Characteristics of the hero Ranevskaya, The Cherry Orchard, Chekhov. The image of the character Ranevskaya. The image and characterization of Anya Ranevskaya in the play “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov Dispute about Ranevskaya’s Cherry Orchard


The play "The Cherry Orchard" became the pearl of A.P. Chekhov's work. Literary scholars continue to argue about what the cherry orchard symbolized. And the created characters cause controversial opinions, but they will not leave readers indifferent. Below we will present a description of Ranevskaya from The Cherry Orchard.

Heroine's story

You need to start characterizing Ranevskaya from “The Cherry Orchard” by getting acquainted with the history of her life. This will allow you to better understand the character of the heroine. And in the play itself, the reader learns about the events of her life from Lyubov Andreevna herself. At the very beginning it is said that Ranevskaya is returning from Paris with her youngest daughter Anya. Lyubov Andreevna spent five years in this city, and she did not return out of longing for Russia.

She had to return because their family estate with a cherry orchard could be sold for debts. Ranevskaya married some attorney at law who was not a nobleman. The husband did only one thing - drank a lot, and died from alcohol abuse (namely champagne). The reader understands that marriage to such a person hardly made the heroine happy.

She has a fleeting romance. Her son, being small, drowns, and, feeling guilty, Lyubov Andreevna goes abroad. But her lover leaves after her, and after several years of a passionate romance, he leaves her without regret. At the same time, he robs her, leaving her without a livelihood. After his betrayal, Lyubov Andreevna tried to poison herself, but, fortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful.

Her daughter Anna goes after her. And no matter how strange it may seem, this vulnerable and impressionable girl understands and feels sorry for her mother. Lyubov Andreevna lived in Russia for only 5 months, and after the sale of the estate she returned to Paris to her lover. This is the sad story of Ranevskaya from The Cherry Orchard.

The inner world of the heroine

When characterizing Ranevskaya from The Cherry Orchard, you need to try to reveal the contradictory character of the heroine. Lyubov Andreevna is attractive, kind, has a sense of humor, but at the same time she cannot be called an intelligent and sensible woman. After all, she does not seek to change the situation in which she finds herself. She rejects a reasonable solution that would not only save the family estate, but also improve the financial situation.

Of course, this was short-sighted on her part, but it showed her as a sentimental woman who could not agree to sell the house and cut down the cherry orchard because of the memories associated with it. Lyubov Andreevna is a very frivolous woman, because she does not think about the future, what will happen to her daughters, for her there is love, because of which she returns to Paris. And this can be considered not only as frivolity and stupidity on her part, but also as a hope that she too will have happiness. That is why the image of Ranevskaya in the play “The Cherry Orchard” turned out to be so controversial.

Relationships with other characters

In characterizing Ranevskaya from The Cherry Orchard, a brief description of her relationships with other characters should be given. She has the closest relationship with her youngest daughter, who, due to her age, is an impressionable nature and understands and pities her mother. She has a close relationship with her brother, Gaev, because they are connected by common memories and kinship. Lopakhin is the complete opposite of Lyubov Andreevna, he is guided by reason, and she is guided by emotions. Despite the difference in characters, everyone sympathizes with Ranevskaya and tries to help her save the estate.

Relationship to the estate

In the characterization of Ranevskaya from “The Cherry Orchard,” one should also talk about how she relates to the orchard itself. For Lyubov Andreevna, it is associated with her happiest time in life - her childhood, youth. Walking along it, Ranevskaya saw herself as a little girl enjoying life. Therefore, she could not agree to sell it; perhaps this was the only thing that connected Lyubov Andreevna with Russia. Ranevskaya is one of the main characters of the play with a contradictory character, so she is one of Chekhov’s bright heroines.

Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

Quotes. Comment.
Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, landowner.
“She's a good person. An easy, simple person." Lopakhin about her.
“Six years ago my father died, a month later my brother Grisha, a handsome seven-year-old boy, drowned in the river. Mom couldn’t bear it, she left, left, without looking back... (Shudders.) How can I understand her, if only she knew!” Anya about the tragedy in the family.
“God knows, I love my homeland, I love it dearly, I couldn’t watch from the carriage, I kept crying. (Through tears.) However, you need to drink coffee.” Ranevskaya immediately interrupts pompous words about love for her homeland with ordinary phrases about coffee. There is a lot of artistry and ostentation in her speech and behavior.
“...I won’t survive this joy... Laugh at me, I’m stupid... The closet is my dear... (Kisses the closet.) The table is mine.” Gaev. And without you, the nanny died here. Lyubov Andreevna (sits down and drinks coffee). Yes, the kingdom of heaven. They wrote to me. I'm glad to come home. But again everything is for show: love for things and indifference to the fate of people. She took the death of her nanny too calmly.
“Oh, my garden! After a dark, stormy autumn and cold winter, you are young again, full of happiness, the heavenly angels have not abandoned you... If only I could take the heavy stone off my chest and shoulders, if only I could forget my past!” The past weighs on the heroine's soul.
Gaev. Yes, and the garden will be sold for debts, oddly enough... Ranevskaya does not seem to hear these words from her brother about the fate of the garden, and does not try to do anything to save the estate.
“She married a non-nobleman and behaved in a manner that cannot be said to be very virtuous. She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much, but no matter how you come up with mitigating circumstances, I still have to admit , she is vicious. You can feel it in her slightest movement.” Gaev speaks very contradictorily about his sister.
Lyubov Andreevna (looks at his wallet). Yesterday there was a lot of money, but today there is very little. My poor Varya, to save money, feeds everyone milk soup, in the kitchen the old people are given one pea, and I spend it somehow senselessly. Ranevskaya is simply wasting money. At a time when the family does not even have money for a normal lunch.
« I've always wasted money uncontrollably, like a madwoman, and married a man who made only debts.” He is critical of himself.
« You look ahead boldly, and is it because you don’t see and don’t expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes? You are braver, more honest, deeper than us, but think about it, be generous even to the tip of your finger, spare me. After all, I was born here, my father and mother lived here, my grandfather, I love this house, I don’t understand my life without the cherry orchard, and if you really need to sell, then sell me along with the garden... (Hugs Trofimov, kisses his forehead.) After all, my son drowned here..." Trofimov.

Ranevskaya asks to spare her feelings, because the garden is so dear to her. At the same time, she understands that young people are more honest and courageous than the older generation.

Lyubov Andreevna. This is a telegram from Paris. I receive it every day. Both yesterday and today. This wild man is sick again, things are not good with him again... He asks for forgiveness, begs to come, and for real I should go to Paris, stay near him. ...he is sick, he is lonely, unhappy, and who will look after him, who will keep him from making mistakes, who will give him medicine on time? And what is there to hide or remain silent about? I love him, that's clear. I love, I love..." Trofimov.

Ranevskaya admits that she loves a man who is now there, in Paris, who needs her help. And if at first she did not read his telegrams, then after a while she already wants to go to him.

Trofimov. After all he's a scoundrel, you’re the only one who doesn’t know this! He is a petty scoundrel, a nonentity... About Ranevskaya’s lover, when she said that she wanted to go to him in Paris because he needed her.
"You have to be a man at your age you need to understand those who love. And you have to love yourself... you have to fall in love!” She blames Trofimov for not understanding her feelings, says that he also needs to fall in love, then he will be able to understand her.
“I’m leaving for Paris, I’ll live there with the money that your Yaroslavl grandmother sent to buy the estate - long live grandma! “But this money won’t last long.” Anya before leaving.

Ranevskaya does not think about the future, about where she will get money. As long as she has them, she is ready to go to her beloved again.

