Bachelor Dmitry Cherkasov has already broken up with Lida Nemchenko. Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida live together after the project: how did the couple’s relationship develop? Stella and Dmitry Cherkasov

  • Rozsilka


  • In a fairy tale called "The Bachelor" a happy ending, as a rule, turns out to be short-lived and fragile.

    The real reasons for the separation of couples created on a popular TV show, and which of the participants managed to find their millionaire outside the project

    Maxim + Yana + Alexandra = Bachelor 1

    Ukrainian TV version of the most popular American project The Bachelor won the hearts of viewers in the spring of 2011. For a long time female audience the show was worried about only one question: who would become the main bachelor of Ukraine, because in original project The main characters were, as a rule, wealthy businessmen with exceptionally pleasant appearance. Among the guesses were the names of such famous Ukrainians: boxer Vladimir Klitschko, football player Artem Milevsky, showman Andrei Dzhedzhuly and even people’s deputy Nestor Shufrich. As a result, the first bachelor of the famous TV show was the world champion in Latin dancing, a participant in the American television project “Dancing with the Stars,” the charismatic and wealthy brunette Maxim Chmerkovsky. Interesting fact is that the dancer received offers to participate in such TV shows back in America, but Maxim firmly decided to try his luck with Ukrainian beauties. There were quite a few candidates; according to the rules of the project, 25 beautiful girls from different corners Ukraine.

    After several months of touching dates, Maksim Chmerkovskiy had to narrow the circle of contenders for his lonely heart and settle on two completely opposite rivals. The sexy translator Alexandra Shulgina from Kyiv and the gentle singer Yana Solomko from the Poltava region turned out to be completely different both in appearance and in temperament. The bachelor himself repeatedly emphasized that Yana is a homely and calm girl, family and comfort are closer to her. Alexandra, on the contrary, looked in the eyes of the audience as an insidious seductress, a huntress and a very self-confident girl. Not paying attention to the conversations, the bachelor made his choice and could not resist the charms of the sexy Shulgina. The couple's relationship lasted less than a month. Maksim Chmerkovskiy invited his girlfriend to the USA, but that’s where they fairy tale story and cracked. As Alexandra explained in her interviews, the favorite of Ukrainian TV viewers was not ready for family life, was always busy filming “Dancing with the Stars” and didn’t give her a free minute. Now the girl runs her own fitness blog and works as a TV presenter. Shulgina has a boyfriend and she remembers with a smile her adventures on “The Bachelor.”

    Maksim Chmerkovskiy, after a series of unsuccessful romances, chose his partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project, whom he met back in 2009. Blonde Peta Murgatroyd turned out to be not only beautiful girl, but also became a true friend for Maxim, won the hearts of all his relatives and firmly established herself in the life of an eligible bachelor. The couple got married in February 2016, and a year later, on January 4, 2017, Chmerkovsky became the father of a baby named Shay Alexander Chmerkovsky.

    Yana Solomko’s personal life has been more than successful. The girl noticeably lost weight after the project and acquired impeccable shape, took up musical career and tried myself as one of the participants women's group Real O, later she went into free music and even became the host of a popular TV show « I'm glad and happy". At her own birthday, Yana met a young Donetsk businessman Oleg Solodukhov, who became the long-awaited prince in the dreamy girl’s love story. After a long and beautiful courtship, the lovers got married, and in the summer of 2015, Yana Solomko became the mother of a little daughter, Kira. The TV presenter has repeatedly stated that she does not want to be associated exclusively with the show “The Bachelor” and noted her critical attitude towards the directors and screenwriters of the project.

    The girl also commented on the ending last season TV show.

    “So many people asked my opinion about this season that I specifically watched several episodes... What I want to say: with each season more and more experienced girls come who know how to behave. Not like in the very first season. Stella is not entirely open... It seems to me that defensive reaction, and she herself a kind person with good energy. And Lida is trying to be ideal - although she does not need a relationship or a family. And I think many noticed how her face changed when the Bachelor brought her to an unfinished house... all her feelings immediately disappeared. Of course, the Bachelor wanted and, it seems to me, could only try to build some kind of relationship with Stella. But the directors probably have their own idea... although it doesn’t change from season to season,” Solomko wrote on her page.

    Francis + Elena = Bachelor 2

    The second bachelor of the most romantic Ukrainian reality show was a Scottish photographer and grandnephew of Tsar Nicholas II - . Matthew is known for his extensive travels, his passion for stunt shooting, his collaborations with Vogue, GQ, Elle magazines, and his love for India.

