Artist Boris Efimov. Boris Efimov: a great artist and a smart politician. When there's no time to laugh


When the famous cartoonist Boris Efimov turned 100 years old, all the newspapers wrote about it excitedly.

He survived the revolution, the Civil and Patriotic wars, in a word, all eras last century. Five years later, Boris Efimovich celebrated his next anniversary. On September 28, 2008 he was already 108! The RG correspondent met with the long-lived artist and asked him several questions.

I don't draw anymore

Russian newspaper:Tell us a secret: how did you manage to live to such a respectable age? Do you follow any special diets or techniques?

Boris Efimov: No, under no circumstances. I like one joke. A centenarian is being honored in the Caucasus, who talks about what he leads healthy image life, does not drink or smoke. Suddenly, drunken screams are heard from the back rows. The old-timer says: “Don’t pay attention, it’s my older brother who got drunk again.”

RG:You are the same age as the century, before your eyes they came and went political leaders, artists and scientists... The political system, laws, rules of life, communication style, fashion have changed... What is the most interesting period of your life?

Efimov: The century itself was interesting. Every decade had something different. Now it is difficult to single out any one period or decade. We need to look at the era as a whole.

RG:Are you drawing now?

Efimov: No. I don't draw anymore. The period of activity ended a long time ago. But I continue to work, albeit in a different field. I write books, fortunately I have something to talk about. For example, the book of memoirs “About Times and People,” written in collaboration with Viktor Fradkin. By the way, it may just be a detailed, detailed answer to the first question. It tells about the people and the times they filled. There are stories about politicians, and about actors, and about writers, and about my fellow artists, for example, about the Kukryniksy, Ernst Neizvestny, Zurab Tsereteli.

In addition, there are other books of memoirs: “The same age as the century”, “Ten decades” and others.

RG:What else do you do, how do you spend your time, what books do you read?

Efimov: I read different books, but there is one favorite that I am ready to re-read endlessly. This is the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas.

RG:Which of today's characters in world politics is the most imaginative?

Efimov: There are no such people now bright characters, what were the same Hitler, Mussolini, Tito, who could be ridiculed by noticing one or more details of their behavior and appearance.

RG:Do you follow the current situation with the cartoon genre in the country? Do you have any followers today?

Efimov: Of course there are good cartoonists. These are, for example, Vladimir Mochalov, Igor Smirnov.

But it should be noted that political caricature as a genre ceased to exist. What we see now are “handwritings”.

Enraged Stalin

RG:Did you look for characters for the cartoons yourself, because you were in the context of what was happening, or was there an order from the authorities every time?

Efimov: I searched for it myself. I read newspapers, listened to the radio, watched newsreels, and then television appeared. I chose the topics myself. But of course there were orders, including, for example, personally from Stalin. But we can say that I chose 90 percent of the stories myself.

RG:Did the authorities interfere in creative process, did they point out some detail that needs to be emphasized?

Efimov: Yes, this happened. For example, you can remember this case. I drew a caricature of Japanese militarists. To highlight their political expansionist ambitions, I gave them long teeth. Then Stalin called Pravda editor-in-chief Lev Mehlis and was indignant. They say this insults the national dignity of the Japanese people.

Another example comes from more recent times. In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of Great Britain. I drew a cartoon of her. This drawing was hung in propaganda windows throughout Moscow and other cities. This caused indignation among those in power, as it did not look entirely diplomatic.

RG:Is it hard for you to realize that your peers are leaving one by one?

Efimov: Certainly. This great tragedy, it is very difficult to see that you are left alone.

One of last people who saw Old Russia. A young man from an intelligent family, even before Great War- student of the Bialystok Real School, in 1917 - student of the Kyiv Institute of National Economy.

In 1919 in Kyiv - sketches of combatants of all stripes:


2opena wrote very well.
Written literally on the eve of death, but everything is true (the title of this post is his):

Boris Efimov. One hundred and eight years without remorse.

“While we are here growing spiritually and improving intellectually, the cartoonist of all times and peoples Boris Efimov celebrated his 108th birthday. But we didn’t notice (that is, we noticed, but a few days later). And the president noticed in time and said:

“You not only reflected, but also shaped the history of the 20th century. You always honestly and devotedly defended the interests of our country and its citizens. And millions of people respond to you with sincere gratitude for the joy of meeting with your wonderful creativity.”

As a close friend of mine, whose opinion I respect, once told me: “Maybe God gives talented but unscrupulous people a chance to repent during their lifetime - and that’s why they live so long?”

( bumblebeat notes:

"These people knew how to survive. Molotov died at the age of 97, Kaganovich at the age of 98, Malenkov at the age of 87, Voroshilov at the age of 89, Budyonny at the age of 91, ..."

Only in all of the listed cases - including Efimov - we have to talk about talent in a very specific sense - in the sense of talent to do great meanness - approx. )

No answer. Talented but unscrupulous people are in no hurry to chain themselves. They prefer to rewrite the words of national anthems (to which one cannot stand up, but one wants to lie down in shame) and portray as enemies those whom those in power point out to him.

The young almost artist Boris Fridland draws dashing anti-anarchist pictures. But, as soon as the wind of change corrects the direction of its blowing, Judas Trotsky appears in the pictures (who, by the way, before turning into Judas, wrote the preface to the first book of Efimov’s cartoons):

(But recently he was not only the patron of Bor. Efimov, but also an icon and a good chemist - approx. tapirr)

The fight against enemies continues - you just need to be equipped with ironclad gloves:

Does the government not like capitalists? Get this, fascist nannies:

Has a second front opened? Yes, please – let’s immediately cry over the apotheosis of friendship between peoples of different systems:

Is the leader in charge? Let's draw:

How did life become? Correct, better, correct, more fun:

You can even very, very carefully draw something like... no, not a caricature, but such a pleasant portrait:

And when everything becomes completely permissible, in order not to lag behind the times, let us draw crushed tender beauty under the boot of the executioner and tyrant:

Have the capitalists disappeared? It's OK! The oligarchs remain! So now the clawed paws will belong to them:

And we will project sweet, kind humor onto all the rulers at once:

Why not “honest and dedicated defense of interests”? Depending on the line and directive. Whatever you order, I will defend. Whoever you order, I’ll shit on him.
It seems disgusting to attack an old man who is over 100 years old - well, we won’t do that.( written, let me remind you, 1 day before death - approx.. ) If an old man for a hundred and eight years has not understood what conscience is, he will never understand. But a state that rewards low sycophancy... uh-uh... let's not talk about the state..."

