Information about Oster events in libraries. A holiday dedicated to the work of G. B. Oster. Vaccination against self-indulgence. Purpose. "Books under the Christmas tree: New Year and Christmas"


Dear readers!
We invite you to visit interesting, educational book exhibitions organized in the libraries of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district.

Writers' anniversaries
Books dedicated to anniversaries
History of Russia (To the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution)
(Reading room)
“Choose your future” October 5
“Addictions that take lives” October 17
“Komsomol members are heroes!”
Children's Department of the Central District Hospital
Exhibition-excursion “Ural Protected Places”
Book exhibition “Dogs and cats under one cover”
Book exhibition “All the colors of the rainbow” (to the 115th anniversary of E. Permyak)
Book exhibition “If it’s break at school...” (Teacher’s Day)
Book exhibition “Think, think my head!” (Teacher's Day)
Sound exhibition “Musical piggy bank”

— Book and illustration exhibition “Always Ready” (to mark the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Russian Civil Defense) 10/04/2017;
— “Writer, ethnographer and storyteller” -165 years of D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak 10/25/2017;
— “The artist is a battle painter exposing the war” — 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagina (1842-1904) 10/26/2017;
Book exhibition “Pain and Memory of Generations” (on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of political repression in Russia) 10.30.2017.

Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates.
“Dates. Books. Names."
8 - 125 years since the birth of M.I. Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), Russian poetess.
9 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer Renaissance
Exhibition – memory “My youth – Komsomol”

09.10. Book exhibition “Tankograd Day”
Exhibition - debate “The Time of Don Quixote” (470 years of Cervantes)
13.10. Installation “Smart Things” (115 years of E. Permyak, 130 years of S. Marshak)
Exhibition – portrait “The Charm of the Age” (120 years of I. Ilf).
30.10. Book exhibition “I will teach you to live without sadness” (G. Oster’s 70th anniversary)
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Exhibition-viewing “Animals – heroes of books” - from 02.10 to 22.10
Exhibition-memory “Our Komsomol Past” - from 23.10 to 05.11
Library-branch No. 6 Borisovka
"Culinary Art"

Permanent book exhibitions

Central district library(CRH)
Literary anniversaries
Thematic shelf “In book memory - the history of Russia.”
(Reading room)
Exhibition – journey “Around the world in 80 books”,
“Blue Mirrors of the Stone Belt” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 1, Rabochiy village
“Let's take care of our Earth! We have only one” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 2 Krasnogorsky
“Vernisage”, dedicated to the artists celebrating their anniversaries in 2017,
“Literary calendar” - for the anniversaries of 2017,
"Book news"
“Through the pages of the history of the village of Krasnogorsky” library quilt for the 65th anniversary of the village of Krasnogorsky.
Exhibitions and installations:
"This is how the village began"
"Famous Countrymen".
Exhibitions – expositions:
"Miner's Chronicle"
“Krasnogorsky in photographs”,
"I went through that war"
"Poets are fellow countrymen."
Library-branch No. 3, Zauralsky village
“Green miracle - Earth” as part of the Year of Ecology,
“Our opening day: treasures of the world” Exhibition of reproductions famous artists- anniversaries,
Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates. “Dates. Books. Names."
Library-branch No. 4, Krasnogorsky village
"Diary of a Volunteer"
“Tolerance – harmony of diversity”,
“2017 is the year of ecology.”
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Review exhibition for the year of ecology “A House Called Earth”,
Local history exhibition “I grew up in this city”,
Ecological local history exhibition"Know your land"
Educational exhibition “The World of Animals and Plants”,
Assorted exhibition “About everything in the world”,
Exhibition-call “Read a book about war”,
Literary exhibition “Reading in the classical style”,
Exhibition-introduction “Famous Anniversaries”,
Exhibition-folklore “Holidays of the folk calendar”,
Exhibitions – recommendations “Once upon a time there were fairy tales” and
"Books of my childhood"

Come to Oster’s class, we’ll teach you somehow (on the 70th anniversary of the birth of G. Oster)

AND Exactly under this name within the framework of the program "University real literature"In the central children's library named after A.P. Gaidar, students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 made a journey through the books of G. Oster.
Grigory Oster came up with “Monkey”, “Parrot”, “Baby Elephant”, “Boa Constrictor”, “Kitten Woof” and many other characters beloved by children. Getting acquainted with episodes from the life of Grigory Oster, the guys learned: why the poet studied at the institute for 12 years, how many children he has, and what advice he gives to the President of Russia.

