Virgo tiger horoscope for March


The beginning of March 2019 will be ambiguous for representatives of the Virgo zodiac house. The horoscope for March 2019 states: Virgo will be busy running around stupidly, like a squirrel in a wheel, she grabs onto several things at once, becomes a participant in many projects, without even imagining how to complete what she started. But already in the second decade, this state of affairs will be reversed, and Virgo’s working life will become more orderly. At this time, the influence of Mars will prevail. Confusion and fuss will remain a thing of the past, and most Virgos will begin to systematically implement the assigned tasks. Just start working, putting the most the hard part tasks, pushing all the little things and nuances into the background. Business acumen and responsibility will allow you to sort out the little things without losing time.


The patronage of Mars in the fate of Virgo in March can be compared to a barrel of honey. But, as you know, nothing can happen without a fly in the ointment. This spoon will be such a combination of circumstances in which Virgo will be powerless to resist negative influence representatives of horoscope signs belonging to the element of Water. Be very vigilant with colleagues, and especially with business leaders who belong to the signs of Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces.

In addition, one’s own character can also serve as a disservice. Lack of tact, hot temper and irritability can ruin your relationships in a team for a long time. In March, Virgo will often have to get out of the situation peace of mind, criticize others for the slightest mistake, but this does not improve emotional state neither Virgo nor the people around her.

If your boss is a Virgo, then the best thing you can do for yourself in March 2019 is simply not to catch his eye.


At the beginning of spring, representatives of the sign, both men and women, born under the influence of Mercury (from September 12 to 23), will be overcome by laziness. They don't care family problems, household troubles, minor breakdowns. Virgo gets tired at work and wants to get peace from external stimuli at home. This will soon affect family matters. Only some small shock can bring them out of suspended animation. And this shock can be a small thrashing from your significant other or older relatives. The revival that will follow will have a very positive effect on Virgo’s behavior throughout the year. But don’t go too far and try not to get personal - Virgos are vindictive and this will not be painless for you.

Many married women do not have to rely solely on their own financial resources in March. The stars recommend not resorting to loans in March; the money that Virgo borrows in March will be very difficult to repay. In this situation, it is better for representatives of the sign to limit spending; Virgos often make spontaneous purchases, which they later regret. By eliminating such expenses, many Virgos will be able to save a lot.

Virgo woman

In mid-March 2019, representatives of the fair half of humanity, born under the constellation Virgo, may again be overtaken by problems from the past, which were never resolved then. Mercury, treacherous and vindictive, will make you relive moments that cannot be called pleasant over and over again. And this once again confirms that Virgos do not diligently learn the karmic lessons taught earlier in life.

From the second ten days of March, the stars may begin to test you not only with not very pleasant memories, but also with happiness. Many Virgos will experience stunning success with the opposite sex. Old girlfriends and friends will require your attention and care, and these chores will become more than pleasant.

Virgo man

The influence of Mercury, which comes into force in March 2019, will cause many Virgo men to feel dissatisfied with their own appearance and the urgent need to change the image. Feel free to start innovating. All changes in appearance The things you do now will be harmonious and will make you feel more attractive to others. Before you start shopping or going to the salon, think through all the details and nuances of your new look, imagine how it will look on your figure or in relation to your face shape, look through the pages of fashion magazines. Then no shopping for clothes, no new hairstyle will not disappoint you.

Virgo Child

Thanks to their older relatives, children and teenagers born under the sign of Virgo will have the chance to try themselves in new creative endeavors. March is the time for new talents to blossom, and for the vast majority of Virgo children, their talent will blossom in full bloom. From this, Virgo’s parents can go to extremes and begin to limit their children’s time of communication with peers for the sake of developing creative abilities. As a result, both may suffer.


Deny the influence of the patron of the year Yellow Pig it is impossible for representatives of the Virgo sign. And at the beginning of spring this influence is strongest. The Yellow Pig is a big worker, he will demand the same from all representatives of the zodiac house. In March 2019, Virgos have a high probability of causing injuries and harm to health through active physical activity, especially if work activity Virgo is associated with physical labor. Lifting heavy objects can cause back and leg injuries. Weak and fragile musculoskeletal systemweak point many representatives of the sign.

For the prevention of joint diseases effective measure the muscle corset will be strengthened. To those Virgos who have overweight, you need to start decisively getting rid of fat folds.