What's the humor? Who is depicted? (Apparently there was also a signature)


“He managed to live 95 days in the 19th century, live through the entire 20th century and find the 21st...

He saw Nicholas II, Lenin, drew Trotsky, Bukharin, with whom he was familiar. He was present at the cremation of Mayakovsky, with whom he was friends. I saw how his hair caught fire in the oven... He said about himself: “I am a citizen of three centuries. Fate was favorable to me, I shook hands with Mussolini, dined with Tito, saw Trotsky into exile, talked to Stalin on the phone and saw off Lunacharsky.”

Famous artist Mikhail Zlatkovsky I decided to change the rule - the dead are either good or not at all. This is not the case, he believes:

“Efimov actively participated in all provocative campaigns of the Soviet regime - his pen nailed right and left during all the trials of the Bukharins-Zinovievs-Pyatakovs in the 30s, he mocked Trotsky (once his patron) with particular sophistication.

And then the “Weismannists-Morganists”, “fly lovers and murderers”, the independent policy of Yugoslavia with the “executioner of the communists” Joseph Tito, “murderers in white coats” were “sealed” and published in the central press.

For young artists Soviet caricature and poster, he wrote denunciations to the KGB, VAAP and wherever possible. Such vigorous activity is easily explained - Efimov painted very mediocrely.

Cartoonist Boris Efimovich Efimov passed away quite recently, two years short of his 110th birthday. Until his last days, he continued to work - he drew cartoons and wrote memoirs. He witnessed three revolutions, one civil war and two world wars. I saw the Cold War, Khrushchev's thaw, Gorbachev's perestroika, Yeltsin's liberalization. And throughout almost his entire long life he painted. From his cartoons one can study the history of our country in the twentieth century.

The future famous cartoonist was born on September 15 (28), 1900 in Kyiv in the family of artisan shoemaker Efim Moiseevich Fridland. He took the pseudonym under which he became known first to the whole country, and then to the whole world, in honor of his father. He began drawing at the age of five, but according to him in my own words I didn’t think about a career as an artist and never studied to be an artist. Drawing was just a hobby, but he mostly drew funny people.

At the beginning of the new century, the Friedland family moved to Bialystok (now located in Poland), where future artist entered a real school. His older brother Mikhail, the future famous publicist Mikhail Koltsov, author of the famous “Spanish Diary,” also studied there. In August 1914, the First world war, and in the summer of 1915 the front was rapidly approaching Bialystok - there was a strategic retreat of the Russian army, which went down in history as the Great Retreat of 1915. Residents of Bialystok learned what aerial bombing was - German airplanes and zeppelins regularly appeared over the city. Following the Russian army, Bialystok was also abandoned by those residents who did not want to live under the Germans. The Fridlyand family was divided - the parents returned to Kyiv, Mikhail went to Petrograd, and Boris moved to Kharkov, where he was enrolled as a refugee in the 5th grade of the local real school.

Back in Bialystok, Mikhail and Boris published a handwritten school magazine - Mikhail wrote the texts, Boris drew the illustrations. Boris did not give up his hobby in Kharkov. He sent his drawings to his brother in Petrograd. Mikhail studied at the Psychoneurological Institute and at the same time made a career as a journalist - his feuilletons and essays were published in the capital's newspapers. In addition, he himself edits the progressive magazine “The Path of Students”. Boris, of course, did not have much hope of seeing his drawings - cartoons and caricatures on the pages of the capital's press, but in 1916, leafing through the popular magazine "Sun of Russia", he found his drawing there - a cartoon of the chairman State Duma Rodzianko occupies half of one of the stripes. Under the drawing there is a signature "Bor. Efimov".

The year 1917 arrived. About what happened in the capital February Revolution, Boris found out at the theater - someone from the theater administration came on stage and read out from a piece of paper the text about the abdication of the Emperor. Both the audience and the actors greeted this news with an ovation and a performance of La Marseillaise.

In the summer, having received documents about graduating from the next class of a real school, Boris goes to his parents in Kyiv. At the same time, the older brother also arrives in Kyiv. In February he was in the thick of things. As part of the student militia, he even took part in the arrest of a number of royal dignitaries. But the summer ended, his brother returned to the capital, and Boris remained in Kyiv and entered the third real school. After finishing it he entered Kyiv Institute National Economy, from where he transferred to the Faculty of Law Kyiv University. However, young people at that time had no time for studying - the authorities in the city were constantly changing - German invaders, Petlyura, Skoropadsky, Rada, Directory, Hetmanate... But such frequent changes of authorities did not in any way prevent Boris from doing what he loved - drawing. In 1918, a selection of Efimov’s cartoons appeared in the Kiev magazine “Spectator”. The series of cartoons “Conquerors” also dates back to this time - a kind of sketches from life, a kind of graphic report on modern history Kyiv.

When in the spring of 19 it is established in Kyiv Soviet power, the young artist accepts it unconditionally. He goes to work as secretary of the editorial and publishing department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of Soviet Ukraine. Boris Efimov manages the production of newspapers, posters, and leaflets. But his brother, an employee of the newspaper "Red Army", who came to Kyiv, asks him to draw a caricature for this newspaper. The first cartoon was followed by a second, a third... According to his own recollections, it was then that Boris Efimov realized that the ability to draw funny is not pampering or a “hobby”, it is a weapon that the revolution needed.
Since 1920, Boris Efimov has worked as a cartoonist for the newspapers Kommunar, Bolshevik, and Visti. Heads the visual propaganda department of YugROSTA (ROSTA - Russian Telegraph Agency) in Odessa. Kyiv, meanwhile, is in the hands of the White Poles and Petliurists. But Boris did not believe that he hometown will remain in the hands of the enemy for a long time and asked to be transferred from YugROST to the political department of the 12th Army, located not far from Kyiv. He had hoped to work in the newspaper of this army, but instead he was appointed as an instructor in visual propaganda for the Administration of Railway Propaganda Posts. In this position, he tries himself in a new genre - he takes part in the creation of a large propaganda panel at the station in Kharkov. Returning to liberated Kyiv, he became the head of the art and poster department of the Kyiv branch of UkrROSTA and led the campaign for the Kyiv railway junction.
At the same time, he publishes his cartoons in popular newspapers in Kyiv.
And in 1922, Boris Efimov moved to Moscow and became the youngest employee of the Izvestia newspaper. Political satire becomes his main genre. His works are also published in other metropolitan newspapers, including the main party newspaper Pravda. Leading Western politicians become the heroes of his cartoons. Already in 1924, the publishing house of the newspaper Izvestia published the first collection of his works. By the way, the preface to this collection and an enthusiastic review of it were written by Lev Davydovich Trotsky, at that time still a member of the Central Committee, a hero Civil War, one of the leaders.

