Sincere and touching wishes to the graduates. Parting words to students. Wishes to the student from the teacher and parting words. Graduation from primary school


Official and beautiful congratulations with the beginning academic year from September 1 to school and gymnasium students in prose, original, comic and sincere wishes to all schoolchildren from teachers, parents, principal, school administration, a text on the Day of Knowledge in their own words on the solemn assembly.

Text to students with the beginning of the 2019 school year in prose

Dear students! We wish you success and joy in the new academic year. Persistence and perseverance in achieving goals! Let your wildest plans and dreams come true, and let your parents and teachers be proud of you! Be successful not only in science, but also in sports, music and dancing! Discover the world from all sides. Forward to new victories and knowledge!

Knowledge Day is one of the most important and enjoyable holidays for schoolchildren. Today is an incredibly exciting and interesting day! Someone is going to school for the first time and for him it is a sea of ​​emotions and new impressions, and someone will come to the ceremonial assembly on this day not for the first time.

In any case, all of you are united today by the beginning of a new school year! Remember that there is no such thing as too much knowledge. Strive to learn new things, because there are so many interesting and unknown things in the world!

Dear schoolboy! May the new school year give you only joy and a sea of ​​new knowledge! Be diligent and diligent, don’t forget to get A’s and B’s. Make new, interesting friends. Be curious and don't be lazy! And let the world sparkle with new colors. Good luck to you in the new school year!

Dear student! Today, on the day of knowledge, you carry with you a blank diary and notebooks that are simply looking forward to good grades! Please don’t upset them, earn only “excellent” and “good”. May enthusiasm accompany you, dear friend, in the new school year, and send laziness to rest!

Congratulations on the beginning of the 2019 school year to students in prose

On this wonderful and such an important day for you, I would like to wish you a sea of ​​inspiration! Set new and important goals for yourself, implement them! We wish creative success in this difficult thorny path. Do not give up in the face of difficulties, because they are the “doors” to new opportunities! Set the bar of achievement high. Forward and only forward!

School time is the brightest and most beautiful! Make the most of it and go through life with optimism - conquer new heights of knowledge! Chat with old friends and find new ones! Remember, you are the future of our vast country! And let your achievements become the pride of your family and teachers. Congratulations on the new school year!

Dear friends! Happy new school year! Let it be so different from the previous ones and bring you unforgettable emotions and new knowledge and skills! You had a rest in the summer, gained new strength, and now you are confidently striding towards the fulfillment of your cherished goals! Patience, optimism and health to you, dear schoolchildren!

Every student, student, future graduate, as well as their parents, will be pleased to hear kind words of congratulations in honor of September 1st. Therefore, we have selected beautiful and tear-touching poems and prose with wishes on Knowledge Day. Original congratulations on September 1, 2018 to students, parents, and students will give maximum positivity. Such wishes may come from the director, head teacher, subject teachers and class teacher. If desired, ready-made congratulations can be supplemented with your own words.

The most beautiful congratulations on September 1, 2018 to students from the teacher - in prose in your own words

Before students on the September 1 holiday, teachers can give parting congratulations in prose. In them they will be able to wish the children success and successful studies.

Beautiful congratulations in your own words in prose for September 1, 2018 to students from teachers

Dear students, congratulations on Knowledge Day! I wish you a successful and educational year. Ease of learning new material, good mood, excellent grades, friendly communication with peers. May everything work out for you and turn out even better than you expected!

Today is a special day for everyone: for teachers, for parents, and, of course, for you, students! Let this new academic year be easy and fruitful, bright and starry, so that you can easily pass every subject with excellent marks!

Congratulations on your first autumn holiday, Happy Knowledge Day! Dear students, study well, be the best among the best, the first in what interests you. Bright changes, fascinating lessons, life wisdom. Let your favorite teachers walk the next path of knowledge with you. Welcome to the new school year!

