Why does a man dream of a dead fish, will there be problems? Why do you dream of a dead fish: what do the dream books of Nostradamus and Miller say about it. Interpretation of dreams about dead fish


Dreamed of by those who will soon experience the joy of motherhood. Few people know what the dream is about: a dead fish. Usually dreaming with fish is an unfavorable sign. To figure out what such a dream promises for you, you need to remember the smallest details and details. This will help you better understand what fate has in store for you.

I dreamed about a dead fish

If you had this dream, be prepared for a loss of vitality and peace of mind. The dream book advises arming yourself with endurance and patience. After a while, everything will return to normal. There is also a possible threat of losing friends and loss of loved ones.

Seeing in a dream how you touched a dead fish, the dream book foretells health problems. You should monitor your well-being more carefully and do not treat yourself carelessly.

If, when touched, the dead fish decomposes into pieces, the interpretation of the dream book will be positive. Good luck and unexpected financial replenishment of income await you. Perhaps your salary will be increased or your lottery ticket will be a winner.
If you dreamed that you were looking at a fish that was not alive, it also carries a negative meaning. Minor troubles, quarrels and scandals await you. The dream book recommends that you avoid conflicting people and not get into trouble. In this case, you will be able to avoid many problems.

Interpretation of a dream about fish

An important detail is the size. If the dead fish are small, then future problems will be small. You will get through a difficult period easier and faster. If the size is impressive, then difficult times will leave a big mark on your life.
A dream in which fish scales shimmer in different colors threatens you with intrigues and intrigues from competitors. They are plotting against you, which can cause you a lot of headaches and harm. Be vigilant and careful, then many problems can be avoided.

Dream about dead fish

Why are you catching dead fish in the water? The dream book predicts health problems for you. Moreover, your abuse of bad habits will be to blame for this. Be smart and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If the fish you catch has golden scales, catch your luck by the tail; soon you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.

Why a young girl dreamed of a dead woman foreshadows deep disappointment in love. For a man, such a dream predicts an unstable position in the financial sphere.

At times, in dreams at night, people can see the most unusual scenes. For example, dreaming about a dead fish is not necessarily a consequence of frequent conversations about it.

In most cases this portends unfavorable events, which may happen to the sleeper in the near future. In order to correctly decipher the dream and take advantage of the hint that makes it possible to avoid trouble, you need to try to remember as many details of the vision as possible.

Interpretation of sleep for a girl

For a young unmarried girl, such a dream promises trouble with the opposite sex. A guy may deceive her, or an intimate relationship will bear fruit, and she, too, without initially wanting it. If the beauty does not currently have any serious relationship, she should beware of casual dating. One of them may be dangerous. Female students may have bad grades, but this is fixable and perseverance in their studies will correct everything.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

If a woman sees a dead fish, she needs rest. The forces devoted to eliminating problems have been exhausted.

Soon certain events will occur that the dreamer will not be able to change.

A relative or loved one may get sick, the boss at work will force you to redo a report, or the next certification will not go as expected. You should calm down and start solving problems gradually. No need to try grab onto everything at once.

Such a vision is most dangerous if it is dreamed by a pregnant woman. If the expectant mother is in the first trimester of pregnancy, she may experience. There is no need to worry in the near future, as this may be the reason for the loss of the child.

During advanced pregnancy there is risk of premature, during which the child will not survive. Those who have had such a dream should be more attentive and careful, get plenty of rest, and not be nervous, even if there is a reason for this. A lot of dead fish portends a serious illness for a pregnant woman.

When in the plot of the vision a man caught a fish, but it turned out to be dead, he will face losses in those matters on which he had high hopes for making a profit. For someone who sees a dead fish, the dream foretells a quick one, despite the fact that they are very dear to the dreamer. Everything will happen on the initiative of the sleeper. Probably, his chosen one will make a mistake, which will cause mistrust between the lovers. In order not to regret your action, the decision should be made in a calm state. Maybe, the relationship will be saved.

See dead fish on the shore

Seeing a dead fish washed ashore in a dream in real life means the beginning of a period of failure. Nothing terrible or serious will happen; most likely, the dreamer will encounter minor things along the way. obstacles and minor troubles. You need to be patient and wait a few days until everything is restored. Adversity will pass, worries will be forgotten, and your mood will improve.

In the river

Seeing in a dream how a dead fish is carried by the current, in real life means that the dreamer’s wishes are not destined to come true. It is a very bad sign if the sleeper tried to pull fish out of the water. It portends illness for him or someone close to him. River filled with dead fish symbolizes bad news or a negative event in which the sleeper will be involved. In addition, you need to beware of deception, otherwise you can seriously suffer financially.

A dead fish swimming in it portends the dreamer a lot of sadness. Soon events will happen that will lead to financial losses and deterioration of relationships with your significant other. In business, you should be prepared for serious waste. Doesn't bother the sleeper pay attention to your health, perhaps he is developing a disease that has not yet made itself felt. If it is not detected promptly, serious complications can occur.

In the lake

If in the plot of the vision a dead fish swam in, then in real life a period of stagnation in business and personal relationships is expected. The outcome of any undertaking is unfavorable and may be accompanied by financial losses. Hard work and the constant desire for success led to the fact that the dreamer had almost no strength left to find a way out of a difficult situation. To regain confidence in your capabilities, you need take a short break to renew self-confidence.

