The ideal male name. Beautiful, modern, Russian male names. Male baby names. What a beautiful name for a boy. Names of boys born in August


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What to name a newborn? More and more often, parents give the boy an unusual masculine name. Do right choice Taking into account personal preferences, this selection will help.

Unusual Russian modern male names

In the Russian language there are many beautiful, rare and unusual male names that can become good choice for a newborn boy.

  • Archimedes - “sage”;
  • Bulat - “strong”, “steel”;
  • Darwin - " best friend»;
  • Darius - “possessor of good” or “divine gift”;
  • Erofey - “sacred”;
  • Milan - “darling”;
  • Odysseus - “angry”;
  • Solomon - “peaceful”;
  • Spartacus - “living in Sparta” or “trampling”;
  • Czeslav - “honor and glory.”

Many of them are reminiscent of famous people in the past who became famous in science, literature or other fields of activity.

Names of English origin

In an English-speaking environment, a child often has two names: personal and middle. The first is usually more traditional, old, familiar. The second helps to emphasize individuality. Sometimes parents show imagination and name their beloved child in a very original way, because the name of the newborn can be any word.

Interesting English options for a foreign name for a boy:

  • Vincent - "conqueror";
  • Harry - "housekeeper";
  • Herman - “army man”, “native”;
  • John - “good god”;
  • Clement - “merciful”, “tender”;
  • Louis - “famous warrior”;
  • Moses - “saved from water”;
  • Oliver - "warrior";
  • Oscar - "deer lover";
  • Patrick - "nobleman";
  • Thomas - "twin";
  • Felix - “lucky”;
  • Philip - "horse lover";
  • Elvis - “wise”;
  • Anthony - "invaluable";
  • Eric is the "ruler".

These options are quite rare in the Russian-speaking environment, but they sound beautiful, are easy to pronounce and remember.

American unusual names

Even names for boys familiar to Americans in Russian sound original:

  • Benjamin - "son of the people from the south";
  • Jim - "invader";
  • Quentin - "fifth";
  • Christopher - "follower of Christ";
  • Louis - "famous warrior";
  • Rob - "famous";
  • Robert - "brilliant";
  • Richard - "rich in heart" or "brave ruler";
  • Mark - “hammer” or “dedicated to the god Mars”;
  • Stephen - “crowned”;
  • Franklin is an "honorary citizen."

Some of them are appropriate to call a newborn in an international family.

You can give your baby one of these popular names or choose a rarer one, for example:

  • Alpin - “white”;
  • Wistan - “fighting the stone”;
  • Dob - “famous”;
  • Calder - “strong water”;
  • Preston - "the priest's village".

When looking for an unusual name for a baby, the main thing is not to overdo it in the pursuit of originality.

You should take your choice seriously, because a name accompanies a person throughout his life. It should emphasize individuality, but not cause discomfort to its owner.

America is a multinational country filled with emigrants from all over the world. Each transferred part of the culture of their people to their new place of residence. This was also reflected in how parents began to name their newborns. An unusual name for a boy is commonplace here. Parents can choose something completely unique for their baby. For example, use as a name the name of a geographical object or an ordinary object that is used in everyday life.

So, in Chicago there lives a child named Meningitis and a boy named Little Knight. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality, such options are not suitable for a child from a Russian-speaking family. It is unlikely that a grown-up baby will thank the parents who named him Boulevard, April, Voucher, Google, Dolphin, Server or Ocean. Do not forget that the boy lives in society. Not everyone will appreciate the child’s specific name; on the contrary, it may lead to ridicule and bullying.

Old Slavonic names for a boy

History has preserved many ancient Slavic names that were undeservedly forgotten by several generations. You don't need to translate words to understand their meaning. More and more often, parents call their children with simple Russian names of their ancestors: melodious, close in sound to us.

  • Bogdan;
  • Damir;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Vladimir;
  • Vladislav;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Lubomir;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Svetozar;
  • Tihomir;
  • Ratibor;
  • Yaroslav.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of some names from the past, for example:

  • Arseny - “courageous”, “strong”;
  • Anisim - “benefit”;
  • Vadim - “invited”;
  • Gleb - “favorite of the gods”;
  • Yeseniy - “clear sky”;
  • Elisha - “saved by God”;
  • Ivan - “born” or “connected with other worlds”;
  • Igor - “defender”;
  • Plato - “broad-shouldered”;
  • Ratibor - “chosen warrior”;
  • Timothy - “honorer”;
  • Yarilo - “sun”.

