Does it make sense to learn German for a programmer. Why you should learn German - German language online - Start Deutsch. The German economy is very competitive


German is considered one of the most popular business languages ​​today. This makes it attractive to study in different countries of the world. Russia is no exception. The peak of the sanctions limit subsided, and the domestic market became open again to large investors, mid-level entrepreneurs from Germany. More and more students prefer deutsch, highly appreciating its role in the modern world. Still in doubt whether to learn German or switch to an alternative language, let's try to prove why you should choose deutsch.

20 reasons for German

Knowing deutsch, you will effortlessly find a common language not only with the inhabitants of Germany. Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland - in all these countries they speak and think in German. Competently building sentences, you will always find yourself an interlocutor. If you get lost, you will learn how to get to the right place. Perhaps you will find new friends with whom you will build relationships for many years to come.

  • Travel will become more interesting. Taking a standard tour, you will see what is available to many. With knowledge of the language, your opportunities will expand significantly.
  • Hotel, transfer, entertainment program - speaking German, it will not be difficult for you to book a room for certain dates and sign up for the most spectacular excursions.
  • Expand your linguistic abilities. The list of must-haves for a modern person includes knowledge of several languages. German will be a worthy addition to basic English or French. The numbers speak volumes: 120 million people around the world own deutsch. Don't be left behind either.

Increasing self-esteem. According to psychologists, learning foreign languages ​​is an aid to personal development and an effective remedy for self-doubt. By choosing German, you will discover new facets, a lot of interesting things.

  • Scientific practice abroad. Students of domestic universities actively participate in conferences, summits, congresses of young scientists in European countries. Germany, Denmark, Switzerland are no exception. If you want to unlock your potential, acquaint the world community with your work - learn German. By choosing a popular direction, you will arouse the interest of foreign teachers and researchers.
  • Education in Germany. The practice of exchanging students and high school students is widespread. But to become a participant in the program, you need to know the language. And the level should allow you to freely express your thoughts, communicate in German. Staying in another country at the request of a school or university involves not only accommodation with excursions, but also a full-fledged educational process. Coursework, abstracts, reports, presentations - you will have to independently compose papers and recite their content.

  • Admission to European universities. Have you decided that you want to continue your studies abroad? German educational institutions are considered an affordable and worthy analogue of prestigious British universities. For admission, you must pass the entrance exams well, among which the German language is mandatory. When choosing a program at a language school, voice your goals, and you will be offered a course focused on successful admission to a university.
  • Career. Having got a job in an international concern or a Russian branch of a large German company, one cannot do without knowledge of the language. Especially if you are looking for a leadership position. If you speak deutsch, you will be able to freely communicate with business partners and colleagues from Germany, present projects, represent the interests of the company at specialized forums, seminars, and round tables.

Corporate trips abroad. Who is sent on business tours and business trips around Europe? Of course, the most capable employees with knowledge of German. If you want to be among the lucky ones, learn the language.

  • Work as a translator. This is one of the most highly paid and interesting professions. Communication with top managers of international companies, musicians, artists, politicians and public figures, travel around Europe, a dynamic schedule and decent pay - all this is achieved by experienced specialists who are fluent in German.

  • Become an educator. German teachers are in demand in universities, schools, language centers, as private tutors or via Skype. By choosing this noble profession and becoming a professional in your field, you will always find a job. Teachers from Russia who are fluent in deutsch are often required in educational institutions in Germany.
  • Temporary job in Germany. After graduation, not everyone gets a job with a good salary. If you want to save money, get a decent language practice and diversify your life - find a job in Germany. The simplest professions of a bartender, a waiter, a hairdresser, a manicurist in Europe are paid much higher than in Russia.
  • Open your business. With good financial support, entrepreneurial talent and knowledge of German, you can discover the German market. Production, distribution, retail, services - with proper management, any of the areas can take a strong position in Europe. If you have a basic command of the language, take a business German course. Some schools offer programs in specializations: accounting, trade, marketing.
  • Change your place of residence. Germany is a country with one of the lowest levels of migration. As a rule, Germans are satisfied with their standard of living and are unlikely to agree to a move. The country is really comfortable for living, which attracts foreigners from all over the world.

