Why does a man dream? Interpretation of sleep. Why do you dream of a tall man in military uniform?


The dream in which you saw men should definitely be unraveled, because it can foreshadow very important events. To truly understand why men dream, let’s look at the interpretations from different dream books.

Women's dream book

Seeing handsome men in your dreams is a good sign. This means that you will soon be able to improve your financial situation and enjoy life. If the men were thin, then in real life you will face disappointments. If they swore at women, then expect trouble.

Maly Velesov dream book

If you dreamed of naked men, then you will gain fame in society. If they were poorly dressed, then you have to start a new business. It will help you do a lot of good. Seeing men fighting in a dream means difficult situations. If they were gloomy, it means receiving a lucrative offer of cooperation.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing men with a good figure in a black robe is a sign of committing some kind of adventure. If they were elderly - to a meeting with their past. Seeing men carrying heavy things in their arms is a sign of receiving unpleasant news. If they start a fight, it means the return of an old debt.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of handsome men, then this is the beginning of a new stage in life that will lead you to success. Seeing men playing cards in a dream means receiving an offer that will involve you in big problems.

Why did the Man dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The image of a man - both in folklore and mythology, and in dreams - naturally becomes a symbol of everything creative and active, personifying the primordial social principle. And it can represent not only the dreamer himself, but also the Yang energy that is always present within you (that masculine that is even in women). And since the strong half of humanity is also the embodiment of variability and renewal, after such a dream it is better to prepare for drastic material changes.

  • Men often spend time thinking about wealth and fame, so if you constantly dream about a man, this can promise profit in business, which you will earn through your own active actions.
  • Why dream about a man not wearing clothes - the dreamer will face misunderstanding and condemnation.
  • Seeing a man’s shiny bald head is a symbol of quick enrichment.

What did Men dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

A dreaming man is a sign of concentrated consciousness, the personification of the practical (rational) part of our thinking.

  • Why does a stranger dream about a man - it can symbolize something unknown, mysterious and therefore frightening. Some sources interpret such dreams differently: there is an enemy near you, but you have no idea who he is.
  • If you dreamed of a man in black, expect trouble from envious people who will prevent you from achieving what you want. Be careful and try to avoid ambiguous situations so as not to fuel gossip.
  • If a man was handsome in a dream, this symbolizes the success of all endeavors.
  • An ugly man dreams of disappointment and depression.
  • The man from the dream was big and strong - the dreamer should analyze the realities and do it quickly.

Why do a man dream (Romantic dream book)

  • Most love dream books interpret the dreamed man unambiguously: this means disagreements in romantic relationships and serious quarrels in the family sphere.
  • Why do you dream about an unfamiliar man? It is jealousy that torments you - you are afraid that your lover’s sexual fantasies will be satisfied by your rival. If it is not clear from the dream what kind of man this is, it means that you are dreaming of some kind of ideal, but you do not know what it should be.
  • A woman dreamed of a male friend - most likely, she secretly longs for sex with him.
  • To see that you receive a gift from a man in a dream - this can portend either a pleasant meeting or good news, or an unexpected marriage proposal.
  • What did a handsome man dream about - a date without continuation, if he was wearing a long raincoat - an unsuccessful fictitious marriage.
  • A modest stranger in a shirt invariably symbolizes family quarrels, and an intimate relationship with him will lead to large financial losses.
  • Why do men dream, if there are a lot of them, they are beautiful, well-built - unforgettable moments of fun await you, get ready for a pleasant time.
  • Many unfamiliar men - for a woman, a dream predicts career growth, success in business, for a gentleman - success in business, financial profit.
  • If you dreamed about older men, they will give you what you deserve and respect them.
  • To see a man hugging and kissing - such a dream is the personification of your dreams of an ideal partner.
  • Why does a stranger dream about a gentleman - seeing his beloved with someone else’s spouse in a dream means the appearance of a rival who has begun to pay more attention to your lady than you. If he scared you, then you will have to worry in reality about your friend or acquaintance, something will happen to him.
  • If in a dream you have an affair with a married man, you are dissatisfied with your spouse. For an unmarried girl, the dream indicates that she will get married, but unsuccessfully, and may also have affairs on the side.
  • Why do you dream about the man you broke up with - if he appears to you handsome and smiling, then this is a good sign. If he is with another woman - if the breakup was not your fault, then the dream indicates that it was the fault of the rival whom he preferred to you. To see the person you broke up with lonely and sad - he really regrets your breakup, which he himself was to blame for.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • “Talk like a man to a man” - a serious conversation, a showdown;
  • “I will make a real man out of you” (a strong, strong-willed person).
  • “Man” - the word carries a connotation of simplicity, rudeness, boorishness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Seeing a Man, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Dreaming of an abstract man means that you are in for a treat.
  • Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream foreshadows an adventure.
  • Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.
  • I dreamed of a man in prison - the implementation of long-cherished plans.
  • A male actor was dreaming about an upcoming quarrel with friends.
  • Seeing a male obstetrician in a dream means an imminent illness.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

