Games and competitions for parties. Competitions for a fun company


Any event held at home must include competitions for a small company. They will help you have a fun and unforgettable time, as well as get to know each other better. But it is better to select them in advance to take into account the composition of the company and the preferences of each person. Fortunately, the choice of games and competitions for a small company is quite large, so this will not be a problem.

"Why are you here?"

At the very beginning of the event, you can hold an interesting competition that does not require special props. To do this, you need to prepare several pieces of paper on which answers to the most important question about why a person attended this holiday will be written. They can be very different:

  • eat for free;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home;
  • no place to stay";
  • the owner of the house owes me a large sum.

All these pieces of paper are placed in a small bag. Each guest has to take out one of them and loudly voice what is written. Although there are no winners here, this game can definitely lift your spirits.

New Year competitions for a small company, made like this one, will definitely please the participants. Thanks to them, you can cheer everyone up at the very beginning, so that further games take place in a good environment.


Interesting competitions for a small company were invented several decades ago, because just having a conversation is not always interesting, but you want to have some fun. One fun option is a game called Picasso. You need to play it in a not completely sober state, without leaving the table. To play the game, you need to prepare several identical images with unfinished details in advance.

The task for the guests is that they need to finish the drawings the way they want. It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler, but there is a small catch in this game - you need to fill in the missing details with the hand with which the person works the least (for right-handers - the left, for left-handers - the right). The winner in this case is determined by popular vote.


Competitions for a small company at home should help people get to know each other better. One of them is “Journalist,” for which you will need to first prepare a box of paper with various questions written on it.

The participants' task is simple - they pass the box around in a circle, each guest takes out one question and gives the most truthful answer to it. The most important thing is not to write too frank questions, so that the participant does not feel uncomfortable. You can ask about a funny incident in life, a New Year's wish, having a pet, an unsuccessful vacation, and so on.

After all the guests have answered, you will have to choose a winner. This is done by voting. Each player will have to point out the story that he liked the most (with the exception of his own). Thus, whoever has the most votes wins.

"Flight of the card"

Fun competitions for a small adult company are practically no different from children's games. A rather interesting and exciting option for entertainment is “Card Flight”. For it you will need to take regular playing cards and some kind of container for papers (basket, hat, box).

Players need to move a couple of meters away from the tank and draw a line there - this will be the start. Each participant is given exactly 5 cards, the names of which are written down by the presenter. Then people stand behind the drawn line and, without crossing it, try to throw all their cards into the box/hat/basket.

First, you need to conduct a practice round so that the participants test their strength. If a player does not maintain balance and takes a step beyond the line, his throw will not be counted. The winner is the person who was able to throw the most cards. If there are several winners (score the same number of points), then another round is held between them.

"The Umbrella Game"

The best competitions for a small company include a game designed for only two players. For it you need to stock up on the following props:

  • a pair of sticks;
  • two glasses;
  • wide tape.

You need to attach a glass to one end of the stick with tape and fill it with water. Then two participants stand opposite each other, take the opposite end of the sticks and put their hands behind their backs. One opponent asks the second a question, to which he answers and takes three steps forward, and then the same number back, trying not to spill water. In total, each participant must ask three questions. After this, the game ends and the winner is determined by the amount of water remaining in the glass.

"Jam Jars"

Fun competitions for a small group include games of dexterity and tests of patience. For this entertainment you will need to take 6 tennis balls and jam jars. Only two players take part in it.

The competition is held as follows:

  1. Glass containers are placed on the floor close to each other.
  2. Each player is given three balls.
  3. Participants move three meters away from the cans and take turns throwing their balls at them.

In this case, there can be only one ball in one jar. At first glance, everything seems extremely simple, but do not forget that such balls are quite bouncy, so it is unlikely that you will be able to throw them without a certain concentration and attention. The winner, of course, is the one who can send the most balls into the containers.

"Collect an article"

New Year's competitions for a small company are especially interesting, because the beginning of the year should be remembered for a long time. In a game called “Collect an Article,” you need to find a funny article from the Internet, print it in several copies (depending on the number of players) and prepare the same number of regular envelopes.

The presenter will have to cut each sheet into several strips (line by line) and fold them into envelopes. They are then distributed to the players, who must collect the text as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who puts the strips in the correct order the fastest.


The list of competitions for a small company should include a great game that every person knows about. For her, all the players sit in a circle and take turns saying “I”. If someone laughs, the presenter comes up with an additional word for him, which the person will have to pronounce after his “I”. Those participants who can no longer remember or pronounce their phrase without laughing will gradually drop out of the game. Whoever stays is the one who wins.

"Blind Lunch"

Everyone, without exception, likes competitions for a small group at a table, because in order to entertain yourself, you don’t need to leave the table at all. At any holiday you can hold a “Blind Lunch”. For this game you will need to bring blindfolds for all participants.

Players sit down at a regular holiday table with various dishes, but without cutlery (the only thing that can be placed in the center of the table is skewers). The presenter blindfolds them all and gives the command “start”. After it, participants will need to feed themselves and their neighbor by any means. The winner is the player who remains cleaner than the rest.

"Blow Me Off"

The two-player competition is great for both adults and children. For the race you will need to take a couple of pipettes, the same number of feathers and tissue paper circles with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The last props need to be rolled into cones.

Each participant is given a pen and pipette. The task is to propel your pen a certain distance using only the air coming from the pipette. At the same time, it is forbidden to wave your arms and blow in order to achieve the goal faster. Of course, the fastest participant wins.

"Agility on your feet"

Another game for a couple of participants helps test coordination and endurance. For it you need to stock up on chalk and a couple of ropes. Using this prop, you need to draw and fix circles, the diameter of which should accommodate the player’s two feet. Both participants stand on their right foot, keep their balance, and with their left they try to push their opponent beyond the boundaries of his circle. The loser is the person who touches the ground with his left foot or goes beyond his boundaries.

"Writing on the Go"

This competition can be held in any company. For this, each participant will need to be given one sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. After this, the players will need to line up in one line and, in a standing position, write the phrase that the presenter asked them. The one who completes the task faster and more beautifully wins.

