“Iron Maiden is my everything”: interview with Alexandra Bortich. Alexandra Bortich spoke about her divorce (video) Alexandra Bortich’s wedding: who became the actress’s husband

  • You showed up very unexpectedly. Literally in one second. Once again, Alexandra Bortich is already our main young star.
  • Oh, I really don’t like this word - “star”. This makes me terribly uncomfortable. Especially when stars consider themselves stars. A guy comes into the room: “I’m here! Get high from me!”
  • In fact, I feel embarrassed when people start praising me. It happened that I came to audition with directors and they started saying something nice to me, and I turned purple and thought: no, no, let’s better script Let's discuss. When I was at Kinotavr for the first time with the film “What’s My Name,” we had a press conference, and then I watched this video. I'm just a flower girl there. They ask me something, I blush. So, there was one very strange guy there, as I understand it, he always asks strange questions at press conferences. And so he says: “Tell me, why did you film the scene of swimming up to the ship in the hangar and why was the scene of losing your virginity filmed so clumsily?” I was very angry. Because we filmed not in a hangar, but in the sea, and it was very, very cold. And here my embarrassment and indignation clashed. And it was very funny. I was like, “Actually, there was a real sea there, it was cold. Very cold. Very-very cold".
  • For some reason I thought that you were an evil girl. And you can attach it if necessary.
  • Well, I can, of course, in such situations. But in general I'm kind. I love animals!
  • Well, okay, but I’ll praise you a little now. You are a very organic and very technical actress. When I read that you were not accepted into any theater university, I think - how could this be?
  • Now I understand perfectly why this happened. I prepared myself, and in order to enter the theater, you don’t need to show who you really are, you need to prove that you are suitable, that you comply with the rules that rule in this or that institution. I wasn't ready for this. But, it seems to me, it’s for the better. If I had entered after school, my first film probably would not have happened.

  • But at the same time, in the theater they teach specific instruments. This is how to pull out this emotion, and this is how to pull out another. Does it ever happen that you don't have enough of it? How do you even do this?
  • I do as I feel. And this is probably my advantage. Oh, that sounds so disgusting. Like I think I'm a cool actress. That's why I don't like to talk about it. In fact, I let everything pass through myself. I can just cry on some stage. Ilya and I - this is my fiancé - went to auditions together. It was a very powerful scene. And we rehearsed at home, just throwing some moves at each other. And suddenly I understand that’s it: I can’t do it anymore. I can’t, because I really went for the material and experienced it all myself. She said: “Sorry.” She sat down and burst into tears. I just try to be sensitive to everything that happens around me.
  • I understand that, yes. But at the same time, I’m currently filming Viking. There are very heavy scenes. And now you’re exhausted, you’ve poured out everything that was inside. But it’s such a thrill to understand that you did everything you could.
  • Nigina Sayfullaeva, director of the film “What’s My Name,” noticed you at the casting of the series “Deffchonki” and invited you to appear in her movie. This was your first story, no experience. It was difficult to?
  • For me this is a separate page of life. Thanks to Nigina, Konstantin (Lavronenko, plays the father of Bortich’s friend. - Ed.), Marina (Vasilyeva, plays Bortich’s friend. - Note ed.) everything was very simple. We all somehow lived together. But I had such a busy year and a half that somehow everything was erased in my head. And I can no longer remember how everything technically happened. The main thing is that we spent every day together. And they just did, did, did.
  • And after the film came out, did your career take off right away?
  • No, it wasn't like that at all. I returned from filming and didn’t have any work. I had to go back to work as a waitress. Before that, I worked at the Squat bar for almost a year. This is a crazy page in my life. Very cool. I worked Friday and Saturday nights. And it was cool. I remember when they decided to close the bar, it was the last Friday - and a whole room of people who knew me and came to see me was packed. Like they fell in love with my style of service.

