The love story of the master and Margarita is a stylistic device. The love story of the master and Margarita. Mercy and compassion in the love of heroes


>Essays based on the work The Master and Margarita

Love story of the Master and Margarita

Many critics believe that the Master repeats the life of the author, since M. A. Bulgakov was also a historian by training and once worked in a museum. His manuscripts were also rejected and not allowed to be published. In the novel, the Master wrote a brilliant work about the last days of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, but his work was not only refused to be published, but was also severely criticized. After this, the Master burned his novel, lost faith in himself and became seriously ill. He spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, where he met the failed poet Ivan Bezdomny.

This hero was indifferent to family joys. He couldn't even remember his ex-wife's name. But everything changed when he met Margarita. Despite the fact that she was married, this young, beautiful and wealthy Muscovite fell in love with the talented writer and his book with all her heart. She became not just the Master’s beloved, but his reliable and faithful assistant. However, the relationship of this couple was not simple. They were destined to go through many trials. Even the “yellow flowers” ​​that Margarita had in her hands at their first meeting warned them about this.

If the Master is the personification of creativity in the novel, then Margarita is the personification of love. For the sake of her beloved and the success of his work, she first left her legal husband and then sold her soul to the devil. Azazello introduced her to Woland. He prepared a cream for her, using which she turned into an invisible witch and flew at night. But true love has no barriers. In the guise of a witch, she took revenge on the critic Latunsky, who slandered a passage from the Master’s novel, and then accepted Woland’s offer to be the queen at the Sabbath of Satan.

She endured all the trials with dignity in order to meet the master. For this, Woland reunited them again and returned a copy of his work to the master, adding that “manuscripts do not burn.” Noticing that the lovers were surrounded by pathetic, hypocritical and worthless people, Woland decided to take them into his retinue. For the sake of their love, the master and Margarita agreed to renounce earthly life and move to another dimension, where the master could continue to create. Thus, they perpetuated their love, which later became an ideal for many people living on earth.

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love in the world?.. Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! M. Bulgakov In the history of classical literature, there are many works that have become a reflection of the era. But one among them occupies a special position. This is the creation of the hands of a great master of words) and to this day remains iconic for a whole series of generations. It is absolutely clear that we will talk about M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. This work represents a mystical unity

Everyday historical reality and bold, even outright fantasy. Most likely, it is precisely this feature that does not allow the novel to be placed on a par with the works of other great classics. M. Bulgakov can safely be called a revolutionary in literature. Religious motives permeate the ideological outline of the novel with a thin thread, where social and political issues still come to the fore. However, we should not stop at considering such large-scale problems. We are now more interested in another topic. There is no doubt that in the vast majority of works known to mankind today, one way or another, one of the central positions is occupied by the question of the possibility of developing relations between a man and a woman. This is a classic. But M. Bulgakov is original here too. His story is full of mysteries, but at the same time it is clear, logical and strict. The appearance of the heroes, as well as their further fate, is very spontaneous and unexpected. We meet the Master only in the thirteenth chapter of the novel. He enters through the balcony into the room of the poet Ivan Bezdomny. “Shaved, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and with tufts of hair hanging over his forehead, a man of about thirty,” writes M. Bulgakov about the Master. A typical portrait in a rather atypical situation. It has long been known that the strongest feeling is born in time. Passion, which instantly flared up like a fire, goes out just as quickly. Examples include not only real-life incidents, but also literary stories. So, let’s say, in one of the most striking and famous works of I. Bunin, “Sunstroke,” the passion that pierced the heroes through and through, not finding the strength to develop into something more, disappeared, leaving only pleasant memories of itself. But this development of events does not suit M. Bulgakov. He goes further: he wounds his heroes to the very heart, to the very soul. “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, it struck us both at once...” says the Master about the fatal meeting with Margarita. They don't need time, they don't need proof and stupid compliments. Everything is clear without words. It’s as if consciousness has programmed for love, desperate, devoted, free love. The unexpected acquaintance of the heroes can quite surprise the reader: their eyes met, and everything else became just a formality. “She came to me every day, but I started waiting for her in the morning,” says the Master. Amazing devotion, if not for a small correction: “...she lived with another person...and I was there then...with this one...” How can this be? On the one hand, sincere love, on the other – daring betrayal. However, in this story, justifying or condemning the heroes is an absolutely unnecessary exercise, because none of us knows whether it was possible to act differently in such a situation...
The action develops rapidly. Without exaggeration, we can say that the Master’s novel about Pontius Pilate played a key role in the relationship between the characters, which determined and even controlled all subsequent events. Everything that happened to the heroes was entirely under the control of the fatal manuscript. The sacrifice of the relationship between the Master and Margarita is visible throughout the entire work. This is, of course, reflected to the greatest extent in the actions of the heroine. And again we can observe the authors’ favorite image of a Russian woman, living for love and loving for the sake of life, ready for hardship and torment in the name of her lover and a bright future together with him. The meeting of Margarita and Azazello in this context of the work turned out to be obvious and absolutely logical. “I was sent to invite you to visit this evening. – Why are you raving, what kind of guests? “To a very noble foreigner,” the red-haired man said significantly, narrowing his eye. Margarita was very angry... - You bastard! “- she responded, turning around, and immediately heard the red-haired man’s voice behind her: “The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the city hated by the procurator.” The hanging bridges connecting the temple with the terrible Anthony Tower have disappeared... Yershalaim, the great city, has disappeared...". The risk was great. The Satan's Cream and Ball scam is brilliant. But, on the other hand, Margarita’s life without the Master no longer had any meaning, and therefore there was nothing to lose. There remains an alternative: to suffer for the rest of your days, torment your soul with thoughts about him and live out the minutes in cowardly anticipation of a meeting, or to smear your body with cream, and then, waiting for the phone to ring, saddle up with a brush and fly over the streets of Moscow. For Margarita, the choice became obvious. It’s probably not for nothing that they say that only crazy people are capable of real feeling. “I know what I'm getting into. But I go to any lengths because of him, because I have no more hope for anything in the world. But I want to tell you that if you destroy me, you will be ashamed! Yes, it's a shame! I am dying because of love!” The heroine had to endure suffering and hellish torment. And now everything is behind us, the iron robe, the deceased guests, and Frida. The meeting of the Master and Margarita was the logical ending to this solemn night: “Margarita immediately recognized him, moaned, clasped her hands and ran up to him. She kissed him on the forehead, on the lips, pressing against his prickly cheek, and long-held tears now ran in streams down her cheek...” And ahead there was only peace and tranquility, harmony and quiet joys. I wonder what would have happened if the heroes had not met then? Maybe this story would have developed differently? Although, who knows...