On Old Slavonic names It’s definitely worth paying attention to when choosing a name for your son. They carry positive energy, help you feel like you are part of a unique nation.

This name will help the child become better and feel powerful. native land, will give the power of the ancestors.

The rarest and most beautiful male names

The fashion for names for boys is constantly changing.

Some of them were previously very rare, but have now become popular, for example:

  • David - “favorite”;
  • Daniel - “my God is the judge”;
  • Denis - “dedicated to Dionysus”;
  • Ignat - “fiery”;
  • Luka - “light”;
  • Matvey - “given by God”;
  • Nikita is the “winner”.

The opposite happened to others. For example, there are many adult Sergeevs, but there are almost no children with this name.

We can recommend the following rare and beautiful names for newborns:

  • Anatoly - “ascending”, “eastern”;
  • Albert - “noble splendor”;
  • Arkady - “land of happiness”;
  • Arthur - "big bear";
  • Arkhip - “senior horseman”;
  • Boris is a “fighter”;
  • Valery - “strong man”;
  • Vasily - “royal”;
  • Benjamin - “beloved son”;
  • Georgy - “farmer”;
  • Gennady - “noble”;
  • Gregory - “cheerful”;
  • Demid - “advice of Zeus”;
  • Dorotheus - “God’s gift”;
  • Egor - “plowman”;
  • Efim - “compassionate”;
  • Zakhar - “God remembers”;
  • Elijah - “my god Yahweh”;
  • Konstantin - “permanent”;
  • Roots - “horn” or “dogwood fruit”;
  • Leonidas - “like a lion”;
  • Makar - “blessed”, “happy”;
  • Marat - “desired”;
  • Myron - “fragrant”;
  • Michael - “like God”;
  • Ostap - “stable”;
  • Peter - “stone”;
  • Ruslan - “lion”;
  • Ustin - “fair”;
  • Fedor - “gift of God”;
  • Felix - "lucky";
  • Yuri is a “farmer”.

In pursuit of originality, you should choose beautiful, rare, unusual male names with caution. For your baby, it is better to choose an easy-to-pronounce, harmonious name. It’s good if it is combined with the middle name and last name, it’s easy to remember. A name is the first gift that a newborn receives from loved ones. It becomes " business card” of a child, can affect his character and even his fate.

Unusual male names: beautiful and rare names for a boy and their meanings

Choosing a name for a baby is an extremely important and responsible matter, because the future character of the baby and even his fate largely depend on it. There are different names for boys, and we will try to figure it out together which one is right for your little one.

Scientists have long established that using a name you can correct negative traits character, or, conversely, aggravate them. By naming your baby incorrectly, you can direct his life into a tragic scenario. How to avoid all these mistakes and make the right and informed choice - read the article.

There are many theories regarding exactly how a person’s name and fate are connected, and how a name can influence life. I bring to your attention the most interesting and worthy of attention.

  • The theory of public opinion.

We all live in society, surrounded by people who have thoughts and opinions about anything. These opinions tend to vary depending on the country, social group and even time.

Hearing a person’s name, society is able to endow him with certain character traits in advance, as well as form an opinion about him in advance. If a person is constantly ascribed certain qualities throughout his life, they become truly inherent to him, whether he wants it or not.

For example, towards a boy named Nero (Roman emperor, known for his atrocities) or Adolf (everyone knows who the association is with, right), people’s attitude will be deliberately wary, wary and even hostile. And to a boy named Vanya - good-natured and disposed, like positive hero folk tales. When addressing Isaac, people will assume in advance Jewish origin, and treat the child knowingly based on your prejudices.

  • Theory of emotions and sound.

A child hears his name several times a day from birth. As he gets older, he will hear it more and more often. Each name is a set of certain sounds different timbre and heights.

All sounds affect the human brain differently, causing certain emotions. Some sound melodious and euphonious, contributing to the formation of a calm and gentle character, for example, Nikolai, Alexey, Mikhail.

Others, on the contrary, seem to be drumming on the brain: Dmitry, Robert, Taras. This is a prerequisite for the formation of a tough character and unshakable self-confidence.

Thus, each name is capable of influencing the fate of a child, shaping certain character qualities in him.

