Year of the earth snake characteristic of a man. Types of snake according to the eastern horoscope


Western and Eastern cultures have always identified the snake with a cunning person, a tempter with bad intentions. One has only to remember the biblical story about Adam and Eve. Despite the prevalence and reasoning of this opinion, the Chinese do not support it, considering the amphibian a wise and majestic animal. Does someone born in the year of the Snake have such qualities? To find out the answer, let's delve into the Chinese horoscope.

Water snake

We will talk about 1953 and 2013. The period of dominance of such a species of reptile is always characterized by instability and danger. A year under the auspices of the water element is a time of increased risk, especially in the field of business and finance. Enemies activate their powers and may strike unexpectedly. Crash of global plans and financial losses are possible. It’s better to hide and wait out the “storm” that threatens your career and personal relationships.

Despite this, outstanding personalities are usually born in the years of the Snake. It was these years that gave the world geniuses, researchers, teachers and philosophers - people who know how to think, invent, and lead. “Snake” individuals have an analytical mind, create many useful innovations, and can change the world for the better. As for character, people born in the year of the Black Water Snake are not always endowed with positive personal qualities. Their unusual talents often border on immorality, excessive licentiousness and arrogance.

Wooden reptile

1965 was under his management. What kind of Snake was he? Astrologers say: then the Wooden Blue, cold-blooded animal reigned. Likewise, 2025 will take place under his auspices. Unlike previous time periods, these periods are quite calm. They are ideal for normalizing personal life and social connections. Communicate with loved ones and friends, make new acquaintances. Work and finances always fade into the background and do not require active action.

People born in the year of the Wooden Blue Snake are very gentle and good-natured. They are distinguished by exceptional loyalty and lack of conflict. They can become the most faithful and reliable comrades, partners, and colleagues. Such individuals should choose a profession related to communication: journalist, psychologist, teacher. Their innate gift of eloquence and oratory skills will help them make their way in these fields. Such Snakes very skillfully convince an individual or even a whole crowd to make this or that decision, lead them, and become leaders.

Fire reptile

It is her prerogative, as in other cases, every 60th year: 1977 and 2037 in particular. The Red period can throw up unexpected obstacles, so it will not be possible to do without losses. For example, if you have been doing what you love for many years in a row, it is within these hours that you will encounter increased competition, unprofitability, or legal restrictions. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on personal relationships, finding a soul mate, giving birth and raising offspring.

The Fiery Snake Year (1977 and 2037) endows born babies with increased activity and enterprise. They are capable of conquering and winning. But they are often too proud, selfish, ambitious and self-confident. In order not to conflict with the environment, such individuals are advised to carefully monitor their words: do not criticize or needlessly offend relatives and friends. By saying something rashly, they are capable of destroying even the strongest union.

Year of the Snake: Earth element

1989 - what kind of Snake is he? According to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Reptile ruled at this time. The same applies to the future 2049. These periods are very favorable for career advancement: promising prospects open up and there is hope for solid earnings. But all plans will fail if you show even the slightest mistake. The year will be negative for representatives: officials in uniform may succumb to temptation and commit official crime. Under no circumstances accept bribes or gifts, even if it is a small trinket.

For newborns, what year is 1989? Snakes born at this time are prone to bad habits. Sometimes it is difficult for them to cope with manic cravings for alcohol or smoking, so often such people turn to psychologists for help. Despite their susceptibility to pathological addictions, children are very talented. True, they are difficult to educate: for them there are no authorities or prohibitions. Unfortunately, even parental influence often becomes ineffective.

Metal cobra

She ruled in 2001. This material is strong and unbending, so the years of the Snake (White and Metal) require the same qualities from people. Be prepared for serious conflicts, shocks, and trials. Danger lurks in any area of ​​life: at work, in marriage, in social activities. You will be severely punished for inattention: it can even lead to dismissal. In addition, a huge number of divorces occur precisely in the year of the Metal Snake. Be patient and positive to get through it peacefully and painlessly.

As for the kids who come into our world during these years, they are often secretive individuals. They are quiet warriors. Therefore, it is undesirable to have such enemies: it is impossible to predict their maneuvers, the blows struck are often powerful and unexpected. This is especially true for women: they are the most cunning, vindictive and merciless. Representatives of both sexes are too serious. They completely lack a sense of humor, so such individuals are offended by even the most innocent jokes.

