City Olympiad in solfeggio and musical literature for high school students of music schools and children's schools "we love opera." Olympics


Methodological development

Theoretical quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" for 1st grade students at an art school

Sedova Vera Olegovna
Description. I offer a quiz on the subject “Solfeggio” for first-grade students at an art school. The material will be useful to teachers of theoretical disciplines of the Children's School of Art, interested parents and students interested in the subject of Solfeggio. The quiz material can also be used when conducting musical KVNs, competitions, competitions, and quizzes for children from seven to nine years old.
Target: testing the assimilation of knowledge by first-grade students in the subject "Solfeggio" of a children's art school.
Tasks: develop thinking, attention, memory; teach to fill out carefully, quickly and accurately control tests; cultivate patience, will, a healthy attitude towards competition, and the desire to win.
Didactic material and stationery: tests of a theoretical quiz for the first grade of the Children's Art School according to the number of participants in the event, cards with a piano keyboard and staff according to the number of participants in the quiz, one simple and colored pencil for each participant, erasers.
The quiz was compiled for students who have fully mastered the material of the first grade of the art school.
Progress of the event
Welcoming participants in the theoretical quiz, explaining the requirements for completing tests.
1. Write your last name, first name, and class at the top of the quiz form.
2. Choose the correct answers in each task and color them in with a colored pencil. Options for formatting the task: check the correct answer, circle the letter with the correct answer.
The presenter announces the time for completing tasks. The quiz test material is distributed to each participant. Each student should have cards with a music keyboard and stave on their desks. At the end of the time allotted for completing the tasks, the tests are handed over to the host of the event. After checking the correctness of the test tasks, the winner(s) is announced and awarded the Diploma(s) of the Winner(s) of the theoretical quiz.

Theoretical quiz on the subject "Solfeggio", 1st grade


a) half
b) quarter
c) whole
d) eighth
2. In the seventh:
a) 6 steps
b) 3 steps
c) 1st stage
d) 7 steps

a) uppercase
b) in the middle register
c) in middle and upper registers
d) lower case
4. Flat lowers the sound by:
a) tone
b) diton
c) semitone
d) I will accept

a) craft
b) minor
c) last name
d) week

a) si, re, fa
b) do, mi, salt
c) si, re, fa, la
d) si, fa, la

a) coherently
b) incoherent
c) abruptly
d) emphasized

a) domra
b) drop
c) strongman
d) shrimp

a) introductory stages
b) stable steps
c) unstable steps
d) tonic triad

a) one quarter and two eighths

c) three quarters
d) five eighths

a) two eighths and a quarter
b) quarter and eighth
c) half and eighth
d) whole note
12. Eight steps in:
a) none
b) take
c) octave
d) sexte

a) middle and lower case
b) middle case

d) lower case

a) C major
b) F major
c) D major
d) G major

a) mirage
b) fakir
c) cashier
d) guys

a) two quarters
b) three quarters
c) one quarter
d) four quarters

a) 1
b) 7
c) 4
d) 6

a) one quarter
b) kiss one
c) one eighth
d) one half
19. Sharp increases the sound by:
a) second
b) tone
c) semitone
d) I will accept

a) F sharp and A
b) si and re
c) do and mi
d) A and C

a) F major
b) C major
c) G major
d) D major

a) dash
b) mixer
c) Martian
d) diver

a) on the first line
b) under the first line
c) between the third and fourth lines of the staff

