State lotteries of the Russian Federation. Real lottery to win. Is it possible to win by playing the lottery in Russia?


You will find out what the probability of winning the lottery is, whether it is possible to increase the chances of winning and which lottery is the most winning in Russia. All the details are in the article.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

The desire to get rich has always driven people. Casino, sports betting and, of course, they offer lotteries easy way get huge money. But are these ways of making money really that simple?

In this article we will talk about which lottery you can actually win, what are the chances of an ordinary player, and whether it is worth playing at all.

What types of lotteries are there?

Lotteries are once again experiencing a boom in popularity. Some people see in them an opportunity to easily get rich, for others it’s just another form of relaxation - sitting in front of the TV in the evening with their family, crossing out cherished numbers.

If you are tempted by the prospect of easy money under the guise of a hobby, it’s time to buy lottery ticket.

But first, let's figure out what kind of lotteries there are. Their main difference is the form of conduct. There are two main types, which we will talk about.


The name speaks for itself. The results are known right at the point of purchase. It is necessary to erase certain fields on the ticket or open the envelope. Small winnings are paid out immediately on the spot. If you have caught your luck by the tail, then contact the organizers to receive a big prize.

It is impossible to verify the fairness of an instant lottery. Statistics are not tracked, results are not recorded.


They are divided into two types:

  1. The player fills out the fields himself.
  2. The ticket has completed fields.

There are no further differences. The lottery machine gives out balls with numbers, or the presenter takes the barrels out of the bag; the numbers that fall out must be crossed out. The drawings are broadcast on the Internet or on television. The results can be checked on the website; the honesty of most of them is beyond doubt, but the organizers in any case remain in the black.

In the future, this article will focus exclusively on lotteries.

What is the probability of winning the lottery - what science says

It is interesting to consider the lottery from a scientific point of view. What are the chances of winning?

The theory of probability is responsible for such calculations. The chance is calculated simply: the factorial of all possible options divided by the factorial of the outcome.

The first question that arises is: what is factorial? This is the product of all integers in a row up to the given one.

For example, the factorial of 4 looks like this:

4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24.

It turns out that for Gosloto 5 out of 36 the probability of winning is as follows:

36!/5! = 376992 (36 balls in the lottery machine, 5 random ones participate in the drawing)

That is, for every 376,992 participants there is one winner. But the option under consideration is valid only for the jackpot, when all 5 numbers have been guessed. In this case, tickets that match at least two numbers are considered winning. Here the chances are much higher, namely - 1 in 8, but at the same time you will receive only 80 rubles.

But it is not possible to accurately calculate the chance for all draw lotteries. In games like Russian Lotto, the chance depends on the draw. In large quantities, 2 barrels remain in the bag and the quantity prize tickets reaches 40%.

Most of the winnings are small cash prizes, but this does not stop the organizers from loudly declaring that every third ticket is a winner.

Having considered the most popular Russian and world representatives, we get the following:

Which lottery can you really win - what do the statistics say?

We examined this issue from the point of view of probability theory. But you need to understand that it works with a very large sample, about a million outcomes.

No company has ever conducted such a large number of draws, so it is more interesting to consider lotteries from a statistical point of view.

4 products are sold under the Gosloto brand state lotteries, we will look at the most popular - “5 out of 36”. There are 5 draws every day, and the total number of draws has exceeded 8100.

The statistics are quite interesting:

  1. Number of participants. From 10,000 to 20,000 tickets take part in each drawing. At the same time, the largest number of participants falls on evening draws.
  2. Amounts drawn. If we talk about draws in which the jackpot is not played, then payouts range from 300,000 to 800,000 thousand rubles.
  3. Jackpot. On average, a super prize is awarded every hundredth draw. That is, every 20 days another millionaire appears.

Russian lotto

One of the most popular and oldest lotteries in Russia. Draws are held once a week on Sundays.

The website provides the following statistics:

  1. Number of participants. The usual circulation involves from 2,500,000 to 3,500,000 tickets. In special ones, when there are 2 barrels left, from 7,000,000. On January 1, 2018, a record was set: more than 45,000,000 participants took part in the drawing.
  2. Amounts drawn. On a normal day, 100,000,000 - 120,000,000 rubles are played. For special editions the amount doubles. The record belongs to the January circulation - 2,125,000,150 rubles.
  3. Undropped barrels. Most often the numbers left in the bag are 83, 76, 78, 70, 37.

