Buyer's guide: choosing a sliced ​​loaf. Sliced ​​loaf Sliced ​​loaf in the oven


Not everyone knows the recipe for a loaf prepared at home. This is primarily due to the fact that such a product is practically not made independently. After all, it can be purchased at any time in the store. However, the taste qualities of a purchased product differ significantly from those of bread made in a single copy. That’s why we suggest baking a delicious sliced ​​loaf at home.

This product can be prepared in different ways. We will present several of the most popular recipes, thanks to which you can bake real homemade bread.

Homemade milk loaf: culinary recipe according to GOST

Sometimes you really want to surprise your friends and family with your culinary delights. However, many people are already tired of the usual buns and pies. In this regard, we decided to present to your attention a step-by-step recipe for a loaf. It is quite easy to bake such a product at home. That is why even an inexperienced cook can cook it.

So what ingredients are needed to make delicious sliced ​​bread? The loaf recipe, prepared at home, requires the use of:

  • white wheat flour - about 165 g (use for dough), about 135 g (add to the dough);
  • warm drinking water - 85 ml (use for dough);
  • fresh yeast - about 3 g (use for dough);
  • warm cow's milk (high fat content) - 70 ml (for dough);
  • medium-sized white sugar - 12 g (for dough);
  • iodized salt - 4 g (for dough);
  • vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold;
  • quality margarine - 10 g (for dough).

Making the dough

The recipe for a home-baked loaf is quite simple. First of all, you need to make a dough. To do this, white wheat flour is mixed with fresh yeast, and then warm drinking water is added to it and a fairly stiff and homogeneous base is kneaded. In this form, cover it with a clean waffle towel and leave in a warm place for 4 hours.

Preparing the dough

A loaf of bread at home, the recipes for which are presented in this article, is quite easy to make. After the dough has been prepared and kept warm, you can start kneading the base. To do this, white sugar is completely dissolved in warm cow's milk. The resulting mixture is carefully poured into the suitable dough. After mixing the ingredients, add the remaining wheat flour to them. The result is a thick and homogeneous dough. Softened margarine is beaten into it, and then placed on a dry table and thoroughly kneaded with hands until smooth.

To make the homemade loaf in the oven (the recipe requires the use of milk) fluffy and soft, cover the base with a clean towel and leave it warm for 1.5 hours.

Product formation process

The loaves are formed very simply. To do this, the suitable sponge dough is laid out on a dry table and divided into several parts (3 or 4). Next, an oval is rolled out from each piece of the base, after which the edges are carefully pulled back so that the end result is a rectangle. A thick roll is formed from it, which is subsequently laid out on baking paper. In this form, the semi-finished product is covered with a waffle towel and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. During this time, the loaf takes on more rounded shapes and noticeably increases in size.

How to bake correctly?

After holding the semi-finished products for a short time, they are carefully transferred to a greased baking sheet and sprinkled with plain water. Also, 4 oblique cuts are made on the surface of each product using a sharp knife. The formed loaves are placed in a preheated oven for 90 minutes. Homemade bread is baked at 190 degrees. In an hour and a half, the loaves become rosy, fluffy and soft.

Serving homemade bread to the table

Once the milk loaves are baked, they are carefully removed from the oven and removed from the sheet. After cooling the products a little, they are cut into pieces no more than 2 centimeters thick and served warm.

As a rule, homemade bread in the form of a sliced ​​loaf is presented along with sweet tea, butter and a slice of cheese. Although some lovers prefer to eat it along with the second or first hot courses.

How to cook a delicious homemade loaf? Recipe

There are several options for making homemade loaf. Above we presented a recipe using dough. But if this method seems too complicated to you, then we offer an easier option. We will need:

  • warm drinking water - about 700 ml;
  • light wheat flour - from 1.5 kg (add at personal discretion);
  • fresh yeast in granules - 5 g;
  • fine white sugar - 8 g;
  • table salt - a large pinch (use to taste);
  • vegetable oil (use without flavor) - for greasing the mold.

