Ivanovo Musical Theatre: repertoire, photos, reviews. Ivanovo Musical Theater: history, repertoire, troupe Musical theater in Ivanovo in our time


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At the end of the 20s of the last century, in settlements near the city of Ivanovo, a group of amateur artists was loved and enjoyed special recognition. It was small and consisted of operetta artists. The troupe called itself the “Mobile Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theater of Musical Comedy.” In 1931, the team was spoken of with delight in Kostroma, Yaroslavl, as well as Vologda and Vladimir.

At the repeated requests of workers before the New Year 1935, the Ivanovo Regional Executive Committee decided to create the first stationary musical theater.

Ivanovo city center

Today Pushkin Square - favorite place citizens and guests of the city. Here is a beautiful fountain and the famous Ivanovsky musical theater. But this is today, and in the 30s of the last century...

Having decided to build a grandiose building, the city administration invites the famous Leningrad architect of that time - Lev Ilyin. He spent a long time exploring the site allocated for the theater building, held consultations with the city authorities... and refused. The main reason is the need to lay a very expensive foundation to prevent the land from sliding, because in these places there will be constant flooding.

The administration of Ivanovo, without thinking twice, announces a competition for best project theater buildings. 11 architects took an active part. Moscow architect Alexander Vlasov won.

Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater: history

Judging by historical documents, the project involved constructing a building from brick, the most affordable of building materials. But at the same time he was grandiose. Statues were to rise from a high ramp on the hill, and fountains were planned inside it. The interior was designed to be no less stunning. The Ivanovo Musical Theater was supposed to accommodate 2,500 people. All this enormity was explained by the unspoken struggle between cities for the opportunity to become the capital of young Soviet Russia.

After discussion, Vlasov was asked to slightly rework the project. He made some changes and refused to continue working. It was finalized by local architects.

By 1940, the theater building was ready. True, the hall was only for 1,500 people, and repairs were required very soon. And 20 years later the building was closed for a thorough reconstruction.

The Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater, as it appears to us today, appeared after significant reconstruction work. Externally, practically nothing has changed, but inside there have been significant changes. The hall was divided into four rooms. And the entire building was renamed the Palace of Arts. It now has three theatres: puppet, musical and drama. The fourth hall is open nightclub"Green."

Today, this majestic building has three high-speed elevators, transporting actors and workers to every level. Number of floors in different parts buildings range from three to seven.

From the first days

The theater is proud of its diverse repertoire. In the first season, which opened with a production by the theater’s chief artistic director “Harry Domella,” the audience saw “The Blue Mazurka” by F. Lehár, his “The Merry Widow” and “The Bird Seller” by K. Zeller.

Classics of the operetta genre - “The Gypsy Baron” by Strauss, “Bayadera” by Kalman, as well as the hits of the operetta by Soviet authors - “The Wedding in Malinovka” by Alexandrov, “The Golden Valley” by Dunaevsky - are always on theater posters.

During the first ten years of operation, the theater staged 56 productions.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the troupe is divided into several small teams, which give new performances dedicated to the events of this period: “The Sea Spreads Wide” and “Moskvichka”.

Post-war seasons

In the early autumn of 1945, the Ivanovo Musical Theater, photos of which are presented in the article, produced Strelnikov’s “Kholopka” for the third time with Adamantova in the title role.

In '46 the theater celebrates two historical important events: a quarter of a century of work on the stage of Emmanuel May (Honored Artist of the Russian Soviet Republic) and 35 years creative activity Ivan Gladunyuk, who served as chief conductor almost from the very foundation of the theater.

The season that began in the fall of 1947 becomes significant. The theater troupe, the first in the Union, is producing the operetta “Free Wind” by I. Dunaevsky. 44 times this operetta delighted the audience, and 44 times there was not a single extra ticket.

Over the course of ten years since 1950, a new generation of young talents has joined the theater staff. Among them today is already an Honored Artist of Russia - V. Birillo, as well as Honored Artists of Russia Gracheva L., Kannabikh V., Artishkevich S., People's Artist Kelin V.

Wind of change

In 1967, B. Brushtein was appointed director of the theater, and three years later the Ivanovo Musical Theater soared to the peak of its popularity.

The masterpieces created by talented directors - artist J. Zeide, choreographer N. Bazilevskaya, chief conductor V. Khoruzhenko and chief director B. Brushtein, evoked rave reviews from local audiences and absolutely captivated the capital.

After a while, having replaced the director (Yu. Gvozdikov) and the chief conductor (B. Tsigelman), the theater offers the audience the performances “I came to give you freedom” by E. Ptichkin, “Tobacco Captain” by V. Shcherbachev, “Ladies and Gangsters” "M. Samoilov and "Golden Chicken" by V. Ulanovsky. These performances, having raised several generations of Ivanovo residents, are still on stage today.

Author's ballet performances

In the 80s of the last century, the Ivanovo Musical Theater (repertoire obliges) invites choreographer Valentina Lisovskaya. A young director of ballet performances, educated in Leningrad, heads the ballet troupe. She stages her own ballet productions “The Star of Paris”, “The Pacer’s Run”, “On the Kulikovo Field”, “Sinners”, “Dowry”. At the premiere of the latter was Andrei Petrov, author musical compositions and romances, who highly praised the performance.

During the same period, the ballet troupe tours major cities in Germany, where it receives many rave reviews.

The last years of the outgoing century

In 1998, the famous “Khanuma”, staged by the young theater director Zurabot Nanobashvili, participated in the “Golden Mask”. In the category “Best male role in the genre of operetta,” the winner was A. Mezhinsky, who played the clerk Hakob. At the beginning of 2007, the theater team celebrated the tenth anniversary of “Khanuma” on stage.

