Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin: biography. Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin: biography Hero of the Soviet Union Skuridin Ivan Kupriyanovich


“Hero of War” - Guard Colonel Pavel Alekseevich Belov liberated Chernigov and crossed the Dnieper. Conducted 120 air battles, shot down 62 fascist aircraft. Babajanyan Bagramyan Biryuzov Amazasp Ivan Sergey Khachaturovich Khristoforovich Semenovich. Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky street. While in captivity, he wrote many poems about the war and the atrocities of the Nazis.

“Participants in the Great Patriotic War” - Borodin N.T. during a visit to Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. Tsvetkov Alexander Vasilievich - participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Stulova K. S. Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy. 1941 Mandant for the election of Tsvetkov A.V. Delegate to the XV Conference of the CPSU of the Kirov region from the primary party organization of the Chkalov Anti-Aircraft Artillery School with the right of casting vote.

“WWII participants” - An additional list of WWII participants was verified. Speech by WWII participant N.A. Kolesnikov. I'm breathing. He honestly endured his share of front-line fate to the end. "We are for a healthy lifestyle." Students 6 – 11 grades. And, like ore, sacrifice yourself. Literary and musical living room. "A line broken by a bullet."

"Female Heroines" - "Night Witches". In 1942 she graduated from the school of partisan intelligence officers. Full Knight of the Order of Glory. 1943 After torture, she was shot in the village of Peno. LISA CHAIKINA. LARISA TOWNSHIP. ULYANA GROMOVA. Marina Raskova. Valentina Grizodubova. “I didn’t give anyone away!” 1941 Secretary of the Penovsky underground district committee of the Komsomol of the Velikiye Luki region (now Tverskaya).

“Asbestos city” - Chistyakov Petr Vasilievich. Polyakov Ivan Ivanovich. Alexey Ivanovich Chechulin is the author of six collections of poems. Yuri Grigorievich PINAEV. On the left is a forest, and on the right are mountains And a quarry in the distance in an arc. Alexander Alexandrovich KOROLEV. Grigory Egorovich Yachmenev. Makarov Leonid Ivanovich. Our land was before us and will remain after us.

“Those who died at the front” - 6. GANZHIN Grigory Timofeevich from 1941 to 1945, participant in the partisan movement on the territory of Belarus. 24. Denisova Zoya Pavlovna – surgical nurse in a military hospital. 25. Denisov Ivan Andreevich - from 1941 to 1945 on the Leningrad Front, awarded the Order of the Red Star 26. 29. Litvinenko Luka Grigorievich.

Ivan was born on August 21, 1914 in the village of Otradnoye, now the Bulandinsky district of the Akmola region, into a peasant family. Russian.

Incomplete secondary education. He worked on a collective farm, then as an accountant in the Zagotzerno office in the city of Makinsk. Since 1936 in the ranks of the Red Army. Served in the Far East; stayed on extra term. Further service took place in Magadan.

On August 15, 1941, as part of the 310th Infantry Division, he was sent to the Leningrad Front. Section commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front). On January 17, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sokuli, Leningrad Region, senior sergeant Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body, at the cost of his life contributing to the accomplishment of the squad’s combat mission.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown on February 13, 1944, I. K. Skuridin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ivan was buried in the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, in the mass grave of the Gostilitsky memorial.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union (February 13, 1944)
  • Order of Lenin


  • The memorial plaque was installed at the Vilpovitsy state farm in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region
  • A street in Magadan is named after the hero
  • On January 21, 1975, the cargo ship of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR "Ivan Skuridin" was launched
  • In 1979, the USSR Ministry of Communications released an artistic marked envelope with a portrait of I. K. Skuridin
  • In 1999, I.K. Skuridin was forever included in the lists of unit 3494 (Eastern District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, p.

Extracurricular activity in 6th grade

TOPIC: The feat of our fellow countryman Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin and the memory of him.

TARGET: Education of patriotism; citizenship; development of students’ ideological beliefs based on their understanding of the heroic and military past of their native land; formation of deep respect for the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

TASKS: 1. Show that the feat of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is a great example to follow, an example of courage, perseverance, and patriotism.

2. Expand students’ knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Foster citizenship and a sense of pride in one’s country.

FORM OF CONDUCT: lesson in courage, extracurricular activity

PARTICIPANTS: 6th grade students

EQUIPMENT: video, multimedia presentation, computer, projector, screen, audio recordings with songs of the war years.


