The love story of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev. All about Dmitry Shepelev: what do his star friends and enemies think about the TV presenter? Who promotes Dmitry Shepelev


The family of the late Zhanna Friske is looking for every opportunity to see little Plato. They repeatedly went to court, but it was never able to influence Dmitry Shepelev. Now the artist's relatives have seized on one rather dubious theory that could help them gain custody of the boy.

As it became known, Zhanna Friske, before the birth of her child, was torn between her common-law husband and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. Before meeting Dmitry, Zhanna Friske met a man at work, and they began to live together. But the lover was embarrassed that he earned much less than Jeanne. And then Friske met Dmitry Shepelev and for a long time did not know who to prefer.

The girl asked her father for advice, but he could not help her. In the end, Zhanna chose Dmitry. But when Friske had a son, ex-lover began to doubt whether this was his child. He understands that the boy already considers Shepelev his father, and it will be difficult for him to realize that he has a different dad. The man does not want to give an interview so as not to be accused of PR in the name of Zhanna Friske. But he will establish the fact of his paternity. True, he will do it incognito, and only the judge will know his name.

Jeanne's close relatives knew this man, but no one is in a hurry to reveal his identity. Few people know the name of the ex-lover, because they did not advertise their relationship.

After breaking up with Zhanna, Plato's likely father became an entrepreneur and succeeded. However, he was never able to love another woman. Now he seriously thought about whether he was Plato’s biological father? According to the man, when the singer was just starting a relationship with the TV presenter, she periodically went on dates with him. Thus, the artist’s former boyfriend and her relatives suspect that Zhanna could not have given birth to a child from Shepelev.

Lawyers for the Friske family have already begun to consider this theory, inviting the showman to undergo a genetic examination. They emphasized that common law husband The star was recorded by the boy’s father solely from the words of Zhanna.

“We admit that Zhanna could have become pregnant from her former common-law husband, but then decided to finally break up with him,” the lawyers continue. – And, having given birth to Plato in America, in the maternity hospital she asked to register him as Shepelev’s father. After all, the ex-boyfriend did not want children, he said that he was not ready to become a father. And Shepelev, according to Zhanna, could become a good dad to the future baby.

It is worth noting that the father of the untimely deceased artist has repeatedly questioned the fact that Shepelev is Plato’s real parent. Earlier, Vladimir Borisovich even introduced his daughter’s alleged lover to the public, who was also called the boy’s probable father. However, he turned out to be an impostor. Perhaps this case is similar?

Dmitry Shepelev is a successful showman, TV presenter, appears on television in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Date of birth of Dmitry Shepelev - January 25, 1983, Belarus, Minsk. Dmitry's parents worked in technical positions and were far from bohemian life. My father loved sports, but was not an athlete. His hobbies were passed on to Dima in his childhood. The boy was trying to sports activities, played tennis, often played water polo with friends, and went swimming. If it were not for his career as a showman, it is quite possible that he would have achieved great success in world tennis, as he was one of the ten junior tennis players, known throughout Belarus.

Dmitry's school years are associated with studying at the Minsk gymnasium. He was distinguished by his individuality, but was not a leader. He communicated only with those who shared his interests. He did not study very well, preferring literature, Russian language, and music. He was sensitive to his circle of friends. His peers loved him for his cheerful and ironic character, girls fell in love, and it was always a pleasure to communicate with him. In the seventh grade, Shepelev earned his first money by getting a job in an advertising company distributing booklets. Dima's father, seeing his talents, got his son a part-time job at a computer company where programs and software were developed for creating databases. Already in school years Shepelev received a decent remuneration for work that he liked and aroused boyish interest. Another question is how he was able to become a person known throughout the country and far beyond its borders. You can't become famous for computer developments alone unless your last name is Gates or Jobs.