Dear students, please accept congratulations on Knowledge Day. I would like to wish you perseverance and hard work, interest in learning and new discoveries, success in every endeavor, enthusiasm and perseverance, fun and exciting events in school life.

Our dear and beloved students, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. We wish you success in your studies and creativity, joyful and cheerful mood, determination and inspiration, good friends and great achievements, excellent health and good mood.

Touching to tears congratulations on September 1 to students and parents from the teacher in verse

On Knowledge Day, teachers can express their attention and respect not only to children. Using the congratulations in verse we have selected, teachers can speak on September 1 in front of all students and their parents.

Poems touching to tears with congratulations to students and parents on September 1, 2018 from teachers

The school opens its doors

The academic year begins

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge

Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,

Let the interest not fade away,

Let them bypass you

Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful

You will have a whole class.

Well, students, go for it!

To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

So the summer has flown by,

And the Day of Knowledge is coming,

Student, get down to business

A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!

Don't get lost in this sea,

Be diligent, don't be lazy,

Learn from the heart, try,

Your life will be bright!

On the day of knowledge I wish you new discoveries,

Wonderful friends, many events,

Learning is always easy and successful,

And complete all tasks diligently.

Surprise everyone with your successes,

And never be discouraged at all.

Joy, happiness on all horizons,

To expand your horizons to the fullest.

Congratulations to you, parents.

I wish you a wonderful day.

It's time to gnaw on the granite of science.

Let everything be okay.

On Knowledge Day I wish you

Always be tolerant

Believe sacredly in your child,

Never give up.

You need to remember the whole program,

What did you once go through?

And paired with a nice child

You will reach heights.

For parents Knowledge Day -

Day of hopes, memories,

A day of pleasant expectations,

Very important wishes:

For children to succeed

We didn't miss anything.

So as not to be called to school,

Less was rented out for repairs.

We wish you patience

Bold plans for implementation,

Fighting mood

And great luck!

Original congratulations on September 1, 2018 to students from the class teacher - in prose

After the assembly held in honor of Knowledge Day 2018, children and their parents usually go to their class. Such extracurricular gatherings on September 1 are perfect for the class teacher to congratulate and mentor students. Teachers can find beautiful parting words in the examples we have selected.

Original congratulations in prose for students in honor of September 1 from the class teacher

With great pleasure, I congratulate everyone present on the Day of Knowledge, September 1! The long summer holidays are behind us, during which we all had time to rest properly. And now, with renewed vigor, we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects and gain new knowledge. I would like teachers to treat their work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to ignite a thirst for learning in your students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in modern world. I hope that the coming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I invite us all together to make it just like that!

I have the honor of speaking to all of you with congratulatory speech. Dear students and their parents, today the new school year begins, it’s time for schoolchildren to sit down at their desks again. We, teachers, did not sit idle in the summer and prepared many interesting, exciting tasks for the children, developed a lot original materials for future lessons. We will try to make sure that new knowledge is given to students easily, but you, dear guys, should also try, because without your desire, without your attitude towards results, all our efforts will be in vain. I wish you all success in the new year, good grades and a great mood!

My favorite class! With all my heart I congratulate you all on September 1 - Knowledge Day! Today I want to wish you that the coming year brings a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities, that your school friendships are strong, that the relationship between you and teachers develops well. Let school become for you a place where it will be interesting for you to spend time, where you will become smarter, stronger in spirit and body, more tolerant - in a word, become better in all respects!

My dear, beloved students, I am very glad to see you after a long summer break. I hope that you had a good rest during the holidays, gained strength and managed to miss school. I wish you to receive only “B”s and “A’s” this school year, to be active, to strive for knowledge, not to quarrel with each other, and not to skip classes. Let this school a year will pass interesting and will be fruitful.

Dear guys, I am very glad after such a long time summer holidays see you again today. I see that you were well rested, tanned, gained strength and became more mature. I hope that the coming year will bring us all a lot of pleasant emotions and new impressions. I also hope that an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding will reign in our class. May it be easy and fun for you to learn, may your knowledge base become more “weighty”, and may the diary please both you and your parents only good grades.

