Why do dishes break: the meaning of broken plates, mugs, vases. Why do dishes break in the house - what does it mean


The tradition of breaking plates at a wedding can safely be classified as international. In Israel, this custom is intended to remind those present of the sorrow for the destroyed Jerusalem and instill hope in their hearts for new joy. In England and Germany, based on the number of fragments, they try to estimate the amount of happiness allocated to the young. And in the Middle Ages, in some European countries, on a wedding day, a whole dish of pies was thrown out of the window: to please the poor brethren and lure good luck into the family. And in Russia, the tradition has taken root long ago and firmly... So, breaking a plate is always a good omen?

Why do plates and saucers break and crack?

Most likely, the idea of ​​​​the connection between a pile of fragments and unexpected joy, which should appear at the sound of broken glass, has been stuck in the heads of our ancestors since pagan times. The same ones when cups and bowls were split into offerings to the gods, and loud sounds were considered an effective force against evil spirits. But not everything is so simple in the world of folk superstitions! One and the same event in different circumstances could receive completely opposite interpretations.

Good predictions

  • Most often, a broken plate promises the culprit success in business, new clothes or pleasant changes in his personal life. Apparently, this sign was born in the era of clay pots and bowls. Simple dishes were cheap and widely available, and therefore a family of any income could afford to turn a couple of bowls into shards. “It would be something to kill about,” the hostess reasoned if her inexperienced daughter happened to drop a plate, and she hurried to console her: “This is for good.”
  • Even greater luck was predicted for those who accidentally broke a plate on their birthday. “Before the year comes to an end, the birthday boy will be very lucky,” the beliefs said.
  • Equally good events are promised by dishes broken during the New Year holidays, Christmas and Epiphany. But on Good Friday, for some reason, breaking a saucer is considered great luck. Why this miniature vessel acquires such power precisely on the saddest day for Christians, history is silent; All that remains is to trust the signs and not worry about accidental damage to property - all the same, it’s a good thing!
  • If the plate slips out of the hands of an unmarried girl, she should look around more carefully so as not to miss a new romantic adventure. And the more beautiful and expensive the dish, the greater the likelihood of eventually hearing Mendelssohn’s march and trying on a gold ring.
  • And for young men, a broken plate promises a career boost and financial profit. For men, business always comes first, not tender feelings...

Bad Omens

Resolving family disputes with dishes is a bad idea.

Time passed, technology developed, and the unpretentious earthenware from rich houses was replaced by porcelain - thin, beautiful and fabulously expensive. Now I couldn’t even dare call the pile of shards a good omen! For the ruined plate, both household and servants were charged on the first day. And the guest, who dropped an expensive dish from the table, began to fidget uncertainly in his chair under the gloomy gaze of the owner... It must have been at this time that the signs about the plate turned into pessimism:

  • For a married woman, damage to dishes is fraught with discord with her husband, the appearance of a rival, and the loud crash of a marriage falling apart.
  • Married men also have no reason to rejoice: they are predicted to have protracted problems in their careers.
  • For older people, a broken plate threatens a deterioration in their financial situation and large expenses. Maybe in the most literal sense? You'll still have to buy new plates, but you won't be able to spend much money on retirement.
  • Do you like to sort things out with shouting and breaking dishes? Get out of the habit! Get rid of the troubles, disappointments and new strife that breaking glass in anger entails. And your nerves will be healthier.
  • If you happened to break a plate at a party, then you took on part of the host’s negativity and took it with you.

A broken transparent plate is considered a solid negative sign. Such dishes are traditionally associated with sincere, trusting relationships in the family - “I see right through you” - and its damage is perceived as a signal of the emergence of distrust between spouses. But it’s better not to escalate the situation by asking the faithful with a fork at his throat whether he has a girlfriend on the side! Let this unfortunate accident better serve as an excuse to spend the evening together or go somewhere for the weekend just the two of you!

Wedding signs

The smaller the shards, the brighter the family life!

Unfortunately, it makes no sense to deliberately smash plates on an ordinary day - the omen will not work. But if the newlyweds throw the dish together on the ground at a wedding, traditions promise them family happiness, home comfort and mutual understanding. And not only!

After the plate shatters into pieces, the witness and witness are required to pick them up, count them and solemnly present them to the newlyweds. The number of fragments is even - everything is fine. Odd? Problems await the family! To take them away, the bride and groom should immediately kiss deeply, throw away the extra fragment, and tie the remaining fragments in a handkerchief.

The bundle of shards is supposed to be carefully kept throughout the next year as a kind of amulet against quarrels: since the spouses already have one broken plate, others should not suffer in heated family battles. After 12 months, the fragments are buried, because they have fulfilled their mission - to preserve the young family in the most difficult year of the first “grinding in”.