In the late 90s, television became heavily dependent on rating programs, castings were held, everyone who wanted to take part in various shows was invited. All this became possible thanks to freedom of speech and the arrival of new people with creative ideas, unique projects. So Dmitry, not having had time to graduate from school, was already invited to the filming of the “5x5” program as a crowd participant. The impression of seeing the miracle created with the help of television cameras was unforgettable. When classmate Denis Kuryanov expressed the idea of ​​participating in the casting conducted by the management of the talk show “5x5” for the role of a TV presenter, Dmitry had no doubts for a long time. He and his friend were remembered and were among the first applicants to pass the competition for the position. From that moment on, Dmitry Shepelev went live four times a week and could no longer give up his career as a presenter.

The early years and first successes of Dmitry Shepelev

Having received his high school diploma, the enterprising Dmitry Shepelev already knew where he would go to study next. Having entered the Faculty of Journalism at BSU, he became seriously involved creative career. More than once he was put on the list for expulsion due to absenteeism related to his part-time work as a DJ at the youth radio station “Alpha”. He managed to combine work with study and already in 2004 he accepted an offer from the youth channel “M1” to go on air on Ukrainian television. Having moved to Kyiv, Dmitry did not stop at one project. In addition to several programs in Kyiv, he continued to go to hometown, where he still presented show programs in nightclubs, hosted a program on the Junior radio station and did not leave the studio of the ONT channel for a long time. Torn between two cities, Shepelev managed to do almost everything except pass exams at the university. Fortunately, he was not expelled from the journalism course, and in the end he still completed educational institution with honors diploma in hands. In 2005, the doors of television in the Russian capital opened for the young presenter, but before that he had to be the presenter of “Star Factory 2”.

Dmitry Shepelev's great successes in his career took place thanks to his talent. He accomplished a lot between the ages of 14 and 20. On the radio station "Alpha Radio" he went on air with jokes on songs famous composers, his voice sounded on morning shows, memorable to millions of listeners. At the age of 20, Shepelev interviewed world stars such as Bryan Adams and Robbie Williams, who agreed to broadcast his radio concert live. Such achievements did not go unnoticed by editors of radio programs and television channels. Even before performing as a star, Dmitry was already preparing future singers at the star factory in Kyiv. Many people envied his career. There was no time left for personal life at all. Since childhood, Shepelev collected posters depicting the singer Zhanna Friske and dreamed of meeting her all his young life.

A sharp turn in Shepelev’s biography: moving to Moscow

Not having had time to work for a year in Kyiv, Dmitry was invited to Russian capital. The offer came from Channel One, from Konstantin Ernst. For the young showman, conquering Moscow became not only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but also the priority of his entire creative work. In the 2000s, Channel One occupied the highest rating place among other channels that appeared like mushrooms on Russian television. There were other equally significant and interesting proposals. For example, it was possible to give preference to the TNT channel, but at that time Shepelev did not commit his later life with the stage Comedy Club. He could easily perform stand-up comedy or read humorous monologues. Shepelev made a choice in favor music programs, doing what he knew how to do best.

2009 was marked by a new step to conquer musical Olympus- Shepelev becomes the main presenter of Eurovision. This experience brought him the Teffi figurine and international recognition. I had to spend all my time at countless conferences. Before such a high-profile event in the world of music, Dmitry tried himself as the host of the karaoke show “Sing!”, but the program could not compete with the “Guess the Melody” project. The low rating put an end to the karaoke genre. Viewers are accustomed to seeing Valdis Pelsh as the host of short musical programs and are not resigned to replacing their favorite show with another similar program.

In Moscow, Dmitry Shepelev was not yet known so well, taking him for an upstart. The opinion changed dramatically from the moment when Shepelev co-hosted the “Property of the Republic” program, where he performed in partnership with Yuri Nikolaev. An interesting fact is that the program was based on the return of the universally recognizable host of the most popular program of the perestroika era, “Morning Mail.” Dmitry, as a TV presenter, maintained a high rating for the program with a nostalgic slant, and he succeeded. The presenter became famous, his jokes were quoted by many. Every Sunday evening, TV viewers expected the tandem of two popular and creative people. Thanks to the resounding success of the program, Shepelev became known to the metropolitan public and was introduced to many show business stars. Unable to refuse cooperation, Shepelev takes on the work of presenter in such programs as “Run before Midnight” and “Minute of Glory”.