1. Watch a video.

2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

3. Student speeches accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

4. Final word from the teacher.

1. Watch a video.

2. Teacher's opening speech.

Dear guys.

At the last class hour, we talked to you about people who accomplished an unprecedented feat during the Great Patriotic War - covering enemy bunkers with their bodies. Among them is our fellow countryman Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin. Over the course of a week, you collected material about the hero, found an alley named after him, and learned about memorial signs to the hero.

Today we will talk about Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin and the memory of him.

3. Student performances.

1 . Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin.

  1. Place of birth: Otradnoye village, Akmola region, Russian Empire
  2. Place of death: Sokuli village, Leningrad region, RSFSR, USSR
  3. Buried: Gostilitsy village, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, in the mass grave of the Gostilitsky memorial
  4. Years of service: 1936-1940, 1941-1944
  5. Rank: Senior Sergeant
  6. Commanded by: squad commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front)

(slide 1)

2 . Ivan Kupriyanovich was born on August 21, 1914 in the village of Otradnoye, Makinsk (now Bulandinsky) district, Tselinograd (now Akmola) region, into a peasant family. Russian. As a child, he was fond of sports and passionately played lapta and knucklebones. In the summer he loved to dive from a steep bank, in the winter he skied from high mountains, was a good skier, and shot accurately with a small-caliber rifle. In the family he was the senior assistant to his mother, having lost his father early. He graduated from four classes of a rural school and courses for bookkeepers. Started working early. He worked on a collective farm, then as an accountant in the Zagotzerno office in the city of Makinsk. He was drafted into the Red Army in 1936. Served in the NKVD troops. There, during his service, he graduated from a seven-year school and became a student at a mining technical school. He was elected Komsomol organizer of the company and awarded the badge “Excellence in combat and political training.” Served in the Far East; stayed on extra term. Further service took place in Magadan.

(slide 2)

3 . So Ivan Skuridin faced the Great Patriotic War as an already experienced, seasoned fighter. On August 15, 1941, as part of the 310th Infantry Division, he was sent to the Leningrad Front. Section commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front). In the spring of 1943, Ivan Skuridin was seriously wounded and sent for treatment to a rear hospital in Saratov.

4. "Hello, dear mom!

I send you my warm front-line greetings. I wish you good health, success in work and happiness. I'm alive and well. So everything worked out. People in white coats brought me back to life, many thanks to all of them.

Mother! Don't worry about me. Take care of your health. By all indications, he should be at the front soon. They feed us well. Dressed and shod as needed. They even show movies twice a week. So we are both physically and ideologically strong. We cannot be turned away from Lenin’s path!

Goodbye, wait with victory. I hug and kiss you all. A big hello to our friends and family.

Your son Ivan. May 1943."

(slide 3)

5. "Hello, my beloved mother!

Mom, exactly two years have passed since you accompanied me to the ranks of our Red Army to defend our Motherland from the fascist invaders. During this time, I learned how to fight well and have already destroyed many fascists. I miss you very, very much. Just to take one look at you. I promise you, mom, that I will continue to fight as bravely as before. Big greetings to our family and friends.

Goodbye, I kiss you all. Wait with victory!

Your son Ivan. July 1943."

(slide 4)

6. And Ivan wrote to the rural district council, worried about his mother:

"Hello, dear fellow countrymen!

Sergeant Ivan Skuridin addresses you with warm front-line greetings. I have one single request to you: help my mother repair her house and barn for the winter. She can't do this alone. And you understand that coming from the front now for this purpose is simply not serious. I hope that you will help mom fully prepare for winter. I think that my mother will live in normal conditions if something happens to me. We carry out your order. We mercilessly beat the Nazis and all invaders. Wait with victory! She is close and will be behind us!

(slide 5)

7. "Hello, beloved mother!

With warm front-line greetings and best wishes, your son Ivan. It's very hot here now. We beat all fascists mercilessly. Read about our affairs in the newspapers and listen to the radio. And our success is excellent.

The fascists curse the possessed Fuhrer for all his tricks, what he did to his army, his people, and to the peoples of other countries. Reckoning is near, as is our victory.