  • If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with handsome facial features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a gentleman sees a dream, this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, and intrigues of business opponents.
  • Why does a man dream of wearing white clothes - the dream promises joy, receiving a fortune, while wearing black clothes promises loss and sadness.
  • A fat man in a dream portends you prosperity in business, and a short man - you will overcome difficult circumstances.
  • The hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those you trust.

Why do you dream about a man in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a handsome, well-built and dexterous man in a dream means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of your fortune.
  • If you dream of an ugly and sullen man, you will encounter disappointments and many difficulties.
  • A woman dreamed of a very handsome man - fame.
  • Seeing an elderly man in a dream means long life; young - anxiety.

We analyze the vision in which a man’s leg was dreamed (psychologist A. Meneghetti)

  • According to the dream book, a man’s leg is a symbol of the structures that support the entire person. This image denotes historicity as the highest positivity in life. In any case, it must be connected with the whole (that is, the individual).
  • Dream Interpretation about a representative of the stronger sex in a hat and cloak - you really don’t want to share your thoughts and feelings with the people around you, but you will have to do this.
  • Handsome - the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a long time
  • Male, naked - danger, AIDS.
  • Seeing an image with a white beard is a disease; in a shirt - for a woman - misfortune from marriage; dead on the street - opening of new income.

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to dreams. Night visions can indicate circumstances in the near future, and they also become harbingers of negative or positive moments in life.

Why does a man dream? In dreams, images come of people we meet or those who are completely unfamiliar to us. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember its important details.

Seeing and vividly remembering the image of a young man generally means some important project or work, professional advancement, or changes in life.

With visions, young people can appear in various images. Its interpretation depends on what the dream is like.

What should a sleeper pay attention to?

  • Dreaming of a man you know or a stranger.
  • What is he wearing?
  • Mood (anger, kindness, tenderness), his attitude towards the sleeping person (negative, positive).
  • Appearance, age of the young man.
  • The attitude of the sleeping person towards the stranger (aggression, sympathy, antipathy, indignation, hostility, goodwill).
  • The beginning and end of sleep.

For ladies, young people see each other when they have to decide something. Some dreams are related to the near future, while other visions indicate life circumstances that should be paid special attention to.

A dream when men pay attention to people of the opposite sex means confidence in the future and the emergence of prospects related to personal life. For a girl, such a dream is pleasant, but the near future depends on how the stranger appeared to her in the dream.

When you dream of a stranger

1. If a young woman (girl) sees a handsome young man, then such a vision portends new prospects. When a stranger appears, this is a harbinger of the onset of quick luck, long-awaited success. Many beautiful young people - to material wealth.

2. If a man dreams of strangers, then a period will soon come for the sleeper when he will need to prepare for changes in life.

  • If a stranger appears in the form of a fireman or policeman, then such a vision means problems with law enforcement agencies.
  • A happy, content stranger means receiving good news.
  • The aggression of a stranger leads to empty worries and sorrows.

3. An always young and handsome representative of the strong half of humanity portends good events. It is likely that good news will arrive soon, or that the sleeper’s important affairs will end in success.

4. An old, gray-haired stranger portends a return to the past, past relationships. The sleeper needs to turn back, and then comprehend the previously committed actions, perhaps correct some mistakes.

Gray hair color foreshadows the successful completion of any undertaking. A gray-haired man portends problems with relatives, especially if he is sad or angry.