“I’m leaving with two worries. The first is the sick Firs. The second is my sadness - Varya. She got used to getting up early and working, and now without difficulty she is like a fish out of water. She has lost weight, turned pale and is crying, poor thing...” Ranevskaya leaves without caring about the fate of people close and devoted to her. She never made sure whether Firs was taken to the hospital. She abandons Anya, Varya, and her brother to the mercy of fate. There are so many unfinished matters, and she is leaving. This is indifference, love is only ostentatious, external, in the foreground are her interests and feelings.

General conclusion.

  • Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya- landowner, one of the mistresses of the family estate. She was once rich and wasted money. Generals and barons danced at her evenings. For her, a blooming cherry orchard is a symbol of a wonderful past life.
  • However, this time has long passed. Her husband drank and died from it; she went abroad to fetch her lover, but he also robbed her. At the beginning of the play, the author showed how she and her daughter Anya return to their native estate. But he is about to be sold for debts.
  • The heroine has two daughters - Anya, she is 17 years old, and Varya, an adopted daughter, she is 24 years old.
  • She is very glad to be back, everything in the house is dear to her, because it reminds her of her childhood, her parents, and her deceased son Grisha. It seems to her that she is able to start a new life.
  • Ranevskaya has many attractive features: kindness, charm, enthusiasm, love of nature, music, emotionality.
  • However, Ranevskaya is not capable of decisive action. So, she doesn’t even want to hear about Lopakhin’s proposal to sell the estate to summer residents. He continues to waste money: he eats in an expensive restaurant, orders musicians, gives money to passers-by and men. It seems to Ranevskaya, like her brother Gaev, that everything will somehow be resolved by itself, that something will happen and the estate will belong to them again.
  • She is very frivolous, even helpless in solving everyday problems. Someone must always decide them for her.
  • By nature, she is a kind, attentive woman. It is no coincidence that Lopakhin remembers all his life how she calmed him down as a child after his father beat him. The peasants and servants love her, and everyone feels sorry for her when she goes abroad again.
  • However, she does not do anything serious about the fate of her loved ones. Ranevskaya leaves the children (Anya will study and work, Varya entered the service of the landowners), did not complete the matter with Firs, because he was never admitted to the hospital. There are so many unfinished matters, and she is leaving. This is indifference, love is only ostentatious, external, in the foreground are her interests and feelings.
  • Ranevskaya is selfish, she lives by feelings. It is no coincidence that her brother calls her “vicious.”
  • The attitude towards the heroine is ambiguous. She evokes sympathy, because fate was sometimes so cruel to her. At the same time, she herself is largely to blame for her situation: inability to work, an idle life, inability to adapt to life, some indifference to the fate of people, although with kindness towards them - all this cannot evoke sympathy. The author showed that the time of the nobility, as a class unable to keep up with the times, has already passed. We need to change, otherwise you might just end up with nothing. And this is exactly what awaits Ranevskaya after a certain time, when the money runs out.

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna.

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna is the main character of the play “The Cherry Orchard,” written by Chekhov. The basis of the plot is the fate of the family estate due to debts. The play clearly shows the alignment of social strata inherent in that time. The nobles are represented by Gaev and Ranevskaya, the entrepreneurs by Lopakhin, and the future and young Russia by Anya and Petya.

All characters are involved in the most important matter - the sale of The Cherry Orchard. Ranevskaya is a landowner and mistress of an estate with a garden; after the death of her husband and son, she moved to Paris. The heroine was accustomed to a luxurious life, she spent money on herself and her lover, dined in restaurants without restrictions, and in the end was left without money and housing.

Characteristics of the heroine

(Actress Olga Knipper as Ranevskaya L.A.)

Ranevskaya’s nature is kind, she is characterized by sentimentality, but in everyday life this turns into helplessness. She looks longingly at the former nursery, but most vividly she remembers the cherry orchard, its fate upsets the lady, it is clear to her that she is not living according to her conscience, but she does not find the strength to change. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to luxury.