a) B-flat
b) B sharp
c) C sharp
d) before

b) fifth degree in C major
c) fifth degree in D major

26. Mezzo forte means
a) loud
b) not very loud
c) quietly
d) not very quiet

c) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-#do-re

28. Bekar

b) raises the E-flat sound by a semitone

29. Bekar
a) lowers the C-sharp sound by a semitone

a) fa and la
b) mi and salt
c) B flat and D
d) G and B-flat
1. A duration equal to two eighths is called:
a) half
b) quarter
c) whole
d) eighth
2. In the seventh:
a) 6 steps
b) 3 steps
c) 1st stage
d) 7 steps
3. Treble clef notes are written in:
a) uppercase
b) in the middle register
c) in middle and upper registers
d) lower case
4. Flat lowers the sound by:
a) tone
b) diton
c) semitone
d) I will accept
5. Between the second and third lines in treble clef the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) craft
b) minor
c) last name
d) week
6. Unstable degrees in C major:
a) si, re, fa
b) do, mi, salt
c) si, re, fa, la
d) si, fa, la
7. The non-legato stroke indicates
a) coherently
b) incoherent
c) abruptly
d) emphasized
8. On the third line in the bass clef the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) domra
b) drop
c) strongman
d) shrimp
9. In the sequence of sounds of the F major scale - fa-la-do-fa - the following are missing:
a) introductory stages
b) stable steps
c) unstable steps
d) tonic triad
10. A half note consists of:
a) one quarter and two eighths
b) two quarters and one eighth
c) three quarters
d) five eighths
11. Two-quarter time indicates that it is in time
a) two eighths and a quarter
b) quarter and eighth
c) half and eighth
d) whole note
12. Eight steps in:
a) none
b) take
c) octave
d) sexte
13. Bass clef notes are written in:
a) middle and lower case
b) middle case
c) middle and high register
d) lower case
14. D, F-sharp, A - stable steps in:
a) C major
b) F major
c) D major
d) G major
15. On the fourth line in the treble clef, the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) mirage
b) fakir
c) cashier
d) guys
16. Half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes and two sixteenth notes are placed in time with the time signature
a) two quarters
b) three quarters
c) one quarter
d) four quarters
17. The sexta is indicated by a number:
a) 1
b) 7
c) 4
d) 6
18. Four sixteenths and two eighths make a total
a) one quarter
b) kiss one
c) one eighth
d) one half
19. Sharp increases the sound by:
a) second
b) tone
c) semitone
d) I will accept
20. The introductory sounds around the third degree in the G major scale are the sounds:
a) F sharp and A
b) si and re
c) do and mi
d) A and C
21. Do, fa, la are the sounds of the tonic triad in the scale:
a) F major
b) C major
c) G major
d) D major
22. Between the second and third lines in the bass clef, the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) dash
b) mixer
c) Martian
d) diver
23. The word “miracle” contains a note located in the treble clef
a) on the first line
b) under the first line
c) between the third and fourth lines of the staff
d) between the second and third lines of the staff
24. If you raise the sound B by a semitone, you get
a) B-flat
b) B sharp
c) C sharp
d) before
25. The introductory sounds sol and si sing
a) first degree in G major
b) fifth degree in C major
c) fifth degree in D major
d) third degree in G major
26. Mezzo forte means
a) loud
b) not very loud
c) quietly
d) not very quiet
27. Select correct spelling D major scales:
a) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-do-re
b) Re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-#do-re
c) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-#do-re
d) Re-mi-#fa-#sol-la-si-#do-re
28. Bekar
a) lowers the E-flat sound by a semitone
b) raises the E-flat sound by a semitone
c) lowers the E-flat sound by a tone
d) raises the E-flat sound by a tone
29. Bekar
a) lowers the C-sharp sound by a semitone
b) raises the C-sharp sound by a semitone
c) lowers the sound to sharp by a tone
d) raises the sound to sharp by a tone
30. The fifth degree in F major is sung by sounds
a) fa and la
b) mi and salt
c) B flat and D
d) G and B-flat
Conclusion. A theoretical quiz can be held among first grade students music schools city, district or region at the end academic year or at the beginning of the school year in second grade. It is important to discuss the planned quiz tasks with students in advance and give similar tasks to independent work Houses. If children do not understand any tasks, they can put question marks next to them so that they can sort out the questions with the teacher during a lesson on the subject “Solfeggio” or outside of class time.

1. Table of test tasks of a theoretical quiz for the first grade of an art school (according to the number of quiz participants)