If in the plot of the vision a dead fish swam in, in real life the relatives of the owner of the dream or he himself will have trouble. Being the culprit in the death of an aquarium fish means that the dreamer's reputation will soon suffer greatly. Career advancement will stop or go down, business will stagnate. In addition, any undertaking will not bring positive results.

In clean water

The presence of a dead fish in a dream, which is clearly visible in the dream, in reality means an unsuccessful completion of some business or project. There is no need to plan anything for the near future, since the plan will not come true. Such a dream foreshadows heavy losses, a series of failures, so the best option in the current situation would be a good rest, morally and physically.

Dead fish swimming in the water symbolizes the development of a serious disease. If its size is very large, the dreamer should think about some new project or change of business. The time when his business brought a stable income is ending, so timely measures will make it possible to stay afloat and don't need money.

On the ground

A dead fish lying on top is a warning. The owner of the dream should be careful in real life. Someone is slandering him behind his back and spreading bad rumors. All this happens with the aim of discrediting the dreamer in front of a person with enormous authority.

Need to reconsider your relationships with others, and if you manage to identify ill-wishers, cross them off your friends list once and for all.

Brightly colored dead fish

In real life, the dreamer will be betrayed by a friend or relative who, at first glance, is not able to do this. Perhaps competitors are trying to deceive the sleeper, which is why there is a danger of losing your business. In the near future, you should refrain from going to cafes or any other establishments where you can have a snack, so as not to be poisoned by spoiled food. If this happens, then this incident can seriously affect the dreamer’s health.

Bad sign symbolizing transition of ill-wishers to more active actions. The culprit for this will be the sleeper himself, as he will provoke his enemies with his behavior. Gossip and rumors that evil tongues begin to spread will seriously ruin your life. Even if everything they say is not confirmed, it will be very difficult to regain their previous reputation and good name.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If a woman dreams of a dead fish in the water” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Dreams about dead fish often cause panic and fear. Indeed, the sight is far from the most pleasant, but what do they actually write in dream books about why dead fish are dreamed of? No matter how strange it may seem, in most cases such a dream does not bode well. The main thing is to remember the dream in all its details, then you can find out its true meaning.

Dreaming about dead fish often causes panic and fear

Why do you dream about dead fish: general interpretations in dream books

Each dream book interprets such a vision in its own way.

Among the most popular interpretations are the following:

  1. Culinary dream book - soon you will have to endure deception.
  2. Interpreter of Schiller - health problems will arise, in particular they will affect the gastrointestinal tract, and troubles at work are possible.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - conflicts will arise with a fairly influential person.
  4. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation - if you happen to touch fish in a dream, you will soon have to suffer a serious illness. Watching the decomposition of a fish is a favorable sign. Soon the dreamer's financial situation will become significantly better.
  5. Universal dream book - significant material expenses are possible, the business will become unprofitable. For women, such a dream promises a miscarriage or an unwanted pregnancy. Those who happen to hold a fish bone in their hands face poverty and deception.
  6. Interpreter Meneghetti - the dreamer’s strength is running out, he needs rest.
  7. Miller's Dream Book - losses. The greater the number of fish, the stronger they will be felt.

Fish in the dream book (video)

Why do women, pregnant girls, and men dream about dead fish?

For a woman, dreaming of a dead fish is considered a bad sign. It is possible that she faces serious health problems or an unwanted pregnancy. When pregnant women have such dreams, they need to be extremely careful and pay special attention to their health. There is a risk of miscarriage in the near future.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a lot of dead fish, then she may soon suffer a serious illness. She needs to see a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a full examination. Only if you happened to eat such fish in a dream does it mean a way out of a depressive state and an excellent mood in the future.

For a woman, dreaming of a dead fish is considered a bad sign.

For a young girl, a dream is a harbinger of disappointment in love. Such dreams have a slightly different meaning for a man. Dead fish can promise separation and misunderstanding. If the cause of the death of the fish was poor ecology, then we can expect a long stagnation in business.

Seeing dead fish in the water or aquarium

To correctly decipher dreams in which dead fish are in water or an aquarium, it is necessary to take into account all additional details:

  • the fish died in the aquarium - difficulties will arise, but overcoming them will not be difficult;
  • in a heavily polluted aquarium - trouble can await both the dreamer himself and his loved ones;
  • feel guilty for the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium - serious problems will arise at work;
  • the aquarium is broken - a reprimand from the authorities, possibly even dismissal;
  • Do not deliberately break the vessel - gossip is being spread about the sleeping person; you should be more careful and not let anyone in on your plans. There is a risk that they will be used by enemies;
  • lies on the bank of the river - the whole day will be accompanied by problems; to cope with them you will need to show patience and endurance;
  • swims in the water belly up - wishes are not destined to come true;
  • catching in the water means serious health problems will arise.
If a fish lies on the bank of a river in a dream, the whole day will be accompanied by problems

Why do you dream about dead fish: Miller’s dream book

One of the most popular interpreters also has an explanation for such an unpleasant vision:

  • the water in a pond with dead fish is clean - many troubles and losses are expected;
  • to catch - you will have to go through many difficult tests. Success is possible only if the owner of the dreams thinks sensibly and does not show weakness;
  • dead fish are caught by others - a person is full of strength and can easily overcome all difficulties, circumstances will develop in the best way;
  • in a torn net - difficulties will arise that complicate the conduct of business.
One of the most popular interpreters also has an explanation for such an unpleasant vision

Dead fish in a dream: positive meaning

Such dreams do not always mean something bad. They can also be considered a warning sign. Perhaps there comes a time when you need to give up everything old, since this is what prevents you from living better. It’s worth reconsidering your attitude to life, getting rid of things collecting dust on the shelves, and maybe even changing jobs. Such a dream gives rise to thought about what a person spends his life on. If his work and life are hateful, then something needs to be changed radically.