How to choose a name

Of course, there are no and cannot be universal recommendations regarding what name to name your baby. However, there are universal rules that you can follow to narrow down your choice among thousands of names, and ultimately make the only right decision.

  • Rule No. 1. The name must be combined with the child’s surname and patronymic.

A person will hear such combinations quite often throughout his life: in kindergarten and it is customary for the school to address students by their first and last names. And in adult life, at work, a person most often hears him being called by his first name and patronymic.

Thus, these combinations should be pronounced without difficulty and should not cause difficulties for the speaker. Otherwise, the child will constantly tense internally in anticipation that his name will be in once again distorted.

What difficulties may there be in pronunciation:

  1. many consonants at the junction of first name and last name, first name and patronymic. For example, the unsuccessful combination is Kanziberg Grigory or Alexander Dmitrievich; Kanziberg Oleg or Anton Dmitrievich sounds more successful.
  2. combinations that are too long, for example, Innokenty Aleksandrovich Zagrebelny is unsuccessful, Ivan Aleksandrovich Zagrebelny sounds successful.
  • Rule No. 2. The name must be combined with the child’s nationality and citizenship.

The name should not be dissonant with the surname and patronymic based on nationality and affiliation with a particular country. So, Ivanov Tamerlan, Vasiliev Teimuraz or Smirnov John, Popov Daniel sound very strange.

  • Rule No. 3. The name must have diminutives.

Cradling a little baby in your arms, you want to call him, for example, Levushka, and not Lev, Sashenka, and not Alexander, Dimochka, and not Dmitry.

And this is natural; throughout our lives it helps us convey the full range of emotions when communicating with a person.

What not to call a boy

  • Bad Idea #1: Naming after a deceased relative violent death or with a difficult fate.

No matter how good your intentions are, no matter how good and worthy person whatever the deceased was, and no matter how skeptic you may be, pay attention to the following.

Scientists have noticed a pattern according to which children named after relatives who died tragically often have an unfortunate fate and difficulty defining themselves in life.

How to explain this phenomenon - psycho-emotional connections, ancestral energy or mysticism - everyone decides for himself. You may not believe in such matters, but is it worth risking your baby's future when there are so many other beautiful names to choose from?

  • Bad idea #2: Give it a creepily original but strange and unpronounceable name.

It seems to you that this is fresh and unusual, but for a child with his own name to live: go to children's group, build a career and personal life. I’m not sure that in the future a person named Appolinarius, Evgrafiy, Dormedont, Callistratus, Polycarpius, etc. will thank you.

In kindergarten and school, children with such names always endure ridicule, withdraw into themselves, become embittered and unsociable. Why does the baby need such tests out of the blue?

  • Bad Idea #3: Naming it after a historical event or political figure.

We all know such male names as Vladilen (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin), Kim (Communist Youth International), Lyublen (Love Lenin), Stalen (Stalin, Lenin). At the time of the revolution, they seemed trendy and relevant.

However, time has passed, ideals have changed, well-known historical events and individuals are condemned, and everything is no longer so rosy, fun and easy. And people who were named in a certain way remain attached to the images of past years and events throughout their lives.

It is much easier when a person is responsible only for himself and his actions than for some historical figures, whose actions he has nothing to do with, but is forced to associate with them.

Names for boys by month according to the church calendar

Believers know that every person comes into this world for a reason and is born in a particular month for a reason. The date of birth of a baby means a lot, in particular, the heavens assign a newborn a protector from above, a saint, a guardian angel who will protect him throughout his life.

Our ancestors did not invent anything unnecessary, and when choosing a name for a newborn, they turned to the holy calendar - church calendar with the names of saints.

Nowadays, the tradition of the calendar has been simplified, and it is quite acceptable to use calendars by month, when each month of the year corresponds to several names of saints, from which you can choose the one you like.

Church calendar with Orthodox names by month according to the calendar it looks like this.