    The 33-year-old descendant of the Romanov royal dynasty was born in London and practically does not speak Russian, but even such translation difficulties did not become an obstacle to the new love story that originated on the television project. The attentive viewer was able to see the one that managed to win the heart of the Englishman from the middle of the show. There was no doubt that Francis’ chosen one would be the pretty blonde from Zaporozhye, Elena Ryasnova. On one of the dates, the young man said to the girl: “I will never deceive you,” this melted her heart. The love story of this couple was reminiscent of one of romantic fairy tales, in which a dreamy beauty unexpectedly finds her handsome prince, and he is destined to turn her whole destiny upside down.

    Enchanting dates and adventures within the framework of “The Bachelor” ended on the threshold of the Kyiv apartment where the lovers lived for some time. None of the young people were prepared for such a turn of events. Francis periodically traveled to England and calmly shared photographs surrounded by pretty strangers. Elena, meanwhile, was busy arranging family life and could not come to terms with such trips, and trying to attract a man to a more serious relationship. In the end, after a six-month relationship, the couple made a mutual decision and broke up.

    Francis continued to tell reporters that in everyday life the young people did not get along in temperament, and the homely Elena could not get used to in an active way life of a travel photographer. The bachelor also noted that the breakup with the girl was as tactful as possible, and that he would really like to support her friendly relations. Now the young man continues to travel around the world and devotes a lot of time to maintaining his physical fitness. From information in the press, it is known that Matthew was looking for his other half in another television project in the UK, but in the photos that he shares on his personal account, there is not the slightest mention of a possible contender for his heart.

    Elena Ryasnova was more concise in her comments. Only after a while, the girl sadly mentioned in an interview that the love on the project was real and she does not regret her participation in “The Bachelor,” but, apparently, the efforts of one person were not enough to preserve all this in real life. In the summer of 2015, Ryasnova married businessman Sergei from Zaporozhye. Happy wife admitted that she does not maintain any relationship with Francis and feels great in her new status. At the end of October 2015, the couple had a daughter, Solomiya.

    Andrey + Yana + Anna + Irina = Bachelor 3

    The third season of the Ukrainian “Bachelor”, without exaggeration, turned out to be the most dramatic. This time the main character of the popular TV project was the famous plastic surgeon from Moscow - Andrey Iskornev. This season had everything: laughter, tears, passion and even sex. Until recently, it remained a mystery who the loving doctor would choose, because all three finalists were very different, both in type and in their relationships with the main character. Despite the fact that the only intimacy on the project occurred between the bachelor and participant Yana Stanishevskaya, in the finale of the TV show Andrei Iskornev chose a modest and quiet girl Anna Kozyr. What happened was not news to Anya, and the girl, despite everything, gave the main character a chance.

    A dramatic story unfolded already in the post-show, when it became known about Yana Stanishevskaya’s pregnancy. The audience at the screens literally froze in anticipation of the outcome of this almost serial story. Actually, the news about the unborn child became the decisive point in the relationship between Iskornev and Kozyr. The young girl was unable to cope with the burden of such information and withdrew into herself for some time, and main character without hesitation, he accepted the fact of his paternity and expressed his full readiness to be with Yana at all stages of pregnancy. Only after a while did Anna Kozyr appear on the screens and talk about how her life had now completely improved. A girl is practicing with her new guitarist boyfriend solo career, records songs and performs at various musical events. Anna prefers not to remember her participation in “The Bachelor,” and if she has to, she does so without much enthusiasm.

    The story of Yana Stanishevskaya and Andrei Iskornev, unfortunately, had tragic end. The couple had a miscarriage. The girl took a long time to come to her senses, but by chance, 17 years after graduating from school, she met her former classmate Victor Nobiuz and finally her personal life took on new colors. In 2014, Yana officially got married and shared wedding photos with his many subscribers. Please note that on the social network bright girl maintains an active blog that is read by more than 100 thousand. of people. Stanishevskaya also has her own online store, she cooks, travels a lot and seems to be very happy with her other half.

    Andrei Iskornev found solace in his relationship with another participant in the television project, Irina Skorikova. The girl appeared in his life at that very necessary moment and supported him in all his life’s ups and downs, offering a friendly female shoulder. And soon, relationships based on mutual assistance took on more romantic forms and prospects. Iskornev trusted his companion so much that he made her the director of his clinic in Kyiv. But this time too, fate decreed differently, in In July 2014, the couple separated. At first, main reason both mentioned the distance of their breakup, and only between the lines did the young people mention that their feelings stopped at the level strong friendship and trust.