"Free your friend"

The list ends with a game that is recommended for children over 12 years old. It can be played both at home and on a picnic or in some other place. The most important thing is that more than two people take part in it. Required equipment: blindfolds, rope.

You need to sit one person on a chair and tie his hands and feet. The second participant will act as a security guard who sits next to him blindfolded. The rest of the people are at a distance of a couple of meters from them. At a certain point, they must quietly approach the tied participant and release him. At the same time, the guard must determine by ear who is approaching and prevent release. The person who manages to untie his “friend” takes the place of the blindfolded player in the next game, and the one whom the guard touched is eliminated.

  1. Jenga
    To play, you will need smooth and equal-sized wooden blocks; it is better to buy a ready-made Jenga set. A tower is erected from small blocks. Moreover, each next level is laid in a different direction. Then the participants in the game need to carefully pull out any block and place it on the upper level of the turret. This must be done carefully so that the structure does not fall apart.

    And the player whose awkwardness led to the destruction of the tower is considered the loser.

  2. Hat
    This game requires 10 pieces of paper, which each player must have. Participants write any words on all their pieces of paper. Then the pieces of paper with the words are put into a hat. Each participant, pulling a piece of paper out of a hat, must explain, show, or even draw the word he came across. And the rest must guess it.

    The one who turns out to be the most savvy at the end of the game receives some kind of prize. There are some wow words!

  3. Associations
    Everyone sits in a circle. A leader is selected who speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor. The person who receives this word must quickly communicate it to the player sitting next to him, but in the form of an association. For example, a home is a hearth. And he, in turn, passes on his version to the next participant.

    The game is considered successful if the leader’s word has nothing to do with the last association. You can play without even leaving the table.

  4. Get to know me
    This game will require several volunteers, who are seated in one row. The presenter is blindfolded and brought to the volunteers so that he can recognize each of them by touch. Any part of the body can be used for recognition.

  5. Crocodile
    The presenter makes a word for the participant, which he must show with gestures, facial expressions, but without pointing with a finger or drawing. The rest of the participants must guess this word. It’s very funny to watch someone squirm, trying to show some object or phenomenon.

  6. Cucumber
    Excellent game for a large company, because here we will need as many people as possible. One is chosen as the leader, and the rest stand in a tight circle and put their hands behind their backs. Each of those standing in the circle, unnoticed by the leader, must pass a cucumber (or any other suitable vegetable) behind their back to their neighbor. In this case, you need to discreetly take a bite from the vegetable.

    The leader's goal is to catch the player with the cucumber. The caught participant himself becomes the leader.

  7. Danetki
    This is a kind of detective story. The presenter introduces the game participants to the puzzle that they have to unravel. To do this, players can ask a variety of questions. But the presenter can only answer them “yes,” “no,” or “it doesn’t matter.”

  8. There is contact!
    Someone comes up with a word, but only tells the other players its first letter. For example, the party is the first V. Each of the participants comes up with their own word starting with V and tries to explain it to others. It is forbidden to say the word. As soon as one of the players guesses what is being said, he needs to shout out: “There is contact!”

    Then both players - the one who guessed the word and the one who guessed it - report their versions of this word. If they are the same, the game continues. To do this, the presenter sounds out the next letter from his word “party”. Now players will have to come up with words using the first two letters - B and E.

  9. Dirty dancing
    The company is divided into pairs. A sheet of paper is laid out on the floor, one for each pair of dancers. The music turns on and you need to dance on the sheet so as not to touch the floor with your foot. If one of the pair goes beyond the paper, then any participant from this pair must remove some thing. The one with the most clothes left at the end of the dance wins. The game is quite spicy.

  10. Fanta
    The leader takes one item from each participant and puts them in a bag. Next, a player is selected who will assign forfeits. He is blindfolded, asked to take any object out of the bag and give a task to its owner.

  11. Fairy tales with a modern twist
    Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? It's very simple. Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the content of well-known fairy tales in professional language.

    Just imagine a fairy tale written in the style of a police report or medical history. The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Like, hi!

What associations do you have when you hear the word “game”? Do you think that all this tops are intended exclusively for kindergarteners, and you yourself have long since left this age? Let me disagree. If your party is completely sour, you don’t know what to do at the party, and it seems that you’ve been tired of each other for a long time, this book is for you. If the sun isn’t warm, the barbecue isn’t going well and your friends’ faces make you sad – this book is for you. Or maybe you just want to fit into a new company without any problems? No question! This book is exactly what you need. A party, a disco, a picnic in nature, and even a lecture or lesson - you can play everywhere and always! Don't believe me? Read and progress! Believe me, very soon you will become the center of any party. It is you that all eyes will turn, it is you that the people will be drawn to. Not a single cool and cute character will pass you by. Why? Because you can get excited, relax and have a fun time without any problems. Of course, you will have to work harder, but only in order to learn some simple rules. But then you will forget what boredom is. Your parties will become the most advanced, at the disco you will be in great demand, people will start lining up to sit at the same desk with you! Your parents don't understand you? Invite them to play! You'll see, even the most backward and busy people will be drawn into the game with pleasure, and, very possibly, you will finally begin to understand each other. Well, if your parents are not at home and “you’re already allowed to” - especially don’t put this book down! Do you want to be closer to your favorite character, but don't know how to tell him about it? Play, and it may very well be that your relationship will soon become exactly the way you want!

Playing is cool! Playing is fashionable! Playing is fun!

Stop drinking, gather your friends and play with us!

Preved, handsome!
(Want to meet? Let's play!)

A new school, a new class, a new group at the institute, any unfamiliar company... Needless to say, it’s not easy. There are no topics for conversation, there are no common memories, we haven’t really had time to get to know each other. You don’t know what to do with yourself, you yawn desperately and think about how to get away as quickly as possible? Take your time. What if your future best friend or soulmate is present in this very company that seems alien to you? Take a closer look – that wall character over there looks quite interesting. But how can we get to know each other better? Walking around pestering everyone with questions is, of course, not an option. The game will help! No complicated devices, no impossible actions - and you yourself won’t notice how the tension has gone and everything around you is almost your own. Now that you know so much about each other, it’s simply impossible to miss something or someone interesting!