Such dreams do not always mean something bad

Relationships that have long outlived their usefulness must be ended. Only after breaking up will it be possible to start a new relationship, thanks to which the soul will blossom.

Such an unpleasant process as eating dead fish in a dream can be considered a good sign. Soon the financial problems that have worried people for many years will be solved. A large inheritance will unexpectedly be received or the sleeping person will be promoted.

Seeing a crumbling carcass in a dream is an equally favorable sign. Soon the financial situation will improve, the dreamer will be given a bonus or he will win the lottery.

Dead fish in a dream: negative meaning

Dreaming of dead fish most often precedes impending troubles. This does not necessarily have to be a problem on a global scale. It is quite possible that minor troubles or conflicts in the family are expected soon.

Seeing dead fish in a river carried by the current also does not bode well. Expectations will not come true, and all hopes will collapse in an instant. You should expect meanness from those closest to you if the dead carcass turned out to be beautiful, with a non-standard color. Perhaps they are deceiving the dreamer or there will be betrayal on their part.

You need to take care of your health if you dreamed of a fish in bed, or if you had to touch it. Soon you will have to suffer a serious illness. A large number of dead fish indicates that the sleeper will soon have a very difficult choice to make. You will have to choose the lesser of two evils. The dreamer does not think through his decisions and lets life take its course. He needs to act more decisively to change his life for the better.

Why do you dream about fish (video)

Dead fish are not always seen in dreams before trouble, but are most often considered a negative sign. The owner of such dreams should reconsider his attitude to life and be more attentive to his health. Even if the dream book indicates a favorable outcome, you still need to act actively, correct the situation yourself, and not hope for fate’s favor. Particular attention should be paid to your immediate environment, since in most cases such visions predict betrayal and deception. Those who are always on the alert should not worry, they will be able to avoid trouble.

Attention, TODAY only!

At times, in dreams at night, people can see the most unusual scenes. For example, dreaming about a dead fish is not necessarily a consequence of frequent conversations about it.

In most cases this portends unfavorable events, which may happen to the sleeper in the near future. In order to correctly decipher the dream and take advantage of the hint that makes it possible to avoid trouble, you need to try to remember as many details of the vision as possible.

Interpretation of sleep for a girl

For a young unmarried girl, such a dream promises trouble with the opposite sex. A guy may deceive her, or an intimate relationship will bear fruit and she will become pregnant, without initially wanting it. If the beauty does not currently have any serious relationship, she should beware of casual dating. One of them may be dangerous. Female students may have bad grades, but this is fixable and perseverance in their studies will correct everything.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

If a woman sees a dead fish, she needs rest. The forces devoted to eliminating problems have been exhausted.

Soon certain events will occur that the dreamer will not be able to change.

A relative or loved one may get sick, the boss at work will force you to redo a report, or the next certification will not go as expected. You should calm down and start solving problems gradually. No need to try grab onto everything at once.

For pregnant women

Such a vision is most dangerous if it is dreamed by a pregnant woman. If the expectant mother is in the first trimester of pregnancy, she may have a miscarriage. There is no need to worry in the near future, as this may be the reason for the loss of the child.

During advanced pregnancy there is risk of premature birth, during which the child will not survive. Those who have had such a dream should be more attentive and careful, get plenty of rest, and not be nervous, even if there is a reason for this. A lot of dead fish portends a serious illness for a pregnant woman.

For a man

When in the plot of the vision a man caught a fish, but it turned out to be dead, he will face losses in those matters on which he had high hopes for making a profit. For someone who sees a dead fish, the dream foreshadows an imminent break in relationships, despite the fact that they are very dear to the dreamer. Everything will happen on the initiative of the sleeper. Probably, his chosen one will make a mistake, which will cause mistrust between the lovers. In order not to regret your action, the decision should be made in a calm state. Maybe, the relationship will be saved.

See dead fish on the shore

Seeing a dead fish washed ashore in a dream in real life means the beginning of a period of failure. Nothing terrible or serious will happen; most likely, the dreamer will encounter minor things along the way. obstacles and minor troubles. You need to be patient and wait a few days until everything is restored. Adversity will pass, worries will be forgotten, and your mood will improve.

In the river

Seeing in a dream how a dead fish is carried along the river by the current, in real life means that the dreamer’s wishes are not destined to come true. It is a very bad sign if the sleeper tried to pull the corpse of a fish out of the water. It portends illness for him or one of his close relatives. River filled with dead fish symbolizes bad news or a negative event in which the sleeper will be involved. In addition, you need to beware of deception, otherwise you can seriously suffer financially.

At sea

Lifeless fish swimming in the sea waters foretell the dreamer a lot of sadness. Soon events will happen that will lead to financial losses and deterioration of relationships with your significant other. In business, you should be prepared for serious waste. Doesn't bother the sleeper pay attention to your health, perhaps he is developing a disease that has not yet made itself felt. If it is not detected promptly, serious complications can occur.