    “I was happy in this relationship, we parted without offense or mutual reproaches. As a result, Andrey became the friend who knows me best. So I don't feel bitter. Besides, we continue to communicate,” Irina shared with journalists from the STB channel.

    In March 2015, Iskornev gave enough frank interview, in which he admitted that he had returned to his first love, Irena Koloskova. The couple resumed their relationship after eight years of separation. According to the surgeon, he lived with this girl during his student days. 34-year-old Irina Skorikova is raising her son Tikhon and is in no hurry to advertise her personal life to the public.

    Konstantin + Anna + Lady N = Bachelor 4

    The fourth season ended with many question marks for all viewers, although everything started out rosy and beautiful. Handsome Konstantin Yevtushenko is the owner of a successful investment group, studied in the USA, is fluent in three languages, a patriot and a travel lover. It would seem that what not perfect couple for each of the applicants. And if during the entire television project no one had any complaints about the gallant and well-mannered young man, then his strange behavior after the cameras were turned off, surprised many.

    Winner fourth season"Bachelor" Anna Selyukova admitted that in last time I saw the enviable groom Yevtushenko on the day of filming the final episode of the show. After this, the young people went to their cities and corresponded for some time via SMS, but such communication soon faded away. This situation seemed very strange to the audience, who well remembered all the romance, dates and meaningful glances that reigned for several months in the reality show. The conclusion about deception suggested itself, but then who was deceiving whom? Writers, participants or the bachelor himself?

    According to some media reports, Konstantin Yevtushenko was in love at the time of his participation in the television project. Having broken the rules of “The Bachelor,” the young man found a chosen one outside of filming, and she became the athlete Natalya Dobrynskaya, with whom he was repeatedly spotted immediately after the project. This explains Yevtushenko’s strange behavior towards his beloved Anna, whom he had no desire to meet after filming. Despite such mysterious and rather ugly coincidences, after a while, all participants in this triangle turned out to be happy. Anna Selyukova, who immediately understood what was happening, without wasting time on suffering, began to build a relationship with the world poker champion Evgeny Kachalov, who has won eight million dollars. In the summer of 2015 in Iceland, on the snowy peak of the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, Eugene proposed marriage to his beloved, and since then the couple has not parted. The lovers constantly travel, and Selyukova herself created her own clothing brand and shared with journalists that her beloved does not deny her anything and she feels happy with him.

    Konstantin Yevtushenko continued his relationship with Natalya Dobrynskaya; in June 2014, the couple held an official wedding ceremony. In the winter of 2014, the main character of the Bachelor project, Konstantin Yevtushenko, became a father for the first time, married couple son Darius was born. In the fall of 2016, Darius had a little sister, Alicia.

    Sergey + Marina = Bachelor 5

    The fifth bachelor of the sensational reality show was 26-year-old football player from Odessa Sergei Melnik. The young man came to the project with the goal of finding his other half, who could fully accept and support his difficult sporty look life. Serious and beautiful blonde Marina Kishchuk initially won against the rest of her competitors with her views on the family and the loving eyes with which she looked at the main groom of the country. After a series of romantic dates, Melnik gave his beloved the long-awaited ring and the couple began their relationship outside of the TV show. As the young people admitted, at first, everything went cloudless and smoothly. Sergei Melnik, who at that time lived in Minsk and played for the Belarusian football club, tried to come at least once a month to see Marina. But after, obviously, the young man got tired of such trips, and he began to respond to messages less and less often and simply disappeared. Marina did not wait for the weather to come from the sea and was the first to announce to Melnik that it was time for the couple to reconsider their relationship. It ended on that note love story heroes of the fifth “Bachelor”, the former lovers simply decided to part as friends.

    “The winner of the project and I are not really together, we are on good friendly terms. We keep in touch, sometimes communicate in a friendly manner with the participants and project leaders, friendly relations remain. I’m alone now, and all my thoughts are connected only with football and my direct professional responsibilities,” Sergei Melnik shared with the media immediately after the breakup. Now the football player is free and devotes himself to his career; he is periodically spotted in the company of participants in television shows from other seasons.