MonthSaints' names
SeptemberKirill, Pavel, Mikhail, Nikolai, Andrey, Alexey, Timofey, Arseny, Vasily, Denis, Philip, Clement, Zakhar, Ephraim, Dorofey, Seraphim, Pankrat.
OctoberVasily, Fedor, Vitaly, David, Maxim, Roman, Andrey, Georgy, Daniil, Igor, Vladislav, Alexander, Veniamin, Yakov, Moses, David, Kuzma, Ostap, Prokhor.
NovemberKonstantin, Boris, Lev, Ilya, Stepan, Evgeniy, Bogdan, Pavel, Vasily, Timofey, Valery, Nikolai, Peter, Arkady, German, Mark, Porfiry, Seraphim, Demyan, Nestor, Arkady, Rodion.
DecemberDaniel, Maxim, Zakhar, Savva, Denis, Nikolai, Lev, Victor, Alexey, Alexander, Vladimir, Roman, Gerasim, Arkhip, Solomon, Nazar, Innocent, Seraphim, Procopius, Joseph, Ignatius.
JanuaryFedor, Peter, Nikolai, Vladimir, Lev, Ignat, Ilya, Ivan, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeniy, Dmitry, Nikolai, Vasily, Timofey, Naum, Emelyan, Joseph, Erast, Ignatius, Efim.
FebruaryDmitry, Grigory, Peter, Vladimir, Arseny, Prokhor, Savva, Anton, Konstantin, David, Kirill, Makar, Anatoly, Arkady, Julian, Maximilian, Julian.
MarchGerasim, Alexander, Stepan, Daniel, Taras, Ephraim, Pavel, Ilya, Kirill, Peter, Ivan, Andrey, Zakhar, Victor, Nestor.
AprilVasily, Nikita, Stepan, Veniamin, Maxim, Dmitry, Ivan, Sergey, Philip, Mark, Victor, Georgy, Alexander, Pavel, Martyn, German, Zakhar, Veniamin, Isaac.
MayStepan, Nikolai, Savva, Nestor, Lazar, Yakov, Efim, Mikhail, Georgy, Alexander, Sergey, Foma, Denis, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma.
JuneMark, Konstantin, Igor, Julian, Luka, Ostap, David, Nikita, Fedor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Pavel, Irakli, Ivan, Matvey, Gennady, Yakov, Zakhar, Tikhon, Maxim, Ignatius, Denis.
JulyGleb, Stepan, Anatoly, Grigory, Leonid, Lev, Ostap, Andrey, Ivan, Peter, Luka, Maxim, Konstantin, David, Victor, Yakov, Arkhip, Gennady, Fedor, Sergey, Fedot, Nikon, Naum.
AugustPlato, Julian, Prokhor, Ostap, German, Gleb, Nikolai, Ermolai, Savva, Ivan, Roman, Seraphim, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Cornelius, Fedor, Semyon, Sergei, Boris, Peter, Tikhon, Peter, George, Maxim, Konstantin.

Beautiful Russian names

Traditional Russian male names are associated with masculinity and strength of character.

With such a name, the boy will certainly grow up comfortably, and his peers will easily remember the baby’s name. Beautiful Russian name goes well with Russian surnames and is not capable of causing unnecessary associations.

As a rule, Russian names for boys are distinguished by Greek or Roman origin, which is due to historically early contacts Ancient Rus' with Byzantium.

Popular modern names for boys

Rare and beautiful

IN recent years There has been a particularly acute tendency to choose an unusual, rare and beautiful name for a child. Young mothers want their baby to be exceptional and special from birth because of his name.

Let's take a closer look at the unusual rare and beautiful names for boys.

Old Russian

Such names pose a certain danger for the baby, and we have already talked about it. These days old Russian names for boys they sound too extravagant.

Children are cruel creatures, and the little one with unusual name may be subject to ridicule and attacks from peers in kindergarten and school, which will make him withdrawn and unsociable.

Therefore, I urge you to think very carefully and weigh the pros and cons of giving your baby an old Russian colorful name in order to amuse your pride and show everyone that you have imagination. I am convinced that there are many other ways to manifest it without making it difficult for the child throughout his life.

However, we will list the currently popular Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic names for boys, and also analyze what they mean:

Bronislav – defending glory;

Vseslav - famous, famous;

Dobromil - kind, dear;

Milorad – sweet, joyful;

Miroslav - glorifying the world;

Svyatopolk - at the head of the sacred army;

Yaropolk - at the head of the solar army;

Kuzma - organizes the world;

Thomas is a twin;

Foka - from the sea;

Lazarus is the one who was helped by God;

Fedot - long-awaited;

Potap - from another country;

Nazar – dedicated himself to God;

Luka – light;

Laurel is the name of the tree.

Rules for choosing a name by season

According to psychological theory, people born at the same time of year have similar character traits, temperament and personality traits. In addition, such people have similar positive and negative qualities.

