The love story of Oblomov and Olga in modern literary criticism. The difficult relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya


“At dinner she sat at the other end of the table, talked, ate and seemed not to be involved with him at all. But as soon as Oblomov timidly turned in her direction, with hope that maybe she wasn’t looking, he met her gaze, filled with curiosity, but at the same time so kind…” (see list No. 1 by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov.”)

The acquaintance of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya took place on the Ilyinsky estate; they were introduced by Stolz- best friend Oblomov. The unusual behavior of Ilya Ilyich and his alienation from society interested Olga. Then interest turned into the need for constant communication, into impatient anticipation of meetings. This is how love was born. The girl took up the task of re-educating the lazy bumpkin Oblomov. The fact that he had become somewhat lazy and lazy did not mean that his soul had become coarsened and calloused. No, it was a pure soul, the soul of a child, a “dove’s heart,” as Olga later said. She woke her up with her passionate, magnificent singing. She awakened not only Oblomov’s soul, but also self-love. Ilya Ilyich fell in love. I fell in love, like a boy, with a girl much younger than himself. And for her sake he was ready to move mountains. Absorbed by this feeling, he ceases to be sleepy and apathetic; This is how Goncharov describes his condition: “From the words, from the sounds of this pure girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and filled with tears.” Such a change in Oblomov is not a miracle, but a pattern: for the first time his life took on meaning. This suggests that Ilya Ilyich’s previous apathy is explained not by spiritual emptiness, but by a reluctance to participate in the “eternal game of trashy passions” and lead the lifestyle of Volkov or Alekseev.

Having gotten to know Oblomov better, Olga realized that Stolz was speaking correctly about him. Ilya Ilyich is a pure and naive person. Besides, he is in love with her, and this pleasantly strokes his vanity. Soon Olga confesses her love. They spend days together. Oblomov no longer lies on the sofa, he travels everywhere with Olga’s errands, and then hurries to meet his beloved. He has forgotten about all his previous sorrows, he seems to be in a joyful fever, even the appearance of Tarantiev, whom he was afraid of, only causes annoyance. A sleepy existence grew into a life full of beauty, love and joyful hopes, full of unprecedented happiness. But in this world it cannot be good all the time. Something is bound to ruin the holiday. This is how love is spoiled and harmed by the fact that Oblomov considers himself unworthy of Olga’s feelings. He and she are afraid of the opinion of the world, of gossip. And the fire of love gradually fades away. Lovers meet less and less often, and nothing can bring back the spring of their love. There is no old poetry in their relationship. Besides, I believe that in love both should be equal, and Olga liked the role of the center of the universe too much for Oblomov. AND true love She shouldn’t be afraid of any troubles, she doesn’t care about the opinion of society. The connection was broken because of a trifle, because of Olga’s unfulfilled whim. (See list No. 3 “Big City” Magazine.)

Loving, Olga comes to the decision to separate because she understands that Ilya Ilyich is a man not ready for serious changes, not ready to leave his favorite sofa, to shake off the dust of everyday life that eats up all his old things in the room.

“Did I understand that?..,” he asked her in a changed voice.

She slowly, with meekness, bowed her head in agreement...”

Nevertheless, Olga experienced a break with Oblomov for a long time. But soon Stolz takes a place in the girl’s heart. Stolz -- socialite, love for him is not shameful, but completely justified and accepted by the world.

What about Oblomov? At first he was very worried and regretted the breakup. But gradually I got used to this idea and even fell in love with another woman. Oblomov fell in love with Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. She was not as beautiful as Olga. But the simplicity, kindness of her heart, care for him successfully replaced beauty. There was something about her that delighted Oblomov - her skillful hands with unusually beautiful elbows. Pshenitsyn's widow became the widow of Ilya Ilyich.

After some time, Stolz and Olga can no longer exist without each other. Andrei gets used to thinking out loud in front of Olga; he is pleased that she is nearby, that she listens to him. Olga becomes Stolz's wife. It would seem, what more could you want: wonderful, active, loving husband, home - everything I dreamed of. But Olga is sad, she wants something, but she cannot express her desire in words. Stolz explains this by saying that everything in life has already been known, nothing new will happen. Olga is offended that he did not fully understand her. But, in general, Olga is happy with Stolz. So, Olga found her love.

