Igor cool biography children. Igor Krutoy destroyed his son’s love. Brief biography: exact facts


Igor Krutoy’s songs are included in the repertoire of not only Ukrainian, Russian performers, but also world-class show business stars. He is the People's Artist of two countries, the owner of several radio stations, the founder of one of the most productive vocal competitions- “New Wave”. But what do fans know about his biography, personal life and career path?

Biography of Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy was born in the small Ukrainian town of Gaivoron on the banks of the Southern Bug River in the summer of 1954. A modest Jewish family with two children - besides Igor, there was also a daughter, Alla - had nothing to do with either the world of art or the world of music. Mom took care of the children and the house, and dad worked at a local factory that produced radio components.

Igor’s mother was the first to notice his love for music, and she brought him to the local music school. Within a couple of years, the boy became an accompanist at all school matinees and holidays - he mastered the piano. At the age of 14, Igor Krutoy founded his own school musical ensemble, who was invited not only to host discos within the school, but also to city events.

After school, Igor graduated from a specialized school in Kirovograd and became a teacher at a music school in his hometown and in one of secondary schools in the suburbs. Thus began the career of the most sought-after composer of our time in the territory post-Soviet space, America and Europe.

Career path of Igor Krutoy

Not wanting to stop there, in 1975 Igor entered the conducting department of the Music Pedagogical Institute in Nikolaevsk. It was there, in 1979, that he was noticed by representatives of the Moscow orchestra “Panorama” and invited to the capital. Just a year later young talented person moved to the Blue Guitars, and then became the leader of the ensemble of the legendary Valentina Tolkunova.

In parallel with career growth Igor Krutoy continued his musical education - he graduated from the faculty of composers at the Saratov Conservatory named after Sobin. He gave his first song to his closest friend, Alexander Serov. The singer still shines with her - the song “Madonna” has become business card Serova.

Having heard Krutoy’s songs performed by Serov, other stars became interested in them, and very soon the “piggy banks” of Vaikule, Leontyev, Buinov and other Russian performers were replenished with Igor’s creations.

Creativity and awards of Igor Krutoy

The compositional works of Igor Krutoy are unique works. His creativity is not limited to the stage. Igor cooperates with global and Russian opera performers, writes instrumental compositions, music for films, sings, creates production centers, radio channels, and is a patron of competitions for young performers.

For your creativity and social activities Igor Yakovlevich has received such awards as

  • People's Artist Russia and Ukraine,
  • two orders “For Merit to the Fatherland”,
  • title of Honored Artist,
  • Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Lenin Komsomol (1989),
  • Order of Friendship, MUZ-TV Award,
  • title of honorary citizen of Jurmala,
  • memorial sign on the “Square of Stars” in Moscow,
  • personal gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of young talents.

An important milestone in Krutoy’s work was his promotion in Europe and America. In 2010, the composer began collaborating with Lara Fabian, who introduced opera world with his works.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

Igor Yakovlevich's first marriage was unsuccessful, the couple quickly separated, despite the birth of their son Nikolai. The divorce was complex, scandalous, with the division of an apartment and a child. For a long time Igor Krutoy ex-wife forbade him to communicate with his son, the composer began to drink often, but his strong will and common sense allowed him to stay awake and find solace in his creativity.

Krutoy found his true happiness 15 long years after his divorce from his first wife. At one of the parties organized by Alla Pugacheva, the composer met Olga, an American of Russian origin. It was she who gave him peace, new strength for creativity, and made him believe in himself again.

The family has two daughters – adopted Vika and native Sasha. But Olga and Igor do not separate the girls, and do not emphasize the fact that one of them was not born by them. The youngest Sasha has health problems - autism. Her parents and older sister had to make every effort to ensure that the disease did not affect the girl’s socialization and education. And the efforts were not in vain - Alexandra lives an active life.

What is Igor Krutoy doing now?