Quiz “Entertaining solfeggio” for young musicians

Butorina Elena Ivanovna, teacher of theoretical disciplines.
Place of work: MBU DO "Children's Art School" in Gornozavodsk, Perm Territory.
Description of material: Dear teachers of theoretical disciplines at Children's music and art schools! I bring to your attention a summary of the quiz on academic subject"Solfeggio" for young musicians. This quiz can be like extracurricular activity, and one of the options for conducting a control lesson at the end of the quarter.
Purpose of the material: The quiz “Entertaining Solfeggio” is intended for students in grades 1 - 3 of Children's Art Schools and Children's Music Schools.
Purpose of the event– testing students’ knowledge in the subject “Solfeggio” in a playful way using information and computer technologies.
- expand students’ understanding of the subject “Solfeggio”;
- apply acquired knowledge and skills in game situation;
- develop logical thinking, unleash the creative potential of quiz participants;
- develop communication skills, including teamwork skills.
- provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their intellectual abilities in a competitive manner.
Equipment: classroom, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, speakers, instruments for a noise orchestra.
Demonstration materials: video clips musical works different genres, electronic tests on the subject "Solfeggio".
Rules of participation:
Students in grades 1-3 are divided into 3 teams of different ages. Teams participate in all stages of the quiz, gaining points for accuracy and speed, originality and creativity when completing tasks.

Quiz stages:

Stage 1 – “Warm-up”, in which quiz participants answer various solfeggio questions (the questions are displayed on the screen):

Question #1:

The correct answer is note.
Question #2:

The correct answer is 7 steps.
Question #3:

The correct answer is three main stages: I, IV, V.
Question #4:

The correct answer is II, IV, VI, VII stages.
Question #5:

The correct answer is fourth in a row.
Question #6:

The correct answer is flat.
Stage 2 - " Absolute pitch» , in which quiz participants determine the mode of a piece of music after listening to it. For this stage it is necessary to prepare in advance musical examples, preferably video clips of musical works of different genres:

- Rauno Lehtinen, words by M. Plyatskovsky, “Letka-enka” (the correct answer is minor);
- V.Ya. Shainsky, song “From a Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon” (the correct answer is variable mode);
- R. Pauls, Lullaby from the movie “ Long road in the dunes" (the correct answer is major);
- V.A. Mozart, 3rd movement of the sonata in A major, “Rondo in Turkish style” (the correct answer is minor);

- Russian folk song“Along and along the river” (the correct answer is variable mode);

I.S. Bach, “Joke” (the correct answer is minor).
Stage 3 - “Solfeggio Experts”, in which team members use electronic tests to answer questions about the material covered. IN at this stage the speed and correctness of students' answers are taken into account. I offer you three options for electronic tests: “Easy solfeggio questions”, “ Musical kaleidoscope" and "Entertaining solfeggio."
"Easy questions on solfeggio":

Question #1:

The correct answer is major.
Question #2:

The correct answer is treble clef.
Question #3:

The correct answer is permission.
Question #4:

The correct answer is interval.
Question #5:

The correct answer is 3 sounds.
Question #6:

The correct answer is flat.
Question No. 7:

The correct answer is sharp.
Question No. 8:

The correct answer is "loud".

Presentation on the topic: Easy solfeggio questions

Slides of electronic tests are projected onto the screen "Musical Kaleidoscope":

Question #1:

The correct answer is a consonance of three or more sounds.
Question #2:

The correct answer is 5 steps.
Question #3:

The correct answer is tonic.
Question #4:

The correct answer is 0 characters.
Question #5:

The correct answer is B flat.
Question #6:

The correct answer is 2 sounds.
Question No. 7:

The correct answer is a change in steps.
Question No. 8:

The correct answer is reprise.

Presentation on the topic: Entertaining solfeggio

Slides of electronic tests are projected onto the screen "Entertaining solfeggio":

Question #1:

The correct answer is the distance between two musical sounds.
Question #2:

The correct answer is simple intervals.
Question #3:

The correct answer is by the number of steps and tones (halftones).
Question #4:

The correct answer is letter + number.
Question #5:

The correct answer is appeal.
Question #6:

The correct answer is 4 steps.
Question No. 7:

The correct answer is 0 tones.

MBU DO "Children's music school with. Tastuba"

municipal district Duvansky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

Methodological development

Theoretical quiz on the subject "Solfeggio"

for students in grades 4-5

music school

Skorokhodova Anastasia Evgenievna


Methodological development

Olympiad in the subject "Solfeggio" in grades 4-5 at a music school

Description. I offer an Olympiad in the subject “Solfeggio” for students in the fourth and fifth grades of a music school. The material will be useful to teachers of theoretical disciplines of DMI, interested parents and students interested in the subject of Solfeggio. Also, the material from the Olympiad can be used when conducting musical KVNs, competitions, competitions, quizzes for children from ten to fourteen years old.

