If you drink beer every day, what could happen? What happens if you drink beer every day?


What will happen if you start drinking beer every day? This question does not particularly concern men. Today beer has become one of the most popular drinks. Men use it to quench thirst and to relax after a hard day. They cannot resist drinking a bottle of cool drink during football match or fishing with friends. And almost no man at this moment thinks about why drinking it every day is so harmful.

He goes to the doctor for two weeks, and on the third week he realizes that there is no joy in vodka. He poisons himself and signs the poison in his left hand. And this is the most important thing in this method. Writing handmade unusual, writes for a long time and, as I write, experiences negative symptoms. And if you write by right hand- this is all routine, and he will quickly write ordinary opinions.

The fact that people say they feel pleasure is purely a collective psychological effect. What newbie drank vodka, didn't scratch and didn't feel bad? But others tell him: this is from the very beginning, you become a man and so on. If we agree that pleasure is pleasure, then this pleasure is sinful - the next day it is a shame for such pleasures.

Most men all over the planet spend their leisure time every day with a bottle of beer, or even two. And they all consider this the norm. But, unfortunately, most of the male population is susceptible to some kind of addiction to this intoxicating drink. And none of them notice how often he drinks it. But doctors say that beer is alcoholic because it contains alcohol. Consumption that is harmful to the body. And therefore, if a person drinks it every day, then he is putting his health at risk. Although many men think like this: “I drink as long as I want, when I get tired, I’ll quit, and I feel good.”

Don't try to convince everyone, don't succeed. If you want to convince everyone, you are breaking your forehead. What to talk to him if his brain is poisoned and he just wants to justify his drink. To succeed is that the next one drinks even more for him. People understand and accept differently. However, despite this, you need to talk, write, publish, show. In the end, people die from ignorance. It would be very desirable for the Church to be more active in this area. Many people join a cult to save themselves because they stay sober.

Production of modern beer

When making a natural, high-quality drink, fermentation is necessary for at least 14 days. And the shelf life of such a drink is not very long. Therefore, it is unprofitable for production. And based on this, manufacturing technologies have changed. Fermentation times decreased and chemicals began to be used in production. And naturally, shelf life reaches 6 months or more.

The founder of purity in Lithuania was the priest Ignasas Stachas. In all parishes, so-called brotherhoods were created with 95% of the parishioners, and within 2 years, alcohol consumption decreased by 8 times. Eleven fifteen-year-olds in surveys show that Cider, Mixas and various alcoholic cocktails are becoming regular drinks. Children don't drink vodka because it doesn't smell. But they know how to drink water-soluble vodka. Alcohol producers are targeting children and women by offering more and more variety of light alcoholic drinks.

Aurelius Viuga, a lecturer at the Department of Preventive Medicine at Kaunas Medical University, wrote a letter to the Ministry of Economics. However, from the reaction to his remarks, he realized that it would be better to let the children rise and die than to harm the interests of the entrepreneurs. Doctors wondered that even health publications said how to drink one hundred grams of babies every day or “throw away” a beer drink on a hot summer day. According to Medico, this propaganda is very dangerous.

In modern beer you can find:

  1. Ethanol. The alcohol concentration in this drink is 12 -14%;
  2. Alcohols and ethers. They are added to enhance the taste and smell of the drink;
  3. Toxic substances. They are formed due to accelerated production;
  4. Narcotic substances. These elements are similar to hemp and are found in the raw material.

You can also find water, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, yeast in the composition; vitamins, minerals, and estrogens are contained in small quantities. And you should think about what will happen if you drink a lot of amber drink.

It kills not only adults, but also shapes a child’s attitude towards alcohol. 58% of fifteen-year-old boys and 51% of girls drink alcoholic beverages. The girls start bending the boys. If you notice an incorrect fact or error in this article, you can report it to the editor. Please fill out the form and click "Submit".

Intrigued, he tasted the fruit for himself. The monk did not support the discovery and threw the berries into the fire, which spread a seductive aroma. By removing the roasted beans, crushing them and pouring hot water, the world's first cup of coffee was born. Of course, this is a legend, as well as a number of similar ones, probably greatly embellished. However, most historians believe that the first coffee tree fruit-tinting properties were found by the Ethiopian population.

Natural beer has beneficial properties

Drinking the drink in small doses helps:

  • Blood pressure may decrease;
  • The chances of developing a heart attack will decrease;
  • Metabolism of nutrients will improve;
  • The risk of cancer will decrease.

But remember, the benefit will only be if you use foam in small quantities and only natural.

Earliest reliable historical sources reach the 15th century. They spoke specifically about the bean and drink that helped keep Yemeni religious practices vigilant during the night. But the real turning point was when coffee reached the major Muslim cities of Mecca and Medina.