Efimov also draws leaders. But, of course, he draws not caricatures, but friendly caricatures. True, these cartoons had to be shown to the leaders themselves before being published. A caricature of Stalin by Efimov has been preserved, but according to the artist’s recollection, Stalin did not approve it - he did not like the fact that he was drawn in huge soldier’s boots. However, this unsuccessful cartoon subsequently had no consequences for the artist - Stalin had nothing wrong with his sense of humor.

Also in 1924, Efimov’s first foreign business trip took place. The first business trip was followed by others. For example, in 1929, he and his brother Mikhail took part in the European tour of the Wings of the Soviets aircraft (ANT-9, one of the first Soviet-made passenger aircraft). The artist had the opportunity to see the heroes of his cartoons “live”. For example, he was part of the Soviet delegation, which was received by Benito Mussolini.
Throughout the twenties and thirties, the artist created a gallery of vivid and memorable images of European politicians - the thug Mussolini, the clown Hitler, the monkey Goebbels, the hog Goering. These characters were drawn by many Soviet cartoonists, but Efimov’s works, thanks to his unique style, were among the most successful. Sometimes they were so successful that they became the cause of protest notes. One after another, collections of Efimov’s cartoons “The Face of the Enemy” (1931), “Caricature in the Service of the Defense of the USSR” (1931), “Political Caricatures” (1931), “A Way Out Will Be Found” (1932), “Political Caricatures” (1935) were published. , “Fascism is the enemy of peoples” (1937), “Warmongers” (1938), “Fascist interventionists in Spain” (1938).

In December 1938, Mikhail Koltsov, the artist’s brother, was arrested. He was recalled from Spain, where he was officially listed as a Pravda correspondent, and unofficially was a political adviser, representative Soviet Union under the republican government. And, of course, he also carried out various “unofficial” tasks. The republican government consisted of representatives of all varieties of leftist movements in Europe, and directing the activities of this government in the right direction was one of Koltsov’s responsibilities. But he also coped with his correspondent work brilliantly - his “Spanish Diary” was one of the most popular books in our country. He was charged with espionage, standard for the period of the Great Terror, and on February 2, 1940, he was shot.

Boris Efimov, as the brother of an enemy of the people, was waiting for his own arrest. But no one was in a hurry to accuse him of connections with enemies of the people or espionage. True, in the first days of 1939 editor-in-chief Izvestia Yakov Grigoryevich Selikh stated that no one is firing Efimov, but no one will publish his work in the newspaper either. And Boris Efimov wrote a statement “on at will"It turned out to be impossible to find a job in his specialty. The only job he found was creating a series of illustrations for the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin commissioned by the State literary museum V. D. Bonch-Bruevich. But in February 1940, a call came from the editorial office of the Trud newspaper - Efimov was offered to work for this newspaper. His cartoons returned to the pages of Soviet newspapers.
And then it happened June 22, 1941. Already on the sixth day of the war, Boris Efimov took part in the creation of "TASS Windows" - the direct successor to the legendary "ROSTA Windows" from the Civil War. Posters for "Windows" are drawn in hot pursuit immediately after receiving the next front-line report and immediately go into circulation. In addition to posters, Efimov continues to draw cartoons for leading newspapers. In search of stories, he often goes on business trips to the front.

The artist's archive contains numerous reviews from the most demanding critics - fighters from the front lines. Here are a few of these reviews:

Dear comrade. Efimov! Draw more... Caricatures are a weapon that can not only make you laugh, but also cause ardent hatred, contempt for the enemy and make you fight even harder and destroy the damned Nazis. Dukelsky Ilya. Field post 68242.

Your weapon, weapon Soviet artist, a great force in the fight against the Nazi invaders. If you only knew how impatiently we, the army men, await each new issue of the newspaper “Red Star”... P/n 24595. V. Ya. Kornienko.

Happy New Year, dear Comrade Efimov! A group of front-line soldiers from the N unit sends you greetings and wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish you success in your fruitful and great job. It’s hard to convey how impatiently we look forward to each of your caricatures of those who will soon fall under our blows. The day is not far when we will see the leaders of Hitler's Germany hanged on the German Christmas tree. Greetings and good wishes front-line soldiers Leontyev, Evseev, Tleshov and others. P/n 18868.

During the war years, there were works by Efimov that caused an international resonance - his cartoons about the second front were also published in British newspapers. Moreover, the content of these cartoons was retold on the radio. However, the Allies still delayed the opening of the second front until June 5, 1944, i.e. until the moment when the outcome of the war was already obvious to everyone.

Caricature by Efimov published in the Manchester Guardian

Received recognition in the Allied countries and famous collection cartoons "Hitler and his pack" (we talked about him in more detail). The famous British cartoonist David Lowe (whom Efimov knew personally) spoke of these works as follows:

"Efimov's cartoons, collected in the album, reveal a feature that should be noted special attention: their imagination and creative method present no difficulty to British perception. Apparently Russian feeling humor is very close to the British... Russians love laughter, and, moreover, laughter that is understandable to us, the British.
It is possible that Efimov’s collection will accelerate this discovery, which in the end will have a deeper influence on the mutual understanding of the British and Russian peoples than a whole cartload of diplomatic notes.”

Efimov had a chance to look at those representatives of Hitler’s pack who did not commit suicide following the example of their Fuhrer in Nuremberg on famous trial. Efimov saw Hitler only once, in the early thirties, briefly, when he was returning through Berlin from Paris to Moscow. He happened to be at the Hindenburg Palace (at that time he was still alive) just at the moment when the Fuhrer came out of the palace and hurriedly walked to his limousine. And now, Efimov, one of the accredited Soviet correspondents at the trial, had the opportunity to draw his “favorite” heroes from life.