Chance of winning. This indicator depends on the missing numbers. There are no official statistics on the site. But through simple mathematical calculations the following result will be obtained: 4 barrels - 20%, 3 - 30%, 2 - 40%.

Housing lottery

The name speaks for itself. All big prizes- real estate (country houses, cottages, apartments). The rules are exactly the same as in Russian Lotto. Only instead of a bag of barrels, a lottery drum is used. The circulation takes place once a week on Sunday.

The statistics for the draws are as follows:

  1. Number of participants. It is lower than in the more popular Russian Lotto. For standard draws - up to a million, for special draws - up to 2.5 million.
  2. Amounts drawn. In the standard edition, up to 80 million rubles are drawn. The record belongs to the January special draw, during which more than 310,000,000 rubles were raffled off.
  3. Captive balls. The balls numbered 18, 72, 11, 70, and 37 are the least likely to take part in the game.

Golden Key

In the past, one of the most popular representatives, and the main competitor of the Russian Lotto. In 2015, it ceased to exist for unknown reasons. We wanted to compare the statistics of the “Golden Key” with existing analogues, but there is no information.

The only thing we could find was a loud mention that during its existence, 2000 prizes worth more than 1 million each were awarded.


Sportloto is the oldest representative on this list. Draws are held every 15 minutes. Sportloto does not boast of large amounts paid out. Maximum possible amount- 10,000,000 rubles. Most big win, found by me in the archive - 63,000 rubles.

Examples of winnings in Russia

Everyone is only interested in large sums; no one cares about tickets for which you can get 100 or 110 rubles. Although in reality large circulation“Russian Lotto” accounted for more than a billion rubles in payments for such tickets alone!

Everyone is interested in millionaires and only the biggest prizes.

We have compiled a selection of the largest prizes:

  • 184,000,000 - Valery T. from Omsk (“Gosloto 6 out of 45” dated 02/10/2014);
  • 250,000,000 - unknown winner (“Russian Lotto” dated 01/01/2018);
  • 267,000,000 - Yuri N. from Nizhny Novgorod(“Gosloto 6 of 45” dated 02/21/2018);
  • 358,000,000 - Nikolay F. from Novosibirsk (“Gosloto 6 out of 45” dated February 27, 2016);
  • 506,000,000 - Natalya Vlasova (“Russian Lotto” dated November 5, 2017).

A remarkable fact is that the most profitable month is February. It accounted for 3 of the largest prizes out of 5.

The network contains information about winnings of 300,000,000 and 367,000,000 rubles. But we didn’t find it on the organizers’ website.

Is it worth playing the lottery?

Huge sums of money are raffled off every day; photographs of happy millionaires and owners of new apartments regularly appear on the Internet. It feels like everyone except you has already received their treasured million.

Is it worth playing to get rich? Definitely not. That is, regular participation in sweepstakes does not guarantee wealth.

There are stories in which Farmer John from Texas bought lottery tickets every day for ten years. And in the eleventh year he wins 100 million dollars. And it’s true, such stories exist. But no one talks about the same farmers who don’t win anything, but just spend a large number of money.

This is a game of chance and should be treated solely as entertainment. A rush of adrenaline into the blood, pleasant emotions even from a small win. But as a reliable tool for earning money gambling cannot be considered. You will earn nothing but losses and damaged nerve cells.

The organizer will always make a profit, no matter what amounts were played. True, no one hides this fact. Let's look at the results of the Russian Lotto lottery on January 1: 2 billion rubles in winnings seems like a huge amount.

But let's look at the number of tickets sold (more than 42.5 million) and the cost (100 rubles). By multiplying, we find that more than 4 billion were received from sales alone.

FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions

A lottery is a complex mechanism that includes not only organizers and participants.

There are many interesting and important issues related to rules, conditions and just money. We have answered the most popular and important of them.

Question 1. How is winning taxed?

In Russia this figure is 13%. The winner is required to include the prize money in the general income statement or receive the winnings taking into account the tax deduction. For example, you won a million rubles. The first option is to receive it in your hands, after paying a tax of 130,000. The second option is to receive 870,000 already taking into account the tax deduction.