Target: testing the mastery of knowledge by fourth and fifth grade students in the subject "Solfeggio" of a children's music school.

Tasks: develop thinking, attention, memory; learn to fill out control tests carefully, quickly and accurately; cultivate patience, will, a healthy attitude towards competition, and the desire to win.

Didactic material: theory quiz tests for fourth and fifth class children's school according to the number of participants in the event, cards with a piano keyboard and staff according to the number of participants in the quiz, simple pencils, erasers.

The quiz was compiled for students who have fully mastered the material of the third grade of children's music school.

Progress of the event

Welcoming participants in the theoretical quiz, explaining the requirements for completing tests.

Requirements 1. Write your last name, first name, and class at the top of the Olympiad form.2. Select the correct answer in each task and mark it with a checkmark (underline the correct answer).

The presenter announces the time for completing tasks. The quiz test material is distributed to each participant. Each student should have cards with a musical keyboard and staff on their desks. At the end of the time allotted for completing the tasks, the tests are handed over to the host of the event. After checking the correctness of the test tasks, the winner(s) is announced, who is awarded the Diploma(s) of the Winner(s) of the Theoretical Olympiad (diplomas of I, II, III degrees, diplomas of participants).

Olympiad in the subject "Solfeggio", grades 4-5


1. 5 tones: A) in m.7b) in b.7c) in part 52. Dissonances include: a) part 4b) m.3V) uv.43. Alteration signs before sounds: A) keyb) randomc) double sharps4. Triad on IV fret degrees: a) tonicb) subdominantc) dominant5. In E major b.7 is built: a) at stages I and VIb) at stages I and IVc) at stages III and VI6. Uv.4 in A major natural consists of sounds:
a) si - mib) salt# - to#V) re - sol#7. Um.5 in F# minor harmonic consists of sounds: A) mi# - sib) sol# - rec) la - mi8. Minor with two flats: a) D minorb) G minor
c) C minor9. F major in Latin: A)D- durb)A- durV) F- dur10. Sign of lowering the sound by tone: a) Double-sharpb) Double-flatc) Bekar

11. Kind of minor with raised VII step: a) Melodicb) Harmonicc) Natural12. In F# minor melodic, sounds are written in the following order: a) fa# - sol# - la - si - do# - re - mi - fa#b) fa# - sol# - la - si - do# - re - mi# - fa#V 13. Find the key parallel to F minor:
a) F majorb) D majorV) A flat major14. Unstable degrees in F# minor are:
a) fa#, la, do#b) mi, salt, si, reV) mi, sol#, si, re15. The sounds D# and F# sing the first step: a) in E-flat majorb) in E minor naturalV) in E major16. Six-step interval: A) sixthb)seventh
c) sex chord

17. How many strong beats are there in 3/4 time?: A) oneb) twoc) none18. The tonic triad (T5/3) in D minor consists of the sounds: a) do# - mi - sol#b) re-fa-lac) re-fa#-la19. The subdominant triad (S5/3) in E major consists of the sounds: a) la - do - mib) la# - do# - miV) la - do# - mi
20. The dominant triad in B minor consists of sounds : a) la - do - fa#b) fa# - la - do#c) la - do# - fa#


1. A) in m.7 2. V) uv.4 3. A) key 4. b) subdominant 5. b) at stages I and IV 6. V) re - sol#7. A) mi# - si8. b) G minor
9. V) F- dur10. b) Double-flat11. b) Harmonic12. V ) fa# - sol# - la - si - do# - re# - mi# - fa#13. V) A flat major14. V) mi, sol#, si, re15. V) in E major16. A) sixth

17. A) one18. b) re-fa-la19. V) fa# - do# - mi
20. b) fa# - la - do#

Conclusion. A theoretical Olympiad can be held among fourth and fifth grade students in music schools in a city, district or region at the end of the school year or at the beginning of the school year among fifth graders. Since the material was collected over three years of teaching the subject “Solfeggio”. It is important to discuss the planned test tasks with students in advance and give similar tasks for independent work at home. If students do not understand any tasks, they can put question marks next to them so that they can discuss the questions with the teacher during a lesson on the subject “Solfeggio” or outside of class time. A test conducted in the fifth grade of a music school at the beginning of the school year will give the teacher the opportunity to check the quality of students’ knowledge in order to identify gaps in knowledge and correct individual assignments in the new academic year.Application. 1. Card with a piano keyboard (according to the number of quiz participants).2. Card with staves (according to the number of quiz participants).

