From the life of musicians, interesting facts. (From the Internet). Curious facts about music (13 photos)


Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein lost right hand in the First World War, but resumed his concert career and achieved exceptional skill playing with one left hand. Wittgenstein's virtuoso mastery of pianistic technique allowed him to successfully perform works that were quite complex even for a pianist with two hands.

What items are in Bob Marley's crypt?
The famous Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley bequeathed a guitar to be placed in his posthumous crypt. Les Paul", a soccer ball, a Bible and a bundle of marijuana.

The famous Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley was known in his village as a child as a talented palm line teller.

Vitas is the most popular contemporary Russian performer in China, which puts him in first place among all Russian performers in terms of total number fans in the world.

One of the best violinists American Joshua Bell agreed to take part in the experiment on January 12, 2007 - in the morning for 45 minutes he played in the lobby of a metro station under the guise of an ordinary street musician
Of the thousand people who passed by, only seven were interested in music.

Julio Iglesias was a football goalkeeper in his youth and played for Real Madrid. However, his football career was cut short at the age of 20 when he was involved in a car accident and was hospitalized for three years. He was paralyzed, only his arms could work freely. Iglesias learned to play the guitar and subsequently became a famous musician.

Ukrainian singer Carolina Kuek became known under the pseudonym Ani Lorak thanks to the Morning Star-95 competition. The fact is that another Russian singer under the name Caroline, so the Ukrainian had to get out of the situation by writing her name backwards.

Madonna's touring team includes special group, whose task is to prevent the theft of the singer’s DNA. After Madonna leaves the dressing room, these workers carefully clean all hair, pieces of skin and droplets of her saliva, and only then allow other people to enter the room.

Opera singer Enrico Caruso was considered a tenor, but his voice could vary over a very wide range. Once, during a performance of Puccini's opera La bohème, the bass turned to Caruso and whispered that he had lost his voice. To which Caruso told him to simply open his mouth and performed the entire aria himself, standing with his back to the audience. Almost no one in the public noticed the catch.

The French organist Marchand, famous for his playing, came to Dresden in 1717. Everyone was fascinated by his performance, even the King-Elector. Everyone unanimously said that Marchand eclipsed everyone German performers. However, the Elector heard rumors about the organist Bach from Weimar, whose art was the pinnacle of mastery.
On the appointed day, a competition was organized between Bach and Marchand. Marchand performed one of the great French arias with brilliant and numerous variations.
And the hall burst into loud applause.

Then Bach sat down at the organ. The hall froze in surprise. Johann Sebastian began to play the same composition as Marchand. Bach heard it for the first time in his life when Marchand performed it. However, this did not stop him from accurately repeating all the variations of the French organist and adding his own - more complex, skillful and magnificent... The listeners appreciated Bach's playing with deafening applause, which left no doubt about the virtuosity of the German's playing. But nevertheless, it was decided to rematch the musical dispute.
The Frenchman did not come on the appointed evening. As it turned out later, Marchand ran away in the morning, without even saying goodbye to anyone... Well, jokes...

How to write a symphony
A young man asked Mozart how to write a symphony.
- You are still too young. Why don't you start with ballads? - said Mozart.
The young man objected:
- But you started writing symphonies when you were not yet ten.
“Yes,” Mozart replied, “but I didn’t ask anyone how they should be written.”

Become a violin
One day after a concert an enthusiastic fan turned to Paganini:
- Maestro, I am ready to do anything to always be with you!
“To do this you need to become a Stradivarius violin,” answered Paganini.

Real friends
Once D. Rossini was asked if he had friends, and if so, who they were.
- Oh yeah! Of course there is,” Rossini answered and named the millionaires Rothschild and Morgan.
It was noted to him that he probably chose such rich friends in order to be able to borrow money from them if necessary.
“On the contrary,” Rossini answered cheerfully, “I call them friends precisely because they never borrow money from me.”

The impossible is possible
Mozart composed music as a child and once, as a boy, brought his mentor Haydn several pages of notes.
“I wrote a play that you will never be able to play,” he told his famous teacher.