MPS (my right neighbor)

The game can be played in any company and in any condition - the quality will not suffer in any way. The only condition is to play once in the same lineup. This can only be repeated if a newcomer joins the company.

The more people gather, the more interesting the game. To begin with, two leaders and one “victim” are selected. One presenter explains the rules of the game to the “victim”, and the other explains to everyone else. The “victim” will have to guess the supposedly hidden person from the rest of the company of players by asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” The point is that, in fact, no one makes a riddle for anyone, and the players answering in turn are guided by the “signs” of their neighbor on the right. The confusion of the “victim”, who sometimes receives quite contradictory answers to his questions, is guaranteed to lift the mood. The ultimate task of the “victim” is to understand the pattern of the game.

You can add some variety to the game by changing the patterns. For example, responding players will describe the person sitting opposite, or two or three people across.


This game is also suitable only for “one-time use” with one group of participants. The larger the company, the more interesting the game will be.

The host (a person who knows the rules) must find out if anyone else is familiar with the game, and take these people as allies. The players sit in a circle, take turns calling the name of the person sitting opposite and saying “Cross” or “Parallel”, according to the principle of whether the counterpart’s legs are crossed or uncrossed. The task of those who do not know the rule is to understand the principle and correctly say what – “Cross” or “Parallel” – can be said about the participant opposite. Since poses can change during the process and few players look at their feet, it is usually not easy to guess.

Statue of Love

It's a kind of trap game, so it's fun to play once with the same lineup.

To conduct the game, a leader and two participants (preferably of opposite sexes) are required. The rest of the players at this time are in another room, from where they are called by the leader in turn. The first player is asked to create a “statue of love” from two participants. Usually this is done quite recklessly, and the most elaborate poses are chosen. After the “statue” is ready, the presenter invites the “sculptor” to take the place of one of the participants. The next player is asked to “fix the statue.” It’s good to film the action – a good mood is guaranteed.

Pharaoh's eye

It's more of a prank than a game, but this event is sure to lift the spirits of your group. To play the game you will need: a “pharaoh” - one of the male guests, a girl - the victim of the prank, and a “guide” - a person who knows the script. “Pharaoh” lies down on the sofa and pretends to be a mummy. A glass with some cold and viscous liquid is placed at his head (from experience, sour cream is best). At this time, the girl in the next room is blindfolded and announced that she is now a blind girl who has come on an excursion to the tomb of the pharaoh. The guide’s task is to use all his imagination and attract artistry in order to create for the girl the “effect of presence” in the tomb. He must describe their route, help her imagine the ancient stones, feel the centuries-old dust that covers the tomb. At the same time, spectators can help him with various sounds, simulating falling stones, creaking and rustling, as much as their imagination allows. And so the guide brings the girl to the pharaoh. Describe it as colorfully as possible, and then study it thoroughly: “Now we are already near the mummy of the pharaoh. This is his leg, this is his thigh...” At this time, the girl runs her hand along the pharaoh’s leg, rising higher and higher. At the words “and this is his eye,” the conductor puts the girl’s hand in a glass of sour cream. If the guide is sufficiently convincing, the effect is indescribable.

Hanging pear

This is also a kind of prank game, guaranteed to lift your spirits. To conduct it you need a young man, a girl and two presenters. The young man and the girl go to different rooms, each with their own leader. They explain to the young man that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. At the same time, his partner will interfere with him in every possible way. Task: explain to her that he is doing a necessary and useful thing and soon everything will be bright and good. You can't talk while doing this. In the next room, the girl is explained that her partner will portray a man who decided to hang himself. Her task is to use facial expressions and gestures to dissuade him from this decisive step. Next, both participants enter the common room, where grateful spectators who know the essence of the draw are already waiting for them.

Question and answer

A simple and fun game.

Any even number of people can play, it is advisable to maintain an equal ratio of boys and girls, but if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter.

You need to prepare your inventory in advance - two decks of cards. One deck will contain cards with questions, the other with answers.

One player from the pair takes a card with a question and reads it out loud, the second player with the answer. The player who answered then asks the next neighbor a question.

The combinations usually turn out to be the most unimaginable, a good mood is guaranteed.


1. Are you interested in extravagant young people (girls)?

2. Tell me, are you always so impudent?

3. Do you give up your seat in transport?

4. Are you friendly?

5. Tell me, is your heart free?

6. Tell me, do you love me?

7. Do you steal chewing gum from supermarkets?

8. Do you like to give gifts?

9. Do you make mistakes in your life? 10. Tell me, are you jealous?

11. Do you want to have a boyfriend (girlfriend)?

12. Do you often travel on public transport without a ticket?

13. Do you want something unusual?

14. Tell me, are you ready for anything?

15. Have you often fallen out of bed?

17. Do you often find yourself in extreme situations?

18. Do you like to kiss?

19. Can you overdo it with alcoholic drinks?

20. Do you often lie?

21. Do you spend your free time in a fun company?

22. Are you rude to others?

23. Do you like to cook?

24. Would you like to get drunk today?

25. Are you a romantic?

26. Pop music sucks, rock music sucks?

27. Do you feel dizzy when you drink?

28. Are you lazy?

29. Are you able to buy love with money?

30. Do you like to laugh at others?

31. Do you want my photo?

32. Are you a passionate and sensual person?

33. Do you often borrow money?

34. Have you tried to seduce someone else's guy (girl)?

35. Do you sleep naked?

36. Tell me, do you often eat so much?

37. Do you want to meet me?

38. Have you ever slept in someone else's bed?

39. Tell me, are you an interesting conversationalist?

40. Do you like pickles on Mondays?

41. Do you play sports?

42. Do you often wash in the bathroom?

43. How do you feel about striptease?

44. Does it happen that you sleep in class?

45. Tell me, are you cowardly?

46. ​​Are you willing to kiss in public places?