Knowing this, you can correct and strengthen weak points in your character, as well as soften and neutralize the influence of undesirable strong properties.

For example, boys born in the summer are united by good nature and an easy disposition. However, there is also reverse side: They are capricious, emotionally unstable and have a weak character. To add firmness and perseverance to the personality, it is recommended to call such babies sonorous names, for example, Dmitry, German, Kirill. It’s a bad idea to give your baby a gentle and soft name, such as Mikhail, Nikolai, Savely.

On the contrary, winter boys demonstrate an excess of stubbornness, rebellion and determination. To balance character, it is wise to balance such qualities with soft melodious name, such as Elijah, Elisha, Maxim. It will not work, and will only worsen the situation, if you name the winter baby Grigory, Victor, Peter.

Spring creates kind, calm and sympathetic, but soft-bodied and spineless boys. If nothing is done, these people can grow up to be mama's boys and henpecked people. Therefore, one cannot do without a firm and tough name, for example, Alexander, Boris. Leonidas and Moses won't do at all.

Autumn pleases us with balance harmonious personalities, therefore, such a child can be called whatever you like, nothing needs to be adjusted here.

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Forgotten names

Forgotten and rare male names and their meaning

There were so many good things in the old days: clean air, clean waters, environmentally friendly products. And most people had pure souls. People lived by their labor and knew what love was. There were a lot of good things in those old days - things that people have forgotten now.

For example, there were a lot of good names. Names that gave people the qualities of kindness, hard work, wisdom, generosity. These are exactly the qualities that people lack nowadays.

Maybe someone will think about this and name their child an old, long-forgotten name.

Even 100-200 years ago, the following male names were actively used, were in use, and were well perceived by ear. Now they are forgotten.

Everyone knows that life develops in a spiral. People forget something, then discover the same thing, but in a new way. Maybe someday it will work out that way with long-forgotten, old, good names.

Forgotten and rare male names

August(Roman) – majestic, sacred, royal

Agape(gr.) – beloved

Agapion(gr.) – beloved

Agathon(gr.) – kind, noble

Aglay(gr.) – brilliant, magnificent, beautiful

Agniy(gr.) – pure, immaculate

Adrian(Roman) – resident of Adria

Azary(ancient Hebrew) – God’s help

Akakiy(gr.) – good-natured

Ambrose(gr.) – immortal, divine

Amos(ancient Hebrew) – loaded, bearing a burden, heaviness

Amur(Roman) – love


Ananias(ancient Hebrew) – the grace of God

Anastasy(gr.) – resurrected, reborn

Aniky(gr.) – victory


Antigonus(gr.) – instead of someone, child

Antip(gr.) – stubborn, strong

Anthymius(gr.) – covered with flowers

Apolinarius(Roman) – dedicated to Apollo, destroyer

Apollo(gr.) – destroyer. The name of the sun god Apollo among the Greeks meant: the sun, scorching, burning

Apollonius(gr.) – destroyer

Arefiy(Arabic) – farmer, virtue, eagle

Arius(Heb.) – brave

Aristarch(gr.) – head of the best

Arseny(gr.) – courageous

Afanasy(gr.) – immortal

Afoniy(gr.) – generous, rich, unenvious

Benedict(Roman) – blessed

Bonifatiy(Roman) – good, rock

Bogolep(Russian) – pleasing, pleasing to God


Bartholomew(Aram.) – son of the plowed land, son of the fields



Benjamin(e.) – beloved son

Vivian(r.) – lively

Vikenty(r.) – victorious, overcoming

Victoria(r.) – winner

Vissarion(gr.) – forest

Vlasiy(gr.) – simple, rough

Vukol(gr.) – shepherd, bootes

Galaktion(gr.) – milky, milky


Hector(gr.) – almighty, guardian

Helium(gr.) – sun


Hermann(b.) – native, half-blooded

Hermann(German) – warrior, warrior

Hermogenes(gr.) – born of Hermes (Mercury)