Igor Yakovlevich is always on the move, always busy with something. He lives in two countries - he runs his business in Russia, his family lives in America. In addition to the “New Wave”, this year Igor Yakovlevich was also involved in the “You are Super!” project. And he became not just a member of the jury, but also a close friend, a mentor to one of the contestants. Moreover, he and his wife Olga decided to pay for the girl’s further specialized education and buy her an apartment in Moscow.

Despite having health problems, Krutoy is actively involved in composing, producing, and releasing new albums instrumental music. And, it seems, he is not going to give up his positions and give up the palm in anything or anyone.

The biography of Igor Krutoy and the details of his personal life have always been of interest to both his many supporters and admirers of his talent, and his opponents, of whom he also has many. And this is natural: Igor Krutoy is, first of all, a great personality, and then everything else.



Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in the city of Gayvoron, Ukrainian SSR. Contrary to misconceptions, Krutoy is not a pseudonym. It just so happened that real name coincided with fate.

Igor Krutoy in childhood

He was born into a family far from music: his mother was a housewife, his father worked at a local radio factory. Perhaps the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy was influenced by his Jewish nationality. Music has been in his blood since childhood.

At the music school, he quickly mastered the button accordion, and then learned the secrets of the piano. It was there at school that his production abilities showed themselves: he created his own group and organized concerts. Most likely, nationality has nothing to do with it. It’s just that some people are given talent from God, others are not.

Igor Krutoy in his youth

Igor always knew what he wanted and did not turn away from the musical path: he graduated from the music school, then the conducting department of the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

Start of a career

The beginning of the 80s was a turning point when significant changes occurred in the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy. Acquaintance and friendship with Alexander Serov, work in the Blue Guitars VIA, work as the leader of Tolkunova’s ensemble, performances with Evgeny Leonov - these are just some of his milestones creative path that period.

Igor Krutoy with Alexander Serov

The star of composer fame truly rose for him in 1987. Serov performed the song “Madonna” based on Kazakova’s poems, and the song instantly became a number one hit. The most popular songs of the composer of those years:

  • "Do you love me"
  • "Wedding music"
  • "In spite of fate"

Producer activity

Since 1989, Krutoy has been the president of the production and concert company ARS. He managed to attract to cooperation both the most famous performers, and aspiring stars.

The company has gained significant weight and good reputation in the colorful world of show business. Suffice it to remember that Michael Jackson’s tour in Moscow in 1993 was organized by ARS.

Composer Igor Krutoy

IN different times Collaborated with the ARS company:

  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Nikolay Trubach
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Shark and many others

Health problems

After the conflict with the First, the composer completely gave up. He was unrecognizable in the photo. He had to go to the USA for treatment, and in New York he underwent a complex operation, which ended successfully. However, one of his ill-wishers started a rumor about his death. It was at that time that the composer became very aware of who is a friend and who is an enemy. Fortunately, he recovered quite quickly and returned to his creative life.

Composer Igor Krutoy

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy in the late 70s, photos of those years, his first wife - this is not the brightest page of his biography. The first marriage with Elena in 1979 was unsuccessful. Scandals constantly broke out, and after the divorce, Krutoy’s wife did not allow him to see his son Nikolai, born in 1981. Then Krutoy had problems with alcohol, but he managed to overcome them.

First marriage with Elena

The second marriage turned out to be much happier. Alla Pugacheva introduced the composer to Olga during his tour in New York. Classic love at first sight broke out between them.

Exactly future wife dedicated famous hit Cool “I love you to tears.” The composer's wives turned out to be very different people, respectively life together Things turned out completely differently with them.

Igor Krutoy always believed that the crown of any biography and personal life is, of course, children. Son Nikolai from his first marriage did not follow in his father’s footsteps. He is quite successfully engaged in the construction business.

Igor Krutoy and son Nikolai from his first marriage

The children from the second marriage are an adopted daughter, Victoria, and a daughter, Alexandra, born in 2003.