In the lake

If in the plot of the vision a dead fish swam in the lake, then in real life a period of stagnation in business and personal relationships is expected. The outcome of any undertaking is unfavorable and may be accompanied by financial losses. Hard work and the constant desire for success led to the fact that the dreamer had almost no strength left to find a way out of a difficult situation. To regain confidence in your capabilities, you need take a short break to renew self-confidence.

In the aquarium

If in the plot of the vision a dead fish swam in an aquarium, in real life the relatives of the owner of the dream or he himself will have trouble. Being the culprit in the death of an aquarium fish means that the dreamer's reputation will soon suffer greatly. Career advancement will stop or go down, business will stagnate. In addition, any undertaking will not bring positive results.

In clean water

The presence of a dead fish in a dream, which is clearly visible in clear water, in reality means an unsuccessful completion of some business or project. There is no need to plan anything for the near future, since the plan will not come true. Such a dream foreshadows heavy losses, a series of failures, so the best option in the current situation would be a good rest, morally and physically.

In troubled water

Dead fish floating in muddy water symbolizes the development of a serious disease. If its size is very large, the dreamer should think about some new project or change of business. The time when his business brought a stable income is ending, so timely measures will make it possible to stay afloat and don't need money.

On the ground

A dead fish lying on the ground is a warning. The owner of the dream should be careful in real life. Someone is slandering him behind his back and spreading bad rumors. All this happens with the aim of discrediting the dreamer in front of a person with enormous authority.

Need to reconsider your relationships with others, and if you manage to identify ill-wishers, cross them off your friends list once and for all.

Brightly colored dead fish

In real life, the dreamer will be betrayed by a friend or relative who, at first glance, is not able to do this. Perhaps competitors are trying to deceive the sleeper, which is why there is a danger of losing your business. In the near future, you should refrain from going to cafes or any other establishments where you can have a snack, so as not to be poisoned by spoiled food. If this happens, then this incident can seriously affect the dreamer’s health.

Touch fish with bare hands

Bad sign symbolizing transition of ill-wishers to more active actions. The culprit for this will be the sleeper himself, as he will provoke his enemies with his behavior. Gossip and rumors that evil tongues begin to spread will seriously ruin your life. Even if everything they say is not confirmed, it will be very difficult to regain their previous reputation and good name.

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Dreams do not have a clear interpretation: even a bad symbol can portend getting rid of something. It is always necessary to take into account the dreamer’s current life situation and some important details of the dream plot. Consider the dream of a dead fish. Why do you dream about dead fish? For better or for worse?

General interpretation

Dreams with fish have a positive meaning and foretell joy, prosperity and good luck. Accordingly, a dead fish does not bode well in life. A dead amphibian is a symbol of loss of energy, vitality and enthusiasm. Care should be taken to strengthen the immune system - a period of illness and various ailments lies ahead. Also, a dead fish is a symbol of financial shortage.

When interpreting, it is necessary to remember all the nuances of the dream:

  • where was the fish?
  • what the fish looked like;
  • number of dead fish;
  • the dreamer's actions;
  • who had the dream.

Have you seen a dead fish floating in the water? This dream is a harbinger of failure. All plans, hope for profit, the business started will go to waste. If the dreamer is sick, the illness will not go away for a long time. Fish on the shore promises a bad day, nothing more.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton- to great disappointments in life: a real black streak is coming. For a long time.

Seeing worms crawling in meat- there are bad people around you who are ready to harm and take away everything. Review your social circle immediately.

For pregnant women sleep carries the threat of miscarriage. The same meaning remains if the dream was seen by the husband or relative of the pregnant woman. For other women, this dream predicts an unwanted pregnancy.

When interpreting, it should be remembered: the larger the amphibian, the more difficult the tests will be. Small fish portends minor troubles.

For girls This picture in a dream promises a quarrel with a guy: disappointment is inevitable. For men, a dream portends serious losses in business and problems in career growth.

Seeing a lot of dead fish in a dream- to multiple problems in life. The dreamer will be attacked by troubles from all sides.

See multi-colored scales on the carcass shimmering in the sun's rays - beware of the machinations of your enemies, they have started a major intrigue. If you are careful, troubles can be avoided.

Catching dead carcasses in the water- to illness due to one’s own imprudence and carelessness. Most likely, your bad habits will play a cruel joke on your health.

Positive interpretation

Catching the carcass of a fish with golden scales- to profit. Life provides a chance to become richer and more successful. It is important not to miss this chance.

Seeing a decomposing carcass before your eyes- to unexpected profits up to the receipt of an inheritance. This is a good dream.

What do popular dream books say about dead fish?

  • Culinary dream book interprets this plot as a foreshadowing of deception and tears.
  • Schiller's Dream Book believes: seeing dead fish means stomach illness and troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus considers a dream with rotten fish to be a harbinger of discord in relations with an influential person.
  • Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation warns: feeling the carcass means illness. However, a carcass decomposing before our eyes promises unexpected wealth.
  • Universal dream book interprets this vision to losses and waste. For women, a rotten carcass portends a miscarriage or an unplanned pregnancy. Holding a bone in your hand means poverty, loss and deception.
  • Dream Interpretation Meneghetti portends a loss of vital energy and strength.
  • Miller's Dream Book prophesies loss. The more dead fish there were in the dream, the more noticeable the loss will be.

Dreams can be prophetic, but more often they are warning in nature. You shouldn’t attach much importance to what you see and expect the irreparable in despair: everything can be fixed. A dream is a conversation between the subconscious and the dreamer, a hint of the right path.

