Guz Rostov Regional Consultative Hospital. Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital, Rostov-on-Don



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Professor Dyuzhikov Alexander Akimovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of Russia, Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Director of the Cardiac Surgery Center

Professor Trinitatsky Yuri Vladimirovich Doctor of Medical Sciences Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in Neurology Director of the Neurology Center (regional)

Doctors and candidates of medical sciences

Korobka Vyacheslav Leonidovich Doctor of Medical Sciences Surgeon of the highest qualification category Chief physician

Trinitatsky Ivan Yurievich Candidate of Medical Sciences Doctor of the highest qualification category Head of the neurological department


Usubyan Jasim Amidovich Surgeon (thoracic) of the highest qualification category

Nersesyants Sergey Avanesovich Maxillofacial surgeon of the highest qualification category Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery

Akulov Sergey Nikolaevich Ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category Head of the ophthalmology department

Shamray Vladimir Stepanovich Doctor of the highest qualification category Head of Hematology Department

History of the creation of regional hospital No. 1

GBUZ "Rostov Regional Hospital No. 1" founded in 1954. Its construction began from the dilapidated buildings of the former Mariinsky Hospital. Since then, approximately 8,500 patients have required inpatient treatment annually.

In 1974, new buildings were built, a hospital with 1,100 beds, a clinic with 1,200 visits, 1978-88. - this is a period of active development of special medical care, and from 1988 to 2000, compulsory medical insurance was introduced. From 2001-2004 regional clinical hospital received a second birth.

To date "Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1", equipped with more than 2000 units of diagnostic and treatment equipment. The neurological, gastroenterological, cardiological, pulmonological, and hematological departments provide medical care to patients with particularly complex pathologies.

At the base regional advisory clinic medical genetic consultation is carried out. In 2009 it was created Regional Vascular Center, active scientific activities are underway.

Excerpts from newspapers about Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1

Making an appointment with a doctor at regional hospital No. 1

Dear patients, We provide the opportunity to register directly to see the doctor you want to see for a consultation. Call the number listed at the top of the site, you will get answers to all your questions. First, we recommend that you study the section.

How to make an appointment with a doctor?

1) Call the number 8-863-322-03-16 .

1.1) Or use the call from the site:

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