In 2010, Shepelev again decided to work for two countries and accepted an invitation from the Kyiv Inter channel to host the show program “Make a Comedian Laugh.” On the jury, Mikhail Galustyan and Vladimir Zelensky gave ratings along with him. On the same channel, Dmitry combines humorous program with another project “Autumn Kitchen”. And again he has to travel, but since 2010, projects on Russian television with his participation have been on the decline. More and more projects are opening on the Ukrainian channel “Inter”. In 2012, he collaborated on the “Red and Black” program, where he aired with Vladimir Zelensky, in summer period takes under his patronage cooking show"Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev." At the beginning of 2013, he became the host of another musical project for family viewing, “One Family.”

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

One of Dmitry's favorite hobbies is traveling around the world. He is so committed to the interest of learning about the lives of people in other countries that he free time spends on trips to Europe and the USA, dreaming of going around in the future globe, going out to sea under sail. During his student years, Dmitry was married, but his passion for travel was greater family relations, which were unsuccessful from the very beginning. As a result, the TV presenter divorced a month later, considering this experience a mistake of his stormy youth.

When the acquaintance with Zhanna Friske took place, the press is silent. It is only known that in 2011, Shepelev went on a trip to Miami with birthday greetings for Zhanna, and from that moment on, notes about their romantic interest began to appear in the media. Since childhood, Dmitry was in love with talented singer, collected postcards with the group “Brilliant”, brought posters to school. All the students at school knew about his love. It was a real feeling that Shepelev was able to carry through time, hoping to meet his chosen one. When you want something most, dreams come true. Dmitry's hopes also came true.

In 2012, Shepelev celebrated with Zhanna New Year. They were so happy together that they gave joint interview and did not avoid meeting with journalists. In mid-2013, the country already knew that the lovers were expecting a child and the wedding must take place. A boy, our first child, was born in April 2013. Zhanna and Dmitry named their son Plato. After the birth of her child, Zhanna Friske did not hide her desire to maintain an open civil relationship, but everyone understood that this was only an answer for the press. It is possible that the wedding did take place, but away from social life, in Miami.

The year turned out to be a difficult test - Zhanna learned about cancer. It was a tragedy, she stopped performing and going out in public, information became less and less. As a result, Dmitry Shepelev was forced to write about his beloved’s illness on a blog and ask for help from everyone affected by this pain. Channel One did not stand aside either, announcing a charity marathon organized to support and assist the singer. The treatment turned out to be expensive. In America, doctors knew how to stop the progression of a cancerous tumor, but for this it was necessary to collect a significant amount of money. The country responded, treatment took place. Part of the collected funds was transferred to a fund to help children suffering from cancer. For a long time, Dmitry Shepelev did not appear in public, trying to spend as much time as possible with his family. He was constantly next to Zhanna, in a clinic in Miami, torn between work and family, but always strived to be close to loved ones.

Unfortunately, Zhanna passed away in 2015. No matter how hard she tried to fight the incurable disease, hope for a miracle remained until the last day. And there were successes in treatment, the disease subsided for some time. Thanks to the support of her parents, family and Dmitry, Zhanna felt much better. At the beginning of 2014, she and her husband came to one of the Moscow film premieres, but, unfortunately, tragedy still happened. Dmitry Shepelev recalls with warmth his relationship with Zhanna Friske, speaking of a great feeling and no less strong love, which has not yet faded away.

Interesting facts from the life of Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry does not hide the fact that as a child he strived for material well-being and did not initially know that he would work in the field of journalism. Subsequently, he often took part in advertising projects, advertising coffee and promoting technology on the market mobile internet from a Ukrainian provider.

In the summer months of 2009, Shepelev spent almost a month studying America, writing travel essays, later published in Russian edition ELLE.

It is no secret that Dmitry was also passionate about theater. At the beginning of 2010, he took a course at the Moscow Art Theater School, played musical instruments. Dmitry did not remain indifferent to the performance classical works on the piano.

IN recent years Shepelev increasingly devotes time to winter and summer sports. When it’s warm, he goes surfing; in cold weather, he takes up snowboarding.

