Iso in the preparatory group. Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development “The Magic Land of Fine Arts” in the senior preparatory group. Salt painting technique

Sokolova Tatyana,


(preparatory group)



Pr.sod.: introduce the genre of “still life”, teach children to recreate in memory and name fruits growing in the garden, their color, shape, learn to depict various forms, while composing a still life; give an idea of ​​the correct arrangement of still life objects, continue to teach how to sculpt different shapes (apples, pears, plums, grapes from a whole piece), convey the characteristics of each of them, and develop diligence.

Material: plasticine, stacks, planks, fruit models, vase.

Previous work: looking at paintings depicting a still life, drawing up a still life from various objects, talking about fruits and where they grow.



Pr.sod.: continue to introduce the form of fine art - still life, learn to compare different methods of depicting a three-dimensional form (plastic and decorative silhouette), create a composition of 2-3 objects. Continue to learn how to cut out symmetrical objects from folded paper (a vase), and several fruits (an apple, a pear), and add details to the composition; improve the skills of smoothly cutting out round shapes. Fix the “rules of scissors”: hold the sharp ends away from you and downwards, make sure that your fingers do not get under the blades, feed the rings forward.

Materials: a sheet of dark cardboard (purple, blue), colored paper blanks for a vase, orange and yellow paper for fruits, green blanks for leaves, glue, brushes, oilcloth, tray, scissors, a simple pencil.

Previous work: examination of still lifes, analysis of the arrangement of objects when performing a still life. Drawing and sculpting still life.

Literature: Shvaiko “Fine Arts Classes” p. 19


Pr.sod.: teach children to visually perceive and determine the genre in art - still life, teach children to independently compose a still life from the proposed objects, practice the ability to correctly arrange still life objects; learn to convey the characteristic features of fruit in a drawing, teach a new technique - a two-color side stroke.

Materials: table, tablecloth, fruit models, vase, kitchen utensils, flowers (optional), gouache paint brushes, watercolors.

Previous work: modeling and appliqué of a still life, learning the poem by A. Kushner “What have I learned?”, drawing up a still life from surrounding objects.

Literature: O.A. Kurevina “Journey to the Beautiful” pp. 172, 181-184


Pr.sod.: continue to teach children to compose a still life, exercise their ability to distinguish the “still life” genre from other types of art, develop the skills of creating three-dimensional images, practice sculpting various forms of mushrooms and berries, conveying their characteristic features. Cultivate the desire to do the work carefully and independently analyze the results obtained.

Material: plasticine, planks, basket, dummies of mushrooms and berries.

Previous work: examination of dummies of mushrooms, illustrations of mushrooms, berries, exercises in drawing up a still life.


Ex.: teach on the basis of impressions, knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons, independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, the color scheme of objects, background, as well as methods of depiction, continue to learn how to symmetrically cut out round and oval-shaped objects from paper folded in half , several times, teach to work collectively, coordinate your actions, cultivate tolerance, mutual assistance. Reinforce the “rules of scissors.”

Materials: three large sheets of paper, colored paper for cutting out fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, green paper for cutting out leaves, glue, brushes, scissors, a pencil, a tray, oilcloth.

Literature: Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers” p. 150


Pr.sod.: learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn color of foliage, teach the correct methods of using a semi-dry hard brush when drawing vertical strokes to form foliage and horizontal strokes for the image black spots on a birch trunk; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of a brush; through riddles, illustrations, and drawings, to form in children’s minds the image of a slender, white-trunked birch tree. Maintain proper posture when drawing.

Material: illustrations with a picture of a birch, a sheet of paper to show individual ways of depicting, two brushes - soft and hard, paints.

Blue paper of saturated color in the form of an elongated rectangle, additional sheets of white paper for practicing drawing thin lines and different ways of working with a hard brush; brushes are soft and bristly, paints are gouache.

Literature: Shvaiko “Fine Arts Classes” p. 29


Pr.sod.: introduce children to a new way of composing a three-dimensional mosaic - modular sculpting, namely composing from shapeless pieces, teach children to pinch off, tear off or cut off small pieces in stacks and create from them the image of a decorated tree, show the method of sculpting a tree, develop in children independence in decorating crafts using natural materials.