For about two years, a rumor circulated on the Internet that Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra had autism. It is difficult to say what was the impetus for such gossip. Perhaps the whole point is that the girl did not spend enough time on social networks and with her smartphone. There is no reason to believe that this is true.

Krutoy and his wife have never made any statements on this matter. By the age of 16, Alexandra blossomed and became a real beauty, in the photo she always smiles and looks completely happy.

Igor Krutoy, his wife and daughters

Igor Krutoy now

At the end of 2017, Igor Krutoy scared fans with his photos. In them he looked too thin and somehow exhausted. Of course, rumors immediately spread about him serious illness. However, fortunately, these rumors were not confirmed.

The composer is still full of strength and energy and took an active part in numerous New Year’s celebrations. music shows and corporate events at a high level.

Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy devotes a lot of energy to his brainchild - the Children's New Wave Festival. He is and general producer festival, and a member of the jury. It remains to wish the maestro many years and conquering new creative heights.


Life music stars, film stars, directors and composers always arouses interest among wide sections of the public, even those who are far from the world of art. biography, whose personal life and work were widely covered in the media is no exception, however, some facts from his biography are questionable and are semi-fiction of biographers.

The future composer was born in 1954 in the small town of Gayvoron, in the Kirovograd region. His father Yakov worked as a freight forwarder at a local radio factory, his mother Svetlana alternated her work as a laboratory assistant at a sanitary and epidemiological station with her duties as a non-working housewife. Growing up in the family youngest daughter Alla (born 1959), who today is a Ukrainian-American TV presenter.

Biography: The beginning of the creative journey of Igor Krutoy

While still at school, Igor showed his talent as a self-taught musician. Without any training, he mastered playing the button accordion and, starting with the accompaniment of the school choir, in high school he created a school variety ensemble, which was received with a bang during dance evenings. Therefore, upon graduation from school, the graduate has problems with further training there wasn't. I. Krutoy successfully passes the exams at the Kirovograd Music College, after excellent completion of which, in 1974 he began teaching singing lessons in one of the rural schools.

Having failed to enter the conservatory in Kyiv, the young man successfully passes the exams at the pedagogical institute (city of Nikolaev) for the conducting and choral department.

Beginning in 1979, I. Ya. Krutoy began working in concert orchestra"Panorama", where it supports friendly relations with V.G. Miguley and P. Bulbul-ogly. A year later the artist changes place permanent job starting cooperation with the vocal and instrumental group “Blue Guitars” and creative team V. Tolkunova. Soon the talented young man becomes the artistic director of the team.

In 1986, Igor entered the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory. Through the code, the composer's first musical hit appears - the song "Madonna", written for Igor's acquaintance in the city of Nikolaev, A. Serov. After this, for some time I. Ya. Krutoy was the “personal” composer of this performer, writing for him the hits “How to Be”, “Wedding Music” and “Do You Love Me”, which at that time could be heard daily on all radio channels . His works are beginning to be performed by L. Vaikule, A. Buinov and V. Leontyev.

Producer activity of Igor Krutoy

In 1989 he became famous composer initially becomes the director of the Youth Center "ARS" and then combines leadership position with the responsibilities of artistic director. Ten years later, the composer turns a semi-handicraft cooperative into the largest in Russian Federation concert and production syndicate organizing solo concerts the most famous pop stars at the largest concert venues countries. It is the concert agency "ARS" that organizes Russian tour M. Jackson and H. Koreros. At the same time, the agency produces the most popular music television programs “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail” and others.

Since 1994, I. Ya. Krutoy begins organizing his own creative evenings, with the participation of “promoted” and rising stars Russian stage.

My brother always supported me, in the most difficult moments he was there. And during one of the most difficult periods of my life I offered my shoulder. He said: “I can’t find you a husband, I can’t solve the problem of your loneliness. But for everything else, count on me!” Now I have returned to my surname Krutaya. Returned to her roots. I don’t know how life will turn out next, but I won’t change my last name anymore...