If you want to find your place under the sun in Germany - first of all, learn the language with an emphasis on conversational practice. An effective way to hone a live speech is to find an interlocutor via Skype or study with a tutor.

  • Learn the intricacies of German culture. Artistic works, theatrical productions, cinema, music - in order to feel every word, gesture, note, you need to get acquainted with the culture of Germany in the original. Plays, novels, short stories, poems by cult writers Heine, Goethe, Schiller, Hauff, Mann, Remarque, Zweig are more subtle in their native language.
  • Get unforgettable impressions and vivid emotions at national holidays and festivals. Germany is famous for its hospitable feasts, spectacular show programs and carnivals. Tourists from all over the world annually come to Oktoberfest - a grand celebration of German beer and hearty snacks.

On Christmas Eve, even the smallest streets begin to shine with thousands of lights: twinkling lanterns, LED Christmas trees, garland arches, beautifully decorated shop windows, building facades. Charge with a festive mood and celebrations taking place in city squares, squares and parks. If you want to become a part of this magic - come to Germany.

  • Attend international exhibitions and forums. The Germans tend to strive for development, they are inherently innovators. This national feature helps to acquaint the world with innovations in science, industry, the automotive industry, the beauty industry, electrical engineering, and Internet technologies. The Germans have something to show, so many of the largest specialized exhibitions are held in Germany - annually 150 major events. Learn about the latest shoe market and accessories - GDS. Immerse yourself in the world of IT - CeBIT.

See innovations in lighting and interior design - Light+Building. Learn the language and attend exhibitions that provide many opportunities for professional growth.

  • Shopping tour. A global sale is the dream of every fashionista who hunts for high-quality and stylish branded items. If in Russia the clothes of Hugo Boss, Escada, Bogner, Bruno Banani are affordable for people with a high level of income, then sales erase these boundaries and make branded items affordable for any wallet.

    Knowing German, during a shopping tour in Germany you will combine business with pleasure - traveling around the country, immersing yourself in the national culture and bargain shopping.

  • Get married / get married. The Germans are characterized by accuracy, scrupulousness, attentiveness. Germans are good family men, caring husbands and fathers. When ranking values, a resident of Germany will put his family in the first place. If you want to find a person with similar qualities - get to know the Germans. And for this you need to know the language, otherwise full-fledged communication will be impossible.

Enjoy learning. Without difficulties, those who already speak English will master the language - they have a lot in common, they are part of the same linguistic group.

Deutsch will seem much easier in comparison with French, which has a complex system of tenses and phonetics, which is far from being amenable to everyone. In other words, choose German and decide on the method: courses, tutor, independent online format. And it is best to combine all three methods.

German is beautiful in its own way, rhythmic and in demand in Europe. Improve with deutsch, discover new possibilities.

My acquaintance with the German language happened like this - in the second grade we were divided into language learning groups, about 19 people were in the English group and about 8 in German. Mom (guided, apparently, by female intuition) sent me to a group with the "Germans". There was a scandal at home, dad wanted me to study English, because knowing it, you can feel comfortable in any country in the world, to which my mother replied - if the child likes it, let him learn it. And I liked it.

Since then, 8 years have passed, I have never regretted my choice. It's not just "endure - fall in love", I really love the German language with all my heart. The only thing that always offended me was the attitude of other people towards him. Many consider him ugly, harsh, harsh, screaming. Someone thinks that it is impossible to learn it, because of its complex grammar. He frankly “cuts the ear” to someone ... And I encounter this all the time. I would like people to understand how beautiful and melodic it is, how sincerely you can express your emotions on it and how to accurately describe the feelings that you experience, how common it is and how many possibilities it can open!
So here's why people should learn German:

German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It ranks 10th in popularity and is one of the official languages ​​of the European Union.
Overall, over 120 million people speak German. It is official not only for Germany, but also for Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, it is also spoken in Belgium, Northern Italy, Denmark and the Vatican.

