Igor Lastochkin KVN team. Igor Lastochkin - details of the life of a bright person, the family and career of a talented comedian. An excerpt characterizing Lastochkin, Igor Sergeevich


Igor Lastochkin – Ukrainian and Russian actor, showman, TV presenter. Fans remember this charming guy from his participation in the game as captain of the Dnepropetrovsk National Team, and on television he had a brilliant start in entertainment show. Today, the artist’s creative life is connected with the Ukrainian projects “League of Laughter” and “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Childhood and youth

Igor Lastochkin was born in the Kazakh city of Shymkent (formerly Shymkent) in November 1986. After 7 years, the family moved to Tashkent. In the capital of Uzbekistan future actor graduated from school No. 110. After school he entered the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, located in Dnepr (formerly Dnepropetrovsk). He received his higher education at the metallurgical faculty of the department of metallurgical fuels and reducing agents.

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Igor Lastochkin in childhood

Lastochkin intended to work in the oil industry, but later realized that he “missed the mark” because he did not want to deal with coke ovens all his life. Despite the change in opinion, Igor graduated from the academy and received a diploma in 2009.

The actor himself states that nationality is modern world does not matter, but considers Ukraine his homeland.


The creative biography of Igor Lastochkin began with his arrival at KVN. “Freshman” is the first miniature in which Igor played a frightened man (these were still the student years of the future captain of the KVN team). And although during his first performance on stage he had no words, Lastochkin conveyed the image required of him.

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Igor Lastochkin and Alexander Maslyakov

As the actor himself says, everything worked out thanks to strong feeling excitement and fear. The short actor (Igor’s height is 170 cm and weighs 66 kg) immediately became popular.

“When I first walked into the assembly hall, I realized that I had come to the right place. And he never left there again,” said Igor.

The actor started playing KVN at first just for fun, and then he didn’t even notice how he got involved in the game - he liked the idea of ​​everything that was happening.

Games for the Dnepropetrovsk teams “+5” and “Steel Project” became Lastochkin’s debut on the KVN stage. In 2008, the comedian joined the national team, and the newcomer was received cordially and warmly. At first the team did not play in captain’s competitions, but Igor’s comrades offered to lead the team and become the captain of the “Dnepropetrovsk Team”, Lastochkin agreed.

Igor Lastochkin and Vladimir Borisov - “Igor and Lena”

During the period of performance in KVN, the audience especially remembered the number about the daring kitten in the market. The series of miniatures “Igor and Lena” was popular, where the roles of the spouses were played by Igor Lastochkin and Vladimir Borisov.

There are many games in a comedian’s career, but there were, of course, defeats. Igor Lastochkin considers the game in the 1/8 finals in 2011 to be the main failure. This difficulty is due to the fact that at that time the team had neither experience, nor funds for props, nor time to properly prepare. And after arriving in Moscow, as the comedian admits, “everything went wrong” - the result was a disastrous performance on stage.

A television

Successful captaincy and performances brought Igor Lastochkin to Comedy Club Dnepr Style, and the comedian became a resident of the project. In 2014, the actor was accepted into the troupe of the sketch “Once Upon a Time in Russia”.

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Comedian Igor Lastochkin

This show turned out to be successful. The project is a unique collection of satirical sketches on highly social and topical topics that are close to every resident of Russia. Among the heroes there are different types. At the same time, images are created in a unique way to avoid comparison with real ones. famous characters. the main objective TV shows - not to offend a specific person, but to draw the audience’s attention to environment, the situation in society.

The fact that the project’s artists, among whom were Olga Kartunkova, coped brilliantly with the task is indicated by the high ratings of the program.

Igor Lastochkin in the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia"

In 2014, Ukrainian fans were surprised by the showman’s statements. Igor, together with his colleagues, recorded a video message in which he recalled the unity of Russians and Ukrainians. The actor even spoke about the common basis connecting peoples on stage when he read out the altered verse “I marvel at the sky...”.