5. Does a woman dream about an unknown man? A handsome, very pleasant young stranger is seen when successful changes are expected soon. The lady will soon experience changes that will change her life. If a lady falls in love with a stranger, then this promises her well-being in love affairs.

6. Seeing in a dream a man whose arms or head are missing from his body is not a good sign. Such a vision warns of possible troubles and problems for the sleeper.

Do you dream of a man who does not have a genital organ? This portends for young people a decrease in potency and the appearance of male diseases. A woman experiences such a vision due to sexual dissatisfaction.

A dream where men become disabled or appear sick foreshadows the emergence of dangers, problems, and anxieties.

7. Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream and then getting to know him is a sure sign that the sleeper will need the support of friends. The dream may also mean that some relatives or close friends will need help and support from the person himself.

8. When a stranger pesters or forcibly holds a sleeping person, then in real life he expects bad changes that can end in major troubles.

9. Why does a pregnant man dream? Such a vision means that the sleeper will soon have interesting ideas that will help him achieve career and personal success.

Many pregnant women - the emergence of real opportunities and interesting life events. A young man who gives birth appears in a vision when the sleeper needs to show perseverance, activity, and determination to solve some important matters.

10. A dream where a man beats or stalks a woman appears when a woman feels internal aggression against the entire male sex. A dream when a man beats a young man is a sign of the appearance of ill-wishers and envious people for the latter.

11. Any dream book, when a man acts as an aggressor, interprets the vision as a warning about dangers, hardships, and deceptive life situations.

Men's clothing color

Why does a man dream? All visions where representatives of the strongest half of humanity dream mean well-being and the appearance of good news.

If a stranger appears in a white suit, this is a sign of favorable news. A handsome young man in a white suit portends an interesting, exciting personal life. Lots of people wearing white clothes means good luck. Young people in a black suit dream of sadness and anxiety.

Any dream where a man is dressed in light clothes, and at the same time his mood is cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, portends well-being. A gloomy or dissatisfied person is a sure sign of unpleasant news and sad events.

Why do you dream of a naked man? Seeing a naked representative of the strong half of humanity is alarming. Unmarried girls see a naked young man when changes are expected in their lives that will end in love or marriage, especially when a stranger is pursuing a lady.

A lot of naked young people mean that a girl will have fans. A lot of naked men for young people portend interesting acquaintances.

If you dream of a fat man, then such a vision also means sadness or mental anxieties. A fat, handsome person dreams of the appearance of true friends who will become assistants or work colleagues for the sleeping person.

Dream about the military

What does the dream book foretell when a man appears in military clothing?

  • People in military uniform are a sign of stature, youth, confidence, and beauty.
  • To have a dream where men are fighting is a sign of anxiety or unpredictable events. A lot of military men - to problems associated with close relatives.
  • If a military man talks to a sleeping person, then this foreshadows the appearance of ill-wishers, envious people or evil people. The sleeper should be wary if the military man is gray-haired and ugly. This dream prophesies imminent failures.
  • A military man who salutes is seen as showing respect and honor to those around him. A lot of military men - to the appearance of a feeling in life, as if someone were controlling a person or subordinating his will to his desires.
  • If you dream of strangers in officer uniforms, then this foreshadows conflict situations at work. When an officer chases a woman, this is a sign of fear in real life.

Why do people with red hair dream?

Red hair color is an unkind sign. Such visions indicate problems in the sleeper’s career affairs.

However, a red beard is a harbinger of useful connections, as well as pleasant prospects. Red hair on the body (on the back, buttocks, legs) means falsehood in communicating with loved ones.

A red-haired stranger with unpleasant demeanor foreshadows intrigue and hypocrisy on the part of loved ones. A red-haired old man is a harbinger of unreasonable sorrows and empty worries.

Dreams about a bald man

A bald young man is a harbinger of a deterioration in the general physical condition of the sleeper. Hair in dreams is a symbol of prosperity and sincere feelings, and its absence indicates a lack, a sudden loss of something.

You dream of a bald person when the sleeper needs warmth and moral support. A bald elderly man is a sign of loneliness and a boring personal life.

For a young man to be bald portends problems in communicating with the opposite sex. When a young girl dreams of a bald man, then for her the vision foreshadows unrequited love or betrayal on the part of her partner.