To study the writer’s work, the kids visited the “School of Bad Advice” and solved fun puzzles from Oster. Then the children were introduced to a new lesson, “Candy Eating,” which ended with a vote: “teeth” or “candy.” While traveling through Auster's books, the children took part in the decision complex issues: where do adults come from, why do adults grow in width, how to prepare parents for life's difficulties? With the help of the book, young readers heard witty and mischievous advice from the famous and beloved author: how to learn to get out of difficult situations How to find the pleasant in the unpleasant. The children got acquainted with the “Book of the Cannibal’s Tasty and Healthy Food” by G. Oster, having read several recipes from it: “Insolent in a tomato”, “Small fry in pots”, “Naughty in chocolate”, etc.
And then all the kids unanimously answered the questions of “Fairytale Vinaigrette”, solving “edible riddles” and listening to “jellied” poems. The guys also played a fun game “ Funny monkeys”, outdoor games “Boa Constrictor Ring” and “Boa Constrictor Tug!” The children especially liked the last game. Having met wonderful books The writer, listening to the poems with interest, the little readers laughed heartily at “Bad Advice”, expressing their opinion about what they read.
The guys, of course, understood that Grigory Oster was giving his “harmful advice” so that the children, purely out of a sense of contradiction, would do the opposite. Therefore, the event was boring and uninteresting. And never come to our library!

MBOU "Basic secondary school No. 17"

Methodological development
“Come to Oster-klass!!!”,
dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Grigory Oster

Prepared by:

Rimko T.A.

head library

Stary Oskol - 2012

Objectives of the event:
1. Introduce students to the life and work of Grigory Oster.
2. To promote the development of interest in creativity, a sense of humor, self-criticism, and responsibility for one’s actions.
3. Promote the development of memory and speech.
Equipment: TSO:
multimedia, computer, portrait writer Oster.
students of grades 5-7, class. leader, leading members of the “Book Lover” circle.
Progress of the event:

1. Acquaintance with the writer’s work.
Presenter-1: On November 27, the poet, children's writer, screenwriter and animator Grigory Oster turned 65 years old. For more than twenty years, Grigory Oster has been giving children his “Bad Advice.” He came up with the Monkey, Parrot, Baby Elephant, Boa Constrictor, Woof kitten and many other cartoon characters beloved by children. He has written a dozen textbooks, the problems from which make children laugh until they drop. Finally, the writer Oster is one of the creators of the Internet site “The President of Russia for School-Age Citizens”

Presenter-2: Grigory Oster was born in Odessa. It is unlikely that Grisha was a quiet good boy in childhood. Well, how can such a child grow up and suddenly come up with harmful advice for naughty children?! After school, he served in the Northern Fleet, and then entered the correspondence department of drama at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. He says about the beginning of his career as a children’s writer: “I myself started with poems “for adults,” and I even managed to get published when I was 16-17 years old. And when in 1970 I was demobilized from the Northern Fleet and came to Moscow in sailor uniform, I realized: that’s it, crap. They couldn’t publish what I brought to the editorial office. And then... I said to myself: “I’m starting a five-year plan, in five years I’ll try to learn how to earn a living by writing poetry and prose. children!" And I learned - there was simply nowhere to go, because I didn’t know how to do anything else. And then I liked it so much that I began to write not only for the sake of money.”

Presenter-1 : After college he wrote several plays for puppet theaters: "Man with a tail", "All wolves are afraid." In 1975, his first children's book was published in Murmansk. It was a collection of “How to Give Gifts Well.” In the 1980s, he continued to write plays: “Hello to the Monkey” (1983), the comedy “Secret Fund” (1986), etc.; created fairy tale films: “Boy and Girl,” “How the Gosling got lost,” “Caught biting!”