Official congratulations on September 1 to graduates - from teachers and the director, head teacher

Usually the holiday line-up for Knowledge Day begins or ends with speeches from the administration. For the director, head teacher, and teachers, we have selected the most beautiful congratulations for graduates on their last September 1, 2018 at school.

Official congratulations in honor of September 1 for graduates from the director, head teacher, teachers

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone -

May you experience great success in your business.

May school be good

Cozy, fun, bright.

Let laughter and friendship here and there

They're running across the school floors!

We wish you wonderful knowledge,

Have fun but reasonable days,

Various questions, tests

And sincere teachers!

Happy Knowledge Day, guys!

There are many different things waiting for you.

Try to learn how to:

Keep busy and appreciate your friends.

Science will always be useful to you,

To make your dreams come true as soon as possible -

This is worth studying for

Embodying millions of ideas!

The Day of Knowledge has come,

And again you are at school

We wish you well

Start a new year for you!

Let your studies give you

A solid foundation

To strive to know

Peace again and again!

Let it never happen

Classes are boring

From September

All is well!

Dear graduates, I congratulate you on Knowledge Day. I would like to wish you all great enthusiasm, great aspirations for knowledge and desires for new discoveries, interesting and exciting lessons, good mood and respect for teachers.

Dear students! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! We wish you never lose the desire to learn and learn new things. I wish that natural curiosity overcomes laziness and that this school year is filled with many joyful events and meetings! Happy holiday!

The unrest of former students of grades 4, 9 and 11 is always noticeable at the last bell celebration. The guys don’t yet know what awaits them ahead, they are assessing their strengths and capabilities. Beautiful parting words from teachers can give elementary, middle and high school graduates great memories of graduation and help them forget about worries. These could be wishes for good, success, or instructions touching to tears. Among the examples we have selected, you can find suitable words from teachers to graduates of all ages. We also recommend that for easy preparation for the presentation, class teachers and children’s first teachers watch the proposed video example.

Wise words of encouragement from teachers to 11th grade graduates on the last bell - example texts

Beautiful and wise parting words from teachers are appropriate at any graduation. After all, they are the ones who help to cheer up the guys and give them useful tips. Pick up to last call original words from teachers for graduates, you can use the examples below.

Examples of wise words of parting words from teachers to former 11th grade students for the last bell

The parting words we have chosen can sound beautiful from teachers both at the beginning and at the end of graduation. They will give to former 11th grade students great mood and positive emotions.

Today you are leaving your home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life, now it depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Human Being without. capital letters! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply and cultivate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life. Outlet. So many paths are trampled around the school and so many roads open in new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, will help you overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter a new life. So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten.

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

On this important and wonderful holiday, we wish you to realize everything you have planned and dreamed about. The responsible life of an adult lies ahead. So let there be no adversity or obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, don’t forget how much effort and work they put into everyone!

Beautiful words from teachers to 9th grade graduates at graduation - examples of parting words

Kind words Former 9th grade students should definitely hear the instructions. They will give the children wonderful memories and help them forget about their worries. You can choose beautiful words for graduates from the teacher for the graduation celebration from the examples provided.

Examples of beautiful parting words for 9th grade students from teachers to graduation

Using one of our examples last words, every middle school teacher will be able to beautifully wish former students success and fulfillment of their dreams. At the same time, ready-made parting words can be changed or supplemented in your own words.

The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with treasures native language and humanistic values, pointed to high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.

Graduation is only the first step on the path to adulthood, followed by obtaining a profession. I wish you that the chosen one future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.

I wish that you define the highest life and professional heights for yourself, and that each of you say: I have achieved the highest plans.

When setting out on a distant and unknown road, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like native land, parting words that will give you faith in the future, hope for own strength, determination and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects of Russia depend on this choice.