Knead yeast dough

How to make homemade sliced ​​loaf? The step-by-step recipe requires the use of a small amount of simple and readily available ingredients.

Before baking a delicious homemade product in the oven, you should knead the yeast base. To do this, take a large bowl and pour warm water into it for drinking. Sugar and salt are diluted in it, and then fresh yeast in granules is laid out. To allow them to swell, the resulting mixture is left aside for ¼ hour. After this, sifted flour is gradually added to the dishes.

After kneading a homogeneous and elastic dough, cover it with a clean towel and place in a warm place for about 90 minutes. In 1.5 hours, the base should increase in volume several times. At the same time, it is recommended to knead it regularly with your hands.

By the way, during kneading you can add a small amount to the yeast dough. In this case, you will get very healthy and tasty bread.

We form products

There are quite a few different ways to form a homemade loaf. The classic version was presented in the first recipe. But if you do not want to roll out the base, then it is recommended to use special thick aluminum molds for baking it.

After the yeast dough has been infused in a warm place, it is divided into two equal parts and placed in special containers, greased. In this case, it is recommended to place the base so that it does not reach the edges of the containers (there should be four to five centimeters left).

After placing the dough in the molds, you should leave them warm for about forty to fifty minutes. During this time, the base will rise and practically fill the dish. After this, it is sent to a preheated oven. Previously, transverse cuts can be made on the surface of the products.

Serving homemade bread to the table

After preparing the sliced ​​loaf in the oven, it should be carefully removed from the mold and greased with butter while hot. After this, fresh crispy and aromatic bread must be cut into pieces and presented to family members along with tea or some dishes.

Unlike a store-bought loaf, a homemade loaf becomes stale and moldy much faster. In this regard, it is recommended to eat it within the first two days. This small amount is explained by the lack of various additives.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the process of preparing homemade sliced ​​loaf does not take much effort and also does not require the use of many ingredients. If you want to get more rich and high-calorie baked goods, then you should additionally add melted or softened sugar to the base, as well as a little more granulated sugar. In addition, various bran, candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are often added to the dough. With them, the loaf turns out to be more tasty and high in calories. Bon appetit!

Step 1: dissolve the yeast.

As for yeast. This is an important ingredient, without which the dough will not rise and the bread will not be as airy and tasty. Be sure to use it in the recipe fresh yeast. So, we measure in a special bowl 150 grams purified water and pour into a small saucepan to warm it slightly over medium heat. Afterwards, pour the water into a deep bowl and put the yeast there. Dissolve them by stirring the mixture with a tablespoon, and the yeast pieces by rubbing them against the walls of the bowl. Fresh yeast is very soft in structure and easily dissolves in warm water, so there should not be any difficulties.

Step 2: make the dough.

Pour the yeast liquid into a deep bowl and add to start 200-230 grams flour. If desired, you can use a sieve to sift the flour so that the flour can breathe and no lumps form in the dough. And so – we make the dough, gradually adding flour with a tablespoon and at the same time mixing everything with a mixer or a hand whisk. After the formation of a homogeneous mass, put the dough in a warm place for 4 hours for her to get up.

Step 3: knead the dough.

In order for us to get a real tasty loaf according to GOST, we need to wait a certain time, even if it takes too much of it for patience and willpower. After the dough has steeped, add the remaining water and flour, salt and sugar. We knead the dough according to the same principle as we made the dough - add flour gradually and mix everything with whipping tools. After the formation of a homogeneous consistency, add butter at room temperature and continue kneading either with a mixer or just with your hands on the kitchen table. about 5 minutes. The dough is ready! Now it’s just a matter of time - leave the dough in the bowl for 1.5 hours, but always only in a warm place. It should fit.

Step 4: form the loaf.

Place the dough on a previously prepared kitchen table, sprinkling it with a little flour. We also treat our hands with flour or sunflower oil so that the dough does not stick. We form a “bun”. Then we put it aside for 5 minutes, and now the fun begins. As a child, I was always curious about how the bread factory produced such ideally shaped bread. Let's try to do it manually! Roll out the “bun” using a rolling pin on the table into a flat oval. By bending the edges inward, we make a loaf shape.