The main qualities include:

  • sentimentality. He loves his homeland, misses the past, cries when he sees the nursery;
  • helpless and frivolous. The heroine cannot behave correctly, spends a lot, sins;
  • generous;
  • responsive. Can give away the last;
  • not serious. The estate is dear to her, but she does not want to understand the importance of her behavior.

It was her fault that Varenka ate poorly, and the estate became overgrown with debts. She does not agree with the idea of ​​​​building dachas on the site of the garden; Ranevskaya hopes that everything will return to normal on its own.

(Maria Ignatova as L.A. Ranevskaya, Bolshoi Drama Theater)

Psychological characteristics of Ranevskaya

The heroine cannot move away from luxury; her way of life does not change even to save the Cherry Orchard. She refuses to organize dachas for rent, considering it vulgar, and does not want to cut down the garden. He is dear to her as a symbol of her homeland, childhood and even nobility. Contrary to common sense, Ranevskaya hopes that her relatives will help her, that everything will pass and smooth out. She wants to live brightly and richly, she is attached to the one with whom she lived in France, and is ready to return, although she knows for sure that she will not be happy. They have features inherent in Russian nobles of that era.

The image of the heroine in the play

(Renata Litvinova in the image of L.A. Ranevskaya, Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov)

Lyubov Andreevna went abroad after the death of her husband and the drowning of her son Grisha, and lived there for 5 years. They speak of her as a simple and easy-going person; she lived openly in Paris, receiving guests and spending her budget. She is sensitive and affectionate towards the butler and daughters. She is the main character, since it was her spending and inaction that led to the sale of the mansion for debts, and its purchase by Lopakhin during the bidding process. The lady's hopes were not justified; she lost both her garden and her estate, and returned to Paris heartbroken. Ranevskaya is a true noblewoman, and behaves accordingly. Even when leaving, she appropriates the money sent to her daughter.

(Galina NizovaRanevskaya L.A., Theater and Cinema Studio)

What does the image of Ranevskaya show?

Each character in the play shows a certain moment of Russian reality. Ranevskaya is a symbol of the country in the past; she remembers how the garden gave abundant harvests, and regrets that this is no longer the case. At the same time, she tries to maintain the previous level, party and organize balls. In symbolic forms, Chekhov predicted future events in Russia.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard” became one of his best works. The action takes place on the estate of landowner Ranevskaya with a beautiful cherry orchard. But due to a lack of money and numerous debts, she is advised to sell the garden, but the landowner does not want to lose it. After all, many of her memories from her youth are connected with this place. But this decision ruins her, and she loses both her estate and her magnificent cherry orchard.

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna is the main character of the play. Her character expresses contradictory traits. Chekhov himself says that she is a “bad good person,” although he never divided heroes into good and bad. After all, in life, all people have both traits. Lyubov Andreevna has wastefulness, thoughtlessness, frivolity, and inability to adapt to life, but, nevertheless, there are also good qualities in her. She is very sensitive, kind, educated, and knows how to see only beauty around her. The ambiguity of her character is manifested in her speech, which is filled with sincerity, mannerism and even sentimentality.

After Ranevskaya returned back to her estate, she hopes to continue the new and pure life that she had in her youth. But after some time she learns that this estate was acquired by the merchant Lopakhin. For him, this garden means something more than just an object that he acquired. He is delighted and delighted with his new wonderful acquisition.

Chekhov sympathizes with the heroine, because in addition to the cherry orchard, she loses her most valuable memories of her youth. But the author is sure that she has only herself to blame for all this. Ranevskaya, although kind, shows selfishness in her. In her frivolous pursuit of a better life, she does not pay attention to anything in her path. She absolutely does not know how to spend her money correctly, she wastes it on every corner and does not think about the next day. For example, she takes care of the sick Firs, but then forgets him in an abandoned estate.

Chekhov blames only Ranevskaya for the death of the garden, thereby showing us that it is people who are the architects of their own happiness. And the search for a better life will not lead to anything good, but only to troubles and misfortunes. The main character did not want to work, but was only lazy and rested, not considering work to be useful, so she remained living with her past memories.