Snake Man

Representatives of the stronger sex born during these years are called truly lucky. charming and intelligent. They have a strong influence on others, so they often use it for personal purposes. In addition to physical attractiveness, they are very cheerful and sociable. Women stick to them like flies. But if a young lady managed to snatch the championship from her rivals and hook a Snake man, she must be prepared for the constant intrigues of her chosen one on the side. Snake men are unfamiliar. Being the favorites of young ladies, they skillfully use this.

They usually don't like to lose. As paradoxical as it may sound, they do not strive to win, because they are afraid of various obstacles. Before the first failure, Snake men give in: they absolutely do not know how to take the blows of fate. They remember insults for a long time, hate insults, prefer to observe rather than act. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are successful in business: their intuition rarely lets them down, so financial transactions are their favorite hobby.

Characteristics of a “snake” woman

Like the man, she is very beautiful. And also smart, seductive, knowing her worth. She loves to dress stylishly and tries to keep up with fashion trends. It is not surprising that such a young lady is incredibly popular among members of the opposite sex. She is able to turn them into slaves, ready to obey any demands of their adored mistress. Men compete for her affections, but she chooses only the best.

A woman born in the year of the Snake knows how to listen carefully, joke well and give practical advice. Possessing natural wisdom, she easily finds a way out of the most difficult life situations. Unlike “snake men” who love to go to the left, she does not stoop to cheating. He will flirt, but only within the bounds of decency. The young lady is purposeful and calculating. Always achieves assigned tasks. Despite this, she is too vulnerable and deeply worries about failures. He remembers good and will definitely take revenge for the evil caused.

Year of the Snake and zodiac constellations

The character of each person is formed not only under the influence of the Chinese horoscope, but also due to the influence of the zodiac signs. Thanks to this, the Year of the Snake gives the world completely different personalities. Aries, born precisely during this period of time, becomes a real thinker. Taurus-Snake is inclined towards magical sciences; he can become a talented seer. Gemini is a sober pragmatist, and Cancer is calm, like a boa constrictor. The Leo-Snake is very poisonous, it is better not to touch it. Virgo is eccentric and flighty, cheerful and sociable.

A baby born under the sign of Libra is slow. This is the Snake in meditation. But if she wakes up, she is capable of feats. Scorpio loves expensive jewelry and chic things. Sagittarius-Snake is cunning and sophisticated, you should stay away from him. Capricorn is capable of surprising with its truthfulness, while Aquarius is capable of surprising with its passion and temperament. Pisces is a purposeful Snake that can even reach sky-high heights.

Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

The best partners for the Snake will be the Rooster and the Dog. With the first, love will be eternal and strong. Both are ambitious and hardworking. In this favorable union, the Snake will lead, the Rooster will execute. Together we will achieve the desired results. As for the Dog, it easily builds warm relationships with people born in the year of the Snake. The pair's compatibility is perfect. They are united by common goals, while each is able to put up with the shortcomings of the other.

Instead, an unsuccessful love affair awaits the Snake and Tiger. They look at the world around them differently, not understanding each other one iota. Even more complex relationships arise between two Snakes. Their love is doomed to failure. But they become friendly colleagues and business partners. With other representatives of the Chinese horoscope, the chances of building relationships are directly proportional to the 50/50 ratio. That is, it is possible if both show patience and endurance. Horse, Monkey, Pig and those born in the years of the Snake often do not find a common language. However, it is quite possible to find harmony with the Cat, Ox and Rat.

The snake is the sixth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yang”, “yin” and the element “fire”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Virgo.

The snake symbolizes: wisdom, cunning, elegance, determination, exactingness, observation, hard work, cautionprudence, coldness, secrecy, stinginess, selfishness, rigidity

Table of the Years of the Snake

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake

The characteristics of representatives of the Snake sign introduces the peculiarities of character, building personal relationships, and professional growth of people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits


The snake is wise and cunning, so it always gets what it wants. The constancy of her nature is manifested by her determination in any endeavor. This sign achieves a lot in life.

  • Characteristic positive features:
  • wisdom: The Snake is never in a hurry to make decisions, but thinks about all the pros and cons; together with natural observation, this quality forms the basis of her character;
  • cunning: always sees “loopholes” that help her achieve her goal; can sometimes even subtly use other people to get his way;
  • elegance: the ability to behave in society and look good are the distinctive features of the Snake; she is always “dressed to the nines” and easily carries on small talk;
  • determination: always strives for a goal, no matter what - mercantile or love; for her, the current goal is the main thing in life, so other areas remain in the background;
  • demanding: demanding of oneself and others; knows how to properly organize the work process and lead the work team towards the set goal;


The main negative character traits of the Snake are coldness and secrecy. She is not easy to understand because she hides her feelings and does not reveal her plans. At the same time, as others get to know her, they understand that they can rely on her.