Presenter-2: In 1983, the first “bad advice” appeared in the Kolobok magazine. It was called "The Brave Chef". At first, there was a blank wall in the way of “harmful advice.” When Auster first read them on the radio, he began receiving bags of letters from angry adult listeners. And the children accepted the “harmful advice” with delight and wrote that none of them would think of following advice that is positioned as harmful.”

Presenter-1: The writer himself calls them vaccinations against stupidity: “I take a situation, bring it to its logical conclusion and show the child how stupid the result is. Children laugh and naturally experience a situation that could lead them to a logical dead end.” Oster has written children's books: "Grandma Boa Constrictor", "The Great Closing", "Bad Advice" (A Book for Naughty Children and Their Parents), "Divination by Hands, Feet, Ears, Back and Neck", "Children's Superstitions". He is also the author of the script for the animated series "Tail Charger", "38 Parrots" and many others.

Presenter-2: IN recent years books appeared new series Oster: "Problem book. A beloved guide to mathematics", "Physics. A beloved book. A book of problems." In 1997, a new book was published - "Vizgculture".
“Then,” says Oster, “I began developing new disciplines and published a textbook on “papamamology”, in which I explained to children how to deal with adults (“... that’s why I say to myself that I am a traitor in the camp of adults”). Then textbooks “Education of Adults”, “Housing Studies”, “Candy Eating”, “Problem Book about Friendship and Fight”, “Problem Book about Love and Kisses” were published.
Presenter-1: Obviously, Grigory Oster's five children inspire him to create more and more new games and new heroes, not allowing him to forget his childhood. Oster himself says that he has “two waves” of children: “The eldest three - Katya, Liya and Sanya - in fact, are no longer children, they work, are married, married... The younger ones, Masha and Nikita, also seem to be on their way out from childhood." New muse for the writer his little granddaughter became.
Introducing the book! One book exhibition
Oster G.B. Problem book. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2007

Librarian: G. Oster is a cheerful person. In the preface, he addressed the students: “Dear guys! This book is called “Problem Book” on purpose, so that it could be read in a math lesson and not hidden under the desk...”

No, no, the tasks here are real. They all have a solution and help consolidate the material covered. However, the main task of the Problem Book is not to consolidate the material. These problems are just for those who don’t really like mathematics, who habitually consider solving problems boring and necessary work. Let them doubt it. There are 329 problems in the book. Read and decide with smile!

Presenter-2: Task 10. If you put Dasha, who weighs 45 kg, and Natasha, who weighs 8 kg less, on one scale, and 89 kg of different sweets are poured on the other, then how many kilograms of sweets will the unfortunate girls have to eat in order for the scales to be in balance?

Presenter-1: Task 37. Marina Borovitskaya made 12 mistakes in the dictation, and Grisha Kruzhkov, who copied everything from her, made 32 mistakes. How many of Grisha's own mistakes in dictation do he make?

Presenter-2: Task 47. The aliens who visited school No. 141 are very different from the inhabitants of Earth. Each of them has 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 consciences. How much less of all the things listed does Stepan Stulchikov, a student of this school, have, if it is known that he has the same number of arms and legs as ordinary person, about no conscience at all?

Presenter-1: Task 283. Baba Yaga claims that the Serpent Gorynych will not fly 1000 km without refueling. Koschey the Immortal bet with her a barrel of kvass that it would fly. The snake Gorynych flew for 4 hours at a speed of 247 km/h and, having made an emergency landing, ate Ivan Tsarevich. Did Baba Yaga bet a barrel of kvass or not?
Librarian: Who knows the cartoons created based on the books of G. Oster? Here are just a few animated films based on the books of G. Oster (and there are more than 60 of them in total)

· What if it works out? Script by G. Oster. Director I. I. Ufimtsev

· Grandma boa constrictor. Script by G. Oster. Director I. Ufimtsev

· Bad advice. Script by G. Oster // Merry Carousel. Vol. 17.