Dear mom! Whatever happens to me, don't be upset. After all, a bullet and a shrapnel do not distinguish where a communist is, and where a Komsomol organizer, and where just a private. Anything can happen in war. But tell everyone that you had a son, Ivan Skuridin, a sergeant, a communist, a company Komsomol organizer, who was an active fighter in breaking the siege of Leningrad. There will be time, they will write about us in newspapers and compose songs. I am very glad that my generation was given such a difficult test, and it passed it with honor.

Dear mother! Don’t be upset prematurely, maybe everything will work out and you and I will meet and live like that. You will babysit your grandchildren. So everything is ahead.

I am writing a letter in a cold dugout before the battle.

Hello to our family and friends. I kiss you all a thousand times. Your son Ivan. January 16, 1944."

(slide 6)

8 . The last letter was written on January 16, 1944. And on January 17, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sokuli, Leningrad Region, senior sergeant Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body, at the cost of his life contributing to the accomplishment of the squad’s combat mission.

9 . For exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Germansby the invaders and the courage and heroism shown on February 13, 1944, I. K. Skuridin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

(slide 7)

10. A leaflet describing the feat of I.K. Skuridin, issued in 1944, has survived to this day.

(slide 8)

11 . Also in one of the museums in St. Petersburg (during the war years of Leningrad) there is a postcard written by Skuridin with a letter to his attending physician from the Saratov hospital.

(slide 9)


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Slide captions:

Names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War Skuridin Ivan Kupriyanovich

Skuridin Ivan Kupriyanovich Date of birth: August 21, 1914 Place of birth: the village of Otradnoye, Akmola region, Russian Empire Place of death: the village of Sokuli, Leningrad region, RSFSR, USSR Buried: the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region in the mass grave of the Gostilitsky memorial Years of service : 1936-1940, 1941-1944 Rank: senior sergeant Commanded: squad commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front)

Hero awards Hero of the Soviet Union - Gold Star Medal Order of Lenin

Memory A memorial plaque was installed at the Vilpovitsy state farm in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region. A lane in Magadan was named after the hero. On January 21, 1975, the cargo ship of the USSR Ministry of the Navy "Ivan Skuridin" was launched. In 1979, the USSR Ministry of Communications issued an artistic marked envelope with a portrait I. K. Skuridin In 1999, I. K. Skuridin was forever included in the lists of unit 3494 (Eastern District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Elban village)

Leaflet describing the feat of Hero of the Soviet Union I.K. Skuridin Death to the German occupiers! Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland! Selfless courage and the greatest heroism marked the combat path of the soldiers and officers of our army, clearing their native land of fascist scoundrels. New brilliant pages are being written into the chronicle of the Patriotic War, full of glorious deeds in the name of the liberation of our native Fatherland. Passionate love for their mother Motherland, the willingness to give all of themselves for it without a trace, righteous anger and sacred revenge for the great city of Lenin - this is what burns with a bright flame in the hearts of our soldiers, this is what drives them when they undertake unprecedented feats, giving his young life for the victory over the vile enemy, for the happiness and prosperity of his people; This is what made the name of a graduate of the Lenin-Stalin Komsomol, a loyal son of the Bolshevik Party, Hero of the Soviet Union, Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin, unforgettable. There was a battle for the village. The advance of our unit was hampered by a firing point, from which the enemy fired fiercely, pinning the infantry to the ground. The company's Komsomol organizer, senior sergeant Ivan Skuridin, quietly crawled up to her and began throwing grenades at her. However, the machine gun continued to operate. The fiery jets did not allow the infantry to rise. The offensive was delayed. At this critical moment of the battle, the ardent Russian patriot communist Ivan Skuridin decided on an immortal feat. Rising to his full height, shouting “For Leningrad, comrades!” he rushed to the firing point and covered its embrasure with his body. A sheaf of bullets pierced the hero's chest. The machine gun fell silent, choking on the blood of the Soviet hero. Inspired by the greatest feat of their battle leader, the fighters quickly broke into enemy positions and captured the village. Thus, the young soldier of the Red Army, Ivan Skuridin, showed how one must love one’s Motherland, how one must fulfill a sacred oath to the people - the military oath - until the last breath, until the last heartbeat. Over the body of the valiant warrior, over the party card, covered in the hero’s blood, the fighters swore to mercilessly take revenge on the damned fascist monsters, to force them to pay with pounds of their black blood for the wonderful life and death of Ivan Skuridin. The day is not far away. when the last thunderstorms of the Great Patriotic War have passed, and the peoples of our country will once again live a free, happy life. Years will pass. But the name of the glorious patriot of the Russian land, Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin will never be erased in the grateful memory of the Soviet people. Eternal glory to you, great Russian hero Ivan Skuridin! Your noble feat calls us to new heroic deeds for the glory of our native land. Today we are fighting intense battles in those historical places where 26 years ago, in a mortal battle with the German occupiers, the Red Army of the Land of Socialism was born. Let us commemorate the great anniversary with glorious victories over the age-old enemy of our Fatherland! We hear the groans of tortured women and children. It is the fascist scoundrels who are subjecting the enslaved people of Soviet Estonia to unheard of abuse and humiliation. Our brothers and sisters in Narva, Tallinn and other cities are eagerly awaiting their liberators. We must quickly drive the German scoundrels off Estonian soil. May the high example of the boundless love of the hero Ivan Skuridin for his people give us new strength to accomplish military feats worthy of our Great Motherland. Let our hatred bring death and destruction to the vile German invaders. Forward to victory, comrades! Political Department of the Army.

