I.S. Turgenev "Mumu": description, characters, analysis of the work. What does the story of the mumu teach from the essay Love Triangle: Gerasim, Tatyana and Kapiton


With great pleasure and literally in one breath I read Turgenev’s work “Mumu”. The story is very easy to read and the essence of the text you read is quickly captured. It reveals the theme of the lack of rights of peasants and the cruel treatment of them. The main character is a deaf-mute fellow named Gerasim.

The story tells about a serf peasant and his difficult life and how the people around him treated him. It seems to me that Gerasim is a very kind and gentle person, although at first glance he looks like a formidable man. He was very attached to Tatyana, who served with him, and was ready to do a lot for her sake. After the lady married the poor young lady to an alcoholic and evicted her from the yard.

Gerasim found the poor, chilled dog and saw in it an outlet after surviving a separation from his beloved. But even here the lady decided that Mumu should be drowned. She did not care about his reverent and gentle nature and the torment to which she subjected the servant with her orders. If she wanted something or was in the way, she did as she pleased, regardless of the feelings of the peasants who worked for her. The main idea of ​​the story is directed against serfdom. Gerasim personifies the entire Russian people.

You need to act according to your conscience, even if circumstances are against you.

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Ivan Turgenev wrote the story "Mumu", reflecting in it his experiences and concerns about the Russian destinies and the future of the country. And this is completely understandable, because in order to write a work, its author must be impressed and inspired by something, then these feelings can be clearly expressed on paper. It is known that Ivan Turgenev, as a true patriot, thought a lot about what awaited the country, and the events in Russia in those days were far from the most joyful for the people.

Analyzing Turgenev's "Mumu" and discussing the image of Gerasim, we will clearly see that the author built the plot around the problem of serfdom, which was very relevant in that era. We read about Turgenev's challenge to serfdom. Indeed, the action of the story "Mumu", the analysis of which certainly needs to be done in order to more fully understand Turgenev's idea, takes place in a Russian village, but all this encourages deep reflection and drawing important conclusions about the character of the Russian person and his soul.

The image of Gerasim in Turgenev's story "Mumu"

The image of Gerasim appears before the readers of the story “Mumu”. This image reveals great qualities. Turgenev shows kindness, strength, hard work and compassion. Gerasim possesses all these qualities, and his example shows how Turgenev would like to see a Russian person. For example, Gerasim has considerable physical strength, he wants and can work hard, things work out in his hands.

Gerasim is also neat and clean. He works as a janitor, and approaches his duties with responsibility, because thanks to him, the owner’s yard is always clean and tidy. When analyzing Turgenev's "Mumu", it is impossible to ignore the image of Gerasim. The author shows his somewhat reclusive character, since Gerasim is unsociable, and even on the doors of his closet there is always a lock. But this formidable appearance does not correspond to the kindness of his heart and generosity, because Gerasim is open-hearted and knows how to sympathize. Therefore, it is clear: one cannot judge a person’s internal qualities by appearance.

What else is visible in the image of Gerasim when analyzing “Mumu”? He was respected by all the servants, which was deserved - Gerasim worked hard, as if he carried out the orders of his mistress, without losing his sense of self-respect. The main character of the story, Gerasim, never became happy, because he is a simple village man, and city life is built completely differently and flows according to its own laws. In the city there is no sense of unity with nature. So Gerasim, once in the city, realizes that he is being ignored. Having fallen in love with Tatyana, he is deeply unhappy because she becomes the wife of another.

A puppy in the life of the main character "Mumu"

At a difficult moment in life, when the main character is especially sad and hurt in his soul, suddenly a ray of light is visible. The image of Gerasim continues to unfold before the reader, and the analysis of “Mumu” ​​is complemented by an important detail - here it is, hope for happy moments, a little cute puppy. Gerasim saves the puppy, and they become attached to each other. The puppy's name is Mumu, and the dog is always with his great friend. Mumu watches at night and wakes up his owner in the morning.

It seems that life is filled with meaning and becomes more joyful, but the lady becomes aware of the puppy. Having decided to subjugate Mumu, she experiences a strange disappointment - the puppy does not obey her, but the lady is not used to ordering twice. Is it possible to command love? But that's another question.

The lady, accustomed to seeing her instructions carried out at the same moment and without complaint, cannot bear the disobedience of the little creature, and she orders the dog to be taken out of sight. Gerasim, whose character is well revealed here, decides that Mumu can be hidden in his closet, especially since no one comes to him, but the puppy reveals himself with his barking. Then Gerasim realizes that he has no choice but to resort to drastic measures, and he kills the puppy who has become his only friend. We will answer the question “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu” ​​in another article, but for now in the analysis of Turgenev’s “Mumu” ​​we will emphasize that in the image of Gerasim the author showed an unfortunate serf. Serfs are “mute”, they cannot declare their rights, they simply submit to the regime, but in the soul of such a person there is hope that someday his oppression will come to an end.