Question 2. How to increase your chances of winning?

Here it is worth turning to probability theory. This science gives a clear answer. To maximize the chances of the desired outcome, you need to increase the number of attempts.

Let's take a simple example. You have 10 numbered balls in your bag, you need to pull out the ball with number 3. Having one attempt, the chance of success is 10%, increasing the number of attempts to two, the chance will increase to 20%.

The same principle applies to the lottery, only the number of “balls in the bag” is much larger. Buying more tickets increases your chance of winning, even if only slightly.

Question 3. How to choose a ticket to win?

There is no answer to this question, otherwise everyone would be millionaires, and the organizers would go around the world. Everything depends on your luck, and it is impossible to measure it mathematically.

In my youth, I often played instant lotteries, as the owner of " light hand“, but never received large sums. Conspiracies, psychics, fortune tellers will not help in any way, you will only lose your money. The above describes in detail how the theory of probability works, and it is impossible to influence it by such means.

Question 4. What is the biggest win in the world?

The record holder is considered American Powerball. In 2016, the largest jackpot was won in the amount of $1,568,000,000. However, there were three lucky ones and the amount was divided, each receiving $528 million.

The largest single win also belongs to Powerball. In 2017, the only winner of the $758.7 million jackpot was a Massachusetts resident.

How to win the lottery - an entertaining video on the topic of the article:

To play or not to play? If you answer this question clearly in the affirmative, then all you have to do is determine where to buy lottery tickets. “Russian Lotto”, “Sportloto”, “Bingo” - all these are popular Russian lotteries. And each of them gives anyone a chance to win a large sum money. Of course, the probability of winning for everyone individual person is extremely small, in fact tends to zero, but still a few lucky people are lucky.

List of the most popular Russian lotteries

Prizes in Russian lotteries are significantly smaller than in American ones, because in the USA the maximum winning amount in the Mega Millions lottery was $656 million. But they are still very tempting, so much so that the number of participants is growing every day. And that's it larger number people are wondering where they can buy lottery tickets.

Russian Post, banks

It should be noted that for another couple of decades the question of where to purchase the treasured coupons of happiness did not arise. And people didn’t ask where to buy a lottery ticket, but went straight to the post office or the bank. The choice here is not very large, but, as a rule, all the lotteries presented here are quite reliable.

Kiosks, shops

Today you can buy lottery tickets at almost any kiosk that sells magazines, stationery and other small goods. Kiosks distributing such products must have a license. You can find such retail outlets by noticeable advertising signs.

You also don’t have to ask where to buy a lottery ticket if you live close to any chain store or mobile phone store. At almost every point of sale of mobile phones, a consultant will either sell you a ticket or help you make a purchase through a terminal. It’s a little more complicated with supermarkets; here, in most cases, you need to keep the purchase receipt.

Specialized stores selling lottery tickets

Specialized stores are trade pavilions entirely dedicated to the sales of relevant products. Here you can buy lottery tickets and wait for the draw, or play an instant lottery. And if you win, receive the prize on the spot. Maximum amount winning quick game is set individually for each point. In specialized stores, customers do not have a question about where to buy a lottery ticket: consultants will help them here, or they can purchase everything themselves at the terminals. In modern pavilions everything is done according to last word equipment: huge colorful information boards, terminals, promotions and special offers, lottery machines, information panels with Internet access and much more.


If you have the Internet, then you don’t even have to raise the question of where to buy a lottery ticket. You can buy a ticket for any lottery online at a convenient time of day, without leaving your home. Each state lottery in Russia has its own online store, here you can not only make a purchase, but also find out everything useful information: dates of draws, prize fund amount, deductions, etc.

Another advantage of online stores is that you don’t need to go somewhere to collect your winnings, as it will be credited to your account automatically. There is also no need to store the ticket or track the circulation. In addition, there are services that sell original products from largest lotteries peace.

Where to buy a billion dollar lottery ticket? New Year's lottery results

At the end of 2016, Russia was shocked by the news that New Year's Eve One billion rubles will be drawn. This is the biggest win for our country. Who received it? Alas, not a single person won the billion, but there were more millionaires in the country: 8 people received 6.8 million rubles each. and one - 54 million rubles. from Gosloto, and the most promising draw had a prize fund of only 289 million rubles, which were shared by more than one and a half million people. Also, “Russian Lotto” raffled off 44 country houses, so there were 44 more happy owners of their own real estate in the country.