Letter to Valentina Ivanovna Petrikova from I.K. Skuridin. With greetings to you, Valentina Ivanovna. Your former patient Skuridin I.K. I inform you: I am currently in the unit and feel great, and most importantly, I thank you very, very humbly for your concern for us Red Army soldiers, that I have become completely strong, back into the ranks. I congratulate you on the holiday of the 25th October Social Revolution and wish you success in your practical work. At the same time, I earnestly ask you to write me a certificate about my wounded left hand and I don’t have a chest in my hands, they took me to the RVK near Saratov." My address is % 2070 field mail, part 162, I.K. Skuridin. Say hello to everyone: Valentina Ser., Sima, Dora, you, Lyudmila, in general, everyone from the Saratov evacuation service 1307 Kravchenko. Well, bye, dear comrades. I shake everyone’s hand.

In Magadan, on the facade of the military department of the Northern International University, there is a bas-relief of Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Skuridin. According to the news agency Data.RU, the opening of the memorial plaque was attended by honorary citizens of the city, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and cadets of the military department. He unveiled a memorial plaque, the author of which was Magadan artist and sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation Evgeny Kramorenko, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Stepin. In 1944, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Skuridin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the fact that, while fighting near Leningrad, he covered the embrasure of an enemy pillbox with his body. In 1967, Sportivnaya Street in Magadan was renamed Skuridina Lane.

Skuridin Ivan Kupriyanovich, Hero of the Soviet Union, in the city of Kokshetau his name is immortalized on the Obelisk of Glory.

Born on August 21, 1914 in the village of Otradnoye, Akmola region, Russian Empire (now Bulandinsky district of Akmola region) in a peasant family. Graduated from the 4th grade in the village of Otradnoye.
He worked in the field crew and as an accountant at the Red Drummer collective farm.
In 1936 he was drafted into the Red Army. Served in the NKVD troops. There, during his service, he graduated from a seven-year school and became a student at a mining technical school. He was elected Komsomol organizer of the company and awarded the badge “Excellence in combat and political training.” Served in the Far East; stayed on extra term. Further service took place in Magadan.

On August 15, 1941, as part of the 310th Infantry Division, he was sent to the Leningrad Front. Section commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front). In the spring of 1943, Ivan Skuridin was seriously wounded and sent for treatment to a rear hospital in Saratov.

From the letters of Ivan Skuridin
"Hello, dear mom!
I send you my warm front-line greetings. I wish you good health, success in work and happiness. I'm alive and well. So everything worked out. People in white coats brought me back to life, many thanks to all of them.
Mother! Don't worry about me. Take care of your health. By all indications, he should be at the front soon. They feed us well. Dressed and shod as needed. They even show movies twice a week. So we are both physically and ideologically strong. We cannot be turned away from Lenin’s path!
Goodbye, wait with victory. I hug and kiss you all. A big hello to our friends and family.
Your son Ivan. May 1943."