Material: sample, plasticine, stacks, planks, natural material.

Literature: I.A. Lykova “We sculpt, we fantasize, we play” p.27-29

APPLICATION “PATTERN IN A CIRCLE” (from leaves and small flowers) - decorative

Example: introduce a new type of applique - floristry, applique of leaves, flowers, herbs; learn how to make a composition of leaves in a circle, carefully stick them on, develop creativity, hard work, and artistic taste.

Materials: tinted paper in the form of a circle, dried plants (leaves, flowers), PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, scissors, cloth, samples.

Previous work: collecting and drying leaves and flowers, making a composition of dried plants.

DRAWING “GOLDEN AUTUMN” (using natural materials) - plot

Example: introduce a new technique of drawing using dried plants - printing flowers and herbs (TRIZ), teach how to compose a composition, convey in it changes that have occurred in nature, consolidate children’s ability to distinguish and name genres of art - landscape, consolidate the ability to arrange objects of close, middle and distant plans, the horizon line, develop creativity, artistic taste, patience.

Materials: sample, dried leaves of various shapes, landscape leaf, watercolor paints, gouache, brushes.

Previous work: looking at autumn landscapes, talking about paintings, memorizing A. Kushner’s poem “What have I learned?”

Literature: O.A. Kurevin “Journey to the Beautiful” p. 132.

4. MOLDING “TEA SERVICE” (decorative)

Adv.: continue to teach children to sculpt in a constructive way (connecting parts),

get cups from a cylindrical shape, and a teapot from a large ball, making indentations and evenly increasing the resulting shape (stretching and pulling with your fingers, getting the same thickness of the walls of the dishes), smoothing and leveling the edges; decorate products with a ribbon ornament, having previously outlined the pattern of the ornament, learn how to make a ribbon ornament. Develop creativity, accuracy, and the desire to do work beautifully.

Material: clay (plasticine, salt dough), stacks, ornament samples, planks.

Previous work: examination of ribbon ornaments, training in their sculpting.

Literature: I.A.Lykova “We sculpt, we fantasize, we play” pp. 40-42


Pr.sod.: introduce a new technique for making appliqué - tearing, continue to teach how to select cold and warm tones for a composition, continue to learn how to transfer a stencil onto a sheet of paper, develop independence, initiative, and do the work carefully.

Materials: album sheet, tea utensil stencil, colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, cloth, tray.

Previous Work: repeat the topic “Dishes” with the children. Discuss the purpose of tea utensils. D/i “Assemble a whole from parts”, “The fourth odd one” on the topic “Dishes”.

Liter.: Malysheva “Applique in kindergarten” p. 98


Pr.sod.: introduce a new method of depiction - monotype (TRIZ), develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques, develop creativity and imagination.

Material: gouache, sheet of paper, thin brush, sample.

Literature: Seminar-workshop on fine arts “Use of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool age”

Program content:

· continue to teach children to identify its characteristic features from the image of a bird;

· see differences in the shape of body parts and in the proportions of a magpie and a sparrow;

· learn to depict a new pose of a bird - a bird sitting on a branch with its head turned back (the bird looked back) ;

· learn to use a simple pencil to create auxiliary drawings;

· strengthen the skill of drawing with watercolors;

Corrective tasks:

· continue to develop hand-eye coordination;

· develop smooth movements of the fingers when working with a pencil and brush;

· develop children's voluntary attention.

· continue to teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper and correlate the size of the depicted object with the size of the sheet.

Educational tasks:

· continue to instill in children kindness and responsiveness, a friendly attitude towards game characters.

· cultivate tactful behavior in relation to peers, give everyone the opportunity to express their opinion without interrupting.

· develop the ability to evaluate the results of your work.

Preliminary work:

· formation in children of a generalized idea of ​​​​the appearance of birds.

· learning the skill of conveying in a drawing the characteristic features of birds: body proportions, structure and length of beak and tail, plumage color.

· development of the ability to use a brush and paints when coloring a preliminary sketch.

· training in orientation on a microplane.

Follow up work:

· continue to teach how to navigate on a microplane

· teach to depict a bird in flight, a pecking bird.