Today, such a positive attitude towards Russia is perceived ambiguously in Ukraine. Many Ukrainian viewers believe that Lastochkin’s point of view has already lost relevance, since relations between the countries have deteriorated, and old times Close partnerships and collaborations are gone forever. Nevertheless, there were also supporters of the opinion expressed by Igor.

In 2015, the artist began participating in the Ukrainian television comedy show “League of Laughter,” in which teams or comedians compete in humorous numbers or answers among themselves. “Song about Deputies” was most remembered by the audience.

"Lucas" and Igor Lastochkin - "Song about Deputies"

One day, the “Ghost Rider” mentor at the “League of Laughter” told reporters about the project, as well as about the eccentric member of his team. According to the actor, Mark Kutsevalov, his ward, turned out to be a promising participant. According to Igor Sergeevich, it is necessary to devote more time and attention to developing the talents of those young people who intend to actively develop in the direction television shows.

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Igor Lastochkin in the show “League of Laughter”

In 2016, it started on the channel “1+1” new season humorous show “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Igor Lastochkin was invited to host the program. TV viewers reacted positively to this decision. Fans continued to follow Lastochkin’s work on social networks, in particular in Instagram, waiting for the publication of new photos and videos of celebrity performances.

Igor, as a talented comedian, actor and author, supports and at the same time gives an original assessment of the participants’ performances. Now applicants for money have even more chances to win it from comedians and. And viewers got the opportunity to hear more new jokes, now also performed by the TV presenter.

Personal life

On June 3, 2011, the wedding of Igor Lastochkin and Anna Portugalova took place. The young people met while studying at the university. The students' dorm rooms were located opposite each other. Lastochkin's wife is a financier by profession.

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Igor Lastochkin with his family

Nevertheless, Anna often performed on stage with him. The team members did not object to the participation of such a family tandem. The couple was in no hurry to have children - both were keen creative life. In 2014, the Lastochkins had a son, Radmir.

Igor does not hide his personal life from fans. At one time, the comedian’s family lived in two cities: his wife and child were in the city of Kamensky (formerly Dneprodzerzhinsk), and meanwhile the actor worked in Kyiv. In an interview, Lastochkin complained that he spends little time with his family, so as soon as the opportunity arose, Igor moved his family to the capital of Ukraine.

For lovers humorous show programs I know the artist and TV presenter Igor Lastochkin well. Like many other popular comedians, he did not plan to connect his fate with stage creativity. However, chance intervened in the form of the popular student game KVN.

Today, Igor Lastochkin is a member of many popular humorous projects. But he managed to win the hearts of viewers far beyond the borders of Russia and Ukraine thanks to his work in such TV shows as “Once Upon a Time in Russia” and “League of Laughter.” And in 2016, the actor also took on the role of a presenter. Fans of the humorous program “Make the Comedian Laugh” really liked the new season, which Lastochkin was offered to host.


Igor Lastochkin was born on November 21, 1986 in the city of Tashkent in Uzbekistan, where he graduated high school. He received his higher education in Ukraine, graduating from the National Metallurgical Academy in the city of Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnieper). However, a career in this area of ​​industry did not attract Igor. Even during his studies, he realized that the choice was wrong, but still decided not to give up what he had started. In addition, a very serious hobby kept him at the academy.


Already in his first year, Igor was lucky enough to gain some stage experience by participating in the student KVN of his university. Despite the fact that the role of the worried nerd was very small and without words, he played it very naturally, which delighted the jury. The secret of such brilliant acting became known to his teammates much later. It turns out that Igor Lastochkin was so excited about his debut that he didn’t have to pretend to do anything, so his character’s emotions turned out to be real.

Throughout his student years, Igor continued to play in KVN. The roles became more interesting and responsible, and KVN turned from youthful entertainment into a real hobby. As part of the Dnepropetrovsk teams “+5” and “Steel Project”, Igor Lastochkin tried his hand at the big KVN stage. In 2008, he joined the national team, where the talented budding player was received very warmly by his teammates, and was subsequently offered to become captain. Improvisation was his strong point, which was later very useful in captain’s competitions.