Sometimes the plate is not thrown, but placed on the ground at the feet of the bride. If after the new housewife hits it with her foot, the glass breaks - the wife will be the head of the family. Will it remain intact? This means that the husband will have the last word in the couple.

However, at the festive table, a suspicious bride should be very careful. As soon as she accidentally breaks a plate, idle gossips will immediately inform her: this is an extremely bad omen, discord, betrayal and a guaranteed divorce in the end await the family. Here you either don’t touch the dishes at all during the entire wedding feast, or learn to ignore signs and gossips...

On what day of the week did you break the plate?

For a superstitious person, dropping a plate on Monday means ensuring yourself a lucky seven days. New troubles will not limp towards you, existing ones will begin to dissolve, and luck will come rushing in full sail. To ensure that the omen does not fail, help it come true: believe with all your heart that the coming week will be full of pleasant surprises on Wednesday, Saturday, and all other days.

If dishes break on Sunday, it predicts quarrels in the family.

If the dishes accidentally burst on their own

Even to save money, you shouldn’t fix a broken dish once

  • There are two popular sayings about dishes that crack or burst “unwillingly”:
  • First. A plate cracks - and troubles will spread in cracks across all areas of life. This is not a happy period for you. Illnesses of relatives, holes in the budget, betrayal of friends... You'll have to spin like a top so as not to go to the bottom!

But a sign is not considered such if you in any way contributed to the “death” of the plate. For example, it already had a crack, and you scrubbed the dishes too vigorously with a sponge or poured boiling soup into it. By the way, it is unwise to store dishes with defects in the house. It has the property of accumulating real dirt - microbes and bacteria - and mystical. Anything cracked, chipped or scratched should be thrown into the trash immediately!

How many pieces did the plate break into?

Everything is simple here: the smaller the fragments and the greater their number, the better. For example, if a plate broken at a wedding does not split into two parts, but turns into a pile of porcelain, which no superglue can help put back together, the signs promise the newlyweds a life of contentment and love until old age.


To neutralize any negative predictions due to broken dishes, collect the fragments in a newspaper or paper bag. Do not cut yourself under any circumstances! Clumsy and hasty beliefs threaten illnesses, and medicine threatens abscesses, because there will probably be dirt from the floor and leftover food on the glass. Take the bundle out to a vacant lot and bury it with the words: “beaten and stabbed, crushed with misfortune, I’ll leave it here, send happiness to the house,” then leave without looking back.

Ask ten friends: “Why do the plates break?”, and nine people will answer: “Fortunately.” Take them as an example. In the end, it’s not just that the good interpretation of the sign has become most widespread! Therefore, it came true more often, or maybe the whole point is that everyone who broke the plate believed in the best. Next time, instead of being nervous and performing strange rituals over the fragments, throw them in the trash, smile and tell yourself: “But really, fortunately!”

In general, the interpretation of the plate is definitely positive. Psychologists agree that in the human subconscious it symbolizes well-being, as well as a source of income and material wealth. The sign of breaking a plate usually means a symbolic farewell to previous problems and worries. When the groom hits the plate at a wedding “for good luck,” this is a kind of end to his former bachelor life. It is clear that immediately after this all the fragments must be collected and thrown away - so as not to return to a celibate existence.

The sign of broken plates originated in ancient times. After the invention of porcelain, it was used exclusively by wealthy families, and if such dishes were broken, it was believed that negative energy would leave the house with the discarded fragments.

At the same time, there are many nuances that interpret a broken plate, both in a positive and downright negative way. Let's look at all the shades of a broken plate.

Dishes are breaking - catch your luck by the tail

There are so many nuances that directly influence the interpretation of the event that it is not so easy to list them all: the person himself hits the bowl or is this just a scene with his participation as a witness, what does the dishes look like - old or new, intact, cracked or with chips around the edges, full or empty...

  • Since ancient times, at Russian weddings they beat a plate “for luck”, this was the key to a strong and long married life;
  • a bowl that accidentally breaks during a wedding ceremony, and even due to the fault of the bride or groom, leads to the fragility of such a union;
  • according to signs that came from antiquity, by breaking dishes, our ancestors scared away diseases; it was believed that this was a real medicine in the fight against fever and convulsions;
  • the fact that the bowl shattered into fragments, which happened just before the New Year, meant impending misfortunes;
  • The belief came to us from our ancestors that, they say, such incidents are the tricks of a brownie who is not delighted with his masters, and he urgently needs to be appeased with something;
  • Another nuance was that the fragments predicted a person’s old age, and if there were many of them, then the upcoming future would be happy.