Methodological development

Quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" in 2nd grade at an art school

Sedova Vera Olegovna
Description. I offer a quiz on the subject “Solfeggio” for second-grade students at an art school. The material will be useful to teachers of theoretical disciplines of the Children's School of Art, interested parents and enthusiastic students. The quiz material can also be used when conducting musical KVNs, competitions, competitions, and quizzes for children from eight to ten years old.
Target: testing the assimilation of knowledge by second-grade students in the subject "Solfeggio" of a children's art school.
Tasks: develop thinking, attention, memory; repeat and consolidate the rules of music theory; learn to fill out control tests carefully, quickly and accurately; cultivate patience, will, a healthy attitude towards competition, and the desire to win.
Didactic material: tests of a theoretical quiz for the second grade of the Children's Art School according to the number of participants in the event, cards with a piano keyboard and stave according to the number of participants in the quiz, one simple and colored pencil for each participant, erasers.
The quiz was compiled for students who have fully mastered the material of the second year of study at the Children's School of Art.
Progress of the event
Welcoming participants in the theoretical quiz, explaining the requirements for completing tests.
1. Write your last name, first name, and class at the top of the quiz form.
2. Choose the correct answers in each task and color them in with a colored pencil. Options for formatting the task: check the correct answer, circle the letter with the correct answer.
The presenter announces the time for completing tasks. The quiz test material is distributed to each participant. Each student should have cards with a music keyboard and stave on their desks. At the end of the time allotted for completing the tasks, the tests are handed over to the host of the event. After checking the correctness of the test tasks, the winner(s) is announced and awarded the Diploma(s) of the Winner(s) of the theoretical quiz.

Quiz on the subject "Solfeggio", 2nd grade


a) major sixth
b) minor sixth
c) pure octave
d) perfect fifth
2. Triton is:
a) augmented fifth
b) diminished quart
c) diminished seventh
d) increased quart

a) D and E-flat
b) A and B-flat
c) D and E-flat, A and B-flat
d) A and B-flat, F and G
4. Flat
a) lowers the sound by a tone
b) raises the sound by a semitone
c) lowers the volume for a second
d) lowers the sound by a semitone

a) Hermitage
b) rondo
c) peach
d) frigate

a) mi, salt, si
b) D, F-sharp, A, C
c) D-sharp, F, A. to
d) D-sharp, F-sharp, A, C

a) andante
b) adagio
c) legato
d) piano

a) do and re, fa and sol
b) C sharp and D, F and G
c) C-sharp and D, F-sharp and G
d) C and D, F-sharp and G
9. In D minor harmonic
a) the sound rises to (do-sharp)

d) sounds do not change

a) diminished fifth
b) increased quart
c) a clear quart
d) perfect fifth

a) grapefruit
b) hit
c) capillary
d) mezzanine

a) la, do, mi, sol
b) A, C-sharp, E, Sol
c) A-sharp, C-sharp, E, G
d) A-sharp, do, mi, salt

a) G major
b) C major
c) B-flat major
d) B minor
14. Sharp
a) raises the sound by a tone
b) raises the volume for a second
c) raises the sound by a semitone
d) lowers the sound by a semitone

c) the sounds C and D rise (C-sharp, D-sharp)
d) sounds do not rise

a) buckwheat
b) pickle
c) fantasy
d) anatomy

a) do, mi, salt, si
b) C-sharp, E, Sol, Si
c) C sharp, E, G, B flat
d) do, mi, salt, b-flat

a) si-do
b) si-do-bekar
c) B-B-sharp
d) Bb

a) do-mi-sol
b) la-do-sharp-mi
c) B-D-sharp-F-sharp
d) C-E-flat-G
20. In a pure octave
a) 12 tones
b) 11 tones
c) 12 semitones
d) 11 semitones

