Bent finger of Jupiter. The meaning of the length and shape of the phalanx of the finger of Jupiter


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The apex is at the level of the base of the nail of the second finger. A leader is a person with the ability to lead.
The apex is below the level of the base of the nail of the second finger. Shy, feels inferior, avoids responsibility.
The same length or longer than the second finger(s). This man is a dictator, he is self-centered and forces others to obey him.
Bend at the end towards the second finger. Indicates money-grubbing. It may begin as collecting and classifying as a hobby if the bend is weak, and become stinginess if the bend is pronounced.
Bent towards the second finger. This person is persistent and stubborn.
The length is normal, but shorter than the third finger (b). A good organizer, capable of taking responsibility, but prefers to work in partnership with someone.
Equal in length to the third finger. Balanced and arrogant.
Longer than the third finger. Proud, ambitious, passionate about power.
Long and smooth. Good prospects in work, in business and in the outside world in general.
Short. There is a lack of vitality and confidence.
Very short. The desire to hide and the fear of the outside world.
Very thick. Stubborn and determined. Very thin. A person who succeeds in imagination but not in real life.
Curved. Indiscriminate, persistent in achieving his goals, regardless of the consequences.

Initial phalanx (a). Associated with Cancer and ruled by the Moon. Reveals a person's imagination, intuition, goals and spirituality.

Middle phalanx (b). Associated with Pisces and ruled by Jupiter. Reveals gullibility, financial and organizational abilities.

Main phalanx (c). Associated with Scorpio and ruled by Mars. Reveals the status of a person, his sexuality and attitude towards food and drink.

Initial Average Main
Long smart and insightful organized and confident in his image loser and seeks physical satiety
Short ambitions aimed at material enrichment lack of ambition, dishonest not assertive enough
Thin not in contact with the inner mind does not improve his skills enough weak, nervous, fussy
Harvest lucky and might be rich suitable for managing the solution of complex problems insatiable person and despot at work
Stripes not very smart, lacks insight tendency to leave projects and work unable to meet physical needs
Grooves able to achieve your goals energetic and capable so-called lethargy, which indicates fatigue
Lattices suffers from bad dreams holds back emotions doubts self-respect

Hills in the palm of your hand

Fingers and hills

The fingers on the hand also have their own names. Their names depend on those planets that rule the nearby territory, which indicates the connection of palmistry with astrology. The thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is Apollo, and the little finger is Mercury.

Each planet carries a symbol: Venus- love, love of life; Jupiter- power; Saturn- time, fate, fate; Sun(Apollo) - success, gifts and talents; Mercury- trade, practical activities, cleverness.

The palm has fleshy pads called mounds (a bulge located under the finger). Each finger of the hand has its own “planetary hill”. Lumps show hobbies and human interests, they are also used to judge psycho-emotional state person.

Mercury: spiritual energy, intelligence, moral strength, practicality. Apollo: compassion, love of beauty, creative talents, ability to achieve success. Saturn: seriousness, prudence, despondency, prejudice.

Jupiter: leadership, honor, ambition, religiosity. Small Hill of Mars: moral spirit, ability to control oneself.

Great Hill of Mars: ability to resist, composure, calmness and courage. Venus: kindness, love, modesty, passion. Moon: sentimentality, imagination, selfishness.

Palmists identify lines, signs, patterns and other indicators on the hands. Each finger has its own line:

Big- life line, index- heart line, Average- line of fate, Nameless- line of happiness, Little finger- line of mercury.

In addition, additional lines are distinguished: line of mind, line of Mars, line of intuition, lines of influence and other small lines.

There are also main types of signs: cross, star, quadrangle, dot, circles, islands, triangles, lattices. Palmists determine the meaning of each sign based on cumulative factors. Depending on which line the sign is located on (for example, a cross - bad sign on a good line and good sign to bad. The star is the best lucky sign, no matter where it is on the palm).