"Hitler. Sketch from life." Efimov caught a glimpse of Hitler in Berlin in 1933

Here, for example, is Efimov’s impression of Hermann Goering, one of the main defendants in the trial:

During one of the short breaks, when the defendants were not taken out of the hall, it happened to go up to the barrier itself and, standing one and a half meters from Goering (you can reach it with your hand...), stare at him intently. So in the terrarium of the zoo you closely and intently study a fat boa constrictor moving its disgusting rings, which, by the way, was very reminiscent of Goering with his cold, evil reptile eyes, frog-like mouth, and sliding movements of his heavy body.
At first Goering pretends not to pay any attention to the annoying staring. Then it begins to irritate him, and he nervously turns away, casting a fierce glance from under his brows. Our eyes meet for a split second, and for some reason I am reminded of the captured Field Marshal Trebon from Feuchtwanger’s “The False Nero.”

Zhdanov continued:
- Comrade Stalin roughly imagines this picture: General Eisenhower with a huge army is rushing to the Arctic, and right there a simple American stands next to him and asks: “What’s the matter, General? Why such vigorous military activity in this deserted area?” And Eisenhower replies: “How? Don’t you see that we are in danger from Russia from here?” Or something like that.
- No no. “Why anything else,” I said hastily. - I think it’s very cool. Let me, Andrey Alexandrovich, I’ll draw it like that.
“Well, please,” said Zhdanov. - I will convey this to Comrade Stalin.
- Allow me, Andrei Alexandrovich, just one question.
- Please.
- When is this needed?
- When? - Zhdanov thought for a second. - Well, we're not rushing you. But there is no need to delay too much.
Already on the way home, I began to reflect on this vague answer. “We’re not rushing you” means that if I draw a cartoon in a day or two, they might say: “I was in a hurry. I didn’t take Comrade Stalin’s task seriously. I cheated...” This is oh so dangerous. And if you bring the drawing four or five days later, they may say: “Detained... Delayed. Didn’t take into account the efficiency of Comrade Stalin’s task...”. This is even more dangerous.
I decided to choose" golden mean": start work tomorrow, finish the next day and on the third day call Zhdanov’s secretariat that everything is ready.
That's what I did. The next morning I put it large leaf Whatman paper (I made the usual drawings for the newspaper on a quarter sheet of paper, but in this case...) and, slowly, got to work. It was not particularly difficult to depict General Eisenhower on a jeep near a stereo tube, leading a formidable armada of tanks, guns and aircraft, as well as an “ordinary American” next to him. But how can one portray in a funny way (“...This matter must be shot with laughter...”) the mythical “Russian danger” - a pretext for invasion? After thinking, I drew a small yurt, near which stands a lonely Eskimo, staring in surprise at the approaching army. Next to him is a small Eskimo holding a popular chocolate ice cream on a stick at that time, the so-called popsicle. Two bear cubs, a deer, a walrus and... a penguin, which, as you know, is not found in the Arctic, also look at Eisenhower and his army in astonishment.
Having completed this entire sketch in pencil, I decided that I had had enough for today. I put the drawing aside, stretched sweetly and... at that moment the bell rang phone call:
- Comrade Efimov? Wait by the phone. Comrade Stalin will speak to you.
I got up. After a rather long pause, I heard a slight cough and a voice familiar to millions of people:
- Comrade Zhdanov spoke to you yesterday about a certain satire. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
- I understand, Comrade Stalin.
- You are portraying one person there. Do you understand who I'm talking about?
- I understand, Comrade Stalin.
- So, this person must be portrayed in such a way that she is, as they say, armed to the teeth. There are all sorts of planes, tanks, guns. Do you understand?
For a split second, an absurd and mischievous flash flashed in the distant convolutions of the brain: “Comrade Stalin! And I already drew it! I guessed it myself!” But naturally I answered out loud:
- I see, Comrade Stalin.
- When can we get this thing?
- Uh... Comrade Zhdanov said that there is no need to rush...
- We would like to have it by six o'clock today.
- Okay, Comrade Stalin.
“They will come to you at six o’clock,” the owner said and hung up.
I looked at the clock - half past three, then looked with horror at the drawing. It was still necessary to clarify various details, so far only sketched out in pencil, then outline this entire complex multi-figure drawing with ink, erase traces of the pencil, write the text - work for at least the whole day. And I felt like I was in the shoes of a chess player, caught in severe time pressure, when there is not a single extra second to think, search for options, correct mistakes, and you only have to make the most accurate, unique, error-free moves. But the chess player still has the opportunity to win back in another game. I didn't have such an opportunity. I knew that the Master did not like it when his instructions were not followed. When he is informed that the drawing was not received on time, he will most likely instruct Comrade Beria to “figure it out.” And it will take Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria no more than forty minutes to get me to admit that I thwarted the mission of Comrade Stalin on the instructions of American intelligence, in whose service I have been for many years. Moreover, with Stalin’s phenomenal memory, or rather rancor, he knew very well that I brother Mikhail Koltsov, who, on his instructions, was arrested and shot as an “enemy of the people” even before the war. Who could know what this terrible, unpredictably capricious man would do in one case or another... But, apparently, it was destined for me that by some miracle I managed to finish the drawing and hand it to the courier who arrived at exactly six o’clock.
The next day passed without any events, but the next morning the phone rang: “Comrade Zhdanov asks you to come to him at the Central Committee at one o’clock in the afternoon.”
“Why might I be needed? - I thought. - If you didn’t like the drawing, then why would they call me? To inform about it? Such ceremonies are hardly possible. They would simply call another artist, most likely the Kukryniksy. And if you liked it ? Then in best case scenario would have been notified via the secretary by telephone. No, we are clearly talking about some amendments here. Which ones? There are two possible options. First: Stalin found that Eisenhower, whom I recently saw, was not very similar - he came to Moscow and stood next to the Boss at the parade of athletes. Second: the northern lights I depicted in the picture are not similar. I carefully redrew it from the Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia, but Stalin contemplated it personally in Turukhansk exile.”
Zhdanov kindly came to meet me from the depths of his huge office and, friendlyly supporting me by the waist, led me to a long conference table standing perpendicular to the monumental desk. It was on the conference table that I saw my drawing.
“Well,” he said, “we looked at it and discussed it.” There are amendments. They were made by the hand of Comrade Stalin,” Zhdanov added, looking at me meaningfully. I bowed my head silently.
“By the way,” he continued, “half an hour ago Comrade Stalin called and asked if you had arrived yet.” I said that you are already here and waiting in my waiting room.
“Phantasmagoria,” I thought. “A nightmare. Stalin asks Zhdanov about me... Well, well... Tell me about this - who will believe it?..”
Looking at my drawing again, I said:
- Andrey Alexandrovich! As far as I can see, the amendments, in general, relate more to the text, but according to the drawing, it seems...
“Yes, yes,” said Zhdanov, “in general there are no objections to the drawing.” True, some members of the Politburo expressed the opinion that Eisenhower’s butt was too accentuated. But Comrade Stalin did not attach any importance to this. Yes, according to the drawing everything is in order.
What amendments were made to my drawing “by the hand of Comrade Stalin”? First of all, on the top of the sheet was written in red pencil in block letters"EISENHOWER DEFENDS" and emphatically light wavy line. Below, somewhere under the feet of the surprised Eskimo, “Se” is written in the same red pencil... But then the red pencil apparently broke, then in simple (black) - “... the right pole”, and lower down, along the edges drawing - "Alaska" and "Canada".
“Comrade Stalin said,” Zhdanov explained to me, “it must be absolutely clear that this is the Arctic, not Antarctica.”
Then the Owner took up the text I had written under the drawing. He replaced the words “violent activity” with “combat activity,” and “in this peaceful area” with “in this deserted area.” In what I wrote, “... what are the enemy forces concentrated here,” he, like a real literary editor, rearranged the words with one decisive stroke, so that it turned out - “... what enemy forces are concentrated here.”
The Leader crossed out the phrase “One of the opponents has already swung a grenade at us” (with this I wanted to humorously “beat” the chocolate popsicle in the Eskimo’s little hand) and wrote instead: “This is exactly where the threat to American freedom comes from.” The Leader and Teacher, however, was not satisfied with this: when he called Zhdanov and asked about me, he at the same time ordered to cross out initial words“exactly” and instead write “exactly”, which is what Zhdanov did.
With these amendments, the cartoon “Eisenhower Defends” was published two days later in Pravda. It must be said that the penguin depicted among the inhabitants of the Arctic did not escape the attention of readers. Sad remarks rained down, but when it became known that the drawing was approved by the Boss, the critics bit their tongues and the presence of penguins in the North Pole area was thus highly legitimized. And the caricature went down in the history of many years " cold war"as one of the first satirical arrows launched at former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition."