We strongly recommend that you read the full version of the work or at least a summary of the story for informational purposes. We hope you found this article useful, in which we showed an analysis of Turgenev’s “Mumu” ​​and the image of Gerasim.

How should we treat our pets? Are we obligated to take responsibility for their lives? I thought about these questions after reading B. Emelyanov’s text “How I bought a dog.” The work raises the important issue of the relationship between people and animals.

The author, discussing this topic, gives an example from the life of the main character. A man who considered dogs to be true friends decided to buy an adult and trained dog. The writer draws our attention to the worried state of the dog, which has lost its former friend: “Tomka lay motionless near the table all day,” thereby Emelyanov admires Tomka’s love for his friend. After receiving the telegram, the dog’s owner, without hesitation, immediately went to pick him up. The publicist notes the importance of the hero’s awareness of the fact that “friends are not for sale,” thereby the prose writer illustrates to us the devotion not only of pets to humans, but also vice versa. The author leads us to the idea that friendship and devotion between man and animal must be protected.

One cannot but agree with B. Emelyanov’s point of view.

Indeed, there are no barriers to friendship between man and animal.

A clear proof is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". The main character took care of his pet, protected him, and gave him all his tenderness and affection. Mumu became Gerasim's best friend, the closest creature he could trust. The forced killing of his dog broke the hero and caused severe mental pain.

Confirmation of this problem can be found in L.N. Andreev’s story “Bite”. The writer shows the irresponsible attitude of people towards dogs. The unfortunate animal lost trust in those around her, became embittered and wild, as her previous owners left her at the dacha and repeatedly abused her. This example shows us the inhumane treatment of animals.

Thus, the problem raised by the prose writer makes each of us think about the importance of people’s kind attitude towards their pets, because it’s not for nothing that there is such a saying: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

Updated: 2017-06-09

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1. Choose the correct definition.

1) Arguments are the main idea (of a text or speech) expressed in words, the main statement of the speaker, which he is trying to justify.

2) Arguments are reasoning, explanatory remarks about the problem of the text.

3) Arguments are evidence given in support of a thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations - in a word, everything that can confirm the thesis.

2. Select an argument from the essay fragments that supports the thesis. Please mark the correct answer. Explain the choice.

Thesis:A person's irresponsible actions can cause pain to another living being.

Fragments of essays:

1) An example is the story “Mumu” ​​by I. S. Turgenev. Serf Gerasim loved his dog very much and took care of it. But when the lady wanted to look at Mumu, the dog, frightened, snapped. Then the lady ordered to kill the dog. Proof of Gerasim's strong will is his decisive action when he decided to get rid of the dog himself. Despite all his great love and affection for Mumu, he drowned the unfortunate animal in the water with his own hands, since he himself was a forced person. With this act, he wanted to prove the injustice of the world around him.

2) S. Yesenin talks about human cruelty towards animals in his poem “Song to the Dog.” The tragedy of the creature, whose children were taken away, is shown through the behavior of the dog: she runs after the owner, who does not want to understand that she has enough milk for seven puppies. This poem conveys the suffering of an animal as a bitter reproach to man: “The dog’s eyes rolled like golden stars into the snow.”

3) An example that confirms my position is the work of the Canadian writer Ernest Seton-Thompson. In his books: “Animals I Knew”, “Hero Animals”, “Little Savages” - he told about the life, habits, customs and habits of animals in such a way that they became interesting in themselves, regardless of their relationship to to a person. For Seton-Thompson, each individual of living nature is a whole world, which can be penetrated by a humane and patient person who knows how to observe and love the diversity of life around him.

Thesis:Knowledge not supported by love and humanity can be dangerous.

Fragments of essays:

1) History knows many examples of the greatest scientific discoveries being used against humanity. People invented gunpowder, dynamite, nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons. Thousands of scientists around the world are still inventing new sophisticated means for mass extermination of people. Unfortunately, not all scientists think about their responsibility to humanity for their discoveries.

2) You can recall M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” Preobrazhensky’s good intentions to find a way to rejuvenate a person turn into tragedy. As a result of the operation, the sweetest dog turns into a rude, undeveloped, arrogant and arrogant human being - Polygraph Poligrafovich. Thus, Bulgakov ridicules the myth of the birth of a new Soviet man and again proves that only gradual development - evolution - can resolve the main contradictions in the life of society.

3) Let's turn to the medical profession. A good doctor knows almost everything about the structure of the human body and therefore can cure, alleviate suffering, that is, use his knowledge in accordance with the Hippocratic oath (“Do no harm”). However, during the Second World War, in German concentration camps, it was doctors who carried out inhumane experiments on prisoners (including women and children), becoming real fanatics and executioners. Thus, any knowledge can be dangerous if it is possessed by people devoid of honor and conscience.