47. What would you say if I kissed you right there?

48. Do you like to dress fashionably?

49. Do you have many secrets?

50. Are you afraid of the policeman?

51. Tell me, do you like me?

52. Do you think that your loved one should only be told the truth?

53. What would you say if you and I were left alone?

54. Would you go with me through the forest at night?

55. Do you like my eyes?

56. Do you often drink beer?

57. Do you like to interfere in other people's affairs?


1. I can’t imagine my life without this.

2. I don’t answer political questions.

3. I love you, but at someone else’s expense.

4. No, I'm a very shy person.

5. I find it difficult to answer the truth because I don’t want to ruin my reputation.

6. Only when I feel some weakness.

7. Not here.

8. Ask someone more sober about this.

9. Why not? With great pleasure!

10. My blushing is the clearest answer to this question.

11. Only when I have rest.

12. Without witnesses this case will proceed, of course.

13. This opportunity should not be missed.

14. I’ll tell you this in bed.

15. Only when you want to go to bed.

16. You can already try this.

17. If this can be arranged now, then yes.

18. If they really ask me about it.

19. I can spend hours, especially in the dark.

20. My financial situation rarely allows me to do this.

21. No, I tried it once – it didn’t work.

22. Oh yes! This is especially great for me!

23. Damn it! You guessed it!

24. In principle no, but as an exception - yes.

25. Only on holidays.

26. When I'm drunk, and I'm always drunk.

27. Only away from your (your) lover.

28. I’ll say this in the evening when I make a date.

29. Only at night.

30. Only for decent pay.

31. Only if no one sees.

32. It's so natural.

33. Always when conscience orders.

34. But something needs to be done!

35. If there is no other way out.

36. Always when I have a good drink!

37. Well, who doesn’t it happen to?!

38. Could you ask a more modest question?

39. If it doesn't cost you.

40. Do I really look like this?

41. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.

42. These are the best moments of my life.

43. Even all night.

44. On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.

45. I can’t say this without a couple of drinks.

46. ​​This has long been my greatest desire.

47. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

48. Everything depends on the situation.

49. Crazy! With great pleasure!

50. Yes, only within the bounds of decency.

51. Of course, you can’t do without this.

52. This is the main goal of my life.

53. I just can’t stand it.

54. I will never refuse such an opportunity.

55. Nowadays this is not a sin.

56. Surely, I am capable of anything.

57. This often happens to me when visiting.

On the sofa

A fun, dynamic way to remember the names of new acquaintances. A game for a company of 8-10 people. You will need a sofa that can seat half of the players, and chairs. The chairs are placed in a semicircle opposite the sofa. The names of the participants are written on pieces of paper; if there are duplicate names in the company, write surnames or nicknames. Half of the players sit on the sofa, half on chairs. One chair remains free. The papers are mixed and distributed to the participants. The first player to move is the one to the left of whom there is an empty space. He calls one name, and the one who has a piece of paper with this name in his hands moves to an empty seat and exchanges pieces of paper with the player who called him. Then the procedure is repeated. The task of the team sitting on the chairs is to move to the sofa, evicting their opponents from there.

Guessing game

This game is perfect for a company whose members want to get to know each other better. There should be at least 8-10 people playing, the more, the more interesting. The number of guys should match the number of girls.

The rules are very simple: young people leave the room, and at this time the girls choose their boyfriends in such a way that they are all distributed among the girls. Then the girls sit in a row, the first young man enters the room and tries to guess which girl chose him. This is done only with the help of your own intuition; you cannot ask anything. The girl who chose this young man should try not to give herself away and not react to inquisitive glances. When a guy makes a choice, he must come up and kiss the girl who, in his opinion, made her choice in his favor. If the young man guessed right, the girl kisses the young man and remains sitting in a row, while the guy remains in the room. If the young man makes a mistake (which is most likely to happen), the girl slaps him in the face and he leaves the room. If a young man chooses a girl who has already been guessed, the young man who remained in the room must kick him out the door. The one who finds his girlfriend last loses.


This game is a great way to understand some of the personal qualities of your new acquaintances. The presenter calls a couple of players (it is better if the couple is mixed, a young man - a girl) and invites them to role-play the situation. The situations can be very diverse, it all depends on your imagination. For example: “You are on a desert island”, “A drunk emo girl comes up to you on the street and insistently asks you to go somewhere”, “A friend is inviting you to a “men’s party”, and you already have a date with a girl”, etc. The best one wins artistic and original couple. Who knows, maybe they will want to continue their acquaintance?


Many people love to sing, but it’s not interesting to just sing. Let's Play! Participants are divided into two teams. One team sings one verse from a song, the other must sing a verse from a song whose meaning will contradict the first. To begin with, you can set the themes of the songs in advance or offer to sing songs in which words with opposite meanings will be found. For example: black - white, day - night, water - earth, guy - girl, etc.


It’s not always appropriate to ask direct questions, but you want to know about each other. Let's Play! The rules are very simple. Participants are asked to line up according to some characteristic. For example, by date of birth. This means that at the beginning of the line there should be people born in January, followed by people born in February, and so on. There is only one difficulty - you can’t talk while doing this. You need to convey your position to your playing partners with gestures, facial expressions and using various available means. The signs by which the line is lined up can be anything: hair and eye color, weight, age, sociability, activity, etc. The game will help you get to know each other better, loosen up and unite.

Lettering on the back

This game is good because it lasts throughout the holiday, and the more participants, the more interesting it is. The rules are very simple: before the start of the event, a piece of paper is attached to each participant’s back. During the feast, dancing and other entertainment, the participants come up to each other and write on these sheets their opinions about their “carriers”. Towards the end of the party, the sheets are removed and the messages on them are read out loud.

We are looking for common things

Finding a kindred spirit in an unfamiliar company is always good and interesting. Let's make this task easier. The number of participants in this game is from 8 people. All players are divided into pairs, and within the allotted amount of time, the members of the pair must find the maximum number of common characteristics in each other. These signs can be anything: external characteristics, place of work or study, family composition, presence or absence of pets, etc. Then the pairs form fours for the same purpose. The merger occurs until the creation of two teams. The team that manages to find the maximum number of common features wins.

truth or dare

Another way to get to know each other better. The host asks each participant in the game: “Truth or dare?” The one who chose “truth” must answer any question asked by any player (it is advisable, of course, to answer honestly). The one who chooses “action” must somehow amuse the other players - dance, sing, tell a joke, etc.

I never...