"Hello, my beloved mother!
Mom, exactly two years have passed since you accompanied me to the ranks of our Red Army to defend our Motherland from the fascist invaders. During this time, I learned how to fight well and have already destroyed many fascists. I miss you very, very much. Just to take one look at you. I promise you, mom, that I will continue to fight as bravely as before. Big greetings to our family and friends.
Goodbye, I kiss you all. Wait with victory!
Your son Ivan. July 1943."
And Ivan wrote to the rural district council, worried about his mother:
"Hello, dear fellow countrymen!
Sergeant Ivan Skuridin addresses you with warm front-line greetings. I have one single request to you: help my mother repair her house and barn for the winter. She can't do this alone. And you understand that coming from the front now for this purpose is simply not serious. I hope that you will help mom fully prepare for winter. I think that my mother will live in normal conditions if something happens to me. We carry out your order. We mercilessly beat the Nazis and all invaders. Wait with victory! She is close and will be behind us!
Goodbye. Yours, Ivan Skuridin. August 27, 1943."

"Hello, beloved mother!
With warm front-line greetings and best wishes, your son Ivan. It's very hot here now. We beat all fascists mercilessly. Read about our affairs in the newspapers and listen to the radio. And our success is excellent.
The fascists curse the possessed Fuhrer for all his tricks, what he did to his army, his people, and to the peoples of other countries. Reckoning is near, as is our victory.
Dear mom! Whatever happens to me, don't be upset. After all, a bullet and a shrapnel do not distinguish where a communist is, and where a Komsomol organizer, and where just a private. Anything can happen in war. But tell everyone that you had a son, Ivan Skuridin, a sergeant, a communist, a company Komsomol organizer, who was an active fighter in breaking the siege of Leningrad. There will be time, they will write about us in newspapers and compose songs. I am very glad that my generation was given such a difficult test, and it passed it with honor.
Dear mother! Don’t be upset prematurely, maybe everything will work out and you and I will meet and live like that. You will babysit your grandchildren. So everything is ahead.
I am writing a letter in a cold dugout before the battle.
Hello to our family and friends. I kiss you all a thousand times. Your son Ivan. January 16, 1944."

The last letter was written on January 16, 1944. And on January 17, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sokuli, Leningrad Region, senior sergeant Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body, at the cost of his life contributing to the accomplishment of the squad’s combat mission.

On January 14-17, 1944, there was a fierce battle near the village.
On January 17, 1944, soldiers of the 6th company of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division stormed the village of Sokuli, about 40 kilometers southeast of the city of Lomonosov (formerly Oranienbaum). In the sector of the 6th Infantry Company, four enemy firing points pinned the advancing chains to the ground. The artillerymen quickly suppressed them with the fire of their guns, but when the company rose to attack, one bunker came to life and met the attackers with a stream of lead. The soldiers lay down again.
And then Ivan Skuridin crawled to the bunker. Having approached closely, he threw grenades one after another, but the machine gun continued to work. Then, rising to his full height, Skuridin covered the machine-gun point with his body.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 13, 1944, the Komsomol organizer of the rifle company, senior sergeant I.K. Skuridin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The hero was buried in the cemetery in the village of Ilyino. Together with the remains of 112 fallen soldiers, on October 17, 1983, he was reburied in a mass grave in the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region (Gostilitsy memorial was built in 1967 in the village of Gostilitsy. An 8-meter obelisk made of granite was erected in memory of the feat of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War The monument was erected on the mass grave of 3185 Soviet soldiers, four of whom are Heroes of the Soviet Union: S.P. Palchikov, N.A. Rytov, I.K. Skuridin, A.I. Spirin..).

A machine gun, personal belongings and a Komsomol card covered in blood, a certificate of conferment of the title of Hero, a postal card with a letter to his attending physician from a Saratov hospital are kept in the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. The commander of the Leningrad Front, Army General L.A. Govorov, wrote a warm, heartfelt letter to the Hero’s mother Alexandra Iosifovna.
A leaflet describing the feat of I.K. Skuridin, issued in 1944, has survived to this day.

During the Soviet period in the village. Otradnoye (Akmola region, Bulandinsky district) Otradnenskaya secondary school bore the name of the hero (currently not), in the 1980s a Corner of Military Glory was created, where stands with materials about WWII veterans and fallen fellow countrymen were located, correspondence was conducted between the pioneer squad and fellow soldier I .TO. Skuridina I.N. Dmitriev and the Museum of Military Glory of the City of Leningrad.
In the city of Makinsk (Akmola region, Bulandinsky district), a street was named after the Hero, and a memorial plaque with his name was installed on the Walk of Glory.
The hero’s name is given to the Museum of the History of the Bulandinsky District in the city of Makinsk (the official opening of the museum, located in the Makinsk House of Children’s Creativity, dates back to 1978).
His fellow countryman Kirkin Gennady wrote the poem Immortality about the feat he accomplished

In 1967, Sportivnaya Street in Magadan was renamed Skuridina Street. On one of the houses (Skuridina St. 7) a memorial copper plaque was installed with a description of the hero’s feat (there is information that at the moment there is no memorial plaque).
By Decree of the Governor of the Magadan Region dated July 10, 2002 No. 151, the military department of the Northern International University in Magadan was named after I.K. Skuridin. In 2005, a bas-relief of Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Skuridin was installed on the facade of the military department building (at the moment there is a bas-relief, but due to the closure of the military department, the building is fenced with a net and, in addition, is located behind trees, which does not allow the bas-relief to be seen).