· teach children to depict a bird using the appliqué method from individual parts of different shapes and sizes..

Individual work:

· developing the ability to hold a pencil and brush correctly (Gel D)

Teacher training:


production of lesson manuals, operational cards with drawing stages.

Methodical techniques:

artistic expression, questions for children, physical exercises, eye exercises, demonstration of illustrations, demonstration of drawing stages.

Demo material: illustrations of birds, a picture of a magpie, three-dimensional models of birds.

Handouts: sheets of A4 paper, pencils, brushes, watercolors, operation cards.

Literature used:

G.S. Shvaiko Lessons on fine arts activities in kindergarten. Program, notes. M.: VLADOS, 2006.

“Children, let’s get ready for class (children stand in a circle), let’s play in the game "Echo".

Hello friend!

How are you doing?

Smile for me.

Then I'll tell you.

(Children repeat each line independently).

The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative, the most talkative.

or a brief description of the magpie is given, from which they must guess what kind of bird they are talking about.

Then the teacher tells children a story about how in the morning I met Varvara Magpie, who was sitting on a branch and crying. It turned out that yesterday, when she and her magpie friends were frolicking in a clearing in the forest, an evil wind blew in, hid the sun behind a cloud and scattered all the birds. Varvara managed to hide in the hollow of an old tree. When she got out of there, the clearing was empty, and she felt so sad that she cried.

Guys, do you think we can help Varvara get her girlfriends back? (Yes) How can we do this? (Draw)

At this stage, children illustrations are shown with images of various birds. The children's task is to find a magpie among them. You can remember what all birds have in common (plumage, beak, wings, two legs). Find the distinctive features of the magpie and sparrow that the children drew in the last lesson. Children are invited to go to the tables to get started.

Stages of drawing.

Guys, can you remind me where to start drawing a bird? (You need to start with a droplet-shaped body). What next? (Round head, tail, wing) Thank you, now I remember. (The teacher shows the children a step-by-step example of drawing a bird, drawing their attention to the fact that the magpie’s head is small relative to the body, and the tail is long, and the beak is medium-sized, sharp) And today we will draw a magpie in an unusual pose. And all because of the evil wind.

We will draw a magpie that looked back to see if there was danger or anything interesting nearby. Next, it is explained to the children that the magpie’s beak must be drawn from the back, then it will look like it is looking back.

The teacher shows all the stages of drawing on his own sheet of paper attached to an easel or board.

If necessary, children repeat the drawing in the air with their finger, and then on a sheet of paper with a dry brush.

Corrective gymnastics for the eyes is carried out. “Sunbeam”, for which you can use a flashlight or laser.

Guys, you decided to help Varvara and because of this, even the sun came out from behind the clouds and sent its ray to help you. Let's follow him with our eyes.

Well, our eyes have rested. You can get down to the most important thing.

Illustrations depicting birds are removed, except for a color image of a magpie and a step-by-step drawing by the teacher.. After the children make a preliminary sketch in pencil, the teacher monitors the completion of the task and, if necessary, corrects errors, but not on his own behalf, but on behalf of the magpie Varvara.

Guys, the sun has already come out from behind the clouds and is helping us. Let's have an interesting a physical minute, with the help of which birds that were scattered by the wind will be able to return to their clearing.

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest

The arms swayed, the hands shook -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down -

The wings were folded back.

You see, the birds flew in and returned to the clearing with your help, but to make it completely beautiful and correct, you need to paint them.

How should we color our birds so that everyone who looks at them immediately understands that this is not a sparrow, not a dove, but a magpie.

Children say what color the magpie’s plumage is, and the teacher focuses their attention on the fact that when coloring the magpie’s body, they should leave white areas (on the abdomen and wing). The teacher should make sure that when coloring the children use a rich black color and do not forget to leave room for white spots. Please note that the magpie's head can be painted entirely black. And paint the eye with white paint when the main layer of paint is dry.

Guys, our magpies don’t fly or hang in the air, but sit on something. What needs to be completed to make it more convenient for them to observe the situation in the forest clearing? (twig, pebble)

At the end of the lesson, several children can be asked to compare their drawing with the illustrations and analyze what worked well and where the child had difficulty.