...Our mother, after college, came on assignment to the Odessa region and one evening at a dance she met her father. They got married very quickly. Dad was an enviable groom, very handsome. Immediately after the wedding, my mother went on a business trip somewhere. “Can you imagine,” she lamented. “I’m trying to remember daddy’s face and... I can’t!” Mom not only quickly got married, but also immediately became pregnant.

The mother chose the name for her son. She decided to name him Igor in honor of her favorite mathematics teacher. When my brother was born, dad’s paternal feelings had not yet awakened. Mom is only nineteen, dad is twenty-six, and they themselves are still children. And six years later I was born. They were already waiting for me, they really wanted a girl...

They were looking for a name that started with the letter “A”, in memory of my grandfather.

That's how I became Alla. For some reason, Igor calls me Atsya since childhood. Of course, it was not easy for him, like for all children, when they cease to be the only one in the family. All the adults' attention switched to me, Igor, naturally, was jealous. But when we grew up, my mother gave him her love with interest, she is literally obsessed with Igor. Now I'm starting to get jealous...

Actually, it’s a sin for us to complain. Our parents gave us so much love that we still have enough of it. I was daddy's daughter, Igor is my mother’s favorite.

Igor and I were born in Gayvoron, Ukraine. A cute, cozy town on the banks of the Southern Bug...

A year before I was born, my parents built a house. Igor still remembers how his walls grew, how neighbors came to the construction site and helped his father lay the roof.

In the summer, my brother slept with his father in the yard under the canopy of an unfinished house. “I remember this feeling: the smell blossoming apple trees, my father’s hand under my head and the stars in the sky,” he said.

As a child, our house seemed huge. Four rooms, kitchen and toilet outside. Igor's entire room was plastered with posters and newspaper clippings about football. I still remember one headline, typed in capital letters: “The goal against the goal was scored only from a penalty!” Every time I tried to read it syllable by syllable. Finally, Igor got tired of me pestering him all the time: “Read, read!”, He sat me down at the table, opened the book and said: “This is the letter such and such, and this is such and such. Together it turns out like this. Read!” Igor carried his love for football throughout his life.

Photo: From the archive of Alla Baratta

Many years later, Rinat Akhmetov, the owner of Shakhtar Donetsk, became his closest friend. Several years ago, at the opening of the stadium in Donetsk, which was built by Rinat Leonidovich, fifty thousand people sang along with Alexander Serov while standing. He performed the club anthem written by Igor...

On Saturdays the whole family went to the public bathhouse. The town was so small that there weren’t even buses; we walked everywhere. In the summer, life in Gayvoron came to life - summer residents came. On weekends there were dances. When Igor grew up, he began to play in an ensemble at dances. And he earned his first money in a pioneer camp at the age of eleven and gave it all to his mother.

The whole event was a Sunday trip to the market.

Many people think that the composer took a beautiful pseudonym that speaks for itself in show business, but in fact, he inherited a sonorous surname. Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954 in Ukraine, in the regional center of Gayvoron, Kirovograd region. His family was far from music and, especially, show business. His father, Yakov Aleksandrovich Krutoy, worked as a forwarder at a radio components factory, his mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked as a laboratory assistant at the city sanitary and epidemiological station. However, my father had amazing hearing; he brought a captured accordion from the war, which he played perfectly and could pick out any melody by ear. Igor was not only child in the family: five years later his sister Alla was born, who later became a TV presenter.

The future composer began to gravitate toward music as early as early childhood, junior schoolboy He taught himself to play the button accordion, then entered a music school. Igor always played music - at first he accompanied the school choir, and in high school he played at dances. As the composer later recalled, thanks to this he was famous in the area “almost like the Beatles.”