This game is a great way to learn more about each other. Participants take turns saying a phrase that begins with the words “I have never...”. For example: “I have never seen a crocodile.” Those players for whom this statement is not true, that is, they saw a crocodile, bend one finger on their hand. The task of the player proposing the statement is to “knock out” as many participants as possible. The person with the least life experience wins, that is, the one who bends all his fingers first. The most versatile loses.


The game is good for companies whose members are meeting each other for the first time. The rules are simple: each player is given a piece of paper on their back before the party starts. After a brief acquaintance, the participants of the holiday write on these sheets their first impression of its bearer. You should write briefly and, if possible, witty. Shortly before the end of the party, guests are invited to write down their last impression of the person on the same sheets. It will be interesting to compare, and you will learn a lot of new and unexpected things about yourself.

A trace in history

One of the players is removed from the room. At this time, the other participants in the game leave an autograph, a drawing, a lipstick mark, a fingerprint on sheets of paper - in general, some kind of trace. Then the main player returns. Now he is a “historian” who has to guess who left what imprint. This game really makes us take a closer look at each other.


The game helps you tune in to each other, even if you don't know each other. And if one person hears another, it will be much easier for them to become acquaintances!

All players sit in a circle and place their right hands on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and their left hands on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After this, one of the players (the leader) beats some simple rhythm with his right hand on his neighbor’s knee. The neighbor’s task is to pass the rhythm on. Everything seems simple, but try it - almost never the first time the rhythm is returned to the leader in its original form. The task can be complicated by running two rhythms simultaneously, to the right and to the left.

Find the bride

This is a pretty funny game that can help you start communication in an unfamiliar company. All you need to do it is a few balls of wool or thread. Participants are divided into pairs (preferably mixed: a young man - a girl), the balls are unwound, and the ends of one ball are given to the members of the pair. After this, the threads of different balls must be carefully tangled. The winner will be the couple who is the first to release their thread and, having wound it into a ball, come to each other.

A very exciting hobby

The presenter asks three guys (men) who have interesting hobbies or activities to take part in the competition. He warns the players that they should not name their hobbies until the end of the competition, as the rest of the guests must try to guess them using questions. Participants are asked to leave the room for a while (ostensibly so that the rest of those present can come up with questions), and the presenter explains to the audience that this is a practical joke and all three players have the same hobby - kissing (for a more relaxed group - sex). Players come back and answer questions based on their hobby.

Question options:

  • How old were you when you first took up this hobby?
  • Where did you learn your hobby?
  • Who taught you this hobby?
  • How often do you do this??
  • How much free time do you devote to pursuing your hobbies?
  • Is there any special training or preparation required to learn this craft? If yes, which one?
  • In what room do you practice your hobby?
  • How do you prepare for your hobby?
  • What is the best time of day to practice this hobby?
  • What time do you usually do this?
  • What clothes do you usually wear when you are doing your hobby?
  • Where do you prefer to do it?
  • Who do you like to do this with?
  • Could your hobby eventually become a profession?
  • Do you pass on your experience to anyone?
  • What sounds are present when you practice your hobby?
  • How does this make you feel?

Participants answer questions and at first do not understand why the audience is laughing. After all, as a rule, men mean fishing, hunting, driving a car, wood carving, etc.! And only after they answer all the questions prepared by the guests, the players are informed that it was a joke and they were all asked questions, assuming that their hobby was kissing (or sex). Try it, it's a lot of fun!

Answer without words

Number of players: any.

The presenter sits in the center and begins to ask questions to the players, turning first to one and then to the other. For example:

  • What do you like to do in the evenings?
  • What's your favorite dish?
  • What's your favorite animal?
  • What do you do (who do you study for)?
  • How did you sleep last night?
  • What genre of cinema do you prefer?
  • Why do you love holidays?
  • What do you do when you're away?
  • What is your hobby? etc.

The players’ task is to respond without words, only with gestures, signs and facial expressions. Anyone who cannot resist saying a word pays a forfeit or is eliminated from the game. During the “answer” of one of the participants, everyone else can guess what exactly he is depicting. The presenter should not delay with questions and (most importantly!) ask questions that can be answered simply “yes” or “no”.

Favorite establishment, or Everything secret becomes clear

A fun prank game. Several volunteers are invited. They are seated with their backs to everyone, and signs with pre-prepared inscriptions are attached to their backs. The inscriptions can be very different: “Brothelage”, “Bowling”, “Detoxification center”, “Bathhouse”, “Car showroom”, “Women’s clinic”, “Library”, “Nightclub”, “Toilet”, “Beauty salon”, “Policlinic”, “Police”, “Lingerie store”, “Atelier”, “Maternity hospital”, “Museum”, “Library”, “Sex shop”, “Sauna”, etc. Those present ask the players, one by one, various questions: “Why do you go there, how often, what attracts you to this place, etc.” Players must answer these questions without knowing what is written on the sign. You need to answer quickly, without hesitation. Originality and sense of humor are encouraged.

Question options:

  • Do you visit this place often?
  • Why do you go there?
  • Do you go there with your family, with friends or alone?
  • Is admission to this establishment free, paid or by invitation?
  • Is each visit to this establishment expensive for you?
  • What attracts you to this place?
  • What do you take with you when you go there?
  • Do you meet many friends there?
  • How often do you plan to go there in the future?
  • Do your loved ones object to visiting this establishment?
  • What's there? etc.

The discrepancy between the answers and the inscriptions on the signs causes a lot of laughter. Simple and fun entertainment that will bring pleasure to both participants and others present!

Where am I?

(a reversal of the previous game)

The player is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with a pre-prepared inscription is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be very different: “Brothelage”, “Bowling”, “Detoxification center”, “Bathhouse”, “Car showroom”, “Women’s clinic”, “Library”, “Nightclub”, “Toilet”, “Beauty salon”, “Policlinic”, “Police”, “Lingerie store”, “Atelier”, “Maternity hospital”, “Museum”, “Library”, “Sex shop”, “Sauna”, etc. Within a certain time, the player must guess where he “is.” To do this, he asks those present various questions: “Is this a paid establishment? Is this place open at night? Do I go there with friends? etc.” Condition: questions must be such that they can only be answered “yes”, “no” or “doesn’t matter”.