    Melnik and Anetti

    Marina Kishchuk managed to try herself on television in another popular show. IN « Everyone dance" the girl decided to fulfill her old dream and learn art professional dance in tandem with partner Roman Nevichanny.

    “I just fell in love! He is so active at our rehearsals,” the “Bachelor” winner shared with reporters, but things never went further than that. Today, Marina Kishchuk is not in a serious relationship and runs her own business.

    Irakli + Alena + Anetti = Bachelor 6

    The sixth hero of the Ukrainian television project “Bachelor” was a Georgian businessman, founder of a film company Maq Entertainment, macho Irakli Makatsaria. Hot guy for a long time he rushed between two completely different girls: the eccentric Anetti Zhernova and the pretty model Alena Lesik. Makatsaria had her first kiss with Anetti in the sixth season, and then almost every episode of the reality show ended with passionate dates for this couple. TV viewers had no doubt that this story must end with a happy ending. But the bachelor's choice Once again became unexpected, and the treasured ring ended up on Alena’s finger.

    The union of Alena and Irakli lasted more than a year and became the longest in the history of the Ukrainian version of the television project. The couple participated in romantic photo shoots for magazines, traveled a lot, vacationed in their homeland with a bachelor in Georgia, but still broke up. The girl was the first to make an official statement on her social network page that she had decided to end the relationship: “ Dear friends and subscribers! I decided to tell you what is obvious. I believe that Irakli and I should have brought this news to you together! But apparently, I, the “little princess,” will have to do everything myself. Irakli and I are no longer a couple! I can only speak for myself. My feelings and actions were sincere in this relationship! Everyone knew about this - Irakli’s family, my relatives, and our friends! I was ready for a lot for this man - to leave my career, move to Georgia... I was ready for this man give birth to children, build a family with him. I made the decision to separate. Not because I have someone (Yaroslav is my friend, who himself brought me to the casting of “Bachelor 6”) and not because I don’t have feelings for Irakli in my soul, I’m just tired of taking the initiative in our relationship! I just want to be understood and loved. Before you unleash a barrage of questions and judgments, remember that we often see people as we want them to be.” As some fans of this couple noticed, the reason for the breakup could be joint vacation Irakli and Anetti. Attentive fans discovered a photo from ski resort, where the former contender for a bachelor’s heart and Irakli himself were at the same time. Although the young people were alone in the photographs, this couple was suspected of having a secret relationship. Today, Alena Lesik does not remember being a bachelor and continues to enjoy life. The girl maintains a personal blog, does advertising and shares her colorful travels on Instagram.

    Irakli was brief and commented on the separation from his chosen one only after her statement. The young man agreed with ex-lover, noting that he fully agrees with her decision and is grateful for all the wonderful moments that once connected them.

    Now Irakli Makatsaria is taking part in the Georgian television project “Dancing with the Stars”, where his partner is the stunning dancer Salome Chachua. This tandem has already taken many photographs together, and while fans are wondering if there is something more between them, Irakli himself admits that he really likes to make his partner laugh. The popular bachelor is also planning to shoot a new film in which he will play main role. The picture will be called “Groom from Georgia” and on at this stage Irakli is searching main character. Who knows, perhaps this girl will be able to win the heart of a Georgian groom in real life.

    Dmitry + Lida = Bachelor 7

    The main character of the seventh season was the 30-year-old athlete, multiple champion of Ukraine, medalist of the Mediterranean Games and four-time champion of the Asian Games Dmitry Cherkasov. The young man rightfully earned the title of the most loving bachelor of all seasons, because it is much easier to list those girls with whom he did not kiss than those with whom this did happen. It is for this reason that until the last episodes of the season it remained an intrigue as to who Dmitry would choose. Everything was decided in the last minutes of the project, when the enviable groom confessed his love to participant Lida Nemchenko: “I want to be with you, because I’m in love with you,” said the bachelor with a blissful smile on his face. And the girl, of course, reciprocated his feelings.

    Stella Shapovalova, a finalist of the reality show who had to break up with Cherkasov in the last episode, admitted that after watching the episodes she was unpleasantly surprised by so many passionate dates of the bachelor. Stella also does not rule out that it was with Lida Nemchenko that Dmitry could have had sex on the project, but despite all this, the girl does not regret her participation in the show.