Dear graduates! From today, it opens before you new world, completely different, not similar to the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don’t forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

Today is your significant day, a solemn and touching event - school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person’s life - a holiday of youth. With all my heart I congratulate you on graduating from school and starting your adult life. Behind is the courtyard of my native school, ahead are the uncharted roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This strength is youthful enthusiasm and self-confidence. You are destined to live during big changes, when education, intelligence, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love is native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work will make your life happy by glorifying hometown and Russia to the whole world.

I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities and your chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Study, work, create and dare. May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear students, dear graduates! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students, this means successfully overcoming the next milestone in school life, moving to the next grade, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is a particularly joyful and memorable day. After all, they are saying goodbye to school and heading off to independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, implementation of ideas and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school certainly become the key to significant achievements and help you reach maximum heights in your future activities!

God's blessing to you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck with everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - the day of graduation. You will no longer cross the school threshold as a student, so don’t forget your favorite teachers!

Video example of teachers’ speech at graduation to former 9th grade students with parting words

The following video example will help teachers prepare original parting words for former 9th grade students for the last bell. It includes good and warm regards that will help children believe in themselves.

Touching words to tears from the first teacher to primary school graduates - examples

For every student primary school the first teacher becomes a true friend. Therefore, parting words from him will be the most the best gift for the guys at the farewell ball. We have selected touching wishes and instructions for teachers. Such words from the first teacher will give graduates confidence in themselves, their strengths and talents.

Examples of parting words touching to tears for graduates of 4th grade from the first teacher

Our dear daughters and sons! We are proud to see you graduate from 4th grade. Congratulations on your graduation evening! This is only the very beginning of your studies, but you have all shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon we will see you completely different. Over these years, you have not only gained the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. We wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and that friendship will overcome all adversity and obstacles.

Today, when you are finishing fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because these are the qualities that you will need most in secondary and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and devote special attention studying the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth with which you will gnaw the granite of science!

Today is our 4th graders' Graduation Day! Congratulations to the young graduates on their holiday. We wish you to boldly and cheerfully step through the stages of learning. To develop in every possible way, to discover new opportunities, to learn interesting, unusual and alien things. Let there be a lot of joy, high grades and good mood in your lives!

Congratulations to the 4th grade graduates on their graduation! You went through the initial base, where you received a lot of useful and necessary things for yourself. We wish you excellent studies and fulfillment of all your dreams. Be perfect in everything, your future depends on it.

Dear graduates, today you are leaving the elementary school classroom. Now new adventures await you in the land of real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often make independent decisions. Don’t forget your first teacher, don’t be afraid to open the door to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

After reviewing the examples of last words for graduates we have selected, and class teachers, and the first teacher will be able to easily find suitable parting words for graduation. With their help, teachers will be able to express their attention and love to children. They will help former 4th grade elementary school students forget about worries and give self-confidence to 9th and 11th graders. Beautiful words from teachers to graduates can be supplemented with their own instructions and wishes. Also, examples touching to tears are suitable for writing completely new and unusual parting words for the last call.

Happy birthday. Let school life will remain a good page in my memory forever, I wish you success in your studies and high grades, strong knowledge and exciting interests, loyal comrades and good mood, great happiness, good luck and luck.

Happy birthday to the most diligent student, a wonderful guy. I wish that studying comes easily and simply, that every day is successful and happy, that you always manage to show your abilities and talents, that luck is on your side, that you have cheerful friends and a great mood.

I wish that your smile always shines on your face, and the lights of happiness sparkle in your eyes! Let your school grades not fall below a “B”, because success should accompany you throughout life! I sincerely wish that your cherished dreams come true on this magical birthday!

Happy birthday to our student! We wish you great success in educational process. Ease of acquiring knowledge and skills. Maximum high grades, amazing ideas and a clear understanding in choosing your favorite activity. Grow healthy, smart, purposeful and happy!