What to do if you saw an unpleasant dream with a bad meaning? You can talk about seeing flowing water, for example, from a tap. Water has the ability to absorb information and carry it away. You can also say when you open your eyes after sleep: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream.” All bad things will pass by.

However, if the dream warned of an unfavorable course of circumstances due to the dreamer’s fault, it is worth paying attention to the prophecy and taking action. In this case, it is useless to tell the story to the flowing water - you need to correct your line of behavior.

It is common knowledge that live fish is dreamed of by those who will soon experience the joy of motherhood. Few people know what the dream is about: a dead fish. Usually dreaming with fish is an unfavorable sign. To figure out what such a dream promises for you, you need to remember the smallest details and details. This will help you better understand what fate has in store for you.

I dreamed about a dead fish

If you had this dream, be prepared for a loss of vitality and peace of mind. The dream book advises arming yourself with endurance and patience. After a while, everything will return to normal. There is also a possible threat of losing friends and loss of loved ones.

Seeing in a dream how you touched a dead fish, the dream book foretells health problems. You should monitor your well-being more carefully and do not treat yourself carelessly.

If, when touched, the dead fish decomposes into pieces, the interpretation of the dream book will be positive. Good luck and unexpected financial replenishment of income await you. Perhaps your salary will be increased or your lottery ticket will be a winner.
If you dreamed that you were looking at a fish that was not alive, it also carries a negative meaning. Minor troubles, quarrels and scandals await you. The dream book recommends that you avoid conflicting people and not get into trouble. In this case, you will be able to avoid many problems.

Interpretation of a dream about fish

An important detail is the size. If the dead fish are small, then future problems will be small. You will get through a difficult period easier and faster. If the size is impressive, then difficult times will leave a big mark on your life.
A dream in which fish scales shimmer in different colors threatens you with intrigues and intrigues from competitors. They are plotting against you, which can cause you a lot of headaches and harm. Be vigilant and careful, then many problems can be avoided.

Dream about dead fish

Why are you catching dead fish in the water? The dream book predicts health problems for you. Moreover, your abuse of bad habits will be to blame for this. Be smart and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If the fish you catch has golden scales, catch your luck by the tail; soon you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.

Why a young girl dreamed of a dead fish in the water foreshadows deep disappointment in love. For a man, such a dream predicts an unstable position in the financial sphere.

If in a dream the fish is not only dead, but also rotten, it means that in reality the gossip of ill-wishers will tarnish your reputation. Be careful and do not give rise to rumors.

How to identify a prophetic dream

The interpretation of this dream does not have a completely positive meaning. Do not be upset, perhaps this is an empty dream.

In order to find out the prophetic properties of dreams, visit the section when dreams come true. On what day of the week and what lunar day the dream occurred depends on whether it will come true or not. In the “Lunar Calendar” section you can find out what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day it is.

Hello, Tatyana!
Today I had a dream that I went on a journey by sea. Sunny summer day. I am standing on the shore and talking to an unfamiliar young man at the crossing. He is dark, dressed in white clothes and looks very cunning (looks like a Turk). I ask him how long I should swim (I don’t remember where). He answers - 27 days and laughs. I think wow! That's so long! And I thought it was a few days. Then a boat moored to the shore. And sitting in it is an older man, also dark-skinned and wearing white clothes. I get on the boat and ask him: Are we going to sail on a boat to Turkey? (in reality, I didn’t even think about Turkey and didn’t intend to go there). He answers: No, on the ship. I ask him: How long to swim? I was told it was 27 days. And he laughed and said: Who said that?! We'll be there the day after tomorrow. The man rows with oars and also looks very cunning. We are sailing along some bay on this boat, I look at the surroundings, I see sandy shores in the distance, and beyond them there are more bays, the sun is shining. We swim up to the ship, it is large and white. I noticed a lot of different boats on board: transparent, dark glass, plastic. It’s as if each passenger has his own separate boat. But I don’t see any cabins on the ship. We round the bow of the ship. I see clean and transparent water under the boat, a sandy bottom. We weren't very deep. But in the water at the edge of the shore there was a lot of dead fish (similar to a large herring), for some reason I thought that the fish had died from the heat. This man laughs again and says to me: Go, step into the water and climb onto the ship. And I answer him that I will not step into water in which dead fish swim. And she entered the ship directly from the boat. The ship looked more like a cargo ship. I didn't see any cabins. But the man told me that everything was there and I found myself in some room with large windows - in a common cabin. For some reason, an old acquaintance of mine ended up there, tanned and rested, along with his wife. I was surprised and asked him where he was going. He says to Turkey. I asked him how long? He says that for 2 weeks - 14 days. And I answer him that I’m only sailing for 4 days. I asked if he bought tickets. He says yes. And then I remember that I didn’t buy a ticket. And I don't have much cash with me. And do they accept bank cards for payment? What if they won’t accept me at the hotel without a voucher? Or will they raise prices? I had to reserve a place in advance, but I didn’t. What if you can’t go for just 4 days? And in general, did I take my passport with me? And it may not be too late to get off the ship.

Sometimes, during sleep, a variety of dreams come. So, people can dream about dead fish. Firstly, you may dream about it if the person is a fisherman, or he, for example, has recently often heard or participated in conversations about fish. In this case, real life is simply transferred into a dream, and he dreams about what he often hears about.