Then the works are laid out on the table, the guys examine them and evaluate them. Summing up the lesson based on childhood experiences.

Guys, what do you think, have we returned Varvara to her friends? Will she have fun now? Well done!

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group (painting on a wet layer of paper) Topic: “Flowers”
Program content:
Introduce children to this genre of painting, such as working with paints “wet”.
Learn to classify reproductions of paintings by genre - landscape, portrait, still life.
To consolidate children's knowledge and skills in mixing colors and obtaining new shades.
Encourage children to independently convey images of objects, using the means of expression available to them (stain, color, decor).
Develop fantasy and imagination.
Teach children to evaluate their own drawings and the drawings of their comrades in accordance with the task
Materials and equipment: foam sponges, brushes, gouache, watercolor paints, sheets of thick white paper, baths of water, rags.
Preliminary work:
- looking at paintings by artists,
- remember the genres of painting.
Progress of the lesson:
(Children stand on a carpet on which there are flowers of different colors.)
Educator: To begin with, I would really like to know in what mood you came today. You and I know that mood has its own color, here in our fairy-tale meadow many colorful flowers have grown - you each, please, choose a flower of a color that is similar to your current mood.
What color did you choose the flower...? Why?
What's your mood...? And you …?
I am very glad, guys, that you all chose bright and rich colors, which means that your mood is joyful, good, bright, and all the gloomy flowers remained in our meadow. Let's return our beautiful bright flowers to our fairy-tale meadow, let them grow and delight us.
Now let’s stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and wish each other health, good mood, kindness, happiness and that everything works out for you in class today.
Well done, now let’s go quietly and sit down.
First, let's remember what genres of painting you know? Landscape, portrait, still life.
Right. Here on the table I have reproductions of paintings. I ask three children to come out. From all the variety of paintings, let one choose still lifes, another - landscapes, and the third - portraits.
The children start working. The teacher together with the children checks the correctness of the choice of paintings. Children read poems about different genres of painting.
If you see in the picture, a river is drawn,
Picturesque valleys and dense forests,
Blond birch trees, or old strong oak,
Or a blizzard, or a downpour, or a sunny day.
Either the north or the south can be drawn.
And we can see any time of the year from the picture.
Without hesitation, let’s say: it’s called a landscape!
Still life:
If you see in the picture a miracle vase on the table,
It contains a bouquet of beautiful, snow-white chrysanthemums,
There are a lot of dishes, both glass and simple,
Maybe a cup or saucer, with a gilded border.
And it also happens that there is game drawn there,
To finish, add ripe peaches and plums.
And there might also be a cake in the picture.
And that’s why the painting will be called a still life!
If you see in the picture someone’s profile or full face,
Or maybe someone's perky and cheerful eye,
Maybe sad or brave, maybe kind or evil.
In a painted picture, this is the main person.
Maybe dad or mom, maybe grandpa and me.
Drawn in the picture, maybe my whole family.
It’s not difficult to guess, there is no uncertainty.
That beautiful painting is called a portrait.
Well done guys, all the genres were divided correctly. Today we will get acquainted with another genre of painting - painting on a “wet” layer of paper. Let's remember what “painting” actually is.
“Painting” is a very easy word to remember: it consists of two words: lively - write. Pictures painted with different paints or other colored materials, such as pastels, wax crayons, are called painting.
Today we will start painting on a “raw” sheet of paper. Our main tool today will be a foam sponge; we will wet our sheet with it. Today the colors will not behave as usual. They will blur, spread out, go beyond the boundaries of your drawing - you should not be afraid of this. This time you don’t have to mark your drawing with a pencil, just imagine what you want to draw. The work is done very quickly, with light movements. The hand moves freely.
For the “wet” technique, the theme of drawing “Flowers” ​​is very successful; we will get beautiful fluffy flowers, with many petals, similar to asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias - after all, fluffiness can only be done using the “wet” technique. Today you will feel like a little wizard.
But first, let’s remember how you and I mix colors and play the game: “One, two, three - run a little.” Well done, well done, now let’s start working.
Children draw. When the work is finished, move them aside to dry and conduct physical education with the children:
Our scarlet flowers are opening their petals.
The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.
Our scarlet flowers cover the petals.
They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.
Now let’s continue working on our drawings, draw stems and leaves for the flowers. What else can you add to the drawing? Well, now let's look at our work.
Viewing and analysis of works. When analyzing, note the beauty of the colors of the flowers, the gradual transition of the color of the petals from one tone to another, the smoothly curved stems, the different shapes of the leaves, the successful selection of the color of the flower core; successful additions to the picture: stamens, bugs, butterflies, bees.
Homework: think about what else can be depicted using the “wet” drawing technique.