The appearance of a black man in a dream

Unusual dreams appear to people after the occurrence of inexplicable events. A person is deeply worried about problems that arise, so he dreams of unusual visions.

Blacks often dream of change. The interpretation of night vision depends on how blacks behave in dreams.

A black man in dreams foreshadows new changes and unusual events. Sexual intercourse with a black man is a sign of loneliness and monotony. Many blacks are a sign of the difficult state of mind of the sleeper; the dream indicates many anxieties, grievances and sad events.

When a black man pursues a sleeping person, then in real life such a vision becomes a harbinger of danger. When a black man pesters a person or even beats him, this portends a painful state for the latter.

A bald black man dreams of financial ruin. A gray-haired and ugly black man is seen in a dream as a sign of envious people.
Author: Tatyana Agishina

The article on the topic: “dream book of a very tall man” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Did a tall man appear in your dream? This is a symbol of unfulfilled dreams and at the same time progress in the business sphere, increased passion, love and other emotions. To clearly find out what the image is about in a dream, the dream book suggests analyzing it in detail.

According to Miller

If a lady dreams of a handsome man, then a happy life and complete satisfaction await her. Seeing an ugly and dissatisfied man is bad. You are destined for disappointment and boredom.

Fame or difficulty?

Why do you dream of a perfectly built tall man? In a dream, he is associated with strength, confidence, reliability, intelligence, and commitment.

If a woman dreams of a cute and smiling character, then the dream book is sure that she has chosen a successful life partner. This same image means that success and fame await the dreamer.

But if the man was ugly and angry, then get ready for troubles associated with loved ones. To these will be added numerous obstacles and obstacles in the business sphere.

Why do you dream of a very tall man? In a dream, this is how excessive self-confidence, exorbitant ambitions, narcissism and other qualities are reflected.

Did you happen to see a very big man showing signs of attention? The dream book predicts: a quick acquaintance will completely change your life, making it bright and happy.

If you dreamed that your own husband is very tall, then current affairs and plans will be implemented in the best possible way.

Be careful!

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar big man, then you will be drawn into a dubious adventure. If a stranger scared you terribly in a dream, then in reality problems will arise because of someone you care about.

Decoding by appearance

According to the dream book, a tall man indicates that the events predicted by the vision will come true in the near future. Therefore, further interpretation of the dream should be based on more specific meanings.

  • Blonde - easy flirting, frivolous relationships.
  • Brunette - an interesting acquaintance, meeting.
  • Red - deception, betrayal.
  • Wild – passion, spiritual degradation.
  • Hairy - wealth.
  • Naked - strong fear, anxiety.
  • Dead - a new source of income.
  • In white - joy, profit.
  • In black - loss, sadness.
  • Having a beard is a disease.

If a tall and even fat man appeared in a dream, then pleasant events are approaching.

Loneliness or friendship?

Why do you dream about a tall man hugging you? In real life, you will meet your future chosen one or make a good friend.

Did you dream that a drunken big guy is trying to hug you, and you fight back? The dream book promises long loneliness. It’s bad to see someone you know hugging. This is an omen of illness.

If you are embraced by a relative, then get ready for a quarrel or betrayal. The tenderness of a stranger promises a long journey, and the enemy promises reconciliation with him.

Take action!

What does it mean if a tall man wants to dance in a dream? The dream book is sure: these are urgent plans that remind us of themselves. If the person is familiar, then the old business requires a completely new approach.

Did you dream that you had a chance to dance with a huge man and feel awkward? expect serious difficulties in the amorous field.

It's good to dance in dreams with pleasure. The image promises happy relationships, successful cooperation and excellent prospects.


Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the RuNet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days do you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, but on 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of Junona.org - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale-mythological, esoteric, catch phrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

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Dream Interpretation

Very tall man

Dream Interpretation Very tall man dreamed of why a very tall man dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a very tall man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

“Dream Interpretation of a Tall Man dreamed of why a Tall Man dreams in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Tall Man

Why do you dream of a tall man in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of a tall man? The dream promises significant success in the work sphere. Senior management will appreciate your professional qualities.