Many cultural riches of literature are written in German. Germany is in 3rd place in the world in book publishing. By the way, printing was born in Germany. Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor, invented typesetting in 1450 and began printing the Bible in 1452.

Germany, Switzerland and Austria are the most beautiful countries in Europe. Each of them is famous for its sights, traditions, delicious cuisine, as well as outstanding personalities who are of worldwide importance in the history of culture. In Germany - Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Einstein, the Brothers Grimm. In Austria - Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Sigmund Freud, Gustav Klimt. In Switzerland - Richard Avenarius, Paul Klee, Carl - Gustave Jung, Ferdinand Saussure and many many others.

Germany is the most important trading partner of many countries in Europe and Asia, as it is famous for its German quality. Almost every one of us checks this on ourselves every day - in the literal sense. Among the cars produced are Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Porsche, Volkswagen‎. Technique - Siemens, Bosch, GmbH.

In Austria or Germany it is really possible to get a quality higher education. There are many public and private universities offering a variety of specialties for every taste and color. In Austria, a semester of study costs 363 Euros, in Germany from 600 to 800 (not many Russian universities can boast of such prices). Also, some benefits are expected for students, but the most important thing is the opportunity to successfully find a job in the future. Training, of course, can take place in English, but in most cases, knowledge of the German language is required.

Plus, Germany provides financial support to more than 60,000 people participating in exchange programs every year. International cooperation plays a big role in the life of Germany. There are more grants for free education for students, young scientists and teachers. It is possible to obtain a visa to work during the holidays, and for some specialties a long-term work permit is granted.

And this is not all that can be discovered by studying German. Many other reasons that I missed on purpose or by accident, you will see for yourself.

Why should you learn German?

Purpose of the presentation: attracting children to the study of the German language.

Organization: Arrange in advance with the class teacher of the first class about your arrival at the parent meeting. Prepare brochures about the German language, you can make a presentation.

Good evening dear parents!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kunz Irina Vasilievna, I am a German teacher. I have been working in our school for 5 years. Next year I will teach German in your class.

I would like to start my speech with a statement that I read on the Internet: “In the second grade, we were divided into groups for learning a foreign language: 19 people in the English group and 8 in German. Mom (guided, apparently, by female intuition) sent me to a group with the "Germans". There was a scandal at home. Dad wanted me to study English, because, knowing it, you can feel comfortable in any country in the world, to which my mother replied: “If the child likes it, let him learn it.” And I liked it. Since then, 8 years have passed, I have never regretted my choice. It's not just "endure - fall in love." I really love the German language with all my heart. The only thing that always offended me was the attitude of other people towards him. Many consider him ugly, harsh, harsh, screaming. Someone thinks that it is impossible to learn it because of its complex grammar. He frankly “cuts the ear” to someone ... And I encounter this all the time. I would like people to understand how beautiful and melodic it is, how sincerely you can express your emotions on it and how to accurately describe the feelings that you experience, how widespread it is and how many possibilities it can open!

A familiar situation, isn't it? This situation occurs in almost every family, when at the beginning of the school year in the second grade, children begin to be divided into groups and it turns out that only 4-8 students want to learn German, and 15-18 students go to English. A real war begins with the class teacher, with the teacher. When dividing a class, you often have to contact the school administration.