Glycerium(gr.) – sweet

Gordey(gr.) – Phrygian king

Granius(r.) – grain

Gury(e.) – lion cub

Darius(gr.) – possessing, owning

Dementy(r.) – tamer

Demid(gr.) – ruling

Demyan(gr.) – conqueror

Dionysus(gr.) – dedicated to Dionysus, Bacchus, god of wine and winemaking

Dominic(r.) - master's

Dorimedont(gr.) – spear, chief

Dorofey(gr.) – gift of the gods, God

Dosifey(gr.) – given by God

Evgraf(gr.) – well-drawn, handsome man

Evdokim(gr.) - surrounded by good fame, honor

Eucarpius(gr.) – fertile, prolific, fruitful

Evlampius(gr). – beautifully luminous, blessed

Evmeniy(gr.) – supportive, merciful

Eusebius(gr.) – pious

Eustathius(gr.) – constant, stable, balanced

Eustachius(gr.) – lushly eared

Evstigney(gr.) – good sign

Eustratus(gr.) – good, warrior

Eutyches(gr.) – happy

Egor(gr.) – farmer

Elefery(gr.) – free

Elizar(Old Hebrew) – God's help

Elisha(e.) – saved by God

Emelyan(gr.) – affectionate, friendly, cheerful

Epifan(gr.) – prominent, famous, glorious

Erasmus(gr.) – beloved

Erast(gr.) – beloved

Eremey(ancient Hebrew) – messenger

Ermak(gr.) – messenger of the people

Ermiy(gr.) – giving wealth

Ermil(gr.) – living in the Hermes Grove

Ermolai(gr.) – messenger of the people

Erofey(gr.) – sanctified by God

Efim(gr.) – pious

Ephraim(ancient Hebrew) – prolific

Efrosin(gr.) – joy, fun

Zakhar(ancient Hebrew) – God remembered

Zeno(gr.) – divine

Zosima(gr.) – alive, living

Iakinf(gr.) – yakhont, hyacinth (name gemstone)

Ignatius(r.) – unknown, unknown

Ilarius(gr.) – cheerful, joyful

Hilarion(gr.) – fun, cheerful

Iliodor(gr.) – gift of the Sun

Ilya(ancient Hebrew) – fortress of God

Innocent(r.) – innocent, harmless

Hypaty(gr.) – the highest

Hippolytus(gr.) – unharnessing horses

Irakli(gr.) – dedicated to Hercules

Isidore(gr.) – gift of the goddess Isis

Kazimir(glory) – predict, tell the world

Kalinik(gr.) – good winner, triumphant

Callistus(gr.) – the most beautiful, wonderful

Kalistrat(gr.) – a wonderful warrior

Calisthenes(gr.) – beauty, strength

Kapiton(r.) – big-headed, stubborn

Carp(gr.) – fruit

Kasyan(r.) – helmet-bearer, empty, empty

Cyprian(gr.) – Cypriot, from the island of Cyprus

Cyrus(gr.) – lord, ruler, power

Kyriako(gr.) – born on Sunday

Claudius(r.) – lame

Klim(r.) – merciful

Clement(r.) – merciful

Kondratiy(gr.) – square, broad-shouldered

Concordia(r.) – consonant, unanimous

Cornelius(r.) – horned

Xenophon(gr.) – stranger, foreigner

Kuzma(gr.) – decoration

Laurel(r.) – laurel tree

Lavrentiy(r.) – crowned with laurels

Larion(gr.) – cheerful, joyful

Leon(r.) – lion

Leonard(r.) – lion

Leontes(gr.) – lion

Leonty(gr.) – lion

Liverius(r.) – free, free


Luke(r.) – light, glowing

Lukyan(r.) – light, light

Lukiy(r.) – light, shining

Loop(r.) – wolf

Mauritius(gr.) – black, Moor

May(glory) – month of May

Makar(gr.) – blessed, happy

Macedon(gr.) – Macedonian, great

Macedonius(gr.) – Macedonian, great

Maximian(r.) – the greatest

Maximillian(b.) – descendant of the greatest

Malachi(ancient Hebrew) – messenger of God



Mari(r.) – sea

Mark(r.) – hammer, dry, withered

Markell(r.) – warlike


Martin(r.) – dedicated to the god of war Mars

Matvey(ancient Hebrew) – gift of God

Meletius(gr.) – caring

Meliton(gr.) – honey

Methodius(gr.) – trace, search

Milan(slav.) – dear

Milen(slav.) – dear

Miletius(gr.) - a city on the northern coast of Crete

Milius(gr.) – apple

Milovan(slav.) – caress, care

Menaeus(gr.) – month

Miron(gr.) – exuding fragrant myrrh, fragrant

Mitrofan(gr.) – glory of the mother, having a glorious mother

Micah(ancient Hebrew) – who is like God

Modest(r.) – modest

Mokey(gr.) – mocker, ridiculing

Mokiy(gr.) – mocker

Nazar(ancient Hebrew) – dedicated to God. The name of the Jewish town of Nazareth