Pilgrims flocked in the thousands, and news of a new offer for the invigorating drink spread throughout the region. Since the 16th century, this drink was already known in all major cities of the Middle East: Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad and Istanbul. It is not surprising that knowledge of this phenomenon will soon reach the ears of travelers.

The essence of beer addiction

Beer alcoholism is not much different from ordinary alcoholism.


Symptoms of addiction include:

However, the spread of this drink has been a little slower. One reason was that the West was different from the old favorite drink - beer. Often even drinking water instead, and a type of beer soup was the usual breakfast food. Nobody understood this competition as a threat. For example, even Prussian king issued a decree stating that coffee was a threat to beer. According to him, it is necessary to start with beer instead of morning coffee. The main argument is that His Majesty grew up with beer, so drinking this primacy is undeniable.

  1. Constant desire to drink. It occurs if a man drinks beer every day;
  2. Increasing the dose. One bottle a day will not be enough, the man will want to drink even more;
  3. A person is unable to give up a low-alcohol drink on his own;
  4. The patient does not recognize his addiction;
  5. A person assures himself that he can easily stop drinking;
  6. In the morning there is a great desire to have a hangover;
  7. The mood appears only after taking a dose of intoxicating drink;
  8. If a person cannot drink, he becomes irritable;
  9. Becomes indifferent to social and legal norms;
  10. The body loses its shape;
  11. Heavy breathing appears;
  12. The face swells;
  13. The heart suffers;
  14. Diarrhea;
  15. Blood pressure increases;
  16. In some cases, dementia appears;
  17. A beer belly appears;
  18. Impotence;
  19. Biorhythm disturbance.

I drink beer and have good food

Why does a man become like a woman? Often, foam lovers change their physique towards the female type.

However, people are quick to note that coffee start date, alertness, and quality of work have increased significantly. At the beginning of the new century, dozens sprouted up in cafés across Europe, especially in France, Great Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. The cafe owners quickly realized that customers had more to offer than just a drink. For the price of a cup, the client received not only a delicious drink, but also the opportunity to read the latest newspapers, scientific magazines and books. Thus, cafes were always able to meet interesting people and listen to current events and political discussions, scientific and philosophical topics.

  1. The reason for this is hops, since the plant is not only poisonous, but also contains steroid-like phytoestrogens. They act as analogues of female hormones. Therefore, this product should be used with caution;
  2. The endocrine system suffers, as a man who drinks experiences changes in his hormonal levels;
  3. In a man who drinks a lot, you can notice feminization of the face. After a certain time, a person acquires more feminine traits.

External changes:

The cafes became urban intellectual centers that attracted the best minds of the time. Around the 17th century, the Dutch began to bring coffee to the New World, and others soon followed suit. Missionaries, traders and colonists to the country across the Atlantic Ocean brought both beans and seedlings. Everyone understood that growing coffee in Arabia alone would be too difficult.

Place new plantations have been found everywhere - from tropical forests to clearing-alpine. Some of them flourished, others quickly disappeared. Some owe their wealth to this, others have lost it. However, the coffee economy flourished, and by the end of the 18th century, coffee had become the world's most profitable plant.

  • Gynecomastia develops, that is, the mammary glands begin to enlarge;
  • The pelvis expands;
  • Fat is deposited in places such as the thighs and abdomen, which is very common for women.

The effect of intoxicating drink on the body

Foamy affects the body in the same way as other alcohol:

Perhaps the most important country in the history of coffee has become Brazil - the largest exporter of coffee today. In fact, coffee is grown so well in this country that huge surpluses of the crop are forced to reduce the price. The drink, which previously could only be afforded by relatively wealthy people, has now become accessible to everyone.

At the end of the 19th century, roasted coffee could be found in almost every store in Europe. Since then, coffee has become more and more important both in the morning and in the afternoon, with many meetings and a public part - especially in Germany. There are no standards for roasting and grinding coffee yet, so every store owner received this knowledge. So while the aroma is fabulous, the taste doesn't almost always live up to consumer expectations.

  1. Heart. Beer contains a substance called cobalt. It can destroy organ tissue. If you consume this drink in large quantities, the heart muscle will begin to enlarge and work poorly;
  2. Kidneys. This alcohol is a diuretic, so all useful elements are removed from the body.
  3. Brain. For this organ, the consequences of ethanol are detrimental in that cells and blood vessels are destroyed. In most cases, dementia develops;
  4. Reproductive function. There is a decrease in libido, as the production of androgens stops, which is harmful to the male body.

Based on this, we can conclude that if you start drinking beer every day, it will have a very detrimental effect on the body. The consequences of this action are quite terrible.