a) lot
b) body of water
c) vitamin
d) safari

a) salt, si, re

d) G, B-flat, D

a) C major
b) F major
c) G major
d) G minor

a) E-sharp-F
b) E-sharp-F-sharp
c) mi-fa
d) E-flat-F-sharp

a) salt and si
b) re and fa
c) si and re
d) G-sharp and B

a) si-fa
b) B-F-sharp
c) B-E-sharp
d) B-G-flat
27. Find a perfect fifth:
a) C-sharp-G-sharp
b) C-sharp-G-flat
c) C-sharp-sol
d) C-sharp-F
28. Find the small sixth:
a) B-flat-G
b) B-flat-A-flat
c) B-flat-G-sharp
d) B-flat-G-flat

a) re and fa
b) D and F sharp
c) D-sharp and F
d) D-sharp and F-sharp

a) cruiser
b) roof
c) telefax
d) speaker
31. Three quarters are:

d) a quarter note with a dot, an eighth note and a quarter note
1. Solve the example: major seventh minus 2 semitones, you get:
a) major sixth
b) minor sixth
c) pure octave
d) perfect fifth
2. Triton is:
a) augmented fifth
b) diminished quart
c) diminished seventh
d) increased quart
3. Halftones in the B-flat major natural scale are formed between the sounds:
a) D and E-flat
b) A and B-flat
c) D and E-flat, A and B-flat
d) A and B-flat, F and G
4. Flat
a) lowers the sound by a tone
b) raises the sound by a semitone
c) lowers the volume for a second
d) lowers the sound by a semitone
5. Between the third and fourth lines in the treble clef, the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) Hermitage
b) rondo
c) peach
d) frigate
6. Unstable steps in E minor harmonic:
a) mi, salt, si
b) D, F-sharp, A, C
c) D-sharp, F, A. to
d) D-sharp, F-sharp, A, C
7. Slow pace in music it is denoted by the word:
a) andante
b) adagio
c) legato
d) piano
8. Halftones in the B minor natural scale are formed between the sounds:
a) do and re, fa and sol
b) C sharp and D, F and G
c) C-sharp and D, F-sharp and G
d) C and D, F-sharp and G
9. In D minor harmonic
a) the sound rises to (do-sharp)
b) the sound of B-flat (B-bekar) increases
c) the sounds B-flat and C are raised (B-bekar, C-sharp)
d) sounds do not change
10. Solve the example: major sixth minus-3 semitones, you get:
a) diminished fifth
b) increased quart
c) a clear quart
d) perfect fifth
11. Above the fifth line in the treble clef, the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) grapefruit
b) hit
c) capillary
d) mezzanine
12. Unstable steps in B minor harmonic:
a) la, do, mi, sol
b) A, C-sharp, E, Sol
c) A-sharp, C-sharp, E, G
d) A-sharp, do, mi, salt
13. Parallel key G minor:
a) G major
b) C major
c) B-flat major
d) B minor
14. Sharp
a) raises the sound by a tone
b) raises the volume for a second
c) raises the sound by a semitone
d) lowers the sound by a semitone
15. In E minor melodic:
a) the sound D rises (D-sharp)
b) the sound rises to (do-sharp)
c) the sounds C and D rise (C-sharp, D-sharp)
d) sounds do not rise
16. A note is written on the third line in the bass clef. "hidden" in the word:
a) buckwheat
b) pickle
c) fantasy
d) anatomy
17. Unstable steps in D minor harmonic:
a) do, mi, salt, si
b) C-sharp, E, Sol, Si
c) C sharp, E, G, B flat
d) do, mi, salt, b-flat
18. Convert the major second of B-to-sharp into a small second, lowering the upper sound, and find the correct answer:
a) si-do
b) si-do-bekar
c) B-B-sharp
d) Bb
19. Find the minor triad:
a) do-mi-sol
b) la-do-sharp-mi
c) B-D-sharp-F-sharp
d) C-E-flat-G
20. In a pure octave
a) 12 tones
b) 11 tones
c) 12 semitones
d) 11 semitones
21. A note is written under the first line in the bass clef. "hidden" in the word:
a) lot
b) body of water
c) vitamin
d) safari
22. Stable steps in G minor:
a) salt, si, re
b) G, B-flat, D, F-sharp
c) F-sharp, A, C, E-flat
d) G, B-flat, D
23. Parallel key of E minor:
a) C major
b) F major
c) G major
d) G minor
24. Turn the major second of E-F-sharp into a small second, raising the lower sound, and find the correct answer:
a) E-sharp-F
b) E-sharp-F-sharp
c) mi-fa
d) E-flat-F-sharp
25. In A minor natural, the fifth degree is sung by the following sounds:
a) salt and si
b) re and fa
c) si and re
d) G-sharp and B
26. Construct a perfect fourth from the sound B down and find the correct answer:
a) si-fa
b) B-F-sharp
c) B-E-sharp
d) B-G-flat
27. Find a perfect fifth:
a) C-sharp-G-sharp
b) C-sharp-G-flat
c) C-sharp-sol
d) C-sharp-F
28. Find the small sixth:
a) B-flat-G
b) B-flat-A-flat
c) B-flat-G-sharp
d) B-flat-G-flat
29. In E minor harmonic the first step is sung by the following sounds:
a) re and fa
b) D and F sharp
c) D-sharp and F
d) D-sharp and F-sharp
30. Between the first and second lines in the bass clef, the note “hidden” in the word is written:
a) cruiser
b) roof
c) telefax
d) speaker
31. Three quarters are:
a) a quarter with a stitch and another quarter
b) a quarter note with a dot and an eighth note
c) a quarter with a dot and two eighths
d) a quarter note with a dot, an eighth note and a quarter note
Conclusion. A theoretical quiz can be held among second-grade students of music schools in a city, district or region at the end of the school year or at the beginning of the school year among third graders. It is important to discuss the planned quiz tasks with students in advance and give similar tasks for independent work at home. If children do not understand any tasks, they can put question marks next to them so that they can sort out the questions with the teacher during a lesson on the subject “Solfeggio” or outside of class time.
1. Test task theoretical quiz for the second grade of an art school (based on the number of quiz participants)