Attached files

Drawing from life “Vase with branches” »

Program content. Teach children to draw from life, convey the shape of a vase, the design of the branches; beautifully place the image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, then paint the remaining details of the image with paints. Learn to draw with a charcoal pencil (if the nature of the branch allows). Develop aesthetic perception.

Drawing “Group Room Corner” »

Program content. Develop observation skills, the ability to reflect what is seen in a drawing, convey the relative size of objects and their location in space (above, below, to the right, to the left, in the middle), characteristic color, shape and structure, details of the situation. Learn to control your work and achieve greater accuracy. Strengthen the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of your comrades in accordance with the task of conveying the real situation.

Application “Greeting card for mom”

Program content. Teach children to come up with the content of a greeting card and implement the idea, skills and abilities. Develop a sense of color and creativity.

Drawing “Draw what you want, beautiful”

Program content. Continue to develop the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around us, the desire to convey beautiful objects and phenomena in our creative activities. To develop children’s ability to explain their choices. Develop the ability to evaluate your choice of image content, the choice and expressive solution of the topic by other children. Strengthen the ability to use expressive means of various visual materials.

Drawing by Design « Dear mom's portrait » - drawing from an idea or based on a photograph .

Program content.

Learn to draw a woman's portrait. Initiate an independent search for visual and expressive means to convey the characteristics of the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (mother, grandmother, sister, aunt). Continue to get acquainted with the types and genres of fine art (portrait).

Modeling a scene from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”

Program content. Continue to strengthen children’s ability to sculpt a small sculptural group based on a fairy tale, conveying the proportional relationships between the characters. Strengthen the ability to transfer figures in motion, place figures on a stand. Develop the ability to evaluate work, independence, creativity.

Drawing based on the fairy tale “Boy with Thumb” »

Program content. Learn to convey an episode of a familiar fairy tale in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw children's figures, conveying the ratio of figures in size, think through the composition of the drawing, determine the location and size of the images. Learn to start drawing with the main thing - children's figures (outline them with a simple pencil). Strengthen the ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the requirements of the task (convey images of a fairy tale).

Target: Bring joy and pleasure to children. Maintain interest in visual arts and the desire to play games with visual content.

Material and accessories:

multi-colored stripes of seven colors of the rainbow, a box with multi-colored butterflies and corresponding flowers, gouache paints, candles, summer and winter landscapes, pictures of landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

Quiz progress:

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you on a trip to an unusual country, do you like to travel?
Children: Yes. Here we have received an invitation from a fairyland.
Educator: But first you have to guess what kind of unusual country this is. To find out where we are going, look at these pictures.
(slides appear on the screen showing pictures of a needle, an umbrella, a window).

Educator: The name of the country is hidden in these pictures. Consider what is shown here?
Children: needle, umbrella, window.
Educator: Select the first sound from each word and join them together. What kind of country is hidden in these pictures?
Children: maybe this is “fine art country”?
Educator: Of course, the country is called “IZO”. Maybe some of you know what the word “IZO” means? What words are hidden in it?
Children: fine arts.
Educator: Yes, children, this unusual country is called “The Country of Fine Arts”, from the word depict, which means to draw.