March, and the subsequent spring months, will be a favorable period for taking sessions therapeutic massage back, especially the lumbar and collar areas.

Horoscope for March 2019, Virgo should not borrow. Limit spending.
Virgo is prone to bouts of laziness, for which she will receive a good beating from her partner.
The horoscope for March 2019 warns Virgo about possible injury from active physical activity.
Horoscope for April 2019 Virgo.

Virgo. Horoscope for March 2019 for Virgos.

Taking advantage of your trust and goodwill, some of close circle Dev, envious of success, in March 2019 may try to harm the business by involving people dear to you in a dishonest game.
Do not allow yourself to be manipulated and penetrate too deeply into your soul. Close that door tighter.
The appearance of a beautiful stranger can make you lose your mind. But don’t rush to make a decision, the situation is ambiguous.

Favorable days for Virgo in March 2019 - 1, 2, 10, 11, 14, 15, 23, 24
Unfavorable days for Virgo in March 2019 - 5, 18, 19, 28

Virgo's career and finances in March 2019
In the field career activities March 2019 for Virgo is a tense and unpredictable time. You will be given a number of new tasks, but there will not be enough time to comprehend them. You will have to make quick decisions, which will make you seriously nervous.
When faced with difficulties, do not deviate from the path. Perhaps at some point you will want to give up everything and never return to a task that is now too tough for you. This will be a mistake that you will remember more than once in the future. Therefore, fight! It won't be an easy road, but the result will please you.
During this period, it is important to know that work is not a place for gossip. Perhaps one of your colleagues will try to involve you in an impartial conversation. Please refrain from making any judgments. The best position in this case is a neutral position, which will protect you from unpleasant consequences.
And remember, trials are given for a reason - by going through them, we become more experienced, wiser, stronger. Don't run or try to hide from challenges. You are probably “staying too long” in your own comfort zone, you need to get out of it - that’s when the changes you dream about will begin.
In financial matters in March 2019, Virgos will be prone to excessive worry. You are good at managing the money affairs of others, but you yourself are too indecisive when it comes to your money.

Virgo's personal life in March 2019
In the sphere of personal life in March 2019, Virgos those who do not yet have a partner will flirt and flirt, trying to discern a soul mate in each new acquaintance. However, you should not waste time on a person who, at the first meeting, said that he was not free. In addition, you should not show interest in someone you clearly do not like in the hope of winning his favor.
The chance to start a new relationship will appear at the end of the month. Most likely, you will choose someone you have known for a long time and well.
Married couples, in which in lately There will be a chill in the relationship, they will regain the same understanding, and the degree of trust in each other will increase. Meetings with friends will contribute to an even greater rapprochement with your soulmate: the high spirits that reign there will invigorate you.

Virgo health in March 2019
At the beginning of March 2019, Virgos will become overly suspicious regarding health issues. Reduce the number of programs you watch, as well as reading literature on medical topics, so as not to excite your imagination again. If you feel bad, don’t panic, don’t attribute terrible diagnoses to yourself. Soothing tea, a relaxing bath, or a visit to the pool will help you relieve nervous tension and your condition will return to normal.
In the middle of the month, beware of drafts and hypothermia, dress according to the weather.
During this period, problems associated with the joints and spine may make themselves felt. Moderate physical activity, vitamins containing calcium, and, of course, first of all, visiting a doctor will help you alleviate the condition.
At the end of the month the mood promises to be good. And physical well-being will directly depend on the ability to comply correct mode day. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, don't skip meals, and exercise.

The horoscope for March 2019 promises a successful month for Virgo. Before you have time to make a wish, it will already come true. Confidence in everything, self-control and, most importantly, a feeling of comfort - this is what awaits Virgo this month. The main thing is not to give in to difficulties, but to move firmly towards your goals.

Pleasant changes are expected in the business and personal spheres. Virgo will be offered cooperation, new projects and tasks that obviously lead to prospects. If you are practical and responsible for everything you do, you will definitely make a profit at the end of the month.

The horoscope for March 2019 advises Virgo to be proactive and positive. If you work in a team, you can get unprecedented results. Enthusiasm and activity are the key to success in all endeavors. Just don’t ignore calls and requests from your loved ones, otherwise they will be offended by you for your lack of attention. Although, if you bring home big earnings, the ice in their hearts will instantly melt.