Creative path

After graduating from university in 2009, Igor Lastochkin did not go to work in his specialty. The stage became his main calling. But despite the fact that Igor’s career as an experienced Kaveen specialist was going uphill, he understood that for further development creative potential will require the skills of a professional actor. Therefore, without interrupting participation in games, I took courses performing arts at GITIS.

The successful experience of participating in the games of the KVN Major League became for Igor a pass into the world of show business. So, in 2012 he became a resident of the Comedy Club Dnepr Style, and in 2013 he starred in the comedy sitcom “Kraina U”. And from 2014 to this day, he has been taking part in the popular television project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, where, thanks to his acting talent, he embodies various images in the frame. And also since 2015, Lastochkin has been a playing mentor in the Ukrainian comedy show “League of Laughter.” According to its terms, teams compete in various competitions and numbers, and coaches help them. Thanks to this project, Igor once again had the opportunity to show off the skills he acquired over the years of playing KVN. Participating in the performances of his wards, the Ghost Rider team, Lastochkin more than once helped them achieve high results. Thus, the number “A Fly Landed on an iPhone” caused a storm of applause in the hall and the delight of the jury, which, it must be said, consists of mentors of the rival teams. In 2016, Lastochkin became the new host of the humorous television program “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Personal life

In 2011, Igor married Anna Portugalova, who is not only his beloved and homemaker, but also a creative colleague. Spouses sometimes work on stage in general reprises. In 2014, there was an addition to the Lastochkin family - a son, Radmir, was born. Despite his busy schedule, Igor spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photographs that he regularly posts on his Facebook page.

Igor Lastochkin is a famous Russian and Ukrainian artist, a representative of the Dnepropetrovsk KVN team, and a TV presenter. The showman was born in the city of Tashkent. School years went the same way as any Soviet guy. At that time, he was already distinguished from everyone else by his artistry and short stature.

He studied in Uzbekistan until graduation, after which he went to enter the Metallurgical Academy of the city of Dnepropetrovsk. He was easily enrolled, thus Igor became a full-fledged representative of the metallurgical profession. The personal life of Igor Lastochkin interests fans most of all.

Famous showman Igor Lastochkin

According to the showman himself, he wanted to work in the oil industry, since he received the appropriate specialized education. I thought several times about changing my profile, but still graduated from the academy in 2009. At that time he was already actively involved in student life and was a member of the KVN team.

The young guy, who differed from others in his short stature, was able to please television viewers. Despite everything, at that moment it was very exciting, since Lastochkin was afraid of doing something wrong.
KVN member Igor Lastochkin

Playing KVN was easy at first interesting hobby and entertainment that attracted Igor. He visited the assembly hall almost every day, where the team rehearsed.

Igor Lastochkin in the KVN team "Dnepr"

In 2008, he got the opportunity to become a main member of such teams as “+5” and “Steel Games”. All participants warmly welcomed a newcomer into their team, who after some time became the captain. The start turned out to be quite successful, but we should not exclude situations that in every possible way prevented us from winning the highest places at the KVN games.

Igor Lastochkin is a coach in the humorous show “League of Laughter”

According to Igor Lastochkin, the most disastrous performance of his team happened in 2011, during the 1/8 finals. At that time, the showman had already become a full-fledged captain and the responsibilities for organizing all the scenes were entrusted to his shoulders. As a result, having arrived from Ukraine to Moscow, he could not find the props, the team performed very poorly.

In 2014, he became a member of the Dnepropetrovsk Comedy Club Dnepr Style, at that time Igor was already a famous and sought-after artist. In the same year, he received an invitation from the TNT company, where he was invited to the new humorous sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” New episodes still delight TV viewers.

Igor Lastochkin is a participant in the humorous sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”

Humorous sketches have become a specialty for Igor Lastochkin. He's like talented actor, even without the appropriate education, he easily got used to any role.