Fingers of the hand- are the most mobile part of the palm, fingers are constantly involved in the thought process and emotional life of a person, thanks to the fingers of the hand there is a transformation in our imagination and the work of the brain in material assets. A person, unconsciously gesturing with his fingers on his hand, tries to more clearly express his thoughts and ideas using the language of hand gestures.

A person does the main work with the Thumb and Forefinger. Middle finger acts as a first assistant in more responsible work. The ring finger and little finger, as reserve players, are involved only in hard work when it is necessary to use the entire physical reserve of hand strength. The thumb reveals the driving force behind a person's actions.

Jupiter finger (index finger)- the most mobile finger on the hands, which is located on the Eastern active part of the hand; they show the way and threaten in case of disobedience. The finger symbolizes determination, confidence in own strength, ambition and selfishness.

Finger of Saturn (average)- is an assistant to the index finger in performing important work, and is also located on the active side of the hand, and expresses the inner world of a person. The degree of his responsibility, prudence, introspection and privacy. It is known that the planet Saturn is called upon to organize, discipline and plan a person’s actions in life.

Apollo finger (ring finger) and Mercury finger- play a supporting role in the active work of the hand. They are used as a reserve, as they are located on the Western side of the passive part of the hand.

Each finger of the hand can be compared to a soldier, everyone has positive qualities and negative, and depending on the nature of the hand, he is free to do whatever he wants, if not held by the thumb, standing separately, being a commander, and using logic and willpower, he holds back the aspirations and ambitions of his subordinates.

Mercury finger (little finger) belongs to the passive part of the palm and mostly remains aside, and participates in the thought process, since it represents reason and science, while the other fingers work, it participates in ingenuity and quickness of thought.


Size and thickness thumb serves as a powerful argument, since it expresses one’s own “I”, and is used both in the active process, together with the index and middle finger, and in the mental process, strengthening them with logic.

If there is a need to apply great force, he gives the command to the remaining fingers, he is the commander and gathers his fingers into a fist, covering and supporting them from above, without him it will not be possible to be strong driving force. The angle of deviation of the thumb is an indicator of the sociability and isolation of the individual, as well as tolerance and tolerance.

Phalanges of fingers

The fingers are divided into three phalanges, each of them representing an active part of the three main worlds that make up and shape the personality.

In other words, it expresses the triplicity represented by the three worlds, and the twelve in four represented by the four fingers (seasons) divided into twelve joints (months).

Upper phalanges of the finger nails, represent the divine world of man or his ideas and dreams, which bring man closer to a world other than ours, which gives him inspiration.

Middle phalanges of fingers show how we can turn our ideas and dreams into reality and represent the mental world.

Lower phalanges of fingers– the material world, what a person receives from making his dreams come true is reflected on the lower phalanges of the hand.

The lower phalanx of the thumb is not visible since it is part of the Mount of Venus and fuses with the lower part of the palm, it is considered as the Mount of Venus, which belongs to material world and parts of the palm and is limited by the life line, one of the main lines responsible for human capacity and longevity.

The fingers carry extensive information about the character of their owner, his abilities, aspirations and potential, which can be determined by comparing and analyzing the length and smoothness or knobbiness of the fingers, as well as the distance between them and the bend of the phalanges.

An important key to revealing identity secrets will be fingerprints, from which a lot of information can also be read.

The predominance of any of the three principles in a person is judged by the greatest development of one of the joints.

People with short fingers have the ability to perform administrative activities. People with long fingers are not suitable for such activities. They are more patient, more caring, gentle and much calmer than people with short fingers. Too short fingers big hand indicate mental limitations.

In the same way, too long fingers indicate a negative type of people who get lost in little things and have a narrow outlook.

Well-developed, mobile fingers indicate intelligence. Undeveloped fingers, inactive and inflexible, indicate a slow mind. The hardness or softness of the fingers also plays a role important role, and does not always correspond to the hardness or softness of the hand.