  • Negative sides:
  • prudence: always weighs the possibilities for achieving the goal and uses prohibited techniques, including the weaknesses of competitors, their failures and miscalculations; she always ends up in the right place at the right time;
  • coldness: the Snake’s sense of pity and empathy is poorly developed; she has a strong character, and she demands the same from those around her; at the same time, she is capable of strong feelings for loved ones;
  • secrecy: often you won’t get a word from representatives of this sign about plans and intentions; The snake is accustomed to keeping all ideas to itself, which does not improve its relationships with others;

stinginess: thrifty; All earned funds are distributed monthly for the most necessary needs, and then for everything else.

Love and relationships

The snake looks closely at the object of its interest for a long time. He must have a worthy worldview, behavior in society and intelligence.

When all the “tests” are passed, the Snake begins courtship. Often arranges provocations in order to find out his attitude to a certain situation (for example, makes him jealous).

At home, the Snake is selfish and demands that everything be as it suits it. Due to the complexity of her character, she is often left alone. This does not become a problem for her, because she feels comfortable alone. But if possible, he still strives to link his destiny with his chosen partner.

Career and profession

The snake is hardworking. She meticulously carries out the work assigned to her. Thanks to wisdom and observation, he becomes an invaluable worker. The snake always finds a way out of any difficult situation and never finds itself “backed into a corner.”

He performs well in leadership positions due to his rigidity and exactingness. This is a stern and fair boss. At the same time, he does not like senior management because of comments and instructions addressed to him.

Recommended professions: The Snake chooses for itself activities where it is required to demonstrate the ability to think and analyze. The positions of a doctor, financial analyst, accountant, lawyer, and diplomat are suitable for her. Year of the animal according to the eastern calendar:

Snake (born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025).
02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954 (element of the year - water, color black)
02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002 (element of the year - metal, color white)
02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014 (element of the year - water, color black)
01/29/2025 - (element of the year - wood, color blue)

Characteristics of the Year of the Snake.

The sixth sign of the eastern calendar.
In Christian countries, the Snake is usually associated with something unpleasant, but in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for wisdom, insight and will. The Snake man is sentimental, pleasant to talk to and witty. The Snake woman is very beautiful and is popular with men.
In Japan, when someone wants to compliment a woman, they usually say: “My dear, you are a real snake.” You understand that in European countries these words could hardly be taken as a compliment.
The snake dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously. Women have a passion for exquisite accessories. Snake is an intellectual, philosopher. She thinks a lot and deeply and is not talkative at all. She is wise, but could do without this quality, since she has remarkably developed intuition. It happens that the Snake’s intuition even develops into clairvoyance. She trusts impressions, feelings and sympathies more,
rather than facts, one’s own experience and the experience of others. The snake does not need anyone's judgment or advice - its sixth sense tells it everything. But oddly enough, she is not much of a player.
The snake always finishes what it starts. She does not even allow the thought of failure. Makes decisions very quickly. He does not like to lend, but if he feels sympathy for a person, he will still come to the rescue. However, before you turn to the Snake for support, think carefully: in an effort to do you a favor, it will become more embarrassing than helpful. That's what she and the Snake do - to wrap themselves around someone who owes it something and strangle them.
The Snake is lucky with money. She will always find them if she needs them. Therefore, he never worries about money. But in old age he can become a miser. The snake can do any work that does not involve risk. Despite the fact that she is quite lazy, if necessary she can overpower herself and work a lot.
In love, she chooses her partner herself. And even when love passes, it remains intolerant and jealous towards him. She wraps herself around the unfortunate person and does not give any freedom - and all this is out of simple whim. This especially applies to Snake men.
The Snake is calm about extramarital affairs, which greatly complicates her life. If she devotes herself to her family, then her life becomes harmonious and serene. But in both cases, the Snake fetters the partner, which, naturally, not everyone will like.
The first phases of the Snake's life will be relatively calm. But in the last phase, her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure can be a disservice. But she could well have a calm old age! It all depends on when the Snake was born - in summer or winter, at night or during the day. Even the weather on her birthday matters. Only warmth suits a snake. She is afraid of the cold, hurricane winds - in a word, any bad weather. A snake will be happier if it was born in a hot tropical country on a hot day than on a cold December night. If there was a storm on the Snake’s birthday, she will be in danger all her life.