  • And what was your style of service?
  • "What do you need? Why are you stuck? Devour? Well here." And everyone was like: “Ha ha ha, how funny you are.” Well, they knew it was a joke. In general, such hell was happening there. You could still smoke back then. And just imagine - full ashtrays, a bunch dirty dishes on the tables. I’m alone, I don’t have time to do anything, and everyone is yelling: “Sanya! Come to us!" Of course, it's hard work - 13–14 hours on your feet. But it's a lot of fun.
  • Yes, but after the movie, going back to the bar is probably not so fun?
  • Yes, it was difficult. First of all, that bar closed, and I didn’t like the places I went to at all. They show me the establishment - the kitchen, the hall - and tell me how everything works. And I think: “Oh, no, no, no, guys! Everything should be different. I’ll explain it to you now.” I even worked one night in a creepy place that came out of Crazy Daisy. And that’s where it was really hard for me. After filming, I still thought that the waiter’s page was over. Now there will be something different. And everything became the same as before. Even worse. I stand, look at these drunk dudes and don’t even understand what I’m doing here. It was disgusting. But after the New Year I got an agent, I was approved for a series on Channel One. I was happy. Then I came to the audition for “The Elusive”, where I met Ilya, and filming began in the summer. Then I went to the audition for “Dukhless-2”, and they approved me again. This is where I was very happy and surprised. And then there were auditions with Anya Melikyan (the film “About Love”, Bortich’s partner in this film is Evgeny Tsyganov. - Ed.) - and they took me again.
  • Your heroine in “Dukhless-2” seems like a cold bitch, but in fact she’s terribly funny!
  • Oh, I love the moment when she says: “It’s so interesting to help animals! No! Or better yet, for children!” She's just small. She wants love. But for now she has the following attitudes in life: “Oh, he came in a Ferrari, and I immediately fell in love.” Such a village approach: fight your way, chew your way out. She, of course, frankly speaking, is not very smart. But he knows his worth. Understands what she looks like. But, I think, if I ended up with her right person... Oh, it won’t be anymore. She died. Crap. But if her story had not ended so tragically, she would have changed in a couple of years. She's not a bitch, she just wants to look like one. When she says: “I’m a predator, I’m on top,” she’s joking. So, I think, after some time she would have come to the conclusion that family, home, her beloved man nearby are the main thing. It doesn't matter what he drives.
  • You say this as if this is a very personal story for you.
  • Yes. I also came to this. Two years ago I said: I don’t want children, a wedding is nonsense, I’ll party forever. I didn't hang out in clubs, more at concerts. Iron Maiden is my everything.

  • Iron Maiden? Seriously?
  • Yeah. I'm a skater girl, a metal girl. When I was hanging out, everyone thought I was drinking non-stop. And I was just mad. And literally in a year everything changed very dramatically. When I was 18 and even 19, I didn’t believe that things in my life could fundamentally change. For example, I love metal, and this is iron. I won't stop listening to Black Sabbath, I'll only listen to heavy metal and wear only rock band T-shirts. And all this chick bullshit will never stick to me.
  • Did you also come to the “Duhless” casting wearing a Black Sabbath T-shirt?
  • No, this was already the period of formation of my femininity.
  • Excuse me, but what you are talking about is youthful maximalism in its purest form!
  • No, really, there was a clear understanding that it would always be like this. For example, I said that all music written after 1994 is shit. Now I understand that music can be different. This is probably the influence of Ilya. Now I realize that you don't have to wear a Black Sabbath T-shirt to love the band. I can just listen to their music on headphones. Was funny story: Ilya and I went to visit my parents. We decided to go for a walk, and I was lightly dressed. I found a denim vest among my old things. There are spikes on the shoulders. I remember how I made these holes myself and screwed the spikes into them. Because originally it was just a thrift store denim that I cut off the sleeves from. I made an “AC/DC” patch on the entire back. And so I put on this vest, go out into the corridor, and Ilya is like: “Sasha, God, please don’t.” Although, when we met, I looked exactly like this.
  • Now is not the easiest time for art - swearing has been banned, sex has been banned. Theaters are shaking. Do you feel this somehow?
  • Certainly. Although I think that even a checkmate can be played without a checkmate. And this is not such a serious injury for cinema. But at the same time, for example, the scene in the first “Dukhless”, where Masha Kozhevnikova sits with smeared mascara on her face and gives out a strong obscene tirade, is cool. This is a chick who previously only walked in heels and took pictures. When Zhenya Tsyganov and I were filming with Anya Melikyan, we had a swearing scene. We hit it off so well, something just happened between us. And I suddenly realize that I was yelling obscenities at him and throwing something at him. It turned out very cool. Anya comes up and says: “So, very cool! And now the same thing, but without the swearing.” It seems to me that when politics tries to dictate how the arts should exist, this is wrong. People who don't create anything suddenly try to create canons.
  • You can't swear, you can't kiss a girl on stage if you're a girl. I'm still waiting, but what next?
  • This really irritates me, I get worked up like a bull when I see someone showing intolerance. What difference does it make what orientation a person is? Does it matter who you have sex with? As for the bans, I really don’t know why all these restrictions are needed. After all, the smoke from a cigarette in the frame is so cool. I don’t smoke myself, but it seems to me that we can lose frame density this way. Things are not very cool with us anyway. Oh, I'm getting goosebumps.