It is possible that proving yourself will result in a new position. However, it may do without major changes, and will be limited to an increase or bonus.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream of a tall Man, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why a tall man dreams in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Please help me interpret the dream - lately I have been dreaming very often of one type of man - a TALL man. Either I ride a motorcycle with him, then we dance as a couple, and my baby is sleeping in my arms, then he goes to bed with me, but nothing like that happens between us, he just hugs me and, most importantly, I benefit from this Everything is very pleasant... This man is unfamiliar to me, he is very different from my husband, but I don’t remember his face. What could all this mean? Thank you!

I dreamed that I was walking with a guy arm in arm, either in the park, or just along the sidewalk, everywhere the grass was green and the flowers were planted, the guy was tall (I dreamed of an acquaintance of mine, he was tall), he walked with me as if unwillingly , at some point he pushes my hand away, I went forward offended, he walks behind me, after walking a little I stopped and walked up to him and again tried to take his arm, although he still started walking with me (this feeling like you are pulling a stubborn animal)

I’m standing at a stop where there are a lot of people and a very tall young man is standing in front of me. I don’t remember what he was talking to him about, but I remember that I apologized to him because he didn’t like that they were talking to him in YOU. Then a yellow bus came up and I was pulled into the crush. him.Then I woke up.

this man was very tall, I had never seen him before, but in the dream he was an acquaintance of mine. My relatives were with us, we were walking somewhere all the time and worms were crawling on us, which we kept throwing off of us

She danced in a pale pink dress with a very tall man in a dark, elegant suit who resembled a famous actor. They danced almost professionally.

I dreamed of a pleasant middle-aged man, he hugs me from behind and leads me somewhere, and I feel so good with him, comfortable, I feel protected and want to go with him?)

A tall, thin man is trying to look into or enter the slightly open apartment door. I try to close it without letting the man in. He seems to be holding the door. I deceive him - I call him a man’s name (like my husband). The man lets go of the door and I close it. The feeling from sleep is unpleasant, even somehow ominous.

Locking many male acquaintances in one house, trying to save them from a nuclear explosion. Lock the door with a wire

I dreamed of a young man I knew, but for some reason he was very tall. We were walking with him, he hugged me very tightly, and at the end he knelt down and began to apologize

Today in a dream I dreamed of a boy but (whom I like), he constantly looked at me, smiled at me, and carried a briefcase - what is this for. Tell me please)))

The man in a hat and a big tall coat, I couldn’t see his face. I remember the dream very dimly. The man was alone.

Hello,! I had a strange dream from January 18 to 19, on a holiday. Like somewhere I was walking and then a man came up, all of him seemed to appear out of nowhere. even his face was white, like his long clothes. And he looked at me and screamed loudly, this scream was incomprehensible, more like a scream. Moreover, when he made these screaming sounds, his cheeks and lips, also white, developed as if a strong stream of air was directed at his face. So he shouted at me, and a little to the side, like in the desert, on snow-white sand, the same people in white clothes were waiting for him. Those people began to call him, just as incomprehensibly, he began to rush a little between me and them, and then he went to them. And I woke up. He was very tall, I looked up to him, and he looked at me, from top to bottom. This is such a strange dream.

in a dream I saw three men I knew in different episodes, and it was strange that I dreamed of those who were tall, my ex, I drove past him and saw him working at a construction site. My uncle, we ate cake (also tall) and my mother-in-law’s husband sat at the table with him, he drank vodka.

A tall man whom I know, but have not seen for a very long time, in a dream he is much taller than in life, I go into the apartment and throw myself on his neck

I dreamed that I gave birth to a daughter, while I felt pregnant, but I don’t remember a big belly, and I also don’t remember how the birth took place. I held my daughter, wrapped in a blanket, in my arms, but also laid her on the green grass. Then I saw from the side a tall young man, outwardly a little similar to my man, but at the same time I understand that my newborn daughter has turned into this black-haired tall young man.