    “It’s his choice, no matter what. I respect him. I thank him for everything, but it still hurts. I saw us together further. We would be very strong couple. But, apparently, an uneconomical, two-faced woman will be better and more reliable” - that’s how they sounded last words Stella on the project. According to the rules of “The Bachelor,” before the release of the post-show, participants do not have the right to disclose how their personal lives developed outside the filming perimeter. As many years of experience in the existence of reality shows suggests, couples created on “The Bachelor” are unlucky and the carriage turns into a pumpkin within the next six months. Only about this part of their history do the participants prefer to remain silent until the last moment.


    11:16 2017

    The show “Bachelor 7” has just finished, and Dmitry Cherkasov and the winner of the season, Lida, have already announced their separation. Why did the couple last so long? Dmitry and Lida answered this question themselves.

    As you know, the show “The Bachelor” is not broadcast in live, and since filming final episode, which fans saw on April 26, has actually already been about six months.

    READ ALSO: Bachelor 7 episode 12 watch online final from 05/26/2017

    As it turned out, that’s exactly how long the love of Lida and Dmitry Cherkasov lived. Arriving together at the post-show “How to Get Married,” the couple shocked fans with the news: they had already broken up.

    “More than six months have passed since the end of the project. Unfortunately, our relationship is over,” Dima said.

    The other day Lida gave a frank interview in which she spoke about her vision of this relationship. We publish excerpts from it.

    So, according to the girl, she knew in advance that Dmitry would choose her in the final, although even then problems arose in their communication.

    To be honest, somewhere I understood that Dima would choose me in the final. I saw his loving eyes and the way he treated me. Although, given the difficulties in communication that had already begun to appear, I could not be 100% sure of his choice,” Lida admits.

    And finally, Lida answered main question- why she and Dmitry broke up.

    It’s sad when you imagine one picture, fantasize about a future relationship, but everything doesn’t happen as planned.

    After the project, I came to Kyiv, we talked, and this conversation played a key role. The feelings did not fade away immediately. Several factors contributed to this... Clarification of past relationships, some kind of resentment.

    And as I said at the post-show, my man will behave completely differently. “I just realized that Dima is not my person,” said the finalist of the project.

    Dmitry Cherkasov himself sees this situation a little differently - according to the main Bachelor of season 7, Lida simply was not ready to work on the relationship.

    Perhaps we had different levels feelings. I wanted to continue the relationship. I wrote her a lot of warm words, constantly confessed my feelings, but never received reciprocity. Gradually the feelings began to fade away,” Dima noted.

    Many fans of the show immediately accused Lida of commercialism and a complete lack of feelings, especially after her comment about the given ring - according to the girl, it alone was not enough to win her heart.

    I wanted romance, I wanted Dima to come and give me the same bouquet of flowers, so that we could communicate and thus get to know each other further. I don’t have the same feelings that I had during the project. If they were, everything would probably be different now,” said Lida.

    The main question that worries many fans after a shocking confession star couple- can there be new relationship between Dima and the second reality finalist, Stella?

    However, the other day information appeared in the media that Dmitry Cherkasov was seen in the company of an unknown brunette - during a walk the couple chatted merrily and looked happy. What this is, a friendly meeting or the beginning of a new relationship with Dmitry Cherkasov, is still unknown.

    09:35 03.06.2017

    I don’t know if the day will come when the results of the show “The Bachelor” will finally make me happy. This is the seventh season - and again the Bachelor broke up with the girl to whom he gave a ring at the finale of the project.

    The couple of Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida Nemchenko set a kind of record: they announced their separation already at the final post-show. Moreover, those present in the studio could not understand the reason for their separation for a long time.

    I’m very sad that nothing worked out,” said Lida. - I really was in love. Love can be killed by phrases, actions, but here - falling in love...

    In general, Lida began to accuse Dmitry of wanting romance, but he refused to give her that romance.

    I wanted Dima to come and give gifts... - the girl complained.

    But he gave her gifts! - Anna Kalina was indignant in Dmitry Karpachev’s ear. - And dear ones! I found out later by chance.

    But on the advice of Dmitry Karpachev, she refused to publish the fact: they say, Lida herself knows everything.

    Cherkasov said that he could not come to Lida in Dnepr, because after three months on the project he urgently needed to restore his sports shape. But, he supposedly wrote to her a lot and often, talked about his feelings, but received no response.

    I even asked: “Do you have someone?” - Cherkasov admitted. - And gradually my feelings began to fade away...

    Moreover: it turned out that immediately after the end of the project, Lida refused to go with him to Turkey and preferred to go to her home, and when they met two weeks later, she offered to “be comrades for now.”