Haydn took the notes from him and shouted:
- Here the hands must perform complex passages at opposite ends of the keyboard, and several more notes must be taken at the same moment in the middle! This thing is impossible to play!
Mozart laughed, sat down at the harpsichord and played “impossible” notes - using his nose.

Music, one way or another, is an integral part of our lives. It surrounds us all the time - it sounds in transport, is part of movies, can be heard from behind the walls thanks to our neighbors. Even if you try to avoid it, it’s unlikely to succeed. And why, because the music is so diverse that one of the genres will surely attract your attention and become your favorite. Besides, there are so many more interesting facts about music, which will only increase interest in it.

1. It has long been proven that if you play the violin in the house, then all the spiders, as if on command, will begin to lick out of their hiding places. But this happens not because they are fans of classical music, but because the sound causes vibrations. This makes their web tremble, as if prey had fallen into it, which makes them move.

2. Among the interesting facts about rock music is the band Metallica. She was the first and only one who visited not easily, but held full-fledged concerts on all seven continents of our planet, including the incredibly cold Antarctica, where there is only scientific centers with a maximum of a couple thousand people.

3. Some types of music are useful, and some are strictly the opposite. It has been proven that classical music calms a person down. It is also known that its presence helps to quickly recover after surgery or illness. About more high degree motivation for physical exercise With musical accompaniment Needless to say. But there are also sad statistics. American scientists noted that greatest number suicides, divorces and other bad things happen to those who listen to country music.

4. Once upon a time, Warner Bros. made a very wise move that still brings her money. She secured the rights to a popular melody Happy Birthday and now annually receives about several million dollars into his account. Because every time you see that tune used in a movie, it means the creators paid for it.

5. We all know how crazy the lives of rock stars are. They create music, travel around the world with concerts, and the money they earn, as a rule, is immediately spent on various things that can give fleeting joy. However, statistics show very sad figures - on average, rockers live 25 years less than other people.

6. Surprisingly, in order to create music that will later be loved by millions, sometimes you don’t even need to know sheet music. Known fact that none of the four popular group Didn't know the Beatles at the very beginning musical notation.

7. Not less popular performer Ozzy Osbourne is considered, whose career peaked in the 80s of the last century. At that moment, at one of his concerts, a rock musician bit off his head bat. Immediately after, he was taken by ambulance to a local hospital with symptoms that resembled rabies.

8. The longest concert in human history is not over yet. It officially began in 2001 in Halberstadt, a small German town, and in this moment still lasts. Moreover, it will end in 2640, that is, its duration will be at least 639 years.

Musical instruments are an integral part of the wonderful and diverse world of culture. These melodic products keep many secrets and interesting stories. They made life more interesting and filled free time people with cheerful, sad or romantic melodies. People sang and danced to the rhythm of the music, and through songs, experiences were passed on from generation to generation. Let's look at some Interesting Facts about musical instruments.


Not only the instruments themselves are of interest, but also their history. Scientists agree that the most ancient musical instruments of mankind that we use today are the flute and the harp.

Chinese carillon

The tuning fork, with the help of which symphony orchestras are tuned, now sounds much higher than before, this is due to the fact that this instrument was not the same before and, accordingly, in different countries sounded different. Thus, in the 17th and 18th centuries, the highest sound of a tuning fork was in Italy, and the lowest in France. Over time, Europe began to strive to ensure that symphony orchestras sounded the same in all countries. However, the specifics of the new large concert halls and the desire to make the performance bright and memorable led to the fact that orchestras began to tune to a louder sound. Accordingly, the sound of the tuning fork began to be raised.

Archaeologists found ancient notes during excavations Sumerian civilization. They were images left by the Sumerians on special clay surfaces.

Cuneiform notes

The expression “raspberry ringing” denoting a beautiful sound church bells comes from the Belgian city of Malina, because in the 17th century this city was a center for the manufacture of bells.

The ancestors of the piano and grand pianos were the harpsichord and clavichord.

In the 19th century in Great Britain, during concerts, special covers were put on the legs of the piano to make it look more decent.

Archaeologists found the harp in an ancient tomb in the city of Ur. It was made of gold, thanks to which it was well preserved. Images of this instrument are found on ancient Egyptian paintings.