This was the beginning of a new qualitative stage, and Johann Jacobs played a key role. While working as a supplier's assistant, Jacob was not asked to roast or taste the coffee, as it tasted unusually good. This place is no accident. Bremen was the first German city to legally trade coffee in the 17th century, and coffee has already become a tradition for its residents. It started with a different story - one of the most famous brands in the world, which continues successfully to this day.

On the one hand, in some books you can find erotic odes to beer, ending with recommendations for the consumption of almonds for nursing and nursing women, so that pussies sleep better. It has long been noticed that men from the spirit of the Greeks are married, and women are vyrivkle. Men tend to get married, become impotent, and women hear voice, spoil character and facial hair. The worst of all sexually transmitted diseases and venereal diseases of the body is beer. Some other plants, such as redwood and alfalfa, also contain some ingredients.

Very often a woman begins to notice that her husband often drinks beer. And after a while she sees how dependent he is on it, but this product is really so harmful to use. In this case, you need to immediately contact a narcologist for help.

Traditional medicine has long been known for its effects, so the shepherds guard the animals so much that they do not eat most of the plant because they are sterile. Sexual hormones regulate the formation and function of the genital organs, secondary to the manifestations that cause sexual behavior, as well as human behavior. Differences between a man and a woman are primarily manifested in the production of the male hormone - testosterone, and in the body of a woman - female estrogen. If a person receives a hormone that is not for him, then he is irritated, his voice, his character quickly changes.

It is quite difficult to cure this disease, but it is possible. This addiction lies in the fact that the amber drink contains some narcotic substances, so it is equated to drugs.

So, how to help a person who drinks a lot:

  1. Eliminate the manifestation of the disease;
  2. Remove all unnecessary fluid from the body;
  3. Start treatment of affected organs;
  4. Give detoxification drugs.

It is very important to provide moral support to the patient.

It is used by people who sincerely want to change their sexual behavior. Important hormones are even more powerful. That's equivalent to half a pound of sugar! The amount of rhinoceros is enough for a woman. It should be noted that 90% of Beer-phytoestrogen is an inactive form, but 30% of the herbal microflora in Europe affects the hormonal activity of the body in a fine thread. After drinking a man, the husband's husband will replace the hormone with a woman. These types of exits change the fig - the bowl is pulled out, the fat accumulates according to the type of mink - on a runny nose.

The abdominal muscles weaken and a “beer belly” appears. Grow frostbite, fill with fat. Each day, when pumped with additional liquid obtained from beer, the stomach enlarges slightly, the walls become thin and drooping, and the orrills are covered with a membrane. There is an increase in the severity of the disease and an increase in the likelihood of a heart attack. Physical crying becomes more difficult and out of breath. Doctors say the syndrome is called "beer" or "bavaria" in rhythm. It becomes increasingly difficult to do the husband's job, impotence develops, and dependence on alcohol changes for women.

Effective drugs that should be used:

  1. Use of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol;
  2. Taking medications that relieve hangover syndrome;
  3. Using medications that can reduce the need for alcohol.

It is very important for a doctor to know the real reason why does a person drink? This way he will be able to help the patient realize the fact that all problems in our lives can be solved.

The female body is more complex than males. Normally, a woman's body produces as much estrogen as she needs at the time. This whole woman may lose her fertility. The effect of honey on women has been used for a long time. They were not allowed to pick hops on the plantations because they worked to bleed during their work, regardless of the cycle time.

If men's beer alcohol reduces the attractiveness of drinking water, then this increases the number of women, causing relative dissonance between them. You can see a girl with a bottle of beer in one hand and a cigarette on the other, all the way up to the boy's neck.

Also, in order to be completely cured, a beer alcoholic should change his life. And instead of constant evening gatherings on the couch with a bottle of beer, go for a walk in the park or start going to the gym.

To summarize, it should be said that even a seemingly harmless bottle of intoxicating drink a day leads to alcoholism. A person becomes so dependent that pathological cravings develop. And all this happens due to the content in beer narcotic substances. The intoxicating drink has a detrimental effect on our body and can lead to dementia, cirrhosis of the liver and other equally terrible diseases.

Cyling is a disordered mood when the mind is no longer able to control the hypertrophic geas. Unfortunately, girls sometimes accept this as the norm and do not tolerate it mental disorders, such as beer, snorting and related advertising, which impose corresponding lifestyle and behavior.

Such a false path is followed by a novice alcoholic, who gradually increases the strength and consumption of doses. But, basically, alcohol smears into the brain, imitates your cells and, above all, the complexity of the most complex muscle functions. Thus, briefly understanding the problem, we can say that if a person first wants to become a moral torment and then impotent, then he drinks liquor.