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Other writings:

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The fatal love of the Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they pronounce the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the popularity of the work, which raises the question of eternal values, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

“The Master and Margarita” is an unusual novel, because the theme of love is touched upon only in the second part. It seems that the writer was trying to prepare the reader for the correct perception. The love story of the Master and Margarita is a kind of challenge to the surrounding everyday life, a protest against passivity, a desire to resist various circumstances.

In contrast to the theme of Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov makes it Margarita, and not the Master, who contacts the devil and finds herself in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, so cheerful and restless, who turned out to be the only character who dared to make a dangerous deal. To meet her beloved, she was ready to risk anything. This is how the love story of the Master and Margarita began.

Creation of a novel

Work on the novel began around 1928. The work was originally called “A Romance about the Devil.” At that time, the names of the Master and Margarita were not even in the novel.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decided to thoroughly return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. After 5 years, the well-known title “The Master and Margarita” appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrote the novel. This takes about 6 months. The six notebooks he wrote became the first complete handwritten novel. A few minutes later he was dictating his novel onto a typewriter. Huge amounts of work were completed in less than a month. This is the story of the writing. The Master and Margarita, a great novel, ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects a paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue, which has survived to this day.

Later, Bulgakov had new ideas, but there were no corrections.

The story of the Master and Margarita. Briefly about dating

The meeting of two lovers was quite unusual. Walking down the street, Margarita was carrying a bouquet of rather strange flowers in her hands. But the Master was struck not by the bouquet, not by Margarita’s beauty, but by the endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the Master if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into a ditch. Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love broke out between them suddenly, comparing it to the killer in the alley. Love was indeed unexpected and was not intended for a happy ending - after all, the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book, which the editors did not accept. And it was important for him to find a person who could understand his work and feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing all his feelings with the Master.

It becomes clear where the sadness in the girl’s eyes comes from after she admits that she went out that day to find her love, otherwise she would have been poisoned, because a life in which there is no love is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

The origin of feeling

After meeting her lover, Margarita’s eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. One day, when she was sewing a black hat for her beloved, she embroidered the yellow letter M on it. And from that moment she began to call him Master, urging him on and predicting glory for him. Re-reading the novel, she repeated the phrases that stuck in her soul and concluded that her life was in that novel. But it contained the life not only of hers, but also of the Master.

But the Master never managed to publish his novel; he was subjected to harsh criticism. Fear filled his mind, developing. Watching the grief of his beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

One day the Master threw the manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched what was left from the oven, as if trying to preserve their feelings. But this did not happen, the Master disappeared. Margarita is left alone again. But the story of the novel “The Master and Margarita” was One day a black magician appeared in the city, the girl dreamed of the Master, and she realized that they would definitely see each other again.