However, such a dream is not necessarily directly related to the fact that there has been a lot of conversation about fish lately. Usually, fish dream of something good, for example, happiness or material well-being. As for dead fish, more often than not, it portends quite the opposite. So, if you dream of a dead fish floating in the water, then this is a symbol of bad weather. This suggests that what a person has in mind, all his plans and dreams will not come true and will go to waste. Also, in case of health problems, dead fish indicates that there will be exacerbations, and you need to be more careful.

If you dream of a dead fish washed ashore, then this portends failure, not some kind of catastrophe or terrible grief, but, for example, just a bad day in terms of mood or a broken elbow.

Quite often, a dream with a dead fish indicates that a person will soon lose vitality, energy and faith in himself and his strength. This will lead to him being surrounded by losses and expenses. That is why such a dream is an advice to be patient and persevere through all the hardships that befall your immediate lot.

If in a dream a dead fish has become an old gnawed skeleton, then such a dream is a clear harbinger of misfortune and disappointments in life, which can haunt a person for quite a long time.

If the person in me eats dead fish, then this is usually considered a symbol of good luck. However, if he eats such fish raw, this means that all sorts of losses, disappointments and many obstacles in business will soon await him. If such a fish also has a lot of bones, then this is a symbol of failure.

Why do you still dream about dead fish? A dead fish can be dreamed of if a person remains insensitive to someone close or to some situation that should worry him. Such a dream is a hint that it is time to react somehow.

What does it portend?

A dead fish that floats in the water, belly up, is considered a symbol that a person’s desires and hopes will not come true.

If such a dream is dreamed by a person who is endowed with great wealth and power, then it foreshadows the loss of this power, as well as wealth, due to something very terrible that will “repercuss” the entire family.

Another option for interpreting such a dream is that some completely unexpected event will happen in life, which will greatly disappoint the person.

Also, a dead fish can dream of a serious illness, which can unexpectedly cripple not only the person who had the dream, but also someone from the closest environment.

If you dreamed of a dead fish, which is inhabited by worms, which looks scary and disgusting, this indicates that very unpleasant people have appeared in the person’s environment, communication with whom should definitely be reduced.

If a pregnant woman, her husband, or someone else close to her dreams of a dead fish, then such a dream can be a harbinger of a miscarriage, and therefore you should be attentive to the pregnant woman and be on guard. It is quite logical, since ordinary fish almost always dreams of pregnancy.

A dead fish is considered one of the worst omens you can see in your dreams. She talks about problems with health, in the financial sphere, as well as in interpersonal relationships within the family and with other people. But you don’t need to get upset in advance, you need to take this dream as a warning and then you can prevent all misfortunes, both big and small.


Why do you dream about dead fish and should you be afraid of the consequences in reality?

Dreams about dead fish often cause panic and fear. Indeed, the sight is far from the most pleasant, but what do they actually write in dream books about why dead fish are dreamed of? No matter how strange it may seem, in most cases such a dream does not bode well. The main thing is to remember the dream in all its details, then you can find out its true meaning.

Dreaming about dead fish often causes panic and fear

Each dream book interprets such a vision in its own way.

Among the most popular interpretations are the following:

  1. Culinary dream book - soon you will have to endure deception.
  2. Interpreter of Schiller - health problems will arise, in particular they will affect the gastrointestinal tract, and troubles at work are possible.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - conflicts will arise with a fairly influential person.
  4. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation - if you happen to touch fish in a dream, you will soon have to suffer a serious illness. Watching the decomposition of a fish is a favorable sign. Soon the dreamer's financial situation will become significantly better.
  5. Universal dream book - significant material expenses are possible, the business will become unprofitable. For women, such a dream promises a miscarriage or an unwanted pregnancy. Those who happen to hold a fish bone in their hands face poverty and deception.
  6. Interpreter Meneghetti - the dreamer’s strength is running out, he needs rest.
  7. Miller's Dream Book - losses. The greater the number of fish, the stronger they will be felt.

Also read: Why do you dream of a dead dog: interpretations and details

Why do women, pregnant girls, and men dream about dead fish?

For a woman, dreaming of a dead fish is considered a bad sign. It is possible that she faces serious health problems or an unwanted pregnancy. When pregnant women have such dreams, they need to be extremely careful and pay special attention to their health. There is a risk of miscarriage in the near future.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a lot of dead fish, then she may soon suffer a serious illness. She needs to see a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a full examination. Only if you happened to eat such fish in a dream does it mean a way out of a depressive state and an excellent mood in the future.

For a woman, dreaming of a dead fish is considered a bad sign.

For a young girl, a dream is a harbinger of disappointment in love. Such dreams have a slightly different meaning for a man. Dead fish can promise separation and misunderstanding. If the cause of the death of the fish was poor ecology, then we can expect a long stagnation in business.

Seeing dead fish in the water or aquarium

To correctly decipher dreams in which dead fish are in water or an aquarium, it is necessary to take into account all additional details:

  • the fish died in the aquarium - difficulties will arise, but overcoming them will not be difficult;
  • in a heavily polluted aquarium - trouble can await both the dreamer himself and his loved ones;
  • feel guilty for the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium - serious problems will arise at work;
  • the aquarium is broken - a reprimand from the authorities, possibly even dismissal;
  • Do not deliberately break the vessel - gossip is being spread about the sleeping person; you should be more careful and not let anyone in on your plans. There is a risk that they will be used by enemies;
  • lies on the bank of the river - the whole day will be accompanied by problems; to cope with them you will need to show patience and endurance;
  • swims in the water belly up - wishes are not destined to come true;
  • catching in the water means serious health problems will arise.