The horoscope recommends taking care of your health. Especially if you have chronic kidney and heart diseases. If possible, take the necessary tests, do an ultrasound and consult a specialist about treatment. Well, shouldn’t a Virgo woman walk around with bags under her eyes and swollen legs?

Horoscope for Virgo woman

There may be problems in the material sphere. Before you go shopping, clearly plan your budget so as not to spend all your savings. Limit yourself to only those purchases that you really need. As for loans and loans from friends, it is better to refuse them altogether.

She will become decisive and courageous, which will allow her to sweep away all obstacles on the path to victory. You will even appear before others as a modern Joan of Arc when you boldly rush into work and stop doubting yourself. The horoscope for March 2019 does not recommend taking risks and going on adventures. This is where a trap, financial losses and global problems await you.

For many, Virgo will turn out to be a kind of “vest”. People will come to you in single file for advice, so don’t refuse. Just keep your plans and secrets away from others. You shouldn’t even tell your friends something about which you yourself are not yet entirely sure.

Horoscope for Virgo man

Horoscope for the month of March for other zodiac signs:

In March 2018 zodiac sign Virgo will have to solve quite difficult issues related not only (and not so much) to your own prospects. Now it is logical to concentrate on the work area, and here your opportunities will be truly epic. But responsibility will increase accordingly, so don’t rush to make particularly large-scale decisions. It is important that your main heavenly patron - Mercury - will occupy one of the leading positions in March, and this gives you special advantages, but again - to a greater extent in the work area and in the field of financial issues. This does not mean at all that less time can be devoted to the sensual direction. On the contrary, love and be loved! But do not focus on emotions, do not allow yourself to be guided by purely sensual urges, otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult situation. Now your main ally will be cold reason and detached prudence, which is actually business card your sign. This month is also good because it will boost your self-confidence. Much will develop in accordance with your plans, expect powerful, positive dynamics. But at the same time, not all factors will play into your hands, unconditionally providing you to your team. Due to Neptune’s not the most favorable position, some communication problems are possible, but rather not at work, but during leisure hours. Don't stress and remain yourself, this will be enough to overcome difficult situations.

From the point of view of business and personal income, March 2018 will allow Virgo to significantly strengthen and improve its position. Of course, if you are not satisfied with your current situation, then it makes sense to rush forward with all your might; now this will be the key trend on which you need to focus all your attention. It is unlikely that anyone will interfere with you on purpose, even if there are envious colleagues. Don't take any outside comments personally, just do what you think is necessary. If you have your own business, be careful; if you don’t trust someone, express it directly and clearly. If you really can be a leader, prove it to others, gather the most faithful assistants around you and do everything necessary. This is a great time to implement any projects, to sign important treaties and analysis of events that occurred. So don't waste your time, especially since circumstances probably won't give you that luxury. If you do not have your own business, then the situation may well work out in your favor even without your own participation. Just look around as often as possible and be attentive. Of course, you will have to work, so all the benefits of civilization will not become yours just for “ beautiful eyes" But on at this stage Each of your efforts will receive a powerful visible embodiment, and you will clearly imagine what it can lead to in the end. The main thing is not to be ashamed of your own capabilities, otherwise you simply will not get the necessary freedom. But it is independence and independence of judgment that will give you special advantages now.

The area of ​​personal relationships in March 2018, as you may have guessed, will not be of primary importance for you. However, despite the fact that Virgo should now clearly focus on the area of ​​​​work, this does not at all mean that issues of personal or family character you can frankly “score”. That is, of course, it is possible, but it is hardly advisable. Married Virgos can count on a fairly calm, but, let’s be honest, a peculiar period, which will be characterized by a certain amount of misunderstanding of what is happening on your part. In other words, not everything will be as obvious as you are used to. Probably, some behind-the-scenes moments of the events happening around you will not even touch you, you will not even know about them, but something can definitely make you wary and you should not brush aside such feelings. Decide for yourself what and how important it really is for you, but try to be as altruistic as possible, it’s useful now. On the other hand, be fully aware: not all of your actions can be really useful, and not everyone who asks for help really needs it. For single Virgos, this moment will be much more contrasting. That is, you will have to be more attentive and careful, otherwise you may find yourself in a situation with unpredictable consequences. Although in fact the key advice here is quite simple: do not give in to feelings and do not rush to judge what is happening solely from the height of emotions. Moreover, it is likely that at this stage some important decisions will await you.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for March 2018 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Virgo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Virgo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Virgo sign:

The snow is already melting, and spring confidently asserts its rights. What will the horoscope for March 2018 Virgo tell you about? What awaits people born under the zodiac sign Virgo ( August 24 - September 23) in the first month of spring? Astrological horoscope for March 2018, Virgo will talk about love affairs, relationships with the opposite sex, favorable and unlucky days, as well as the state of health and finances.