In the village of Sokuli, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, a memorial sign was erected at the site of I.K. Skuridin’s feat.
A memorial plaque was installed at the Vilpovtsy state farm in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region

Central Design Bureau "Baltsudoproekt" (Leningrad, USSR) developed project 1607, type of vessels "Ivan Skuridin", in total in the period from 1975 to 1981. 44 ships of this type were built. The first, on January 21, 1975, was the cargo ship of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR "Ivan Skuridin" (decommissioned in November 2007)

In 1979, the USSR Ministry of Communications released an artistic marked envelope with a portrait of I.K. Skuridina,

In 1999, I.K. Skuridin is forever included in the lists of unit 3494 (part of the Eastern Regional Command of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Elban village).

Awarded the Order of Lenin

newspaper "Akmola Pravda" No. 27, March 13, 2010
Makinsk on the Internet
Water transport
Social network of educators

Burov A.V. Your Heroes, Leningrad. 2nd ed., add. L.: Lenizdat, 1970
Heroes of the Fatherland. Moscow, 2004.
Heroes of the Soviet Union. Brief biographical dictionary. T.2. M., 1988
Forever in people's memory. - Voronezh: 1980
Batarshin A. Heroes do not die // Philately of the USSR. - 1979. - No. 11. - P. 56.
Photo of the Gostilitsky memorial from Wikipedia, author Mashiah Davidson (June 6, 2009) and Book of Memory of the Great War, author Alexey Sedelnikov (July 27, 2010)

Memorial sign in the village of Sokuli Installed in the village of Sokuli, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, on the site of the feat of I.K. Skuridin. Photo by Igor Ivanov. Heroes of the country

Makinsk is a city (since 1945), the center of the Bulandinsky district of the Akmola region of Kazakhstan.
It is located 190 km northwest of Astana. Railway station on the line Astana - Kokshetau (Kokchetav)).


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Memory
  • Literature


Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin- senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).

1. Biography

Ivan was born on August 21, 1914 in the village of Otradnoye, now the Bulandinsky district of the Akmola region, into a peasant family. Russian. Incomplete secondary education. He worked on a collective farm, then as an accountant in the Zagotzerno office in the city of Makinsk. Since 1936 in the ranks of the Red Army. Served in the Far East; stayed on extra term. Further service took place in Magadan.

On August 15, 1941, as part of the 310th Infantry Division, he was sent to the Leningrad Front. Section commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Infantry Division (67th Army, Leningrad Front). On January 17, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sokuli, Leningrad Region, senior sergeant Ivan Kupriyanovich Skuridin closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body, at the cost of his life contributing to the accomplishment of the squad’s combat mission.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown on February 13, 1944, I. K. Skuridin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ivan was buried in the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, in the mass grave of the Gostilitsky memorial.

2. Awards

  • Hero of the Soviet Union (February 13, 1944)
  • Order of Lenin

3. Memory

  • The memorial plaque was installed at the Vilpovitsy state farm in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region
  • A street in Magadan is named after the hero
  • On January 21, 1975, the cargo ship of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR "Ivan Skuridin" was launched
  • In 1979, the USSR Ministry of Communications released an artistic marked envelope with a portrait of I. K. Skuridin
  • In 1999, I.K. Skuridin was forever included in the lists of unit 3494 (Eastern District of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Elban village)


Skuridin, Ivan Kupriyanovich on the website “Heroes of the Country”

  • Batarshin A. Heroes do not die // Philately of the USSR. - 1979. - No. 11. - P. 56.
  • Burov A.V. Your heroes, Leningrad. - L.: Lenizdat, 1970.
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1988. - T. 2 /Lubov - Yashchuk/. - 863 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-00536-2
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This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/16/11 05:17:13
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