Constant stress, nervous tension and fatigue have become constant companions of life. modern man. It is not good to accumulate negativity in yourself, so the question arises of how to get rid of the emotional burden collected during the day. And a bottle of beer comes in handy. The low-alcohol drink perfectly quenches thirst, relaxes, and lifts your spirits. And the person does not notice how strongly he becomes addicted to the malt product. Imperceptibly, a glass grows into a whole bottle, then into two, and soon the body begins to insistently demand its 2 liters every day.

Doctors state that addiction to beer occurs 3-4 times faster than to vodka. And the main danger in beer alcoholism, although not all doctors agree with this definition, is people’s refusal to recognize the problem. How can there be addiction if no one gets drunk, suffers from a hangover, or skips work? Drinkers assure their loved ones that they are absolutely adequate and control their behavior. However, the first symptoms indicate the opposite:

Beer and the gastrointestinal tract

Although the alcohol content in weak alcohol is not 40%, it is still present. Depending on the variety, the strength of the drink can reach 10-14%. And this already equates a bottle of beer to 50-100 g of vodka. If you use foam every day, then fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol and other fermentation products will irritate and poison the mucous membrane, preventing complete digestion. The result is gastritis, ulcers, heartburn and problems with stool, which can be manifested by a general weakening of the body, decreased performance, depressed mood, a metallic taste or a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the pit of the stomach.

If you regularly drink one bottle of beer or more every day, a person is likely to have liver problems. Using all its resources to neutralize alcohol, this organ becomes defenseless against toxic and potent substances. Therefore, those who regularly drink beer are more susceptible to inflammatory processes, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The diuretic effect of foam increases the load on the kidneys by 2-3 times. Polyuria or increased urination is familiar to everyone who drinks an intoxicating drink. The problem is that along with water, important macro- and microelements are washed out of the body, in particular potassium, vitamin C and magnesium. Their deficiency is fraught with weakness in the legs, heart rhythm disturbances, decreased immunity, irritability and sudden mood swings. With prolonged exposure to alcohol, there is a risk of renal vascular sclerosis, renal infarction, or renal hemorrhage.

Why is it dangerous to drink beer regularly?

The ability of beer to be quickly absorbed into the blood leads to the fact that the blood vessels instantly become overfilled. If a person drank malt hops every day for long period, he develops varicose veins and the so-called nylon stocking or ox heart syndrome. The organ becomes flabby, overgrown with fat, resulting in increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, and a significantly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and death after a stroke.

But the list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol does not end there. Beer contains a plant analogue of the female hormone progesterone, obtained from hop cones. It is its presence that gives the drink its characteristic bitter taste. The systematic use of additional hormones by each person disrupts the work endocrine system. In men, the action of progesterone suppresses testosterone production. Therefore, the amount of hair on the face and body decreases, the mammary glands enlarge, muscle mass decreases, fat is deposited on the hips and waist, and the timbre of the voice changes. Beer directly affects the quantity and quality of sperm, causing impotence, prostatitis and infertility.

Women who regularly drink an intoxicating drink at the end of the day have a rougher voice, dark hairs above the upper lip, and often experience facial swelling in the morning and excess weight. The development of gynecological diseases and infertility is possible. Constantly drinking large quantities of beer changes a person's character. Aggression, stupidity, anger, laziness and deceit come to the fore. Alcohol also has an extremely negative effect on the brain: coordination of movements is impaired, problems with speech arise, memory deteriorates until it is completely lost, and dementia develops.

A glass of drink occasionally will not harm your health, but if drinking beer has become a habit, the refusal of which causes significant discomfort, there is a serious beer addiction. And to save own health, family and the nerves of loved ones are worth seriously thinking about every evening. In fact, to get rid of a harmful attachment, one strong-willed decision is enough. However, it will require significant sacrifices and enormous endurance from a person, because a habit developed over many days is in no hurry to lose ground. Therefore, we will focus on less radical and stressful ways to stop drinking alcohol every day.

Awareness is a prerequisite to quit drinking

  1. If you are extremely gambling, bet your loved ones a significant amount that you will stop drinking. This is a very significant motivation that will stimulate the process of weaning off beer.
  2. You can get yourself a piggy bank to put the money you usually spend on alcohol. With the money saved, and they are usually quite significant, you can treat yourself.
  3. It’s very good if you find a hobby, preferably active or even extreme. The adrenaline rush, vivid emotions and euphoria from one’s own courage far exceed the pleasure of beer. Don't forget to also add to the above improvement physical fitness and new acquaintances.
  4. If the bottle was part of your evening news-watching ritual, try replacing it with fruit, seeds or vegetable snacks.
  5. Don't forget to praise yourself for your perseverance and willpower.
  6. Feel free to look into your future. After all, the decision to stop drinking will save a person from many diseases, moral degradation and loneliness. A person has the right to be proud of the choice he has made.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact a specialist (narcologist or psychologist). It is responsible and courageous act, in which there is nothing shameful.

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