4. Indicate a fragment of the essay that contains an argument that is not a confirmation of the thesis. Explain your choice.

Thesis:Mercy is one of the most important feelings that makes a person a Human.

Fragments of essays:

1) Confirmation of the author’s thoughts can be found by observing the life of human society. By the twenty-first century, humanity had reached a high level of development, but if people had not helped each other and acted together, then perhaps the main tool of labor would still have been a stick!

2) Confirmation of this idea can be found in Russian literature. For example, F. M. Dostoevsky reflected on the creative power of mercy in the novel “Crime and Punishment.” Only Sonya Marmeladova, who embodies the idea of ​​Christian forgiveness, was able to understand the tormented soul of Rodion Raskolnikov and lead him to repentance and subsequent revival.

3) Let us remember that the word “mercy” appears more than once in M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” Mercy remained in the hearts of Muscovites, spoiled by the housing problem. Mercy moves Margarita, who asks to spare Frida from painful reminders of the crime committed. Finally, Yeshua Ha-Nozri performs a miracle of mercy when he forgives Pontius Pilate.

5. Indicate a fragment of the essay that contains an argument that is not a confirmation of the thesis. Explain your choice.

Thesis:Fiction is the most important source of spiritual development of the individual.

Fragments of essays:

1) Indeed, since childhood, folk tales and poems by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, S. A. Yesenin have entered our lives. All these works teach the child goodness, an understanding of what beauty is, and point the way to spiritual heights.

2) Reading fiction should be slow and thoughtful. After all, a work of art is a complex system of intertwined images and motifs; it is a special world that reflects the author’s vision of reality. However, only a thoughtful reader who clearly listens to the author’s voice and the polyphony of characters, and is attentive to artistic details, can penetrate into this world and understand its laws.

3) The rightness of the author is confirmed by the journalism of D. S. Likhachev. For example, in the essay “Love to Read!” this scientist and public figure writes that the book not only develops the mind, but also improves the soul, awakens emotions, and teaches us compassion and empathy. Likhachev assigns a special role to classical literature, in which one can find answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life, the purpose of man, love and much more that worries each of us.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote his work “Mumu” ​​under the impression of the events that worried him at that time. After all, everything that worries a writer is reflected in his work. After analyzing the story “Mumu”, it is not difficult to find confirmation of this. Turgenev was a true patriot, worried about the future fate of Russia. Therefore, the plot described in his work is a challenge to the era of that time, a challenge to serfdom. The story “Mumu” ​​is not only a narrative about the events that took place in the Russian village, it is a work that makes us reflect and think.

What is the essence of the story

An analysis of the work “Mumu” ​​shows that in the image of the janitor Gerasim, Turgenev symbolically showed the Russian people and their beautiful features. Kindness, heroic strength, love of work and sensitivity - these are the human qualities the author put into the image of Gerasim. He gives Gerasim a description of the most wonderful person among all the servants. Turgenev presents Gerasim as a very strong person who can work a lot: “the matter was going well in his hands.” The author loves his hero, responsible and neat, who constantly keeps the entire owner’s yard clean.

Yes, he is unsociable, which is confirmed by the way his closet is described, on which he always hung a lock. “He did not like people to visit him,” writes Turgenev. Love and sympathy always prevailed over the formidable image of Gerasim. His kind heart was always open.

Gerasim won respect for himself and his work from the entire household, despite his gloomy appearance. He may be uncommunicative, but “he understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place at the capital.” As if trying to carry out all the lady’s orders, Gerasim maintains his self-esteem. Analysis of Turgenev's story “Mumu” ​​once again confirms the fact that Gerasim did not have human happiness. It is difficult for him, a man from the village, to live in the city, there he will not be able to communicate with nature. He feels that people are trying to avoid him. Gerasim fell in love with Tatiana, but she was married off to someone else. Deep misfortune settles in Gerasim's soul.

Puppy tragedy

And at that moment when it is so hard for him, a small hope for happiness appears - a small puppy. Rescued from the river by Gerasim, he becomes attached to him in the same way as an owner to a puppy. The puppy's name is Mumu. Mumu is always next to Gerasim, guards the house at night, and comes running to wake him up in the morning. It would seem that the man has found an outlet for himself, but at that moment the lady finds out about the puppy. She wanted to subjugate this little creature, but the puppy does not obey her. Not understanding how anyone can disobey her, she orders the puppy to be removed. The dog's owner locks him in his closet, but his barking gives him away. And then Gerasim decides to take a decisive step - he kills his only friend. Why did it happen so? “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu? “- here this problem is revealed more deeply.

Having made a deep analysis of Turgenev’s work “Mumu”, we see not only the unfortunate Gerasim, but also in his person the unfortunate serfs who, being “mute”, hope that the time will come when they will be able to defeat their oppressors.