The appearance of Woland

For the first time he appears in front of Berlioz, who in a conversation reject the divinity of Christ. Woland is trying to prove that both God and the Devil exist in the world.

Woland's task is to extract the genius of the Master and the beautiful Margarita from Moscow. He and his retinue provoke unfaithful acts among Muscovites and convince people that they will go unpunished, but then he himself punishes them.

Long-awaited meeting

On the day when Margarita had a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted to her that a meeting with the Master was possible. But she was given a choice: turn into a witch or never see her loved one. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult; she was ready to do anything just to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked how he could help Margarita, she immediately asked for a meeting with the Master. At that moment, her lover appeared in front of her. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, the story of the Master and Margarita could have ended, but the connection with Satan does not end well.

Death of the Master and Margarita

It turned out that the Master was out of his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the Master is worthy to be cured, and asks Satan about it. Woland fulfills Margarita’s request, and he and the Master return to their basement again, where they begin to dream about their future.

After this, the lovers drink Falernian wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland to another world. And although this is where the love story of the Master and Margarita ends, the love itself remains eternal!

Unusual Love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Woland himself acts as the lovers’ assistant.

The fact is that when love came, events began to turn out completely differently than we would like. It turns out that the whole world around us is in favor of the couple not being happy. And it is at this moment that Woland appears. The relationship between lovers depends on the book written by the Master. At that moment when he tries to burn everything written, he still does not realize that the manuscripts do not burn, due to the fact that they contain truth. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript to Margarita.

The girl completely surrenders to the great feeling, and this is the biggest problem of love. The Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give her soul to the Devil.

Using this example, Bulgakov showed that each person should make his own destiny and not ask for any help from higher powers.

The work and its author

The master is considered an autobiographical hero. The Master's age in the novel is about 40 years old. Bulgakov was the same age when he wrote this novel.

The author lived in the city of Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in building 10, in apartment 50, which became the prototype of the “bad apartment.” The Music Hall in Moscow served as the Variety Theater, which was located nearby the “bad apartment.”

The writer’s second wife testified that the prototype of the Behemoth cat was their pet Flushka. The only thing the author changed about the cat was the color: Flushka was a gray cat, and Behemoth was a black cat.

The phrase “Manuscripts don’t burn” was used more than once by Bulgakov’s favorite writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become real and will remain an object of discussion for many centuries.

“The Master and Margarita” is a work by Bulgakov, in which the author reveals several themes at the same time.
One of them is the theme of love. The author reveals it in a storyline that describes the relationship between the Master and Margarita.
These are different heroes in terms of social status. The master is poor. He describes himself as a “beggar.” He once belonged to the middle class, but over the years his life changed. The former historian worked at the museum several years ago. He was lonely. The Master had neither relatives nor friends in Moscow. But one day he won a large sum of money. This led to changes in his life. The master rented himself a small apartment and bought books.
Margarita, on the contrary, was rich. Together with her husband, they lived in a luxurious mansion. Margarita could afford absolutely everything. There was only one thing missing from her life - family happiness. Margarita respected her husband, but did not love her.
But such different fates did not prevent them from falling in love with each other. For the first time, the Master and Margarita met on the street. The master was walking along Tverskaya and suddenly noticed Margarita. She struck him at first sight. Margarita carried a bouquet of yellow flowers in her hands. And although the Master decided that this was a bad sign, he still followed the woman.
Each of the heroes showed their love in different ways. The Master's love for Margarita was practically not manifested, but he loved her very much. The master was looking forward to meeting his beloved. Already in the morning he warily listened to every sound. From the very first minutes, the Master realized that Margarita was exactly the one he had been looking for all his life.

As for Margarita, her love for the Master manifested itself very clearly. He was the most important person in her life. After an unhappy marriage, Margarita needed only a master.
Margarita had no children, and she directed all her maternal love towards the Master. She took care of him. When the Master was writing his novel, Margarita was nearby and inspired her beloved. Margarita supported the master when writers rejected his novel. But Margarita’s love manifested itself most strongly when the master disappeared. Margarita blamed herself for leaving, and then for not returning in time. Margarita tried to find out at least something about her lover. She had to return to her husband. She lived like this for about six months. Margarita missed him and was waiting for at least some news. For the sake of the master, Margarita was ready to do anything. She agrees to a deal with Woland as soon as the conversation turns to the master. It is for the sake of her beloved that Margarita changes her lifestyle. She became a witch.
For her determination and love, Margarita received a reward. She was reunited with the Master. They found their happiness. But this happiness was found in an unreal world. The Master and Margarita found eternal shelter. But in reality, neither the master nor Margarita achieve happiness. The master died in the “house of sorrow”, and Margarita died in her mansion, taking a step from one room to another. In reality, their love never received a happy ending.
This was a very strong love. Love forced these people to do many different things: the master to create, Margarita to leave her husband, to agree to a deal with Woland. Love completely changed the life of the Master and Margarita.
Thus, we can consider that Bulgakov managed to prove: true love really exists, and if such love comes to a person, it forces him to do anything.