Hello Tanya. I'm not a good storyteller, but I'll try. In general, in a dream, I and the man whom I love in life (what does it have to do with a family man and my unrequited love), we find ourselves in one big house, there are many children here, my children and his, he sets me up with his twin brother and I find out this later, that he has a twin brother. Thus he tried to tell me that nothing could happen between us, although I feel that this is not so. I feel like I’ve been deceived and my love has simply been trampled, I’m trying to figure out why in this way it was necessary to tell me that it’s clear that I’m not asking him to leave the family, I just needed a little attention from him. And how could his brother succumb to this adventure? And then I tell him that he cannot offend me and that he will suffer much more than me. Some time passes, we find ourselves somewhere on a ship, in the (clean) water there are a lot of different fish, and it’s so beautiful. And a conversation occurs between us that I will forget this incident if he does not forbid me to love him, that it will not bother anyone. And that only next to him I feel like a woman. And the dream ends with our kiss. To be stupefied like in a movie.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Why do you dream of a tall man in military uniform?

    Representatives of the stronger sex in women's dreams symbolize strength, protection and confidence in the future. If you dream of a tall man, interpreters associate his image with a career takeoff and dizzying plans. To understand what events the tall man prophesies in the dream book, the dreamer should remember his appearance.

    What if you dream of a tall man?

    In a woman's dream, did she dream of a tall man? The dream book considers such a plot to be an omen of successful professional activity. In the near future, the dreamer will be able to show her best side at work, which will earn the respect of her colleagues and superiors. It is possible that a substantial cash bonus and promotion awaits her ahead.

    A dream in which the dreamer dreams of a very tall man promises her the emergence of dizzying plans regarding her career and personal life. If the dreamed man was not only tall, but also well-fed, then in reality the woman will have a stable future next to a reliable life partner. Was the hero of the young lady's dream dressed in a military uniform? In the near future she will be lucky enough to occupy an advantageous position in society. Also, a dream can predict a stormy romance for the dreamer with a person in military service.

    How to decipher a dream in which a woman saw a familiar person or a close relative in the image of a tall man? A dream with a similar plot foreshadows events that will cause her anxiety and sadness. In addition, the dream may promise her an undeserved insult or humiliation of her own dignity.

    Did you dream of a tall man sitting on some elevation? The dream foreshadows favorable events that will change the life of a sleeping person beyond recognition. If in a dream you saw a tall, rich man, then in reality the woman will experience stunning success in business. For a lonely girl, the image of a rich giant predicts a meeting with a pleasant person who in the future will become her reliable and close friend.

    The emergence of new successful prospects promises a woman a dream in which she happened to see a tall young man. The appearance of a huge old man in her night dreams promises her the successful implementation of tasks that she had put off for a long time, fearing that they would be beyond her power. Did you dream of a tall, mature man? In reality, the dreamer will be able to carry out her plans if she seeks advice from a loved one whom she trusts.

    What does it portend?

    A tall brunette in a dream warns a woman about the need to be careful with those who offer her help. It is possible that these people are driven by selfish motives. How does the dream book interpret a dream with a blond man? A tall man with blond hair promises the dreamer success and a favorable completion of the work she has begun. If you dream of a red-haired man, then the woman will have a meeting ahead of her with a man whom she can trust in everything.

    How to understand a dream in which a woman saw her own boss being very tall, but not very tall in real life? Interpreters are confident that such a picture promises her in reality the need to submit to a strong and influential person. If in a dream you saw a tall person well-known in society (for example, an actor, singer or politician), then soon important changes will occur in the dreamer’s life that will please her.

    A tall man in dreams foreshadows mostly favorable events. To finally decipher the dream, a woman needs to pay attention to the mood of her night guest. If he looked cheerful, then the dreamer will have pleasant events in the future. If the man was dissatisfied with something, the woman will experience unpleasant emotions.

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  • As the dream book explains, a man in a dream foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance, a successful course of affairs, well-being, romantic relationships, and happiness. Why else do you dream about him? Sometimes this image promises disappointment, gossip, unrequited love.

    Interpretation according to the Enigma dream book and others

    Have you seen an interesting man in your night dreams? The Enigma dream book explains: this is a harbinger of a harmonious relationship with a partner, good health, and active vital energy.

    For a girl, a young man in a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance. But if the dreamer is afraid, he will not be as good as she imagined.

    Why do you dream about a handsome man? According to Miller, you will receive a large amount of money, this will give you confidence in the future.

    Were there several of them in your environment in the dream? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: you have a reliable partner who protects and supports any endeavors.

    What kind of man did you see?