A spicy situation, or women's revelations

The participants are seated with their backs to everyone, and pre-prepared signs are attached to their backs (or to the backs of chairs), on which various piquant situations are written. The inscriptions can be the following: “Broken heel”, “Black eye”, “Torn tights”, “Messy hairstyle”, “No underwear”, “Hangover”, etc. Participants must, without knowing what is written on the sign, answer questions from those present. You need to answer quickly, without hesitation. Originality and sense of humor are encouraged.

Question options:

  • How often do you find yourself in this situation?
  • What do you especially like about your look?
  • How do your friends react to what happened to you?
  • How did you end up in this situation? etc.

Comic fortune telling from a book

Any book is suitable for this entertainment - to your taste (fairy tale, romance novel, etc.). The “fortuneteller” picks up a book and turns to it with a question that interests him, for example: “Dear book... (names the author and the title of the book), please answer what awaits me next month?” Then he guesses any page and any line, for example: page 72, line 5 from the bottom (or page 14, line 10 from the top). Next, the player finds the required line in the book at the specified coordinates, reads it out - this is the answer to his question.

Damaged photocopier

This is a modification of the famous “broken phone” game. Players are divided into teams (preferably at least 4 people in each) and stand one after another. Players standing in front are given blank pieces of paper and pencils (pens). Then the presenter approaches the last players in the ranks one by one and shows them a simple picture prepared in advance. The goal of each player is to draw on the back of the person in front what is shown in the picture. The next player tries to understand what was drawn for him, and then tries to depict the same picture on the back of the next one. This goes on until the first player in the line, who draws the final version on a piece of paper. The team whose drawing ends up being most similar to the original wins.

When a good company gathers around the table, the party promises to be fun!

But the guests drank and ate... talked about the latest news from the lives of their loved ones and the country as a whole... danced... and some prepared to be bored... But that was not the case!

Good hosts always have something in stock that will not only relieve boredom, but will also bring the guests of the holiday closer together, and will also be remembered by everyone for a long time with fun and humor - these are, of course, various competitions.

They are very different:

  • movable (with and without objects),
  • musical,
  • drawing,
  • verbal, etc.

Today I will introduce you to those that can be carried out without leaving the table.

NOTE! They can be performed in different versions, change the rules, add items, increase or decrease the number of participants - in a word, take a creative approach to drawing up a program of fun and amusing table competitions for an adult company sitting at the table.

Let's start with the simple - what's at hand (literally and figuratively!)

"The alphabet is near us"

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet, except for the four Y-Y-L-Ъ (you can also agree to exclude the letter E).

Players playing in a circle name objects - products - things starting with this letter, which are located directly next to them and which can be reached with their hand or touched.

Option! - add adjectives to the list of nouns: B - incomparable salad, incomparable lipstick (from a neighbor), endless pasta, C - nice vinaigrette, sugar cake...

The game continues until the words are exhausted. The last one to call wins.

Here's another game with letters.

"Burim in order"

Starting with the first letter of the alphabet, the players come up with a mini-congratulation (depending on the occasion of those gathered) or simply sentences that are appropriate for this holiday.

The phrase should begin first with the letter A, the next one with B, then C, and so on. It is advisable to come up with funny phrases like:

- How great it is that we have gathered today!
- It happened that...
- Here it is...
- Gentlemen...

Attention! What is important here is the sequence of letters in the alphabet and the meaning of the invented sentences. It is clear that some letters (ь-ъ-ы) are skipped.

The winner is the one who came up with the funniest phrase. Decided by unanimous vote.

There was the ABC - it was up to the poetry!

“Tell me what’s in the package!”

If there are people at the table who can write poetry (the level of poetry, of course, will be taken into account, but the main thing here is different), then offer the next competition.

Several poetry masters are given an object, which is packed in an opaque fabric box-bag. They should quietly look at what they got and write a poem about the item. Guests listen and guess.

Important! You cannot name what is hidden, you can only poetically describe its purpose, appearance...

The writer of the longest and most original piece wins.

Everyone loves fairy tales!

"Modern fairy tale"

Equipment: sheets of paper, pens.

The players are divided into two teams. Usually they are divided according to the “we sit next to each other” principle. Each chooses (option - the driver assigns) a profession. For example, cooks and truck drivers.

After 5-7 minutes of preparation, the teams must voice any fairy tale they have chosen (option assigned by the leader) in a modern way, using professional vocabulary and terminology.

For example, the fairy tale of a brave cook begins with the words: “Once upon a time my grandmother had a piece of ham worth two and a half kilos...” We advise the program creator to come up with starting phrases in advance for the different professions of the participants.

Everyone has fun! The winning team receives a prize: sweets, a bottle of champagne for everyone...

Try this too! It is not teams who play, but individual participants. Then more time is given for preparation, and it will be easier for the guests to select the winner.

Everyone’s favorite since childhood, “Broken Phone”

Here, the more people, the better.

The driver (or the first person sitting) thinks of a word (phrase), writes it on a piece of paper (for the purity of the experiment!))) and passes it along the chain, whispering in each other’s ears.

Everyone remembers that you need to whisper quietly and as close as possible to what you heard. The latter speaks the word out loud.

The funny thing begins at the moment when, if there is a mismatch between the input and output, a “showdown” begins - at what stage, for whom what went wrong.

Robot YES-NO

The host prepares cards with the names of the animals in advance and announces that the guests will guess them by asking any questions that he can answer only with the words YES-NO (in extreme cases, “I can’t say”).

The game continues until the animal is guessed and the presenter shows a card with the correct answer.

Questions can be about hair (short or long), about legs, about whether there is a tail (fluffy or smooth), about claws, a neck, about what it eats, where it sleeps, and so on.

Game option! It is not the animal that is being riddled, but the object. Then the questions will be about size, color, appearance, purpose, presence in the house or on the street, ability to pick it up, presence of numbers, presence of electricity in it...

Another version of the game is frivolous. You can wish for items from men's or women's wardrobes, underwear, or for the most daring, from the assortment of adult stores.

Competitions with paper

And here’s another game where the funniest thing is the mismatch.