Returning to wedding superstitions, we should remember the tradition, following which, it was the duty of the young wife to break a plate on the threshold - such a sign protected the married couple from scandals. However, in parallel there is another interpretation: they say that a bowl broken at a wedding will cause cracks in the marriage.

From love to misfortune - one broken plate

Do not forget that numerous invited persons are present at a wedding ceremony or other event. A new relationship may begin between them. Here's what the signs say about this:

  • if a person breaks a plate, fate will soon give him a love affair on the most serious level, and it will last throughout his life, and if a person of the opposite sex happens to be nearby, then perhaps this is the object of a future relationship;
  • it is very important how a person feels at the sound of breaking dishes, if he is seized by panic - this is not good, since with his thoughts (they believe that these are material phenomena), their owner can attract what they are filled with;
  • Many interpreters agree that scattered fragments should be collected and, securely packed so that they do not fall out and harm others, and thrown away.

At the same time, eating from a dish that has a crack means inviting cracks in your future life. And if the housewife keeps broken plates in the kitchen, then it is believed that by doing this she attracts misfortune to her home.

When frugality is not for good, but for misfortune

And in general, dishes in a person’s home can tell a lot about its owner. For example, riddled with cracks and dotted with chips, it indicates isolation and frugality. However, is this beneficial? Interpreters of the signs are sure that this is not always the case:

  • eating and drinking from cracked and “chapped” dishes means inviting disaster not only on yourself, but also on the entire family, which will go from prosperity to poverty and poor health, and this sign has been “tested” by time;
  • It is believed that violation of the integrity of the dishes automatically entails a negative effect on the so-called “subtle bodies”; as a result, tasty and healthy food eaten from cracked dishes will not bring pleasure and will not be healthy.

The phenomenon of a broken saucer itself is often encountered in everyday life. However, it happens that someone literally cannot hold the dishes in their hands. It is believed that the head of such a person is filled with numerous bad thoughts.

Therefore, it is preferable to treat or communicate with him delicately or limit such communication altogether - so as not to take away the negative energy emanating from him. And in general, having witnessed such a phenomenon, you should be wary and be ready to confront the troubles that may be brought into the house.

Cleanliness and neatness will not attract trouble to the house

In people’s minds, a plate is a symbol of homeliness, strong marital relationships in a large, friendly family with a fireplace that warmly welcomes guests. In such a house there are no dirty dishes - a symbol of future troubles. But if a plate breaks, this does not mean that happiness should definitely be expected in the house:

  • the fact of broken transparent dishes is not good, because a transparent plate represents cleanliness, and if it shatters into fragments, expect quarrels or warn them in advance;
  • if at the moment of the broken plate the quarrel is still happening, you should know that in this way a person attracts negative energy.

The sound of broken dishes in our subconscious is the symbolic sound of a marital quarrel. Psychologists are sure that by breaking bowls “in the hearts”, a person releases the negative energy that has accumulated in him and is emotionally discharged. Negativity is replaced by calm. Smile at the sound of a bowl scattering on the floor - adversity will pass you by!

When something in the house is spoiled or destroyed, it causes negative emotions in its owner. Dishes and glassware are considered the most fragile household items that are most often broken. This small one is unpleasantly associated with a variety of signs that have both positive and negative meanings. Why do dishes break in the house?

Where and how did the dishes break?

Any careless movement in the kitchen risks breaking dishes. A plate or cup that has shattered into fragments is a warning about certain events in a person’s life.

Why do dishes break in the kitchen?

Interpretation of broken dishes by day of the week

If dishes break in the house, you need to pay attention to the day of the week on which it happened.

Why did the dishes crack?

It often happens that dishes stand in their usual place and crack on their own. What could this sign mean and should we be afraid of it?

If no one touched the dishes, but they took them on their own and shattered into small fragments, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the home, which nevertheless found a way out.

If no one dropped the dishes, but they picked them up and broke them, then perhaps the brownie is playing a trick on the residents of the house. To appease this creature, you need to pour some milk into a saucer and place it in the corner of the kitchen. You need to put some sweets near the milk and leave everything overnight. In the morning, it is better to feed the brownie treat to birds or pets.

Chips and cracks that appear on dishes warn household members that financial losses will soon occur in their lives.

What to do to avoid trouble

Broken dishes are not only a loss, but also a waste of time on cleaning. The realization of a good or bad omen depends on how a person clears his home of fragments.