In 2015, after a long absence, Dmitry reappeared on Channel One. This time he took part in summer program Russian television "Park". In the first episode of the show, he had the role of accompanying Sergei Bezrukov while reading a poem by Pushkin in an epic performance. Despite the fact that Shepelev appeared in only one episode, it was a vivid performance, which was remembered for its poetic sketch.

Career development of Dmitry Shepelev

2015 is slated to be productive in Shepelev’s career. Not long ago it took place triumphant return on Russian television. One of latest events with the participation of the presenter - the draw for the upcoming World Cup. The event took place on July 25, 2015 in the pavilion located near the territory of the Constantine Palace, where the presentation was led by Dmitry Shepelev and Natalia Vodianova. Apart from the entry in the “Park” program, this is Shepelev’s first appearance in public after the death of Zhanna Friske. It should be noted that the ceremony was attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On February 27, 2015, a new show started on Ukrainian television. music project, based on the Turkish show Sing Like a Star. The program was hosted by Dmitry Shepelev.

As for Russian television, here Shepelev was lucky enough to take part in the filming of the fantastic show of illusionists by the Safronov Brothers, the filming of which was completed at the end of 2014. The program aired on the STS channel in 2015.

Ratings for international competition Songs for Eurovision 2015 were entrusted to Dmitry Shepelev, among other TV presenters. By the way, the well-known woman made her mark at the competition, taking an honorable second place.

TV viewers know many successful TV presenters and showmen popular on our screens. One of them was Dmitry Shepelev. He is young, engaged in a creative career with youth. Dmitry's experience shows that if you go towards your dream without paying attention to minor troubles, you can always achieve peaks in your career. And it doesn’t matter what you do in life, the main thing is not to give up and go towards your goal. The best television projects with the participation of Dmitry Shepelev is still to come. Yes, today there is a program " Evening Urgant", but cannot be ruled out morning broadcasts with Shepelev.

The secret common-law husband of Zhanna Friske said that they had a wedding planned. According to Pyotr Nikitin, they were together for five years. The couple met on the set of the “Summer” video, where the young man was a backup dancer.


Nikitin claims that Zhanna really wanted a child, but did not give birth to a son from him. He refused to say his father's real name. “It’s definitely not me. I don’t meet the deadlines there,” he said. According to the official version, Plato’s father is TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.

According to Peter, the artist always told him that she wanted a child. Nikitin had already proposed to Friska, and she agreed to marry him, but then he ruined everything with his jealousy, giving Zhanna an ultimatum: either a family or a career.

“Of course, I’m wrong. I would like to act differently now. What could have happened, happened. Of course, Zhanna was not ready for this in any way: to leave her job overnight, to agree to my terms,” he laments.

Friske's lover was very surprised when he saw Shepelev, who became the singer's new hobby. According to the dancer, the TV presenter did not meet the criteria that Zhanna liked in men.

Nikitin wanted to fight for his love, considering this relationship frivolous, but soon found out that Friske was pregnant. Having estimated the timing, the dancer realized: he could not possibly be a father. “If he were mine, he would be mine and with me, and if someone leaks some information, let it remain on his conscience,” said the singer’s common-law husband.

The media found out that ex-husband Friske Shepelev secretly works on Ukrainian TV and meets with an ex-member of the group " VIA Gra".

Secrets of the Friske family, news for today, June 2, 2016: the singer’s ex-husband Shepelev hid Plato for six months, despite the court’s decision

TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev violated a resolution obliging him to allow Zhanna Friske’s family to see three-year-old Plato, according to the decision of the guardianship commission. The lawyer of the Friske family, who participated in the proceedings, told Life about this. According to the lawyer, the decision came into force on November 15, 2015, but the child’s father ignored it until April 2016, preventing the family from meeting with Plato.

According to him, initially the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the Presnensky district of Moscow established that relatives could see Plato 4 times a month. At the same time, the grandmother has the right to communicate with her grandson on the first and fourth Mondays of the month for four hours. Every second Friday evening, for two hours, Plato must spend time in the company of Olga and Vladimir Friske, and every fourth Friday - with his grandmother and aunt Natalya Friske.