    Remember what kind of man you happened to see:

    • affectionate - recognition, success will spoil you;
    • sick - changes are needed in your life;
    • blonde - good progress;
    • brunette - be careful, don’t trust everyone;
    • unknown - surprise ahead;
    • a friend - you guess about certain events or affairs;

    Was he unpleasant? The dream book warns: if you get into trouble, you will have to turn to people who cause antipathy for help.

    Cute? All endeavors will be successful and bring benefits - in the material sphere or in terms of useful contacts.

    Did you dream about a giant?

    Did you dream of a man tall, like a giant, with big feet? Success at work and in business. The results of your efforts will be appreciated by management.

    Why do you dream about a centaur? You have inner strength, know how to control your emotions, think about your words and actions. Keep doing this - there will be fewer problems.

    With a beard and mustache

    A man with a mustache in a dream foreshadows a meeting, get-togethers with friends. A bearded man promises success at work and timely help.

    If a handsome man with a mustache played the guitar and sang for you, a fan will appear who will delight you with romantic deeds.

    Don’t throw yourself headlong into the pool of passion just because the guy arranged the date beautifully. Get to know him better - maybe it’s just a fleeting crush, and you have little in common, and your views on important issues are radically different.


    Did an acquaintance attack you and beat you? The dream book says: successfully solve problems at work. Obstacles to implementing a new project will arise, and you will overcome them.

    A fight with an unfamiliar man foreshadows a meeting with a person who does not evoke positive emotions. In addition, trouble will begin.

    The meaning of a vision with a teddy bear

    Why do you dream that an impressive man came to visit you? The dream book suggests: such a plot promises fame. But if he was silent and gloomy, there would be great disappointments ahead.

    The guy brought a teddy bear as a gift? The meaning of the dream is as follows: the long-term prospects will be positive - a friendly or romantic relationship with him that will bring joy.

    If a pumpkin appeared next to him in a dream, this is a harbinger of the dreamer’s imminent pregnancy, perhaps even from this man.

    Do you often see a man in your dreams?

    Does someone you know often appear in your night dreams? It is worth paying attention to it, as the dream book suggests. You have several points of contact - perhaps a relationship will begin.

    Did you dream that he often sent you SMS messages? You are too dependent on other people's opinions. In addition, curiosity will push you to act rashly.

    Why do you dream that a stranger called by chance, you started talking and got to know each other? A pleasant romantic surprise will happen soon.

    What do stories about water mean?

    He was fishing on the river bank and the water was clear? The dream book promises: in reality the sleeping person will be lucky. All her actions will be crowned with success.

    Was the man swimming in the blue water of the pool? The plot suggests: you will experience a strong feeling of love, because of which you will forget about all your affairs and your responsibilities.

    He was cutting the grass on the lawn and got wet in the downpour? Get good profit from some business. It also symbolizes liberation from some difficult circumstances or internal cleansing.

    Have you seen any strange stories?

    Did you see a devil in a dream in the guise of an attractive young man? This means that some respectable man will treat you dishonestly.

    A sorcerer in a night dream, according to the dream book, warns: your ambitious plans will not come true. Moreover, they will lead to big problems for you.

    The man turned into a toad? The girl's reputation will suffer from gossip and slander. The consequence of this may be separation from your loved one.

    In a dream, did you happen to guess about a young man on cards? You will suffer from unrequited love.

    Was he sleeping and snoring in his dream?

    Did you see in a dream how a man was sleeping and snoring? The dream book promises happiness, joy, well-being in the family, harmonious relationships with your spouse.

    If he fell asleep and twitched involuntarily, it means you will find yourself in a situation where you will be embarrassed for your boyfriend’s bad manners and uncultured behavior. Try to explain why you can’t behave this way.

    In a night dream, did your lover wake up, get up and pull you along with him? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: your loved one will help you develop and improve.

    Why do you dream about your own actions?

    The meaning of the vision depends on what actions were performed:

    • argued - success in a new project;
    • hit - you will meet a worthy man;
    • if you drew him, you are overly idealizing your merits;
    • photographed - pay attention to a good friend;
    • had a nice conversation - personal problems will be successfully resolved;
    • chased away - you want to get rid of the burden;
    • gave something - don’t force yourself on the guy.

    Did you reject a man's advances in a dream? The dream book explains: you will be upset by an unpleasant situation that you cannot influence.