· How does a boa constrictor heal? Script by G. Oster, Director I. Ufimtsev.

· A kitten named Woof. In 4 episodes. Director L. Atamanov, 1977-1980.

· Where is the baby elephant going? Script by G. Oster. Directed by I. Ufimtsev.

· Monkeys, go! Script by G. Oster. Directed by L. Shvartsman, 1985.

· Monkeys and robbers. Screenplay by G. Oster, 1985.

· Beware, monkeys1 Script by G. Oster. Directed by M. Miroshkina, 1984.

· Got caught biting. Script by G. Oster. Directed by V. Kotenochkin, 1983.

· Hello monkey. Script by G. Oster, Director I. Ufimtsev.

· 38 parrots. Script by G. Oster. Directed by I. Ufimtsev. 1976.

Librarian: Now let's check who better acquainted with the work of G. Oster?
Quiz on the books of G. Oster:

1. In the story “Underground Passage” the Little Elephant climbed in with fright:

a) on a palm tree; b) on a stone; c) on the Boa constrictor.

2.According to Monkey (in the story “How to treat a boa constrictor”), the chest in which the mamurik lies is called “pampukskaya...”

A) grunting; b) mukuka; c) bisyaka.

3. What was the Boa Constrictor afraid of in the story “I’m Crawling”:

a)charging; b) tickling; c) headache.

4. In which story did Boa Constrictor decide to measure his height?

a) “It’s me crawling”; b) “Tail exercise”; c) “What if it works out!!!”

5. Why does Monkey become better appetite? ("Hello Monkey")

a) from nuts; b) from dates; c) from bananas.

8. What advice does the writer give to naughty children?

9. What is the name of the science of adults?

10. What other sciences did the writer come up with?

11. Solve 1 problem from Oster’s “Problem Book”.

Librarian: A few questions about the writer’s biography:

1. At what age did Gregory Osteria begin to write poetry?

2.What can you say about his first collection?

3. Where did the writer study?

4. What did Oster do in Yalta at the Glade of Fairy Tales?

5. In what year did the writer become the winner of the “Golden Key” reader’s choice competition? (1960)

6. Name several cartoons based on Auster’s scripts.

7.What animals – Auster’s cartoon characters – do you remember?

Today many children attended the Oster class, and some even wrote poems. (For example)

« Disguise": If you have done something, and you want your mother not to notice you, then pour three cans of brilliant green on yourself. Then climb into the fern and hide there. Mom definitely won't notice you.

« Colorful suit": If you love dressing up, but your mom's white skirt is the wrong color, paint it to suit your taste. If there is no T-shirt for it, then take your mother’s white T-shirt and wash it with the skirt that you painted. You will definitely have a suit.

And this is an appeal from book lovers of the "Auster Class" to readers:

You can look through a fairy tale.

But why do we need this?

What reward awaits us?

And you think it's boring

You can still try

Read Auster's books.
The result of the event is the children’s feedback on the work of G. Oster.

Literature for the event:

  • Writers of our childhood. 100 names. Biographical Dictionary in 3 parts. Part 3. – M.: Liberea, 2000.

  • Grigory Bentsionovich Oster.// I experience the world: Literature. - M.: AST, 1999. – pp. 298-299.

  • Oster Grigory Bentsionovich. // All about everyone. - M.: Slovo, 1999. - p. 352.

  • Oster Grigory Bentsionovich. // Kuznetsova N.I. Children's writers: Directory.-M.: Ballas, 1995.-pp.91-93.

  • Kolenkova, N.L. Come to the Oster class, they will teach you sometime! //Read, learn, play – 2002. - No. 5.

A holiday dedicated to the work of G. B. Oster Vaccination against pampering Goal - page No. 1/1

Celebration dedicated to the work of G.B. Oster

Vaccination against pampering

Target : create an emotional atmosphere for the implementation of creative and intellectual abilities students.