In the 16th century, the guitar was played with a bow.

Unusual guitar

Manufacturers of musical instruments claim that violin strings made from light horse hair, as opposed to dark ones, give a softer sound.

The creator of the Fender company, specializing in the production of guitars, L. Fender, who designed the world-famous electric guitars, never played this instrument and did not know how to tune it.

Since Stradivarius violins are the most famous and by far the most expensive, it is believed that their sound is the best, but this is not so. In 2010, an experimental study was conducted in which 21 musicians took part. The violinists had to play 3 modern musical instruments, 2 Stradivarius violins and 1 Guarneri violin. At all stages of the study, the musicians did not know which instrument they were testing. After which the researchers came to the conclusion that modern violins sound much better than their ancient counterparts.

In Finland there is a competition for playing air (imaginary) guitar. Participation in this competition is open to people who do not know this musical instrument, but are good at playing the guitar. The winner of the competition is the one who plays the non-existent guitar more emotionally and artistically. To the thunderous applause of the audience, the participants play the air strings with all their hearts and fall to their knees.


Non-standard musical instruments include a pyrophone, which produces sounds through special pipes using the movement of air masses heated by fire.

Chinese legends say that the man who invented the music was named Ling Leung. He invented a bamboo flute and began to use it to make sounds similar to birdsong.

Vegetable pipe

Despite the fact that the saxophone was invented back in 1840, it became popular in the 40s of the last century, when jazz appeared.

In America, the Luray Caves were equipped unique organs, made from stalactites, connecting 37 stalactites, which have different sounds, to the pipes of the organ.

The bazooka is called not only a formidable weapon, but also an instrument resembling a trombone.

Music is the best thing in the world. Music can be simple and complex at the same time. Think about it for a minute - waves of different frequencies are combined into a beautiful melody, and we catch this melody through our ears. The brain deciphers frequencies, and as a result, every person enjoys music that is magical in its properties.

The inventor of electric guitars, Leo Fender, never knew how to play musical instrument– guitar.

The heavy metal band Metallica, after their unsurpassed performance at a concert in Antarctica, entered the Guinness Book of Records. Metallica is the only band that performed on all continents of the world within a year.

Every year Warner Brothers receives about two million USD. for his right of authorship to the composition “Happy Birthday”.

In the eighties, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of an unfortunate bat at his concert, and as a result was hospitalized because he was suspected of having rabies.

The name of the Russian group Bi-2 is its abbreviated name, its full name is “Coast of Truth”.

John Lennon was famous for sleeping in a coffin.

Withering plants are perfectly revived by a classical melody. If you turn on a melody near a fading plant, the plant will gradually begin to fill with colors, moreover, it will begin to reach where the sound is coming from.

It is important to know that music reduces pain. Thanks to the classical melody, sensory pathways are activated, which significantly muffles extremely unpleasant and painful sensations. Music allows you to get rid of anxiety and stress. Psychologists are confident that thanks to music, it is a little easier and much more effective to achieve your goal.

Not the world-famous Michael Jackson, or even the Beatles, hold the record for the number of people gathered in one place at one concert. The record holder is the Norwegian band “A-ha”. In 1991, “A-ha” gave a concert in Brazil, at which the presence of 195 thousand people was recorded. Previously, Paul McCartney held the record; his performance was attended by 191 thousand people.

The A-ha musicians were forced to sign more than ten thousand autographs on their way to the hotel after the performance.

Michael Jackson was sure that all his haunting misfortunes began at the time of recording a commercial for the Pepsi drink. While filming, a hot spotlight fell on the star, instantly burning his hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, after which he became a “yellow press” star.

Elton John has always been distinguished by his bright and very extravagant stage outfits, which is why fashion critic Blackwell included him in the list of “most extravagantly dressed ladies.” To this day John cannot forgive him for this act.

In the USA, the most popular music for wedding celebrations is musical composition W. Houston entitled “I Will Always” Love You" It so happened that this composition already at this level of popularity in Britain.

Do you know why there was a quarrel between the Beatles and the EMP recording studio? During the recording of Sgt. Pepper at the studio, musician J. Harrison did not like the paper in the toilet.

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