I believe that it is the women in Oblomov who determine the turning points in the fate of the main character Ilya Ilyich and play a huge role in his life. Love for Ilyinskaya is strong feeling, which changes Oblomov and turns his life upside down. It becomes clear that Ilya Ilyich is capable of love. However, the relationship between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya is not cloudless. Ilya Ilyich is capable of tenderness and love, but sublime feelings require him to do anything but romantic troubles: before proposing, he needs to improve the estate. These troubles frighten Oblomov, and everyday problems seem insurmountable to him. In the end, his indecision leads to a break with Olga.

I don’t know how much Olga loves Oblomov; but one way or another, her feeling is to a large extent mixed with pride, expressed in the desire to turn Ilya Ilyich into the ideal that she had already imagined for herself: “She liked this role guiding star, a ray of light that it will pour over the stagnant lake and be reflected in it.”

So her goal is somewhat outside of Oblomov: she rather wants, for example, Stolz “not to recognize him when he returns.” Therefore, she not only does not embody blissful peace, but, on the contrary, encourages Oblomov to activity; This is not so much, as Dobrolyubov claims, “not part of his habits,” as it forces him to constantly step over himself, to be not himself, but someone else - and Oblomov is not capable of this, at least for a long time. And just as Stolz does not assure his friend that he can change himself, one can even imagine how he struggles with himself - but it is very difficult to imagine how Oblomov truly changes his nature.

Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, decides, not without doubt, to become the wife of his longtime friend, Stolz, in whom she partly “embodied her ideal of male perfection.” She continues to live a rich spiritual life, she is full of strength and desire to act. She has a strong characteristic pride and admits to herself: “I will not grow old, I will never get tired of living.” She is happily married, but her union with Stolz and the surrounding prosperity cannot satisfy her. She listens to herself and feels that her soul is asking for something different, “yearns as if she didn’t have enough happy life, as if she was tired of her and demanded even new, unprecedented phenomena, looked further ahead." In her development, she experiences the need for super-personal goals in life. N.A. Dobrolyubov, who saw an advanced Russian woman in the heroine of the novel, notes: "She will leave and Stolz, if he stops believing in him. And this will happen if questions and doubts do not cease to torment her, and he continues to give her advice - to accept them as a new element of life and bow her head. Oblomovism is well known to her, she will be able to discern it in all forms, under all masks, and will always find within herself so much strength to pronounce merciless judgment on it..."

Working with a table
Plan “Development of relations between Oblomov and Olga”.
Task options:
Task 1. Imagine that some of the records in the table were destroyed by a virus
(the teacher deliberately removes some of the contents of the table) Try it
restore content.
Task 2. Using the table as a support, tell us how
The relationship between Oblomov and Olga developed.
Task 3. Make up questions (essay topics) using the materials in the table.
1. "A curious look"
Part 2, chapter 5
2. Conversation on the balcony
Part 2, chapter 5
3. Olga's singing
Part 2, chapter 5
4. “I don’t feel!
Part 2, chapter 5
5. Ideal woman for
Part 2, chapter 6
6. What Olga dreamed about
Part 2, chapter 6
7. Lilacs and lilies of the valley
Part 2, chapter 6
8. Joy and doubt
Part 2, chapter 7
9. Olga growing up
Part 2, chapter 8
10. The advantage was with her
Part 2, chapter 8
11. He suddenly resurrected...
Part 2, chapter 8
He turned timidly to
Stoltz... looked at
Olga and met
everything focused on him
the same curious look
Suddenly she appeared before him
on the threshold of the balcony; he filed
gave her a chair and she sat down next to
She sang a lot of arias and
romances... Oblomov
flared up, exhausted... him
my heart thirsted for life.
Olga realized that he had
the word came out that he didn't
has power in it and that it is
...ideal, embodiment of the whole
a life full of bliss and
solemn peace.
...she will show him the goal... and
she will do this miracle...she
I thought it was a lesson
appointed from above.
But lilies of the valley!...that’s better
smell: fields, groves;
more nature.
He's having fun, it's easy... No,
This can't be!
These two hours and the next
three four days...done
her deep action,
moved her far forward.
She understood more clearly than he that
what happens in it... She
I saw how it was born
feeling at the bottom of his soul.
Life, life again