Snake and zodiac sign.

Aries: Python Snake. Beware of Aries' blows. Taurus Viper. She will be faithful, but her charm will be irresistible.
Gemini: Mobile Snake. The most fickle.
Cancer: Snake-somnambulist. He won't exhaust himself. She needs to be stirred up.
Leo: Active Snake. A rare species, by far the most balanced.
Virgo: The Snake is too polite to be honest. Be careful not to get caught by her, she can hypnotize.
Scorpio: Lustful Snake. Will always try to make you nibble on the apple of jealousy.
Sagittarius: Determined Snake. Must achieve its goal, but not always in an attractive way.
Capricorn: Snake-philosopher. A lot of intelligence, but somewhat abstract.
Aquarius: The snake is erotic, secretive, mysterious. The future lies in providence, in spiritualism...
Pisces: Water Snake. She will be very cold-blooded.

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

Earth Snake

Metal Snake

Water snake

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

Earth Snake

Metal Snake

Water snake

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

The snake embodies the female principle of yin and the male principle of yang at the same time, the 2nd triangle (Rooster, Ox and Snake), the element of fire.

The sign of the Snake brings with it wisdom from an early age, excellent intuition, a high level of self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, the Snake is considered intractable, and it is difficult to establish superficial contact with it. He prefers thoughtful decisions, relying only on personal experience and feelings in everything. Outwardly, she is elegant, pays attention to her image and collects an expensive wardrobe. In life, the Snake is prone to epicureanism - an expert in pleasures and pleasures. Despite this, she is quite naive at first glance, she can be easily surprised, shocked, and enticed. May become interested in writing - as a hobby or profession, gravitate toward art and collecting.

Much depends on the conditions in which the Snake was born. Winter Snakes are prone to fear and have little initiative. If the Snake was born in the hot season, it will not be able to work in a cold climate. If her birth was accompanied by unusual situations, in a thunderstorm, then the Snake will be prone to mysticism, will find herself in incredible situations, and the course of events can sharply change its direction. The Snake will not waste time on trifles and small salaries; the Snake can sacrifice a lot for truly great goals.

Positive aspects of the sign

A thoughtful approach to all areas of life characterizes the Snake as a deep thinker, a wise and mystical discoverer. Prudence helps her achieve success. Caution and responsibility help in partnerships. The snake is a very purposeful and strong nature. Sensual and smart in love, she is constant in her affections. Attractive, has a special magnetism and influence on other people.

Negative sides of the sign

The snake can get bogged down in the routine of pleasures and entertainment. Distrust of people interferes with partnerships. In despair, far from a close circle, the Snake can be deceitful and cold, too calculating, dragging others into dubious adventures. Not afraid of loneliness, a bright individualist.

Good in the year of the Snake make dreams come true, engage in spiritual work, look philosophically at passion and life’s troubles. All problems are solved more easily, ease and depth in communication appear. All entertainment and pleasures are good to consume within reasonable limits. A significant year for the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Sheep (Goat), Monkey and Dog. A difficult year for the Rat, Ox and Tiger. Positive for Rooster, Horse and Pig.

Celebrities of this sign

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Zedong, Henry Ford III, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Onassis, Gustave Flaubert, Heinrich Heine, Nikolai Nekrasov, Edgar Allan Poe, Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Tony Blair, Boris Grebenshchikov. Actors: Greta Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Downey Jr., Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlie Sheen, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbinder, Orlando Bloom, Igor Petrenko, Sergei Svetlakov.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Snake

The creative, promising combination of sign and element gives the Water Snake the preeminence of a deep soul, capable of compassion and great wisdom. Has difficulty submitting to strict discipline and routine, despises clear planning and often breaks all the rules. This makes her attractive in matters of love; this sign understands a lot about sensual pleasures, which she will prefer to another type of leisure. The Black Snake is ready to sacrifice its interests and time for another.

Green Wood Snake

The element of wood gives the Snake the opportunity for error-free actions and choices. This occurs due to the fact that the Wood Snake tends to concentrate on one particular problem, carefully think through its steps to success, and avoids untested methods and connections in business. He loves relaxation and the pleasures of life, romance, and the calm development of a love story in his personal life. She is unhurried, pedantic and thoughtful in everything.