Happy birthday to an excellent student, a cheerful and mischievous schoolboy. I want to wish you success in your studies and hobbies, may any undertaking end in victory, may you always have the strength and enthusiasm to achieve your goals, may the path of your life be good and happy, may you always have family and true friends nearby.

On your birthday, I wish you to become better, smarter, more educated every year! May all subjects at school be easy, and may they always help you with difficulties! May your friends be faithful and your parents proud!

Happy birthday. I wish you to be a brave, cheerful, good boy at school, at home and on the street, who can handle any lessons, any household chores, any race. I wish you to be a champion of your interests and a winner of your aspirations.

Happy birthday to a diligent student, a wonderful child, a kind and joyful person. I wish you great victories and achievements in various fields studies and hobbies, I wish you to be a real parental pride, I wish you cheerful and loyal friends, a wonderful mood and fulfillment of all your desires.

We wish you success in your studies, getting only fours and fives. We wish you to always obey your parents and be a good helper to them. May a sea of ​​gifts, good words and joyful events await you on your birthday. We wish you a joyful celebration of this holiday with your best friends. Happy birthday!

Happy holiday! Good grades, cheerful and loyal friends, joyful days, and so that parents understand and do not scold over trifles. Let there be many bright and funny adventures in life, and let there be no place for tears on your face!

Beloved children, for us you are not just students, but dear people, for whom we always worried and were responsible. Now you are leaving school. I would like to wish you a good journey and happiness. May each of you be able to fulfill your cherished dream. May faith and hope, love and joy, good luck and luck be next to you.

You grew and matured before our eyes,
And everyone succeeded in their studies,
But now it's time to say goodbye
And in new way you should go.

Victories and accomplishments await you,
Doubts, ups and downs.
Don't believe sad stories,
You can do anything in this life!

Everything that is planned will come true,
It just takes a little effort.
Don't be afraid to ask for help,
Learn to trust and live!

The day of parting has come, but guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you will always be able to return to your home school, as if it were your home. Let your destiny work out in the best possible way and everyone will receive what they deserve through perseverance, work and talent. Go ahead guys, the adult world awaits you!

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer or dearer to us,
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” - today we’ll say
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up.
May you always be a ray of light
Gives bright star.

Congratulations, our dear and wonderful graduates. Today a farewell school ball will take place in your honor, and tomorrow you will wake up with thoughts about where to go next, who to become and what path to choose for yourself. We wish you, dear children, never to lose faith in yourself, follow the call of your heart and follow your dreams. May the wind of good luck and bright rays of prosperity accompany you in the world of adulthood.

Today is your graduation -
This is the beginning of a long journey.
But the secret of success is simple -
You need to go wisely and honestly.

Let your roads go
Beyond the horizons of bold victories.
Let adversity pass around the edge
And life will be bright without troubles.

Be brave on the road
Don't lose your honor and face.
After all, today on the school threshold
We are proud of you like no one else.

Our wonderful and dear students, today it is time to say “Goodbye” to the school, namely “Goodbye”, not “Farewell”. After all, we hope that you will often come to visit us and remember our fun activities, wonderful adventures and funny stories. Let further path bright happiness, great success and big victories, may everything work out for you, we wish you not to lose faith in yourself and your dreams.

We taught, and you surprised
Us with success and kindness,
But you grew up quickly,
And now it's your graduation!

Happy travels to you guys
In this life, sometimes difficult,
Let it be bright, beautiful,
Like today's prom!

Graduated from school. And you have matured.
And your evening is graduation.
We grew up, we were in a hurry, we wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to schoolland.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have comprehended.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

Today you turned the page of childhood,
You are entering a serious, adult world.
We wish you, graduates and alumni,
Good luck, take the right landmark.

Go boldly, conquer all obstacles,
May good luck accompany you on the road,
We wish you guys to get closer to your dream,
Let troubles and adversity pass by.