Our days

From 2008 to mid-2015, the main director was N. Pecherskaya. Under her leadership, the Ivanovo Musical Theater rose to hitherto unattainable heights: it became possible to stage operettas classical genre with opera scores. So the audience saw " bat Strauss, Gypsy Love and Frascita by Lehár, Mister X by Kalman. No less interesting were the comic operas: “An Evening Party with the Italians” and “The Husband at the Door” by Offenbach, “The Pirate Triangle” by Donizetti.

N. Pecherskaya is the first of the theater's main directors to stage a musical. The production was called “The Ghost of Canterville Castle” by V. Baskin famous work Wilde. Today, the Ivanovo Musical Theater already offers audiences several musicals. Reviews about " To the Snow Queen"Breitburg and "Twelve Months" by Baskin are only admired.

In recent seasons, the theater's repertoire, according to reviews, has been as diverse as possible. Spectators enjoy vaudeville and ballets, musical comedies, as well as classic operettas and musicals.

IN creative team Today, almost all honored artists of Russia and honored cultural workers of our country.

The Ivanovo Musical Theater was built on the site of a destroyed monastery in the 30s of the 20th century. He gained popularity immediately. Today his repertoire includes operettas, ballets, revues, vaudevilles, musical tales for children, etc.

History of the theater

The Ivanovo Musical Theater is located in the city center, on A.S. Pushkin Square. It was built in 1940. The author of the building's design was the chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Vlasov. He was selected through a competition.

But the architect's project was implemented unsuccessfully. When he arrived and saw what had been done to his brainchild, he refused to continue working on it. The foundation was weak, plus it was being undermined by water. The building was repeatedly corrected and repaired, which finally weakened it.

In the year 1940, Ivanovsky underwent large-scale reconstruction. The auditorium became much smaller; instead of 2500, it began to accommodate 1500 people.

In 1947, a significant event for the theater took place. Ivanovsky music director was the first in the entire Union to stage Isaac Dunaevsky's operetta "Free Wind". The performance immediately became popular and ran for a long time with constant sell-outs.

In the 50s, the theater troupe was replenished with young artists.

In 1960 there was again a major reconstruction. It ended in 1987. After her, the theater acquired the appearance it has now. Quantity auditoriums has increased, now there are four instead of one. And in addition to the musical theater, there is a puppet and drama theater here. Now it is the Palace of Arts.

In 1986 the theater was reorganized. Its name and status have changed. From theater it turned into music. A new generation of wonderful artists appeared in his troupe.

Over the years of its existence, the Ivanovo Musical Theater has acquired several generations of loyal fans.

From the first years to this day, there has been a tradition here - a variety of genres in the repertoire. The transformation from musical comedy to musical obligated the theater to stage ballets and operas in addition to operettas, vaudevilles and musicals.

The year 1998 was significant. The theater became a nominee for the " Golden mask". The production of "Khanuma" was nominated for the award. The theater then became the laureate of the "Golden Mask". The performer of the role of Hakob received it in the nomination "Best Actor in an Operetta - Musical". "Khanuma" is still in the theater's repertoire. This The performance is loved by the public and has been running for 10 years with constant success.

Today the main director of the theater is V. Pimenov.


The Ivanovo Musical Theater offers its audience the following repertoire:

  • "Christmas Detective"
  • "Hanuma".
  • "Vysotsky".
  • "The machinations of the harmful Kashchei."
  • "Silvia".
  • "The Ghost of Canterville Castle"
  • "Bayadere".
  • "Esmeralda".
  • "The Snow Queen".
  • "My wife is a liar!"
  • “And the dawns here are quiet.”
  • "Bat".
  • "Snow Maiden".
  • "Maritsa".
  • "Casting, or White dance for your favorite actress."
  • "The Tale of Emelya"
  • "Wedding in Malinovka."
  • "Mashenka and the Bear."
  • "Mr. X."
  • "Beautiful Elena"
  • "Golden Chicken"
  • "Flying ship"
  • "Frasquita".
  • "Passion in the style of tango."
  • "The true story of Lieutenant Rzhevsky."
  • "The Crystal Slipper".
  • "Donna Lucia, or Hello, I am your aunt" and other productions.


The Ivanovo Musical Theater gathered a large troupe on its stage. There are vocalists, ballet dancers, a choir, and an orchestra.

Theater troupe:

  • Valery Pimenov.
  • Stanislav Efimov.
  • Dmitry Babashov.
  • Arthur Izhesky.
  • Olga Nayanova.
  • Anna Parunova.
  • Sergey Zakharov.
  • Evgeny Gavinsky.
  • Ekaterina Tsyganova.
  • Vladimir Zolotukhin.
  • Sergei Soroka.
  • Irina Shepeleva.
  • Vladislav Zlygarev.
  • Andrey Blednov.
  • Larisa Lebed.
  • Irina Dmitrieva.
  • Alexander Menzhinsky.
  • Sergei Pelevin.
  • Yulia Vasilyeva.
  • Margarita Zaboloshina.
  • Sergey Koblov.
  • Dmitry Gerasimov.
  • Maxim Galenkov.
  • Anastasia Iventicheva.
  • Vladimir Kocherzhinsky and other artists.

Buying tickets

Not only at the box office or by ordering by phone, but also via the Internet you can purchase tickets for performances at the Ivanovo Musical Theater. The layout of the hall presented in this article will help you choose a place that is suitable for comfort and cost.

Ticket prices vary from 170 to 500 rubles.