In our country, lotteries began to be popular back in Soviet times. Back then it was treated almost like a sport, but now it is a familiar attribute of our lives and great entertainment for the whole family. Some people buy paper lottery tickets the old fashioned way and follow the drawings in live on TV, others prefer e-tickets and online broadcasts. In any case, the chances of winning are the same for everyone!

The most popular lotteries in Russia are “Golden Key”, “Russian Lotto”, “Gosloto”, “Sportloto” and “ Housing lottery" These are the real winning lotteries in Russia in 2017. You can take part in them through special lottery agents. Our website will help you choose the most reliable Internet service, presenting reviews and ratings from real users about each of them.

In order to participate in Russian lotteries, you do not have to leave home in search of the necessary tickets. It is enough to register on one of the lottery sites (for example, Stoloto or Interlot), select a lottery, buy a ticket online and wait for the draw.

The rules of the Stoloto game are simple and clear, in my opinion there is nothing tricky, besides, they are constantly checked for legality and if they were deceiving the people, they would have been shut down long ago. I have been playing for many years, I like to receive prizes) The minimum winnings are equal to the cost of the ticket, which means that the person who plays does not lose anything. And if you’re lucky, you can win more than 10 thousand, such luck smiled at me only once)

2018.07.19 at 15:28 wrote: Galina Petrova

Almost everyone I know plays Stoloto. There is probably not a single family around who would be categorically against it. I play it myself from time to time. And after observing the statistics of my games and the games of my friends, I can say that the lottery is fair. Cash prizes are not at all uncommon. Getting them is also not difficult; for example, I received everything by mail.

2018.06.18 at 14:58 wrote: Sergey

Quite a good slot lottery. Started with free game, there are demos for all games, you can check out what each one is like, but you won’t get a win on them, otherwise everything is the same, the chances of winning are no different. The demo also has interesting feature: you can play without even registering on the platform, but there is a daily limit of 1k rubles, if you lose them, either register so that the ceiling in the demo is 3k rubles, or come back the next day. Well, if you are registered and play for a fee, then it all depends on the state of your account.

Winnings are withdrawn quickly, usually 8-10 hours, the minimum is 750 rubles, not the best indicator, but...

2019.01.05 at 12:33 written by: MoronMoron

Of all the lotteries, I only play ours, and on this site. Well, you don’t need to go to a kiosk to buy a ticket like you used to, so you opened the Internet and bought it. And then the old fashioned way - I sit and watch TV in the morning and catch luck by the tail.
I really only play “Golden Key”. In principle, as entertainment for 50 rubles a week, it’s pretty good. Even losses don’t upset me, because I give away a little money. Once I even managed to win 400 rubles, although I immediately spent it on more tickets, but alas, no luck there. But I don't despair, still good mood more expensive, yes...

2016.11.28 at 12:15 wrote: Ildar

My husband and I have been playing Gosloto for quite some time, we like it. We tried playing other lotteries, but they were definitely a scam. You can get good winnings in Stoloto. And there is a guarantee of receiving them (there are such examples, that’s why I’m saying it there). Our daughter got married and is going to win an apartment for her. That's why we buy Housing Lottery tickets. We haven’t found an apartment yet, but we’re winning money.

2018.07.23 at 21:09 wrote: Natalya Andreeva

I'm an avid lottomaniac, and of course I have my favorites. Russian lotteries. Of course Russian lotto takes one of the honorable first places! Moreover, I don’t have as many warm memories and feelings associated with any lottery as I do with this one. In addition to pleasant cash bonuses, there are also pleasant Sunday gatherings with my grandmother, thanks to whom I became acquainted with Russian lotto. Thank you to the organizers for the opportunity to win and another reason to be close to your family!