Solid fingers- a sign of frugality and perseverance, soft ones - impulsiveness and frequent mood swings, as well as hypersensitivity, fat and thick fingers, indicate sensuality, the desire for pleasure in life.


Finger shapes

Knobby fingers(Figure No. 1).

The severity of the node indicates a tendency towards systematic thinking and balance; energy and vital vibrations passing through the finger collide with vitality individual in the joint, which they cannot immediately overcome by receiving resistance and mixing there. Such a knot in palmistry is called a philosophical knot of reflection. People with philosophical nodes are distinguished by administrative abilities, endowed with clear and sober critical mind and a penchant for philosophizing, as well as a somewhat militant attitude.

In the case of the expression of the second joint of the finger, it speaks of pedantry, love of calculations and order in the everyday sense, in such a person everything should be laid out on shelves and lie in its place, it is not uncommon for such individuals to become bores, such a node is called material.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the spirit of order can only be inherent in people who think strictly logically; in them even love should be in order, sometimes reaching complete insanity in small things - especially when there are several knots on the hand. If both nodes on the finger are clearly expressed, this indicates a person’s desire for great orderliness in everything and the presence of mathematical abilities.

The philosophical knot, located on the finger not on the side, but as if on top (thickening), indicates ingenuity, thoughtfulness and a tendency to fantasize. In general, people with knobby fingers are usually prone to deep analysis of phenomena and events, to great job thoughts, follow the development of science, politics, love literature.

Square fingers (angular)(Figure No. 2).

This finger shape characterizes people who are prone to precision and accuracy. social sciences, logic, dramatic art, as well as publicly available forms of various useful activities. In angular fingers, the nail joint is the same width at the tip of the fingers and at the joint, so the owners of such fingers prefer the accuracy and perfection of things and beauty. They like to be guided more by theoretical reasoning than to act impulsively or based on calculation.

The owner of quadrangular knobby fingers monitors achievements modern science, loves and appreciates literature. Such a person always acts only according to a deliberate scenario. His thoughts never reach a high poetic height, but they turn out to be progressive in practical skills and in the exact arts. These are people who attach great importance to little things,

Conical fingers (pointed)(Figure No. 3).

This finger shape always indicates a penchant for the arts, interest and ability to humanities, to external spectacular effects. The type of fingers is named after the shape of the upper outer joint, which resembles a cone, and the finger itself is usually round in shape.

These are people of first impression, they see the world in big picture and do not pay attention to little things because of their impatience.

If the fingers are also smooth, then their owner can be assumed to have an ability for painting, sculpture, and sometimes poetry. Such a person admires the external beauty of forms. He cannot stand intense mental work, he is romantic and easily falls in love, but just as easily disappointed, security is not in the foreground (unlike square fingers), he is freedom-loving, avoids boring discussions or questions for him. These are contemplative people, the first impression they receive is considered the only correct one, which is why they often make mistakes in life, are prone to idealism and are not practical in material matters, and feel the need for love.

Spade fingers(Figure No. 4).

These are fingers whose nail phalanges are wider at the tip than at the articulation, and which are thus more or less shovel-shaped, from which they get their name.

Spade-shaped fingers indicate the predominance of passions over reason. People with such fingers look at life from a utilitarian point of view - more practical than ideal. They are distinguished by an innate understanding of all material things, an instinctive knowledge of practical life, respect for physical strength, abilities in the art of illusion, and sometimes show interest in natural sciences and them practical application in practice.

If the spade-shaped fingers are smooth, then it can be assumed that their owner is guided primarily by sensory knowledge, instinct and passion. If they are knotty, then by calculation.

Such people are willing to take on practical sciences. A person with smooth spade-shaped fingers will assert himself in cases where quick assimilation of information and quick wits are required, but if the spade-shaped fingers are knobby, then there is good ability in military affairs and engineering sciences: applied mechanics, construction.