On weekends, namely on the first and third Saturdays, every morning Plato should begin with communication with his grandparents, who should look after him until lunch. Also, every fourth Sunday, the entire Friske family has the right to spend leisure time with the child, having discussed the place and time in advance with Shepelev.

The lawyer for the Friske family emphasized that due to the fact that Dmitry Shepelev refused to follow the commission’s decision on guardianship and trusteeship of the Presnensky district of Moscow, the relatives were forced to appeal to the Khamovnichesky District Court, from where they were redirected to the department of social protection of the population of Khamovniki. On December 16, 2015, the commission made a new decision, according to which Vladimir Borisovich Friske was allowed to communicate with his grandson only once a month - every 3rd Monday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the presence of security and a child psychologist.

Regarding the mother of the late singer and sister, the situation has not changed. However, even after the case was reconsidered, Friske’s relatives did not receive the long-awaited meeting.

Shepelev allowed them to do this only eight months later, in April 2016, on the child’s birthday. The meeting took place in the presence of security and a child psychologist, although this was not at all necessary. “Shepelev was constantly rude to Natalya and Olga Vladimirovna, so the meeting did not last long. He also insisted that he would not allow his grandfather to see Plato “until he changes.” I don’t know what changes he wants to see, apparently he wants the family she knelt in front of him and begged him to let them see Plato,” the lawyer said.

Vladimir Friske himself told Life that he would achieve punishment for Shepelev. The 57-year-old father of the late singer said that he filed a new lawsuit against his son-in-law for non-compliance with the commission’s decision on guardianship.

Media: Shepelev secretly meets with Meicher in Ukraine (photo)

Meanwhile, Belarusian TV presenter, common-law husband of Zhanna Friske Dmitry Shepelev after long calm appeared on Ukrainian television, REN-TV reports.

After Shepelev’s common-law wife Friske began fighting cancer, Dmitry spent all his time with her. After the singer’s death, he disappeared from the screens, and is now secretly filming a Ukrainian TV show.

The media report that in order to keep the filming of a new project with Shepelev secret, its participants hand over funds at the entrance to the filming pavilion mobile communications and cameras. This demand was put forward by the presenter himself. Film crew They were forbidden to enter Dmitry’s dressing room without warning.

Famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev secretly meets with ex-member of the VIA Gra group Nadezhda Meikher in Kyiv on the set of the Super Intuition project.

Shepelev willingly agreed to become the host of the program, but forbade viewers from taking photographs during the broadcast and demanded increased security measures on the site, reports.

Be that as it may, Shepelev was spotted filming a show in the capital of Ukraine. They took place in the Dovzhenko pavilion. New job suggested to Dmitry New channel, who paid Dmitry a small fee (about five thousand dollars).


Rating 5

Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio presenter in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his fate lies in constantly flowing along the waves of life. It is quite difficult for him to resist life, and the moment when he decides to start resisting the waves can drown him under them. HE was born on January 25, 1983 and is an Aquarius..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio presenter in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his fate lies in constantly flowing along the waves of life. It is quite difficult for him to resist life, and the moment when he decides to start resisting the waves can drown him under them. HE was born on January 25, 1983 and is an Aquarius by zodiac sign. His elements are Water and Air. This is a man of a rather subtle soul, ironic, intelligent, greedy for everything beautiful. He has no physical strength that can withstand strong of the world this, and also has a certain amount of cowardice. All these qualities don't make him bad people, it’s just that the feminine principle is quite strongly developed in him.

Shepelev today

Shepelev today is a man who has faced a number of problems. At the moment when his only consolation in life should be his child and family, he stumbles upon large number life troubles associated with the inheritance of his wife, the beautiful Zhanna Friske.

If during the singer’s life he was next to her, raising his own son Plato, starred in a TV show, and was happy, handsome and successful, then a dark streak overwhelmed him the moment he learned about Jeanne’s illness. You can read more about the life of the ex-soloist of the group Blestyaschiye and the wife of Dmitry Shepelev in this article.