Option 2

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard” is the author’s most famous and favorite work. The success of this story was brought not only by its plot, but also by the images of the main characters, one of whom was Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna.

Ranevskaya is the main female image of the work “The Cherry Orchard”. Lyubov Andreevna was a bankrupt landowner who had no money left.

Despite her age, Ranevskaya was a very beautiful woman. Lyubov Andreevna had touching and amazing eyes. The woman dressed in Parisian fashion.

Ranevskaya was a very kind, easy-going and simple person. Lyubov Andreevna is a very educated woman with a sense of beauty. Ranevskaya was able to rejoice in beauty.

Lyubov Andreevna was a very responsive, nice, good and generous person. Everyone around her loved her and considered her one of the most magnificent women.

Ranevskaya's main drawback was her attitude towards money. She absolutely did not know how to manage them. Lyubov Andreevna was used to throwing money away and never learned to save.

Some considered Ranevskaya a gullible, short-sighted and frivolous woman. And Lyubov Andreevna herself sometimes spoke very unflatteringly about herself - stupid and sinful.

Ranevskaya loved her daughters Anya and Varya very much. She treated these girls with great affection and tenderness. Also, Lyubov Andreevna was a patriot and loved Russia very much.

Ranevskaya was a very selfish woman. She lived solely by her feelings and desires, for which many even considered her a vicious lady.

Lyubov Andreevna was absolutely not adapted to everyday life. She was helpless, frivolous and indecisive. But at the same time, Ranevskaya was very attentive.

Lyubov Andreevna loved nature and music. She was very acutely aware of everything that was happening in her life, but sometimes it seemed that she was only dramatizing.

In the image of Ranevskaya, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov tried to reflect the cultural past. The woman understood perfectly well where her actions would lead, but did not even try to correct anything.

For her, the Cherry Orchard was the personification of her happiness, youth - her whole life. Ranevskaya clung to the past and until the last hoped only for a miracle.

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna is a key character in the play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The attitude towards the heroine is very contradictory: she evokes sympathy among readers and at the same time open hostility.

Essay about landowner Lyubov Ranevskaya

The last creative work of the writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was the play “The Cherry Orchard,” which he wrote in 1904. In the work he tried to give a complete description of Russian landowners. He describes them as worthless and greedy people who by themselves cannot achieve anything in their lives. Against the background of this layer of society, servants are characterized by pity and poverty. They cannot arrange their own life.

The main character of the play “The Cherry Orchard” is the bankrupt landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. As a girl, she bore the last name Gaeva, like her brother. The heroine has two daughters. Anna is her own daughter, and Varvara is her adopted daughter.

Ranevskaya had magnificent beauty, which only became prettier over the years. I followed the Parisian clothing trends with interest and dressed exclusively in accordance with the styles presented there. She always looked so respectful that she was given hats and coats. The landowner had amazing and touching eyes. The lady was a good, kind and nice person with a light and simple character. The daughters considered their mother a responsive and generous woman who was able to give away everything she had. This positive trait was not always appropriate. Love did not know how to save money, and often simply wasted it in vain. She understood perfectly well that she was not acting wisely, she condemned herself for this vice, but she could not help herself. She was unable to stop. Condemning her for wrong behavior, she called herself a sinner and a stupid woman.

Lyubov Andreevna loved everyone around her. Daughters whom she constantly caressed. The scoundrels who use it. An old footman named Firs. She loved her homeland Russia, which she mourns on the train, very tenderly.

The author of the play describes the events when a period of ruin began in Ranevskaya’s life. She unsuccessfully squandered all her property and is now left without money. The estate in which the cherry orchard was located was put up for auction for large debts. For the lady, the garden was a place that reminded her of the life she had lived, of her youth, of happiness. All the memories dear and dear to her heart were associated with this place. When the merchant offers her to cut down the garden and rent out the land, she refuses. Even though it would help her get out of debt, she is against it. She doesn't want to say goodbye to the place that is so dear to her heart. With their brother, they do not make any attempts to solve the current problem, hoping for a miracle. As a result, they lose their estate.