Chipmunk Speaker


  • nuts (or orange, or bread),
  • paper,
  • pen.

Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs: “speaker” and “stenographer”.

The “speaker” puts nuts (orange slices, a piece of bread) behind his cheeks so that it is difficult to speak. He is given a text (poetry or prose), which he needs to pronounce as clearly as possible (as far as the contents of the “cheek pouches” allow). The “stenographer” is trying to write down, as he understands, what he heard. Then it is compared with the “source”.

The winner is the couple whose “transcript” is the most correct.

Option! One “speaker” is selected, and everyone is recorded.

"Explain in 30 seconds"

  • pens/pencils according to the number of players,
  • small pieces of paper
  • box/bag/hat.

We play like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs. It can be by lot, it can be at will, it can be next door at the table. Each pair is a team.
  2. Players receive pens/pencils and pieces of paper (each has several of them - 15-20).
  3. Everyone writes 15-20 (discuss this in advance with the players) of any nouns that come to mind: on one piece of paper - one noun.
  4. Leaves with words are hidden in a box/bag/hat.
  5. First, the first pair-team plays: they take turns taking out sheets of words and must explain to each other the word that they came across, but in no case naming the noun itself.

For example, the word “cart” is a horse-drawn carriage, “frying pan” is a pancake maker.

After the first word is guessed, you can take out a piece of paper with another.

You have 30 seconds to do everything. You can agree on a minute - depending on the state of the company)))

The number of words a team guesses is how many points it will receive.

Then the turn passes to the other pair of players.

The time limit makes this competition spectacular, loud, noisy and fun!

The team that guesses the most words wins.

Fun table competitions with answers

Prepare: a box containing pieces of paper with various questions written on it.

Attention! In winter they can be made in the form of snowflakes, in summer in the form of apples, in autumn in the form of colored leaves, in spring they can be flowers.

We play like this:

Everyone takes turns pulling out paper pieces of paper with questions and answering them not only as truthfully as possible, but also funny.

Questions could be:

  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • What was your most memorable vacation?
  • Have your New Year's wishes ever come true?
  • What's the funniest thing that happened to you in childhood that you remember?
  • What's the funniest purchase you've ever made?
  • If you have an animal at home, what funny incident can you remember (what did it eat)?
  • What did you dream about as a child and did it come true?
  • What's the funniest prank you can remember?
  • Do you love your housemates and why?

Questions for the story can be very different, taking into account the degree of frankness of the company.

The winner is the one whose story pleases the most guests.

Are you asking? I answer!

Let's prepare:

  • cards with questions,
  • answer cards,
  • 2 boxes.

We play like this.

One box contains questions, the other contains answers.

The players sit down, if possible, alternating: man-woman-man-woman... This will make the answers more interesting!

The first player takes out a card with a question and reads it aloud to his neighbor at the table.

He takes, without looking into the box, the sheet with the answer and also reads it out.

Sometimes the question-answer coincidences are very funny)))

Questions could be like this (assuming that the company is close and everything is on a first-name basis):

— Do you like watching horror films?
— Can you say that you like shopping? (it doesn’t matter whether a man or a woman answers here)
—Are you often hungry?
-Can you look me in the eyes and smile?
— What do you say when you step on people’s feet in public transport?
— How do you react to your friends’ clothing experiments?
- Tell me, do you like me?
— Do they often knock on your door at night?
— Is it true that your husband/wife likes to look at other people’s women/men?
— Do you like to swim under the moon?
- Why do you smile so mysteriously?
— Is it true that you preferred to go to the village rather than to the Maldives?
— Why do you sometimes travel on public transport without a ticket?
—Have you ever read thick books?
— In an unfamiliar company, do you easily find a common language with guests?
— Are you a fan of exotic cuisine?
— Does alcohol often appear on your table?
-Can you deceive me right now?
— Do you like to walk on the rooftops of your hometown?
— Why are you afraid of small dogs?
— When you were a child, did you sneak into your neighbors’ house to pick raspberries?
- If the phone rings now and they say that you have won a trip to the sea, will you believe it?
— Do others like your cooking?
— Why are you afraid to drink milk?
— Do you like receiving gifts?
— Do you like to give gifts?
- Would you like a drink right now?
— Do you rest a lot at work?
— Why did you ask for my photo?
— Do you like to eat meat products?
—Are you a very temperamental person?
— Why do you eat pickled bread crusts on Sundays?
-Can you lend me a thousand dollars right now?
— Do you often wink at strangers in public transport?
— Do you like to take a bath in your clothes?
- Do you really want to answer my question now?
— Do you like to dance with married men/married women?
— Why did you say that you have to eat a lot when visiting?
—Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar bed?
— Why do you call throwing a pebble from a balcony at passers-by your favorite sport?
— Do you often delegate your work to others?
— Why do you like watching striptease so much?
— Do you like to eat delicious food when visiting?
— Do you often meet each other on the street?
— Do you fall asleep at work?
— Why do you hide your age?
— Do you snore at night?
— Do you like fried herring?
-Have you ever run away from a policeman?
— Are you afraid of taxi drivers?
— Do you often promise too much?
— Do you like to scare others?
- If I kiss you now, what will your reaction be?
— Do you like my smile?
- Can you tell me your secret?
— Do you like to draw?
— Why do you often take time off from work?

Sample answers:

“I can’t live a day without this.”
- How can I live without this?!
-Only on your birthday.
- When not at home, why not.
- I won’t tell you this now.
- Not now.
“I’m embarrassed to answer anything now.”
— Ask my husband/wife.
- Only when I'm well rested.
- I can, but only on Mondays.
- Don't put me in an awkward position.
— I’ve loved this business since childhood.
- Well, yes... things happen to me...
- I can rarely afford it.
- Yes, I am capable of anything for your sake!
- If I rest, then yes.
- Who doesn’t it happen to?
— I’ll tell you about this a little later.
- Fortunately, yes.
- If they really ask me.
- Nowadays this is not a sin.
- Do you really think that I will tell the truth?
- As an exception.
— After a glass of champagne.
- So I told you the truth just now!
- This is my cherished dream.
- Let's dance better!
- Unfortunately no.
- This is my passion!
— I’ll tell you about it when you give me your phone number.
- With great pleasure!
- I blushed - this is the answer.
- And I'm proud of it.
— My years are my pride.
- I can’t stand it.
- How dare you ask me about this?!
- Only if they pay me.
- How can you miss such an opportunity?
- Only in the mornings.
- It's quite simple.
- If I get a salary.
- How could it be different?
- Of course!
“I’ll say this only face to face.”
- Exclusively on holidays.
- How great it is!
- They told me it was good.
- Only in good company.
— I consider this a political issue.
- Who do you take me for?!
- And you guessed it.
- Let me kiss you better.
- Only when no one is looking.
- You're embarrassing me.
- If there is no other way out.
“And you’ve been trying to ask me about this all evening?”
- And at least now I can tell you the same thing.