12. Love is difficult
school of life
Part 2, chapter 9
13. Love is a duty
Part 2, chapter 9
14. Error!
Part 2, chapter 10
15. Conversation with Olga about
Part 2, chapter 10
16. Summer poem of love.
Part 2, chapter 11
17. He caught up with life, but... Part 2, chapter 11
18. Decision to make
19. Never!
Part 2, chapter 11 12
Part 2, chapter 12
20. And suddenly the radiance disappeared. Part 3, chapter 1
21. The poem passes, and
a strict story will begin.
Part 3, chapter 2
22. On the Vyborg side Part 3, chapter 2
23. Conversation with Agafya
Part 3, chapter 2
opens to me, he said
as if in delirium, here she is, in
in your eyes, in your smile, in
this thread...
She wanted to force him
climb the mountain...she crossed
to despotic
manifestation of will.
Life is a duty, an obligation,
therefore love too
The deception of her eyes is not love, but
just a premonition of love!
You are deluded
look around!
In this letter, as in
mirror, yours is visible
tenderness, yours
caution, care
me, fear for my happiness...
Summer is in full swing; July
passes; the weather is great.
With Olga Oblomov there is almost no
breaks up.
Summer has moved on
was leaving...He caught up with life,
those. learned everything from
I fell behind a long time ago.
He ran to look for
He let out a joyful
scream and fell on the grass towards her
He forgot that dark sphere,
where he lived for a long time...Tarantiev in
in an instant he pulled it off
from the sky again into the swamp.
Bright, cloudless
the holiday of the soul has passed,
love became duty.
Oblomov went to
Vyborg side, on
new apartment.
How quiet are you?
here!..There is not a single one alive
She listened dully, evenly
blinking your eyes. "What is she like?
simple...and holds itself

24. Dating became
less and less... Fears
25. Date in Summer
26. And what kind of life is this, everyone?
worries and worries?
Part 3, chapter 4
Part 3, chapter 5
Part 3, chapter 6
27. Olga at Oblomov's
Part 3, chapter 7
28. Tarantiev and Ivan
Part 3, chapter 10
29. Why did everything die?
Part 3, chapter 11
30. Yes. Oblomovism!
Part 3, chapter 12
purely!" "Village
reminds me of Oblomovka.”
“People know! By cuisine
the talk is going on!” I imagined
everything is so boring
She ran and dragged him too.
He resisted and grumbled.
He quickly lowered his feet to
floor, but after thinking a little...
slowly lay down again
What have you been doing these days? U
you feel unwell: what
low rooms!
You must become taller than me!
You are the fire and strength of this
cars. (Oblomov)
Yes, godfather, not yet
there are no more boobies in Rus',
that they don't sign the papers
reading, our brother can
She looked at him like this
with a big look and waited.
Where will all this end?
some year... (Oblomov)
In her gaze he read
Will he kiss you?
life? What have you done? You
kind, smart, gentle,
What ruined you? No
the name of this evil...
Everything fell asleep and
darkness around him. Heart
was killed.
Snow, snow, snow! All
fell asleep!
Today is Sunday
they baked a pie; wouldn't you like
have a snack?

The novel “Oblomov,” written in 1859 by Goncharov, reveals to us the life of a man looking for his place in society, but unable to find the right path. This novel shows us the conditions of landowner life and noble upbringing, which give rise to laziness and apathy, and lack of will.
Oblomov - cultured, smart, kind person. But laziness, fear of movement, inability to be active, and the substitution of vague daydreaming for life turned him into an idle couch potato. Over time, his soul becomes dead, despite his education and rich inner life. In general, this is quite natural, given that his dreams remain unfulfilled, that he has no desire to deal with shortcomings.
Olga is a smart, proud, proud girl. Seeing her, Oblomov, first of all, paid attention to her beauty, but when he heard her singing, he realized that he had fallen in love. Reading this moment, we can see some revival of his soul, some interest. Olga, for her part, appreciated pure soul And kind heart Ilya. Unfortunately, despite their mutual feelings, the heroes' love is doomed, because their views on life and general happiness were too different.
On Olga’s part, Oblomov’s interest came when, under an agreement with Stolz, she took Ilya’s life into her own hands. She liked the very idea that she, such a young and inexperienced girl, would revive a person like Oblomov. By the way, Olga’s character trait of naivety manifests itself here. She tried to change Ilya, to make him the way she needed him, the way Stolz would like to see him, but did not understand that he did not need this at all. Oblomov was only interested in the feelings that brought him closer to his native Oblomovka. Oblomovka, where the meaning of life is only in thoughts of food and sleep. Oblomovka, where there is care and warmth that does not require anything in return. Realizing that Olga will not be able to give him all this, she decides to write her a letter in which she wishes her real happiness, assuring her that all this is not real love, but only an “unconscious need to love.”
About their relationship Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too if she stops believing in him.” For Olga, love is a duty. As for Oblomov, his love - romantic, spiritual - portrayed Olga as an ideal, a dream. Life is contraindicated for such love. I would not even call it love, but falling in love - a temporary feeling.
Thus, by writing the letter, Ilya gave up happiness with Olga. But, despite this, their love did not disappear without a trace. She enriched spiritual world both, forcing them to seriously think about the meaning of life, which they subsequently find: Olga - in life together with Stolz, and Oblomov - in the care, comfort and warmth of Agafya Pshenitsyna.