Also read: Why do you dream about vomiting: interpretation of the details of an unpleasant dream

If a fish lies on the bank of a river in a dream, the whole day will be accompanied by problems

Why do you dream about dead fish: Miller’s dream book

One of the most popular interpreters also has an explanation for such an unpleasant vision:

  • the water in a pond with dead fish is clean - many troubles and losses are expected;
  • to catch - you will have to go through many difficult tests. Success is possible only if the owner of the dreams thinks sensibly and does not show weakness;
  • dead fish are caught by others - a person is full of strength and can easily overcome all difficulties, circumstances will develop in the best way;
  • in a torn net - difficulties will arise that complicate the conduct of business.

One of the most popular interpreters also has an explanation for such an unpleasant vision

Dead fish in a dream: positive meaning

Such dreams do not always mean something bad. They can also be considered a warning sign. Perhaps there comes a time when you need to give up everything old, since this is what prevents you from living better. It’s worth reconsidering your attitude to life, getting rid of things collecting dust on the shelves, and maybe even changing jobs. Such a dream gives rise to thought about what a person spends his life on. If his work and life are hateful, then something needs to be changed radically.

Such dreams do not always mean something bad

Relationships that have long outlived their usefulness must be ended. Only after breaking up will it be possible to start a new relationship, thanks to which the soul will blossom.

Such an unpleasant process as eating dead fish in a dream can be considered a good sign. Soon the financial problems that have worried people for many years will be solved. A large inheritance will unexpectedly be received or the sleeping person will be promoted.

Seeing a crumbling carcass in a dream is an equally favorable sign. Soon the financial situation will improve, the dreamer will be given a bonus or he will win the lottery.

My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a little different - how to decipher it?

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. In order to find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

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Dead fish in a dream: negative meaning

Dreaming of dead fish most often precedes impending troubles. This does not necessarily have to be a problem on a global scale. It is quite possible that minor troubles or conflicts in the family are expected soon.

Also read: Decoding dreams: why do dead parents dream?

Seeing dead fish in a river carried by the current also does not bode well. Expectations will not come true, and all hopes will collapse in an instant. You should expect meanness from those closest to you if the dead carcass turned out to be beautiful, with a non-standard color. Perhaps they are deceiving the dreamer or there will be betrayal on their part.

You need to take care of your health if you dreamed of a fish in bed, or if you had to touch it. Soon you will have to suffer a serious illness. A large number of dead fish indicates that the sleeper will soon have a very difficult choice to make. You will have to choose the lesser of two evils. The dreamer does not think through his decisions and lets life take its course. He needs to act more decisively to change his life for the better.

Why do you dream about fish (video)

Dead fish are not always seen in dreams before trouble, but are most often considered a negative sign. The owner of such dreams should reconsider his attitude to life and be more attentive to his health. Even if the dream book indicates a favorable outcome, you still need to act actively, correct the situation yourself, and not hope for fate’s favor. Particular attention should be paid to your immediate environment, since in most cases such visions predict betrayal and deception. Those who are always on the alert should not worry, they will be able to avoid trouble.

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Dead fish interpretation of dream book

When a woman dreams of having a child, a dream about fish swimming quickly in a pond will tell you that very soon the dreamer will understand that she is carrying a daughter or son under her heart. But why then dream of dead fish?

Such a vision is interpreted ambiguously by dream books. To unravel its mystery, remember: where you saw the lifeless fish, what they looked like, what you did and what emotions you experienced in your sleep at night.

Also see interesting information on the page - fish interpretation of the dream book.

It's either hit or miss

As a rule, a dead fish is a negative symbol that predicts problems. If you happened to touch a fish corpse while you were sleeping, your health could fail at the most inopportune moment. Of course, we are not talking about a fatal disease, but an illness can keep you bedridden for a long time and forget about important matters.

But, if you touched a dead fish and it inexplicably fell into pieces, then significant and pleasant events will happen in your real life. For example, you can receive a large bonus, or hit the jackpot in a gambling game.

Calm and careful

Why do you dream about dead fish that you haven’t even touched? In this case, the dream book does not exclude frequent conflict situations. In a state of wakefulness, a person is constantly “on edge”, and sometimes cannot contain his emotions - he breaks into a scream. This is partly his fault, but, undoubtedly, someone is constantly provoking him, perhaps even intentionally. The only advice that can help the dreamer is to try to minimize communication with characters that irritate him and refrain from verbal altercations with them.

The dream book also draws attention to the size of the dead inhabitant of the water element. The smaller the fish you see, the sooner you will pass the “black” streak in your life.

But if in a dream you saw a giant fish that died, then the current adversities will not pass without a trace, and you will have to experience their negative consequences for a long time.

Competitors and enemies are preparing to deal you a crushing blow, which is what you dream of about a dead fish with multi-colored scales. The dream book warns that ill-wishers have thought through everything carefully, and their goal is to ruin you and force you to waste a huge amount. So, be careful as never before when receiving fantastically “profitable” offers after such a vision.

Death in an aquarium

In a dream, did you see that an aquarium fish died? There are two interpretations of this plot, differing in one important respect: where the fish corpse is located. If it lies at the bottom, then you know that you have miraculously managed to abstract yourself from a number of events, both pleasant and dangerous. Would you like to become a member in the future? It’s up to you to decide; the dream book only states a fact.