As soon as any piece of utensils breaks, you need to sweep away the fragments with a broom and wrap them in cotton cloth. The fragments must be taken to a landfill or wasteland as soon as possible. It is believed that in this way you can cleanse your home of negative energy or neutralize a bad omen. If the dishes break after sunset, then their fragments are taken out in the morning.

Many pieces of utensils evoke awe in humans. A beautiful plate can be given as a gift to a loved one, and a cup can be taken with you on an interesting, unforgettable journey. Unfortunately, even the most beloved items cannot be protected from damage.

If chips and cracks appear on the dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. Why you need to do this:

If dishes with cracks are found in the house, you need to correctly perform a ritual to neutralize negative energy. The damaged dishes are placed on a completely empty chair without a tablecloth. Then you need to take a white candle and light it. The candle is held only in the right hand and the flame is turned towards the chip or crack. Melted wax must drip onto the damaged area of ​​the dishes. In this case you need to say:

Just as white falls on black, so the bad will pass by and will not happen. Happiness will come to the house - it will happen.

The spell is read until the wax fills the crack in the damaged object.

What to do if the dishes that are part of your beloved set are cracked? Esotericists have an answer to this question. The surviving components of the service need to be hidden as far as possible, but before that you need to perform a special magical ritual that will help turn the incomplete set into a reliable talisman and amulet.

The ritual of magic is performed on the full moon. You need to go to any store and buy black and red markers. Care should be taken to ensure that their rods are thin. You also need to buy several sheets of colored paper.

The ritual is carried out during the day during the full moon phase. You need to take a wide bowl, fill it with cold water and place old dishes from the service in it for several hours. After this, each component of the set must be wiped dry with a towel.

All washed and dried dishes are laid out in front of you. On each cup, small triangles are drawn on the front side with a black marker and shaded in red. Then each cup is wrapped in black paper, with red paper on top. During these actions, it is necessary to read the following plot:

I branded my good, branded myself for good, my enemy for bad, my friend for good luck, my family for good luck. That's what I say, that's what I do. Yes!

After this ritual, you need to work with plates and saucers. At the bottom of all objects, draw a circle with a black marker and shade it with red. The service items are wrapped in paper in the same way, while reading:

I put thirty-three seals, I say thirty-three words, I hang thirty-three locks. If evil touches the seal, it will immediately fall into pieces. That's what I say, that's what I do. Yes!

If there are other items in the service, then red and black parallel lines are drawn on their bottom, and then everything is wrapped in colored paper, saying:

Let anger pass by, let gossip, evil words, human blasphemy pass by. So I say, so I share. Yes!

After all the actions, you need to remove the paper and burn it, while reading the Orthodox prayer “Our Father”. A charmed set gives the family protection from damage, the evil eye and the envy of others.

Dishes break at a wedding, at a wake

Broken dishes at a wedding are a common occurrence, since a large number of people are present at this celebration. There are some signs associated with such a trivial incident that should not be ignored.

In every house, at least once, dishes broke. The point is that dishes tend to break. The exception is if it is not plastic. Some people think this is a completely understandable situation. This is explained by the fact that perhaps the person had wet hands, or was nervous, or was in a very big hurry. But the majority of the population of our country believes that broken dishes have some special meaning. Let's look at what it promises if you break a plate.

Why is the plate beating? Basically, the plate beats for great happiness. But the sign can be interpreted in different ways. Often, this depends on the circumstances under which the dishes break or break. If the plate had to fall and break into many small fragments, then everyone believes that great happiness is expected. But sometimes it doesn’t bring positive moments. It is quite possible that in this way higher powers are warning you about imminent problems in life. A broken plate has many interpretations. The plate itself breaks if there is negativity.

Possible circumstances of runout

If you accidentally break a plate, you need to pay attention to the following circumstances:

  • if it breaks on a holiday, then soon you will receive wealth;
  • if it splits or bursts in the hands of a young girl, then she will soon marry successfully;
  • If the plate breaks for the newlyweds, then a happy family life will await them.

Most often, it is believed that the sign of breaking a plate leads to happy moments in life. You just need to break the dishes only by accident. If the plate breaks on purpose, or in anger, then nothing good should be expected.

Days on which dishes break

If the plate breaks before the New Year, or before Christmas, or before Epiphany, then you can expect happiness and success throughout the coming year. If you crashed on your birthday, then soon you will receive a promotion and impressive profits. If an expensive plate breaks, this portends positive changes in life and purchases. If the plate cracks on Monday, then you will have a week without hassle. If the dishes burst on Sunday, then the week will be difficult and problematic.