After the Great Patriotic War, Boris Efimov worked fruitfully for more than half a century. Listing the titles and awards that this artist was awarded would take too much space - and State awards, and Hero Star Socialist Labor, and three Orders of Lenin, and three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor... One of the artist’s last awards was the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree. After his 107th (!) birthday, he was appointed chief artist of the Izvestia newspaper.

He also had numerous critics - he was reproached for serving the authorities all his life. For example, he was friends with Bukharin, and then exposed him in his cartoons; he was one of those who accompanied Trotsky into exile, and then exposed him too. And during the years of perestroika, he drew caricatures of Stalin. However, his cartoons are a kind of chronicle, reflecting all the main events in the history of our country for almost a century. The main thing is not just to look, but also to comprehend!
He died at the age of 109 on October 1, 2008. He happened to catch last days nineteenth century, live through the entire twentieth century and see the new millennium.

Cartoonist Boris Efimovich Efimov passed away quite recently, two years short of his 110th birthday. Until his last days, he continued to work - he drew cartoons and wrote memoirs. He witnessed three revolutions, one civil war and two world wars. I saw the Cold War, Khrushchev's thaw, Gorbachev's perestroika, Yeltsin's liberalization. And throughout almost his entire long life he painted. From his cartoons one can study the history of our country in the twentieth century.

The future famous cartoonist was born on September 15 (28), 1900 in Kyiv in the family of artisan shoemaker Efim Moiseevich Fridland. He took the pseudonym under which he became known first to the whole country, and then to the whole world, in honor of his father. He began drawing at the age of five, but in his own words, he did not think about becoming an artist and never studied to become an artist. Drawing was just a hobby, and he mostly drew funny people.

At the beginning of the new century, the Friedland family moved to Bialystok (now located in Poland), where the future artist entered a secondary school. His older brother Mikhail, the future famous publicist Mikhail Koltsov, author of the famous “Spanish Diary,” also studied there. In August 1914, the First World War began, and in the summer of 1915 the front was rapidly approaching Bialystok - there was a strategic retreat of the Russian army, which went down in history as the Great Retreat of 1915. Residents of Bialystok learned what aerial bombing was - German airplanes and zeppelins regularly appeared over the city. Following the Russian army, Bialystok was also abandoned by those residents who did not want to live under the Germans. The Fridlyand family was divided - the parents returned to Kyiv, Mikhail went to Petrograd, and Boris moved to Kharkov, where he was enrolled as a refugee in the 5th grade of the local real school.

Back in Bialystok, Mikhail and Boris published a handwritten school magazine - Mikhail wrote the texts, Boris drew the illustrations. Boris did not give up his hobby in Kharkov. He sent his drawings to his brother in Petrograd. Mikhail studied at the Psychoneurological Institute and at the same time made a career as a journalist - his feuilletons and essays were published in the capital's newspapers. In addition, he himself edits the progressive magazine “The Path of Students”. Boris, of course, did not have much hope of seeing his drawings - cartoons and caricatures on the pages of the capital's press, but in 1916, leafing through the popular magazine "Sun of Russia", he finds his drawing there - a cartoon of the Chairman of the State Duma Rodzianko occupies half of one of the pages . Under the drawing there is a signature "Bor. Efimov".

The year 1917 arrived. Boris learned that the February Revolution had taken place in the capital in the theater - someone from the theater administration came on stage and read out from a piece of paper the text about the abdication of the Tsar. Both the audience and the actors greeted this news with an ovation and a performance of La Marseillaise.