Then why do you dream of a dead fish floating upside down? In this case, the dream book suggests that you, perhaps going through difficult times, are looking for a solution to your own problems, building overly complex schemes. In fact, everything is much simpler, don’t engage in philosophizing or self-criticism, but act! Most likely, the first idea that comes to your mind will be brilliant. Be bolder, more decisive and everything will work out!

Other predictions

Why might a young lady dream of a dead fish? Unfortunately, the dream book predicts disappointment in her current lover. A similar plot, dreamed by a man, can serve as a warning - things are in a deplorable state. The dreamer relaxed and did not notice that his competitors had noticeably taken the lead, and now he needs to make a lot of efforts not to give up his positions and prevent his business from going bankrupt.

The most unpleasant forecasts are given by dream books to those who noticed a lot of dead fish in a dream. In reality, such a nightmare vision can result in troubles in your personal life and problems at work. In addition, the dreamer’s material well-being is also at risk.

The only thing that will calm the dream book is what happened next in the night vision. If, according to the plot of the phantasmagoria, the fish began to decompose right before your eyes, do not rush to be horrified, but on the contrary, rejoice. Such a disgusting sight, frankly speaking, will turn into fabulous wealth in reality, which the sleeping person is destined to receive! The dream book suggests that this could be a big win, an unexpected inheritance, or a huge profit from a successful investment.

Strange fishing

Did you dream that you were catching dead fish? It is possible that your body will suffer a serious malfunction. And the reason for this will be bad, bad habits, excess in eating and drinking.

However, if during “sleepy” fishing you caught a goldfish, albeit lifeless, be on the alert - fate has prepared an incredible, unique chance for you. If you don’t use it now, you’ll bite your elbows later.


Dream interpretation of a dead fish, why do you dream of a dead fish in a dream?

Dream interpretation dead fish

If you dreamed of a dead fish, such a dream can have a huge number of meanings. Fish, according to many old legends and folklore traditions, is a symbol of prosperity. When the sea or river was full of fish, it meant that prosperity and wealth and progress in development awaited the inhabitants of the shore. And from a practical point of view, fish is a useful product, because it is food, and very nutritious and healthy. But dead fish were often perceived as bad luck. If fishermen happened to see a lot of dead fish on the shore in the morning, this promised trouble and poverty for the people. A similar interpretation of such a symbol has been carried over into our time, our dreams. Although, of course, there are many nuances, including where you saw such a symbol: in a river, an aquarium, the sea, and so on. Or maybe she’s not in the water at all, but on land? So why do you dream of a dead fish, especially if it is very large?

What portends failure

If you dreamed of a dead fish

If in a dream you happen to see a dying or dead fish in an aquarium or pond, this indicates that you are experiencing a lot of problems in achieving your goals, it is difficult for you to achieve even minimal progress and prosperity. The dream book says that it is worth suspending your business. Now is clearly not the best time to invest, start a business, or take risks. Wait for favorable signs and then act with confidence.

Or perhaps you are going through a bad patch right now and are being haunted by a lot of failures. Seeing such a dream, as the dream book says, may be a consequence of the current recession that has already occurred in your life. This can apply to different areas of your life. But the main thing is to remember that everything changes and a white streak will come soon.

Depression and apathy

Seeing a dead fish in the water in a dream, especially in a home aquarium, can mean a decline not only in terms of work or personal life. Perhaps your autumn depression has lingered, or you have lost the desire to do the work you used to love. Similar situations often arise in our lives. Apathy, frustration, drowsiness, laziness - all this is often a consequence of the fact that a person is simply not happy with his current life. What a dead fish means in a dream may indicate a person’s ignorance or unwillingness to change anything.

In addition, the dream book says that a large dead fish in a dream that is in the water indicates possible future emotional breakdowns, popularly called the harsh word “depression.” This is especially true if a woman has such a dream. Try to be attentive to your desires and feelings, act as your soul wants. Often, no matter how strange it may sound, we do things against our will, against our dreams and aspirations. This drives us into a dead end and prevents us from being happy today.

Characteristics of yourself

Bad sign

A dead fish, or indeed a large fish in general, that is in the water in an aquarium can indicate your situation. Maybe you yourself feel like you’re in an aquarium? Society often drives us into boundaries and sets many prohibitions that are alien to us. Such a symbol in a dream indicates that it is time to break the shackles.

Problems on the doorstep

If you had to see a dead fish in the water or on land in a dream, the dream book interprets this as a sign of a problem. Moreover, if it is large and is in an aquarium, then we are talking about very “sensitive” issues for you. Be on your guard, troubles of various sizes await you in the near future. Perhaps in work matters, or maybe in relationships with loved ones. Try to make decisions as carefully as possible to minimize damage.

Or maybe they are already standing on your doorstep, and you stubbornly do not want to see them. Then look around: is everything so with your life? Are you satisfied with what you have and where you are going? Do you trust your loved ones and do you want to return home? Is there a lot of happiness in your every day? Dreams of a lifetime

A dying big fish in a dream, which is in the water, as the dream book writes - dying dreams. Maybe you have already noticed that you will not be able to achieve what you dreamed of, because the challenges along the way are too difficult. Or you have already done a lot, but it did not bring you joy. Or perhaps the goals themselves have already lost all meaning for you and now you want something completely different. The dream book advises you to think about what you are really striving for and is it worth saving your dying “fish”, your dreams?

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