Step 5: prepare the loaf.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the shaped bread with the folded edges down. But we don’t cook it right away, but let it brew some more. about 40-60 minutes. In 10 minutes turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 220-230°С.
Meanwhile, make cuts on the loaf diagonally on the surface of the dough with a knife.
Beat the yolk with a whisk or mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed and grease the bread dish with this mixture so that it turns out with a browned crust. It is not necessary to grease the loaf with a special culinary brush. To do this, you can use a regular spoon and carefully pour the yolk in portions onto the surface of the loaf. Let's bake about 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Step 6: Serve the loaf.

When the loaf is already baked, turn off the oven, take out our bread and leave it to cool for a while. Just keep an eye on the kids, as they eat it up with a bang. Before you even have time to blink an eye, you will be left with an empty plate!

Bon appetit!

- – If you don’t have eggs on hand for greasing, then you can pour milk on the surface of the loaf with a spoon.

- To keep the crust of the loaf soft after baking, you can grease it while the bread is still hot with a piece of butter.

- – If the taste of the loaf is as per GOST, but in appearance it is not the same as in childhood, then you can divide the dough ball into two parts and make small bars.

- – To prepare a loaf according to GOST, use only the highest grade flour and a proven brand. Because flour behaves differently when interacting with water. It can spoil the taste of the product, and the dough may not rise during baking.

How delicious and wonderful it is to cut a piece of a fresh loaf with a beautiful golden crust, and even prepared with your own hands. This is not a difficult process at all. To make a sliced ​​loaf at home with your own hands, simply follow my recommendations outlined in the recipe with step-by-step photos taken. You can be sure that any housewife can do this.

To prepare the loaf we will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of dry yeast granules;
  • 150 ml milk + 250 ml water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons fine salt;
  • 35 grams 72.5% sweet cream butter;
  • 460 grams of premium wheat flour;
  • 1 yolk + 2 tbsp. spoons of milk (for greasing the loaf).

First, of course, how to knead the dough for loaves. Pour yeast and sugar into a deep bowl. Combine the milk with water and heat it to 38 degrees and pour it into the bowl. Stir until the yeast disperses and the sugar dissolves. We set the bowl aside for 12-15 minutes, during which time a foamy cap will form on the surface of the entire mass. Meanwhile, sift the flour and melt the butter.

Make a well in the flour and pour the yeast mixture into it. Mix lightly and pour in warm, but not hot, oil. Now knead the dough until a dense ball is formed. If the dough sticks too much to your hands, add a little flour. Properly kneaded dough should stick slightly to your palms. Grease a tall bowl with butter/vegetable oil and place a lump of dough in it. Wrap the top of the bowl tightly with cling film and leave in a warm place until the dough doubles in size.

I completed this process in 40 minutes.

Punch down the loaf dough and divide it into four equal parts. We roll each part to the bottom and form a ball. We leave them on a silicone mat greased with oil. Cover loosely with film to protect from chapping.

The balls have grown and now the dough for the sliced ​​loaf is completely ready.

How to form a loaf of dough

Lightly roll out each ball and shape into a loaf. Then we make four oblique cuts on each loaf. Leave them to proof for half an hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Now, grease the loaves with yolk mixed with milk and put them in baking. Baking time is approximately 35 minutes.

Take out the finished sliced ​​loaves and place them on a wire rack to cool.

Now is the time to cut the homemade loaf into pieces, take a sample and admire the cut.

I hope you liked my recipe, and now you will bake a delicious and fresh sliced ​​loaf at home yourself, in your own oven. 🙂

It's been a busy week, and I think that's a good thing.
I remembered yesterday that I didn’t finish the job I started, namely the publication of recipes for loaves according to GOST 27844 - 88, for which I gave a universal version last summer. I will finish this topic.
I’ve already talked about molding loaves a dozen times, so I allowed myself to be a little naughty, as can be seen from the photo.