In the summer, having received documents about graduating from the next class of a real school, Boris goes to his parents in Kyiv. At the same time, the older brother also arrives in Kyiv. In February he was in the thick of things. As part of the student militia, he even took part in the arrest of a number of royal dignitaries. But the summer ended, his brother returned to the capital, and Boris remained in Kyiv and entered the third real school. After graduating, he entered the Kyiv Institute of National Economy, from where he transferred to the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University. However, young people at that time had no time for studying - the authorities in the city were constantly changing - German invaders, Petlyura, Skoropadsky, Rada, Directory, Hetmanate... But such frequent changes of authorities did not in any way prevent Boris from doing what he loved - drawing. In 1918, a selection of Efimov’s cartoons appeared in the Kiev magazine “Spectator”. The series of cartoons “Conquerors” also dates back to this time - a kind of sketches from life, a kind of graphic account of the modern history of Kyiv.

When Soviet power was established in Kyiv in the spring of 19, the young artist accepted it unconditionally. He goes to work as secretary of the editorial and publishing department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of Soviet Ukraine. Boris Efimov manages the production of newspapers, posters, and leaflets. But his brother, an employee of the newspaper "Red Army", who came to Kyiv, asks him to draw a caricature for this newspaper. The first cartoon was followed by a second, a third... According to his own recollections, it was then that Boris Efimov realized that the ability to draw funny is not pampering or a “hobby”, it is a weapon that the revolution needed.
Since 1920, Boris Efimov has worked as a cartoonist for the newspapers Kommunar, Bolshevik, and Visti. Heads the visual propaganda department of YugROSTA (ROSTA - Russian Telegraph Agency) in Odessa. Kyiv, meanwhile, is in the hands of the White Poles and Petliurists. But Boris did not believe that his hometown would remain in the hands of the enemy for a long time and asked to be transferred from YugROST to the political department of the 12th Army, located not far from Kyiv. He had hoped to work in the newspaper of this army, but instead he was appointed as an instructor in visual propaganda for the Administration of Railway Propaganda Posts. In this position, he tries himself in a new genre - he takes part in the creation of a large propaganda panel at the station in Kharkov. Returning to liberated Kyiv, he became the head of the art and poster department of the Kyiv branch of UkrROSTA and led the campaign for the Kyiv railway junction.
At the same time, he publishes his cartoons in popular newspapers in Kyiv.
And in 1922, Boris Efimov moved to Moscow and became the youngest employee of the Izvestia newspaper. Political satire becomes his main genre. His works are also published in other metropolitan newspapers, including the main party newspaper Pravda. Leading Western politicians become the heroes of his cartoons. Already in 1924, the publishing house of the newspaper Izvestia published the first collection of his works. By the way, the preface to this collection and an enthusiastic review of it were written by Lev Davydovich Trotsky, at that time still a member of the Central Committee, a hero of the Civil War, one of the leaders.

Efimov also draws leaders. But, of course, he draws not caricatures, but friendly caricatures. True, these cartoons had to be shown to the leaders themselves before being published. A caricature of Stalin by Efimov has been preserved, but according to the artist’s recollection, Stalin did not approve it - he did not like the fact that he was drawn in huge soldier’s boots. However, this unsuccessful cartoon subsequently had no consequences for the artist - Stalin had nothing wrong with his sense of humor.

Also in 1924, Efimov’s first foreign business trip took place. The first business trip was followed by others. For example, in 1929, he and his brother Mikhail took part in the European tour of the Wings of the Soviets aircraft (ANT-9, one of the first Soviet-made passenger aircraft). The artist had the opportunity to see the heroes of his cartoons “live”. For example, he was part of the Soviet delegation, which was received by Benito Mussolini.
Throughout the twenties and thirties, the artist created a gallery of vivid and memorable images of European politicians - the thug Mussolini, the clown Hitler, the monkey Goebbels, the hog Goering. These characters were drawn by many Soviet cartoonists, but Efimov’s works, thanks to his unique style, were among the most successful. Sometimes they were so successful that they became the cause of protest notes. One after another, collections of Efimov’s cartoons “The Face of the Enemy” (1931), “Caricature in the Service of the Defense of the USSR” (1931), “Political Caricatures” (1931), “A Way Out Will Be Found” (1932), “Political Caricatures” (1935) were published. , “Fascism is the enemy of peoples” (1937), “Warmongers” (1938), “Fascist interventionists in Spain” (1938).

In December 1938, Mikhail Koltsov, the artist’s brother, was arrested. He was recalled from Spain, where he was officially listed as a correspondent for Pravda, and unofficially was a political adviser, a representative of the Soviet Union to the republican government. And, of course, he also carried out various “unofficial” tasks. The republican government consisted of representatives of all varieties of leftist movements in Europe, and directing the activities of this government in the right direction was one of Koltsov’s responsibilities. But he also coped with his correspondent work brilliantly - his “Spanish Diary” was one of the most popular books in our country. He was charged with espionage, standard for the period of the Great Terror, and on February 2, 1940, he was shot.

Boris Efimov, as the brother of an enemy of the people, was waiting for his own arrest. But no one was in a hurry to accuse him of connections with enemies of the people or espionage. True, in the first days of 1939, the editor-in-chief of Izvestia, Yakov Grigorievich Selikh, said that no one was firing Efimov, but no one would publish his work in the newspaper either. And Boris Efimov wrote a statement “of his own free will.” It turned out to be impossible to find a job in my specialty. The only work he found was the creation of series of illustrations for the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, commissioned by the State Literary Museum of V.D. Bonch-Bruevich. But in February 1940, a call came from the editorial office of the Trud newspaper - Efimov was offered to work for this newspaper. His cartoons returned to the pages of Soviet newspapers.
And then it happened June 22, 1941. Already on the sixth day of the war, Boris Efimov took part in the creation of "TASS Windows" - the direct successor to the legendary "ROSTA Windows" from the Civil War. Posters for "Windows" are drawn in hot pursuit immediately after receiving the next front-line report and immediately go into circulation. In addition to posters, Efimov continues to draw cartoons for leading newspapers. In search of stories, he often goes on business trips to the front.

The artist's archive contains numerous reviews from the most demanding critics - fighters from the front lines. Here are a few of these reviews:

Dear comrade. Efimov! Draw more... Caricatures are a weapon that can not only make you laugh, but also cause ardent hatred, contempt for the enemy and make you fight even harder and destroy the damned Nazis. Dukelsky Ilya. Field post 68242.

Your weapon, the weapon of the Soviet artist, is a great force in the fight against the Nazi invaders. If you only knew how impatiently we, the army men, await each new issue of the newspaper “Red Star”... P/n 24595. V. Ya. Kornienko.