Home plot situation in the novel - the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya. Here Goncharov follows a path that had by that time become traditional in Russian literature: testing a person’s values ​​through his intimate feelings, his passions. It is Olga’s look at her lover that helps to see Oblomov, the way the author wanted to show him. At one time, Chernyshevsky wrote about how, through the moral weakness of a person who is unable to respond to a strong feeling of love, his social failure is revealed. “Oblomov” does not oppose this conclusion, but reinforces it even more. Olga Ilyinskaya is characterized by harmony of mind, heart, will, and active goodness. The inability for Oblomov to understand and accept this high moral standard of life turns into an inexorable sentence for him as an individual. The novel so poetizes Ilya Ilyich’s sudden feeling of love, fortunately mutual, that hope may arise: Oblomov will be reborn as a person to the fullest. Inner life the hero began to move. Love discovered in him the properties of spontaneity, which then resulted in a strong emotional impulse, into passion. Along with his feelings for Olga, Oblomov awakens an active interest in spiritual life, in art, and in the mental demands of the time. Olga sees in Oblomov intelligence, simplicity, gullibility, the absence of all those secular conventions that are also alien to her. She feels that there is no cynicism in Ilya, but there is a constant desire for doubt and sympathy. And it is in Olga, and not in Stolz, that one can see “a hint of a new Russian life”; One can expect from her a word that will burn and dispel “Oblomovism.”

In relation to women, all Oblomovites behave in the same shameful manner. They do not know how to love at all and do not know what to look for in love, just like in life in general. They are not averse to flirting with a woman as long as they see her as a doll moving on springs; they are not averse to enslaving themselves female soul... of course! their lordly nature is very pleased with this! But as soon as it comes to something serious, as soon as they begin to suspect that this is really not a toy, but a woman who can demand respect for her rights from them, they immediately turn to the most shameful flight.

Oblomov definitely wants have woman, wants to force her to make all sorts of sacrifices as proof of love. You see, at first he did not hope that Olga would marry him, and he proposed to her with timidity. And when she told him that he should have done this long ago, he became embarrassed and was not satisfied with Olga’s consent. He began to torture her to see if she loved him enough to be able to become his mistress! And he was annoyed when she said that she would never go down this path; but then her explanation and the passionate scene calmed him down... But still, he became cowardly in the end to the point that he was afraid to even show himself to Olga, pretended to be sick, covered himself with a raised bridge, and made it clear to Olga that she could compromise him. And all because she demanded of him determination, action, something that was not part of his habits. Marriage in itself did not frighten him, but Olga wanted him to arrange matters for his name before marriage; that would be it sacrifice, and he, of course, did not make this sacrifice, but appeared as the real Oblomov. Meanwhile, he himself is very demanding. He imagined that he was not handsome enough and generally not attractive enough for Olga to fall in love with him. He begins to suffer, does not sleep at night, finally arms himself with energy and writes Olga a long message.

All Oblomovites love to humiliate themselves; but they do this for the purpose of having the pleasure of being refuted and hearing praise from those before whom they scold themselves.

Oblomov, having written a libel about himself to Olga, felt “that it’s not hard for him anymore, that he’s almost happy”... He concludes his letter with Onegin’s moral teaching: “Let the story with me,” he says, serve as a guide for you in future, normal love " Ilya Ilyich, of course, could not contain himself at the height of humiliation in front of Olga: he rushed to see what impression the letter would make on her, saw that she was crying, was satisfied and could not resist appearing before her at such a critical moment. And she proved to him how vulgar and pathetic an egoist he was in this letter, written “out of concern for her happiness.” Here he finally gave up, as all Oblomovites do, however, when they meet a woman who is superior to them in character and development.

Olga constantly thinks not only about her feelings, but also about the influence on Oblomov, about her “mission”:

“And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live!”