If plates break on your wedding day, then you should pay attention to who exactly contributed to its breaking. The point is that if this happened thanks to the guest, then there will be happiness. If the newlyweds' plates break, then most likely their marriage will be short-lived and unhappy. If they break the dishes on purpose, then a happy family life together is expected. Broken dishes can promise both happiness and sadness. It all depends on who breaks it.

Regardless of how exactly the dishes broke, the fragments must be removed immediately. After this, wrap them in some kind of rag and remove them away from the house. In this way, you can remove all the troubles and unhappiness from your home. The fragments can remove all negative energy from the house.

Cases of broken dishes at a wedding

Often, breaking plates at weddings leads to happiness, as everyone believes.

  1. If the dishes fell and cracked into a large number of tiny fragments, then the newlyweds will have a long, successful life together.
  2. A negative event will happen if the dishes break thanks to the mother-in-law. In this case, the newlyweds will often quarrel and have bad relationships with their families. If it is necessary to neutralize this sign, then the groom must throw the same dish over his left shoulder.

After the feast has begun, the bride's friend should bring food to the newlyweds on a plate. In the future, the young people must break it together. A broken plate will bring success in family life. If the bride drops a plate from her table, this will promise her husband's infidelity. To prevent the belief from taking effect, the bride needs to trample on the fragments with her heel.

If dishes break in the home kitchen

Breaking dishes in the home kitchen is a common occurrence. If you happen to break dishes by accident, then you should not expect a bad case. But if the broken plate was formed in a fit of anger, you can soon expect financial problems and difficult relationships with loved ones.

If suddenly a wife breaks the dishes of her chosen one, then most likely there will be a war with her rival. This does not always mean that he has taken a mistress. It is likely that the homewrecker only aimed at her husband.

If the dishes crack on their own

If the dishes crack on their own, then this is a clear sign that you will soon have to go through financial difficulties. According to Feng Shui theory, cracked dishes absorb the energy of good luck. It’s just possible that you will have the opportunity to avoid negative consequences. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to put a lot of effort into eliminating it.

  • The second option is that you can walk around the house with a lit church candle, paying special attention to the corners.
  • There are times when you need to break the plates yourself and on purpose. In this way, you can get rid of various damage present in the house. If you can’t shake the feeling that something has gone wrong in your life, or that someone has decided to put the evil eye on you, then you need to take an old plate and break it. At the same time, say the words: “For good luck.” You can be sure that after such a ritual everything in your life will return to normal.

    Many people believe in omens, while some are skeptical. One thing can be said: if your favorite dishes break, then don’t get upset right away. This situation can only warn of impending negativity. You can very well prevent negative consequences and remain happy. It all depends only on your thinking and on your belief in omens. Now you know what will happen if you break a plate, what sign awaits you.

    Things in the house can crack or splinter, especially if there are small, restless children. Since ancient times, our ancestors knew the signs of why dishes break. This incident can bring both good luck and problems. Much depends on the details of what happened: what day it happened, what crashed. Several interpretations need to be considered.

    For a long time, people have been interested in why dishes break in the house. They noticed signs, remembered on what day the utensils were broken and what happened then. Thus, they knew exactly what the split object was an omen of.

    Let's look at each of the seven days of the week:

    Kitchen utensils and other items

    Any tableware can be dropped. These can be mugs, plates, a vase and much more. Each thing has its own meaning. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to Circumstances under which the problem occurred:

    Other interpretations of signs

    If dishes often break in the house, the sign says: a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the home, it is necessary to cleanse the room of evil spirits.

    The priest will help with this, or you yourself can walk around the perimeter of the entire house with a candle.

    Perhaps some unpleasant incident happened in the family some time ago, everything has already been settled, but bad energy never left the home.

    If the water carafe starts to burst, then this promises good luck for a business person in business circles; the time has come for finding new partners.

    For others, this sign means unplanned cash receipts.

    If you drop a tableware, it did not break, but at the same time you hit your hand hard, then you will soon will have to answer for other people's misdeeds. It will seem that this does not concern you, but those around you will see the whole situation differently. You should not avoid responsibility; you need to look at things soberly and act in accordance with your life guidelines.

    What to do with cracked dishes

    Surely in every home there is a cutlery item that is split, but it would be a pity to throw it away.

    Under no circumstances should you store broken dishes in the house! This attracts failure and quarrels. Even though this mug or plate is dear to the hostess, throw it away without a second thought. Bursting dishes will constantly attract troubles and financial losses. Moreover, you cannot drink from these cups.

    Broken dishes portend both happiness and problems.

    Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in omens or not. If the sign does not bode well, then after the trouble has happened, say loudly: "For luck!", and then nothing bad will happen. The effect of the sign will be neutralized.