Sliced ​​loaves from premium flour are prepared in two ways: using sponge and without sponge. With the straight method, all the raw materials according to the recipe are mixed at once, the fermentation time of the dough is 4-5 hours, with 1-2, or even three kneading of the dough during the fermentation process. This time we will consider the method of preparing dough on sponge, with the addition of instant yeast.

For two loaves weighing 400 g.
Premium wheat flour - 540 gr.
Water - 310 gr.
Sugar - 32 gr.
Margarine - 19 gr.
Salt - 8 gr.
Instant yeast - 1.5 g.

270 gr. flour
210 gr. water
all yeast

Mix the yeast with flour, add it to the water and mix the dough. Knead for 2-3 minutes. Cover the bowl with cling film or cover with a plastic bag.
Fermentation time of the dough is 3.5-4 hours. The finished dough will increase 4-5 times in volume and begin to collapse in the center when you tap on the bowl. The fermentation temperature of the dough is 28-30C.

Ready dough:

Flour - 270 gr.
Water - 100 gr.
Sugar - 32 gr.
Salt - 8 gr.
Margarine - 19 gr.
Dough - all

Melt the margarine and cool to room temperature. If you don’t trust margarine, you can replace it with a mixture of butter and vegetable oil in a 4 to 1 ratio.
Dissolve sugar and salt in water, pour water into the dough and stir thoroughly until smooth. Add flour and knead the dough. The dough kneading time is 8-10 minutes, by hand in a large bowl (this is more convenient at the beginning of kneading), in a bread machine or using a dough kneader/mixer. Add the prepared margarine to the dough 5 minutes after the start of kneading. The finished dough will be smooth and will not stick to your hands. Grease the bowl with a small amount of vegetable oil, roll the dough into a bun, place it in the bowl with the smooth side up, not forgetting to roll the dough around the bowl so that it is covered on all sides with a thin layer of oil, this will protect the dough from airing. Cover the bowl with film or a bag.
Fermentation time of the dough is 60-90 minutes, at 28-30C.
The dough is given one knead, 30 minutes from the start of fermentation.

Place the finished dough on the table, divide in half. Carefully fold each half into a rectangle, cover with film and let it pre-proof for 20 minutes. Then form the blanks into blunt loaves, pinch the seam and place with the seam up in a thick cotton towel or burlap or canvas rubbed with flour. Dust the top with flour and cover with the same towel, or its edge if the length allows.
Proofing is complete, 45-60 minutes. Half an hour before the end of proofing, you need to turn on the oven and warm it up along with a baking sheet or baking stone. T=230C.

Carefully transfer the separated loaves onto a sheet of parchment, make 3-4-5 shallow diagonal cuts on each, sprinkle well with water and place in the oven.

After placing the bread in the oven, immediately reduce the temperature to 200, and after 10 minutes, ventilate the oven chamber, reduce the temperature to 180 and finish baking the loaves for 15 minutes until golden brown. For gloss, grease the finished bread with brewed starch jelly (1 teaspoon of starch in a third of a glass of cold water. Stir, bring to a boil.) and keep in the turned off oven for 1-2 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

Or form a bun from the dough, place it on paper or a mat, cover with a bowl, let it rise, cut it to avoid tearing the crust, and then do the same.

Bun cut:

And if you play around and make the cuts in a baguette style, then the appearance will be much more interesting:

Loaf cut:

The best uses for this bread:

Bread is a food product that should always be on the table. Its value is determined not only by its appearance and taste, but also by its useful qualities and method of preparation. The determining factors for consumers are the composition of black and white bread, as well as how well it complies with GOST. Let us dwell in more detail on what it is made from, offer a basic simple recipe and tell you all the secrets of preparation.

Black bread: composition and benefits

This product is essential for health if consumed in moderation. Brown bread is usually prepared from rye. It is thanks to minimal processing that a lot of nutrients and vitamins remain in the final product. has a rough structure. Therefore, it helps the body get rid of toxins and, as a result, extra pounds. It is believed that black bread can cure up to sixty diseases. Its composition traditionally includes flour, yeast, malt, sugar and molasses. A variety of flavors are obtained by adding seasonings and herbs (cumin, dill seeds, coriander, etc.) to the dough.