Pikalova Alexandra

The novel “The Master and Margarita” closely intertwines themes of history and religion, creativity and everyday life. But the most important place in the novel is occupied by the love story of the master and Margarita. This storyline adds tenderness and poignancy to the work. Without the theme of love, the image of the master would not be possible to fully reveal. The unusual genre of the work - a novel within a novel - allows the author to simultaneously distinguish and combine the biblical and lyrical lines, developing them fully in two parallel worlds.

Fatal meeting

The love between the master and Margarita flared up as soon as they saw each other. “Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumps out of the ground... and struck us both at once!” - this is what the master tells Ivan Bezdomny in the hospital, where he ends up after the critics rejected his novel. He compares the surging feelings to lightning or a sharp knife: “That’s how lightning strikes! This is how amazing a Finnish knife is!”

The master first saw his future beloved on a deserted street. She caught his attention because she was "carrying disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers."

These mimosas became a signal to the master that his muse was in front of him, with loneliness and fire in his eyes.

Both the master and the unhappy wife of a rich but unloved husband, Margarita, were completely alone in this world before their strange meeting. As it turns out, the writer was previously married, but he doesn’t even remember the name of his ex-wife, about whom he doesn’t keep any memories or warmth in his soul. And he remembers everything about Margarita, the tone of her voice, the way she spoke when she came, and what she did in his basement room.

After their first meeting, Margarita began to come to her lover every day. She helped him work on the novel, and she herself lived from this work. For the first time in her life, her inner fire and inspiration found their purpose and application, just as the masters listened and understood for the first time, because from the first meeting they spoke as if they had parted yesterday.

Completing the master's novel became a test for them. But the already born love was destined to pass this and many other tests in order to show the reader that a real kinship of souls exists.

The Master and Margarita

The true love of the master and Margarita in the novel is the embodiment of the image of love in Bulgakov’s understanding. Margarita is not just a beloved and loving woman, she is a muse, she is the inspiration of the author and his own pain, materialized in the image of Margarita the witch, who in righteous anger destroys the apartment of an unjust critic.

The heroine loves the master with all her heart, and seems to breathe life into his small apartment. She gives her inner strength and energy to her lover’s novel: “she chanted and loudly repeated individual phrases... and said that this novel was her life.”

The refusal to publish the novel, and later the devastating criticism of the unknown passage that ended up in print, equally painfully wounds both the master and Margarita. But, if the writer is broken by this blow, then Margarita is overcome by insane rage, she even threatens to “poison Latunsky.” But the love of these lonely souls continues to live its own life.

Test of love

In the novel “The Master and Margarita,” love is stronger than death, stronger than the master’s disappointment and Margarita’s anger, stronger than Woland’s tricks and the condemnation of others.

This love is destined to pass through the flames of creativity and the cold ice of critics, it is so strong that it cannot find peace even in heaven.

The characters are very different, the master is calm, thoughtful, he has a soft character and a weak, vulnerable heart. Margarita, on the other hand, is strong and sharp; more than once Bulgakov uses the word “flame” to describe her. Fire burns in her eyes and brave, strong heart. She shares this fire with the master, she breathes this flame into the novel, and even the yellow flowers in her hands resemble lights against the background of a black coat and slushy spring. The master embodies reflection, thought, while Margarita embodies action. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, and sell her soul, and become the queen of the devil's ball.

The strength of the feelings of the master and Margarita is not only in love. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Before their meeting, they did not experience happiness; after parting, they would never have learned to live separately from each other. That is why, probably, Bulgakov decides to end the lives of his heroes, in return giving them eternal peace and solitude.


Against the background of the biblical story of Pontius Pilate, the love story of the master and Margarita seems even more lyrical and poignant. This is the love for which Margarita is ready to give her soul, since she is empty without her loved one. Being insanely lonely before they met, the characters gain understanding, support, sincerity and warmth. This feeling is stronger than all the obstacles and bitterness that befalls the fate of the main characters of the novel. And it is precisely this that helps them find eternal freedom and eternal peace.

Descriptions of love experiences and the history of relationships between the main characters of the novel can be used by 11th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “The Love of the Master and Margarita”

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