Nathan(ancient Hebrew) – God gave

Nahum(ancient Hebrew) – consolation

Nestor(gr.) – returned to homeland, home

Nikandr(gr.) – victorious warrior

Nikanor(gr.) – winner

Nikita(gr.) – winner

Nikifor(gr.) – victorious, winner

Nicodemus(gr.) – conquering people

Nikon(gr.) – winner

Nile(gr.) – black river

Niphon(gr.) – sober, reasonable

Octavian(b.) – eighth

Olympius(gr.) – Olympic, light

Onisius(gr.) – benefit

Onesimus(gr.) – execution, completion, useful

Onname(gr.) – useful

Onuphry(Egyptian) – sacred bull

Orestes(gr.) – highlander, savage

Pavsikaky(gr.) – fighter against evil

Palladium(gr.) – protection, stronghold

Pamphilus(gr.) – dear to everyone, everyone’s favorite


Pankratiy(gr.) – omnipotent, omnipotent

Panteleimon(gr.) – all-merciful

Paramon(gr.) – solid, reliable, faithful, durable

Parmyeon(gr.) – persistent, firmly standing

Parfion(gr.) – pure, virgin

Patrick(b.) – son of a noble father

Paphnutius(Egyptian) – belonging to God

Groin(gr.) – broad-shouldered, strong

Pimen(gr.) – shepherd, leader, mentor

Plato(gr.) – broad-shouldered

Polyene(gr.) – highly praised

Polycarp(gr.) – prolific, fertile

Porfiry(gr.) – purple-red. Red porphyry stone


Prov(r.) – honest, kind

Proclus(gr.) – born in the absence of a father

Procopius(gr.) – grasping the sword by the hilt, success, prosperity

Proculus(b.) – distant, born in the absence of a father

Protasius(gr.) – advanced, in first place

Prokhor(gr.) – lead singer, choir director

Reasoner(slav.) – reasonable

Rem(r.) – oar

Renat(r.) – reborn, returned to life

Robert(Old German) – glory, splendor, splendor

Rodion(gr.) – pinkish, pink

Rubentius(r.) – blushing

Reuben(ancient Hebrew) – see: son

Ruslan(Arabic) – lion

Savva(Aram.) – old man, grandfather, captivity

Savvaty(Old Hebrew) – Saturday

Savely(ancient Hebrew) – begged from God, hard work

Samson(ancient Hebrew) – sunny, like the sun

Sevostyan(gr.) – venerable, worthy

Selivan, Silvan(r.) – forest

Semyon(ancient Hebrew) – heard by God in prayer

Serapion(gr.) – Egyptian God of life, death and healing

Seraphim(e.) – fiery, fiery

Sylvester(r.) – forest

Silvius(r.) – forest

Simon(ancient Hebrew) – noble name, glory

Spiridon(b.) – illegitimate

Solomon(Old Hebrew) – peaceful, prosperous

Sosipater(gr.) – saving father

Sofron(gr.) – sensible, prudent

Spartacus(r.) - in honor of the leader of the rebel gladiators in Rome

Stachy(gr.) – ear

Stepan(gr.) – ring, wreath, crowned

Taras(gr.) – restless, rebel, troublemaker

Terenty(r.) – annoying, tiring

Timofey(gr.) – God-fearing, worshiper of God

Titus(r.) – defending honor

Tikhon(gr.) – bringing happiness

Triphylium(gr.) – clover

Tryphon(gr.) – living luxuriously

Troadium gr.) - from the mountains of Troy

Trofim(gr.) – well-fed, pet

Favst(r.) – favorable, happy

Thaddeus(e.) – praise

Falalei(gr.) – blooming olive

Thalassius(gr.) – marine, experienced in navigation


Felix(r.) – happy

Themistocles(gr.) – glorified for justice

Fiogenes(gr.) – god-born

Fedos(gr.) – God-given or dedicated to the gods

Feklist(gr.) – God’s creation, creation

Feofan(gr.) – revealed by the gods

Theophilus(gr.) – lover of God

Filaret(gr.) – loving virtue

Philemon(gr.) – beloved

Theophylact(gr.) – guarding, protected by God

Ferapont(gr.) – servant, admirer, companion

Firs(gr.) – decorated with flowers, grape branches

Flavian(b.) – descended from the Flavian family (or their freedman)