Lucky factors and talismans for Virgo in March:

Stone: Beryl

Number: 8

Color: Blue, light blue

Animal: Snake

Mascot: Red wallet

Name: Elena, Akim

Symbol: Sun

Plant: Rose

From the first days of March, the punctual and dutiful Virgo will deal with the accumulated problems. The horoscope recommends starting with building relationships in your family, since that is where the most vulnerable spot is located. Virgo will certainly be lucky if she finds a compromise solution in a partnership. The first month of spring will not be the easiest for you, especially the first two decades. The stars foretell a meeting with old acquaintances who have not been seen for a long time, and the restoration of old relationships. The end of March will be very positive.

This month you can become a participant in non-standard, and perhaps even extreme situations. This is evidenced by the activation of the influence of Mars. Therefore, you will be extremely attentive and careful, do not look for risky adventures and watch your words when communicating with strangers.

Love Horoscope

The Virgo horoscope for March 2018 directly indicates that this month will not be the easiest for you. But there is no need to worry about this. It will be better if you stop being nervous over trifles and listen to the opinion of a person close to you. Of course, no one has ever managed to avoid disagreements when communicating with the opposite sex, but if desired, both parties can easily compromise. Then there will be no crisis in the relationship, and all everyday troubles will seem like insignificant little things. By the way, true love helps to overcome any relationship crisis.

In the second half of the month, Virgo will face trials again. You may feel unfounded dissatisfaction and irritability. It is possible that this in a negative way will affect your relationships with people around you. Some Virgos will feel that they lack passions and will begin to arrange them for themselves, without thinking about the consequences.

For those who wish to enter into a new relationship, the third ten days of the month will be the most favorable. For some the novel will turn out to be very successful, but for others it will be so-so, but still, at least for a moment it will seem like a mouthful fresh air, which was so necessary for Virgo.

The calm and pragmatic Virgo leads, as a rule, not the best active life. But in March 2018, even during short walks and business trips, you can expect exciting acquaintances based on mutual interests and common views. Minor affairs are not excluded in the work environment, both with their colleagues and with people occupying higher management positions.

Career and financial situation of Virgo in March 2018

Virgo employees, pay attention to the climate in the work team. In March, the atmosphere will be literally saturated with electricity. Colleagues will try to pull the blanket over themselves, stealing the most delicious orders and projects from under your nose. Avoid making hasty decisions in advance. Do not get involved in a confrontation if your position is not very stable or the enemy is too tough for you. First of all, find out for yourself how difficult the situation is and who is supporting whom.

According to the horoscope, at the end of the month you will be able to achieve desired result, although you will have to work hard for this. An efficient Virgo who managed to focus on her goal will definitely be rewarded for her hard work.

For Virgo doing business, March is not an easy month, but it is interesting. Most likely, your partners will begin to stick to their line, but you must firmly defend your rights. The stars indicate that counterparties will eventually ease their pressure and begin to search for a compromise solution. Not everything will go well in your workplace, but you are not in a hurry to despair and look for those to blame. A little time will pass and everything will work out on its own. Virgo will be able to solve most of the difficulties that arise through calm dialogue with minimal losses to themselves.

IN financially this month is quite stable for most Virgos. There is a high probability of making a profit, which will be a fair result of your own efforts. Your contribution to material well-being The “other half” (spouse) will also contribute to the family. Virgo will not feel a lack of money in the spring.

Virgo health horoscope in March 2018

Over the winter, your body has weakened somewhat and has become very attractive to various types of viruses and infections. Therefore, you should not forget about prevention colds. Drink green tea and freshly squeezed juices, eat fruits in sufficient quantities and give preference natural products. Relax more and get enough sleep as much as possible.

According to the horoscope for March 2018, Virgo may experience an exacerbation of an old chronic disease. Astrologers recommend monitoring blood pressure and protect your head from bruises. Don't overwork yourself! Special advice from the stars to car enthusiasts - on March 15 and 19, be extremely careful while driving, during this period there is a high probability of an accident.