  • It's scary that creative people may begin to limit themselves. So that, God forbid, they don’t hit you on the head or take away your money. Although, probably, young people would rather go against all this.
  • This is also an extreme. I am certainly against any restrictions, but no one can force you to do something bad, without love. I’m just offended that the texture of cinema can become poorer, that’s all. Film language is complex even without restrictions, it’s difficult to speak, but here your tools are being shortened and shortened. But anyway, I think you can either be a hack or you can't. Because the worst thing in any field of art is the desire to simply make money, to create who knows what.
  • And many people think: oh well, I’ll act in shit or film shit - nothing, I’ll earn money, I have a family, everyone wants to eat. But in the end there is so much shit that everything good drowns in it.
  • Fact. This is true. But at the same time, I got the feeling that we have coolness in cinema. There are people who want to make art, who want to rise up. And despite everything you say, it seems to me that we are still slowly moving up. There are a lot of young people, they want to change something. And I see that they are being given a chance.
  • I can’t help but ask about the scene from The Elusive. What was it like to ride around Moscow naked on a horse?
  • Oh. Well, I wasn’t completely naked after all. And at that moment I was only thinking about how to wrap my legs around the horse and not fall. It saved me. I had such a wayward horse. I like animals a lot. Dogs. I don’t like cats, but I had to fall in love with them. Because now we have both a dog and a cat. But cats only pretend to be cute, but in reality they are such cunning bastards. And I love horses, someday I would like my own horse.
  • Yes, yes, instead of a dress for 300 thousand, save up for a horse.
  • Horses are actually wildly difficult. But it's okay when I have eight children, big house and I won’t have to work, I’ll buy a horse!

05.09.2014 - 17:56

A horse with a naked rider was walking along Manezhnaya Square and Tverskaya.

Eyewitnesses began to take racy photos and post them online. Marked by her presence, as they say, in the right place in right time and Tina Kandelaki. The TV presenter is clearly unpleasantly surprised by such frankness.

Tina Kandelaki (on Instagram):
Just now... In the city center. Is it so fashionable now? Naked queen?

Later it turned out that the rider was an actress in a film being filmed in the center of the capital.

The film crew decided not to block traffic, so not all eyewitnesses realized that they were participating in the making of a film.

About what the film is on speech is not specified. But eyewitnesses claim that what is happening in the photo is the filming of “Duhless 2”, and the girl is an actress from Belarus Alexandra Bortich (see photo).

Alexandra Bortich is indeed on the list of actors in the film, which is expected to premiere on March 5, 2015. The main role is played by Daniil Kozlovsky.