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Anya is one of the truly sincere and open characters in A.P. Chekhov’s play, which has become a classic of Russian fiction.

The image and characterization of Anya Trofimova in the play “The Cherry Orchard” is hope for the spiritual revival of Russia.

The role of the heroine in the play

Anya Ranevskaya is not the main character of the work. She is assigned a role of secondary importance, she complements the plot of the play, helps to understand the problem raised by the author of the play. A.P. Chekhov himself tries to characterize the role of the character in his letters. In one of his letters, he says that Anya’s role is “short and uninteresting.” This young and thin girl is an example of childishness, naivety and burning hopes for a better life. For actors, the author simplifies the task. In his opinion, “anyone can play” her. The main thing is external similarity. Youth, a clear voice, the ability to hold back tears and be cheerful and carefree. But if you don’t think about the meaning of literature, you can deny the importance of many insignificant characters. It is impossible to remove Anna from the text. It helps to understand the character of many heroes:

  • Varya’s loss and fear of life;
  • isolation from the real perception of the mother’s life;
  • laziness and parasitism of representatives of the nobility;
  • love for the chatter of the learned Peter;
  • the insincerity of Gaev’s words;
  • Lopakhin's vanity.

Communicating with each character, Anya highlights his negative sides and highlights his individuality.

Girl character

Anya is 17 years old, she has not yet matured and feels like a naive child at heart. Anya's mother is an impoverished noblewoman who does not understand the complexity of her situation. She is in the air, making plans that are not destined to come true. Some of her demeanor was passed on to her daughter. Anya flew in a hot air balloon in Paris, she admires ordinary things, enjoys life and does not understand people. Anya spent most of her life abroad. She was educated by a governess of French origin with an unknown past. Governess Charlotte is a circus performer. It cannot be assumed that her knowledge is enough for a girl. Anya independently searched for what helped her become interesting and educated. She read a lot, looking for correct life principles in books. The books did their job: the girl grew up enthusiastic and emotional. She easily succumbs to Peter’s ideas and believes his every word. The young man was the teacher of his deceased brother, but it is likely that his lessons were also interesting for Anya.

The daughter loves her mother very much, she chooses the most tender words for her: beautiful, kind, good. Anya loves her half-sister Varya, she addresses her as affectionately as her mother: beautiful, darling.

Anya and the eternal student Petya

Ranevskaya is friends with Pyotr Trofimov. Young people talk, searching for the meaning of happiness and freedom. They do not accept the possibility of feelings of love arising between them, trying to deny love from existence. Their goal is a bright star that shines in the distance and beckons them with its light. The author does not give the exact content of their conversations. The reader is forced to guess for himself what the characters in the play dream about. There is only fragmentary evidence of their hopes:

  • new cherry orchard;
  • quiet cozy home;
  • reading books in the evenings;
  • happy people around.

The wonderful future is tempting, but very vague. It is clear that young people are not afraid of changes in life. Anya is ready for work, study, and exams. But she, relying on Peter, does not notice his isolation from reality. The eternal student has a lot of words, but few actions. The author hopes that the girl’s energy and his desire to find the meaning of life will help “ideological” people (like Peter). Their inner strength will not be enough to spread their knowledge, and “Ani” will become the driving force, “pushers” and assistants.

Connection with nature

The play describes the loss of a beautiful old cherry orchard. Few objects from the author give the reader the opportunity to imagine real beauty. Anya grew up in a quiet estate, among beautiful trees. It was nature that allowed the girl to maintain the purity of her soul and thoughts. Young Russia is a new cherry orchard, it is the scent of freedom and movement towards a dream. Anya will help her loved ones, she will change the usual way of life of the nobility. The girl will be able to start working and achieving her goals not with the help of rich relatives, but on her own, as a truly happy person.