Guys, is it easy to become an artist?
Children: you need to be able to draw.
Educator: And to learn how to draw, you need to have talent, patience, and many different subjects. But to get to the country of fine art you need to overcome obstacles

Guess the poems - riddles.
If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut
Required picture
Called - SCENERY.
If you see in the picture
Cup, coffee on the table,
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is - STILL LIFE.
If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or like a steeplejack,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
Called - PORTRAIT.
- If an artist paints houses, rivers, nature, then what are such paintings called? Children: These paintings are called landscapes. (Children show the landscape)
- What are the names of the paintings in which the artist draws a person? Children: Portrait. (Children show a portrait)
- And now, we go further along our gallery.
-What is the name of the genre of painting when there is a lot of fruit? Children: Still life. But since now it’s winter time of year, we’ll play, but for this we need to overcome an obstacle

Game “Assemble summer and winter collages”

Leading:- We need to take the necessary items to the country of fine arts. But first, guess the riddles, and the riddles are different necessary things for drawing.


1. If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

2. Huddle in a narrow house

Colorful kids

Just release it into the wild -

They will decorate the clear field

Where was the emptiness

Look there - beauty! (Colored pencils)

3. If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain. (Rubber)

4. The white pebble melted,

He left marks on the board. (Chalk)

5. Do your own braids without fear

She dips it in paint. (tassel)

6. Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water. (Paints)

Well done, you guessed it right.

Educator: Well, now you know what a real artist needs, you can hit the road. Well, do you agree to go on a trip around the country of fine arts? Then let's go! A magic path will help us not to get lost.
(children walk along a path made of paper cut-out footprints to the music) and approach the rainbow bridge

(Draws attention to the arcs.)

Let's go to the rainbow bridge.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, the rainbow has disappeared, and the sun has become sad! Now it will always be dark in the “land of fine arts”!
(The “sad sun without a rainbow” slide appears on the screen)

Educator: What to do now?
(The teacher leads the children to the fact that a rainbow can be assembled from multi-colored stripes. There are strips of different colors on the floor)
Educator: What are the colors of the rainbow?
Children: Do you need every color to be in its place? We know the magic rhyme: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”
(Children collect a rainbow from multi-colored stripes, a smiling sun with a rainbow appears on the screen)
Educator: What a great fellow you are for collecting a rainbow! The sun will now smile.
Educator: To become real artists, I suggest you learn how to mix colors. Now we will try to get the primary colors.
(children do the mixing and tell who got what; if possible, ask all the children) children sit at the tables and carry out experiments

Children: You only need to take 2 paints.

"Experiment with paints"". "Merry palette"

What paint do you need to add blue to to get blue?

If there are no clouds in the sky,

The sky is blue,

Let's pour white color into it,

And we get (blue).

What do you think should be mixed to make - (green)

Mix yellow and red,

What color do we get? (orange)

(kids get orange...)

Competition "Butterflies and Flowers"

(a set of butterflies and flowers of primary and secondary colors.

In a playful way, the teacher asks the child to find each butterfly its own flower (house), explaining that the flower should be the same color as the butterfly.)

I know that in our garden children love to draw. I want you to become real artists.

Leading: What is needed for this?

Children: Paints and the desire to paint

But we still have not met the inhabitants of the country of IZO.

The country is filled with colorful colors. And King Palette rules the country!

King Palette: Hello guys! I am very glad that you accepted my invitation. And I suggest you now become artists, i.e. draw a mysterious picture with a candle and paints. I suggest drawing a wavy line along the edges of the sheet, and in the middle - whatever you want: geometric shapes, letters, a butterfly, snowflakes, etc. At the end, the drawing is covered with your favorite paint - color. The transformation begins.

Children are surprised and exchange impressions.

In the meantime, our drawings are drying, we’ll play with you

“Finish the sentence” task
- In winter there is snowfall, and in autumn...
- In winter there is snow, and in summer...
- In winter, snow falls, and in spring...
- In winter they go sledding, and in summer...
- In winter the forest sleeps, and in spring...
- In winter they go ice skating, and in summer...
- It can be cold in winter, and in summer...
- In winter the trees are white, and in autumn...
- In winter the snowdrifts grow, and in the summer they grow...
- In winter, insects hide, and in spring...
At the end of the lesson, children’s work is examined, praised, and beautiful pictures are given as souvenirs.)

And now it's time to return to kindergarten. We are leaving the fairyland of fine art. Here is our magic path. We returned to our group.