In our school, this also became a huge problem: there were simply no children in the "German" groups. In 2012, a German language room was fully equipped at the school, a language laboratory and a computer were purchased and installed, but there was no one to teach. It was a shame to see how the German language simply began to die out. Our school has a rich history. For many years there was a correspondence with graduates of the school, who, after the annexation of Koenigsberg to Russia, were forced to leave the city. However, we must not forget that the Kaliningrad region is a special region in which communication with the German language still exists. European countries closely cooperate with us in the field of tourism, economics and politics. The future generation of Kaliningraders simply must know foreign languages: not only English, but also German, and Polish, etc.

There are National Culture Centers in our city, where many schoolchildren take part in German festivals, competitions and projects. Schoolchildren learn the language because it is interesting to them, they associate their future with it.

Germany has recently become one of Russia's most reliable partners. Our ties with Germany are developing much faster and more fruitfully than with America or England.

So why should you learn German?

German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

It ranks 10th in popularity and is one of the official languages ​​of the European Union. Overall, over 120 million people speak German. It is the official language of not only Germany, but also Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein. It is spoken in Belgium, Northern Italy, Denmark and the Vatican.

Many great works of literature are written in German.

Germany ranks third in the world in book publishing. By the way, printing was born in Germany. Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor, invented typesetting in 1450 and began printing the Bible in 1452.

Germany, Switzerland and Austria are the most beautiful countries in Europe.

Each of them is famous for its sights, traditions, delicious cuisine, as well as outstanding personalities who are of worldwide importance in the history of world culture. In Germany - the Brothers Grimm, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche. In Austria - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Sigmund Freud, Gustav Klimt. In Switzerland - Richard Avenarius, Paul Klee, Carl-Gustav Jung and many, many others.

Germany is the most important trading partner of many countries in Europe and Asia, as it is famous for its German quality.

Almost every one of us checks this on ourselves every day in the literal sense. Among the cars produced are Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Porsche, Volkswagen‎. Equipment - Siemens, Bosch.

In Austria or Germany it is really possible to get a quality higher education.

There are many public and private universities where graduates can pursue one of the many majors they desire. In Austria, a semester of study costs 360 euros, in Germany from 600 to 800 (not many Russian universities can boast of such prices). Students have some benefits, but the most important thing is the opportunity to successfully find a job in the future. Training can also take place in English, but in most cases a good knowledge of German is required.

Germany provides financial support to more than 60,000 people participating in exchange programs every year.

International cooperation plays a big role in the life of Germany. There are a large number of grants for free education for students, young scientists and teachers. It is possible to obtain a visa to work during the holidays, and for some specialties a long-term work permit is granted.

And this is not all that you can discover by learning German. German is quite popular among Kaliningrad residents, but many children and their parents do not want to learn this language, considering it to be much less in demand today than English. Many parents choose schools where they study two foreign languages. And it has become good practice. In the current academic year, our school is launching the project "International certification of knowledge in German at the level A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages". The school purchased all the necessary textbooks, prepared a schedule for the courses. Therefore, do not miss a great opportunity to teach your child the German language, to give him a decent European education!

Thank you for your attention!

Without a doubt, every German language learner has their own reasons for this - someone needs it for work, someone wants to go to Germany in the future, and some simply enjoy the learning process itself.

In this article, we will touch on more or less objective reasons why it is worth learning German.

1. German is the most spoken language in Europe

German is the mother tongue of the largest number of people in Europe. This is not surprising since Germany alone has 82.5 million inhabitants. But not only in Germany they speak German, it is also the official language of Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. In addition, German is the native language of a large part of the population of northern Italy, eastern Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, eastern France, parts of Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania.

Learning German connects you with 120 million native speakers around the globe, plus many people are learning German as a second language. It is the third most popular foreign language studied worldwide and the second most popular in Europe and Japan after English.

2. The German economy is very competitive

Germany is the economic center of the European Union. In 2007, Germany was the world's leading exporter. The country exported goods worth US$940 billion, outpacing even the United States itself. German products are competitive and in demand, the country's trade surplus reached 162 billion euros in 2006 and continues to grow every year.