Happy New Year, dear Comrade Efimov! A group of front-line soldiers from the N unit sends you greetings and wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish you success in your fruitful and great work. It’s hard to convey how impatiently we look forward to each of your caricatures of those who will soon fall under our blows. The day is not far when we will see the leaders of Hitler's Germany hanged on the German Christmas tree. With greetings and good wishes to front-line soldiers Leontyev, Evseev, Tleshov and others. P/n 18868.

During the war years, there were works by Efimov that caused an international resonance - his cartoons about the second front were also published in British newspapers. Moreover, the content of these cartoons was retold on the radio. However, the Allies still delayed the opening of the second front until June 5, 1944, i.e. until the moment when the outcome of the war was already obvious to everyone.

Caricature by Efimov published in the Manchester Guardian

The famous collection of cartoons “Hitler and His Pack” also received recognition in the Allied countries (we talked about it in more detail). The famous British cartoonist David Lowe (whom Efimov knew personally) spoke of these works as follows:

"Efimov's cartoons, collected in the album, reveal a feature that deserves special attention: their imagination and creative method do not present any difficulties for British perception. Apparently, the Russian sense of humor is very close to the British... Russians love laughter, and besides, laughter that we British understand.
It is possible that Efimov’s collection will accelerate this discovery, which in the end will have a deeper influence on the mutual understanding of the British and Russian peoples than a whole cartload of diplomatic notes.”

Efimov had the opportunity to look at those representatives of Hitler’s pack who did not commit suicide following the example of their Fuhrer in Nuremberg at the famous trial. Efimov saw Hitler only once, in the early thirties, briefly, when he was returning through Berlin from Paris to Moscow. He happened to be at the Hindenburg Palace (at that time he was still alive) just at the moment when the Fuhrer came out of the palace and hurriedly walked to his limousine. And now, Efimov, one of the accredited Soviet correspondents at the trial, had the opportunity to draw his “favorite” heroes from life.

"Hitler. Sketch from life." Efimov caught a glimpse of Hitler in Berlin in 1933

Here, for example, is Efimov’s impression of Hermann Goering, one of the main defendants in the trial:

During one of the short breaks, when the defendants were not taken out of the hall, it happened to go up to the barrier itself and, standing one and a half meters from Goering (you can reach it with your hand...), stare at him intently. So in the terrarium of the zoo you closely and intently study a fat boa constrictor moving its disgusting rings, which, by the way, was very reminiscent of Goering with his cold, evil reptile eyes, frog-like mouth, and sliding movements of his heavy body.
At first Goering pretends not to pay any attention to the annoying staring. Then it begins to irritate him, and he nervously turns away, casting a fierce glance from under his brows. Our eyes meet for a split second, and for some reason I am reminded of the captured Field Marshal Trebon from Feuchtwanger’s “The False Nero.”