After the button accordion, Igor Krutoy mastered the piano - this was required to enter Kirovograd music school. Upon admission, the teachers made an allowance for the young man - he lacked theoretical knowledge, but absolute pitch and his abilities spoke for themselves - Igor was accepted into the school on the condition that during the first year he would fill in the “gaps” in his music education, which was more self-education.

Krutoy graduated from college in 1974 with honors, after which he went to take exams at the Kyiv Conservatory, but did not pass the competition. The next year the young man worked as a music teacher in a rural school, and then entered the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute. Belinsky. In 1979, Krutoy became a certified music teacher and conductor - he received his diploma as a composer more than ten years later, having graduated from the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinova

While studying in Nikolaev, the young musician did not sit idle: he worked part-time, worked in the Philharmonic, and played in a restaurant. At the restaurant, he met the aspiring singer Alexander Serov, a casual acquaintance over time turned into friendship and long-term cooperation.

At the end of the seventies, Igor left for Moscow: first he worked in the Moscow Concert Orchestra “Panorama”, then in the ensemble “Blue Guitars”. At that time he began to write his first songs. In 1981, Igor Krutoy was invited to work in the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova - first as a pianist, and later as the leader of the ensemble, and in the early eighties he often toured with concerts with actor Evgeny Leonov. Great success came to to the young composer in 1987, when he wrote the song “Madonna” for Alexander Serov based on poems by Rimma Kazakova. This was the first recognition, and what a recognition: Serov with his song immediately became the laureate of “Song of the Year”. The successful tandem continued: in collaboration with Kazakova, Krutoy wrote such hits for the singer as “Wedding Music”, “How to Be”, “Do You Love Me”. Although the composer himself believes that his first hit was the song “Confession” based on the poems of his friend Alexander Zhigarev, performed by Serov. As Igor Krutoy recalls, when he came home, he heard the whole of Ukraine singing: “I will always love you, I will share my life with you...”.

The collaboration with Serov was quite long - but as often happens, when business comes into play, a crack appears in the relationship between friends. However, a long quarrel with Serov did not lead to creative downtime - gradually Igor Krutoy became an increasingly sought-after composer, and very soon he gained the fame of one of the main domestic hit-makers. In the mid-nineties, his songs were sung by Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontyev, Alexander Buinov, Igor Nikolaev and other stars. And in 1997, after the release of the video “ Unfinished novel", in which he sang a duet with Allegrova, the whole country recognized the composer by sight, and they began to take autographs from him on the streets. Many were worried about the question: “Did Igor Krutoy have an affair with Irina Allegrova?” Of course it wasn't.

Igor Krutoy met his first wife Lena when he came to Leningrad on tour in the late seventies. And in 1979 they got married. At first, the young people lived in Leningrad, but Igor could not find a job in the city on the Neva. And then he was just invited to Moscow, to the Panorama orchestra. That same year their son Nikolai was born. At first, the couple rented housing, then Elena exchanged the Leningrad apartment for a Moscow one. However, after some time family relationships cracked - and as a result, Elena filed for divorce. Afterwards, Igor Krutoy wandered around for about a year. rented apartments until Evgeny Leonov and Valentina Tolkunova “knocked out” a room for him in the executive committee in a communal apartment - he lived there for a long time.

Igor Krutoy married for the second time in 1995, his wife Olga is engaged in business and lives in New York, but the couple often fly to each other. As the composer laughs, it never happens that they don’t see each other for more than a month. He always treated Olga’s daughter from her first marriage, Victoria (she was born in 1985), as if she were his own, and in 2003, Igor and Olga Krutykh had a daughter, Alexandra.

In addition to composing in the late eighties, Igor Krutoy took up production activities - in 1989, thanks to his efforts, the Ars company appeared (at first it was called " Youth Center ARS"), which quickly became one of the largest concert and production organizations, engaged not only in the “promotion” of artists and the release of audio and video, but also in the production of television programs and organizing tours of foreign stars. Also, starting in 1994, Igor Krutoy began holding his annual creative evenings with the participation of Russian pop stars. These concerts once again prove how hard Krutoy works: every year concert participants present new songs based on his music.