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a healthy boy, who was named Platon Dmitrievich Shepelev. Almost immediately it became known about Zhanna’s illness; problems began immediately after giving birth, and she had to go to the clinic. All this time Dmitry was next to the child. Zhanna had to undergo a lot of treatment and be transported to different clinics.

Her diagnosis was cancer, and psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that a man of his nature could suffer from this even more, even to some extent feeling sorry for himself more than his wife dying before his eyes. Zhanna - strong personality, who was more of a leader in their relationship than Dmitry. Rumor has it that she even supported Shepelev, which is quite funny, considering that Dmitry is a famous and sought-after person.

Dmitry Shepelev was not present at the time of Zhanna’s death - he was with his child Plato in Bulgaria with his parents. I just took him there for the summer. Psychics say that Plato’s parents did not want the baby to see his mother melting before his eyes.

Zhanna remained with her parents, who did not like Dmitry for personal reasons. She died surrounded by her family, but after her death, feuds began over money. There are two sources of finance - the first was the 25 million collected by Zhanna’s fans, and the other was Zhanna Friske’s own inheritance, which was recently divided between the son (his representative Dmitry), Zhanna’s father and mother.

Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske say that the situation that arose after the girl’s death was not the most pleasant. They believe that the problem on both sides is the pain that both sides experience. Each has made her own decision and is trying to follow it in order to restore balance in her own heart.

Parents of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Friske's parents want to see Plato's grandson so that he reminds them of Zhanna. They are ready to tell him for hours about what his mother was like. But they hadn’t even decided to tell him about his mother’s death.

Dmitry Shepelev, in turn, wants to make his son forget about Zhanna; he hopes that the child will quickly forget his mother, and he will not have to cause pain by explaining her death. He hopes that time will be able to banish the pain in the child's heart, and is afraid of the consequences that may occur due to frequent meetings between parents.

The parents of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev also cannot communicate with each other. They want Dmitry to show his pain, to prove that he loved his daughter, at least with tears, but he acts coldly, trying to save face, and this invariably unbalances Zhanna Friske’s father.

A hot man makes rash decisions that cause pain to the baby, which is why the whole fuss caught fire: in front of the child, the grandfather threatens his beloved father. When the baby is small, Friske's father arranges an attack on Shepelev. In front of a child, they beat their father and break the fingers of their personal driver!

Dmitry Shepelev was silent for a long time, even putting up with Father Friske’s performances on various shows, like “Let Them Talk.” After the attack on him and his son, he nevertheless broke his silence and posted a video message in which he says that he does not consider all these actions normal and for the very reason that he forbids Friske’s parents to see their son, that they do not behave adequately and need in psychological treatment. You can watch the video message from Dmitry Shepelev here:

Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev

The situation is reaching the point of absurdity. They don't help at all and numerous girlfriends Zhanna Friske, who are trying to bask a little more in its rays. Best friend Friske Olga Orlova, also a soloist from the group “Brilliant”, believes that the fact that she godmother Plato, gives her the right to take custody of the child. She is against Dmitry Shepelev, she believes that he had no right to call journalists to take pictures with Zhanna during her illness, when she did not take a single photo with her friend.

Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev did not have an open conflict, although the show business star considers Dmitry a dishonest person who is also hiding Plato from her. “The godmother should be close to her child,” she believes.

“I do everything in my power for this. Certainly, . But I would like to give him my love, help, be there,” Orlova said.

Dmitry Shepelev and Rusfond money

In addition to all these feuds with the child, there is another wave of conflicts related to money. The fact is that 20 million rubles were lost from the money that Rusfond allocated for Zhanna’s treatment. In total, her fans collected about 25 million rubles, which they transferred to her personal account.

Dmitry Shepelev managed these expenses, hiring doctors and paying for operations, however, he was only able to provide a report for 4 million of this money. The remaining 20 disappeared somewhere. Friske's parents, who had the card lately, they also don’t know where this money was spent. Dmitry Shepelev cannot explain their disappearance either.