Finger spacing

If you examine your hand in a freely open form with the palm facing you, you will notice that the distance between the fingers is different, and this is valuable information. If the most long distance between the index and middle fingers, this is a sign of the predominance of thought over action, independence of reasoning. If the greatest distance is between the ring finger and the little finger, this indicates the predominance of actions over thought, that is, independence in action. If the index finger and little finger are very far from the two middle fingers, then the person is characterized by self-confidence.

If the ring finger (Apollo) fits tightly to the middle finger (Satun), this indicates a secretive nature. The tilt of the developed little finger towards the ring finger is a sign of a pronounced ability for entrepreneurship.

The tilt of the ring finger towards the finger of Saturn expresses a personality that sometimes withdraws into itself and a tendency to be sad.

If the index finger is slightly bent towards the middle finger, this is a sign of ambition.

If you close all your fingers together, and at the same time there are gaps between the fingers, that is, gaps, this indicates a person who is a spender; the larger the gap, the faster the money runs away from the individual’s hands.

The index finger in palmistry is traditionally associated with the god Jupiter (Zeus).

As you know, Jupiter was supreme deity Roman pantheon, signifying power, authority, victory. Accordingly, the index finger conveys qualities such as ambition, pride and selfishness. He shows us our social personality, our importance in society. In addition, it is not for nothing that J. Fincham compares finger of Jupiter with a mirror. Indeed, this finger of our “I”. Since the index finger is on the radial side of the palm, it belongs to our inner world, which we strive to realize in our lives. We can say that people with a well-developed finger of Jupiter are distinguished by willpower, a desire for power and realization, and practicality.

Do not forget that this finger should be considered in relation to the ring finger. We will not pay much attention to this in this article, since it was discussed in previous ones. Let us only recall that their correspondence shows quite a lot of personality characteristics, and also directly determines the attitude towards the length of the finger.

Let us recall that to characterize and analyze fingers, such qualities as length, width, shape, bend and phalangeal ratio are used.

Jupiter finger length

The long finger of Jupiter speaks of the desire to control people, to subjugate them to one’s power. Such people are self-confident, ambitious, and stop at nothing. They fiercely defend their position. It is difficult for them to come to terms with the authority or freedom of others, so they often do not have many friends. It is very important for such people to appear as true professionals in the eyes of others. At the same time, owners of long index fingers very responsible, they will sacrifice personal interests, but will complete the assigned task; it is easier for them to work in small teams, but at the same time very high level, because their tendency to harsh self-criticism will not allow them anything else. Therefore, they often achieve high positions, which they often achieve over their heads.

Short finger of Jupiter speaks of opposite or undeveloped qualities. Most often this is an indicator of low self-esteem and uncertainty. In addition, this is a sign of modesty and emotionality. Do not forget, with a very long ring finger in such a situation we are faced with the phenomenon of “overcompensation”. In this case, the lack of confidence is compensated by unjustified risk and window dressing. So advise a person with a short index finger to work on their self-esteem and overcome the childish complexes that underlie it.

We should not forget about the thickness of the finger, which should be assessed in comparison with other fingers on the palm. Thus, a thick index finger, especially if it is long and strong, indicates a despotic, domineering nature.

Bend of Jupiter's finger

As you already know, the displacement, bending, inclination of the fingers indicates that, to some extent, the qualities inherent in one or another finger are blurred with the qualities of the neighboring one, or give up part of their energy to it.

Thus, tilting the index finger towards the thumb indicates egocentrism, the desire to bring one’s ideas to life, no matter the cost. Often with this position of the finger, even talented people as if they were trying to curry favor. In general, we can say that these people need the support of a strong thumb, which can smooth out the negative qualities of this finger.

The tilt of the Jupiter finger towards the middle finger indicates problems in self-realization. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to bring his plans to life. At the same time, a person easily fits into a large structure, performs the work of a part in a large mechanism well, and sometimes achieves extraordinary success in this.