Chemical composition of white bread

This product is very popular in world cooking. Therefore, a large number of options for its preparation have appeared. The most common and widespread is the lunch (sliced) bar. It is prepared very simply, but not quickly. The composition of white sliced ​​bread includes water, flour, yeast and salt. The ingredients are kneaded and left for several hours to allow the dough to rise. Next, the products are formed and baked.

The result is the following chemical composition:

  • water - 37.7%;
  • starch and dextrins - 47%;
  • proteins - 7.9%
  • fats - 1%.

White bread: the most common types

  • The famous lavash, a traditional product from Georgia, is loved all over the world. This unleavened and thin bread is kneaded from water and flour, rolled out in a special way and baked.
  • Tandoori flatbreads are an Asian product. It is prepared from flour, water and yeast. Margarine, milk and sesame seeds are often added to the dough.
  • Chapatis are famous breads from India. They are prepared from water and flour, but the method of preparation is original. The products are fried in a frying pan until they swell.
  • Ciabatta is a fluffy white bread that has a large number of pores. This product is very popular in Spain. It is prepared using special starter cultures.

What is included in white bread according to GOST?

Traditionally, this product is made from flour, yeast, water, fat, salt and sugar. Let's look at these semi-finished products in more detail. According to GOST, white bread contains premium wheat flour. Despite the fact that this semi-finished product provides the body with energy and starch, a minimal excess of white bread turns into fatty deposits and leads to metabolic disorders. Yeast is a microorganism that gives the loaf its splendor, enriching the body with many amino acids and biologically active compounds.

What else is added to white bread?

Often a variety of ingredients are used. Sometimes eggs are added to the dough. As a result, the bread is more aromatic and tasty. However, such a product quickly deteriorates. Bran is often added to white bread. This is a very useful semi-finished product that helps improve digestion and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. If you wish, you can make delicious baked goods with raisins, nuts, herbs and your favorite dried fruits. We offer a simple recipe for cooking

Homemade sliced ​​bar

The composition of this recipe complies with GOST. First, let's start with the dough. 170 g of flour must be mixed with three grams of fresh yeast. You can also take dry ones (all you need is a quarter of a small spoon). Add eighty grams of warm water. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and leave for four to five hours at a temperature of at least thirty degrees. The finished dough should have a bubbly surface.

Thoroughly dissolve 12 g of sugar and 4.5 g of salt in 70 ml of warm water. Pour into the dough. Add 135 grams of wheat flour. To stir thoroughly. The dough should be homogeneous.

The composition of white bread according to this recipe includes ten grams of margarine, which has a fat content of at least 82%. It needs to be melted a little. Add to the dough in small portions. Next, place it on a dry table and knead well. The dough should become smooth and homogeneous. Cover and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time, the dough will increase two and a half times.

Place the semi-finished product on the table and roll it into a smooth ball. To do this, we gather the edges of the dough into the center and fasten it together. Next we roll it up so that the seam is not visible. Leave under a damp towel for twenty minutes. Now roll out flourlessly into an oval shape and pull up the edges to make a rectangle. Let's make a roll. The result should be a dense loaf with rounded edges. It needs to be transferred to paper, covered and left to rest.

The time required for this depends on many factors. The main ones are the following: rolling density, rolling thickness, room temperature. Practice shows that on average, proofing will take no more than one and a half hours. The loaf doubles in volume. Next, lubricate it with water and apply four or five traditional cuts.

Secrets of making delicious baked goods

Whatever the composition of white bread, several rules must be followed. Only in this case can you prepare a truly tasty and aromatic product.


There are very important details to note. Eating white bread is necessary to enrich the body with energy and microelements, but it is not recommended to make it the main ingredient in the daily diet due to its high calorie content. Only in this case can we say that these baked goods, if properly prepared, will become a harmonious addition to the diet, as well as dairy and meat dishes. Everything is good in moderation.