Psychics are talking about this money and Dmitry Shepelev. that people like him are not used to counting money and live to the fullest. What is considered wasteful for ordinary people, for example, a flight in business class for 50 thousand rubles, when you can go by train for two thousand, is considered commonplace among media people. In fact, the money hardly disappeared somewhere, but was wasted by the star family on various needs and organizational issues related to Zhanna's treatment. For example, Olga Orlova, Zhanna’s friend and Plato’s godmother, finds it funny, offensive and provocative that the press suggested that she and Zhanna could live in New York with their friend Oksana, as if they “can’t afford their own housing.” " Most likely, a huge sum of 20 million for us was spent on various bribes and such trifles,

  • like your own home,
  • dear ward,
  • VIP service
  • and all sorts of joys of life that could brighten up last days the fading star of Jeanne. That is why there are no checks for these amounts - the money was managed without thinking about its account.

Dmitry Shepelev is not Plato's father?

Unfortunately, for many, the legacy of Zhanna Friske is country house and an apartment in Moscow is a tasty morsel. It is known that little Platon has priority in owning property, which is why so many people want to become his guardians. Recently, another lover of profit named Radik Gushchin appeared, who composed a legend that he was the father of Plato, and Dmitry Shepelev had nothing to do with it. The statement was not only made to the press, but actually a statement was written to the court with a proposal to do a DNA paternity test. It is unknown what Radik Gushchin hopes for. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev and Platon Shepelev that these are undoubtedly two kindred souls. In addition, even in appearance, the baby already has his father’s ears, his cheekbones and the oval of his face, although he is slightly plump, as happens with babies who have not become haggard due to the death of a loved one.

Olga Orlova - Plato's godmother

Psychics absolutely confirm that Plato is the son of Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske.

Dmitry Shepelev and personal life after Zhanna

After Friske, Dmitry Shepelev did not officially confirm his relationship with anyone, focusing mainly on his son and work.

Journalists, based on a tip from Zhanna Friske’s parents, suspected Dmitry of having a relationship with Oksana Stepanova. They say that she devotes a lot of time to both Dmitry and Plato. During her wife’s illness, Oksana Stepanova helped and took care of Zhanna a lot, and now she switched to Dmitry. Parents even say that it was she who gave Dmitry the Signal when Zhanna began to fade away, so that he would take his son to Bulgaria, and then defect to him. In fact, this is unconfirmed information, besides, nothing

There is nothing wrong with helping a young father take care of his child.

Psychics see Dmitry Shepelev’s sexual aura as inferior. The line of his fate is on at the moment torn, this means that he has not had any sexual or astral intercourse for the last 9 months.

Dmitry Shepelev and his son

From the point of view of the judiciary, only the father and mother primarily have the right to decide the fate of the child, unless they are deprived of parental rights. That is why Dmitry Shepelev can do whatever he wants or considers necessary to take care of own son. Grandmothers, grandfathers, and even more so godmothers should not interfere in this situation and organize PR and circus performance from the death of someone dear to them. It seems that they all forgot that the dispute arose from pain, everyone is trying to insist on their own, using brute force, and thereby scaring Dmitry Shepelev from cooperation.

Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his mission now is to take care of the child. He inherited from Jeanne own house, which they bought together with Zhanna three years ago. That’s where he plans to live with his son later; he’s currently making renovations to the house at a cost of 25 million rubles. For now they live on rented apartment In addition to Dmitry Shepelev and Platon, Plato’s nanny, a security guard and several other servants are always in the apartment. Among them is cosmetologist Oksana, whom Zhanna’s father suspected of love relationships with Dmitry Shepelev. parents are going crazy because the child lives in a rented apartment, even though it’s not a two-room apartment in Otradnoe with a shared bathroom, but a luxurious mansion that many people dream of.

Shepelev does not skimp on his son; psychics say about Dmitry that he should make a good father-friend who could not raise, but only support the child, play with him and protect him from his mother’s instructions. He is not very suitable for the role of a person who forbids something, so psychics consider it a good step that Shepelev often hires psychologists and teachers for the child, the main thing is that they complement and do not replace the father’s attention.