Yellow Earth Snake

It is characterized by slowness, unhurriedness and secrecy. Capable of building a brilliant career, slowly conquering each step. Wonderful family men, representatives of this sign lovingly furnish their home, are hospitable and generous. They do not like changes and surprises. She is passive and needs approval. It must be called upon for help; being needed by others is very important for the Earth Snake.

White Metal Snake

The element of metal gives the Snake accuracy of reactions and sharpness of perception. This is a very passionate Snake in love, which gravitates towards complex, intricate relationships, with a share of risk, calculation and true love. He knows how to become a good breadwinner and take care of his family. She has the gift of accurately expressing her thoughts and desires when she needs it. The most risk-prone Snake.

Red Fire Snake

She herself is not inclined to be the first to show aggression; this is the most combative element for the Year of the Snake. He loves to compete, has an excellent memory, and a sober and correct calculation of future events. She is very purposeful if she has chosen her life’s work. Achieves great heights thanks to his intelligence and amazing performance. In her personal life she will show devotion and is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of relationships. She does not like to organize her home life, relying on her partner for everything.

This year of the Snake is under the auspices of the Earth element. People born this year are very friendly and pleasant to talk to; they are valuable employees due to the fact that they are very responsible about their work. Misses happen very rarely, due to a weakening of caution and vigilance. Fortunately, this sign tends to admit its mistakes and be able to correct them in a timely manner. Making spontaneous decisions is not acceptable for these people; they need to weigh and think about everything.

1989 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Earth Snake

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1989 according to the Eastern calendar?

1989 is the year of the Earth Snake. People born under this sign are somewhat selfish and silent, but they are not forgiven much for their wisdom and ability to help the weaker.

The Snake loves peace, quiet and comfort; she does not like to travel, although from time to time she dreams of being in some exotic country: Egypt or India.

Here are some striking character traits:

  • This sign has no health problems. All their problems come from the head; she can invent a problem for herself, completely immersed in this illusion.
  • People of this sign are very fond of chic: gold and diamonds, expensive things, cars, clothes. They are attracted by luxury, but they do not want to work, because they are too lazy for this activity; it is better to lie in the sun and warm their sides.
  • The best time of year for the Snake is spring, it feels a surge of strength and energy, at this time it is ready to move for the better, winning attention, snakes are ready for a lot, they will surround you with care and affection, show all their best traits, and may even resort to to rude flattery.

Features of the Earth Snake sign according to the Chinese calendar

Snake Woman. The eastern horoscope tells that she is powerful and goes to her goal by any means. If any obstacles appear on the intended path, she will turn the whole world upside down, but will achieve what she wants. The snake woman is graceful, she has a dotted figure, always well-groomed hands, to which she pays special attention.

Snake Man. He is always a bit of a narcissist: he likes himself, he is elegant, has a good figure and manners. In the family, he constantly tries to shackle his partner, but if he doesn’t succeed, he begins to look for adventure on the side. This trait makes it very difficult for the Snake to live, but he can’t help himself.

Child - Snake. As children, they lack perseverance and patience; they study poorly because they cannot do monotonous work, go to school every day, come and do their homework. In this case, it is not recommended to scold the child because he may perceive it incorrectly. You should behave with him firmly and confidently, but without punishment. The best means of persuasion is conversation, they need to explain what is wrong, in turn, the snakes will listen and make the right decision. From birth, these children are selfish; they must be taught to help others.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Earth Snake

In the year of the Snake, according to the Chinese calendar, people are born who are characterized by such shortcomings as: hot temper, selfishness, stubbornness, and inability to compromise.

  • The main advantage of the Snake is its versatility. She is capable of performing any work, the main thing is that there is no risk of loss. In all their affairs, snakes are guided by their magnificent intuition. She literally senses the right path with her spinal cord, and some representatives of this species even have extrasensory abilities.
  • In family relationships, snakes of both sexes are tyrants, they are jealous and selfish and do not allow their soulmate to breathe freely.
  • The snake has a very good tandem with the Buffalo, to whom it will cede the leadership, but with the Tiger there will be an eternal struggle, they will not be able to get along under any circumstances. Relationships with the Rooster, be it friendly, business or family. This couple will complement each other and help fight their shortcomings and complexes.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2018-03-31,