    Lida was outraged by Cherkasov’s offer to visit him in Turkey:

    Why should I be the only one to come?

    Those who want, look for opportunities. Those who don’t want to look for excuses,” Dmitry Karpachev summed up what he heard. - Now we hear nothing but excuses from Lida.

    And Rosa Al-Namri suggested that without the cameras on, Nemchenko had no motivation left to continue the performance.

    By the way, it turned out that Dmitry is now communicating with the second finalist of the show, Stella, but on a different level - friendly.

    Tonight there will be a post-show of the “Bachelor 7” project - “How to Get Married”, in which we will again see the most bright participants project, as well as Stella and Lida, and, of course, Dmitry Cherkasov. We have exclusive behind the scenes footage!

    In addition, we will meet Stella again. The finalist of the project and one of the brightest and most seductive participants in “Bachelor 7”, who, although she did not win the heart of Dmitry Cherkasov, but acquired an entire army of Internet fans, will also come to the post-show and surprise you with the details of her personal life. Well, in a stunning way, of course.

    At the post-show, we will be able to see the ex-couple of “Bachelor 6”, Irakli Makatsaria and: the guys promise to reveal the whole truth about why their relationship did not work out. They will share their stories, answer all the provocative questions of host Rosa Al-Namri and delight with new images.

    Alena Lesyk at the post-show “Bachelor 7”

    Anetti and post-show “Bachelor 7” - “How to get married”

    Irakli Makatsaria - the main character of “Bachelor 6”

    It looks like there is something between Irakli and Anetti! The guys are flirting on air after the show!

    Participants in the show “Bachelor 7”: Julia, Margot and Alena

    Experts of the post-show “How to Get Married”: Anna Kalina, Dmitry Karpachev and presenter Rosa Al-Namri

    Host of the post-show “How to Get Married” Rose Al-Namri

    Margot after the project: preparing for the broadcast of the post-show “How to Get Married”

    Galya before the broadcast of “How to Get Married”

    24-year-old Stella Shapovalova, a finalist of the “Bachelor 7” project, will appear on the show, who would doubt it, in a seductive dress with a bare back, a slit and a deep neckline. The beauty, who, according to many TV viewers, should have won, will tell why she did not succeed, as well as how she survived a heart injury. Did she manage to heal her broken heart?

    The winner of the project, Lida Nemchenko, is back in scarlet! As in: her image was built in contrast with the outfit of Stella, who chose a black, fitted, floor-length dress. In the post-show, we will find out how Lida and Dima’s relationship developed after the project, whether she overcame her fears and learned to cook nutritious breakfasts for her man!

    One of the sexiest participants in the Bachelor 7 project, Margot, will surprise fans with a new image. A girl remembered for her most outspoken actions and no less revealing outfits, as well as their kind hearted, will come to the show with his favorite pet. For what? We'll find out tonight!

    Feelings that you don’t have to talk about... This is exactly what you can call Dima’s relationship with Lida. Having drowned in the eyes of this girl at the first party, the Bachelor could not forget them. In the finale of the romantic reality show, Dima chose Lida. We invite you to remember what the history of this couple’s relationship was like on the project.

    “During these months that we have been communicating with Dima on the project, we have had our own story. We saw each other, went on dates, talked, spent time together, quarreled, sorted things out. I can’t even believe that all this happened to me,” admitted Lida.

    Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida live together after the project: how did the couple’s relationship develop?

    It all started at the first party, when the Bachelor first saw the eyes of the participant. “I, of course, noticed what kind of beautiful eyes. I literally drowned in them,” said Bachelor.

    At the first party, Lida gave Dima a billiards cue. She immediately interested the Bachelor and got her first tête-à-tête on the project.

    “Character is revealed in billiards,” the girl explained.

    Lida became the first participant in the entire history of the project to be on dates for two days in a row! These two were able to understand each other even without words...

    “It was that date on which Dima and I realized that there was contact between us. I thought there would be a lot of passion, but I couldn’t even imagine how much!” admitted the winner of “Bachelor 7.”

    “An indescribable feeling of goosebumps that begin to run through you. I want to be close and not even talk about anything. Just feel each other,” Lida described her feelings.

    Both of them can call their first kiss the best in their lives.

    “It was the best kiss of my life, the most unforgettable,” the girl said.