By the way, the film crew of the film “Spiritless 2” took part in the Ice Bucket Challenge (see video).

The Ice Bucket Challenge involves throwing ice water at people to attract attention. serious illness. According to the terms of the flash mob, you either transfer $100 and stay dry, or pour a bucket on yourself cold water and pay 10 dollars. Each participant has the right to challenge three more people.

In Belarus, the action is also gaining momentum. Singers Alena Lanskaya and Olga Barbanshchikova, the group Inzhir, designer Natasha Lyakhovets and many others have already taken part in it famous people countries.

Photo. Alexandra Bortich, photo from the filming of “Duhless 2”

Photo. Alexandra Bortich

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Photo: instagram.com/natalia_bochkareva_official

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Photo: instagram.com/dariasagalova

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Photo: instagram.com/yakimoto_san

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Photo: instagram.com/ejikikungfu

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The famous actress, who starred in such films as “Viking” and “I’m Losing Weight,” honestly spoke in an interview about her life: how she coped after the divorce, how she had to show her breasts, the reason for her antipathy towards Tina Kandelaki.

Bortich is one of the most popular actresses on this moment. Alexandra did not receive special training acting, but starred in twenty-nine films, most of them real hits of Russian cinema.

A charismatic girl at twenty-three has already gained experience in marriage and divorce. In mid-summer, Alexandra's fans received sensational news about the divorce. with husband Alexandra Bortich Vyacheslav Vorontsov (Mezza). Few people knew that the young actress was married. Before her marriage, she dated Ilya Malanin, whom she met on the set of The Elusive. Soon their relationship failed. Ilya became the initiator of their dissolution. The reason for the breakup was Bortich's filming in explicit scenes.

Now Bortich has spoken about the breakup for the first time, although she is not very enthusiastic about talking about personal topics.

Alexandra said that she was extremely happy to be left alone. For about the first two weeks, she listened to judgmental comments from others that in such a situation it was considered indecent to be so joyful.

But Alexandra believes that all that remained was to congratulate her. Marriage Alexandra Bortich and her husband was sudden. According to her, it turned out to be a mistake.

The girl answered questions extremely honestly and told a number of facts about herself, which was a big surprise for fans. For example, during the casting process for participation in the film “What’s My Name,” Alexandra Bortich was easily able to “show off” her breasts.

She said that Nigina Sayfullaeva, the director, was present there, as well as actress Elena Nesterova, who was Sayfullaeva’s assistant at the casting. There were three people in the room at that time. Nigina asked Sasha if she could just go naked. In response to this, Bortich simply lifted her jacket.

As the actress herself says, then she was more, in a good way, “crazy”, free in this regard.

Alexandra had to bare her body in front of the cameras more than once. The actress honestly admitted that from time to time she realized why this was necessary, and therefore it did not seem difficult for her.

But one of the “naked” scenes became a real horror for Bortich. This, according to the girl, happened because of Tina Kandelaki.

In the film “The Elusive”, the completely naked heroine Alexandra “marches”, sitting on a horse, along Red Square. Tina Kandelaki became an eyewitness to the process of recording these shots, photographed what was happening, without thinking twice, publishing it on the Internet. For Alexandra, this day became a big test that changed her opinion towards the global network.

Until the moment of the “naked” shooting, the girl was not entirely aware of what was happening, the entire film crew believed in the picture being created.

It turned out that Kandelaki photographed Bortich in such a way that she was not included in the frame film crew. Sasha starred in the scene. After finishing work I went to run errands. Someone told her about what happened, the terrible comments about her. The still very young girl was overcome by real hysteria. After this, Alexandra claims that she no longer cares about the opinions of others.

Actress Alexandra Bortich was among the 9 girls whom Russian GQ intends to follow in 2015.

In addition to this blue-eyed blonde from Svetlogorsk, the list included Monica Bellucci, who will play in new series"Bond", Dakota Johnson, performer leading role in “50 Shades of Gray” and other celebrities.