2018.08.26 at 22:11 wrote: Lukina Katya

Only constant play can give the opportunity
develop your own tactics. I've been playing for a long time and
almost always in plus or slight minus.
The overall balance is positive. This is thanks
my programs, which I give away for free, but with some conditions. I want to create a team of players. If you are interested, write to me and I will answer everyone. Vlad2018

2018.10.12 at 01:12 written by: Ivanoff

The Golden Horseshoe tickets are simply superb, bright and colorful, the illustrations are always beautiful and kind. Draws are held on weekends, which is also convenient, work does not distract from viewing. If you can’t look it up online, you can buy the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, where the results are published on Wednesdays. You can also find out more by phone, and the call is free.
Initially, we chose the numbers at random, and then I saw a hint on the website that when using several tickets in one circulation, it is better not to single out repeating numbers, you need to be as diverse as possible, this is one of the main criteria for success. I always receive my winnings at Russian Post offices, where I buy tickets.

2019.02.26 at 16:07 wrote: Nicole

A very convenient procedure for buying a ticket on the Internet, I pay 50 rubles from my Qiwi wallet. On weekends I sit in front of the TV and wait for the win. I prefer the state lottery, it’s so reliable. I want to win, I’m waiting for luck to smile again. I believe that this will definitely happen again!

2019.03.16 at 18:05 wrote: angelina

Keno is my favorite lottery, it is quite fast, drawings happen every half hour or even more often. Placing a bet is very simple, the main thing is to deposit money into your wallet on time, but you can pay for bets not only from your personal account. You can send invoices to Yandex.Wallet or WebMoney, in addition to these payment methods, you can also pay the bet from the number mobile phone, this is the easiest way. Bets are accepted instantly, selected numbers can be edited, but only until the bet is accepted. Everything that happens to the bet can be tracked in personal account, it's comfortable. The lottery, of course, is not the most interesting, but for those who want to get results quickly, this is it. The most interesting thing is that the rate...

2019.02.04 at 17:25 wrote: Legends

Each player has a good opportunity here - to increase the number of draws in which the ticket will take part, indicating their number at the very bottom of the field. I always played at the minimum bet, that is, I crossed out 5 numbers, not 12, because I’m not particularly gambling, big money I don’t expect “from heaven” and a simple bet worth only 20 rubles suits me quite well in terms of trying to catch my luck. The money I won was given to me at the ticket sales point, because the winnings did not exceed 2,000.

2019.05.21 at 10:40 written by: Sofita

I would be happy to play 6 out of 36, get acquainted with the rules of the game, there are a lot of conventions, there is almost no guarantee of winning 3 million rubles. 3 million rubles is a lot of money and tickets should, according to at least, have protection as on banknotes etc. and so on.
And is it possible to trust the state in our time, I’m not even talking about commercial bodies.

2018.05.21 at 09:35 wrote: Alexander Loginov

I like instant lotteries the most because you don’t have to think: if you’re lucky or unlucky, the result will be quick. In addition, they are guaranteed to be issued by the state.
Since I often go to the post office, they offer me lotteries there. If you count, I spent 200 rubles on my dreams of winning, and received 400. An excellent ratio.

2019.01.08 at 15:03 written by: Maya

The essence of the lottery is simple - you need to choose 8 numbers out of 20 in the first field and one out of 4 in the second. To get the maximum win, you need to guess the numbers in all fields; when you increase the bet by each number, a certain amount is added to the main win. The minimum winnings are 60 rubles. can be obtained by guessing 4 numbers from the first row and one from the second. Draws are held every 15 minutes, you can follow the results on the website, or you can just wait for an SMS about your winnings.
Recently, Stoloto provided players with the opportunity to subscribe to drawings; they need to select a combination of numbers once and it will participate in all drawings, and the money will be...

2019.01.18 at 15:09 written by: amia

In principle, if you participate in lotteries, it is better to participate in state ones, and Stoloto really is one, its organizers are the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Sports. IN instant lottery 12 out of 24 offer the player good odds - 1 in 4.5. The creators of Stoloto claim that half of the money for tickets goes to the prize fund, which is also a good indicator.
The essence of the game is to guess all 12 numbers or not to guess a single one, then the player will receive a super prize, then everything depends on the number of numbers guessed. This lottery is not quite ordinary and the principle “the more guessed, the bigger the prize” does not work in it. All combinations for which a prize is awarded are listed on the website...