0 Olympiad in solfeggio "Musical polymath" for transfer classes

Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk
School of Arts "Zhas Daryn"

Solfeggio teacher
Zheletskaya N.V.

Solfeggio at an art school is one of the disciplines that contributes to the musical and aesthetic education of students, expanding their general musical horizons, and the formation musical taste and most importantly: it forms the basis vocational training young musician, providing the necessary theoretical knowledge.

At the end of each quarter, test lessons are held to test students' knowledge. Sometimes they can be replaced with competitions or quizzes.

It seems to me that the Olympiads should in no way resemble a solfeggio exam. Of course, they must reveal the creativity and level of preparation of the participants, but do this with the help of some unusual, interesting, non-stereotypical tasks: sound crosswords, testing the ability to work with unfamiliar musical text, knowledge of terminology, exciting tests and entertaining crosswords. The tasks are quite difficult, but non-stereotypical, sometimes requiring participants not only to know, but also to be resourceful. Preparation for the Olympiad greatly helps to increase interest in solfeggio.

For children, the competition process seems very interesting. There is no stiffness that accompanies a test lesson. The student can express himself in all his fullness. At the collective Olympiad, even a timid child, feeling like a part of the team, will open up in a new way, presenting the teacher with many surprises.

There are many options for Olympics. It depends on the imagination and desire of the teacher. Collective Olympiads and quizzes will help the child move from play to study, create a need for acquiring knowledge, and help absorb knowledge through active perception.

The Olympics should not be a boring “obligation”, but a real one creative competition enthusiastic children!

Solfege Olympiads have become firmly established in the practice of our school as an interesting and productive form of creative competition, which allows us to increase their interest in the subject of solfeggio, test the level of knowledge of students, and also identify the most capable, in order to prepare for entry into secondary and higher education. educational institutions by profile.

In this regard purpose of the event is:

identifying the child’s musicality complex, his personal characteristics, which provide a deeper understanding of the subject of solfeggio and musical art generally.

The following follows from it: tasks:

  • develop musical thinking;
  • cultivate interest in music and the subject of solfeggio;
  • check your level of knowledge.

I bring to your attention the development of the Solfege Olympiad “Musical polymath” for transfer classes.


Task 3: Cross out the extra parts.

Task 4: Solve musical examples.

5 task

Task 6: Construct intervals in E b major.

Task 7: Construct a chord sequence in A b major.

Task 8:


1 task: Determine the size and tonality………………

Task 4: Cross out the extra parts.

5 task: Check the intervals, if necessary, add accidental signs.

Task 6: Construct intervals in A major.

Task 7: Construct a chord progression in F minor.

Task 8: Determine key, form and cadences.