  • teach children to feel and understand the language of a work of art;

  • to consolidate interest in the work of G. Oster, a master of the humorous genre in children's literature;

  • stimulate students' reading interest and create an attitude towards independent reading works of the writer;

  • promote the development of communicative relationships;
Forms of work: independent reading, dramatization, game forms, use of digital resources.


Laptop, projector, presentation about G. Auster, exhibition of the writer’s books, posters depicting characters from Auster’s books, toys (book characters), costumes, masks, dumbbells, jump ropes, balloons, treat.

Progress of the holiday.


Dear guys! Today we have gathered for a holiday dedicated to the work of the wonderful modern poet and writer G. Oster.

A story about the life of G. Oster

G. Oster was born on November 27 in the Crimea in the city of Yalta, where the Black Sea is warm, in the family of a sailor. Grisha spent his entire childhood in his mother’s library and read all the books and decided to become a writer, entered the Literary Institute and wrote his first book in 1974. The book was for adults. But one day Auster made a brilliant discovery: it turns out that adults came from children, he realized that he was not interested in writing for adults, and began writing for children because he wanted to help children become smart, kind, honest, brave, with the help of his books too. Children immediately and unconditionally fell in love with the heroes of G. Oster, cute, smart, lively.

G. Oster has 5 children and his wife Maya, who is the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Yeralash” and the program “ Good night, kids"

G. Oster is a very cheerful person. He knows everything. There was never a time when he couldn't answer a question. Any question - about the stars, about the vacuum cleaner, about Napoleon. It is no coincidence that G. Oster is called one of the most interesting and educated people of our time, many wonderful writers, including E. Uspensky, are proud of their friendship with him.


Listen to the writer's message to children:

Hello, dear Child!

Writes to you children's writer. This writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster.

I don’t know what your name is, but I can guess. And I also guess that you want to hear some kind of fairy tale. If I'm guessing correctly, then listen. And if I guess wrong and you don’t want to listen to the story, then don’t listen. The fairy tale will not go anywhere, it will wait for you. Come whenever you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.

But you, dear Child, don’t stay too long, otherwise you will become an adult and it will no longer be so interesting for you to listen to a fairy tale about a baby elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot.

-This is how he begins his very famous fairy tale“Tail charger” is one of the most famous Russian writers G.B. Oster. (Showing the book).
-Maybe one of you. Guys, are you familiar with this book?

Do you know the heroes of this fairy tale? Baby Elephant, Parrot, Monkey and Boa Constrictor.

Where did these heroes live? In Africa.

Every day they got together and came up with something interesting. Or they were just talking. Or the Monkey sang funny songs. Or the Baby Elephant asked smart questions, and the Monkey, the Parrot and the Boa constrictor answered. Or the Baby Elephant and the Monkey took the Boa Constrictor and twisted it. Like a jump rope. And the Parrot was jumping over it.

Let's get to know these heroes better. What qualities do they differ in?

What Baby Elephant? Very polite.

What Parrot? Very smart.

Boa? Very long.

Monkey? Restless, lively, caring. And they are all small, like children.

One day the Baby Elephant and the Parrot were playing problems. These are special riddles. The baby elephant posed the problem, and the parrot solved it. Or he didn't allow it. When and how.

Sketch “Game of Problems”

Baby elephant. Parrot, how many nuts do you think attacked here?

Parrot. Heap! A whole bunch of them attacked.

Baby elephant. How many nuts do you need to make a pile?

Parrot. A heap is when there is a lot.

Baby elephant. How much is a lot?

Parrot. A lot is a lot.

Baby elephant. Let's figure it out! Is ten nuts a heap?

Parrot. Yes! Ten nuts is a lot!

Baby elephant. Are three nuts a heap?

Parrot. Three is not a heap.

Baby elephant. How about nine?

Parrot. Nine is a lot!

Baby elephant. How about five?

Parrot. Not a bunch!

Baby elephant. How about seven?

Parrot. Heap.

Baby elephant. Well, are six nuts a heap or not a heap?

Parrot. Nah!

Baby elephant. So, there is no way to distinguish “a lot” from “a little”?