The ratio of the phalanges of the finger of Jupiter

The upper phalanx of the finger of Jupiter is considered the phalanx of Aries. She is responsible for physical strength and idealism. She is also responsible for the influence of moral attitudes on a person, his ethical motives. The predominance of this phalanx over others speaks of inspiration, of the desire to achieve an ideal. The sphere of manifestation of this must be sought in other parts of the hand.

The middle phalanx, the phalanx of Taurus, expresses the practical side of the qualities of Jupiter. She is responsible for reflection, rethinking, ambition. The predominance of this phalanx testifies to a person’s ability to realize his talents, as well as the desire to personal growth. In addition, this often indicates a person’s humanitarian inclinations.

The lower phalanx is the Gemini phalanx, responsible for the ability to implement plans, the ability to calculate, and stubbornness. The predominance of this phalanx is characteristic of people who seek to suppress others and dominate. In the Middle Ages, this phalanx expressed a lack of sense of proportion, especially in purely physiological inclinations (food, sex).

Jupiter finger shape

A spade-shaped finger indicates an active person who achieves results through activity and work. They often strive for simplicity in everything. The lust for power is evident.

An angular index finger speaks of a person who is accustomed to order and systematization in everything. They know how to hide their emotions even in difficult situations. They say that the predominance of this finger shape is often found among talented lawyers.

The conical finger indicates the spiritual orientation of human activity. He is concerned about questions of faith and purpose, is sensitive and fair, sometimes vulnerable, has good developed intellect and extensive knowledge, but does not perceive social rules well.



The index finger is named after the planet Jupiter. It symbolizes vigor, ambition, ambition, leadership qualities and the inner self, or ego.

The Jupiter finger should end somewhere between the middle and two-thirds of the upper phalanx of the middle finger (Fig. 146). Ideally, the length of this finger should match the length of Apollo's finger. If Jupiter's finger is longer (Fig. 147), its owner is endowed with inexhaustible energy and ambition.

People with a long finger of Jupiter set a goal and go towards it until they achieve complete success. Their only drawback is the inability to stop in time, so in extreme cases they are capable of driving themselves to the grave much earlier than the allotted time. If Jupiter's finger is significantly longer than Apollo's finger, this indicates selfishness.

If Jupiter's finger is equal in length to Apollo's finger, this indicates a moderately ambitious person who will make a lot of effort to realize his goals, but will be able to pause in time. Such a person will realistically assess his capabilities and abilities.

In most cases, it is correct to determine the length of the fingers by looking at them from the palm side, up to
quite difficult. As already mentioned, more precisely, the length of the fingers of Jupiter and Apollo can be determined if you look at them from outside palms. If Jupiter's finger is shorter than Apollo's finger (Fig. 148), this indicates that at an early stage of his life the person suffered from self-doubt. An index finger that is too short symbolizes a person who is quiet, withdrawn, timid and afraid of life.

If the Jupiter finger is curved towards the Saturn finger (Fig. 149), you have a person who is self-absorbed and in need of constant encouragement and moral support. This is the result of low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.


As with other fingers, the phalanges of the Jupiter finger should be approximately equal in length.

If the upper phalanx is the longest of the three (Fig. 150), this indicates a person with strong developed sense self-esteem. His interests are religious and philosophical. Most likely, he will devote himself to a profession that involves constant personal contact with others. Members of the clergy tend to be very religious and devout and work with people.

If the middle phalanx is the longest (Fig. 151), this indicates an intelligent, practical person who takes his goals and objectives seriously.

Most often, the lower phalanx is the longest (Fig. 152), which indicates a person interested in philosophy and religion. The following can be said about such a person:

He gradually cultivates in himself a deep faith or serious life philosophy. His faith may be of either a church or another nature, but, one way or another, it will play a very important role in his life, the importance of which will constantly increase.

If the base phalanx is the shortest of the three (Fig. 153), this indicates a person who is self-sufficient and free from great ambitions. People with a short lower phalanx of the Jupiter finger are best left to their own devices so that they can calmly follow their modest dreams.