Everything related to finance in our country is strictly regulated by supervisory authorities, headed by the Central Bank. Indeed, money can be used for both good and evil purposes and for different time All over the world, organizations conducting lotteries, organizations earning huge amounts of money from this, without exaggeration, have been more than once seen in “dark” matters, such as financing terrorism, coups d’etat and the opposition. It was logical to assume that government agencies in developed countries came to the conclusion that lotteries should be regulated by the state. The list of state lotteries in Russia today includes 8 organizers. We will talk about them in this article.

State lotteries in Russia. List 2018

1. Gosloto "6 out of 45"

According to monitoring commissions, today this lottery has the largest jackpot among the entire list of Russian state lotteries operating in 2018. You can win it by guessing all 6 numbers on the ticket that appear during the next drawing. The drawing is held every day at 22:00 Moscow time. In 2009, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg won 6 out of 45 in Gosloto, receiving 100,000,000 rubles for the correct guess. winning combination, and in 2014 his record was broken by an unnamed resident of Omsk, who received 184 million rubles.

2. Golden Key

Who doesn’t remember this bald, good-natured guy, the host of a TV show on central channels(first ORT, then RTR) with a drawing of the main prizes of the lottery - apartments (hence the name of the lottery). You can also win money and cars at the Golden Key. The jackpot is quite impressive and the lottery has been popular for over 12 years. Win it Grand Prize It is possible by crossing out the first 5 numbers of one line during the first five moves, which makes it similar to lotto. This lottery has been on the list of state lotteries since its inception; according to information from the media, one of its sponsors is the Ministry of Construction.

3. Lotto million

Bursting on Russian TV channels, this state lottery has received a large audience due to the complex and at the same time convenient system for offering the game process. The same lottery ticket in Lotto Million can be used throughout all rounds of the game. If you win in two rounds, the winnings are summed up. If all 25 numbers were crossed out by you within 25 moves in 2 fields, you became the owner of the jackpot.

4. First national lottery

The state lottery, which in the 2018 list ranks first in terms of public trust. It was created at the beginning of the 2000s to restore confidence in government lottery drawings. In 2016, statistics show that the first state lottery helps 25,000 people win winnings in one round. More than 60% of the funds go to payments (this is more than the average 50%, which is established in the rules of other lotteries).

5. Lottery "Victory" (State housing lottery)

In 2016, apartments with 1, 2 or 3 rooms are awarded in this state lottery. The drawing is carried out in three stages with different rules. The list of state lotteries in 2018 without “Victory” could be quite realistic, especially considering the reduction in spending during the crisis.

6. Gosloto "5 out of 36"

The most “frequent” state lottery on the list for 2018. It is held twice a day (yes, yes) and the conditions are approximately the same as the first lottery on our list. You need to guess a combination of five numbers in a list of 36 possible ones.

7. Gosloto "7 out of 49"

Draw lottery with the second largest jackpot. The principle is the same - guess 7 numbers out of 49, but you can go further and play an extended version of the game - choose 12 numbers. Players who guessed 3 to 6 numbers from the list (albeit inconsistently) are entitled to receive a prize, which is a good amount of money, the payment of which is 50% of total number bets made.

8. Golden Horseshoe

We have already talked about it in previous articles. It can be partly said that golden horseshoe came to replace everyone's favorite Russian lotto, maintaining the host and atmosphere. 50% of the total amount of money spent on a ticket by players is allocated for winnings in the Golden Horseshoe. You can read more about the conditions and rules of the game of the state lottery "Golden Horseshoe".

Surely every lottery fan remembers buying his first game ticket. It’s worth thinking about why you chose that particular game? Surely you made a purchase for a reason, but carried out some statistics on the most winning lotteries. IN modern world players are offered great amount lottery draws, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. Today, it is quite difficult to choose a single lottery that is considered the most winning. However, if you carefully approach this issue, you can choose several of the most profitable lotteries that are held in Russia today.

What parameters were taken into account

To choose the most attractive lottery participants, you should pay attention to different parameters. Among them, the size of the jackpot is quite important. Of course, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the historical records of the game in question. The official websites of many lotteries provide data on the probability of winning the main prize. Do not neglect this information.

It would also be useful to familiarize yourself with the total lottery prize fund, which is allocated for each draw. Naturally, the larger it is, the higher the likelihood of hitting a big jackpot. As a rule, the prize fund is a certain percentage of the amount received from ticket sales. In many lotteries, the general fund is 50 percent of the proceeds. However, today there are some games whose prize pool is 67 percent.