Parrot. No, you can tell the difference.

Baby elephant. How?

Parrot. Very simple. Not enough is when you’ve eaten everything and still want more. And a lot is when you don’t want to anymore.
Scene “Charging”

One day, a parrot was walking in Africa and saw a monkey climbing a tall date palm tree. She reached the middle of the trunk and slid down very quickly.

Parrot. Are you riding?

Monkey. I'm climbing!

Parrot. If you're climbing, why are you climbing?

Monkey. I don’t understand it myself! I want dates, and I climb up. And it turns out - whack - down!

Parrot. Well, well... Come on, show your muscles! Everything is clear! Muscles are no good!

Monkey(with offense). Why aren't these any good?

Parrot. Weak. It takes strong muscles to climb a tall palm tree!

Monkey.(with fear). But I don’t have any others. Only these.

Parrot. Other people's muscles won't help you! We need to strengthen ours. Need sports exercises!

Game “Are your muscles strong?”

Which guy can lift dumbbells from his shoulders up 10 times? (boys)

Who can jump rope the longest? (girls)

Well done!

Q2:-One day our heroes decided to take care of their upbringing
Sketch “It’s interesting to be brought up”

Boa. Today we will deal with education. Monkey, if I now pick and give you a very ripe and tasty banana, what will you do?

Monkey. I'll eat it! First I’ll say thank you, and then I’ll eat!
Boa. Well, you will act like a polite monkey! But politeness is not education! A well-bred monkey will first offer a banana to its friend!
Monkey. What if he takes it?!
Parrot. He will definitely take it!
Monkey. No! It's not interesting to be well-mannered!
Boa. Try it! Try!
Monkey. Little elephant, you don't really like bananas, do you?
Baby elephant. No, why? I love them quite a lot!
Monkey. Yes? Well, then - here you go!
Baby elephant. Thank you! Parrot, take it! This is for you!
Parrot, Thank you! Boa! Take this beautiful ripe banana from me!
Boa. I accept it from you with deep gratitude! Monkey, take this banana!
Monkey I understood! Understood! It's very interesting to be educated! Simply wonderful! You offer something to someone, someone will offer you something! Beauty!
Together. If no one feels sorry for anyone, that is truly beautiful!

Q2: Game “Yes-No”
- Now we will also play at being well-mannered children.

Decide for yourself when to say “yes” and when to say “no”.

I always have a handkerchief in my pocket. - Yes.

On the bus I always give up my seat to older people. - Yes.

I always wash my hands before eating. - Yes.

I envy guys who smoke cigarettes. - No.

My favorite drink is beer. - No.

My nails are always neatly trimmed. - Yes.

I laugh out loud on the street. - No.

I always prove that I’m right with my fists. - No.

I open the door and let the girls go forward. - Yes.

I say hello to my acquaintance in the evening, even if I saw him in the morning. - Yes.

I apologize if I accidentally pushed someone. - Yes.

I know the birthdays of mom, dad, grandparents. - Yes.

I interfere in the conversations of adults. - No.

At home I have responsibilities: go for bread, walk the dog. - Yes.

I ask my friend for a comb. - No.

During an argument, I try to outshout everyone. - No.

My book table is a complete mess. - No.

Every day I wash the dishes. - Yes.


By reading them, you guys will laugh heartily and will definitely learn something useful and important. .

Now we will solve the problems that G. Oster came up with for you.

Problem book
1) 2nd grade. 12 girls were distributed to the cannibals, 3 girls to each. How many cannibals got girls? (4 cannibals)
2) 2nd grade. Marina Borovitskaya made 12 mistakes in the dictation, and Grisha Kruzhkov, who copied everything from her, made 32 mistakes. How many mistakes does Grisha have in dictation? (20 errors)
3) 2nd grade. After Sasha Chernov, while cleaning his room, swept 12 kg of garbage out of it, his mother took up a broom and swept out twice as much garbage from the same room. How much trash was swept out of the room? (36 kg)
4) 3rd grade. Baba Yaga has 3 warts on her nose, and Koshchei the Immortal has 6 more warts. How many warts are there on the nose of Koshchei the Immortal? (9 warts)

5) 3rd grade. Baby Kuzi still only has 4 teeth, but his grandmother already has 3. How many teeth do the grandmother and grandson have in total? (7 teeth)

6) 3rd grade. Pupils of class 2A have 52 ears, and their teacher Olga Nikolaevna has 50 fewer ears. How many ears can you count during a lesson in grade 2A? (54 ears)

We have done gymnastics for the mind, and now let's do exercises for the tail.