Two truths and a lie

This fun competition at the table for an adult company does not require any preparation. Best suited for a company where the participants do not know each other very well.

Each player must say three statements or facts about themselves. Two true, one false. Listeners vote to decide which one is false. If they guess correctly, the player (the liar) wins nothing. If you guess wrong, you receive a small prize.

Option for carrying out - everyone writes down their statements on pieces of paper, noting the false ones, give them to the host (host of the party), and he reads them out in turn.

One more?

Several competitions for a drinking group that wants to become even more drunk.

Find the crocodile

This game can be played during other games, as an additional game. It essentially lasts the whole evening, but at the very beginning you need to tell the guests its rules.

At some point in the party, the host secretly gives one of the guests (the “hunter”) a clothespin (crocodile) and he must attach it discreetly to the clothes of a “victim” he has arbitrarily chosen (or put it in a lady’s purse or a man’s jacket pocket). Then he gives a sign to the leader that the task is completed.

As soon as the clothespin has found a new owner, the presenter says, “The crocodile has escaped!” Who did he get into? and starts counting out loud from 10 to one. Guests are looking to see if they are the target of a prank.

If, within 10 seconds of the countdown, the “victim” finds a lurking “crocodile hidden in a bag or clinging to his collar,” the “hunter” drinks the penalty glass. If he doesn’t find it, the “victim” must drink.

You can limit the search area (the crocodile only clings to clothing) or give it more time.

Drinking alphabet chain

To conduct the competition you need: glasses with your favorite drinks, memory for names and knowledge of the alphabet.

The game goes in circles. The first player names the celebrity's first and last name. The next person must also name a celebrity whose name begins with the first letter of the previous one.

To make it clearer, look at the example:

The first player makes a wish for Cameron Diaz. The second by Dmitry Kharatyan. Third Hugh Grant. The fourth is by Georgy Vitsin. And so on.

You can name any famous people, politicians, actors, athletes. A player who cannot find the correct name within 5 seconds (approximately) must drink his glass. Then the glass is filled, and the turn passes to the next player.

The longer the game lasts, the more difficult it is to select new names (you cannot repeat yourself), the fun and company are rapidly gaining degrees.

Insert your two cents

The organizer of the competition needs to prepare sheets with phrases that are far from the theme of the feast or birthday. Give each guest a card with a phrase at the very beginning of the party.

Phrases could be:

The task of each participant is to insert “their” phrase into the conversation so that others do not understand that this is a phrase from a piece of paper. After the player has said his phrase, he needs to wait a minute, after which he says “Win!!!” During this time, any other guest who, during the conversation, suspects that a phrase from the sheet was uttered can try to incriminate the player. He must repeat the phrase that he thinks was used. Of course, there is a chance that he will not guess correctly.

If the accuser makes a mistake, he drinks a “penalty glass.” If you guess correctly, then a penalty kick is awarded to the person who was caught using the phrase from the sheet.

Guess the brand

If the company name is included in the slogan, then you can shorten it. For example: Who goes where, and I (to Sberkassa). This slogan is included in the retro section of our list. In a young company, you can at least invite guests to guess whose advertising slogan it might be. You can come up with hints or several possible answers.

For example: Who goes where, and I... (at VDNKh, to Moskvoshway, to get married, to Sberbank).

Find your soul mate

If the company is about half women and men, then you can play this game. Although, it will fit, with some degree of conditionality, in other cases.

To do this, you need to prepare small cards in advance on which to write the names of famous couples. One name per card. For example:

  • Romeo and Juliet;
  • Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin;
  • Dolphin and mermaid;
  • Twix stick and Twix stick;
  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...

Each guest receives a card with a name - this is his “image”.

Task: everyone must find their soul mate by asking the other guests in turn questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” Direct questions like “Is your name Angelina?” or “are you Brad’s wife”? prohibited. Questions like “Do you have children with your significant other?” are allowed; “Are you and your significant other married?”; “Do you and your significant other live in...?”

Those who find their soul mate by asking the minimum number of questions win. The more cards of pairs you prepare, the better. Since only half of the guests will play in the first round (when they find their soul mate, they are deprived of the opportunity to look for theirs). Therefore, after the first round, new cards are dealt and the second round begins.

Option: in the first circle they are looking for a woman's soul mate, in the second - men.

Do you have..?

This game is suitable for a large company and for celebrating a variety of holidays.

The company is divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. We must try to have the same number of women in each.

The presenter, starting with the words “Do you have...?”, reads out the list of things you are looking for. Members of each team need to find this thing and show it to the leader.

Team members search in pockets and purses, those who find them show the item they are looking for, the team receives a point for each item found. For one named item, the team receives only one point (no matter how many five thousand dollar bills the team members have, the team can only receive one point for the item with the bill).

So, do you have...?

  • 5000 ruble banknote;
  • notebook;
  • photo of the child;
  • mint chewing gum;
  • candy;
  • pencil;
  • keychain with at least 7 keys;
  • penknife;
  • 7 (or 5) credit cards per person;
  • small change in the amount of at least 95 rubles (for one person);
  • hand cream;
  • flash drive;
  • nail polish;
  • shoe sponge...

The list of things can be supplemented at will.

Play and have fun with your guests at the festive table!

Don’t forget that each competition can be creatively reworked to suit your company.

Let your friends remember this day not only for the most delicious dishes, but also for the funniest and coolest competitions.

Eat! Drink! And don't be bored!