.

    My parents went on a trip, I stayed at home with my younger brother and sister, and so... I had a dream: I woke up at night and in the yard strange people they start running towards me, I start closing all the doors and they are on me, they broke the cameras

    I've been having dreams that are very similar for about 3 days now. And in all these dreams we are either robbed or killed. Today I dreamed that boys about 12 years old were killing people in our entrance, and constantly opening our door, even though it was locked with two keys, and they wanted to kill me, but I constantly see them, but I can’t somehow catch them through the walls walking, it's very strange. When I open the door, it is very difficult to do, since there are things and a corpse lying around it, I was very afraid. At the end of the dream, I managed to catch one boy (a thief) and he pulled out the electricity wire and started hitting me with it. I said that he didn’t give me an electric shock, although he did, but not hard. Then my neighbor came, he was an uncle from the lower floor in real life. And we caught one of them and prosecuted him. The others came for him, dressed as normal people Such people surrendered to the campaign, but someone in a dream said that they could not be judged because they were sacred. This was my whole dream, in the dream I felt fear and especially courage at the end.

    In a dream, I am with my daughter (5 years old). I heard men’s voices, as if on the street. I went to the kitchen. It’s twilight outside, the street is illuminated by a street lamp. I look outside the window and men are trying to climb through the window (window). They don’t see me, but I see them. They peer through the window. And then my daughter and I came very close to the window, they saw us. They got scared and ran away. This is such a dream. Only from him I woke up at night in fright, as if it was all real, with such a feeling of fear

    I look out into the ocean, the gate is open, the yard is full of strangers' dogs, I go out to kick them out, a man appears, I kick him out of the yard, he comes out and takes out a weapon and wants to shoot at me, I go into the house and then look out the window again, the gate is open, I go out, close it, and there is another man with a knife. appears and wants to open the gate to enter the yard.

    Hello! My name is Elena, I dreamed that robbers were trying to steal something in the house and my husband and I were trying to stop them so that they wouldn’t understand that they wouldn’t be allowed to steal and I bolted everything and our dog was present in the dream

    Yesterday I was driving home from work, I met a car and she accompanied me home. Then I met her at night near the house (this is all in real life), I came home, went to bed, and had a dream that this car was coming to my work, I go out in the evening and go to in his car, and there 2 non-Russian people go to a meeting, and they start, hey let’s talk hello, I’m walking closer to work under the place where there are Cameras, and they attack me to take the keys to the house, but the security guard from work doesn’t help me, The attackers are unable to take the keys from me and I notice that there are 2 more cars there and they are all working in a group. And then a special squad arrives, and shooting begins, one attacker is killed, and the special soldier is also seriously wounded, I run into work with my girl, and we stay asleep at work. Why was this all a dream?

    I dreamed that a robber was quietly knocking on the first door (shared by the neighbors and me), which was neon purple in color, I quietly opened the peephole, and there the sleepy neighbor, crossing himself, looked into my peephole, opened the common door and then the robber shot him. As a result, the thief only enters the neighboring apartment and the dream ends with him leaving the apartment along a dark entrance.