In 2003, Igor Krutoy, together with Raymond Pauls, organized the “New Wave” competition for young performers, and then the “Children’s New wave", and in 2004 he became the producer of "Star Factory-4". In addition to songs for artists, Krutoy writes a lot of instrumental music; in addition, he wrote music for the films “Souvenir for the Prosecutor” (1989), “Thirst for Passion” (1991), “Hostages of the Devil” (1992). In total, the composer has released more than fifteen albums, and during his entire career he has written more than three hundred compositions for Russian pop stars.


  • Igor Krutoy has a sister, Alla, who is 5 years younger than him. In 1992 she married an American Italian origin and left for the USA, to Philadelphia. There she began working as a TV presenter; after divorcing her husband, she returned to her homeland and began broadcasting on Ukrainian television.
  • Igor Krutoy graduated with honors from the Faculty of Music Theory of the Kirovograd Music College.
  • Having entered the pedagogical institute in the city of Nikolaev after college, Igor Krutoy also worked part-time, playing in the philharmonic and in a restaurant. At the restaurant, he met the aspiring singer Alexander Serov, who sang there in the evenings, and Krutoy accompanied him. It was Serov who began to persuade him to move to Moscow.
  • The composer married for the first time in 1979. In 1981, his son Nikolai was born, but he and his wife soon separated. Igor Krutoy’s second wife, Olga (they got married in 1995), lives in America and runs a business. In 2003, their daughter Alexandra was born. Olga also has an adult daughter from her first marriage, Victoria. When she got married, Igor Krutoy walked her down the aisle.
  • The composer inherited excellent hearing from his father - he could pick out almost any melody by ear and enjoyed playing the captured accordion brought from the war.

1988 Lenin Komsomol Prize

1991 Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

1996 People's Artist of Russia

2004 Order of Friendship

2009 Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

2011 People's Artist of Ukraine

2012 Muz-TV Award

1989 Souvenir for the prosecutor

1991 Thirst for Passion

1992 Hostages of the Devil


2011 Mademoiselle Zhivago

1986 Confession. Songs of Igor Krutoy

1987 Alexander Serov. Madonna

1991Alexander Serov. I'm crying

1992 Rose Sisters. How is it in Russia?

1994 Collection of songs by Igor Krutoy. Starfall

1995 Collection of songs by Igor Krutoy. Love is like a dream

1995 Arkady Arkanov. Arkanov - Cool

1996 Irina Allegrova. I will part the clouds with my hands

1996 Vadim Baykov. Queen of my dreams

1997 Alexander Buynov. Love Islands

1997 Songs by composer Igor Krutoy. Part 1 and 2

1998 Irina Allegrova. Unfinished novel

1998 Songs by composer Igor Krutoy. Part 3 and 4

1998 Mikhail Shufutinsky. Once Upon a Time in America

1998 Rose Sisters. You are me

1998 Laima Vaikule. Latin Quarter

1998 Alexander Buynov. My finances sing romances

1999 Valery Leontyev. Ropewalker

1999 Songs by composer Igor Krutoy. Part 5

2000 Igor Krutoy. Friends and songs

2000 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 1

2001 Creative evening Igor Krutoy in the State Duma

2001Songs by composer Igor Krutoy. Part 6

2003 The Snow Queen

2004 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 2

2004 Once in a lifetime it happens... 50

2004 Igor Krutoy. The Best. Part 1

2006 Igor Krutoy. What is the pianist playing about?

2007 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 3

2008 Igor Krutoy. The Best. Part 2

2009 Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Igor Krutoy. Deja vu

2010 Lara Fabian and Igor Krutoy. Mademoiselle Jivago

2012 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 4, 5