Zhdanov continued:
- Comrade Stalin roughly imagines this picture: General Eisenhower with a huge army is rushing to the Arctic, and right there a simple American stands next to him and asks: “What’s the matter, General? Why such vigorous military activity in this deserted area?” And Eisenhower replies: “How? Don’t you see that we are in danger from Russia from here?” Or something like that.
- No no. “Why anything else,” I said hastily. - I think it’s very cool. Let me, Andrey Alexandrovich, I’ll draw it like that.
“Well, please,” said Zhdanov. - I will convey this to Comrade Stalin.
- Allow me, Andrei Alexandrovich, just one question.
- Please.
- When is this needed?
- When? - Zhdanov thought for a second. - Well, we're not rushing you. But there is no need to delay too much.
Already on the way home, I began to reflect on this vague answer. “We’re not rushing you” means that if I draw a cartoon in a day or two, they might say: “I was in a hurry. I didn’t take Comrade Stalin’s task seriously. I cheated...” This is oh so dangerous. And if you bring the drawing four or five days later, they may say: “Detained... Delayed. Didn’t take into account the efficiency of Comrade Stalin’s task...”. This is even more dangerous.
I decided to choose the “golden mean”: start work tomorrow, finish the next day and on the third day call Zhdanov’s secretariat that everything is ready.
That's what I did. The next morning I put down a large sheet of whatman paper (I made the usual drawings for the newspaper on a quarter of a sheet, but in this case...) and, slowly, got to work. It was not particularly difficult to depict General Eisenhower on a jeep near a stereo tube, leading a formidable armada of tanks, guns and aircraft, as well as an “ordinary American” next to him. But how can one portray in a funny way (“...This matter must be shot with laughter...”) the mythical “Russian danger” - a pretext for invasion? After thinking, I drew a small yurt, near which stands a lonely Eskimo, staring in surprise at the approaching army. Next to him is a small Eskimo holding a popular chocolate ice cream on a stick at that time, the so-called popsicle. Two bear cubs, a deer, a walrus and... a penguin, which, as you know, is not found in the Arctic, also look at Eisenhower and his army in astonishment.
Having completed this entire sketch in pencil, I decided that I had had enough for today. I put the drawing aside, stretched sweetly and... at that moment the phone rang:
- Comrade Efimov? Wait by the phone. Comrade Stalin will speak to you.
I got up. After a rather long pause, I heard a slight cough and a voice familiar to millions of people:
- Comrade Zhdanov spoke to you yesterday about a certain satire. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
- I understand, Comrade Stalin.
- You are portraying one person there. Do you understand who I'm talking about?
- I understand, Comrade Stalin.
- So, this person must be portrayed in such a way that she is, as they say, armed to the teeth. There are all sorts of planes, tanks, guns. Do you understand?
For a split second, an absurd and mischievous flash flashed in the distant convolutions of the brain: “Comrade Stalin! And I already drew it! I guessed it myself!” But naturally I answered out loud:
- I see, Comrade Stalin.
- When can we get this thing?
- Uh... Comrade Zhdanov said that there is no need to rush...
- We would like to have it by six o'clock today.
- Okay, Comrade Stalin.
“They will come to you at six o’clock,” the owner said and hung up.
I looked at the clock - half past three, then looked with horror at the drawing. It was still necessary to clarify various details, so far only sketched out in pencil, then outline this entire complex multi-figure drawing with ink, erase traces of the pencil, write the text - work for at least the whole day. And I felt like I was in the shoes of a chess player, caught in severe time pressure, when there is not a single extra second to think, search for options, correct mistakes, and you only have to make the most accurate, unique, error-free moves. But the chess player still has the opportunity to win back in another game. I didn't have such an opportunity. I knew that the Master did not like it when his instructions were not followed. When he is informed that the drawing was not received on time, he will most likely instruct Comrade Beria to “figure it out.” And it will take Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria no more than forty minutes to get me to admit that I thwarted the mission of Comrade Stalin on the instructions of American intelligence, in whose service I have been for many years. Moreover, with Stalin’s phenomenal memory, or rather rancor, he knew very well that I was the brother of Mikhail Koltsov, who, on his instructions, was arrested and shot as an “enemy of the people” even before the war. Who could know what this terrible, unpredictably capricious man would do in one case or another... But, apparently, it was destined for me that by some miracle I managed to finish the drawing and hand it to the courier who arrived at exactly six o’clock.
The next day passed without any events, but the next morning the phone rang: “Comrade Zhdanov asks you to come to him at the Central Committee at one o’clock in the afternoon.”
“Why might I be needed? - I thought. - If you didn’t like the drawing, then why would they call me? To inform about it? Such ceremonies are hardly possible. They would simply call another artist, most likely the Kukryniksy. And if you liked it ? Then, in the best case, they would have informed him by telephone. No, there could obviously be some amendments. First, Stalin found that the Eisenhower I recently saw was not very similar. came to Moscow and stood next to the Boss at the parade of athletes. Second: the northern lights I depicted in the picture are not similar. I carefully redrew it from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, but Stalin saw it personally in Turukhansk exile.”
Zhdanov kindly came to meet me from the depths of his huge office and, friendlyly supporting me by the waist, led me to a long conference table standing perpendicular to the monumental desk. It was on the conference table that I saw my drawing.
“Well,” he said, “we looked at it and discussed it.” There are amendments. They were made by the hand of Comrade Stalin,” Zhdanov added, looking at me meaningfully. I bowed my head silently.
“By the way,” he continued, “half an hour ago Comrade Stalin called and asked if you had arrived yet.” I said that you are already here and waiting in my waiting room.
“Phantasmagoria,” I thought. “A nightmare. Stalin asks Zhdanov about me... Well, well... Tell me about this - who will believe it?..”
Looking at my drawing again, I said:
- Andrey Alexandrovich! As far as I can see, the amendments, in general, relate more to the text, but according to the drawing, it seems...
“Yes, yes,” said Zhdanov, “in general there are no objections to the drawing.” True, some members of the Politburo expressed the opinion that Eisenhower’s butt was too accentuated. But Comrade Stalin did not attach any importance to this. Yes, according to the drawing everything is in order.
What amendments were made to my drawing “by the hand of Comrade Stalin”? First of all, on the top of the sheet was written in block letters "EISENHOWER DEFENSE" in red pencil and underlined with a light wavy line. Below, somewhere under the feet of the surprised Eskimo, “Se” is written in the same red pencil... But then the red pencil apparently broke, then in simple (black) - “... the right pole”, and lower down, along the edges drawing - "Alaska" and "Canada".
“Comrade Stalin said,” Zhdanov explained to me, “it must be absolutely clear that this is the Arctic, not Antarctica.”
Then the Owner took up the text I had written under the drawing. He replaced the words “violent activity” with “combat activity,” and “in this peaceful area” with “in this deserted area.” In what I wrote, “... what are the enemy forces concentrated here,” he, like a real literary editor, rearranged the words with one decisive stroke, so that it turned out - “... what enemy forces are concentrated here.”
The Leader crossed out the phrase “One of the opponents has already swung a grenade at us” (with this I wanted to humorously “beat” the chocolate popsicle in the Eskimo’s little hand) and wrote instead: “This is exactly where the threat to American freedom comes from.” The Leader and Teacher, however, was not satisfied with this: when he called Zhdanov and asked about me, he at the same time ordered to cross out the initial words “precisely” in the last sentence and write “precisely” in their place, which Zhdanov did.
With these amendments, the cartoon “Eisenhower Defends” was published two days later in Pravda. It must be said that the penguin depicted among the inhabitants of the Arctic did not escape the attention of readers. Sad remarks rained down, but when it became known that the drawing was approved by the Boss, the critics bit their tongues and the presence of penguins in the North Pole area was thus highly legitimized. And the cartoon went down in the history of the long-term Cold War as one of the first satirical arrows launched at former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition."

After the Great Patriotic War, Boris Efimov worked fruitfully for more than half a century. Listing the titles and awards that this artist was awarded will take too much space - State Prizes, and the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor, and three Orders of Lenin, and three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor... One of the last awards of the artist was the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree . After his 107th (!) birthday, he was appointed chief artist of the Izvestia newspaper.

Yes, he also had numerous critics - he was reproached for serving the authorities all his life. For example, he was friends with Bukharin, and then exposed him in his cartoons; he was one of those who accompanied Trotsky into exile, and then exposed him too. And during the years of perestroika, he drew caricatures of Stalin. But, read the responses of front-line soldiers given above. In our opinion, they “outweigh” any criticism. In addition, his cartoons are a vivid chronicle, reflecting all the main events in the history of our country for almost a century.
He died at the age of 109 on October 1, 2008. He happened to see the last days of the nineteenth century, live through the entire twentieth century and see the new millennium.



The Soviet government and its head, Comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv - from their planes , Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, and more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unheard of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the terms of this treaty in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire duration of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

After the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 a.m. made me, as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his government that the German government had decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units in the eastern German border.

In response to this, I stated on behalf of the Soviet government that until the last minute the German government did not make any claims against the Soviet government, that Germany carried out an attack on the USSR, despite the peace-loving position of the Soviet Union, and that thereby fascist Germany is the attacking side.

On behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement made by Romanian radio this morning that Soviet aviation allegedly fired at Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. The entire today’s declaration by Hitler, who is trying to retroactively concoct incriminating material about the Soviet Union’s non-compliance with the Soviet-German Pact, is the same lie and provocation.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repulse the bandit attack and expel German troops from the territory of our homeland. This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, whose suffering we well understand, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of the Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to Soviet people, and will deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again lead the victorious Patriotic War for the homeland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its firm confidence that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intellectuals, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due consciousness. Our entire people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and from others discipline, organization, and dedication worthy of a true Soviet patriot in order to provide all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Air Force to ensure victory over the enemy.

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.