3. Knowledge of the German language makes it possible to conduct business

The German economy provides many business opportunities. There are multinational enterprises throughout the European Union and Eastern European countries, where German is the second spoken language after Russian. Companies such as BMW, Daimler, Siemens, Lufthansa, SAP, Bosch, Infineon, BASF and many others need international partnerships. The Japanese, who have the second most developed economy in the world, have long realized the benefits that knowledge of the German language will bring to them: 68% of Japanese students study German.

4. Germans are innovators

The Gutenberg printing press, the discovery of electromagnetic waves by Hertz, the development of chemotherapy by Ehrlich, the theory of relativity by Einstein, the creation of the MP3 music format by Brandenburg… throughout history, the Germans have stood the test of time, and now they remain in the forefront. 4 out of 10 innovative companies in the world are located in Germany and 12.7% of patent applications are in Germany. Germany exports more high-tech products than any other country except the US; more than 600 enterprises work in the field of advanced biotechnologies. Only 115 of them are located in Munich. Dresden has become a center for microchip manufacturing with over 765 factories.

Considering Germany's contribution to innovation, it is not surprising that two thirds of the world's international fairs take place in Germany (for example, CeBIT and IFA).

5. Germans spend a lot of money on travel.

The Germans know how not only to work, but also to relax. Germans have time and money to travel (6 weeks on average). What are they doing! You can encounter a German vacationer anywhere, 3 out of 4 vacations Germans spend in other countries. In 2007, Germans spent 91 billion euros on international travel, setting a record. Year after year, Germans spend more and more on travel.

6. A significant number of sites in German

Since the Germans are major innovators, their presence on the Internet is very noticeable. With 8 million domains, German top level domain .de is the second only after the domain with the extension .com. This makes German domains more popular than even domains with the extension .net, .org, .info and .biz.

7. 1 in 10 books are printed in Germany

Around 80,000 new books are published in Germany every year. The only publishing market that produces more books each year is Chinese and English. By the number of books published, Munich is the second in the world after New York. Only a small percentage of German books are translated into other languages ​​(eg about 10% into Korean and Chinese, 5% into English). Knowledge of the language gives access to a huge number of German-language publications.

8. Rich cultural heritage of German-speaking countries

Germany is considered a country of poets and thinkers: I.V. Goethe, T. Mann, F. Kafka, G. Hesse- these are just a few authors whose works are world famous. 10 Nobel Prizes in Literature have been awarded to German, Austrian and Swedish authors. The world of classical music is inconceivable without the names of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Strauss and Wagner. Vienna remains today an international center for music. Starting from the majestic architecture of the Middle Ages to the avant-garde direction of the Bauhaus, from the wooden engravings of Dürer to the masterpieces of expressionism by Nolde, Kirchner, Kokoschka, a huge contribution was made to the development of world art and architecture.

Philosophy and science also cannot be imagined without the contribution of German thinkers. The philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche and many others has had a huge impact on modern society. Psychologists Freud and Jung forever changed the idea of ​​human behavior. Scientists in the three largest German-speaking countries have received many Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine.

Knowledge of the German language allows you to get acquainted with the creations of these people in the original language and to better understand the culture. Anyone who is interested in these areas automatically expands their knowledge and skills thanks to the knowledge of the language.

9. Germany sponsors international academic exchanges

By supporting innovation and research at home, Germans also understand that international collaboration and experience are essential to Germany's continued leadership in the world. In 2010 alone, the Academic Exchange Service supported 67,000 students, scholars, and students in their research and studies. 43% of them were foreigners. It should be noted that, like German students, foreigners enrolled in a German university do not pay tuition fees.

10. German is not as difficult as it seems

German is written phonetically. If you know the system of sounds, then you know how the spoken word will be written, and how the written word will be pronounced. If you know English, then you have an advantage in learning German. Modern German and English originated from a common Germanic proto-language, so they have certain similarities in vocabulary and grammar.