Physical education minute.

(to the song from the cartoon “38 Parrots”)


One of the books especially loved by children is “Bad Advice.”

Who is familiar with this book?

Why do you think the writer called his advice to children harmful?

It turns out that scientists have recently discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are told: “Say hello to each other,” but they immediately begin not to say hello. Scientists have decided that such children should be given harmful rather than useful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.
Bad advice

1) 2nd grade If you are along the corridor

Ride your bike

And towards you from the bathroom

Dad went out for a walk

Don't turn into the kitchen

There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.

Better brake like dad.

Dad is soft. He will forgive.
2) 2nd grade If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone.

Words: "please", "thank you"

Don't tell anyone.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

. 3) 2nd grade If a friend’s birthday

I invited you to my place,

You leave the gift at home -

It will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't engage in conversations.

You're talking

Eat half as much candy.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Don't grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give you nuts,

Place them carefully in your pocket,

But don't hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take it out.

1) 3rd grade Beat your friends without a break

Every day for half an hour,

And your muscles

It will become stronger than a brick.

And with mighty hands,

You, when the enemies come,

You can do it in difficult times

Protect your friends.
2) 3rd grade Never wash your hands,

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

Your hands will get dirty again

Neck, ears and face,

So why waste energy?

Time to waste.

It's also useless to get a haircut,

There's no point.

By old age by itself

Your head will go bald.

-And now, dear guys, we will get acquainted with a very funny and educational fairy tale “Petka the Microbe”

Petka the microbe (excerpt)

The heroes of the fairy tale, microbes, lived in a drop of water and therefore always walked around...wet. And they were very small, and the microbe Petka was the smallest of them, because he had not yet grown.

It turns out that microbes are different. Some are harmful, and some are, on the contrary, useful. Petka, as well as a whole bunch of his relatives, were useful microbes. For example, Petka’s older brother worked at a dairy factory. Together with other microbes, he sat in a large cauldron and made curdled milk from milk. Somehow little Petka managed to make it out of milk delicious kefir. For this he was appointed head of the kefir workshop.
Scientists studied the microbe using a microscope, “How interesting!” But it turned out that on the other side of the microscope, microbes were also studied by scientists. “What interesting scientists!” And Petka looked and looked at the youngest researcher and suddenly stuck out his tongue at him. But the junior researcher was not at a loss and also stuck out his tongue at Petka. For which they both received a beating.
Petka had a friend Anginka. Anginka lived in the third ice cream cup. Why in the third? - If you eat one glass of ice cream, it’s okay, the second one is also nothing, but if you eat the third one, you’ll get a sore throat.
One day, Petka and Anginka helped a junior researcher determine what snow is made of, because the scientists’ opinions were divided. We will give all the answers, and you choose the correct answer that our heroes gave.

Snow consists of:

from snow piles

from the snowdrifts,

from snowballs

from snowflakes.
This is how they lived, microbes: they moved to new apartment- from a simple drop to a drop of syrup from creamy ice cream to an ice cream, they were friends, they helped people. In general, everything was like that of people.

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We really hope, dear guys, that you will definitely meet the heroes of Auster’s books more than once, that you will read his books with pleasure, laugh heartily and become better, kinder and more cheerful.

The writer's final word

“It’s time, it’s time for us to say goodbye to you. So – goodbye, dear Child! Meet me in some book. And at parting, let me give you a big and warm greeting, a song and a treat.

The song “Terribly Interesting” is playing. Children receive sweet prizes for participating in competitions.