    “What I like about Dima is that he is kind, very caring, and gentle. You immediately understand what kind of husband and father of children he will be. I understand that our relationship may have a future. Everything will depend on us,” Lida summed up on the eve of the final.

    Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida: Hero of the romantic show Bachelor 7 Dmitry Cherkasov wrote a touching grateful post

    On May 26, it aired on the STB channel last series project Bachelor 7. In the final episode, two participants, Lida and Stella, fought for the heart of the athlete, the main character of the show, Dmitry Cherkasov.

    At the end of Bachelor 7, Cherkasov decided to express words of gratitude to everyone who took part in the creation of the project, the participants with whom he tried to build relationships, as well as the host of the show, Grigory Reshetnik. Dmitry posted the post on his social page.

    “Many thanks to the STB team for the fairy tale; in other words, this beauty cannot be described. Thank you, Grisha, for your support. Many thanks to all participants for an unforgettable experience, sorry if something went wrong. Stella - thank you for the wonderful and emotional story we had! And of course, Thanks a lot Lida for those deep feelings, for falling in love, which has not visited me for a long time, but, unfortunately, we were never able to turn our spark into a blazing fire! Thank you to everyone, everyone, everyone who was worried, who was dissatisfied, who rejoiced with us!“, wrote the main character of Bachelor 7 Dmitry Cherkasov.

    Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida: Lida - frankly: “I realized that Dima is not my person”

    The winner of the romantic reality show "Bachelor 7" Lida said in exclusive interview for STB.UA about relations with Dmitry Cherkasov and the reason for the separation.

    Lida, why did you come to the “Bachelor” project?

    When I went to the project, I was looking forward to some kind of adventure! I was positive. At the same time, I believed that everything would work out as it should. I didn’t build castles in the air and couldn’t predict what my fate would be after the first party - whether I would go further or not. I only entertained the idea that the Bachelor might be my man.

    What was your first impression of Dima?

    I immediately noticed that he was very charming. It also caught his eye. I don't have an ideal man's appearance. I just wanted him to be taller than me, at least a little bit (laughs).

    Was it difficult for you to build relationships in front of cameras?

    No. The only thing I was worried about when I went to the project was that I would have to express my opinion about the other participants and discuss them during the interview. I had no idea how it would be, but you quickly get used to everything (laughs). And I just stopped paying attention to the cameras.

    How did you find it? mutual language with other participants?

    All the girls split into groups, and Lilya and I were neutral. This is our similarity with her. When the time came to move in, the neighborhood was determined on a residual basis. At first we looked closely at each other for a long time, but then mutual understanding arose, I felt comfortable with her. And later I became friends with Yulia. I was always skeptical about friendship on the project, but, as they say, never say never. I didn’t have much to do with other girls.

    Now about the relationship with Dima. When did your first feelings for this person begin to appear?

    The feelings arose on a “silent” date in Lvov. I realized this when we stopped and silently looked into each other’s eyes. And also these noses of ours (smiles). That day I wanted to kiss Dima. But, blindfolded, other senses became aggravated. Passion knew no bounds.

    Was it difficult to find mutual understanding without words?

    It was the first time in my life that I had such an interesting experience. The situation reminded me of the game Crocodile, but I rarely played it in groups. However, contact quickly arose between us. We raised such topics with him that even film crew I was surprised! It was great.

    Did you expect that Stella and Yulia would end up with you in the final? How did you assess their chances?

    I have always treated Stella as a serious competitor. I realized that her tactics would work with Dima. But I remembered Yulia in an atypical outfit at the first party. It seemed to me that such a girl would interest a man. I was not mistaken.

    Did you feel in whose favor Dima’s final decision would be?

    To be honest, somewhere I understood that Dima would choose me in the final. I saw his loving eyes and the way he treated me. Although, given the difficulties in communication that had already begun to appear, I could not be 100% sure of his choice.

    Were you happy when Dima chose you?

    I was happy. Of course, I already understood that he had feelings, but Dima didn’t talk about it, the editors of learned.

    I admit, when I was already reviewing the episode, it seemed to me that with the other girls he was more verbose...

    Lida, why did you and Dima break up?

    It’s sad when you imagine one picture, fantasize about a future relationship, but everything doesn’t happen as planned. After the project, I came to Kyiv, we talked, and this conversation played a key role. The feelings did not fade away immediately. Several factors contributed to this... Clarification of past relationships, some kind of resentment. And as I said at the post-show, my man will behave completely differently. I just realized that Dima is not my person.

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