It was nice to look at him, as he is not only attractive, but also a charismatic man.
Igor Lastochkin in the program “Country U”

In 2015, he became a participant in the new Ukrainian TV show “League of Laughter.” KVN for Igor Lastochkin became a start in life. With the help of his natural theatrical talent, he was able to become in demand and popular. Gradually developing in this regard, I was able to realize myself on television.

In 2016, I received another offer from the “1+1” TV channel, which broadcasts in Ukraine. In this case, he was invited as the host of the humorous show “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Thus, the artist’s talent is in demand not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also far beyond. All fans can follow their favorite artist through social media, which he regularly updates.

Igor Lastochkin host of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh”

Many TV viewers, of course, would like to see the actor in serious cinematic works. As Igor himself says, he does not want to move away from humor, since he is already accustomed to constantly joking and this is his job.

Personal life

In 2011 funds mass media reported that Igor Lastochkin got married. His wife was Anna Portugalova, who is also an artist. Together they formed a very interesting and well-coordinated tandem that has existed for a long time. In 2014, they had a child, who was named Radmir.

Currently, Lastochkin’s family, together with his wife and child, lives in the city of Kamenskoye, the actor himself works in Kyiv and Moscow.

Igor Lastochkin with his wife and son
Thus, it is not possible to devote much time to children and wife. Despite all this, when a free day appears, Igor Lastochkin immediately returns to his family.

Thanks to the support of his wife and family, the showman copes well with all difficulties and achieves incredible professional results. Igor Lastochkin with his wife and child do quite a lot joint photos, which can be found on the Internet.

Comedian Igor Lastochkin now

The future of Igor Lastochkin is directly connected only with television, since he has all the data to become a popular and in-demand actor.

Igor Lastochkin is a famous Russian and Ukrainian artist, a representative of the Dnepropetrovsk KVN team, and a TV presenter. The showman was born in the city of Tashkent. My school years were the same as for any Soviet guy. At that time, he was already distinguished from everyone else by his artistry and short stature.

He studied in Uzbekistan until graduation, after which he went to enter the Metallurgical Academy of the city of Dnepropetrovsk. He was easily enrolled, thus Igor became a full-fledged representative of the metallurgical profession. The personal life of Igor Lastochkin interests fans most of all.

According to the showman himself, he wanted to work in the oil industry, since he received the appropriate specialized education. I thought several times about changing my profile, but still graduated from the academy in 2009. At that time, he already took an active part in student life and was a member of the KVN team.


Everyone knows Igor Lastochkin as an artist and member of the KVN team. In his interviews, the artist very often recalls his first role. He had to play the role of a frightened man in the production of “The Freshman”.

The young guy, who differed from others in his short stature, was able to please television viewers. Despite everything, at that moment it was very exciting, since Lastochkin was afraid of doing something wrong.

At first, playing KVN was just an interesting hobby and entertainment that attracted Igor. He visited the assembly hall almost every day, where the team rehearsed.

Igor Lastochkin in the KVN team "Dnepr"

In 2008, he got the opportunity to become a main member of such teams as “+5” and “Steel Games”. All participants warmly welcomed a newcomer into their team, who after some time became the captain. The start turned out to be quite successful, but we should not exclude situations that in every possible way prevented us from winning the highest places at the KVN games.

Igor Lastochkin is a coach in the humorous show “League of Laughter”

According to Igor Lastochkin, the most disastrous performance of his team happened in 2011, during the 1/8 finals. At that time, the showman had already become a full-fledged captain and the responsibilities for organizing all the scenes were entrusted to his shoulders. As a result, having arrived from Ukraine to Moscow, he could not find the props, the team performed very poorly.

Why did Swallow leave Once Upon a Time in Russia

In 2014, he became a member of the Dnepropetrovsk Comedy Club Dnepr Style, at that time Igor was already a famous and sought-after artist. In the same year, he received an invitation from the TNT company, where he was invited to the new humorous sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” New episodes still delight TV viewers.