An important factor when choosing a lottery is the cost of the ticket. More precisely, it is worth paying attention to the ratio of the price of a gaming receipt to the total prize fund. Today you can choose a lottery that offers enough big wins, but the ticket price is significantly lower compared to other games.

When choosing a lottery, it is recommended to decide in advance whether you prefer to win often or win a lot. After all, today there are many lotteries that offer fairly large prizes, but they are played very rarely. There are also games that may not offer huge prize pools, but winning here is quite easy. If you'd rather have a bird in your hand, you should pay attention to simple lotteries, drawings of which are held several times a day. To become a participant in some of them, you only need 10 rubles in your wallet. Accordingly, there can be no talk of large jackpots here, but increasing your investment several times is quite possible.

The most popular state lotteries in 2017

"Gosloto 6 out of 45"

The most attractive are lotteries that provide real chances to win a fairly valuable prize. Such draws can easily include the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery. If we consider last years holding draws, you can see that in 2014 the jackpot was hit in this game, the size of which exceeded 202 million rubles. Already in January of the following year, the main prize was also drawn, exceeding 203 million rubles. In 2016, one of the participants also managed to hit the big jackpot. Statistics show that such huge sums are played out more often than once every six months. These are quite good indicators. Moreover, the jackpot in this lottery is cumulative and therefore increases with each draw. At the same time, the cost minimum rate in this game is only 50 rubles.

Probability of winning the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery

"Gosloto 5 of 36"

Among the most winning lotteries, it is also worth noting the game “Gosloto 5 out of 36”. The statistics of its draws show that almost every week there are lucky winners who receive more than 1,000,000 rubles. We can safely say that today “Gosloto 5 out of 36” is a real “forge of millionaires”. The advantages of such a game include the low cost of a ticket, which is only 30 rubles. It is also worth noting that the game holds drawings five times a day. Thanks to this, you have a high chance of becoming a millionaire. Today there are more than 500 such lucky people.

Probability of winning the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery

"Gosloto 7 of 49"

One of the most reliable lotteries is Gosloto 7 out of 49. Some might say that guessing all seven numbers is quite difficult. However, this comes with a worthy prize. In this game the guaranteed jackpot is 50,000,000 rubles. At the same time, the main prize is cumulative, so it can increase significantly. To become a participant in this game, you only need to spend 20 rubles. This is a good ratio between ticket price and prize fund. Moreover, “Gosloto 7 out of 49” draws are held six times a day. This gives you a high chance of winning a big prize.

Probability of winning the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery

One of the most legendary lotteries is “Sportloto 6 out of 49”. This lottery can be safely called a cult one, since it was loved back in Soviet times. Of course, it has undergone many changes over the years, but even today it remains a favorite game of many participants. The minimum bet here is 20 rubles. Moreover, each player has a real chance of becoming the owner of the main prize, minimum size which is 10,000,000 rubles. The jackpot increases with each draw. The chances of winning also increase due to the fact that such drawings are held three times a day.

Probability of winning the “Sportloto 6 out of 49” lottery

"Russian Lotto"

The most popular lotteries have the highest winnings. Such games include "". The popularity of this lottery suggests that there are not only high chances of winning. Due to the large number of participants in each draw, it is possible to observe quite large prize funds. For example, in the “” draws, up to 500 thousand are revealed winning tickets. Million-dollar jackpots also delight numerous fans of this game. In addition, this lottery is one of the few that offers a fairly large number valuable prizes. There are cars, real estate and other material gifts here.

Even if you have never taken part in lottery drawings, this does not mean that they are not popular. You've probably heard the names of many lotteries many times. At the same time, you need to understand that even in the Soviet Union, for many participants, lottery drawings became a kind of sport, which was as interesting to watch as football or hockey. As a rule, this category of people chooses lotteries game process which is the most interesting. Today, many pranks are entire performances. For many participants, the day of the draw is considered a real holiday. That is why, if your main goal are not cash prizes, but a pleasant time spent, it is worth paying attention to lotteries, the drawings of which are a real show. In this case, the participants benefit from the fact that they get real pleasure from the process, are charged with positivity, vigor and good mood.