Phlegont(gr.) – flaming, burning

Frol(r.) – blooming

Florenty(r.) – blooming

Florian(r.) – blooming

Foka(gr.) – seal

Thomas(e.) – twin

Photius(gr.) – light, bright, illuminate, enlighten

Khariton(gr.) – generous, grateful

Kharlampy(gr.) – shining with love and joy

Chrysanthos(gr.) – golden flower

Christopher(gr.) – Christ-bearer, anointed, anointed for the kingdom

Celestine(r.) – heavenly

Edward(Old German) – property, protection

Elim(ancient Hebrew) – muteness, silence

Emilius(gr.) – affectionate, flattering

Erast(gr.) – adorable, sweet; enamored

Ernest(Old German) – serious, strict

Juvenaly(r.) – always young

Julian(b.) – from the Yuli family

Julius(r.) – curly, sheaf

Yust(r.) – fair

Justinian(r.) – fair

Yakov(ancient Hebrew) – follows someone

Ian(glory) – God’s mercy

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address email: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there was nothing like this in free access not on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation copyright and is persecuted by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Forgotten names. Forgotten and rare male names and their meaning


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters are using our name, our email addresses for your newsletters, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Pay attention! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and engage in slander against decent people even simpler. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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And also our blogs:

The name of a boy and the meaning of the chosen name is a topic of interest to every new or future parent, without exception, which is not surprising, because the process of choosing a name form is quite complex and responsible, and names have so many variations that your head is spinning...

Every parent, be it mom or dad, must responsibly weigh the pros and cons of each name variation, because a lot depends on the choice of name important factors. One of them, for example, is the factor of character and the entire future. Each specific given name boy, can influence the future of the child he named, the characteristics of the character being formed in him, the personality as such - and on all of this, in turn, everything in his life depends, and the chances of career growth, popularity in society, sociability, and the ability to endure everyday difficulties, and even the chances of building a strong and truly happy family.

Boys born during the patronage of January are inherently purposeful and hardworking, but conflict-ridden and often lack sociability because of this. It is advisable to call such people by names that promise sociability and gentleness, unprincipledness and patience, and balance.

The name of February should endow boys with non-conflict, sociability, eloquence and the ability to compromise, because children born this month do not have all this. There are many such names among Orthodox names. Some of them are given below...

In March, hardworking and shy people are born. Touchy and vulnerable, capricious and lacking charisma. Such boys are difficult to handle; they need to complement their character with charm, eloquence, tenderness and moral fortitude. The name of such a guy should not contain harsh sounds.

Those patronized by April are usually selfish and stubborn by nature, often conflict with peers and do not know how to accept other people’s opinions and advice sensibly. These need to be called names that promise gentleness and common sense, unprincipledness and practicality, and good compatibility.

Those born in May are recommended to be called those variations that can bestow sociability and friendliness, good nature and gentleness. They are family men by nature, but devoid of emotions and imagination, fantasy and romance. Such a quality as determination will not hurt either.

And here there are shy, shy, suspicious and modest boys, and these will have neither a career nor success in material terms if they are not endowed with the necessary traits: determination, self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Names patronized by July can provide all this.

August's guys are kind and gentle, easy to get along with and love to communicate, but they are frivolous and unreliable, incapable of making their own responsible decisions. These should be called options that promise the missing characteristics. We offer the best below...

Here you need to select a variation that promises ease of communication, readiness for adventure, fantasy and imagination, because usually those born in September are deprived of all of the above. But it is worth remembering that the options patronized this month are usually too influential and have very strong energy.

Children of October in the future, in most cases, have a tendency towards prudence, self-interest, composure and uncompromisingness. It is necessary to call options that have a mitigating effect. Sensitivity, gentleness, fairness, sincerity and optimism will not hurt.

November representatives are dominated by material dependence and a thirst for power, which it is advisable to fight from childhood in all possible ways, including giving a name that imparts such qualities as determination, calmness, sincerity and integrity.

And here it won’t hurt to call all the boys with such a name, the meaning of which will endow them with the ability to control emotions and be guided exclusively by logic, because those born in December, in particular Pisces, are too prone to the opposite, they are unbalanced and emotional by origin of soul and nature.