Alexandra Bortich became famous thanks to a scene in the thriller “” (and not “Dukhless 2”, as previously reported). A completely naked actress in the center of Moscow, including in close proximity to the Kremlin.

- We didn’t just decide to film a naked chick on a horse in the city center. According to the script, it had to be powerful, shocking and tough - and that’s what they did,- Bortich said in an interview with the popular Russian resource Buro 24/7.

- It’s hard to imagine what should be written in the script for you to be embarrassed.

- It’s hard for me to imagine this too. If Tarantino calls tomorrow and asks me to take part in a super-explicit scene, naturally, I will agree. It all depends on how motivated the director's idea is. When they tell me something like: “Oh, let’s add a little sex; walk around in your panties,” I answer: “No, guys, sorry.” There is a difference, and you have to feel it."

By the way, Buro 24/7 also noted the “wonderful acting work” of Alexandra Bortich in the film “What’s My Name,” which

Actress Alexandra Bortich became a guest of the “Tender Editor” program, in which she commented on her divorce and admitted that she easily strips naked for filming.

Alexandra Bortich is one of the most sought-after actresses of her generation. Having no theater education, she has already managed to star in 29 films, many of which became film hits.

The spectacular blonde, at 23 years old, has already been married and divorced. In mid-July, the news of Alexandra’s separation from her husband, musician Vyacheslav Vorontsov, better known under the pseudonym Mezza, became a real sensation for many fans of the artist. Few people even knew that Bortich was officially married.

Now, for the first time, Alexandra commented on the divorce, although she does not like to talk about her personal life. Bortich admitted that parting with her husband was a happy moment for her.
« I really don't want to talk about it. But to put it mildly, I was very glad to be alone. For the first couple of weeks, all I heard was that in my situation it was simply indecent to be so happy. So just congratulate me. It was very fast and it was a mistake. When you realize this, you understand - it's time to finish", said Alexandra Bortich.

Alexandra was extremely frank and told several facts from her biography, which came as a complete surprise to fans. For example, Bortich, how at the casting of her first film “What’s My Name” she easily showed her breasts.

« Yes, I showed my breasts at the casting. But there was Nigina (Saifullaeva - editor's note), director, and actress Lena Nesterova, who helped Nigina with the casting. There were three of us in the room. And Nigina asked: “Can you undress? Can you do it now? And I lifted my jacket. I was more fucked up then in a good way words and free", said Alexandra.

In general, Bortich had to expose himself in front of the camera more than once. By her own admission, she often understood why it was necessary, so it came easily. However, one “naked” scene turned into a nightmare for the actress. And all through the fault of Tina Kandelaki.

In the film “The Elusive”, Alexandra’s heroine, completely naked, rides along Red Square riding a white horse. Tina Kandelaki became an unwitting witness to the filming of this scene, took a photo on her phone and immediately posted it online. Alexandra remembers this day as a big test that changed her attitude towards the Internet.

« Before I ended up naked on a horse, I didn’t really understand what was going on, and we all really believed in this project during filming. And then I got on a horse and there were so many people around and it was so wild, but I couldn’t retreat. And this “wonderful woman” took a photograph of me so that neither the cameraman nor the director was visible, and posted it on her page. I filmed this scene and went to the store, and someone wrote or called me, I went to look and saw this in the comments. I just went hysterical; I sat in the toilet and just sobbed. My mom and my boyfriend arrived, and I somehow dealt with it. After that it’s not particularly scary", said Bortich.

By the way, Alexandra grew up in the Belarusian city of Grodno. Until the age of 11, her mother raised her alone. Bortich says that her parent is her best friend, always ready to help.

Now Bortich is alone and, as she says, enjoys her new state, she likes to wake up alone, do what she wants, and “spend all the money on herself,” which she spoke about in an interview with the YouTube channel “Gentle Editor.”