Igor Lastochkin is a participant in the humorous sketch show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”

Humorous sketches have become a specialty for Igor Lastochkin. He, as a talented actor, even without the appropriate education, easily got used to any role.

It was nice to look at him, as he is not only attractive, but also a charismatic man.

Igor Lastochkin in the program “Country U”

In 2015, he became a participant in the new Ukrainian TV show “League of Laughter.” KVN for Igor Lastochkin became a start in life. With the help of his natural theatrical talent, he was able to become in demand and popular. Gradually developing in this regard, I was able to realize myself on television.

In 2016, I received another offer from the “1+1” TV channel, which broadcasts in Ukraine. In this case, he was invited as the host of the humorous show “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Thus, the artist’s talent is in demand not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. All fans can follow their favorite artist through social networks, which he updates regularly.

Igor Lastochkin host of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh”

Many TV viewers, of course, would like to see the actor in serious cinematic works. As Igor himself says, he does not want to move away from humor, since he is already accustomed to constantly joking and this is his job.

Personal life

In 2011, the media reported that Igor Lastochkin got married. His wife was Anna Portugalova, who is also an artist. Together they formed a very interesting and well-coordinated tandem that has existed for a long time. In 2014, they had a child, who was named Radmir.

Currently, Lastochkin’s family, together with his wife and child, lives in the city of Kamenskoye, the actor himself works in Kyiv and Moscow.

Thus, it is not possible to devote much time to children and wife. Despite all this, when a free day appears, Igor Lastochkin immediately returns to his family.

Thanks to the support of his wife and family, the showman copes well with all difficulties and achieves incredible professional results. Igor Lastochkin with his wife and child take quite a lot of photos together, which can be found on the Internet.

The future of Igor Lastochkin is directly connected only with television, since he has all the data to become a popular and in-demand actor.

Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr) organization and ordering of performances on the official website of the agency. By general issues organizing performances with the participation of Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr), conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as a host for private events, corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Igor Lastochkin. A promising and talented KVN player was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on November 21, 1986. Igor spent his entire childhood in his native Uzbekistan, where he graduated from secondary school No. 110. In 2004, the future actor entered the Ukrainian Metallurgical Academy located in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where he received a diploma higher education. Lastochkin’s first humorous performances and his development as a comedian took place on the stage of the student assembly hall.

Creative achievements

At first, the artist became part of the Dnepropetrovsk team called “+5”, and later moved to the “Steel Project” team. In 2008, he was invited to the Dnepropetrovsk national team, and he happily accepted this offer. After a short period of time, Igor Lastochkin became the captain of this team and organized serious preparations for performances in Major League KVN. As a result, in 2013 the Dnepropetrovsk team became the Vice-Champion of the Major League.

Thanks to Lastochkin’s efforts, the Dnepropetrovsk team has a lot of other awards: bronze medalists of the VUL 2009, winners of the Small KiViN in the Dark 2012, champions of the VUL 2012, participants of the Small KiViN in the Dark 2013, etc.

In addition to KVN, in the life of Igor Lastochkin there was room for other equally interesting, creative and humorous projects. For example, for several years now he has been resident of COMEDY CLUB DNEPR STYLE, on whose stage he has given his concerts more than once, staged solo humorous performances. When Igor was offered to star in the Ukrainian sketch “Kraina U”, he did not hesitate to accept the order from the creators of the project. As a result, for several seasons he has been playing the role of a skeptical husband from a family that lives in Dnepropetrovsk. In 2014, the KVN member was invited to play one of the main roles in the Russian sketch “Once Upon a Time in Russia.”


Today, the humorous artist combines work on several sketch shows, continues to participate in various humor festivals and provides his services as a presenter. He easily copes with a wide variety of events, from corporate events to large ones. family holidays. Much more interesting information about Igor Lastochkin and his professional activity can be read on the official website.


Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr) ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organization of performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr), invitations to corporate events, presenter for a wedding, anniversary, performances for a birthday, a party, you can call us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40. Official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the contacts section.