And this love for Olga becomes a duty. She expects activity, will, energy from Oblomov; in her mind, he should become like Stolz, but only while preserving the best that is in his soul. Olga loves the Oblomov whom she herself created in her imagination, whom she sincerely wanted to create in life.

“I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, but you have already died a long time ago.”

All this with difficulty Olga pronounces a harsh sentence and asks a bitter question:

“Who cursed you, Ilya? What have you done? What ruined you? There is no name for this evil..."

“Yes,” answers Ilya. -Oblomovism

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the heroes of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” understand the meaning of life, love, family happiness in different ways.
Oblomov was born in Oblomovka - a “blessed” corner of the earth. He was raised by nature, the care and affection of his mother, and his nanny’s fairy tales, which later became his dreams. Oblomov is a complex person. He didn't like social life, believed that in this pursuit of a career and money a person is lost.
“Why am I more guilty than them, lying at home and not infecting my head with threes and jacks?” - Ilya Ilyich asked Stolz. And while lying down he dreamed. Sometimes imagining himself as some kind of liberator whom everyone worships, sometimes thinking about the quiet family happiness with my wife, children and friends.
Having met and fallen in love with Olga, Oblomov gave her his whole self. “He gets up at seven o’clock, reads, carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face. Even colors appeared on him, there was a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or at least self-confidence. You can’t see the robe on him.” He was afraid of causing her inconvenience, he idolized her.
And what about Olga? How did she manage to “wake up” Oblomov? Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. On the one hand, she liked him. In general, Oblomov’s “dovelike tenderness” attracted people; he was an interesting conversationalist, even without knowing latest gossip without reading “fashionable” books. But, on the other hand, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would bring a person like Oblomov back to life. “She will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of this transformation!”
Oblomov was sincere and noble in love. Knowing himself, Olga’s inexperience, he writes a letter and opens her eyes to the mistake, asking her not to make it: “Your present love is not true love, but future love. This is only an unconscious need to love...” But Olga, changing the meaning of the letter, speaks of Oblomov’s fear of misfortune. She does not deny that anyone can fall out of love or fall in love with another person; she is not able to follow a person if there is a risk in doing so. To confirm these words, Olga leaves Oblomov, realizing that his “awakening” is temporary, and that she cannot withstand “Oblomovism.”
In relations with Oblomov, Olga was, as it were, the head. Having chosen Stolz, she is trying to find a husband of equal rights, or, even worse for Olga, a husband who is trying to subjugate her. At first, Olga finds happiness in Stolz, but as they get to know each other, she begins to understand that there is nothing special in life with him, that she is the same as others.
How does Stolz react to this? This young man is undoubtedly similar to his father, who tried to make him a man who understands not feelings, but actions. Stolz lives by reason, not demanding anything supernatural from life. “He walked firmly, cheerfully; I lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble...”
All the time he sees in Olga a child whom he amuses and teaches. But she is changing, and, trying to understand what is now the meaning of life for her, Stolz falls in love with Olga.
Having learned about the affair with Oblomov, he sighs with relief: “My God, if I had known that this was about Oblomov, would I have suffered so much!”
Having married Olga, Stolz finds happiness. Now he has everything. But Olga becomes more and more disappointed every day. She knows that there will be nothing new, and more and more often she indulges in memories of Oblomov. Olga asks herself: “Have you really completed the circle of life?” Life goals Stolz has boundaries, and, having learned about the torment of his wife, he answers her: “We are not Titans with you... we will not go... to a daring struggle with rebellious issues, we will not accept their challenge, we will bow our heads and humbly go through difficult times ...”
Oblomov finds happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which became a second Oblomovka for him. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything.
The love of Oblomov and Olga was doomed from the very beginning.
Oblomov’s feelings were sincere, and Olga’s feelings showed consistent calculation. Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, but he needed a different feeling that connected him with his beloved Oblomovka, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, sleep, and idle conversations. He needed care, warmth, requiring nothing in return, and therefore he became attached to his mistress as to a fulfilled dream of returning.
Although Oblomov is the first to understand the dissimilarity of their characters, it is Olga who breaks the relationship between them. IN last conversation Olga tells Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too if she stops believing in him.”
There are also many Stoltzes in our lives, who almost always find their happiness, but there are also many people like Oblomov and Olga, because the questions “How to live?” and “Why live?” They have been tormented, are tormented and will continue to be tormented for more than one generation.